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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: CigaretteBeer on January 26, 2016, 02:59:56 PM

Title: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: CigaretteBeer on January 26, 2016, 02:59:56 PM
No fucking way was it The BerenstAin Bears. No fucking way! I have a photographic memory and I was a huge smart ass when I was a child. I would have called them the butt stain bears or something aling those lines with this fucked up A spelling. (

What are your thoughts on this? Government PSYOP? Mass hallucinations? Are time travelers fucking with our beloved children's books about Jewish bears? This really has creeped me out.

Edit: Didn't know this was already a topic. So to make it different I'm adding my contest. Whoever draws the most rad Berenstein Bear/Mandela effect drawing will win a package by me. Package will include 1 pack of cigarettes, beer, candy, a rad book and whatever else I feel like throwing in. I would like to put some adderrall and klonopins in the package but if a kook like Montyburns wins I'd probably end up in prison. So maybe drugs if I know you're cool and you're comfortable with that. If not then a sketchy fact about Rob Brink or a cool story about Heath Kirchart. Me and my attractive lady friend will judge.
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem
Post by: straight on January 26, 2016, 03:09:50 PM,com_jfusion/Itemid,4/index.php?topic=87031.0 (,com_jfusion/Itemid,4/index.php?topic=87031.0)
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem
Post by: MintySandwhich on January 26, 2016, 03:17:16 PM
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem
Post by: CigaretteBeer on January 26, 2016, 03:38:00 PM,com_jfusion/Itemid,4/index.php?topic=87031.0 (,com_jfusion/Itemid,4/index.php?topic=87031.0)

Crud... I knew this had to have been a topic. Fuck it. It deserves
to be a topic twice.

I'll make it a contest as well.
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: LifeHammered on January 26, 2016, 05:00:39 PM
You're just remembering this version. Common misconception.
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: ChuckRamone on January 26, 2016, 05:24:33 PM
That's crazy this blew up on the Internet. Very recently I remember thinking I had gone crazy 'cause I saw something that said "Berenstain" instead of "Berenstein." So were the adults reading to us just stupid and fucking up the pronunciation? I don't believe in this parallel universe stuff. 
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: GOKU on January 26, 2016, 05:42:22 PM
Hey Cigbeer, check your Facebook messages when you get a chance (RE: sending stuff to one another in the mail). I actually messaged you yesterday, regarding a very generous PM you sent me on here a few months back. My name's Mike.
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: CigaretteBeer on January 26, 2016, 05:49:05 PM
There were a few other things that creeped me out. It's now Interview With THE Vampire, in Star Wars it says "no, I am your father", in Field Of Dreams he says "if you build it HE will come", Jiffy peanut butter is now just "JIF", with no record of it ever being Jiffy, the Volvo car symbal has always been a male symbol... The one that fucked me up is Pete Townsend from The Who is now named Pete TownsHend! What in the holy fuck? I am certain that was not his name before. I am a huge fan of 60's music and The Who are a favorite. Pete has always been a hero and google is trying to say it's fucking TownShend?....
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: ill_Murray on January 26, 2016, 05:59:28 PM
What about those jews living in the future, the Jetsteins?
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: Willie on January 26, 2016, 07:47:11 PM
I have a bunch of my sister's old Berenstain Bears books that I read to my kids so I don't buy it. I also remember the theme song to the 80's cartoon being Berenstain.

That Pete Townsend thing and Interview thing have got me fucked up though...
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: ducky darnsworth on January 26, 2016, 07:56:41 PM
somebody probably got a Chinese knock off book with a different spelling, case closed.
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: Dark Knight on January 26, 2016, 08:50:13 PM
Thanks for reminding me of this.  They want me to forget!!!

It was fucking "Stein" 100%.
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: Bobby Peru on January 26, 2016, 09:07:26 PM
Hey Cigbeer, check your Facebook messages when you get a chance (RE: sending stuff to one another in the mail). I actually messaged you yesterday, regarding a very generous PM you sent me on here a few months back. My name's Mike.

Was it a picture of his dick?
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: GOKU on January 26, 2016, 09:11:57 PM
Expand Quote
Hey Cigbeer, check your Facebook messages when you get a chance (RE: sending stuff to one another in the mail). I actually messaged you yesterday, regarding a very generous PM you sent me on here a few months back. My name's Mike.

Was it a picture of his dick?

Nah nah nah, he was just tryna help an anxious depressed d00d out with some brain candy
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: Madam, I'm Adam on January 26, 2016, 11:02:41 PM
Does this remind anyone else of Matt Milligan, or is it Matt Willigan?  I swear either Willigan is a nickname of his, or people and magazines were confusing it all the time.

Anyway I didn't make this, just think it's quite funny.

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Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: MintySandwhich on January 27, 2016, 08:14:37 AM
I do remember it being "stein"

But then I also remember me being young and having trouble pronouncing the word in its entirety
Either way, Im sorry, but this show was lame as fuck. I mean cmon guys...
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: 20matar on January 27, 2016, 09:19:59 AM
Memory is dynamic. We remember things in an ever changing way and we go with what makes sense to our minds. It's fucked up when your mind is playing tricks on you.
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: JB on January 27, 2016, 12:20:57 PM
It's fucked up when your mind is playing tricks on you.

Geto Boys - Mind Playing Tricks On Me [Official Video HD] (
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: L33Tg33k on January 27, 2016, 08:15:08 PM
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"Another possibility is the way we associate things. Frankly, Berenstain is odd, it's not a normal spelling. So, when kids see the name, they may already be familiar with many "stein" names, like Einstein, Frankenstein, Bernstein, etc.. Even with the correct spelling of Berenstain, people automatically convert it to Berenstein in their head because that seems more natural, more logical, because of the spelling conventions for names like that. I'm not sure about worldlines, or time travel; I just think our brains and our ways of word association are the culprit."
This is pretty much the same thing I was going to type. I am 98% certain that it was always Berenstain. The only reason I can think of for them to have changed Berenstein to Berenstain is to make is sound less jewy. Judging by how media has always been handled, that seems a perfectly believable and valid explanation. Still, everyone misremembering the name because Berenstein made more sense based on general understanding of names seems about a million times more likely. Berenstain to Berenstein confusion is one of the most understandable examples of human error that I can think of.
Then Dark Knight tried to post this photo as proof it was Berenstein, but I reverse imaged search and found the actual photo before it was shopped to say Berenstein.
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Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: Monkey_Mcpott on January 27, 2016, 10:30:32 PM
The thing is too that it seems that only kids from that time remember it as BerenstEin. Has anyone tried talking to adults from that time?

There was a joke on the radio once about a little girl saying Pig-Newtons instead of Fig-Newtons. The girl refused to be proven wrong, I think whats really happening is our little kid self inside of us is refusing to think otherwise.
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: captainfalcon69 on January 27, 2016, 11:20:53 PM
The thing is too that it seems that only kids from that time remember it as BerenstEin. Has anyone tried talking to adults from that time?

My mom remembers it being Berenstein.
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: ChuckRamone on January 28, 2016, 04:35:20 AM
For the average adult, reading is done automatically. Their eyes skim the words and their brains fill in the blanks. They see "Berenstain" as "Berenstein" based on their life experience, unless they're reading closely or proofreading.
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: CigaretteBeer on January 28, 2016, 05:53:39 AM
What about the Volvo logo, Pete TownsHend and Interview with THE Vampire?

My friend asked her parents how to spell Berenstein and they were blown away it is spelled BerenstAin. Her pops who is a huge Who fan would not accept this TownsHend spelling and got pretty upset about it. Also a lot of people my age grew up learning to read with these books. A child's brain doesn't have words stored in it yet and I remember sounding it out and I associated the last name with Stear and Stein. If you're not familiar with Stear and Stein it's a restaurant in California. It means cow and beer cup of course.

A weird thing is young kids almost all know it as stAin but it seems anyone over 25 swears on their life it's stEin. And why didn't people think it was wrong until very recently? I've read many reports of adults using their old books and being confused by the change.
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: CigaretteBeer on January 28, 2016, 05:55:01 AM
Some proof?
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: bentmode on January 28, 2016, 08:00:10 AM
I cant draw for shit. What if I write some sweet Bernstein fan fiction or send you a recipe basedon what I think a jew bear would love to eat? Challah back.

P.s. if I win I want the drugs.
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: CigaretteBeer on January 28, 2016, 10:26:38 AM
I cant draw for shit. What if I write some sweet Bernstein fan fiction or send you a recipe basedon what I think a jew bear would love to eat? Challah back.

P.s. if I win I want the drugs.

The recipe sounds like a cool idea! I've only had Jew food once when I dated this Jewish chick. It was really good. Jews keep their food secret it seems.You live in Europe right? I've never mailed anything there before but as long as there's no return address I'd be safe right?

Would the fan fiction have the bears as evil bankster Jews? Or like just a normal American Jew? Or those orthodox Jews?
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: bentmode on January 28, 2016, 11:10:18 AM
No I live in Tucson but am originally from Pomona, CA. I'm somewhat surprised or paths have not crossed.

The berenstein fan fic would be set in a modern setting in new york where brother and sister bear have long grown up and have left the nest. Brother bear is a burn out starving artist who has to turn tricks so support his drug addiction while sister bear lives in a halfway house haunted by her demons of abortions past. Mother bear deals with growing older, feeling despondency and dealing with fading beauty post menopause with lingering issues of the evergrowing seperation between herself and father bear. Father bear is a full fledged narcissist and doesnt understand why anyone has problems and is having an affair with his analyst.
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: CigaretteBeer on January 28, 2016, 12:13:03 PM
No I live in Tucson but am originally from Pomona, CA. I'm somewhat surprised or paths have not crossed.

The berenstein fan fic would be set in a modern setting in new york where brother and sister bear have long grown up and have left the nest. Brother bear is a burn out starving artist who has to turn tricks so support his drug addiction while sister bear lives in a halfway house haunted by her demons of abortions past. Mother bear deals with growing older, feeling despondency and dealing with fading beauty post menopause with lingering issues of the evergrowing seperation between herself and father bear. Father bear is a full fledged narcissist and doesnt understand why anyone has problems and is having an affair with his analyst.

Oh rad! I like Fontana. I've spent a lot of time there in my early to mid 20's. My friend lived accross from the glass house. I love skating that bank with the super steep quarter pipe along the wall. Arto switch backside flipped a flat gap there.

That story sounds pretty rad! You're definitely in first place right now. I am pretty sure you're not a narc like montyburns so I'd be down to send the drugs if you win. Are you into writing actually?
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: bentmode on January 28, 2016, 01:27:18 PM
I used to write a bit a few years ago. I was told that I was good in high school. I am on a long hiatus from my novel.
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: ill_Murray on January 28, 2016, 03:12:50 PM
Drugs please...

Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: McDuff on January 28, 2016, 05:13:51 PM
My mother is a librarian and swears its "ein". we are both scouring the house for my old books.
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: WantSomeSlaw on January 28, 2016, 06:51:44 PM
My mother is a librarian and swears its "ein". we are both scouring the house for my old books.
Well the whole point of the Mandela effect is that all the books have somehow gotten their titles changed, and if you look anywhere for the BerenstEIN Bears, no matter what book it is it's gonna say BerenstAIN Bears.
Trippy shit.
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: McDuff on January 28, 2016, 07:24:52 PM
yeah, i read about that, but a lot of comments on one of the sites cigbeer posted seemed like everyone over 25 remembers "ein" and everyone under "ain". like maybe in 1990 they changed the name or something. cant find the books though, pretty bummed. ill look harder next time im home.

also, i remember the movie as "interview with A vampire" and she remembers it as "interview with THE vampire". my dad says there was never an "H" in townsend. weird wild stuff.
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: CigaretteBeer on January 29, 2016, 08:23:44 AM
Drugs please...


Holy fuck! That is amazing. I spit my coffee out because I wasn't expecting to LOL. Amost a ROFL.

I would have shut the contest down and started packing the goods but the rules are that you have to make your own art. Having said that, feel free to make offensive anti-Semitic Berenstein bear art. I am not a PC communist faggot that doesn't understand the genius of black humor and the importance of free speech.

Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: Frank on January 29, 2016, 09:03:17 AM
we had this discussion about chali2na from jurassic 5. me and a friend were so sure the dude wasnt chali2na, but cali2na forever, we thought they misspelled the name on a tour poster. then the others said it was always chali2na. then i spoutet out 'its like the berenstein bear thing!' none of my friends knew about that tho.

so what is right, chali2na or cali2na? i only found chali2na, tried to find shit about him changing from cali to chali but couldnt find a thing.
i even always thought it's some kind of weird wordplay, like californian tuna or something.

anyone else had that with chali/cali2na?
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: ChuckRamone on January 29, 2016, 10:14:24 AM
I always remember it being charli2na.
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: doublesteveburger on January 30, 2016, 07:37:47 AM
This is all fucking me up... And yes, that over/under 25 theory is pretty valid. I've asked around and that seems to be the case.

I want to win drugs from you cigbeer.
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: straight on February 09, 2018, 10:00:35 PM
tv show frasier’s dad died a few days ago .. anyone else remember him dying a long time ago
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: smellsdead on February 13, 2018, 07:40:31 PM
what the fuck man i just finally crawled out of the youtube rabbit im back in it

just grabbed my sons bears book-it was my familys since the early 80s
spelled with an a

interview with the vampire...on vhs idk about that one

i knew about pete townshend, probably bc i studied my dads records inside and out and had a friend with the last name townsend.

jiffy is now jif?


morton's salt one is the gnarliest
even the company is convinced their name has always been morton salt-even though there is loads of evidence proving otherwise

im gonna need drugs now
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: sododgy on February 14, 2018, 12:17:03 AM
we had this discussion about chali2na from jurassic 5. me and a friend were so sure the dude wasnt chali2na, but cali2na forever, we thought they misspelled the name on a tour poster. then the others said it was always chali2na. then i spoutet out 'its like the berenstein bear thing!' none of my friends knew about that tho.

so what is right, chali2na or cali2na? i only found chali2na, tried to find shit about him changing from cali to chali but couldnt find a thing.
i even always thought it's some kind of weird wordplay, like californian tuna or something.

anyone else had that with chali/cali2na?

It's 100% chali2na and always has been. His real name is Charles.

Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: el chino on February 14, 2018, 01:26:41 AM
as a mexican. all  i can say is should of.

ya'll write and talk stupid as fuck, you  would of
noticed this is bullshit if any of you paid attention in gradeschool
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: brycickle on February 14, 2018, 05:02:55 PM
as a mexican. all  i can say is should of.

ya'll write and talk stupid as fuck, you  would of
noticed this is bullshit if any of you paid attention in gradeschool
Would have.
Title: Re: The BerenstEin Bears problem/ win a package from Cigarettebeer
Post by: streetsoup on February 14, 2018, 06:12:51 PM
22 yrs old. I swear to got it was EIN also. Had plenty of books growing up, the one where they get lost in the spooky old tree is legit.
Theres an explanation here but I don't have one. And it definitely isn't that its been AIN our whole lives without realizing it.