Slap MessageBoards

General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: Tracer on January 07, 2017, 04:00:10 PM

Title: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: Tracer on January 07, 2017, 04:00:10 PM
It perpetuates the very real stereotype that skaters are a bunch of burnouts.

I'm here to offer support
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: ducky darnsworth on January 07, 2017, 04:03:37 PM
When did SLAP turn into a Canadian Roller. rink?
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: Tracer on January 07, 2017, 04:05:45 PM
When did SLAP turn into a Canadian Roller. rink?
Ducky if you were here I'd throw you over teh couch
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: childhood on January 07, 2017, 04:26:10 PM
Isn't Narconon some Scientology shit?

It's sad that there's a decent amount of people on the board dealing with addictions, but a lot of people, skateboarders or not, are dealing with the same issues right now.

Just try to be helpful and supportive in whatever ways you can.
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: ducky darnsworth on January 07, 2017, 04:27:26 PM
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When did SLAP turn into a Canadian Roller. rink?
Ducky if you were here I'd throw you over teh couch
i'd like to see you try eh
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: not_ericricks on January 07, 2017, 04:29:27 PM
I can only think of two????

I mean aside from weed which probably 80% of the board smokes
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: Tracer on January 07, 2017, 04:36:22 PM
I can only think of two????

I mean aside from weed which probably 80% of the board smokes
Closer to 10%

Smokers like to think EDIT but it's not like that even in Canada.
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: shark tits on January 07, 2017, 04:44:24 PM
nothing wrong w/ having a past, trace-dogg. it's only if you're committed to the drinking/drug lifestyle that you're a bad guy and deserve to suffer all the bad things life has to offer. once you quit you're a hero. america loves a 2nd act. admit you were bad and it sucked for you worse than all the people you made life hard for, do your stint in rehab, make the talk show circuit and jah bless, you're bigger than ever.
cheers to everyone who quit stuff or is struggling.
'jim greco, you walked besides me every step except when i really needed you'
'no sharktits, that's when i was carrying you. your dumb ass passed out.'
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: stabbedbywiggers on January 07, 2017, 04:55:14 PM
I am following the slap 10 step program with great success! hallelujah
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: not_ericricks on January 07, 2017, 05:09:22 PM
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I can only think of two????

I mean aside from weed which probably 80% of the board smokes
Closer to 10%

Smokers like to think EDIT but it's not like that even in Canada.

Fuck that man its hard to find people that dont smoke weed nowadays.

The shit is everwhere, even in Canada.
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: Shifty Flip on January 07, 2017, 05:57:39 PM
I am following the slap 10 step program with great success! hallelujah
My wife thinks i need to join a support group for lurking on Slap so much. Beats the hell outta my old daily habits though
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: tobey on January 07, 2017, 06:12:36 PM
nothing wrong w/ having a past, trace-dogg. it's only if you're committed to the drinking/drug lifestyle that you're a bad guy and deserve to suffer all the bad things life has to offer. once you quit you're a hero. america loves a 2nd act. admit you were bad and it sucked for you worse than all the people you made life hard for, do your stint in rehab, make the talk show circuit and jah bless, you're bigger than ever.
cheers to everyone who quit stuff or is struggling.
'jim greco, you walked besides me every step except when i really needed you'
'no sharktits, that's when i was carrying you. your dumb ass passed out.'

I mean it was pretty hard for me to quit because my life didn't suck that much, except for the 3 years i spent alone because my anxiety was horrible but that wasn't cause of my drinking. I was able to still go to my job and do school on top of that and maintain a getting shit faced every other day routine (that was also my excuse on why i thought i wasn't an alcoholic, because i didn't drink every day). I barely got hangovers because i would chug about 2-3 bottles of water before i went to sleep, it would either wake up fine but with withdrawals or still drunk. Didn't really hurt anyone with my actions because i would just mainly drink alone in my basement watching netflix and when i did go out i would just barely get drunk but then go home and make sure i get the job done properly. I was fat as fuck though, max weight was 255, god that sucked.

Meh guess life is better now mainly cause i met great people in AA and i skate regularly again like when i was a kid just starting   
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: not_ericricks on January 07, 2017, 06:34:10 PM
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nothing wrong w/ having a past, trace-dogg. it's only if you're committed to the drinking/drug lifestyle that you're a bad guy and deserve to suffer all the bad things life has to offer. once you quit you're a hero. america loves a 2nd act. admit you were bad and it sucked for you worse than all the people you made life hard for, do your stint in rehab, make the talk show circuit and jah bless, you're bigger than ever.
cheers to everyone who quit stuff or is struggling.
'jim greco, you walked besides me every step except when i really needed you'
'no sharktits, that's when i was carrying you. your dumb ass passed out.'

I mean it was pretty hard for me to quit because my life didn't suck that much, except for the 3 years i spent alone because my anxiety was horrible but that wasn't cause of my drinking. I was able to still go to my job and do school on top of that and maintain a getting shit faced every other day routine (that was also my excuse on why i thought i wasn't an alcoholic, because i didn't drink every day). I barely got hangovers because i would chug about 2-3 bottles of water before i went to sleep, it would either wake up fine but with withdrawals or still drunk. Didn't really hurt anyone with my actions because i would just mainly drink alone in my basement watching netflix and when i did go out i would just barely get drunk but then go home and make sure i get the job done properly. I was fat as fuck though, max weight was 255, god that sucked.

Meh guess life is better now mainly cause i met great people in AA and i skate regularly again like when i was a kid just starting   

Yeah, not everyone addicted to something is this absolute rock bottom, robbing stores and stealing shit type story.

I was addicted physiologically to benzos but not psychologically. All my use was through my dr for PTSD and at the time I really needed that medication to have a functional life.

I never did anything sketchy at all. Still worked 98 hours a week, raised my kids etc.

I quit because I wanted to get better without medication. Other than a two week withdrawl it was fine. Nothing changed accept I dealt with my issues through counselling, excercise, skating, cleaning up my diet and working my ass off.

I still get mild anxiety and an occasional panic attack but I know how to deal with it now on my own.

Now that I broke my femur and tore my acl its abit worse because im stuck on the couch doing nothing but reading or fucking around on slap, that and im used to being super fucking busy.

But it is what it is. Now ill put all that snergy into physion and weight training so I can get back to work and skate again.

And you kill it tobey! I always check out your insta clips and you got some great shit on there! Keep it up man!

Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: shark tits on January 07, 2017, 06:37:30 PM
well tobey, i'm a gynecologist not a dr but it sounds to me like maybe you're not an alcoholic and there's no reason you had to quit. get back on that horse! give booze another shot. i've crashed through a million glass basements of other people's rock bottoms before i got it together and giant swathes of my life are irreparable not to mention i've lost people that meant the world to me.
or maybe you just caught it in time? if you're happier, good for you, you're doing the right thing.
same to you, eric ricks. everyone's tale is subjective.
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: tobey on January 07, 2017, 06:40:11 PM
Wait...... just remembered when i was 19 i broke into a liquor store and stole about 6 cases of beer and then they locked me up in a mental hospital because i was so out of it.
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: shark tits on January 07, 2017, 06:57:09 PM
now we're cooking w/ buttah!
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: tobey on January 07, 2017, 07:04:18 PM
now we're cooking w/ buttah!

Then about 2 weeks later a new friend took me to a bar, he was over 21 and me still be 19 i drank there underage. Got shit faced, stumbled out the bar and i guess the cops were looking into that bar and knew i wasn't 21 ( i have a babyface). Got arrested and spent the night in the drunk tank. That piece of shit friend who took me to the bar is one of my best friends now
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: not_ericricks on January 07, 2017, 07:14:49 PM
Meh, age and stupidity plays into that too tobey.

Around the same age me and some friends were skating one night and someone came up with the brilliant idea to throw a cement lawn sculpture through the window of the liquor store. At that point its like fuck it, might as well grab some 60lbers.

Nothing to do with being an alcoholic, just a bunch of fuckin dumb kids with bad ideas thinking we were untouchable.

Another time we stole a car and got shitfaced at some party. On the way home my buddy was waiving the bottle out the driver side window and the cops drove past, quickly doing a u turn and that turned into a 30km high speed chase. I guess they figured it was too dangerous and eventually gave up chase. We returned the car, the inside all smashed to shit. Went back to my friends and continued to party with a buncha chicks, like nothing ever happened.

Again, dumb fuckin kids, lucky we didnt kill anyone

And I was the chill one in the group. Its a fuckin miracle 5 or 6 outta that group never served long term prison sentences
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: fulltechnicalskizzy on January 07, 2017, 07:24:53 PM
SLAPping sober is the worst
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: tobey on January 07, 2017, 07:29:14 PM
^ I went to rehab at 19 but like Eric ricks said, i was a kid and didn't take that shit seriously at the time. I was an out patient so i would be drinking on the days that i didn't have rehab. Guess when i got officially sober at the end of 2015 i decided to give AA another chance (i went to one meeting with my uncle because he pressured me into it). I got into the routine then by school at 8am, work right after, skate for an hour or 2, eat, go to a meeting. By the time i got home i was way too tired to even think of a beer. I would do that every weekday and on weekends it would be just work, then skate, then another late meeting. Just gotta keep yourself busy in the beginning. After i got the 30 days i was too stubborn to waste it that and now im a little over a year sober
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: stabbedbywiggers on January 07, 2017, 07:29:58 PM
Back in my drinkin days I smashed a glass lobster display and threw one of those motherfuckers hard as fuck against a wall.
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: Nanda Zinger on January 07, 2017, 07:41:28 PM
^ I went to rehab at 19 but like Eric ricks said, i was a kid and didn't take that shit seriously at the time. I was an out patient so i would be drinking on the days that i didn't have rehab. Guess when i got officially sober at the end of 2015 i decided to give AA another chance (i went to one meeting with my uncle because he pressured me into it). I got into the routine then by school at 8am, work right after, skate for an hour or 2, eat, go to a meeting. By the time i got home i was way too tired to even think of a beer. I would do that every weekday and on weekends it would be just work, then skate, then another late meeting. Just gotta keep yourself busy in the beginning. After i got the 30 days i was too stubborn to waste it that and now im a little over a year sober
Thats rad its worked for you that well. I accidentally deleted my post because i thought my comment didnt show up. And as far as AA sometimes the stories are interesting and hit home, that i cant front about. And i all to well know that "once your an alcoholic your always one" mantra, but for real, once i switched from steel reserve to light beers, my life is actually "manageable". I have a rad gf (shes sober), a good full time job, skate, play basketball etc. That being said, when i randomly drink something hard (say a party or new years type shit)  i fall back into that same pit of lifelesness n agony. Slippery slope no doubt
Edit: very frowned upon in the recovery realm, but weed has helped me out a lot also
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: tobey on January 07, 2017, 08:01:59 PM
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^ I went to rehab at 19 but like Eric ricks said, i was a kid and didn't take that shit seriously at the time. I was an out patient so i would be drinking on the days that i didn't have rehab. Guess when i got officially sober at the end of 2015 i decided to give AA another chance (i went to one meeting with my uncle because he pressured me into it). I got into the routine then by school at 8am, work right after, skate for an hour or 2, eat, go to a meeting. By the time i got home i was way too tired to even think of a beer. I would do that every weekday and on weekends it would be just work, then skate, then another late meeting. Just gotta keep yourself busy in the beginning. After i got the 30 days i was too stubborn to waste it that and now im a little over a year sober
Thats rad its worked for you that well. I accidentally deleted my post because i thought my comment didnt show up. And as far as AA sometimes the stories are interesting and hit home, that i cant front about. And i all to well know that "once your an alcoholic your always one" mantra, but for real, once i switched from steel reserve to light beers, my life is actually "manageable". I have a rad gf (shes sober), a good full time job, skate, play basketball etc. That being said, when i randomly drink something hard (say a party or new years type shit)  i fall back into that same pit of lifelesness n agony. Slippery slope no doubt
Edit: very frowned upon in the recovery realm, but weed has helped me out a lot also

My first AA meeting i went to we read this chapter out of the big book about a college kid that i related to 100%. Kept going ever since, guess it was "God" sending me a sign even though im not like the most religious dude ever. Main goal and only goal for me to not drink now is just to have my niece not have the drunk uncles that i grew up with
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: not_ericricks on January 07, 2017, 08:13:46 PM
Thats rad tobey! I used to drink alot but thats par for the course around here working in the mining industry. I still drink but usually im too busy to care. Even if I wanted to drink ill make it 3 beers deep then its bedtime. As you age id rather have a good night sleep then get drunk and suffer at work. I work 98 hours a week to so sleep and food becomes the most important thing other than my wife and kids. 3 weeks on 1 week off is a fuckind grind man! Bonus is ill retire by 40 or 45 at the latest which is fuckin awesome.

I skate with my kids on my week off mostly. Thats a busy week, date nights with the wife, going to hockey with the kids, helping with homework and shit. Oh and tryin sleep and hit the gym.

Alot of my friends use drugs and or drink heavy. Thats cool too as long as you arent an asshole. One guy I work with drinks a 40oz of vodka straight up every day and hes rad as fuck! People have their vices and for some it works, others it doesnt.

Nanda, thats all I drink is light beer. Huge dicference from regular beer or hard shit. I just want a lil buzz and hangout. Not get fucking smashed.

I wish ya all the best man! As long as your shits in order and your a good dood then that choice is yours to make. I wouldnt judge ya.

Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: not_ericricks on January 07, 2017, 08:23:16 PM
Thats good incentive tobey!

I got two teenage daughters now that are just entering that experimental age. It worries me alot but we've set good examples. Theyve went to a few parties now and werent really into it, they just called for a ride home, I was stoked on that.

Our oldest has smoked weed a few times, she tells me. We have super open relationships like that  because id rather know and help where I can, rather than her just be afraid to talk about the shit that happens in her life.

That and ive been there. Being skaters weve pretty much experienced more than the average person IMO.

Now that im older alot of that stuff really helped me be a better person/parent/husband/professional.

I can be a dink on here just fuckin around. But honestly im just jokin around. Im super chill and just happy people are skating and enjoying life. Im never actually bummed people wear highwaters and dumb shit like that lol. To me we are all skaters and when I grew up, that automatically made ya extended family. Skaters should never beef with other skaters IMO.

Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: Chavo on January 07, 2017, 11:04:07 PM
I took an intravenous hit of dilaudid while in the hospital, then took hydrocodone around the clock for about a week (for passing a kidney stone). Other than the obvious pain relief, I couldn't sense any positive side effects. At what point to you become hooked on this stuff?
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: shit_for_brains on January 08, 2017, 05:41:17 AM
I took an intravenous hit of dilaudid while in the hospital, then took hydrocodone around the clock for about a week (for passing a kidney stone). Other than the obvious pain relief, I couldn't sense any positive side effects. At what point to you become hooked on this stuff?

When there isn't pain to relieve it does other things for you.
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: iKobrakai on January 08, 2017, 06:24:56 AM
I took an intravenous hit of dilaudid while in the hospital, then took hydrocodone around the clock for about a week (for passing a kidney stone). Other than the obvious pain relief, I couldn't sense any positive side effects. At what point to you become hooked on this stuff?

For some people, an opiate high is nothing but a never-ending scratching, dizzy and overall annoying experience.

For me it was worth dying for.

I don't understand the point of this thread, Tracer. Then again, very little of your thought process makes any sence.
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: not_ericricks on January 08, 2017, 06:34:55 AM
I took an intravenous hit of dilaudid while in the hospital, then took hydrocodone around the clock for about a week (for passing a kidney stone). Other than the obvious pain relief, I couldn't sense any positive side effects. At what point to you become hooked on this stuff?

If there is no pain present, opiates create a really strong euphoric effect. Tingling sensations, hightened senses, a "heavyweight" comes over you. Generally you just feel fuckin awesome and dont give a fuck about anything, then you go to sleep lol. Or puke and itch like crazy.

I only have minimal experience with morphine and hydromorph, and it was still enjoyable even though I was in pain.

Im using percocets now for my injury and it still gets me a lil loopy. Im pretty sensitive to opiates though.

Your average opiate user wouldnt feel much if anything at all from percocets
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: iKobrakai on January 09, 2017, 12:03:18 PM
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I took an intravenous hit of dilaudid while in the hospital, then took hydrocodone around the clock for about a week (for passing a kidney stone). Other than the obvious pain relief, I couldn't sense any positive side effects. At what point to you become hooked on this stuff?

If there is no pain present, opiates create a really strong euphoric effect. Tingling sensations, hightened senses, a "heavyweight" comes over you. Generally you just feel fuckin awesome and dont give a fuck about anything, then you go to sleep lol. Or puke and itch like crazy.

I only have minimal experience with morphine and hydromorph, and it was still enjoyable even though I was in pain.

Im using percocets now for my injury and it still gets me a lil loopy. Im pretty sensitive to opiates though.

Your average opiate user wouldnt feel much if anything at all from percocets

Know tons of meth/speed freaks who hate opiates. I kind of understand them, all in all, it's a crappy drug. Not much action, just fighting the clock not to get sick. Can't belive I spent so much time, money and effort on that garbage. Here in Sweden, the average price and quality of heroin is off the charts terrible.

Anyway, I'll be back when we'll start talking recovery instead, I'm turning into a real prick just talking about drugs.
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: not_ericricks on January 09, 2017, 12:21:05 PM
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I took an intravenous hit of dilaudid while in the hospital, then took hydrocodone around the clock for about a week (for passing a kidney stone). Other than the obvious pain relief, I couldn't sense any positive side effects. At what point to you become hooked on this stuff?

If there is no pain present, opiates create a really strong euphoric effect. Tingling sensations, hightened senses, a "heavyweight" comes over you. Generally you just feel fuckin awesome and dont give a fuck about anything, then you go to sleep lol. Or puke and itch like crazy.

I only have minimal experience with morphine and hydromorph, and it was still enjoyable even though I was in pain.

Im using percocets now for my injury and it still gets me a lil loopy. Im pretty sensitive to opiates though.

Your average opiate user wouldnt feel much if anything at all from percocets

Know tons of meth/speed freaks who hate opiates. I kind of understand them, all in all, it's a crappy drug. Not much action, just fighting the clock not to get sick. Can't belive I spent so much time, money and effort on that garbage. Here in Sweden, the average price and quality of heroin is off the charts terrible.

Anyway, I'll be back when we'll start talking recovery instead, I'm turning into a real prick just talking about drugs.

Thats intersting! Can I make you stick around for one more post?

The first times I used opiates were light opiates. T3/percocet and it was very enjoyable.

Hydromorph and morphine was too but it was administerd by drs for injuries

I tried oxycontin once and all i did was puke every 15 minutes. I wondered why anyone would enjoy that.

Maybe just light opiate use is good shit?

Ive heard nothing but horror stories from stronger shit and i dont think users enjoy, its just that physiological addiction has already set in.

Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: shark tits on January 09, 2017, 12:41:14 PM
no, coming close to death w/ heroin is about the best feeling there is ergo we get hooked on it but it becomes no longer is economically viable to get to that point so you see all the negatives kobrakai posted.
people who do 'one or two percosets' or snort/smoke heroin are just scratching the surface. shooting is holistic bliss at first. obviously it is not sustainable [unless you're a bourgie motherfuckin rock star in which case you die by 27].
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: not_ericricks on January 09, 2017, 12:55:10 PM
Damn receptor downgrades eh?
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: iKobrakai on January 09, 2017, 01:22:24 PM
I'll stick around.

Drug abuse is pretty much Economics 101. The diminishing returns to scale are already covered. Supply and demand is no brainer. However, there are some things add.

1) Perfect complements vs perfect substitutes. Good X is useless without good Y vs Good X is interchangeble with Good Y.

2) Trade-offs (

3) Utility (

Different drugs satisfy different needs. For instance; I don't like speed whatsoever and having some amounts of it would yield me very little to no utility. I used opiates because I fucking hated life and being awake fucking sucked, I had no intentions of staying up for days. I would (and have in the past) trade it for less than market price for some opiates, even if there was an efficient market for the garbage.

Same thing applied to things like freedom, health and family. As those things flew further down the priority list, getting wasted (sort of) as long as possible (kind of) took more scarce resources like effort, time and money. I was not oblivious, I fucking knew what the opiates would do to me, and yet assigned a higher values to it. If there were no opiates, my choice would land on sedatives like benzos and alcohol, both preferably, or some combination of those.

Would I become addicted to meth? No. Does not work that way. Satisfies no needs, hence, useless. I don't know how to explain it, really. Maybe our Sniffie can explain.

Think of it in food terms. Some you love, some you would never eat.
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: stabbedbywiggers on January 09, 2017, 01:34:56 PM
Heres a opiate story. One time we stole hydrocodone syrup from this girls fridge, and then my friend pissed on a head of lettuce and put it back in the fridge. Im positive her family ate that lettuce, someone had to atleast take a bite of sandwich with piss lettuce on it.
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: shark tits on January 09, 2017, 01:42:34 PM
i can't explain, only corroborate.  why do black people smoke menthols? why are native americans such fun happy drunks ??? reasons might be on a molecular level or it could be cultural.
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: not_ericricks on January 09, 2017, 01:53:41 PM
i can't explain, only corroborate.  why do black people smoke menthols? why are native americans such fun happy drunks ??? reasons might be on a molecular level or it could be cultural.

Hahah that hits home for me. My wife/kids and half my familiy are indiginous.

Best sense of humour ever!

BUT, when alcohol comes into play its only fun and games for abit. In my experiences, once totally drunk they can and will fight anyone over anything.

And good luck with that. They have the stamina of professional boxers

Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: stabbedbywiggers on January 09, 2017, 02:20:26 PM
I think most addictions are due to economic and location factors. Northeast you got cheap stamps everywhere, down here its $20 a stamp, usually only like 50mg too. Pills are stupid expensive. $1 a mg. for fucking hydrocodone. Alot of people moved to fent for best bang for buck ratio.

I personally woulda never turned into a time traveling benzo person if the shit wasnt so cheap. Mcdonalds dollar menu is more expensive than godamn benzo powder.

Im sure if 40mg Opanas were $2 we would all be opiate addicts.
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: childhood on January 09, 2017, 03:33:23 PM
Newport (or the company that owned it) used to drive around poor black communities, in like  the 1950s, handing out free cartons of cigarettes
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: Tracer on January 09, 2017, 03:37:40 PM
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i can't explain, only corroborate. �why do black people smoke menthols? why are native americans such fun happy drunks ??? reasons might be on a molecular level or it could be cultural.

Hahah that hits home for me. My wife/kids and half my familiy are indiginous.

Best sense of humour ever!

BUT, when alcohol comes into play its only fun and games for abit. In my experiences, once totally drunk they can and will fight anyone over anything.

And good luck with that. They have the stamina of professional boxers

Addiction can happen to anyone. The millionaire NHL goon gets their face caved in, end up spending thousands on pain killers, only to wind up dead.
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: stabbedbywiggers on January 09, 2017, 03:57:10 PM
Newport (or the company that owned it) used to drive around poor black communities, in like  the 1950s, handing out free cartons of cigarettes
It musta been so awesome to be black in the 50's. Free newports n shit.
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: not_ericricks on January 09, 2017, 05:32:55 PM
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i can't explain, only corroborate. �why do black people smoke menthols? why are native americans such fun happy drunks ??? reasons might be on a molecular level or it could be cultural.

Hahah that hits home for me. My wife/kids and half my familiy are indiginous.

Best sense of humour ever!

BUT, when alcohol comes into play its only fun and games for abit. In my experiences, once totally drunk they can and will fight anyone over anything.

And good luck with that. They have the stamina of professional boxers

Addiction can happen to anyone. The millionaire NHL goon gets their face caved in, end up spending thousands on pain killers, only to wind up dead.

Uuuummmmm yeah?

Pretty sure we all know that.

Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: Jim and Dan on January 10, 2017, 07:00:04 AM
NarcANON is a fucking shit-show, I wouldn't go back to that place if you paid me...

Shout out to my mate shark tits, clean-beans & four wheels save lives (not weed)...
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: stabbedbywiggers on January 10, 2017, 10:48:14 AM
Ever been in the middle of a 2 month air duster binge? Shits off the chain.
Intervention: Matthew is 'Demon Possessed' (Season 14, Episode 9) | A&E (
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: weedpop on January 10, 2017, 03:28:02 PM
Title: Re: When did SLAP turn into a Narconon Rehab. center?
Post by: Tracer on January 10, 2017, 03:47:36 PM
NarcANON is a fucking shit-show, I wouldn't go back to that place if you paid me...

Shout out to my mate shark tits, clean-beans & four wheels save lives (not weed)...
Oh please do go on...