Author Topic: what happened to muska's back?  (Read 15675 times)

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Re: what happened to muska's back?
« Reply #30 on: August 29, 2017, 08:26:35 PM »
The only posts i've made on here have been about back injuries, i herniated two discs in my back and honestly thought i'd never skate again, or not have substantial back pain and sciatic pain down my leg for the rest of my life. It took a whole year for the pain to go away and another 8 months for inflammation in the nerve to go down and regain strength in my leg. IT FUCKING SUCKED, the only thing that worked was tons of exercise, core strengthening, and lots of stretching. Doctor wanted me to get the surgery everyone else i talked to said don't do it i waited it out not saying that's the way to go, but whatever and at 30 i'm skating relatively well, still have a tight back from time to time and if i get lazy on the stretching can feel the sciatic pain down my leg but no where near were it was. Sorry for the diatribe, but heres the point this book, [url]] more than any physical therapy that cost me a fuck ton of money, more than epidural shots, helped me so much. Maybe someone puts the Mu$ka onto it, maybe one of you has a bad back, hopefully it can help you like it helped me, obviously the back is very complicated and this may not give you the same results, but its a 6 dollar book and a 4 min read.

I'm going through this now, got a great physio and chiro and I also got a inversion table at home. I'm 35 years old and have always been in pretty good shape so this came out of no where about two months ago. Spending a week of just laying in bed till the sciatic pain chilled out was the worse. I'm doing so much better now and working on loosening my tight hamstrings, lower back and getting my core strength built up. My disk is a bulged so I'm lucky there, I cant even imagine how shitty a herniated disk would be. Honestly if you ever slightly feel any shooting lightning pain going from your ass down to your toes get treatment right away as more often than not it's a sign of something fucked with your back.

ducky darnsworth

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Re: what happened to muska's back?
« Reply #31 on: August 30, 2017, 12:52:34 AM »
In terms of preventing back problems while skating, would there be a noticeable benefit from keeping a straighter back while skating vs being hunched over most of the time?


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Re: what happened to muska's back?
« Reply #32 on: August 30, 2017, 02:18:30 AM »
I believe a straight back would be good for going through the day but the hunched stance in skating provides cushion and elasticity. If you stand straight and jump your body will be rigid and unable to absorb impact.
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Re: muska's back?
« Reply #33 on: August 30, 2017, 04:50:23 AM »
you aren't a real muska fan if you didn't see that KOTR frontside flip

correct me if i'm wrong, but don't we have surgeons who operate on backs? Not like i need him to huck his carcass anymore than he already has, but if i had the money and time, i'd be going under that knife. Maybe life for ole' mad chuska off the board is more fulfilling.  

I think his life outside of skateboarding is more fulfilling, I bet his epicly latrd will explain it.


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Re: what happened to muska's back?
« Reply #34 on: August 30, 2017, 04:53:48 AM »
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The only posts i've made on here have been about back injuries, i herniated two discs in my back and honestly thought i'd never skate again, or not have substantial back pain and sciatic pain down my leg for the rest of my life. It took a whole year for the pain to go away and another 8 months for inflammation in the nerve to go down and regain strength in my leg. IT FUCKING SUCKED, the only thing that worked was tons of exercise, core strengthening, and lots of stretching. Doctor wanted me to get the surgery everyone else i talked to said don't do it i waited it out not saying that's the way to go, but whatever and at 30 i'm skating relatively well, still have a tight back from time to time and if i get lazy on the stretching can feel the sciatic pain down my leg but no where near were it was. Sorry for the diatribe, but heres the point this book, [url]] more than any physical therapy that cost me a fuck ton of money, more than epidural shots, helped me so much. Maybe someone puts the Mu$ka onto it, maybe one of you has a bad back, hopefully it can help you like it helped me, obviously the back is very complicated and this may not give you the same results, but its a 6 dollar book and a 4 min read.

I'm going through this now, got a great physio and chiro and I also got a inversion table at home. I'm 35 years old and have always been in pretty good shape so this came out of no where about two months ago. Spending a week of just laying in bed till the sciatic pain chilled out was the worse. I'm doing so much better now and working on loosening my tight hamstrings, lower back and getting my core strength built up. My disk is a bulged so I'm lucky there, I cant even imagine how shitty a herniated disk would be. Honestly if you ever slightly feel any shooting lightning pain going from your ass down to your toes get treatment right away as more often than not it's a sign of something fucked with your back.

Sciatic pain is a fact of life for people who wear toolbelts


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Re: what happened to muska's back?
« Reply #36 on: August 30, 2017, 07:15:38 AM »
When I was around 20 I tore my hamstring, needed but couldn't get surgery Immediately. Later it led me to favour one side and eventually I had 3 bulging discs in my back.

I basically slept and took pain meds. Every lil task hurt waaa�y too much. Also developed sciatica.

Finally through hardcore physio my hamstring healed after about a year. Then 2 more years of physio, everyday, every 3 hours, Changing diet, no alcohol etc I was able to heal my back

Im probably one of the lucky ones

I really really feel bad for those with kneck, back, hip injuries

You don't know pain until you've had a back Injury, it's just plain horrible

Also, Mu$ka has nothing left to prove to skateboarding. But I'd love to see him healthy and back on a board. LEGEND
Gentleman ninja warlock

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Re: what happened to muska's back?
« Reply #37 on: August 30, 2017, 09:13:07 AM »
damn reading all this definitely hits close to home and makes me feel for y'all slap homies

about a year and a half ago I randomly threw out my back while picking up a bass cab - fast forward a month or so and I developed terrible sciatica to where I could barely sit down for longer than 10 minutes at a time. finally after multiple doctors visits they finally sent me to get an MRI and it turns out I had an "extruded" L5-S1 disc in my spine(a very seriously herniated disc). It was starting to look like surgery was going to be the only way out. I was prescribed norcos and begrudgingly started to take them because it was literally the only way I could function at all day to day without being in complete miserable fucking pain. Random, but I saw Justin Eldridge on the nine club talk about how debilitating and serious his back injury was and all the symptoms sounded super similar to mine. He talked about how he had healed himself without surgery and was back to skating full time and living a normal life. I reached out to him and he got back to me with a very long and detailed message about the process and steps he took to heal himself.  I took all the info he gave me very seriously(changing to a strict paleo diet, very intense yoga stretches twice a day, walking every day, strengthening my core, taking a break from drinking, among other things) with a combination of physical therapy with a spine specialist and I was pretty much back to normal after a month and a half of following all this stuff. I also did a good amount of research on my own on healing herniated discs without surgery(pain centralization theory or something like that). I can't thank him enough for being so cool and helping me out like that. definitely one of the coolest things someone has done for me

I was only 23-24 and a full time student when all this back stuff was going on so it was completely fucked. Definitely one of the darkest times of my life. I did get back to skating regularly after healing up which was the best. then I just recently busted my knee haha. just my luck

tl;dr: had serious back problems(extremely herniated disc), avoided surgery and healed myself through physical therapy, stretching, and changing to a strict diet.

feel for the muska and hope he is able to skate again


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Re: what happened to muska's back?
« Reply #38 on: August 30, 2017, 03:46:26 PM »
damn . sucks too hear that everyone is having back problems
I wish ya all a fast and healthy recovery.

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Re: what happened to muska's back?
« Reply #39 on: August 30, 2017, 03:56:11 PM »
Isn't muska a racist??