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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: white rapper on February 19, 2015, 08:12:27 AM

Title: Running
Post by: white rapper on February 19, 2015, 08:12:27 AM
Does anyone here like to run? I just started running at my gym because it's too cold to skate and it is actually pretty fun and shit. So far i ran two days in a row on the treadmill, 1st day i did 2 miles in 15:00, and the 2nd i did 2 miles in 14:30. i feel like its gonna help me with my skating because i already feel more lightfooted, and it strengthens your knees and ankles.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: spool of cord on February 19, 2015, 08:41:19 AM
Pole dancing is where it's at
Title: Re: Running
Post by: on February 19, 2015, 08:45:45 AM
I think being a white rapper will help your skating more......
Title: Re: Running
Post by: white rapper on February 19, 2015, 09:10:48 AM
Love running--my best friend is a sales rep for Brooks and recommended me the GTS 15s recently, it's awesome to finally have a running shoe that doesn't smoosh my wider feet and give me bone spurs.

Brother-in-law originally got me into running and convinced me to drop some $ for winter running gear this year (always used to just run spring and summer), totally worth it! There's an old canal towpath here in Bethlehem that's a blast to just get on and see how far you can go. 

If you're making the transition from treadmill to outdoor running you might want to find a "core" running store and have them take a look at your running gait; I had no idea what I was doing for the first few months and got a nice recurring case of hip bursitis.

Have fun!   
i just run in my vans oldskools, but i have been eyeing those janoski max's to run in since i already have a giant blister on my toe from the vans.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: Rusty_Berrings on February 19, 2015, 09:31:41 AM
From the cops!
Title: Re: Running
Post by: paraquat on February 19, 2015, 09:49:24 AM
Running fucked up my legs. I ran 5ks for a couple seasons, and it jacked my hips and shins up. Good excersise though, just in moderation. Now biking, that's my shit.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: sleepypancakes on February 19, 2015, 10:37:27 AM
Running fucked up my legs. I ran 5ks for a couple seasons, and it jacked my hips and shins up. Good excersise though, just in moderation. Now biking, that's my shit.
Running in college obliterated my knees and hips. Now I row and bike, it's pretty fun, and good shit.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: white rapper on February 19, 2015, 11:07:40 AM
Running fucked up my legs. I ran 5ks for a couple seasons, and it jacked my hips and shins up. Good excersise though, just in moderation. Now biking, that's my shit.
biking is indeed, the shit. but i dont understand how running fucks up your legs, if anything, it strengthens the shit out of them.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: Fongstarr. on February 19, 2015, 11:13:37 AM
What speed are you running to do a 2 miles in 15 minutes?  Man, I got a fucked up pace. I do like 9 min miles but am running like a 6.6 on a treadmill I think. I get so damn winded and even need to do a walk before I do the other mile. I just hope from consistency that it gets better.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: white rapper on February 19, 2015, 11:28:27 AM
What speed are you running to do a 2 miles in 15 minutes?  Man, I got a fucked up pace. I do like 9 min miles but am running like a 6.6 on a treadmill I think. I get so damn winded and even need to do a walk before I do the other mile. I just hope from consistency that it gets better.
i switch it up between 7.0 - 8.8 depending on how much energy i have at the moment. Last night, i stayed at 8.8 for about 5 mins then couldn't handle it and turned it down a notch. i don't go below 7.0 though.

i did research on 5k runs and its only 3.1 miles. I am gonna try and see if i can get it under 25 mins.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: Yushin Okami on February 19, 2015, 11:34:03 AM
Yeah, running fucks up my legs. Or rather, running long distances (4+ miles). I never feel like I got a good workout after running though... sprinting on the other hand... that's a gnarly workout.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: StabMasterArson on February 19, 2015, 11:58:13 AM
I'm at a point in my life where I never have to run again.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: sametelt on February 19, 2015, 12:30:37 PM
i just run in my vans oldskools, but i have been eyeing those janoski max's to run in since i already have a giant blister on my toe from the vans.

Are you serious? You are going to fuck your feet up, especially when you start running outside. Get some proper running shoes, risking injury is not worth it.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: white rapper on February 19, 2015, 12:36:08 PM
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i just run in my vans oldskools, but i have been eyeing those janoski max's to run in since i already have a giant blister on my toe from the vans.

Are you serious? You are going to fuck your feet up, especially when you start running outside. Get some proper running shoes, risking injury is not worth it.
i don't understand how that is bad. people skate in vans and other thin shoes which involves way more impact than running. i am still gonna get running shoes only because they are designed for running tho.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: Fongstarr. on February 19, 2015, 12:45:50 PM
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What speed are you running to do a 2 miles in 15 minutes?  Man, I got a fucked up pace. I do like 9 min miles but am running like a 6.6 on a treadmill I think. I get so damn winded and even need to do a walk before I do the other mile. I just hope from consistency that it gets better.
i switch it up between 7.0 - 8.8 depending on how much energy i have at the moment. Last night, i stayed at 8.8 for about 5 mins then couldn't handle it and turned it down a notch. i don't go below 7.0 though.

i did research on 5k runs and its only 3.1 miles. I am gonna try and see if i can get it under 25 mins.

8.8 speed would destroy my legs. I can't even sprint and then slow down. I have to just pace at a nice speed and then just totally walk. My legs even tightened up a bit after that so I had to start running again. Props for you though. I don't see anyone running at that speed in my gym.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: ADOLF SHITLER on February 19, 2015, 01:11:12 PM
Title: Re: Running
Post by: LesbianPUNCH on February 19, 2015, 01:20:14 PM
Running is the shit.  I hate the indoor treadmill run though.  I feel like a gerbil and get bored.  I was running a lot last summer with a friend who was really good at pushing me, and we'd run at least six miles every other day.  Having someone there to talk to and feed off of/distract you from the monotony of running is key for me.  When I go out alone I don't ever go longer than two miles. 

Cycling is where it's at though.  Low impact, and I can really push myself to insanity.  I used to live right on the river, which had a twenty mile trail that looped around both sides, and I would kill that in less than an hour every day...And then some asshole stole my bike. 

Running in the winter is a chore.  I'm a smoker, and the cold forces my lungs into overtime.  By the end of a run I'm hacking up green shit and feel like dying.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: on February 19, 2015, 02:27:31 PM
Running is good cause it's a good work out in a short time for half an hour can be a really good work out.....biking for half an hour.. Probably's cheap too...the downside is that it can suck and beat you up.....

I equate it to jumping down stairs....if you love it....if you don't.....don't.....

A proper pair of runners shouldn't cost you much and are way better than skate shoes....

Title: Re: Running
Post by: Hercules Rockefeller on February 19, 2015, 02:38:13 PM
Cycling is where it's at though.  Low impact, and I can really push myself to insanity.  I used to live right on the river, which had a twenty mile trail that looped around both sides, and I would kill that in less than an hour every day...And then some asshole stole my bike. 

also, totally agreeing with soy on the time consuming part. if i dont have enough time for either skating or cycling and still need to blow off steam i try to use the rowing machines at the gym. 10 minutes and i am dead.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: straight on February 19, 2015, 03:02:48 PM
I think being a white rapper will help your skating more......

Title: Re: Running
Post by: Silky Johnson on February 19, 2015, 03:24:07 PM
I've been running on and off for a while but I managed to stick with it for the last couple months and feel great. only thing is i get hassled by the cops sometimes for running sorta late
Title: Re: Running
Post by: KoRnholio8 on February 20, 2015, 05:41:27 AM
I ran with my GF for a year or so and lost all my explosive power needed for pop. So I would advise not doing this. Years later, my pop is still at an all-time low. Who cares if you don't loose you breath after hours of skating if the amount of power you muscles produce is so sad.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: lampshade on February 20, 2015, 07:01:28 AM
I love running.  +1 on getting a good running store.  People there know what they are doing.  It's like the difference between Pac Sun and a local skate shop. 

A nice side bonus of running is that it is a great way to scout skate spots.  You can run in parking garages, behind buildings, in office parks, etc.  without looking sketchy. 
Title: Re: Running
Post by: matter of fact on February 20, 2015, 07:59:01 AM
tried running before but i have bad knees. took on a beer gut since september so i'm riding this old stationary bike in the basement until i can get outside and be active again once the snow melts. no fast food and cutting back/out beer is gonna be my saving grace i think. the sedentary lifestyle blows
Title: Re: Running
Post by: white rapper on February 20, 2015, 08:02:33 AM
I ran with my GF for a year or so and lost all my explosive power needed for pop. So I would advise not doing this. Years later, my pop is still at an all-time low. Who cares if you don't loose you breath after hours of skating if the amount of power you muscles produce is so sad.
i would think it would make your pop better because it makes you more lightfooted since it works out your fast-twitch muscle fibers; which is what you use when you pop. Also, you wouldnt lose pop/power if you incorporate weight training to your legs, for example; barbell deadlifts, squats, calf raises
Title: Re: Running
Post by: white rapper on February 20, 2015, 08:03:52 AM
I love running.  +1 on getting a good running store.  People there know what they are doing.  It's like the difference between Pac Sun and a local skate shop. 

A nice side bonus of running is that it is a great way to scout skate spots.  You can run in parking garages, behind buildings, in office parks, etc.  without looking sketchy. 
i have never ran outside like that. i only run on tracks or treadmill but i am planning on going somewhere sick to run this weekend since there is snow everywhere and i can't skate. running is a good alternative for when u cant skate in this fucking winter.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: Buddha on February 20, 2015, 03:11:09 PM
If you are going to run do sets of sprints (8-12 lengths of a soccer field, 15-30 second breaks between sets), long distance running is bad excercise.  Make sure to stretch properly.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: Sleazy on February 21, 2015, 04:58:59 AM
If you lil biking, mountain biking gives a pretty good workout even on shorter distance because of all the hill climbing involved. Pretty fun too. I'm actually doing more biking than skating at the moment.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: Stoop Kid 2.0 on February 21, 2015, 05:26:56 AM
Been running for a few years now. Started after I quit smoking. Its great for the heart, lungs, and keeps the beer belly from happening. I feel like it does help with skating in a way. I recommend taking Tri-flex for anyone with knee or leg problems. It works wonders. Also if your gym has a pool start doing some 500s. Swimming is a hell of a workout.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: layzieyez on February 21, 2015, 05:41:43 AM
I used to run about 7 miles at a time.  Road running in a hilly area.  Destroyed my knees by tearing my meniscus.  I'll do sprints now, but I try to run on grass mostly.  Treadmill is okay, too.  I prefer no impact stationary biking and elliptical.  I also do squats, both with and without weight.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: paraquat on February 21, 2015, 07:45:01 AM
Ellipticals are the shit. Put some music on and bust for 45 mins.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: carbonite on February 21, 2015, 12:38:05 PM
I mostly run to stay in shape in the winter when there's not a lot of skating going on...right now I do about 20 miles a week, but just cause i'm  training for a half marathon next month.

according to legend, Reese Forbes runs four miles every day 
Title: Re: Running
Post by: pugmaster on February 21, 2015, 02:24:31 PM
Ellipticals are the shit. Put some music on and bust for 45 mins.

Sometimes I like to do 20 or 30 then hop on for 5 or 10 minutes between sets.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: Wall of Nausea on February 21, 2015, 04:17:50 PM
Title: Re: Running
Post by: Tufty on February 21, 2015, 05:58:27 PM
During a bad winter and after bad nutrition and too much desk work I gained a lot of weight some years ago. I ran for 2-3 months until I lost all the extra weight. It was boring as fuck but the nice thing was that made me able to have much longer sessions without a break.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: L33Tg33k on February 21, 2015, 06:37:16 PM
Just thinking about running makes me exhausted.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: Prince Nelson on February 21, 2015, 07:29:55 PM
I don't run, but I use an exercise bike.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: WeirdBeach on February 23, 2015, 03:51:31 AM
I run at least 4 miles a day. 10-12 mile long runs. Just signed up for the fucking LA Marathon. Should be interesting. Took it up seriously after quitting drinking. I love it. If you're in LA come run with us in BlacklistLA every Monday night .10pm Disney Concert Hall.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: white rapper on February 24, 2015, 12:37:45 PM
if anyone needs any inspiration/motivation to run, check this out (
Title: Re: Running
Post by: fulltechnicalskizzy on February 24, 2015, 12:42:13 PM
Running's fucking tight I find it to be faster than walking
Title: Re: Running
Post by: shannamal on October 04, 2022, 08:34:45 AM
bumping this wildly old thread to ask, anyone running these days?
Title: Re: Running
Post by: IUTSM on October 04, 2022, 12:42:47 PM
Perfect for today. went out for a couple miles this AM for the first time in a really long while. Past year and post covid/long covid has had me wracked for running, but I think I'll be back in it. Toying with training for a marathon in May.

 When I was running hard and regularly, about 10 years ago, I was running a lot of road races and training for a half marathon but got hurt and never went back with consistency due to recurring injuries. When I started up again before getting covid, I was running for an hour at a go most days. Slipped off a wet sidewalk and ripped mad ligaments in the ankle. Shit was brutal.

Running through a city after midnight is one of my favorite things to do. Used to work 2nd shift and I'd get out, have a beer or two, then go run for a couple hours. That shit was glorious. I currently live in a where people run Xcountry or on the beach, both of which aren't good for my ankles/knees, so I'm relegated to neighborhoods and shit. Its boring as fuck.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: on October 04, 2022, 11:23:21 PM
Covid and podcasts got me going, worked my way up to a half marathon… knee flared up and so I quit.  Last spring I got back at it and ran an 8 mile run every week. I’m about to quit and just get back on the treadmill for the winter….

Can’t say I love it but I’m in a great spot and it mixes up my exercise a bit…
Title: Re: Running
Post by: Sila on October 05, 2022, 12:25:26 AM
Nah it's way too rough on the body unless you run on grass or softer surfaces, but then ankle rolls are more likely. If anyone is trying to supplement skating with other exercise low/no impact stuff like swimming is probably a good choice if you live nearby water or have access to a local pool.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: Blue Fescue on October 05, 2022, 07:43:55 AM
yeah, for a few years now.  seems like a lot of people I know got into endurance activities when they turned 40.

It isn't that hard on the body if you work out your stride and stretch/foam roll etc.  I have had some small stuff but nothing major.  The biggest problem I have had is getting enough protein while being vegetarian. That was  pretty rough until I figured it out.

Right now I am 20-30 miles a week while training towards a 50k in november.  I ran a road marathon earlier this year but don't think I will do that again. 
Title: Re: Running
Post by: shannamal on October 05, 2022, 07:56:40 AM
hell yeah my dawgs.

getting back into it myself these days. i find myself switching back and forth between running and bikes, but the pendulum has swung fully back to bikes now. im back at 45/50 miles a week, thinking about a race next year. i told myself i'd do a 50k on my 30th birthday next year, so i gotta keep it consistent for that at least

Perfect for today. went out for a couple miles this AM for the first time in a really long while. Past year and post covid/long covid has had me wracked for running, but I think I'll be back in it. Toying with training for a marathon in May.

 When I was running hard and regularly, about 10 years ago, I was running a lot of road races and training for a half marathon but got hurt and never went back with consistency due to recurring injuries. When I started up again before getting covid, I was running for an hour at a go most days. Slipped off a wet sidewalk and ripped mad ligaments in the ankle. Shit was brutal.

Running through a city after midnight is one of my favorite things to do. Used to work 2nd shift and I'd get out, have a beer or two, then go run for a couple hours. That shit was glorious. I currently live in a where people run Xcountry or on the beach, both of which aren't good for my ankles/knees, so I'm relegated to neighborhoods and shit. Its boring as fuck.

100% agreed. when i lived in LA, there were a bunch of crews that ran the streets late at night, and it was the best thing. i did a 5k in LA that started at like 11pm one night and it's one of my favorite running memories
Title: Re: Running
Post by: IUTSM on October 05, 2022, 08:49:04 AM
hell yeah my dawgs.

getting back into it myself these days. i find myself switching back and forth between running and bikes, but the pendulum has swung fully back to bikes now. im back at 45/50 miles a week, thinking about a race next year. i told myself i'd do a 50k on my 30th birthday next year, so i gotta keep it consistent for that at least

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Perfect for today. went out for a couple miles this AM for the first time in a really long while. Past year and post covid/long covid has had me wracked for running, but I think I'll be back in it. Toying with training for a marathon in May.

 When I was running hard and regularly, about 10 years ago, I was running a lot of road races and training for a half marathon but got hurt and never went back with consistency due to recurring injuries. When I started up again before getting covid, I was running for an hour at a go most days. Slipped off a wet sidewalk and ripped mad ligaments in the ankle. Shit was brutal.

Running through a city after midnight is one of my favorite things to do. Used to work 2nd shift and I'd get out, have a beer or two, then go run for a couple hours. That shit was glorious. I currently live in a where people run Xcountry or on the beach, both of which aren't good for my ankles/knees, so I'm relegated to neighborhoods and shit. Its boring as fuck.

100% agreed. when i lived in LA, there were a bunch of crews that ran the streets late at night, and it was the best thing. i did a 5k in LA that started at like 11pm one night and it's one of my favorite running memories

Aaahaha that's dope! 5k is such a fun, short race in the city too, man. Can actually sprint most of it.

City running at night just let's me look at things differently. I'm already primed from skating, to see things differently, and running ads to that, for sure.

I really enjoy running railroad tracks as well.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: KoRnholio8 on October 05, 2022, 11:24:07 PM
I have been running on and off for a couple of years, but I am soon moving into our new house in the countryside (still close to the city) and am planning to do a lot of gravel cycling and running. A great skatepark is 10km away, so I won't skate on a whim, but it is still very accessible. I've decided not to skate in the cold months, since injuries are way too common (banged my head for the first time last year), and I'll run instead.

From my new house, I have a very picturesque circuit though a forest and then around a nice man-made lake which is 7km and with 180m of altitude meters (undulating terrain). It really is hard to describe how beautiful this loop is and I hope to borrow a GoPro with a chest mount to film it one day, so others can see.

I hate running in the city - the harshness of the surface on your joints and the constant crossing of roads. None of that for me soon.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: rocklobster on October 10, 2022, 11:33:29 PM

From my new house, I have a very picturesque circuit though a forest and then around a nice man-made lake which is 7km and with 180m of altitude meters (undulating terrain). It really is hard to describe how beautiful this loop is and I hope to borrow a GoPro with a chest mount to film it one day, so others can see.

That does sound heavenly, like it would get my excited to enjoy the run rather than just as a means of staying in shape.

My knees and feet have been pretty jacked, been running sprints almost exclusively for over 3 years.

8-10 laps x 400m
85-90 sec run, 30-45 sec break

I live in a crowded city and the boredom of distance running kills me, hence interval training to maximize the workout in the shortest (most painful) duration.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: shannamal on October 11, 2022, 10:30:16 AM
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From my new house, I have a very picturesque circuit though a forest and then around a nice man-made lake which is 7km and with 180m of altitude meters (undulating terrain). It really is hard to describe how beautiful this loop is and I hope to borrow a GoPro with a chest mount to film it one day, so others can see.


That does sound heavenly, like it would get my excited to enjoy the run rather than just as a means of staying in shape.

My knees and feet have been pretty jacked, been running sprints almost exclusively for over 3 years.

8-10 laps x 400m
85-90 sec run, 30-45 sec break

I live in a crowded city and the boredom of distance running kills me, hence interval training to maximize the workout in the shortest (most painful) duration.

i like distance, but once a week, i bang out some 400s. and lemme tell you, nothing feels cooler than flying around the track
Title: Re: Running
Post by: lydius on October 12, 2022, 01:50:15 PM
for the past couple years, I've been going to the gym for some cardio and a steam/sauna. usually I'll do like uphill powerwalking/hiking for 30mins to an hour, but lately I got some New Balance 1080s that have really helped me to feel good and get back into running, just a mile or two per day. I really enjoy just doing the full buffet of cardio: 10-15 mins each of basketball, rowing, treadmill, elliptical and bike.

I don't know how you guys do the bike especially for so many miles. my poor ass just can't take it lol
Title: Re: Running
Post by: on October 12, 2022, 08:33:55 PM
I’ve been running in the am since April, like 10km/week. My theory is just go slower…’s getting darker now so I’ll prolly happily stop doing it and jump on a treadmill. 
Title: Re: Running
Post by: rocklobster on October 12, 2022, 11:27:56 PM
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From my new house, I have a very picturesque circuit though a forest and then around a nice man-made lake which is 7km and with 180m of altitude meters (undulating terrain). It really is hard to describe how beautiful this loop is and I hope to borrow a GoPro with a chest mount to film it one day, so others can see.


That does sound heavenly, like it would get my excited to enjoy the run rather than just as a means of staying in shape.

My knees and feet have been pretty jacked, been running sprints almost exclusively for over 3 years.

8-10 laps x 400m
85-90 sec run, 30-45 sec break

I live in a crowded city and the boredom of distance running kills me, hence interval training to maximize the workout in the shortest (most painful) duration.

i like distance, but once a week, i bang out some 400s. and lemme tell you, nothing feels cooler than flying around the track

I've did my best 1.5 mile (6 x 400m) timings just doing interval runs. Applied the same training techniques when training for a 10k a few years back (1km x 10) and did a 43:59, very pleased with that, but I don't see myself doing anything longer than 10k. Doing a 1/2 or full marathon is a lifestyle commitment and I'm not ready for that.

Shit hurts so good but the results speak for themselves.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: on October 13, 2022, 10:38:41 PM
It’s all quite a commitment when I’m happy just maintaining.  If I didn’t skate I’d probably be in a running group but at this point….fuck that….I’d rather go do something more productive… nose slides…..
Title: Re: Running
Post by: Coastal Fever on October 14, 2022, 05:25:00 AM
You guys are hardcore.  A brisk 45 minute walk around the neighbourhood after dinner does it for me.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: Bror on October 16, 2022, 03:21:02 PM
yeah, for a few years now.  seems like a lot of people I know got into endurance activities when they turned 40.

It isn't that hard on the body if you work out your stride and stretch/foam roll etc.  I have had some small stuff but nothing major.  The biggest problem I have had is getting enough protein while being vegetarian. That was  pretty rough until I figured it out.

Right now I am 20-30 miles a week while training towards a 50k in november.  I ran a road marathon earlier this year but don't think I will do that again.

Do you have any tips for vegetarian brotein? I've just started lifting and running and I realise that I don't eat enough to build muscle.

You guys know how to strengthen the knees and whatnot to stop them from hurting after running? Just started again and it's so frustrating when you over train and just get kneepains.

Title: Re: Running
Post by: KoRnholio8 on October 16, 2022, 09:31:00 PM
If you lift/run then just make a protein shake after. Your diet should already include a lot of pulses, nuts etc. to give you that baseline. Been vegetarian/practically vegan for 11 years now.

Don't overtrain would be my first advice - my wife basically pushed through the pain and destroyed the cartilage in her knees about 10 years ago (when she was just 24 years old). That is the worst thing you can do, so don't push yourself for some arbitrary achievement in running. It's about keeping your heart healthy and clearing your mind.
Title: Re: Running
Post by: rocklobster on October 16, 2022, 10:28:31 PM
If you lift/run then just make a protein shake after. Your diet should already include a lot of pulses, nuts etc. to give you that baseline. Been vegetarian/practically vegan for 11 years now.

Don't overtrain would be my first advice - my wife basically pushed through the pain and destroyed the cartilage in her knees about 10 years ago (when she was just 24 years old). That is the worst thing you can do, so don't push yourself for some arbitrary achievement in running. It's about keeping your heart healthy and clearing your mind.

No Pain No Gain is BS, working through the pain will only wreck your body and inhibit you from doing it long term.

Not a doctor but the stuff that works for me to treat runners knee:
1) Lots of stretching, take a while to stretch the calf muscles especially. The physiotherapist I spoke to mentioned knee pains stemming from tightness around the IT band and shin, that pulling exposes the fat pad underneath the knee cap causing pain when running.
2) Knee guards, they help a little bit to reduce the pain, probably 5-10% during the run
3) Check your shoes, make sure they still have life on them and fit your shoe profile
4) Check your gait, your body structure may be causing your knees to pronate, proper shoes or insoles can correct that
Title: Re: Running
Post by: Blue Fescue on October 18, 2022, 06:57:44 AM
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yeah, for a few years now.  seems like a lot of people I know got into endurance activities when they turned 40.

It isn't that hard on the body if you work out your stride and stretch/foam roll etc.  I have had some small stuff but nothing major.  The biggest problem I have had is getting enough protein while being vegetarian. That was  pretty rough until I figured it out.

Right now I am 20-30 miles a week while training towards a 50k in november.  I ran a road marathon earlier this year but don't think I will do that again.

Do you have any tips for vegetarian brotein? I've just started lifting and running and I realise that I don't eat enough to build muscle.

You guys know how to strengthen the knees and whatnot to stop them from hurting after running? Just started again and it's so frustrating when you over train and just get kneepains.

Pretty much any vegan protein with greens is good, pea protein, hemp powder, beans, nuts, tofu.  my morning shake has most of my protein in it.  I think around 40 to 50 grams or whatever.  It is definitely hard and something I have to pay attention to.

Pain wise it is a lot about technique.  I take short strides with very bent knees compared to typical running.  I read Born to Run and Barefoot running a long time ago and just kind of adapted what is in those books to work with my body.  Midfoot strikes and trying to feel smooth. 

Anton Krupicka's stride in the beginning of this video is a good example, he has had long term injury struggles though I think that is more from ridiculous miles over years.  But if you listen to his feet hitting the ground they are quick and constant.  I think combined with bent knees it puts the work into the muscles instead of the joints.  At least that is what has helped me.  Good shoes as well. (