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Skateboarding => USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER => Topic started by: grantfiero on May 25, 2018, 09:08:25 AM

Title: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: grantfiero on May 25, 2018, 09:08:25 AM
"However, when NHS recently learned of the Iron Horse Magazine interview in 1994, we immediately called him in and confronted the issue. Jason accepted responsibility and has since issued a public apology. Further, Jason acknowledged he needed to continue to publicly denounce his past statements.
Nonetheless, NHS has decided to indefinitely suspend Jason Jessee."

"We have indefinitely suspended Jason from the Converse CONs team. We are also working to better understand Jason’s past and the work he can do to show respect, compassion and acceptance for all people, and use his voice to spread a message of openness throughout the Skate community."
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Xen on May 25, 2018, 09:52:55 AM
There goes [what's left of] his 'career'.

The power of Slap.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Big Skatefase on May 25, 2018, 09:58:06 AM
What does that even mean?

How do you suspend someone in skateboarding? They're gonna stop selling his product? He's not gonna get paid anymore? Demote him to Am status? He can't film or go on trips?

This isn't like sports where there is a number of games you miss when you're suspended.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: ogbawtawd on May 25, 2018, 10:03:13 AM
Those are Nike words, olympics language
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: DannyDee on May 25, 2018, 10:09:51 AM
What does that even mean?

How do you suspend someone in skateboarding? They're gonna stop selling his product? He's not gonna get paid anymore? Demote him to Am status? He can't film or go on trips?

This isn't like sports where there is a number of games you miss when you're suspended.
My guess is that they aren't going to make any new product for him, but pay him for the rest of his contract.

I think these guys might have serious issues getting out on morality grounds, as its most likely the contracts signed are significantly after the offenses that would be the basis for a claim. For Cons, they probably just have their lawyers going threw the contracts and Jesse's action to see if their grounds.

Now, Nike fired Hewitt due to saying something in an interview that violated their standards. But, while what Hewitt did happened over 20 years prior, the interview was quite recent. With Jason Jesse the interview is 25 years old, and it seems some of the more recent stuff that is offensive happened around 2009.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: ShyLow on May 25, 2018, 10:38:47 AM
Whoever decided to give him last part on the Cons vid should be fired.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Skate_lurker_Rob on May 25, 2018, 10:47:09 AM
well how'd this Nazi Douchebag expect it to end? I know from certain instances ie other skater for fucking up whatever bs happens they drop them immediately. So good for NHS and his sponsors don't want that kinda funk to follow ya.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Xen on May 25, 2018, 10:57:49 AM
Whoever decided to give him last part on the Cons vid should be fired.

Probably the lamest part I've seen in a looooooooooong time, what was the point? A white trash expose and shitty outdated skating from the 80s?
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: BacksideWallride on May 25, 2018, 11:10:54 AM
I'd like to know what suspension entails. Could be as bad as a cop blasting someone and being on paid leave. The kook already has the whole industry backing him, except Lay, and he's probably gonna get paid just laying around amongst abused chickens. Not quite the justice we wanted...

Still...Fuck you Jason Jessee.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: BacksideWallride on May 25, 2018, 11:11:34 AM
well how'd this Nazi Douchebag expect it to end? I know from certain instances ie other skater for fucking up whatever bs happens they drop them immediately. So good for NHS and his sponsors don't want that kinda funk to follow ya.

Your avatar, kinda ironic...
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Skate_lurker_Rob on May 25, 2018, 11:42:44 AM
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well how'd this Nazi Douchebag expect it to end? I know from certain instances ie other skater for fucking up whatever bs happens they drop them immediately. So good for NHS and his sponsors don't want that kinda funk to follow ya.

Your avatar, kinda ironic...
 fuck Phil DD would have been alive had Phil been there for that Damage plan show.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Sleazy on May 25, 2018, 11:54:32 AM
When talking shit on the inter web gets real
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Aatila on May 25, 2018, 12:28:01 PM
I like how guys like Jason jessee gets full access to sponsors & exposure for his "comebacks" but someone like a Tuan gets thrown completely under the bus. 
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: TITANIUM NIPPLES on May 25, 2018, 12:29:25 PM
It's almost as if the skate industry is full of peckerwood kooks who are either down with white power shit or are fine looking the other way.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: shannamal on May 25, 2018, 12:34:26 PM
"According to Jessee, he's known guitarist Mobby since he was 16, but told VICE he was in the dark regarding the band's beliefs."

That's such horseshit.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Willie on May 25, 2018, 12:40:35 PM
He'll probably still have backing from Santa Cruz but I imagine the Cons/Nike stuff is done - they simply cannot afford any association with that kind of stuff.

I can't believe it took so long although I imagine their skate team managers were hoping it would blow over and weren't bringing it up the chain. Probably could have saved ourselves a 75 page thread by simply asking on Nike Twitter why one of their athletes was hanging out with neo nazis.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: homegrown83 on May 25, 2018, 12:51:17 PM
I like how guys like Jason jessee gets full access to sponsors & exposure for his "comebacks" but someone like a Tuan gets thrown completely under the bus.

Well I hate to say it, but Antwuan kind of deserves it. He was given so many opportunities and extra chances and blew it. The guy literally broke the window of some guy's car that had the guy's children in it screaming in fear. Not really shocking to see how people wouldn't pick him up.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: shark tits on May 25, 2018, 12:59:44 PM
i think suspension just means he has to stay out of skating and skateboard property for an indeterminate amount of time and when he is allowed to return, his parent or legal guardian will have to sign him back and speak to jeff kendall or whoever.
now if he got expelled from skatebaording, that's more permanent [at least a yr]
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: BacksideWallride on May 25, 2018, 01:04:59 PM
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well how'd this Nazi Douchebag expect it to end? I know from certain instances ie other skater for fucking up whatever bs happens they drop them immediately. So good for NHS and his sponsors don't want that kinda funk to follow ya.

Your avatar, kinda ironic...
 fuck Phil DD would have been alive had Phil been there for that Damage plan show.

More about Phil being a white power goon too. At a memorial for Dimebag he was sieg heilen' like wild
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: roomservice on May 25, 2018, 01:08:54 PM
"prominent figures like Atiba Jefferson, Rob “Sluggo” Boyce, Mike Anderson, and Daryl Angel"

Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Aatila on May 25, 2018, 01:11:21 PM
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I like how guys like Jason jessee gets full access to sponsors & exposure for his "comebacks" but someone like a Tuan gets thrown completely under the bus.

Well I hate to say it, but Antwuan kind of deserves it. He was given so many opportunities and extra chances and blew it. The guy literally broke the window of some guy's car that had the guy's children in it screaming in fear. Not really shocking to see how people wouldn't pick him up.

yeah to some extent however These guys profited off of his unfortunate struggles then gave him the boot. Did he get on anything reputable afterwards? No. So much for second chances huh? (I know it was a long time of craziness with twuan prob a bad example.) Ali and Cory killed people drunk driving and theres still dudes sending them well wishes and heart emojis not to mention they still have product on shelves. Corey Duffel goes on silly rant in a magazine only to be embraced by the industry almost immediately after. Jason had multiple chances and those brands profited off of it during the so called "non peak" of his career through reissues and such. it seems like all he had to do is say sorry and he got even more sponsors than he had in his prime before getting caught up again.  The only reason why he even got the boot because of the brands trying to save face during this hyper-politicized time.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: coyote2425 on May 25, 2018, 01:20:33 PM
"prominent figures like Atiba Jefferson, Rob “Sluggo” Boyce, Mike Anderson, and Daryl Angel"


God dammit, I came here to post literally the exact same fucking thing.

Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Pavementi on May 25, 2018, 01:22:57 PM
I like how guys like Jason jessee gets full access to sponsors & exposure for his "comebacks" but someone like a Tuan gets thrown completely under the bus.
Wha? When was Antuwan thrown under the bus? He'd been in (mostly in) and out of jail for years, hadn't produced footage in as long, but still managed (and manages) to get love from Ellington and Reynolds on a regular basis. I don't blame them for letting his contract expire. They couldn't afford to keep paying him if he wasn't able to keep up his end of the bargain.

I'm confident in saying 4 out of 5 Slappies (WTF are we calling ourselves again?) still love him and are on here, vocally rooting for him. I'm not sure how you think he was completely thrown under the bus, and by whom, but I'm pretty sure that even Antuwan blames only himself for being thrown under any busses.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: DannyDee on May 25, 2018, 01:25:53 PM
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I like how guys like Jason jessee gets full access to sponsors & exposure for his "comebacks" but someone like a Tuan gets thrown completely under the bus.

Well I hate to say it, but Antwuan kind of deserves it. He was given so many opportunities and extra chances and blew it. The guy literally broke the window of some guy's car that had the guy's children in it screaming in fear. Not really shocking to see how people wouldn't pick him up.

yeah to some extent however These guys profited off of his unfortunate struggles then gave him the boot. Did he get on anything reputable afterwards? No. So much for second chances huh? (I know it was a long time of craziness with twuan prob a bad example.) Ali and Cory killed people drunk driving and theres still dudes sending them well wishes and heart emojis not to mention they still have product on shelves. Corey Duffel goes on silly rant in a magazine only to be embraced by the industry almost immediately after. Jason had multiple chances and those brands profited off of it during the so called "non peak" of his career through reissues and such. it seems like all he had to do is say sorry and he got even more sponsors than he had in his prime before getting caught up again.  The only reason why he even got the boot because of the brands trying to save face during this hyper-politicized time.
Tuan got multiple chances on Baker and Deathwish, and was on Supra throughout a couple jail stints. The other thing is, he really hasn't put out any worthwhile footage since he got out. If Tuan dropped a heavy comeback Thrasher part, the sponsors would be calling. Right now he still has a board and a shoe sponsor despite not dropping a legit part in a decade.

Also, what he did was completely psychotic. Beating the shit out of some guy in front of his family then breaking the windows of a car with kids in it.

I also think the backlash on Cory and Ali would be different if they killed a random person who was just living their daily life (for example hit a kid walking to school), rather than someone they were partying with who had some idea of the consequences of getting in a motor vehicle with them.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Sick Duck on May 25, 2018, 01:44:24 PM
If antwuan puts a legit part together, doesn't even have to be amazing just a full street part, he will for sure be able to make a comeback and get paid
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: doctorkickflip on May 25, 2018, 01:49:27 PM
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Whoever decided to give him last part on the Cons vid should be fired.

Probably the lamest part I've seen in a looooooooooong time, what was the point? A white trash expose and shitty outdated skating from the 80s?

Dude bingo. I thought I was the only one who thought his skating was regressive and his attitude sucked.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Sick Duck on May 25, 2018, 01:55:46 PM
It's because he's marketable to people who don't skate or halfway skate and are into the whole greaser thing. He isn't blowing anyone's mind with his skating but he still skates damn good for his age
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: ZachMoldof on May 25, 2018, 02:06:53 PM
It's almost as if the skate industry is full of peckerwood kooks who are either down with white power shit or are fine looking the other way.

When insecure people are given power and influence they become abusers 100% of the time. The degree of abuse may vary, but it feels like that's what's going on with lots of folks in skating right now. If you're not self-actualized, and you rely on someone else to cut you a check, or ensure your comforts, then values can get compromised very quickly. The truth of the situation gets really clear when you look at someone like Ryan Lay compared to all the people in skating who don't speak up. No coincidence that the dude who is good at skating, a college grad, AND running a charity afterschool program for underprivileged kids, is also the dude willing to speak the truth.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Nate.Dog on May 25, 2018, 02:55:26 PM
I like how guys like Jason jessee gets full access to sponsors & exposure for his "comebacks" but someone like a Tuan gets thrown completely under the bus.

Antwaun had multiple chances to get his shit together and didn't come through, and bakerboys and that whole crew supported him through the whole thing as long as they could, the dude finally just got clean like last year and he has a whole slew of new things he's a part of (DOG, STRAYE, whatever) on what is essentially his first REAL "comeback". I really don't think that this is a comparable in
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: planman on May 25, 2018, 03:07:21 PM
If antwuan puts a legit part together, doesn't even have to be amazing just a full street part, he will for sure be able to make a comeback and get paid
He's out filming in the streets according to his insta and he's been hitting shit.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: JohnOakley on May 25, 2018, 03:49:36 PM
Anyone know if this is true? A very experienced and well placed industry figure told me that Jason has swastikas tattooed inside his lip. Clearly he ain’t gonna he showing them off anytime soon so proof might be hard to get. Any info?
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: pointandclick on May 25, 2018, 04:00:36 PM
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I like how guys like Jason jessee gets full access to sponsors & exposure for his "comebacks" but someone like a Tuan gets thrown completely under the bus.

Well I hate to say it, but Antwuan kind of deserves it. He was given so many opportunities and extra chances and blew it. The guy literally broke the window of some guy's car that had the guy's children in it screaming in fear. Not really shocking to see how people wouldn't pick him up.

yeah to some extent however These guys profited off of his unfortunate struggles then gave him the boot. Did he get on anything reputable afterwards? No. So much for second chances huh? (I know it was a long time of craziness with twuan prob a bad example.) Ali and Cory killed people drunk driving and theres still dudes sending them well wishes and heart emojis not to mention they still have product on shelves. Corey Duffel goes on silly rant in a magazine only to be embraced by the industry almost immediately after. Jason had multiple chances and those brands profited off of it during the so called "non peak" of his career through reissues and such. it seems like all he had to do is say sorry and he got even more sponsors than he had in his prime before getting caught up again.  The only reason why he even got the boot because of the brands trying to save face during this hyper-politicized time.
Tuan got multiple chances on Baker and Deathwish, and was on Supra throughout a couple jail stints. The other thing is, he really hasn't put out any worthwhile footage since he got out. If Tuan dropped a heavy comeback Thrasher part, the sponsors would be calling. Right now he still has a board and a shoe sponsor despite not dropping a legit part in a decade.

Also, what he did was completely psychotic. Beating the shit out of some guy in front of his family then breaking the windows of a car with kids in it.

I also think the backlash on Cory and Ali would be different if they killed a random person who was just living their daily life (for example hit a kid walking to school), rather than someone they were partying with who had some idea of the consequences of getting in a motor vehicle with them.

didnt tosh townsend hit some girl with his vehicle and kill her? he was supposedley high at the time.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: DannyDee on May 25, 2018, 04:23:41 PM
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I like how guys like Jason jessee gets full access to sponsors & exposure for his "comebacks" but someone like a Tuan gets thrown completely under the bus.

Well I hate to say it, but Antwuan kind of deserves it. He was given so many opportunities and extra chances and blew it. The guy literally broke the window of some guy's car that had the guy's children in it screaming in fear. Not really shocking to see how people wouldn't pick him up.

yeah to some extent however These guys profited off of his unfortunate struggles then gave him the boot. Did he get on anything reputable afterwards? No. So much for second chances huh? (I know it was a long time of craziness with twuan prob a bad example.) Ali and Cory killed people drunk driving and theres still dudes sending them well wishes and heart emojis not to mention they still have product on shelves. Corey Duffel goes on silly rant in a magazine only to be embraced by the industry almost immediately after. Jason had multiple chances and those brands profited off of it during the so called "non peak" of his career through reissues and such. it seems like all he had to do is say sorry and he got even more sponsors than he had in his prime before getting caught up again.  The only reason why he even got the boot because of the brands trying to save face during this hyper-politicized time.
Tuan got multiple chances on Baker and Deathwish, and was on Supra throughout a couple jail stints. The other thing is, he really hasn't put out any worthwhile footage since he got out. If Tuan dropped a heavy comeback Thrasher part, the sponsors would be calling. Right now he still has a board and a shoe sponsor despite not dropping a legit part in a decade.

Also, what he did was completely psychotic. Beating the shit out of some guy in front of his family then breaking the windows of a car with kids in it.

I also think the backlash on Cory and Ali would be different if they killed a random person who was just living their daily life (for example hit a kid walking to school), rather than someone they were partying with who had some idea of the consequences of getting in a motor vehicle with them.

didnt tosh townsend hit some girl with his vehicle and kill her? he was supposedley high at the time.
I don't think the full story with that one ever came out. I'm pretty sure multiple cars were involved, so I'm not sure he was liable in that case.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: McFarty on May 25, 2018, 05:31:51 PM
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: jstankalwara on May 25, 2018, 05:32:37 PM
i wonder if cons will blackout his part or just take down the whole video and re-release it without his part
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: arcam on May 25, 2018, 06:17:22 PM
crazy,didnt he say this shit years ago?
hey,i said and did some shit 20 years that is fucking offside too...people grow and learn from their mistakes.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: streetsoup on May 25, 2018, 06:27:22 PM
crazy,didnt he say this shit years ago?
hey,i said and did some shit 20 years that is fucking offside too...people grow and learn from their mistakes.

It wasn't 20 years ago, its been FOR 20 years. Shrugging it off like its something that happened long ago and not impactful is a weak stance to take.  The reaction to his actions has been appropriate, as well as the consequences he now faces.
People say stupid shit but they take accountability for it, apologize and address it to those who are hurt, time and time again if necessary, and then move forward without it in their lives. We'll see what he ultimately decides for himself.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: natenola forever on May 25, 2018, 06:51:25 PM
I'm gonna say what the suspension involves is Santa Cruz will stop making his product till all this dies down, and then slowly start sneaking his board back into the line up. They make way too much money on all that old Jason Jesse shit to let it go. He and Dressen are really the only dudes from 80s Santa Cruz that can still skate at a decent level.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: poser666 on May 25, 2018, 07:04:17 PM
im not a nazi but whats the big fucking deal if you are??
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: gub on May 25, 2018, 07:15:39 PM
K bro
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Zurg on May 25, 2018, 07:22:55 PM
just denying peoples right to exist based on how they were born, no biggie. i know i shouldnt feed the troll
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Leaky McBurnside on May 25, 2018, 07:33:07 PM
I'd like to know what suspension entails. Could be as bad as a cop blasting someone and being on paid leave. The kook already has the whole industry backing him, except Lay, and he's probably gonna get paid just laying around amongst abused chickens. Not quite the justice we wanted...

Still...Fuck you Jason Jessee.

Converse "suspended" him. NHS is trying to pretend they did the same thing. "Suspend" in big athletic brand terms means they are weighing their options. He is going to be terminated. Its a wrap. Nike just needs to figure out how to mid-agate the damage vs risk vs liability. NIKE's legal team is weighing the best exit strategy. He doesn't make it past Tuesday. He will get a greatly reduced lump some on the remainder of his contract from Cons and this will be the last we hear from Jason Jesse. As for the "industry" backing him... its posturing. No brand will EVER sign him.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Xen on May 25, 2018, 07:33:55 PM
I'm gonna say what the suspension involves is Santa Cruz will stop making his product till all this dies down, and then slowly start sneaking his board back into the line up. They make way too much money on all that old Jason Jesse shit to let it go. He and Dressen are really the only dudes from 80s Santa Cruz that can still skate at a decent level.

Yep, I mentioned this before, those Neptune boards sell like fucking crazy (surely they can do a gator and gonz and just remove his name.

NHS should release more Kendall/Dressen graphics anyway.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Pavementi on May 25, 2018, 07:46:37 PM
crazy,didnt he say this shit years ago?
hey,i said and did some shit 20 years that is fucking offside too...people grow and learn from their mistakes.
Where did he say he’d made a mistake?
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: SHIREFLIP on May 25, 2018, 10:30:03 PM
It's entirely possible this is the first time I've seen complaining on the internet actually accomplish something. Bravo, Slap.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Gray Imp Sausage Metal on May 25, 2018, 11:36:47 PM
crazy,didnt he say this shit years ago?
hey,i said and did some shit 20 years that is fucking offside too...people grow and learn from their mistakes.
"Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat"
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Gray Imp Sausage Metal on May 25, 2018, 11:38:31 PM
so umm....
what do you have to say now SC? Cuz you love and stand behind him no?
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: thomas kook on May 25, 2018, 11:47:49 PM
how ironic santa cruz's latest vid was called right to exist

or is it
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Silky Johnson on May 26, 2018, 12:59:23 AM
You guys are fags
Fuck off you don't deserve to have SJ as your username fucking kook
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Alan on May 26, 2018, 04:45:49 AM
SJ stands for Skater Jugend
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: JohnOakley on May 26, 2018, 06:28:30 AM
Nobody got info on the swastika tattoos inside his lip?
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: jomeara1 on May 26, 2018, 06:46:54 AM
The power of Slap is pretty fucking amazing
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Joclo on May 26, 2018, 08:00:20 AM
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I like how guys like Jason jessee gets full access to sponsors & exposure for his "comebacks" but someone like a Tuan gets thrown completely under the bus.

Well I hate to say it, but Antwuan kind of deserves it. He was given so many opportunities and extra chances and blew it. The guy literally broke the window of some guy's car that had the guy's children in it screaming in fear. Not really shocking to see how people wouldn't pick him up.

yeah to some extent however These guys profited off of his unfortunate struggles then gave him the boot. Did he get on anything reputable afterwards? No. So much for second chances huh? (I know it was a long time of craziness with twuan prob a bad example.) Ali and Cory killed people drunk driving and theres still dudes sending them well wishes and heart emojis not to mention they still have product on shelves. Corey Duffel goes on silly rant in a magazine only to be embraced by the industry almost immediately after. Jason had multiple chances and those brands profited off of it during the so called "non peak" of his career through reissues and such. it seems like all he had to do is say sorry and he got even more sponsors than he had in his prime before getting caught up again.  The only reason why he even got the boot because of the brands trying to save face during this hyper-politicized time.
Tuan got multiple chances on Baker and Deathwish, and was on Supra throughout a couple jail stints. The other thing is, he really hasn't put out any worthwhile footage since he got out. If Tuan dropped a heavy comeback Thrasher part, the sponsors would be calling. Right now he still has a board and a shoe sponsor despite not dropping a legit part in a decade.

Also, what he did was completely psychotic. Beating the shit out of some guy in front of his family then breaking the windows of a car with kids in it.

I also think the backlash on Cory and Ali would be different if they killed a random person who was just living their daily life (for example hit a kid walking to school), rather than someone they were partying with who had some idea of the consequences of getting in a motor vehicle with them.

Are you referencing Dirtbag P beating up lil ToNyT?
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: SHIREFLIP on May 26, 2018, 10:13:05 PM
It's admirable that you were able to have him held accountable for his actions, but it's a shame none of you heroes put this much effort into nagging Cons for using fucking child slave labour in developing nations.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: reptar_bar on May 26, 2018, 10:19:39 PM

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I like how guys like Jason jessee gets full access to sponsors & exposure for his "comebacks" but someone like a Tuan gets thrown completely under the bus.

Well I hate to say it, but Antwuan kind of deserves it. He was given so many opportunities and extra chances and blew it. The guy literally broke the window of some guy's car that had the guy's children in it screaming in fear. Not really shocking to see how people wouldn't pick him up.

yeah to some extent however These guys profited off of his unfortunate struggles then gave him the boot. Did he get on anything reputable afterwards? No. So much for second chances huh? (I know it was a long time of craziness with twuan prob a bad example.) Ali and Cory killed people drunk driving and theres still dudes sending them well wishes and heart emojis not to mention they still have product on shelves. Corey Duffel goes on silly rant in a magazine only to be embraced by the industry almost immediately after. Jason had multiple chances and those brands profited off of it during the so called "non peak" of his career through reissues and such. it seems like all he had to do is say sorry and he got even more sponsors than he had in his prime before getting caught up again.  The only reason why he even got the boot because of the brands trying to save face during this hyper-politicized time.
Tuan got multiple chances on Baker and Deathwish, and was on Supra throughout a couple jail stints. The other thing is, he really hasn't put out any worthwhile footage since he got out. If Tuan dropped a heavy comeback Thrasher part, the sponsors would be calling. Right now he still has a board and a shoe sponsor despite not dropping a legit part in a decade.

Also, what he did was completely psychotic. Beating the shit out of some guy in front of his family then breaking the windows of a car with kids in it.

I also think the backlash on Cory and Ali would be different if they killed a random person who was just living their daily life (for example hit a kid walking to school), rather than someone they were partying with who had some idea of the consequences of getting in a motor vehicle with them.

Thats actually very different. What if the guy Antwuan beat up did something fucked to him first, either way obviously something happened between the 2 to set him off whether it was his fault or not. We don't know the whole story and its completely up for debate, Antwuan felt one way and the guy he beat up obviously felt another. Beating someone up is much different then showing hate towards an entire race or religion. I don't think Twuan beat the dude up based on his skin color or beliefs?

Nazism - racism - sexism - abuse against women,  all of those things are much different then Twuan's situation. There is no room for debate in any of those. There is no argument to say its justified, they are all completely wrong. You can't justify feeling that one of those things is acceptable, and if you think otherwise then im sorry you live in 2018.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: McFarty on May 27, 2018, 12:58:24 AM
Antwuan will never have a Guy, Spanky, Sanchez, or Shiloh comeback

Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: coyote2425 on May 27, 2018, 06:53:19 AM
You guys are fags

That's how you get suspended.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: shark tits on May 27, 2018, 07:04:40 AM
i wonder if he's considered just wearing a mask to get around suspension like the american dream dusty rhodes aka 'the midnight rider'.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: kneebone on May 27, 2018, 07:21:03 AM
i wonder if he's considered just wearing a mask to get around suspension like the american dream dusty rhodes aka 'the midnight rider'.
you mean like one of these masks? (
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Alan on May 27, 2018, 07:41:58 AM
It's admirable that you were able to have him held accountable for his actions, but it's a shame none of you heroes put this much effort into nagging Cons for using fucking child slave labour in developing nations.

Ah, the whataboutism here is delicious!
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Pappy Jones on May 27, 2018, 07:42:16 AM
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It's almost as if the skate industry is full of peckerwood kooks who are either down with white power shit or are fine looking the other way.

When insecure people are given power and influence they become abusers 100% of the time. The degree of abuse may vary, but it feels like that's what's going on with lots of folks in skating right now. If you're not self-actualized, and you rely on someone else to cut you a check, or ensure your comforts, then values can get compromised very quickly. The truth of the situation gets really clear when you look at someone like Ryan Lay compared to all the people in skating who don't speak up. No coincidence that the dude who is good at skating, a college grad, AND running a charity afterschool program for underprivileged kids, is also the dude willing to speak the truth.
Can someone fill me in on what Ryan Lay did/said regarding this topic?
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: feedmeseymour on May 27, 2018, 07:47:01 AM
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It's almost as if the skate industry is full of peckerwood kooks who are either down with white power shit or are fine looking the other way.

When insecure people are given power and influence they become abusers 100% of the time. The degree of abuse may vary, but it feels like that's what's going on with lots of folks in skating right now. If you're not self-actualized, and you rely on someone else to cut you a check, or ensure your comforts, then values can get compromised very quickly. The truth of the situation gets really clear when you look at someone like Ryan Lay compared to all the people in skating who don't speak up. No coincidence that the dude who is good at skating, a college grad, AND running a charity afterschool program for underprivileged kids, is also the dude willing to speak the truth.
Can someone fill me in on what Ryan Lay did/said regarding this topic?
Try using context clues, I have faith in you.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: SHIREFLIP on May 27, 2018, 11:00:38 AM
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It's admirable that you were able to have him held accountable for his actions, but it's a shame none of you heroes put this much effort into nagging Cons for using fucking child slave labour in developing nations.

Ah, the whataboutism here is delicious!

LOL fair point.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: brucewillis on May 28, 2018, 05:29:00 AM
"prominent figures like Atiba Jefferson, Rob “Sluggo” Boyce, Mike Anderson, and Daryl Angel"

the writer is not doing his homework in the right way i supose
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: nothingisspecial on May 28, 2018, 07:21:12 AM
I understand there is no excuse or will ever be for his actions and choice of words- however

Has Jason ever taken action or been accused of attacking somebody or (killing) somebody based on what he said?

What exactly does Jason believe?

and what is he actually accountable for?

I am asking because there is a lot of heresay..

Was he not self admittedly on drugs during this time?

And has he not rehabbed and successfully avoided this behavior since?

I am only asking-

No one is talking about this part of the situation (terrible as it is) and it is worth mentioning that as horrible as what Jason Jesse said, and everything he’s been associated with-

He seems(ed) to have “turned it around” and found value in things like skateboarding and with skateboarders, around 2010 I guess...

So what in the actual fuck...

In this day and age the average person (millennial) is way to quick to put their nose in someone else’s business...

I do not believe there is any excuse for what Jason said or did or does to, to cause “shock” (bs) or whatever...

However! Apparently! He has turned himself around and if I have my finger on this issue correctly- he has been rehabilitized

people can and will and actually do some crazy shit- not say, or pretend, or wear or dress (and I agree it’s wrong)

But people actually kill people over this shit, have done and will do...

so again I understand what he did was wrong and not funny or amusing at all. He’s a total dumbass. Remember that before I have log onto here later and listen to whatever worthless thing whatever dumbass 16 year old has to say back to me about how bad being “a Nazi” is.


final point is from an outsiders perspective (only who isn’t following his career that well, etc.) everything that seemed to happen was more on the mild end and almost never addressed because

1. They were words (not action)
2. He was on drugs
3. He has been rehabilitated
4. He was on drugs
5. He has since changed?
6. There’s some real shit going on, sounds like Jason was being a dumbass when he was younger and had less life experience. Shocking.

SOLUTION: call up Peanut Butter or whoever kicked his ass in the 80s and have him come knock him out again- ETN style
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Alan on May 28, 2018, 07:27:23 AM
tldr version

I do not believe there is any excuse for what Jason said or did or does to, to cause “shock” (bs) or whatever.

Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: kneebone on May 28, 2018, 07:29:27 AM
So does nothingisspecial work in PR for Cons, or SC?
All of that would be a great explanation if Jason said it himself.  Instead, a week ago, after his supposed rehabilitation he came out with a shitty video saying "sorry you were offended."  I think that was the final straw for most people.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: nopes on May 28, 2018, 08:25:38 AM
I understand there is no excuse or will ever be for his actions and choice of words- however

Has Jason ever taken action or been accused of attacking somebody or (killing) somebody based on what he said?

What exactly does Jason believe?

and what is he actually accountable for?

I am asking because there is a lot of heresay..

Was he not self admittedly on drugs during this time?

And has he not rehabbed and successfully avoided this behavior since?

I am only asking-

No one is talking about this part of the situation (terrible as it is) and it is worth mentioning that as horrible as what Jason Jesse said, and everything he’s been associated with-

He seems(ed) to have “turned it around” and found value in things like skateboarding and with skateboarders, around 2010 I guess...

So what in the actual fuck...

In this day and age the average person (millennial) is way to quick to put their nose in someone else’s business...

I do not believe there is any excuse for what Jason said or did or does to, to cause “shock” (bs) or whatever...

However! Apparently! He has turned himself around and if I have my finger on this issue correctly- he has been rehabilitized

people can and will and actually do some crazy shit- not say, or pretend, or wear or dress (and I agree it’s wrong)

But people actually kill people over this shit, have done and will do...

so again I understand what he did was wrong and not funny or amusing at all. He’s a total dumbass. Remember that before I have log onto here later and listen to whatever worthless thing whatever dumbass 16 year old has to say back to me about how bad being “a Nazi” is.


final point is from an outsiders perspective (only who isn’t following his career that well, etc.) everything that seemed to happen was more on the mild end and almost never addressed because

1. They were words (not action)
2. He was on drugs
3. He has been rehabilitated
4. He was on drugs
5. He has since changed?
6. There’s some real shit going on, sounds like Jason was being a dumbass when he was younger and had less life experience. Shocking.

SOLUTION: call up Peanut Butter or whoever kicked his ass in the 80s and have him come knock him out again- ETN style

when did he change and become rehabilitated? before or after he was spotted posing with his jacket with nazi symbols on it just two weeks ago? what about his current relationship with a white power band?
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: nothingisspecial on May 28, 2018, 10:58:39 AM

This is why I ask...
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Pappy Jones on May 28, 2018, 12:41:27 PM
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It's almost as if the skate industry is full of peckerwood kooks who are either down with white power shit or are fine looking the other way.

When insecure people are given power and influence they become abusers 100% of the time. The degree of abuse may vary, but it feels like that's what's going on with lots of folks in skating right now. If you're not self-actualized, and you rely on someone else to cut you a check, or ensure your comforts, then values can get compromised very quickly. The truth of the situation gets really clear when you look at someone like Ryan Lay compared to all the people in skating who don't speak up. No coincidence that the dude who is good at skating, a college grad, AND running a charity afterschool program for underprivileged kids, is also the dude willing to speak the truth.
Can someone fill me in on what Ryan Lay did/said regarding this topic?
Try using context clues, I have faith in you.
Wow, cool man. You're so fucking smart.
Obviously he called him out. Just wondering if anyone knew what he said before I search the fifteen+ different places on the internet he might have left a comment or an Instagram story that's long gone.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: nopes on May 28, 2018, 01:03:14 PM
There are screen shots of his Instagram stories on this thread some pages back.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Gray Imp Sausage Metal on May 28, 2018, 05:36:10 PM
Wow, cool man. You're so fucking smart.
Obviously he called him out. Just wondering if anyone knew what he said before I search the fifteen+ different places on the internet he might have left a comment or an Instagram story that's long gone.
do be aware that NO ONE in the entire skate industry was saying anything (besides maybe Sanchez) when this was all going down. Sure, they might have been only "stories" but you weren't even getting a squeak from anyone unless they were circle jerking JJ with emojis like Oh Blow and Abita did.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: High Hair on May 28, 2018, 05:41:10 PM
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Wow, cool man. You're so fucking smart.
Obviously he called him out. Just wondering if anyone knew what he said before I search the fifteen+ different places on the internet he might have left a comment or an Instagram story that's long gone.
do be aware that NO ONE in the entire skate industry was saying anything (besides maybe Sanchez) when this was all going down. Sure, they might have been only "stories" but you weren't even getting a squeak from anyone unless they were circle jerking JJ with emojis like Oh Blow and Abita did.

Looks like us slappers are uncovering a hidden racist agenda in skateboarding. In an age where battles are fought and won online, we truly are warriors of modern times. #RACISTGATE
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: expired on May 28, 2018, 06:46:53 PM
I'm happy to read this, good job to slap for not ignoring his actions when the industry was.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Matthew_James on May 29, 2018, 10:44:29 AM
Skateboarding needs to be all the way with it. If professional skateboarders can live or die by what was done in the past, then Pops should still be receiving checks & Daryl Angel needs to be shit-canned. Shit, Guy was carried through a decade and a half on two full parts and a bunch of cameos & JJ is being thrown out because of some interview in the 90's, just give my man Pops a check and I'll be happy.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Gray Imp Sausage Metal on May 29, 2018, 05:44:28 PM
JJ is being thrown out because of some interview in the 90's
gee I'm glad no one has ever bought up this valid point and discussed/ debunked it multiple times in an extensive thread about this topic (complete with dates and photographic evidence)
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Matthew_James on May 29, 2018, 07:46:37 PM
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JJ is being thrown out because of some interview in the 90's
gee I'm glad no one has ever bought up this valid point and discussed/ debunked it multiple times in an extensive thread about this topic (complete with dates and photographic evidence)

Yeah but give Pops a check for skateboarding, I don't trust that mf driving a commercial truck anyway.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Silky Johnson on August 16, 2018, 12:20:54 PM
Using your likeness Gentle?
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: full of jerks on August 16, 2018, 01:25:46 PM
What is the point of linking that Instagram?  Are we meant to go attack this chick now or something?
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: lampshade on August 16, 2018, 01:44:59 PM
Antwuan will never have a Guy, Spanky, Sanchez, or Shiloh comeback


What?  When did the Shiloh or Henry comebacks happen.  MAGIK INC?  I remember Shiloh having an interview after getting out of jail and Henry posting here then doing auto body work or something similar. 
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: eraserheadfuckers on August 16, 2018, 01:46:56 PM
doxxing random people is not a good look...
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: jakeumms on August 16, 2018, 01:55:40 PM
Who is Ashley Wallhanger?
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: MexicanSpaniard on August 16, 2018, 01:57:06 PM
they're still selling his re-issue boards
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: I sniff Jim Gagne's butthole all the time on August 16, 2018, 02:49:50 PM
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Antwuan will never have a Guy, Spanky, Sanchez, or Shiloh comeback


What?  When did the Shiloh or Henry comebacks happen.  MAGIK INC?  I remember Shiloh having an interview after getting out of jail and Henry posting here then doing auto body work or something similar.
henry was done then his comeback was tws vid and shiloh got out of jail and rode for deca. 360 ollie to lipslide a little handrail and lots of flip to slides.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: veritas on August 16, 2018, 03:30:30 PM
being "suspended" must mean they keep you on the team and continue to sell your board in stores and online
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Hoeboi on August 16, 2018, 05:00:38 PM
gentle is such a little bitch.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: kneebone on August 16, 2018, 05:18:32 PM
to be fair to Gentle, the instagram post is in his signature and has nothing to do with the Kathleen Cleaver notification, but I can see how it is confusing. 
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Issy on August 16, 2018, 05:19:31 PM
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Antwuan will never have a Guy, Spanky, Sanchez, or Shiloh comeback


What?  When did the Shiloh or Henry comebacks happen.  MAGIK INC?  I remember Shiloh having an interview after getting out of jail and Henry posting here then doing auto body work or something similar.
henry was done then his comeback was tws vid and shiloh got out of jail and rode for deca. 360 ollie to lipslide a little handrail and lots of flip to slides.

More than that!
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Francis Xavier on August 16, 2018, 05:44:59 PM
Sharpen your pitch forks
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: TwisT on August 16, 2018, 05:47:31 PM
Shiloh was on roger/bueno
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: heckler on August 16, 2018, 08:06:48 PM
What more do you want from this situation, Gentle?
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: somethingmustbreaknow on August 17, 2018, 01:24:47 AM
Who is Ashley Wallhanger?
& who is kathleen clever?
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: hermanos racists on August 17, 2018, 01:33:12 AM
she looks really red neck/nazi by the way.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: BobbyPshew on August 17, 2018, 02:50:11 AM
being "suspended" must mean they keep you on the team and continue to sell your board in stores and online buy the NHS & Converse legal teams some time to try and think of a way to dump this douche, causing minimal cost and damage to their brands.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Ankle_Lift on August 17, 2018, 06:06:06 AM
What more do you want from this situation, Gentle?

By now, probably a handjob.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Francis Xavier on August 17, 2018, 06:10:08 AM
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What more do you want from this situation, Gentle?

By now, probably a handjob.
And another box from Cons
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Ankle_Lift on August 17, 2018, 06:27:40 AM
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What more do you want from this situation, Gentle?

By now, probably a handjob.
And another box from Cons

Pretty obvious that at this point, this dude is doing it to gain exposure for his forgettable hip hop. I had never heard of him. I have now and I looked up some of his stuff. The more this story comes out and drags on, the more his name gets dropped because he made the info public knowledge, the more people find out about him. This is why he's never answered (I could be wrong, maybe he has) what more he wants from the situatuon.   
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: SHIREFLIP on August 17, 2018, 06:34:35 AM
It does, however, seem like you're the only person following said skate nazi on social media lol.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Francis Xavier on August 17, 2018, 07:24:23 AM
Jasom changed the gas cap on the tibetan,no more swazi. Progressive
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: bongboarder420 on August 17, 2018, 11:03:04 AM

#hesnotaracist  :-X
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Big Skatefase on August 17, 2018, 11:05:31 AM
"the best human being out there" is a stretch.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: nopes on August 17, 2018, 11:07:21 AM
i just wish one of these dumb dumbs that are defending him IRL could at least acknowledge or explain how bathing oneself in hate paraphernalia is problematic and why it was wrong and how he understands that and changed.

all they ever do is blanketly say hes a good person and not a racist without acknowledging anything that could be skewed as sketchy and hurtful to others other than saying "we all made mistakes in the past"
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Silky Johnson on August 17, 2018, 11:08:13 AM
"Don't ever snitch or back stab your friends"
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: nopes on August 17, 2018, 11:10:12 AM
"Don't ever snitch or back stab your friends"

i LOL'd at that. like is that saying "dont out your friends racists actions" ? i dont see how that line at all fits in with anything else he said about the guy. its basically implying he does bad stuff but friends should never talk about it.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: shit_for_brains on August 17, 2018, 11:11:50 AM

#hesnotaracist  :-X

"Fuck anyone who doesn't like this nazi because we love him! We love nazis, this one in particular and hate anyone who hates his hate!" - another representative of DLX, speaking directly to their market
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: ClashCityRocker on August 17, 2018, 11:16:21 AM
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Who is Ashley Wallhanger?
& who is kathleen clever?

ashley is jason jessee's current girlfriend. she sells prints of his nazi motorcycles on insta. she is also a teacher at the school if i am correct its the same school that santa cruz is giving all the proceeds of jason jessee reissues. not sure how that all works out.

kathleen is an important leader of the black panther party and the wife of the man who wrote 'soul on ice'. jason jessee just made a tribute board for her on driven. from that email i was forwarded it appears that jj didn't have the "courtesy" to talk to her about it.

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being "suspended" must mean they keep you on the team and continue to sell your board in stores and online
[close] buy the NHS & Converse legal teams some time to try and think of a way to dump this douche, causing minimal cost and damage to their brands.

santa cruz still has jason's daughter all over their website and catalog


i could be wrong but that looks just like scout jessee to me

Whatever beef you have with someone, I think it's a complete mob mentality to go after their family. I also think it's creepy as fuck that you're putting a dudes girlfriend and daughter on blast.
Good to know we have angels like Gentle Jones among us. Squeaky clean but creepy AF
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: nopes on August 17, 2018, 11:18:00 AM
to be fair his daughter came here and posted and defended selling racist shit. she not an innocent bystander or something like that.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: drunkenshredder on August 17, 2018, 12:02:25 PM
i been following this story. but a friend of mine actually sent me those screen caps i posted.

How is Andrew Cannon doing?  Can he really not control the Santa Cruz team because they don't respect him?
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: ClashCityRocker on August 17, 2018, 12:06:53 PM
santa cruz website is on the world wide web. its not a secret. you can just follow the link and see that stuff.

You're right Bill Ferrell, pretty much everyone's live's are online for better or worse. However, it's still creepy AF to post info and photos of someone else's family. I mean, Bill Ferrell has several photos of his wife and son publicly posted online but I bet he'd be creeped out too if someone starting posting their photos around. It's just.....creepy....isn't it?
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: shripshrapper on August 17, 2018, 12:11:00 PM

#hesnotaracist  :-X

Man.. Fuck Ronnie Sandoval.

That whole cali/westcoast scene is wack. And yes, me being brown skinned influences my opinion.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: KingKook on August 17, 2018, 12:12:00 PM
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santa cruz website is on the world wide web. its not a secret. you can just follow the link and see that stuff.

You're right Bill Ferrell, pretty much everyone's live's are online for better or worse. However, it's still creepy AF to post info and photos of someone else's family. I mean, Bill Ferrell has several photos of his wife and son publicly posted online but I bet he'd be creeped out too if someone starting posting their photos around. It's just.....creepy....isn't it?
Its cowardly at the least. If you dont like Jason Jessee dont buy his shit. Theres nothing heroic about harassing someone and his family online no matter what he thinks about in his spare time.
Pathetic bunch of losers.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: The Ghost of Lenny Kirk on August 17, 2018, 12:18:45 PM
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santa cruz website is on the world wide web. its not a secret. you can just follow the link and see that stuff.

You're right Bill Ferrell, pretty much everyone's live's are online for better or worse. However, it's still creepy AF to post info and photos of someone else's family. I mean, Bill Ferrell has several photos of his wife and son publicly posted online but I bet he'd be creeped out too if someone starting posting their photos around. It's just.....creepy....isn't it?

is bill farrell a legendary skater I should know about? is he trying to make money off of skateboarding or is he one of the "computer junkies" who the pro-nazi scumbag tries to make his living off of from his pedestal ?
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: ClashCityRocker on August 17, 2018, 12:24:10 PM
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santa cruz website is on the world wide web. its not a secret. you can just follow the link and see that stuff.

You're right Bill Ferrell, pretty much everyone's live's are online for better or worse. However, it's still creepy AF to post info and photos of someone else's family. I mean, Bill Ferrell has several photos of his wife and son publicly posted online but I bet he'd be creeped out too if someone starting posting their photos around. It's just.....creepy....isn't it?

you don't scare me

Not trying to scare you young MC, just thought you might reconsider what you post about others.
He who casts the first stone and all that shit.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: thebacker on August 17, 2018, 12:35:47 PM
here's why it matters

because scout jessee came on slap to disavow nazism and instead cats on the forum found a bunch of pictures of her doing nazi stuff

because santa cruz publicly said all proceeds from jason jessee board sales go to a school program in oakland called "skate not hate" but actually that program is run by jason and his girlfriend who teaches at that school. so actually it seems like all proceeds from jj board sales are going to jj.

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is bill farrell a legendary skater I should know about

i am a 45 year old nobody from nowhere with nothing to hide and a long memory

 ??? ??? ??? ??? :o :o :o :o
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: ClashCityRocker on August 17, 2018, 12:42:14 PM
here's why it matters

because scout jessee came on slap to disavow nazism and instead cats on the forum found a bunch of pictures of her doing nazi stuff

because santa cruz publicly said all proceeds from jason jessee board sales go to a school program in oakland called "skate not hate" but actually that program is run by jason and his girlfriend who teaches at that school. so actually it seems like all proceeds from jj board sales are going to jj.

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is bill farrell a legendary skater I should know about

i am a 45 year old nobody from nowhere with nothing to hide and a long memory

Regarding Scout, if it's the same posts I saw, she posted that she sells vintage items and she happened upon a few items that had some "crazy ass" stuff on them. Not exactly articulate but I'd hardly classify that as her doing "nazi stuff".

On your point about the school program - have you actually seen any evidence of wrong doings or are you just assuming that Jason is pocketing the proceeds? Unless you have some insider information regarding the funds coming in and out of this effort, I can't imagine what base you would have to comment on this. Pretty heavy allegations.

To me, it just seems like a sad man trying to make someone else hurt too.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: nopes on August 17, 2018, 12:48:31 PM
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here's why it matters

because scout jessee came on slap to disavow nazism and instead cats on the forum found a bunch of pictures of her doing nazi stuff

because santa cruz publicly said all proceeds from jason jessee board sales go to a school program in oakland called "skate not hate" but actually that program is run by jason and his girlfriend who teaches at that school. so actually it seems like all proceeds from jj board sales are going to jj.

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is bill farrell a legendary skater I should know about

i am a 45 year old nobody from nowhere with nothing to hide and a long memory

Regarding Scout, if it's the same posts I saw, she posted that she sells vintage items and she happened upon a few items that had some "crazy ass" stuff on them. Not exactly articulate but I'd hardly classify that as her doing "nazi stuff".

On your point about the school program - have you actually seen any evidence of wrong doings or are you just assuming that Jason is pocketing the proceeds? Unless you have some insider information regarding the funds coming in and out of this effort, I can't imagine what base you would have to comment on this. Pretty heavy allegations.

To me, it just seems like a sad man trying to make someone else hurt too.

she was wearing stuff with SS logos on them and she associates with the highway murderers. stop pretending she isnt involved in this junk too.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Francis Xavier on August 17, 2018, 12:49:21 PM
Sticking feathers up your butt doesnt make you a chicken
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Hoeboi on August 17, 2018, 12:49:58 PM
honestly at this point if i were to happen across gentle i would probably whoop that fuckin ass. if theres one thing i hate more than a hoeboy its a snitch bitch. yo gentle you gotta get yourself the fuck outta whatever hillbilly town you are staying in and keep yourself occupied my guy. you're getting bored, go record some new tracks or something keep yourself busy and stop being a hoe. but please do not post the new tracks here because aint no one trying to hear that bootleg brother ali crap.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Francis Xavier on August 17, 2018, 12:53:09 PM
honestly at this point if i were to happen across gentle i would probably whoop that fuckin ass. if theres one thing i hate more than a hoeboy its a snitch bitch. yo gentle you gotta get yourself the fuck outta whatever hillbilly town you are staying in and keep yourself occupied my guy. you're getting bored, go record some new tracks or something keep yourself busy and stop being a hoe. but please do not post the new tracks here because aint no one trying to hear that bootleg brother ali crap.

Delaware is a hillbilly state? Haha
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: nopes on August 17, 2018, 12:55:05 PM
south of the canal it definitely is
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: thebacker on August 17, 2018, 12:57:34 PM
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honestly at this point if i were to happen across gentle i would probably whoop that fuckin ass. if theres one thing i hate more than a hoeboy its a snitch bitch. yo gentle you gotta get yourself the fuck outta whatever hillbilly town you are staying in and keep yourself occupied my guy. you're getting bored, go record some new tracks or something keep yourself busy and stop being a hoe. but please do not post the new tracks here because aint no one trying to hear that bootleg brother ali crap.

Delaware is a hillbilly state? Haha
you must have never been
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: ClashCityRocker on August 17, 2018, 01:08:29 PM
can we get back to the latest twist?

jason jessee's newest response to being outed as a white power nazi is to appropriate the image of a life long civil rights activist from the black panthers without reaching out to her. she is alive and easy to find. she is a law professor. and she is not happy about the board graphic. seems like he just google searched black activist and made a board from it.

the entire response to this situation has been a farce.

I'm out. Keep bein a saint Bill. Fuckin nerd
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: drunkenshredder on August 17, 2018, 01:09:42 PM
can we get back to the latest twist?

jason jessee's newest response to being outed as a white power nazi is to appropriate the image of a life long civil rights activist from the black panthers without reaching out to her. she is alive and easy to find. she is a law professor. and she is not happy about the board graphic. seems like he just google searched black activist and made a board from it.

the entire response to this situation has been a farce.

what is your relationship with Andrew Cannon?
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Hoeboi on August 17, 2018, 01:13:20 PM
can we get back to the latest twist?

jason jessee's newest response to being outed as a white power nazi is to appropriate the image of a life long civil rights activist from the black panthers without reaching out to her. she is alive and easy to find. she is a law professor. and she is not happy about the board graphic. seems like he just google searched black activist and made a board from it.

the entire response to this situation has been a farce.

the latest twist? the latest twist is I'm gonna give you the gnarliest atomic wedgie you've ever had when i see you gentle. I'm gonna have you walking around in a g string my guy. that little fuckin white ass is mine if i see you buddy.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Francis Xavier on August 17, 2018, 01:22:19 PM
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honestly at this point if i were to happen across gentle i would probably whoop that fuckin ass. if theres one thing i hate more than a hoeboy its a snitch bitch. yo gentle you gotta get yourself the fuck outta whatever hillbilly town you are staying in and keep yourself occupied my guy. you're getting bored, go record some new tracks or something keep yourself busy and stop being a hoe. but please do not post the new tracks here because aint no one trying to hear that bootleg brother ali crap.

Delaware is a hillbilly state? Haha
you must have never been
Nah I havent, worth the trip?

can we get back to the latest twist?

jason jessee's newest response to being outed as a white power nazi is to appropriate the image of a life long civil rights activist from the black panthers without reaching out to her. she is alive and easy to find. she is a law professor. and she is not happy about the board graphic. seems like he just google searched black activist and made a board from it.

the entire response to this situation has been a farce.
This what you expect?
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: thebacker on August 17, 2018, 01:31:06 PM
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honestly at this point if i were to happen across gentle i would probably whoop that fuckin ass. if theres one thing i hate more than a hoeboy its a snitch bitch. yo gentle you gotta get yourself the fuck outta whatever hillbilly town you are staying in and keep yourself occupied my guy. you're getting bored, go record some new tracks or something keep yourself busy and stop being a hoe. but please do not post the new tracks here because aint no one trying to hear that bootleg brother ali crap.

Delaware is a hillbilly state? Haha
you must have never been
Nah I havent, worth the trip?

I mean there is a cool skateshop and a nice diy but  other than that no

Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: hermanos racists on August 17, 2018, 01:40:39 PM
these shills defending the midget nazi are actually different accounts by the same people?
didnt know that much people stand with this two hat kook.
his whole family is milking skateboarding so accept the storm damn shills.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: happenstance on August 17, 2018, 01:41:43 PM
because santa cruz publicly said all proceeds from jason jessee board sales go to a school program in oakland called "skate not hate" but actually that program is run by jason and his girlfriend who teaches at that school. so actually it seems like all proceeds from jj board sales are going to jj.
I mentioned in another thread that I looked into the program because I wanted to do some volunteer work in my spare time. Something involving skateboarding and inclusivity sounded like a good fit for me. Jason's girlfriend (if the name you mentioned is correct) is not the one running the program.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Pretty Serious on August 17, 2018, 02:16:02 PM
Everyone knows a man's worth is in the amount of followers they have.  JJ's took a slight (4K) dip when this "no such thing as bad publicity" campaign started, but just hit 100K and presumably climbing.  Great job banishing him to the recesses of society, he's more popular and relevant than he's ever been.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: drunkenshredder on August 17, 2018, 02:16:52 PM
Eraser head fuckers we need a video docu on this school stat!!! Can you also follow up with Andrew Cannon and what was discussed between him and Gentle!! I want details people
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Silky Johnson on August 17, 2018, 02:54:13 PM
Everyone knows a man's worth is in the amount of followers they have.  JJ's took a slight (4K) dip when this "no such thing as bad publicity" campaign started, but just hit 100K and presumably climbing.  Great job banishing him to the recesses of society, he's more popular and relevant than he's ever been.
He's a racist cult hero, noticed today that Al Davis and Ishod unfollowed his peckerwood ass
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: eraserheadfuckers on August 17, 2018, 03:02:07 PM
Eraser head fuckers we need a video docu on this school stat!!! Can you also follow up with Andrew Cannon and what was discussed between him and Gentle!! I want details people

I do not endorse this doxxing shit at all nor this weird conspiracy. Gentle Jones is being a vindictive ass
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: EXTRA SPICY on August 17, 2018, 03:15:24 PM
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Everyone knows a man's worth is in the amount of followers they have.  JJ's took a slight (4K) dip when this "no such thing as bad publicity" campaign started, but just hit 100K and presumably climbing.  Great job banishing him to the recesses of society, he's more popular and relevant than he's ever been.
He's a racist cult hero, noticed today that Al Davis and Ishod unfollowed his peckerwood ass

Ishod and Butters both ride under the Nike brand umbrella. I back the unfollow but their social media is more than likely under a bit contract control from the overseers.
Wild times yo. Who’s got the queue on the popcorn gifs?
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: drunkenshredder on August 17, 2018, 03:37:50 PM
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Eraser head fuckers we need a video docu on this school stat!!! Can you also follow up with Andrew Cannon and what was discussed between him and Gentle!! I want details people

I do not endorse this doxxing shit at all nor this weird conspiracy. Gentle Jones is being a vindictive ass

Still waiting for him to address the conversation he's been having with Andrew Cannon...this shit is deeper than some dumbass nazi. I want to know what the family's of skateboarding have to say
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: straight fucking edge on August 17, 2018, 04:27:13 PM
jason jessee is an incredible human being.  gentle jones is just grasping at this point.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: 2COOLTOECAP on August 17, 2018, 04:51:40 PM
Jason Jesse fucking sucks..he hides his insecurities well in interviews..fucking silly ass two hat gimmick know what skaters hate? Fucking posers ..and that's all he is rocking a swastika..shit he never lived or has any clue about ..the worst is the dudes on his Instagram comments sucking his dick...PS fuck "patlanta"
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Hoeboi on August 17, 2018, 04:54:08 PM
when i see u gentle..........when i fuckin see u
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Hoeboi on August 17, 2018, 04:58:05 PM
big time wedgie coming your way
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Hoeboi on August 17, 2018, 05:01:33 PM
atomic shit buddy. ima spit your asshole in half and make it look like a poonani
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Lame_Nigga on August 17, 2018, 05:01:50 PM
So can someone explain why "Antuwan could never be on NikeSB or Adidas" but Converse, which literally IS NikeSB keeps this dipshit on? Is a "fuck the police" tat worse than claiming to be a nazi yesterday, but cured today, and then revising it everyday?.
To scared Centrist  and conservative stockholders, yes.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Hoeboi on August 17, 2018, 05:08:04 PM
someone finally gnarred me and for that i thank you. if you wish to remain anonymous i respect that. ill be tugging on  gentle jones undies extra hard just for you my friend.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Hoeboi on August 17, 2018, 05:10:01 PM
guys look gentle changed his avatar to a pic of him holding a squirt gun. am i supposed to be scared? because I'm not. i just want that ass even more now.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Surf-goth on August 17, 2018, 05:31:12 PM
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jason jessee is an incredible human being.  gentle jones is just grasping at this point.

perhaps you are right (

Did this guy also narrate sick boys? Haha
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: drunkenshredder on August 17, 2018, 07:16:05 PM
still waiting to hear the master plan from boss man Cannon...Gentle has he said what needs to be done next?
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: shannamal on August 17, 2018, 07:23:02 PM
i just want that ass even more now.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Mongoloid on August 17, 2018, 07:28:16 PM
Who the fuck are all you people?
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Francis Xavier on August 17, 2018, 07:30:25 PM
Who the fuck are all you people?
Sometimes I have to ask myself this
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Hoeboi on August 17, 2018, 07:41:13 PM
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i just want that ass even more now.

you know in the movie silent hill when the demon puts barded wire up the high priestess' hoohah and she gets ripped in half? thats that kind of wedgie I'm talking about here.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Bitter on August 17, 2018, 08:35:05 PM
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: veritas on August 17, 2018, 08:59:38 PM

What a dope. Whenever i tag photos of people who aren't racist, i use the #hesnotaracist hashtag
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Pigeon on August 17, 2018, 09:40:32 PM
I looked up #hesnotracist
Any good ones?
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: wake and bacon on August 17, 2018, 09:45:49 PM
"he can't be racist, he was so nice to me!"

Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Atiba Applebum on August 17, 2018, 10:18:17 PM
What would JJ have to do to be appropriately contrite and show that his racist beliefs are truly behind him.  When I saw these new posts with the equality boards, my initial reaction was that I was glad he’s making an effort.  Cynicism creeped in moments later.   It doesn’t do Jj’s Friends to take stands like Ronnie because they insist he either never was/was just young which we all know is false, so it’s hard to see him making changes
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: feedmeseymour on August 18, 2018, 06:18:20 AM
What would JJ have to do to be appropriately contrite and show that his racist beliefs are truly behind him.

I think if we had photo of him sucking the dick of a Jewish man, a black man, and a homosexual man all at the same time, his Nazi ways will be forgiven.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: SHIREFLIP on August 18, 2018, 06:31:14 AM
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What would JJ have to do to be appropriately contrite and show that his racist beliefs are truly behind him.

I think if we had photo of him sucking the dick of a Jewish man, a black man, and a homosexual man all at the same time, his Nazi ways will be forgiven.

That IS the only way to reverse the spell.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Alan on August 18, 2018, 06:40:05 AM
"he can't be racist, he was so nice to me!"


Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: MexicanSpaniard on August 18, 2018, 08:14:39 AM
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What would JJ have to do to be appropriately contrite and show that his racist beliefs are truly behind him.

I think if we had photo of him sucking the dick of a Jewish man, a black man, and a homosexual man all at the same time, his Nazi ways will be forgiven.

That IS the only way to reverse the spell.

this is the only way
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Francis Xavier on August 18, 2018, 08:17:31 AM
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What would JJ have to do to be appropriately contrite and show that his racist beliefs are truly behind him.

I think if we had photo of him sucking the dick of a Jewish man, a black man, and a homosexual man all at the same time, his Nazi ways will be forgiven.

That IS the only way to reverse the spell.

this is the only way
Imagine he does blow em', with his two hats on,and after they finish one hat vaporizes to prove it worked.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: feedmeseymour on August 18, 2018, 08:18:18 AM
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What would JJ have to do to be appropriately contrite and show that his racist beliefs are truly behind him.

I think if we had photo of him sucking the dick of a Jewish man, a black man, and a homosexual man all at the same time, his Nazi ways will be forgiven.

That IS the only way to reverse the spell.

this is the only way
Imagine he does blow em', with his two hats on,and after they finish one hat vaporizes to prove it worked.

Actually laughed out loud at that one, thankyou
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: smellsdead on August 18, 2018, 07:46:17 PM
wow ronnie is another lame socal biker clone/clown big surpise

"he let us spend the night, stay up late, eat candy, and showed us his dads playboy his racist iron horse interview"

also "realist"

& "Don’t believe everything you read on this thing we call social media it’s bullshit"

yeah like your post fuckin dickrider
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: nopes on August 18, 2018, 08:29:43 PM
What would JJ have to do to be appropriately contrite and show that his racist beliefs are truly behind him.  When I saw these new posts with the equality boards, my initial reaction was that I was glad he’s making an effort.  Cynicism creeped in moments later.   It doesn’t do Jj’s Friends to take stands like Ronnie because they insist he either never was/was just young which we all know is false, so it’s hard to see him making changes

honestly, if he could come out and explain why he used to do this shit and explains why its wrong it would go a long way. just saying hes sorry to anyone he may have offended is dumb because hes not admitting anything he did was wrong.

furthermore he could actually do some work to to help educate other people that are making his same mistakes.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Pete on August 19, 2018, 06:06:50 AM
I wonder if he still wants to grind up his mothers dead bones and eat them so he can shit her out. That’s some celebrity deathmatch shit.

Free max b
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: leticia on August 19, 2018, 10:19:11 PM
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"he can't be racist, he was so nice to me!"


Haha, so true!  🤷🏻‍♀️
It’s so sad when people are so pathetic and are such sheep.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: eraserheadfuckers on August 20, 2018, 12:22:15 AM
What would JJ have to do to be appropriately contrite and show that his racist beliefs are truly behind him.  When I saw these new posts with the equality boards, my initial reaction was that I was glad he’s making an effort.  Cynicism creeped in moments later.   It doesn’t do Jj’s Friends to take stands like Ronnie because they insist he either never was/was just young which we all know is false, so it’s hard to see him making changes

My main issue with that board is that it is using a black woman who has spent her entire life fighting white supremacy to help a very privileged white man to not only scrub his history of white supremacy, but to profit off if it.

This is literally what she spent her life fighting: white men profiting from the labor of black people.

Also, that hells angel dude on the left graphic was probably white power...
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: NoFlipTrixAllowed on May 31, 2019, 07:15:11 AM
Don't mess with another man's livelihood.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on May 31, 2019, 07:16:40 AM
Don't mess with another man's livelihood.

If that man’s belief system denies the right for entire populations of people to not exist, fuck that man’s livelihood.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: PincherBug on May 31, 2019, 07:20:25 AM
Don't mess with another man's livelihood.

You're a little late to the party
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: heckler on May 31, 2019, 07:29:30 AM
Don't mess with another man's livelihood.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: shit_for_brains on May 31, 2019, 07:31:56 AM
Never rub another man's rhubarb
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Fro Doggy Dog on May 31, 2019, 07:40:16 AM
never lay a finger on another man’s butterfinger.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Allen. on May 31, 2019, 08:52:56 AM
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Don't mess with another man's livelihood.

Sorry, you can't repeat a karma action without waiting 24 hours.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Dustwardprez on May 31, 2019, 08:56:54 AM
Totally Fucked story time about a Nazi who was not actually a Nazi.

So in Marblehead as a teenager the 80s Nazi Punk/skinhead thing was finally over but there was one kid who didn’t get the memo. Brandon W would draw swastika over my early graffiti pieces. I being an older kid would beat him up and he would do it again.
During this period was accused by a friend of an act of Beastiality they blew up his spot. We tortured him every opportunity we had. Later in that era Brandon while shit faced stole the short bus from the school during a snow storm and flipped it driving on the tracks.
His coe d bragged to friends then admitted everything to the cops.

So B was gone for a long long time when he got back he was strung out on drugs and he was openly gay. Still decked out skinhead. I had just gotten through a program and I chose to help him go the same route. Long Island to the Hope House in the south end.  He finished the program and stayed in Boston. Found a boyfriend got on Tina and that was it for drawing swastikas everywhere.

He happily married today strung out to the gills on Tina and never stopped dressing like a skinhead.

He had a place down the street from my house but wasn’t allowed in because I had 5 cats and don’t like Tina.

1010 likely just needs some speed and a giant D in his asre. Maybe just the tip to see how it feels?
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: tedkootz on May 31, 2019, 09:00:04 AM
Whoever decided to give him last part on the Cons vid should be fired.

seriously what the fuck kind of decision was that
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: CurbyPuckit on May 31, 2019, 09:34:18 AM
Totally Fucked story time about a Nazi who was not actually a Nazi.

So in Marblehead as a teenager the 80s Nazi Punk/skinhead thing was finally over but there was one kid who didn’t get the memo. Brandon W would draw swastika over my early graffiti pieces. I being an older kid would beat him up and he would do it again.
During this period was accused by a friend of an act of Beastiality they blew up his spot. We tortured him every opportunity we had. Later in that era Brandon while shit faced stole the short bus from the school during a snow storm and flipped it driving on the tracks.
His coe d bragged to friends then admitted everything to the cops.

So B was gone for a long long time when he got back he was strung out on drugs and he was openly gay. Still decked out skinhead. I had just gotten through a program and I chose to help him go the same route. Long Island to the Hope House in the south end.  He finished the program and stayed in Boston. Found a boyfriend got on Tina and that was it for drawing swastikas everywhere.

He happily married today strung out to the gills on Tina and never stopped dressing like a skinhead.

He had a place down the street from my house but wasn’t allowed in because I had 5 cats and don’t like Tina.

1010 likely just needs some speed and a giant D in his asre. Maybe just the tip to see how it feels?
da fuck is Tina?
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: feedmeseymour on May 31, 2019, 09:46:23 AM
Quote from: PincherBug
You're a little late to the party
but thanks for resurrecting old threads and reminding us what a dickhead 1010 is.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Dustwardprez on May 31, 2019, 09:53:25 AM
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Totally Fucked story time about a Nazi who was not actually a Nazi.

So in Marblehead as a teenager the 80s Nazi Punk/skinhead thing was finally over but there was one kid who didn’t get the memo. Brandon W would draw swastika over my early graffiti pieces. I being an older kid would beat him up and he would do it again.
During this period was accused by a friend of an act of Beastiality they blew up his spot. We tortured him every opportunity we had. Later in that era Brandon while shit faced stole the short bus from the school during a snow storm and flipped it driving on the tracks.
His coe d bragged to friends then admitted everything to the cops.

So B was gone for a long long time when he got back he was strung out on drugs and he was openly gay. Still decked out skinhead. I had just gotten through a program and I chose to help him go the same route. Long Island to the Hope House in the south end.  He finished the program and stayed in Boston. Found a boyfriend got on Tina and that was it for drawing swastikas everywhere.

He happily married today strung out to the gills on Tina and never stopped dressing like a skinhead.

He had a place down the street from my house but wasn’t allowed in because I had 5 cats and don’t like Tina.

1010 likely just needs some speed and a giant D in his asre. Maybe just the tip to see how it feels?
da fuck is Tina?

Look it up meng
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: waltercronkite on May 31, 2019, 10:12:49 AM
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Totally Fucked story time about a Nazi who was not actually a Nazi.

So in Marblehead as a teenager the 80s Nazi Punk/skinhead thing was finally over but there was one kid who didn’t get the memo. Brandon W would draw swastika over my early graffiti pieces. I being an older kid would beat him up and he would do it again.
During this period was accused by a friend of an act of Beastiality they blew up his spot. We tortured him every opportunity we had. Later in that era Brandon while shit faced stole the short bus from the school during a snow storm and flipped it driving on the tracks.
His coe d bragged to friends then admitted everything to the cops.

So B was gone for a long long time when he got back he was strung out on drugs and he was openly gay. Still decked out skinhead. I had just gotten through a program and I chose to help him go the same route. Long Island to the Hope House in the south end.  He finished the program and stayed in Boston. Found a boyfriend got on Tina and that was it for drawing swastikas everywhere.

He happily married today strung out to the gills on Tina and never stopped dressing like a skinhead.

He had a place down the street from my house but wasn’t allowed in because I had 5 cats and don’t like Tina.

1010 likely just needs some speed and a giant D in his asre. Maybe just the tip to see how it feels?
da fuck is Tina?

Look it up meng

So was Marblehead like really different in the 80s cause this doesn’t sound like the Marblehead I know.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Far from relevant on May 31, 2019, 10:56:03 AM
I like how guys like Jason jessee gets full access to sponsors & exposure for his "comebacks" but someone like a Tuan gets thrown completely under the bus.

I hear what you're saying but I feel like Antwan's situation was a matter of too little too late, he was given multiple chances (Who else gets a pro model board while in prison) but by the time he cleaned up his act he had burned all his bridges.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: papo on May 31, 2019, 11:02:00 AM
Just to be clear, they suspended him over some shit that happened 25 years ago? What if he has changed his mind since?

Not siding with dude but to judge someone over something he did 25 years ago is ridiculous. People change al the time. 90% of SLAP members would have to move town if someone dug up their internet history. Do you see what im saying here? Nobody should be judged over something they said years ago, unless they still feel that way.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Jacob Gary on May 31, 2019, 11:03:55 AM
Just to be clear, they suspended him over some shit that happened 25 years ago? What if he has changed his mind since?

Not siding with dude but to judge someone over something he did 25 years ago is ridiculous. 90% of SLAP members would have to move town if someone dug up their internet history. Do you see what im saying here? Nobody should be judged over something they said years ago, unless they still feel that way.

Why'd you block my PM's u little poosey??
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: wake and bacon on May 31, 2019, 11:04:01 AM
just to be clear, dude was sporting a swastika openly as recently as 2017. this isn't just about what happened 25 years ago.


Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: DanTheDoucher on May 31, 2019, 11:04:45 AM
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I like how guys like Jason jessee gets full access to sponsors & exposure for his "comebacks" but someone like a Tuan gets thrown completely under the bus.

I hear what you're saying but I feel like Antwan's situation was a matter of too little too late, he was given multiple chances (Who else gets a pro model board while in prison) but by the time he cleaned up his act he had burned all his bridges.

I remember Slash saying at one point that he didn't even want to go on trips when Antwuan was going to be there. Antwuan was a cancer to his teammates because every day was "The Antwuan Show".
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: papo on May 31, 2019, 11:06:37 AM
just to be clear, dude was sporting a swastika openly as recently as 2017. this isn't just about what happened 25 years ago.


OK then case closed  :D
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Cool Ceith on May 31, 2019, 11:11:27 AM
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Whoever decided to give him last part on the Cons vid should be fired.

seriously what the fuck kind of decision was that
I thought it was more of a "Oh shit did we forget someone? Just add him in later" sort of a thing.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: heckler on May 31, 2019, 11:20:50 AM
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Whoever decided to give him last part on the Cons vid should be fired.

seriously what the fuck kind of decision was that
I thought it was more of a "Oh shit did we forget someone? Just add him in later" sort of a thing.
Yeah, I think Jason and Schmitty submitted this unusable part that didn't fit in the video and gave Cons no choice other than to throw it in after the credits. Ben Chadourne's been pretty vocal about how he wanted Jake Johnson to have the last tricks in the video.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Dustwardprez on May 31, 2019, 11:23:31 AM
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Totally Fucked story time about a Nazi who was not actually a Nazi.

So in Marblehead as a teenager the 80s Nazi Punk/skinhead thing was finally over but there was one kid who didn’t get the memo. Brandon W would draw swastika over my early graffiti pieces. I being an older kid would beat him up and he would do it again.
During this period was accused by a friend of an act of Beastiality they blew up his spot. We tortured him every opportunity we had. Later in that era Brandon while shit faced stole the short bus from the school during a snow storm and flipped it driving on the tracks.
His coe d bragged to friends then admitted everything to the cops.

So B was gone for a long long time when he got back he was strung out on drugs and he was openly gay. Still decked out skinhead. I had just gotten through a program and I chose to help him go the same route. Long Island to the Hope House in the south end.  He finished the program and stayed in Boston. Found a boyfriend got on Tina and that was it for drawing swastikas everywhere.

He happily married today strung out to the gills on Tina and never stopped dressing like a skinhead.

He had a place down the street from my house but wasn’t allowed in because I had 5 cats and don’t like Tina.

1010 likely just needs some speed and a giant D in his asre. Maybe just the tip to see how it feels?
da fuck is Tina?

Look it up meng

So was Marblehead like really different in the 80s cause this doesn’t sound like the Marblehead I know.

That was the late 90s early 2000s

I can’t find online. Kid stole a school bus van from the old high school drove up prince street took it on the tracks towards the bridge lost control in the snow and left it there.
He obviously got caught.

I have thousands of Fucked up Marblehead stories
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Francis Xavier on May 31, 2019, 12:18:15 PM
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Whoever decided to give him last part on the Cons vid should be fired.

seriously what the fuck kind of decision was that
I thought it was more of a "Oh shit did we forget someone? Just add him in later" sort of a thing.
Yeah, I think Jason and Schmitty submitted this unusable part that didn't fit in the video and gave Cons no choice other than to throw it in after the credits. Ben Chadourne's been pretty vocal about how he wanted Jake Johnson to have the last tricks in the video.
I wondered once way back when this thread had some heat that if Jessee didn't have that after credits part none of his nonsense would've been aired out. Schmitty can't be mad at anyone but himself on that one.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Cool Ceith on May 31, 2019, 12:28:28 PM
Schmitty inadvertently got 1010 canceled.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: nooky on May 31, 2019, 12:43:10 PM
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Totally Fucked story time about a Nazi who was not actually a Nazi.

So in Marblehead as a teenager the 80s Nazi Punk/skinhead thing was finally over but there was one kid who didn’t get the memo. Brandon W would draw swastika over my early graffiti pieces. I being an older kid would beat him up and he would do it again.
During this period was accused by a friend of an act of Beastiality they blew up his spot. We tortured him every opportunity we had. Later in that era Brandon while shit faced stole the short bus from the school during a snow storm and flipped it driving on the tracks.
His coe d bragged to friends then admitted everything to the cops.

So B was gone for a long long time when he got back he was strung out on drugs and he was openly gay. Still decked out skinhead. I had just gotten through a program and I chose to help him go the same route. Long Island to the Hope House in the south end.  He finished the program and stayed in Boston. Found a boyfriend got on Tina and that was it for drawing swastikas everywhere.

He happily married today strung out to the gills on Tina and never stopped dressing like a skinhead.

He had a place down the street from my house but wasn’t allowed in because I had 5 cats and don’t like Tina.

1010 likely just needs some speed and a giant D in his asre. Maybe just the tip to see how it feels?
da fuck is Tina?

Look it up meng

'tina' is just a stupid name for meth. guess it sounds cooler on the internet to some people.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: SodaJerk on May 31, 2019, 12:50:52 PM
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I like how guys like Jason jessee gets full access to sponsors & exposure for his "comebacks" but someone like a Tuan gets thrown completely under the bus.

I hear what you're saying but I feel like Antwan's situation was a matter of too little too late, he was given multiple chances (Who else gets a pro model board while in prison) but by the time he cleaned up his act he had burned all his bridges.
Steven Cales, that’s who.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: heckler on May 31, 2019, 01:01:27 PM
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I like how guys like Jason jessee gets full access to sponsors & exposure for his "comebacks" but someone like a Tuan gets thrown completely under the bus.

I hear what you're saying but I feel like Antwan's situation was a matter of too little too late, he was given multiple chances (Who else gets a pro model board while in prison) but by the time he cleaned up his act he had burned all his bridges.
Steven Cales, that’s who.
Cory Kennedy
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Joclo on May 31, 2019, 01:03:19 PM
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just to be clear, dude was sporting a swastika openly as recently as 2017. this isn't just about what happened 25 years ago.


OK then case closed  :D

He also wears double hats with branches sticking out of the sides.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: GAY on May 31, 2019, 01:07:17 PM
The most important thing to come out of all of this is a glimpse of that forehead.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Francis Xavier on May 31, 2019, 01:46:16 PM
The most important thing to come out of all of this is a glimpse of that forehead.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Dwyck on May 31, 2019, 05:22:57 PM
Fuck 10 10 but that Purple part was really fun
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: Style Police on May 31, 2019, 05:46:34 PM

( (
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on May 31, 2019, 06:30:55 PM
Fuck 10 10 but that Purple part was really fun
  It was weak compared what Grossos been releasing and chris miller fully shits on jesse.  Jason jesse made a full page consolidated ad calling out Miller for giving himself full page planet earth ads rather than to his team once.
Title: Re: Jason Jessee Suspended from Cons & Santa Cruz
Post by: radcunt on May 31, 2019, 08:18:46 PM
So whys this clown bumping these sick threads?  I haven't forgotten Jessee is a fuckin' kook loser cunt but I do like to remember.

That dirt downhill video had him in it and can fuckin' suck it.