Author Topic: Can we give kook of the day to Pro's and Am's?  (Read 407 times)

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Can we give kook of the day to Pro's and Am's?
« on: September 28, 2020, 09:44:38 AM »
Thread is self explanatory; from our favorite nutjobs who believe lizard people exist to nazi sympathizers and every other penchant for absolute absurdity lets list em out.

Ritchie Jackson: just look at him.....from his Jack Sparrow goofy ass and trick selection to his absurdly kooky entitlement he looks like someone you automatically punch in the face.

Ryan Hickey/Ricky Oyola  grown 40+ men beefing claiming kings of NYC get over it the pair of you'se guy's

Antwaun Dixon and his lost sense of abandonment I feel ya... It hurts ALOT sometimes the writing is on the wall... I mean if you didn't see it with Reynolds and Strickland to Greco and Ellington you just got the raw deal, I hope things go better for yourself.   You have a incredible gift hope it serves you well and you hold it down.

Nyjah and other jocko sports guys we get it you want status and money..... you got it buddy go on that island and fuck yourself.

Bam, 1010, Andy, Trixie, Priya, Neckface, TNT  holy shit can't Thrasher hook it up with a UFC or wrestling match? I'd give my money to see a no holds barred beefing match with skaters wrestling and commentary from Frank and Pete..........

You Pals know where I'm going with this.... Please try to bring a hilarious scenario or spit facts about these clowns as that's what they get for being jackasses.