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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: jomeara1 on April 22, 2018, 11:25:51 AM

Title: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: jomeara1 on April 22, 2018, 11:25:51 AM
What are some movies/shows that a lot of people love that you just can’t get into and why? Here’s my list:


Inception- Once I figured out what was going on in the movie was when I realized how stupid the plot was

Hacksaw Ridge- corny, cliche after cliche after cliche with ridiculous, over the top war scenes that was so bad it was comical.

300- every scene was just bad CGI in slow motion.

Donnie Darko- I tried to like it, but I just don’t. There is not one character that I like in that movie.


Dexter- Another show that doesn’t have one character that I like. The ending was god awful too.

Stranger things- I never understood the praise. Just seems like any other generic show with suspense in it.

Sons of Anarchy- the whole tough guy biker thing is just too cheesy for me.

Weeds- started off good, but then went completely downhill after season 4ish.

Orange is the new black- nothing interesting or exciting ever happens.

The walking dead- I liked seasons 1-3, but by the time they got to Alexandria it became the same old shit over and over again.  Everything seems so predictable now.

Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: Mystical Leader on April 22, 2018, 12:02:46 PM
Game of thrones
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: oyolar on April 22, 2018, 01:30:26 PM
Black Mirror is pretty overrated in my mind. I've only watched a few episodes but I don't feel compelled to watch any more. Even the first episode with the pig sex isn't deep once you get past the shock value. I think they have really interesting worlds that they build up but the social commentary aspect is just so heavy handed (which I know is the point) without any actual foundation underneath to help prop it up or flesh out the details in an interesting manner.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: SodaJerk on April 22, 2018, 01:41:11 PM
Bable and 21 Grams. I think they're from the same director and people seemed to love them when they came out but I thought they were absolute dog shit.

I disagree with the notion that the end of Dexter sucked. If you didn't like any characters why did you watch it to the end? It was like 8 seasons.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: jomeara1 on April 22, 2018, 04:23:28 PM
Bable and 21 Grams. I think they're from the same director and people seemed to love them when they came out but I thought they were absolute dog shit.

I disagree with the notion that the end of Dexter sucked. If you didn't like any characters why did you watch it to the end? It was like 8 seasons.

I wasn’t a fan of Babel either. The trailer looked cooler than it really was.

My ex girlfriend loved Dexter and made me watch every season with her at the time. I thought the ending was disappointing. Just my opinion.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: shit_for_brains on April 22, 2018, 05:08:10 PM
Game of thrones

Fuck you
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: Gray Imp Sausage Metal on April 22, 2018, 05:21:08 PM
Game of thrones
never seen an single episode
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: jomeara1 on April 22, 2018, 06:17:55 PM
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Game of thrones
never seen an single episode

I’ve actually never seen it either but I would like to. I don’t have HBO but I have a free trial of it right now so I want to try to watch a few before the trial runs out.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: Mystical Leader on April 23, 2018, 12:51:16 AM
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Game of thrones

Fuck you

I have never liked that medieval world and it annoys the shit out of me that all they do is meaningful banter it makes it feel fake and boring. Would like to see them do more normal shit and I also think it's not that epic as people make it seem. And it took way too long for the ice people and the dragons to come. Pros are that there are some nice titties in it if you are into that kind of stuff.

I'll throw another one under the bus: Lord of the Rings, all of them
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: SodaJerk on April 23, 2018, 02:08:47 AM
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Game of thrones

Fuck you

I have never liked that medieval world and it annoys the shit out of me that all they do is meaningful banter it makes it feel fake and boring. Would like to see them do more normal shit and I also think it's not that epic as people make it seem. And it took way too long for the ice people and the dragons to come. Pros are that there are some nice titties in it if you are into that kind of stuff.

I'll throw another one under the bus: Lord of the Rings, all of them
Agreed, Lord of The Rings were terrible, all of them.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: jomeara1 on April 23, 2018, 02:28:34 AM
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Game of thrones

Fuck you

I have never liked that medieval world and it annoys the shit out of me that all they do is meaningful banter it makes it feel fake and boring. Would like to see them do more normal shit and I also think it's not that epic as people make it seem. And it took way too long for the ice people and the dragons to come. Pros are that there are some nice titties in it if you are into that kind of stuff.

I'll throw another one under the bus: Lord of the Rings, all of them
Agreed, Lord of The Rings were terrible, all of them.

Never watched any of them and don’t plan on it any time soon. 
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: shit_for_brains on April 23, 2018, 05:11:42 AM
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Game of thrones

Fuck you

I have never liked that medieval world and it annoys the shit out of me that all they do is meaningful banter it makes it feel fake and boring. Would like to see them do more normal shit and I also think it's not that epic as people make it seem. And it took way too long for the ice people and the dragons to come. Pros are that there are some nice titties in it if you are into that kind of stuff.

I'll throw another one under the bus: Lord of the Rings, all of them

I have nothing to say to you ever again
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: Dirtymac on April 23, 2018, 06:16:26 AM
I'm sure I'll catch shit for this but I didn't care for the Sopranos. Didn't even make it through 1 season. Just wasn't what I'd built it up in my head to be. Maybe I'll  try again one day but so much new good stuff coming out on the regular that I doubt it.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: JB on April 23, 2018, 06:20:34 AM
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Game of thrones

Fuck you

I have never liked that medieval world and it annoys the shit out of me that all they do is meaningful banter it makes it feel fake and boring. Would like to see them do more normal shit and I also think it's not that epic as people make it seem. And it took way too long for the ice people and the dragons to come. Pros are that there are some nice titties in it if you are into that kind of stuff.

I'll throw another one under the bus: Lord of the Rings, all of them

i agree 100%. all that kings and queens and castles shit has never been entertaining to me.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: jomeara1 on April 23, 2018, 06:22:26 AM
I'm sure I'll catch shit for this but I didn't care for the Sopranos. Didn't even make it through 1 season. Just wasn't what I'd built it up in my head to be. Maybe I'll  try again one day but so much new good stuff coming out on the regular that I doubt it.

I really liked the Sopranos but I can see why some people wouldn’t like it.

Back to Lord of the Rings- It’s not the story or plot that is keeping me from watching it, I just don’t have the patience to watch 3.5-4 hour long movies.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: Dirtymac on April 23, 2018, 06:25:51 AM
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I'm sure I'll catch shit for this but I didn't care for the Sopranos. Didn't even make it through 1 season. Just wasn't what I'd built it up in my head to be. Maybe I'll  try again one day but so much new good stuff coming out on the regular that I doubt it.

I really liked the Sopranos but I can see why some people wouldn’t like it.

Back to Lord of the Rings- It’s not the story or plot that is keeping me from watching it, I just don’t have the patience to watch 3.5-4 hour long movies.
With Lord of the Rings, Froto acted like such a pussy so much that I just couldn't stand it. Nothing worse than a whiny protagonist...
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: shark tits on April 23, 2018, 06:47:40 AM
agreed on lord of the rings
also star wars
scarface is 3 plus hours of boring w/ a few bits of violence and a quotable white dude in brown face.
blow w/ johnny depp
twin peaks 'fire walk w/ meeeee'. fuckin tidbits of shtoops
dogtown and z-boys.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: SOTY on April 23, 2018, 07:28:06 AM
No work of "art" is more overrated than Forrest fucking Gimp.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: jomeara1 on April 23, 2018, 08:17:09 AM
agreed on lord of the rings
also star wars
scarface is 3 plus hours of boring w/ a few bits of violence and a quotable white dude in brown face.
blow w/ johnny depp
twin peaks 'fire walk w/ meeeee'. fuckin tidbits of shtoops
dogtown and z-boys.

I hate theatrical skate related movies. 
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: Monkey_Mcpott on April 23, 2018, 08:26:31 AM
Sons of Anarchy started strong and ended Horribly. Same thing goes with How I Met Your Mother.

I've offended people when I've said Mike Epps is not funny and his stand up specials are not that good.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: Bobby Peru on April 23, 2018, 09:29:07 AM
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Game of thrones

Fuck you

I have never liked that medieval world and it annoys the shit out of me that all they do is meaningful banter it makes it feel fake and boring. Would like to see them do more normal shit and I also think it's not that epic as people make it seem. And it took way too long for the ice people and the dragons to come. Pros are that there are some nice titties in it if you are into that kind of stuff.

I'll throw another one under the bus: Lord of the Rings, all of them

I have nothing to say to you ever again

Same. Except "fuck you."
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: oyolar on April 23, 2018, 09:32:20 AM
agreed on lord of the rings
also star wars
scarface is 3 plus hours of boring w/ a few bits of violence and a quotable white dude in brown face.
blow w/ johnny depp
twin peaks 'fire walk w/ meeeee'. fuckin tidbits of shtoops
dogtown and z-boys.

Nah man. Fire Walk With Me is great when you realize it is a character study of Laura Palmer versus the season 3 of the show that everyone wanted it to be when it was released.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: Hevonen on April 23, 2018, 09:39:54 AM
Twin Peaks - First couple episodes got me thinking maybe it's gonna be good, then there's like 20 filler episodes with the plot moving nowhere and ending was meh. All my friends who praise it are those ''being weird for the sake of being weird'' type girls

Inception - Liked it at first but then the plot just started feeling stupid and who's dreams are that fucking boring?

Ironman - Whole concept sucks and hate that dudes face

Memento - Didn't work as well on the second viewing
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: augustmoon on April 23, 2018, 09:47:53 AM
this thread makes me sad
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: iKobrakai on April 24, 2018, 10:56:16 AM

Probably a good franchise. Only problem: I fucking hate fantasy. Too gay and any attempts at epic end up in total cringe for me. I just cannot stomach it. Having said that, it might be good. I'm more into science fiction so I don't know shit.

Don't worry, I'll thrash sci-fi now:

The Matrix.

Started off good but had to include tons of gay shit with Trinity. Booring... Just give misery, robots, death and that green filter.

Inception/That space shit with Clooney and Bulloc/That black hole shit with Matthew McFuckface

One view only.

Pretty much any time travel shit ever.

Yeah, this concept does not work.  12 monkey was pretty good, though. Creepy as fuck to this day.

Gummo/Ken park/Kids/ All the "shocking"/graphic films.

Once you go for a second view, there is nothing there. Nothing.

Breaking Bad

Junkies and speed freaks don't like each other. It's probably good, though.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: fulltechnicalskizzy on April 24, 2018, 04:20:01 PM
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: straight on April 24, 2018, 05:08:08 PM
this thread makes me sad
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: jomeara1 on April 24, 2018, 06:20:39 PM

Probably a good franchise. Only problem: I fucking hate fantasy. Too gay and any attempts at epic end up in total cringe for me. I just cannot stomach it. Having said that, it might be good. I'm more into science fiction so I don't know shit.

Don't worry, I'll thrash sci-fi now:

The Matrix.

Started off good but had to include tons of gay shit with Trinity. Booring... Just give misery, robots, death and that green filter.

Inception/That space shit with Clooney and Bulloc/That black hole shit with Matthew McFuckface

One view only.

Pretty much any time travel shit ever.

Yeah, this concept does not work.  12 monkey was pretty good, though. Creepy as fuck to this day.

Gummo/Ken park/Kids/ All the "shocking"/graphic films.

Once you go for a second view, there is nothing there. Nothing.

Breaking Bad

Junkies and speed freaks don't like each other. It's probably good, though.

Breaking bad is pretty damn good.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: Garth Marenghi on April 25, 2018, 01:06:45 AM
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: lampshade on April 25, 2018, 04:50:03 AM
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I'm sure I'll catch shit for this but I didn't care for the Sopranos. Didn't even make it through 1 season. Just wasn't what I'd built it up in my head to be. Maybe I'll  try again one day but so much new good stuff coming out on the regular that I doubt it.

I really liked the Sopranos but I can see why some people wouldn’t like it.

Back to Lord of the Rings- It’s not the story or plot that is keeping me from watching it, I just don’t have the patience to watch 3.5-4 hour long movies.

I liked Sopranos, but I felt that it just went on too long because it was popular and making money. The last few seasons were basically unwatchable and had no plot. 

Any time a TV show or movie start selling logo tee-shirts or other merchandise it's a huge downturn.   
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: lamfordie on April 25, 2018, 10:37:18 AM
Any movie by Tim Burton
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: Joe Davola on April 26, 2018, 05:40:35 PM
Undercover Boss
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: Hmmmm Nice Bike on April 27, 2018, 08:21:16 AM
super hero movies.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: Cockaigne on April 28, 2018, 02:46:49 PM
Whatsup with people saying there is anything worthwile to shawshank redemption? On imdb it's the highest rated movie while i can't imagine jail being like that from seeing all the docs from the tv. It basically seems like kindergarten with a few bully guards. It's a complete cornball fairytale to me.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: jomeara1 on April 28, 2018, 03:27:54 PM
Whatsup with people saying there is anything worthwile to shawshank redemption? On imdb it's the highest rated movie while i can't imagine jail being like that from seeing all the docs from the tv. It basically seems like kindergarten with a few bully guards. It's a complete cornball fairytale to me.

I like that movie but I agree with you about the way they make prison look. I once thought maybe back then it wasn’t as bad as it is today? In reality though, prison is brutal no matter what.

It’s also just the way Hollywood is with certain movies too. They probably wanted to set a certain tone to it so it’s not too dark and not too light for the audience.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: bawtawd9 on April 28, 2018, 03:32:13 PM
Shawshank is good, theres hardly any filler in the story and it goes at a solid pace like a interesting book. A realistic movie about prison would be boring as fuck. Its not as exiting and badass as those lookup shows make it look like.

I don't like realistic CGI, my eyes just can't get down with it.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: jomeara1 on April 28, 2018, 03:35:18 PM
Some CGI is just ridiculous. Carrie Fischer in Rogue One comes to mind and it looked comically bad.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: bawtawd9 on April 28, 2018, 03:39:44 PM
Some CGI is just ridiculous. Carrie Fischer in Rogue One comes to mind and it looked comically bad.
Dude that shit pissed me off cause I was enjoying it until they pulled that shit, right at the fucking end too.

I think Bronson captures the feeling of depressing prison shit the best imo, but I still didn't like it that much.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: cancelled on April 28, 2018, 04:36:51 PM
Oz was a very entertaining prison show, even if it was pretty over the top towards the end.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: Cockaigne on April 29, 2018, 08:21:03 AM
Shawshank is good, theres hardly any filler in the story and it goes at a solid pace like a interesting book. A realistic movie about prison would be boring as fuck. Its not as exiting and badass as those lookup shows make it look like.

I don't like realistic CGI, my eyes just can't get down with it.

Shawshank is well made, i'm not arguing that. But so is phil collins music. All I remember from the movie is a bunch of guys hanging out in the courtyard sun, and morgan godman philosophizin. These guys have a better life than me! I can't have that. And the values it serves: 'sometimes an innocent is punished', 'sometimes bad guys do good things' and the all time favorite 'sometimes good guys are bad''s just tiring.

Agreed on the realistic cgi. John K. (from Ren & Stimpy) said it right: if you can make anything with animation... why would you make it realistic??
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: RCB3 on April 29, 2018, 04:27:29 PM
Black Mirror is pretty overrated in my mind. I've only watched a few episodes but I don't feel compelled to watch any more. Even the first episode with the pig sex isn't deep once you get past the shock value. I think they have really interesting worlds that they build up but the social commentary aspect is just so heavy handed (which I know is the point) without any actual foundation underneath to help prop it up or flesh out the details in an interesting manner.

Although I think there's some straight up blasphemy going on in this thread which I won't start useless debates over, I feel you on this. Maybe because it was overly hyped, but I just watched the first season last week and wasn't too impressed. I thought they were interesting, but that first episode had too many things that annoyed me.

Before I dive into any more seasons, is there anyone who feels similar, but suggests the later seasons improve down the line?
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: igrindtwinkies on April 29, 2018, 05:33:37 PM
Sons of Anarchy.  Too fucking cheesy.  Dudes getting merked left and right with no police intervention whatsoever.  TV doesn't have to be realistic, but that shit is too over the top.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: brycickle on April 29, 2018, 06:10:41 PM
Whatsup with people saying there is anything worthwile to shawshank redemption? On imdb it's the highest rated movie while i can't imagine jail being like that from seeing all the docs from the tv. It basically seems like kindergarten with a few bully guards. It's a complete cornball fairytale to me.
Yeah, that gang rape scene was fucking soft.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on April 29, 2018, 07:39:33 PM
Fuck that show with Sheldon as a character.  Utterly disgusted by this unique brand of humor after the 1st 3mins of it that I saw and have hated it passionately since ( sometimes people watch it who I know.)
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on April 29, 2018, 07:46:14 PM
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Whatsup with people saying there is anything worthwile to shawshank redemption? On imdb it's the highest rated movie while i can't imagine jail being like that from seeing all the docs from the tv. It basically seems like kindergarten with a few bully guards. It's a complete cornball fairytale to me.
Yeah, that gang rape scene was fucking soft.
     That tim dude jumped the fuckin shark with this movie.  They should have ended the movie the way they did with Tim on a beach but get him to have a flash back to the ass rape scene for seconds and back again to the beach with errie music then fade to black.       
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: SodaJerk on April 30, 2018, 01:21:05 AM
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Black Mirror is pretty overrated in my mind. I've only watched a few episodes but I don't feel compelled to watch any more. Even the first episode with the pig sex isn't deep once you get past the shock value. I think they have really interesting worlds that they build up but the social commentary aspect is just so heavy handed (which I know is the point) without any actual foundation underneath to help prop it up or flesh out the details in an interesting manner.

Although I think there's some straight up blasphemy going on in this thread which I won't start useless debates over, I feel you on this. Maybe because it was overly hyped, but I just watched the first season last week and wasn't too impressed. I thought they were interesting, but that first episode had too many things that annoyed me.

Before I dive into any more seasons, is there anyone who feels similar, but suggests the later seasons improve down the line?

Black Mirror boarders on being good but is wildly overrated. The concepts are great but the scripting, casting, and often acting really let it down. It's ok to watch but I'm not jonesing for every new episode.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: ChuckRamone on April 30, 2018, 06:28:38 AM
Fuck that show with Sheldon as a character.  Utterly disgusted by this unique brand of humor after the 1st 3mins of it that I saw and have hated it passionately since ( sometimes people watch it who I know.)

I prefer cheesy/corny sitcoms like the Big Bang Theory to the ones that try to be all clever and edgy like How I Met Your Mother. Has anyone watched LA to Vegas? It’s pretty funny but a lot of reviewers hate it.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: shark tits on April 30, 2018, 06:43:44 AM
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Fuck that show with Sheldon as a character.  Utterly disgusted by this unique brand of humor after the 1st 3mins of it that I saw and have hated it passionately since ( sometimes people watch it who I know.)

I prefer cheesy/corny sitcoms like the Big Bang Theory to the ones that try to be all clever and edgy like How I Met Your Mother. Has anyone watched LA to Vegas? It’s pretty funny but a lot of reviewers hate it.
mayam bialik is a zionist shill. fuck her and that corny show.
black mirror is the dope show. maybe it was overhyped to yuz but i feel like it's being contrarian. 'oh i watched one episode so now i'm qualified to say it sucks'.
i've been rewatching OZ and it's not as bad ass as i remember.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: Surf-goth on May 03, 2018, 05:39:22 PM
Love this thread. Fuck all marvel movies fuck game of thrones fuck dexter fuck orange is the new black fuck weeds fuck sons of anarchy fuck harry potter fuck anything zombies ferris bueller's day off fuck grays anatomy. As a bonus fuck anti hero
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: jomeara1 on May 04, 2018, 04:50:25 AM
Love this thread. Fuck all marvel movies fuck game of thrones fuck dexter fuck orange is the new black fuck weeds fuck sons of anarchy fuck harry potter fuck anything zombies ferris bueller's day off fuck grays anatomy. As a bonus fuck anti hero

I like John Hughes movies.

But yeah, fuck Marvel movies.  I forgot to add that to my list.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: Mooley on May 04, 2018, 12:36:10 PM
Westworld sucks ass
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: Bobby Peru on May 04, 2018, 12:58:28 PM
Any time a TV show or movie start selling logo tee-shirts or other merchandise it's a huge downturn.   

A while back at the bar I saw a dude wearing a Walking Dead hat and a tee with a weird graphic of a tattooed Walter White. I was disappointed to see no Mad Men insignia on his gym shorts.

This thread's kind of a bummer but I just wanted to chime in that I watched Boondock Saints from beginning to end for the first time and got confirmation that it's not good. I'd seen it in parts before and assumed that I was missing important plot details but nah it's just shitty.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: coyote2425 on May 04, 2018, 02:24:06 PM
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Any time a TV show or movie start selling logo tee-shirts or other merchandise it's a huge downturn.   

A while back at the bar I saw a dude wearing a Walking Dead hat and a tee with a weird graphic of a tattooed Walter White. I was disappointed to see no Mad Men insignia on his gym shorts.

This thread's kind of a bummer but I just wanted to chime in that I watched Boondock Saints from beginning to end for the first time and got confirmation that it's not good. I'd seen it in parts before and assumed that I was missing important plot details but nah it's just shitty.

Don't watch the second one haha
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: Glue Reed on May 04, 2018, 02:29:52 PM
The Big Lebowski.

It's actually not that bad of a movie, but nowhere near worth the over-hype it constantly gets. 

Not even close to being the best Cohen brothers movie, not even in the top 5.

Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: jomeara1 on May 04, 2018, 03:14:38 PM
The Big Lebowski.

It's actually not that bad of a movie, but nowhere near worth the over-hype it constantly gets. 

Not even close to being the best Cohen brothers movie, not even in the top 5.

Agree. I never understood why people claim it to be the funniest movie they have ever seen. It’s a solid movie that is fun to watch but that’s as far as I’ll go with it. There are plenty of other movies that i think are way funnier.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: brycickle on May 04, 2018, 03:58:18 PM
The Big Lebowski.

It's actually not that bad of a movie, but nowhere near worth the over-hype it constantly gets. 

Not even close to being the best Cohen brothers movie, not even in the top 5.
It's my favorite movie of all time, but "Miller's Crossing" is my favorite Coen brothers movie.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: BallDontLie on May 04, 2018, 04:21:40 PM
Miller’s Crossing is fucking amazing. The dialogue, story, editing etc. I think No Country For Old Men in a close 2nd for their best...

American Beauty is a pretty great film, but that floating bag scene is so annoying and pretentious.

Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: jomeara1 on May 04, 2018, 05:26:14 PM
No Country is definitely my favorite from them. Fargo is good too, Raising Arizona, O Brother Where Art Thou?, I think they were even involved with Bad Santa too.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: Glue Reed on May 04, 2018, 06:03:54 PM
Millers Crossing was great.  Blood Simple, No Country, Raising Arizona, Fargo are all great...

Barton Fink is by far my personal favorite of theirs.  Possibly my favorite movie
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: BallDontLie on May 04, 2018, 06:33:30 PM
I think Miller’s crossing took them forever to write. They had bouts of writers block writing it, then wrote Barton Fink from their experience. Which box office wise hit bigger than Miller’s crossing with a far less budget. Something like that.

Edit: both films great in their own right. To me the coen’s weakest film is A Serious Man.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: Lenny the Fatface on May 04, 2018, 07:07:41 PM

Westworld - I like the show, but its more into mindfucking the internet than doing great storytelling.

Girls - a weird fantasy where people who aren't effeminate nerds or country ass black dudes are sexually attracted to fat white girls.

American Horror Story - Conceptually strong but most seasons fall apart.

Walking Dead - They didnt deviate from the comics enough post Govenor. I liked how the show took the xmen approach to storytelling though (take a huge cast, pick 3 or 4 random characters put them in a situation and have their different personalities drive the narrative of that episode)

Pokemon - series is just variations of the same 5 types of episodes.


Cinderella - If the glass slipper was a perfect fit then how the fuck did it fall off?

The Avengers - When people say they like this movie they are really talking about the last 30 minutes, which is incredible...but the buildup is a snore.

Jurassic World - Boring and kind of a nostalgia cash in.

American Sniper - Military indoctrination garbage, and I like most war movies even Pearl Harbor lol

Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: oyolar on May 04, 2018, 07:20:53 PM
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Fuck that show with Sheldon as a character.  Utterly disgusted by this unique brand of humor after the 1st 3mins of it that I saw and have hated it passionately since ( sometimes people watch it who I know.)

I prefer cheesy/corny sitcoms like the Big Bang Theory to the ones that try to be all clever and edgy like How I Met Your Mother. Has anyone watched LA to Vegas? It’s pretty funny but a lot of reviewers hate it.
mayam bialik is a zionist shill. fuck her and that corny show.
black mirror is the dope show. maybe it was overhyped to yuz but i feel like it's being contrarian. 'oh i watched one episode so now i'm qualified to say it sucks'.
i've been rewatching OZ and it's not as bad ass as i remember.

Yeah, fuck Mayim Bialik.  She donated money to buy body armor for the IDF as they slaughtered Palestinians. And she has a weird relationship with the anit-vaxx movement so there's no way anyone can in good conscience be cool with her in my opinion.

Regarding Black Mirror, I came to that conclusion after watching several episodes (not one) and reaching out to friends who were telling me to watch the show as well as Googling some people's interpretations of the series to only find every single person an site giving me a list of 'good' episodes to watch and 'bad' episodes to avoid.  I'm sorry but if all I hear about a series is how insightful and revolutionary it is AS A WHOLE and then I see that that's couched in a list of 5-10 'good' episodes that live up to that standard then that's a shitty show.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: shit_for_brains on May 04, 2018, 07:43:30 PM
Black Mirror sucks. They start with an interesting premise and then quickly go for the easiest route that will make stupid people feel smart. Whoa we DO look at our phones a lot you're right Black Mirror. It gets compared to The Twilight Zone a lot which is grossly unfair to The Twilight Zone because Rod Serling was brilliant.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: jomeara1 on May 04, 2018, 09:15:32 PM
Black Mirror sucks. They start with an interesting premise and then quickly go for the easiest route that will make stupid people feel smart. Whoa we DO look at our phones a lot you're right Black Mirror. It gets compared to The Twilight Zone a lot which is grossly unfair to The Twilight Zone because Rod Serling was brilliant.

Yeah I thought the first episode was kinda cool with the Star Trek theme and the dude that played as Todd from Breaking Bad or whatever but everything else I’ve seen after that was kinda stupid and boring. The twilight zone was 10 times better than that shit.

EDIT: Nvm it was actually season 4 I think that I watched.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: SodaJerk on May 04, 2018, 11:29:19 PM
The Big Lebowski.

It's actually not that bad of a movie, but nowhere near worth the over-hype it constantly gets. 

Not even close to being the best Cohen brothers movie, not even in the top 5.

This thread is turning into a shit show. Big Lebowski may not be the "best" Cohen brothers film and some people claim it their favourite film when you don't but don't ever claim that counts it as "overrated". The entire world would have to tell you watching it cures cancer and makes you live forever before you could say that film is overrated. But…(
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: Madam, I'm Adam on May 05, 2018, 03:54:08 AM
I always thought Old School was a tremendously overrated movie. It wasn't funny. Then everyone was quoting that stupid "You're my boy, Blue!" line, it was even in a Chocolate ad with Scott Johnston.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: RCB3 on May 07, 2018, 03:09:50 PM
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The Big Lebowski.

It's actually not that bad of a movie, but nowhere near worth the over-hype it constantly gets. 

Not even close to being the best Cohen brothers movie, not even in the top 5.

This thread is turning into a shit show. Big Lebowski may not be the "best" Cohen brothers film and some people claim it their favourite film when you don't but don't ever claim that counts it as "overrated". The entire world would have to tell you watching it cures cancer and makes you live forever before you could say that film is overrated. But…(

Seriously. Big Lebowski has more golden quotable lines than any movie I can think of and is perfectly cast. It's definitely in my top ten movies of all time.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: walmart420 on May 07, 2018, 03:31:56 PM
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: RCB3 on May 07, 2018, 04:05:22 PM
I always thought Old School was a tremendously overrated movie. It wasn't funny. Then everyone was quoting that stupid "You're my boy, Blue!" line, it was even in a Chocolate ad with Scott Johnston.

I feel the same about the Ricki Bobbi movie. People seem to love it and quote it all the time, but I never got the hype. Give me old school SNL Will Farrell and I'm stoked.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: jomeara1 on May 07, 2018, 04:50:06 PM
Anchorman and Talledega nights are those type of movies that I didn’t like at first but warmed up to overtime. Same thing with just Will Farrell in general. I thought he was kind of annoying when he started blowing up, but has eventually won me over. 
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: AitchBeeGayBuh on May 07, 2018, 05:03:53 PM
His old SNL sketches crack me up to this day but in many of his movies his acting style is like a person who just can't act.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: Willie on May 07, 2018, 05:34:32 PM
I get weirded out when someone posts something like "Gonna crack some brews and watch Talladega Nights/Walk Hard". Those movies elicited little more than chuckles (did laugh at "ma shet ay") the first time I saw them and I can't imagine rewatching on the regular.

Would watch Step Brothers again though.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: Hmmmm Nice Bike on May 10, 2018, 07:51:25 AM
Can we throw video games into the mix?

Life Is Strange
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: dirtyweemidden on May 10, 2018, 04:10:51 PM
Star wars sucks
Star Trek is the nerdier version of Star Wars
Anything set in space is inherintly boring as fuck.. except for maybe red dwarf, but even then..
couldnt get through the first episode of Black Mirror
LOTR is the most overhyped shit on the planet

Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: jomeara1 on May 11, 2018, 03:23:55 PM
Star wars sucks

I can’t agree with you on that, but I hate what Disney is doing to it.

Can we throw video games into the mix?

Life Is Strange

Fortnite- I know I said I liked it at one point, but I change my mind.

Pretty much every call of duty game after MW2
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: Carrolls Chesthairs on May 13, 2018, 09:31:33 AM
Can we throw video games into the mix?

Life Is Strange

Sure why not.

Call of duty games after MW2.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: jomeara1 on May 26, 2018, 05:15:01 AM
Watched a few episodes of 13 reasons why recently. Fuck that show. They make it seem as if suicide is edgy and cool or some shit.
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: Larry on May 26, 2018, 05:30:24 AM
shape of water,
fucking ever marvel/dc superhero-shit
Title: Re: Overrated movies/shows
Post by: jomeara1 on June 17, 2018, 12:55:01 PM
I was forced to watch Thor Ragnarok the other night at my friends apartment and it was probably the worst movie I have ever watched.