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Skateboarding => Skate Questions => Topic started by: Allez_Jambon on October 31, 2015, 08:53:20 AM

Title: Health and skateboarding
Post by: Allez_Jambon on October 31, 2015, 08:53:20 AM
I got a desk job as a designer and we got a mini ramp and shit. That keeps me good but damn I feel sore and incapable of movement. Then I exert myself skating street or riding bicycles. Going to the chairopractor has been really helpful, actually learning about stretching and muscle function personalized for me, rather than just reading about shit online. The massages have really helped out my sciatic area and shoulders and I feel I can be more flexible and more steady.

I got a foam roller and that alleviates shoulder pain.

I seen one of these and wonder if anybody uses them for calf areas. (

what do yall do for health and skateboarding?
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: jim on October 31, 2015, 10:26:13 AM
just skate
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: Allez_Jambon on October 31, 2015, 03:08:13 PM
yeah no shit i wish that was the correct answer. the pain and discomfort restricts movement and results in me inable to skate.
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: Rusty_Berrings on October 31, 2015, 06:47:10 PM
I got a desk job as a designer and we got a mini ramp and shit. That keeps me good but damn I feel sore and incapable of movement. Then I exert myself skating street
Well there ya go.
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: Wizard Fight on October 31, 2015, 06:55:16 PM
Stretching usually kinda helps me, even if I'm not skating. Just stretching my legs and back a few times during the day. I used to take vitamins for muscles and drink a lot of water and coconut water. Not smoking cigarettes feels a lot better skating than smoking. I try to eat a lot of bananas and raw almonds.

I'm not really sure what helps me feel healthy though. I really only notice when I'm feeling noticeably unhealthy, and tend not to realize it or pay attention when I'm feeling alright or decent. Probably not much help.
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: Allez_Jambon on November 05, 2015, 02:43:06 PM
yeah it really bothers me that i have some stress related issue where my body doesnt react to my mind. my upper body moves but my feet do nothing or whatever.  totally uncoordinated. fuccc
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: HyenaChaser on December 06, 2015, 11:16:11 AM
Those stick things are amazing. You can definitely use it on the calf. It won't alleviate all soreness, but a lot of it.
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: N.L. on December 08, 2015, 09:13:07 AM
skate, acupuncture, eat well, drink less (especially when just injured), heal properly, do other shit- for me that means, surfing, cycling and the occasional run, swim, hike....
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: Allen. on December 09, 2015, 08:50:45 AM
I can't stress enough how much water helps. Get a little gallon jug, throw some ice in there, fill it up, cop an insulated bottle, bring it with you. Dehydration causes so many little ailments like soreness, headaches, etc. Also, bananas. Your muscles can cramp up from a lack of potassium, which bananas are loaded with.
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: Dr Steve Brule on December 09, 2015, 09:38:03 PM
skate, acupuncture, eat well, drink less (especially when just injured), heal properly, do other shit- for me that means, surfing, cycling and the occasional run, swim, hike....

I only drink once a week now, unbelievable how much better I feel. I also stopped taking the bus, and I've been walking 2 miles to work and back. Feels awesome, and I'm feeling really healthy.

I can't stress enough how much water helps. Get a little gallon jug, throw some ice in there, fill it up, cop an insulated bottle, bring it with you. Dehydration causes so many little ailments like soreness, headaches, etc. Also, bananas. Your muscles can cramp up from a lack of potassium, which bananas are loaded with.

Couldn't agree more man. I stopped drinking soda a while back, feeling great. Two year ago my mom hooked me up with one of these for christmas:


Still using it everyday, sometimes drinking two a day. Thing is indestructible and easily the best gift I've ever gotten.
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: Xtal on December 19, 2015, 03:15:00 PM
All good advice on here. Food wise, stick to an anti-inflammatory diet. Eat plenty of greens and stick with chicken, turkey, and fish for animal sources. Nuts can be expensive depending on what kind you get, but they're packed with energy and fiber when you need something simple on-the-go. Finally, I highly recommend eating plenty of yogurt. There's this stuff you can find at any major grocery store called Kefir which is considered a "cousin" of yogurt but it's basically the same thing. There's different flavors if you're picky, and it has a lot of probiotics in it which help the immune system, but also helps you poop excellence.

If you don't eat a lot of fish, taking fish oil capsules will help a lot with the inflammation, along with the balanced diet. Also, taking megadoses of vitamin C are good for preventing you from getting sick. Taking a gram or two a day is completely safe and a lot of people, including myself have done it. I never get sick and I attribute it to steady water intake, probiotics, and the vitamin C.
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: Second Division on January 03, 2016, 04:36:50 PM
I got a desk job as a designer and we got a mini ramp and shit. That keeps me good but damn I feel sore and incapable of movement. Then I exert myself skating street or riding bicycles. Going to the chairopractor has been really helpful, actually learning about stretching and muscle function personalized for me, rather than just reading about shit online. The massages have really helped out my sciatic area and shoulders and I feel I can be more flexible and more steady.

I got a foam roller and that alleviates shoulder pain.

I seen one of these and wonder if anybody uses them for calf areas. (

what do yall do for health and skateboarding?

The stick is incredible - my roommate has one and it's awesome for when you're sitting on the couch. Much easier to use than a foam roller and since we just have it sitting there, we use it all the time. Highly recommended.
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: concerned_parent on January 25, 2016, 07:32:16 AM
this is an good thread. valuable info  8)
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: ChuckRamone on March 20, 2016, 11:12:46 AM
any tips on how to break down scar tissue in your ankles? I have some areas where there's buildup.
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: MonistatOne on March 20, 2016, 11:29:18 AM
any tips on how to break down scar tissue in your ankles? I have some areas where there's buildup.
Is this possible without arthroscopy?  I've got a thrice-rolled left ankle and the scar tissue buildup is visible to the naked eye. Basically only fuck with hi tops and try to stick to a resistance band ankle tendon building regimen to compensate for the resulting weakness/stretching of the tendon.
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: ChuckRamone on March 20, 2016, 11:42:55 AM
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any tips on how to break down scar tissue in your ankles? I have some areas where there's buildup.
Is this possible without arthroscopy?  I've got a thrice-rolled left ankle and the scar tissue buildup is visible to the naked eye. Basically only fuck with hi tops and try to stick to a resistance band ankle tendon building regimen to compensate for the resulting weakness/stretching of the tendon.

There are massage techniques for it, some of them involve tools. But usually done by a professional. Rodney Mullen did a TED Talk where he talks about breaking down scar tissue in his leg or hip himself with a car stick shift at some point. Pretty crazy. I was wondering if I could do something like that but less intense. I'm scared of injuring myself.
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: on March 20, 2016, 09:23:02 PM
Find yourself a good physio....

my take is that skating retrains your body how to move and inevitably it have to find ways to deprogram that and fix the kooky imbalances you've created.....

I'm referring to sort of the general aches and pains ie. Back...Hips etc....
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: N.L. on March 22, 2016, 09:33:09 PM
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any tips on how to break down scar tissue in your ankles? I have some areas where there's buildup.
Is this possible without arthroscopy?  I've got a thrice-rolled left ankle and the scar tissue buildup is visible to the naked eye. Basically only fuck with hi tops and try to stick to a resistance band ankle tendon building regimen to compensate for the resulting weakness/stretching of the tendon.

I had a similar deal on my elbow. My acupuncturist gave me this ointment called Zheng Gu Shui. She had me basically steamroller a cotton ball (wet with the ointment) into my elbow to iron out all the crunchiness. It worked but took some time.
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: Allez_Jambon on March 23, 2016, 09:36:31 AM
I've been going to the chiropractor and that shit's cool but the massage works better. Stress and being a tense person make my lower back / hips seize up from inactivity. I use the stick thing and the foam roller and i like to take laps around the spot / park to warm myself up. i've had numerous ankle injuries so now it doesn't fold anymore. i roll it and it doesnt hurt, becasue there's nothing there. its like mr burns' wrists. being constantly active is the best for me. smoking pot and stretching at night. all that shit. desk job life makes me hunch over looking at graphic design shit and my back tingles. never tried accupunture before but am very interested. also skating alone in the day time sucks. its too bright and the colors are flat and it makes me feel uncoordinated, numb, and anxious becase it seems my body is failing. but that shits regular. i hate not talking for hours. even when i talk its about mountain dew and amazon prime and client shit. i dont come to life, but after work a cigarette and high fives loosen me the fucc up.
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: on March 24, 2016, 10:58:28 PM
I rolled my left and jammed my right ankle this week and thought itd be a good idea to get it massaged out.  I've been to physio already and they give me the same exercises which I can figure out.  I thought I'd have to go to one of those foot massage places with the Christmas lights but I'm gonna try an RMT.....

Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: corto on March 25, 2016, 01:47:27 AM

my take is that skating retrains your body how to move and inevitably it have to find ways to deprogram that and fix the kooky imbalances you've created.....

Many people often talk about running, swimming and riding a bike as a remedy. Swimming probably does really good, because it stretches the muscles and may even create new movement patterns. But I don't see how running or riding a bike will do that. On the contrary, the movements associated to them are super repetitive and constraining.

I say learn to skate switch more and try to skate flatland and transition in new ways where you are forced to do new movements. This way the muscles will open up and the imbalances will lessen. Skating can be a really well rounded physical activity, but only if you make it to be.
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: ChuckRamone on March 25, 2016, 05:03:39 AM
anyone have those ankle injuries that are more from vertical impacts than rolling or sideways twists of the ankle? and you get a sort of stinging pain? usually happens when you land too much on your toes or primo. I don't know if these are a type of sprain. is there any way to deal with or rehab these?
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: baravettski on April 02, 2016, 06:20:37 PM
Good info for sure, cosign on water, bananas, not drinking too much. I've been skating every day, even if it's a little cruiser shred around the hood, and that has helped immensely. Not that I really get too buck anymore, but it definitely helps in skating and in regular life. Dynamic stretching too, I usually roll around a bit then do some of those stretches before skating full on.
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: Andmoreagain on April 08, 2016, 06:12:56 AM
I like to take a few runs around the bowl to warm up before I stretch, or if I'm skating street I'll skate to the spot then stretch. Stretching after skating is essential, though. I always regret it when i forget it.
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on April 08, 2016, 07:11:46 AM
Been trying to get on a healthier life program myself. Got a gym membership that I try to use a few times a week. Even if I'm feeling tired or shitty I'll go get on the elliptical or stationary bike for twenty minutes just to get my heart going.

Trying to drop soda again. I'm a couple weeks in feeling good, sticking with mostly water and tea. Unfortunately I'm a pretty  picky eater, so that's probably my biggest obstacle. I'm trying to be a bit more conscious of it, and when I do eat shitty I at least try and mix some veggies with it.

Anybody here work out? I'm not trying to be a body builder, but I'd love to drop a few pounds of that winter weight.
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: Xen on April 08, 2016, 11:21:42 AM
Sadly, I work out more than I skate these days due to work, kids, etc. - I'm also single, so I need to be marketable ;)

I workout 6 days a week, that includes morning yoga classes and the gym after work, eat well, etc.. I found a park that is super close to my office so I'm going to attempt lunch skate sessions soon.

- Best tip I can give is you is drink more water, so few people enough to meet their daily needs.
- Stretch AFTER the session, only slightly before (I just skate around to warm up) sticks/rollers are good if you can use them at home before you roll out.
- Yoga!
- Swimming is fantastic, I'm picking this up again in the AM to alternate with Yoga. It's the best low impact cardio you can do.
- Eat better, fuck soda and energy drinks. Grab a coffee or some hookers and cocaine if you need a pick me up.
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: 20matar on April 08, 2016, 02:44:26 PM
Sadly, I work out more than I skate these days due to work, kids, etc. - I'm also single, so I need to be marketable ;)

I workout 6 days a week, that includes morning yoga classes and the gym after work, eat well, etc.. I found a park that is super close to my office so I'm going to attempt lunch skate sessions soon.

- Best tip I can give is you is drink more water, so few people enough to meet their daily needs.
- Stretch AFTER the session, only slightly before (I just skate around to warm up) sticks/rollers are good if you can use them at home before you roll out.
- Yoga!
- Swimming is fantastic, I'm picking this up again in the AM to alternate with Yoga. It's the best low impact cardio you can do.
- Eat better, fuck soda and energy drinks. Grab a coffee or some hookers and cocaine if you need a pick me up.

What can you tell me about yoga? Are there simple exercises I can do at home based upon yoga? I don't feel like paying to do it. I'd love to have somewhere to swim, so I'll do my research. It's definitely great exercise. Good tips.
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: ChuckRamone on April 09, 2016, 03:54:31 PM
after a minor sprain, how long do you guys typically wait to skate again? do you do any skating at all during the healing process, like just cruising? is it a given that there's gonna be residual soreness as you get back into it?

I've been nursing a sprain for 10 days now and it feels like I haven't skated in an etermity.
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: johnes on April 13, 2016, 12:10:39 PM
I have a rolling stick, I use it on my legs and hips. Rolling over the knees is good too. I do the the entire leg thoroughly everyday . Always before I go skate too, sometimes I'll bring the stick with me skating in case my lower back starts feeling sore, I can just do some rolling on my back hips area and it helps.

Lately i do a little warm up before stretching. I raise my knees like walking in place 50 times, then lightly jump up and down 50 times, swing my arms around and repeat, i usually do it for 2/3 minutes, and then I stretch. I got this tip from a Jillian Michaels work out dvd lol. It def helps me feel looser when i first step on my board.
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: shit_for_brains on April 13, 2016, 01:04:04 PM
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Sadly, I work out more than I skate these days due to work, kids, etc. - I'm also single, so I need to be marketable ;)

I workout 6 days a week, that includes morning yoga classes and the gym after work, eat well, etc.. I found a park that is super close to my office so I'm going to attempt lunch skate sessions soon.

- Best tip I can give is you is drink more water, so few people enough to meet their daily needs.
- Stretch AFTER the session, only slightly before (I just skate around to warm up) sticks/rollers are good if you can use them at home before you roll out.
- Yoga!
- Swimming is fantastic, I'm picking this up again in the AM to alternate with Yoga. It's the best low impact cardio you can do.
- Eat better, fuck soda and energy drinks. Grab a coffee or some hookers and cocaine if you need a pick me up.

What can you tell me about yoga? Are there simple exercises I can do at home based upon yoga? I don't feel like paying to do it. I'd love to have somewhere to swim, so I'll do my research. It's definitely great exercise. Good tips.

Look for a YMCA or public parks for a pool. Go early to avoid children and swimming in straight urine.

Yoga-wise, for your purposes I'm sure youtube is more than adequate. There are people who make a living doing yoga on youtube, so it's not like it's just some obese turd in his living room.
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: Xen on April 15, 2016, 10:01:05 AM
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Sadly, I work out more than I skate these days due to work, kids, etc. - I'm also single, so I need to be marketable ;)

I workout 6 days a week, that includes morning yoga classes and the gym after work, eat well, etc.. I found a park that is super close to my office so I'm going to attempt lunch skate sessions soon.

- Best tip I can give is you is drink more water, so few people enough to meet their daily needs.
- Stretch AFTER the session, only slightly before (I just skate around to warm up) sticks/rollers are good if you can use them at home before you roll out.
- Yoga!
- Swimming is fantastic, I'm picking this up again in the AM to alternate with Yoga. It's the best low impact cardio you can do.
- Eat better, fuck soda and energy drinks. Grab a coffee or some hookers and cocaine if you need a pick me up.

What can you tell me about yoga? Are there simple exercises I can do at home based upon yoga? I don't feel like paying to do it. I'd love to have somewhere to swim, so I'll do my research. It's definitely great exercise. Good tips.

For skating, especially before and after I do these, Google:

Downward dog
Legs up wall pose
malasana pose

Basic bend over and let your body just hang (don't try and touch your toes), 'roll' your body up, they put your arms over your head and stretch the fuck out of everything (you can lay down for this as well). I do this every morning, seconds after getting out of bed.

Sit cross legged and suck in your stomach and lengthen through the top of your head and lean forward keeping your back straight, go as low as you can. Release it, change the cross of your legs and do it again.

There are a number of balance [warrior, triangle] poses which strengthen your legs but I go in for flexibility, my lower back is fucked (need to find a chiro) and so are my knees. There's a metric ton of ground poses you can do for hamstrings.

FWIW, Bucky Lasek (and a bunch of older guys, even SALBA) practice yoga.
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: Gray Imp Sausage Metal on April 17, 2016, 05:21:39 PM
FWIW, Bucky Lasek (and a bunch of older guys, even SALBA) practice yoga.

Matt Field was way ahead of the game!
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: Esquivel on April 19, 2016, 12:49:56 AM
anyone have those ankle injuries that are more from vertical impacts than rolling or sideways twists of the ankle? and you get a sort of stinging pain? usually happens when you land too much on your toes or primo. I don't know if these are a type of sprain. is there any way to deal with or rehab these?

dude, i think i have the same problem. up until i was 29-30 i could skate every day for 10 hrs a day. for the last 5-6 years i have been getting ankle pain which has escalated to the point that if i skate for 2-3 days my ankles give up and start to proper hurt even going down a curb, although i haven't rolled them. even when im fresh out of bed its a task just to get to the bathroom because my ankles are so stiff that walking is agonising. i had mri (targeting the achilles' tendon because i thought i had torn it) and the doctor just said that my ankles look like the belong to a 70 yo and that my achilles' hurts because of all the general damage on that area. he mentioned scar tissue build up but didnt give any guidance apart from "rest and quit skating".
Title: Re: Health and skateboarding
Post by: ChuckRamone on April 19, 2016, 06:33:41 PM
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anyone have those ankle injuries that are more from vertical impacts than rolling or sideways twists of the ankle? and you get a sort of stinging pain? usually happens when you land too much on your toes or primo. I don't know if these are a type of sprain. is there any way to deal with or rehab these?

dude, i think i have the same problem. up until i was 29-30 i could skate every day for 10 hrs a day. for the last 5-6 years i have been getting ankle pain which has escalated to the point that if i skate for 2-3 days my ankles give up and start to proper hurt even going down a curb, although i haven't rolled them. even when im fresh out of bed its a task just to get to the bathroom because my ankles are so stiff that walking is agonising. i had mri (targeting the achilles' tendon because i thought i had torn it) and the doctor just said that my ankles look like the belong to a 70 yo and that my achilles' hurts because of all the general damage on that area. he mentioned scar tissue build up but didnt give any guidance apart from "rest and quit skating".

I have a big lump of scar tissue on the top of my ankle, at the bottom of my leg where the foot bends. I think that's from those awkward stinger type of landings. I don't know if it is going to keep building up so that I have chronic problems, 'cause that would suck as I can't pay for surgery.