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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: cold budweisers on February 18, 2007, 01:27:55 PM

Title: dxm
Post by: cold budweisers on February 18, 2007, 01:27:55 PM
what do you think dudes?
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: 1987 on February 18, 2007, 02:08:59 PM
robotripping?  Ugh.  I unfortunately have experienced this.
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: evan_7 on February 18, 2007, 02:24:42 PM
did it once, but never again.  the fact that it makes you feel like a true junkie aside, its a nasty trip.
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: somekid on February 18, 2007, 02:33:40 PM
the part where it makes you super dehydrated, and you scratch till you bleed is rad, though.
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: cold budweisers on February 18, 2007, 04:16:24 PM
i dunno
i've only done it twice
one time it was sort of fun, i barely remember it though
the other time i felt like i was going to die so i just lied on the ground and played nba street
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: urujuay on February 18, 2007, 05:03:23 PM
maybe if someone had pure dxm, but i've only seen that a couple of times.  it's not worth putting all of that horrible shit in your body when you can trip better off of something natural instead.
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: lophatrophazoa on February 18, 2007, 05:05:04 PM
we talking about dmx? ride or dye guys
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: CUDDLEMONSTER on February 18, 2007, 06:21:02 PM
maybe if someone had pure dxm, but i've only seen that a couple of times.  it's not worth putting all of that horrible shit in your body when you can trip better off of something natural instead.

you can get pretty pure dxm easilly. take the tussin and tie a string around the end. spin it around like a ferris wheel. this acts like a centrifuge and you'll get this clear liquid that forms at the top. skim it off and drink.
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: cold budweisers on February 18, 2007, 06:50:05 PM
ive never heard that shit before
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: CUDDLEMONSTER on February 18, 2007, 07:01:52 PM
ive never heard that shit before

honestly i've never done dxm, so i'm not sure if it's even true but it makes sense and i've heard it before.
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: 1987 on February 18, 2007, 07:12:37 PM
I took the pure form with a ball of hash in a gel cap that my pharmaceutical major friend in college called UFOS.  I was pretty incapacitated for at least 3 hours with my head buried in a couch at a party like a fucking ostrich.
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: cold budweisers on February 18, 2007, 07:27:33 PM
that sounds awful
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: Mackattack on February 18, 2007, 08:45:39 PM
ive done it once
it was kinda ok but i wouldnt say worth it
especially after being around other people who did it who puked and farted and shit all day
it can turn anyone the biggest tough guy into  a little baby in need of care
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: skatemore,man on February 18, 2007, 09:31:13 PM
that shits garbage. in high school my buddy frankie extracted dxm from robotussin and we drank up.I ended up passing out in my van after smoking some herb. woke up highly irritable and felt like shit. if i'm wanting to feel like that i'd rather snort a few klonapin cut with a barbituate , ughh.
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: tonycoxhox on February 18, 2007, 09:55:09 PM
I've taken dxm pills with my friend but they didn't do anything to us.

There's a list of the pure dxm medicines. Unfortunately, they sell none of those here.
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: halfjapanese on February 19, 2007, 03:53:09 PM
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: cold budweisers on February 19, 2007, 09:04:10 PM
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: Guile on February 19, 2007, 09:08:09 PM
ive never even heard of dxm. i cant believe i googled that shit.
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: cold budweisers on February 19, 2007, 09:09:55 PM
how have you never heard of dxm?
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: Guile on February 19, 2007, 09:10:38 PM
ive never danced nor been near a glowstick.
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: bentmode on February 19, 2007, 09:10:57 PM
same same. first time here.
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: dude56 on February 19, 2007, 11:15:33 PM
done it once, worst feeling ever. My trip seemed like it was in b&w and I felt like I was gonna die. Emo much?
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: Mackattack on February 19, 2007, 11:33:21 PM
ive never danced nor been near a glowstick.

not really raver material
more like a white trash pastime
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: cold budweisers on February 19, 2007, 11:45:04 PM
yes, it is a very essential part of the white trash experience
also i dont know if anybody really has a 'good time' on it
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: FuckNameLock on February 20, 2007, 12:36:22 AM
whats the fuckin point then like really
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: Mackattack on February 20, 2007, 09:00:17 AM
no point at all... whatsoever
its pretty much an A-hole thing to do
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: the ragamuffin on February 20, 2007, 03:14:06 PM
i used to do it... regretebly, and it was fun, just stupid. A couple times I did itch really bad, which makes me cringe when i think of the long term side effects (which, i can't say i've really noticed any). The trip is almost purely a body high, you feel like your floating when you walk, and super relaxed when you sit. The best thing to do on it is jump on a trampoline, I swear it's like flying. One time though, the last time, I took a lot and really started tripping, like kind of seeing shit. All I could do was lie there on the floor and watch replays of a Burnout race over and over. Man, I was dumb. Whatever, it really can't hurt to do it like once or twice.
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: 1987 on February 20, 2007, 07:52:40 PM
Once was enough for me.  I had a friend who was a habitual robotripper.  Got caught at a Kroger drinking a bottle of robo in the aisle.
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: bentmode on February 20, 2007, 08:08:41 PM
so its just drinking a shit load of cough syrub. weak. sippin on the sizzurp.
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: Guile on February 20, 2007, 09:11:55 PM
Once was enough for me.  I had a friend who was a habitual robotripper.  Got caught at a Kroger drinking a bottle of robo in the aisle.

someone please explain what a robotripper is. bonus points for "bottle of robo" and a good robocop quote. (other than "ill buy that for a dollar!")
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: CUDDLEMONSTER on February 20, 2007, 09:17:17 PM
Expand Quote
Once was enough for me.  I had a friend who was a habitual robotripper.  Got caught at a Kroger drinking a bottle of robo in the aisle.

someone please explain what a robotripper is. bonus points for "bottle of robo" and a good robocop quote. (other than "ill buy that for a dollar!")

someone who drinks robotussin (or "slurpin on dat tussin") in order to consume the dxm in said cough syrup. once ingested said robotripper gets their "lean on."

for the bonus points: "Sayonara Robocop!"
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: Guile on February 20, 2007, 11:54:37 PM
you win, as reward, i will post a shitty montreal video.
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: golgo13 on February 21, 2007, 12:02:28 AM
fuck i know im getting old when people start talking about drugs ive never heard about.
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: stagefright on February 21, 2007, 12:44:12 AM
how has anyone not heard of robotrippin. southpark did an episode a couple of years ago, its been in probably ever major news magazine and isnt underground at all anymore.
Title: Re: dxm
Post by: Rocuronium on February 21, 2007, 06:13:55 PM
I used to do it in highschool when we couldn't score booze and it was a blast. Gotta take benadryl to keep from itching, or drink it very very slowly, over an hour