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Re: Kid got a full scholarship for skateboarding from Sydney University
« Reply #30 on: April 14, 2017, 04:14:29 PM »
Might not be the best analogy, but this sounds an awful lot like when people say things like "music sucks nowadays", "there hasn't be a decent, new band in 20 years", and "what happened to passion, creativity, and originality?" etc.  Young people enjoying the pop music you hear on the radio shouldn't stop you from enjoying the indie music you listen to on your own.. Similarly, the same kids treating skating like training for competition shouldn't stop you from enjoying your skating.  Those kids might happen to be assholes who treat their local park as a training facility, but that sounds more like a people problem than a problem with skateboarding itself.  Possibly a better analogy: one can join a competitive basketball team and also go to their local playground and shoot around, play Horse, etc.  

This isn't about my personal enjoyment of skateboarding. I will likely always have a crew of old dudes to roll around with and I have already developed my connection with skateboarding and with people in skateboarding. This is about the loss of youth control over the activity and the loss of alienated youth being presented with a unique option to escape the dominant society.

The key point is that the subcultural option for skateboarding that existed for myself and kids like me is being killed off by Ream, Dyrdek, Hendrix, Synder, and some other old men for the purpose of pursuing profit (and/or hanging on to a dead career). It bums me out that kids who once would have easily seen skateboarding as option where they could fit-in despite their lack of a non-competitive mind set or his lack of physical ability, may miss it because skateboarding and the people in it and promoted within it will look similar to basketball, football, etc. The anti-heroes that once were obvious and overt role models for skaters, will no longer be the ideal, instead the Jaggers may become the new ideal. Skateboarding will no longer be the obvious escape from the mainstream/adults, but just another part of the mainstream and the adult dominated world. It bums me out that the (uncool/rebellious) younger kids won't have skateboarding as an obvious option to escape the mainstream, as it will be hidden behind the Jaggers, Nyjahs, and other traditional athletes NBC, Ream, Dyrdek decide to promote as the leaders of the activity.

The subcultural side of skateboarding will always exist on some level, but it is nice that the (primarily) youth-run no-rules form of skateboarding has been the most powerful form of skateboarding for quite sometime. This may certainly be the start of a period when the sport version of skateboarding becomes dominant (something Ream, Dydrek, NBC, and many investment firms are hoping for).

This isn't like the end of old-school skateboarding when the kids reinvented the skateboarding into something new and strange that the old-school guys weren't into, it is a group of old men sanitizing, dominating, and bureaucratizing skateboarding and telling younger kids look at all the nice things we will give you if you do it our way and submit to our authority. It isn't being upset that the kids are enjoying pop music, it is being upset that the record label is telling the punk band to become pop in order to appeal to parents and non-punks.

Skateboarding still has tons of places for weird kids.....if you can't see it or relate to it....that's your problem....

We've done just fine through a ton of dumb shit.....this will be no different....

I fail to see how the Olympics is not different than previous threats to the sub-cultural aspect of skateboarding. This now gives the government incentives to bureaucratize and standardize skateboarding (an incentive that no other contest could offer). It gives them incentives to create/support more training facility parks (i.e. places like Desert Devils/Woodward), instead of the hands off parks we have today. These places do not offer anywhere near the same freedom as the local park does. It gives the skaters who are part of Ream's ISF immense power and money across the world (The IOC pours money into the governing body) to push their form of skateboarding. It also provides incentives for the companies to promote these types of skaters over the Pat Burkes. It also will provide a huge megaphone that shouts across the world that this is the "right" and ideal way to skateboard. Also, it increasing the likelihood NBC, ESPN, etc., are going to highlight the shit out of the Jaggers and this kid in order to drown out the image of the Reynolds or the Burkes. Mainstream skateboarding has always existed, however, just because the mainstream/adult form has lost in the past, doesn't mean it will always lose.

Also, skateboarding has been declining in popularity for quite sometime now. The previous institutions that held it together are not nearly as strong as they were in the past. Skateboarding needed a change, however, the change should be done by the young, not the old who are trying to put skateboarding into a traditional sports model. I mean look at Jagger and Nyjah, not are they both sterile media friendly athletes, their youth was completely controlled by their parents and other adults, which is a really depressing thought. Kids spend the majority of their time being pushed around and controlled by adults, why should skateboarding become just another place for that?

Maybe, I'm a bit over-protective of skateboarding, but I figure it is better to try and understand what is occurring in order to protect skateboarding, rather than pretend some old kooks aren't trying to steal it away from the young and sell it for their own profit. All we really can do is wait and see what happens. However, to view this as the same old thing, seems to ignore how skateboarding has changed, how the key players in skateboarding have changed over time, and the immense power Ream now has to restructure skateboarding into something like gymnastics.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2017, 04:31:50 PM by Lurper »

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Re: Kid got a full scholarship for skateboarding from Sydney University
« Reply #31 on: April 15, 2017, 01:02:31 AM »
^That's the best writing about why the Olympics sucks for skateboarding. I agree 100%. Couldn't have said it nearly as well myself.

Snowboarding used to have a similar punk vibe as skateboarding does, but the Olympics changed that. Now that punk vibe is in the minority. It's all about being an athlete, coaches, training, competitions, winning instead of "fuck you old man, I'll do what I like instead of conforming to your bullshit". There's still a minority left who do not conform to those sport ideals, but I'd say snowboarding has lost the appeal for kids who don't fit in. I am very concerned that the same will happen to skateboarding and if it does, I'm gonna be bummed.

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Re: Kid got a full scholarship for skateboarding from Sydney University
« Reply #32 on: April 15, 2017, 05:07:43 AM »
Why on earth would Australia pick this guy for the Olympics when they could send Callum Paul and Dustin Dollin?
add in tas pappas, jake duncombe & kieran riley and you pretty much have filled the australian special Olympics team


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Re: Kid got a full scholarship for skateboarding from Sydney University
« Reply #33 on: April 15, 2017, 06:38:50 AM »
Jocks have been into skateboarding for a while now, the glory days are over. Smug athlete motherfuckers like Mikey Mendoza festooned in energy drink logos aren't a new phenomenon. Social media has aided all this mess. But there will always be a niche in skateboarding that will attract people who think outside of the box.
Snowboarding has always been a privileged activity over here in Australia. you can't be broke and be going snowboarding. Skateboarding is hardcore (more or less) where as snowboarding is like going to play tennis or something.

I guess it depends on where you live. Winter activities have always been common here in Finland as we have a long winter and if you want to do something outside half of the year, it's gonna be some winter stuff.

I agree that snowboarding is expensive, but it doesn't have to be as expensive as it is for most. Used gear is cheap and the gear lasts for way longer than skate gear. I bought new snowboard boots a while ago for 150? (on sale) and I expect to use them for years. For skate shoes, I'll spend more money on skate shoes in that time. Decks wear out and break a lot in skateboarding, so I'll actually probably use more money on skate decks than I do on new snowboards, which at least in my use, last for years. Snowboarding clothes are more expensive than clothes you skate in, but stuff can be bought from sales. For me the biggest difference is traveling. I'll go snowboarding to the Alps, because I can afford it. But you could go to your local hill, get a season pass for some 300? or something like that. Or go hike some hill somewhere and build a jump yourself. That's what a lot of my friends did as kids when they didn't have that much money.

I'm quite sure skating can be done with less money than snowboarding, but snowboarding is not necessarily crazy expensive either. It used to be an activity for shitbags and misfits, at least here in Finland, until it became more and more approved by the people in control. The Olympics changed a lot. If you view as snowboarding as a kooky sport rather than a winter activity kinda comparable to skating, I'm guessing you don't know what snowboarding used to be before 1998. Now parents will push their children into the sport of snowboarding. It's just one option among many and I'm afraid skating will become like that too.

Also compared to basketball for example, skating is really expensive. All you need for basketball is a ball, which can be had for like 10?. Go to a court and start playing. Cheap and can actually be fun. Something I've noticed as an adult. I used to hate pretty much all sports in school cuz it was always so competitive and just not fun at all but nowadays I can enjoy pretty much any sport, just as an activity with friends, just for fun. Like I did as a kid (and still do) with skating. Lump skating there with the rest of the activities and make it a sport and it'll be one more activity that doesn't appeal to the kids who do not like all the competitive bullshit being pushed at school. And it'll attract the kind of people normally attracted to competitive sports and at least I'm not really interested in getting more people like that in skating.

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Re: Kid got a full scholarship for skateboarding from Sydney University
« Reply #34 on: April 15, 2017, 07:51:31 AM »
Contests haven't been relavent in skating forever so I don't really see this changing much....When Nyjah was killing street league...who wins SOTY?  Ave.....

Lurper you remind me of the geezers I hang out with that incessantly reminisce about how skating used to be....when I always remind them that if it was the way it used to definitely wouldn't see a 40 year old man doing it.....

The only thing I'll agree with you is that skating maybe shouldn't be run by a bunch of old skaters.....but at the same time I don't see a bunch of 20 year olds trying to grab the reins.......


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Re: Kid got a full scholarship for skateboarding from Sydney University
« Reply #35 on: April 15, 2017, 01:12:07 PM »
Contests haven't been relavent in skating forever so I don't really see this changing much....When Nyjah was killing street league...who wins SOTY?  Ave.....

Lurper you remind me of the geezers I hang out with that incessantly reminisce about how skating used to be....when I always remind them that if it was the way it used to definitely wouldn't see a 40 year old man doing it.....

The only thing I'll agree with you is that skating maybe shouldn't be run by a bunch of old skaters.....but at the same time I don't see a bunch of 20 year olds trying to grab the reins.......

This is kind of my point. A few years ago people were saying "The Olympics has always threatened to adopt skateboarding so it doesn't matter, it won't happen," but it did. Also, it should be noted that the Olympics has rejected skateboarding multiple times, Ream, Hendrix, Dyrdek, and the rest of the old kooks worked their asses off to push skateboarding into the Olympics (so they could profit and make skateboarding in their likeness).

To think that the future will look like the present misses the fact that the future rarely looks like today (and it ignores how hard some are trying to make sure it doesn't look like it does today). Few people foresaw the death of old-school skateboarding. They thought the idea of a team without vert dudes meant a company that would go no where. However, Rocco ended up kicking some serious ass without a vert team.

Why do people win SOTY? Because, Thrasher who promotes the Skate and Destroy ethos of skateboarding and gets advertising money because companies want to be aligned with this form of skateboarding. If Thrasher loses its power within skateboarding and its ability to drive sales, people aren't going to want to advertise with them anymore and bye-bye SOTY. Or maybe Thrasher realigns itself to stay in business and starts promoting some stupid ass Jagger clone. (Think of early Skateboard Mag compared to how fucking terrible it is today.)

As for you point about geezers, I'm not sure I really understand your point. Why wouldn't they be skating if skating was the exact same way it was in 1992? They don't watch any of the old videos? My era of skateboarding was the 2000s, and my favorite spot in my town is still a bench at the tennis court. So in that respect, it is pretty similar to being in high school or college. Do I live in skate house now? I am working a minimum wage job at a shop and constantly worrying about filming a trick? I am trying to skate with the 18 year olds? Do I still argue with the people who kick me out of the tennis courts? No. I don't have the desire to do that shit anymore. But, I'm hyped to sit down and watch Sorry or buy the newest local crew video.

Finally, yea, we both agree that the 20 year olds need to be taking control. Hopefully, Scum Co and Dime can keep building and doing rad things.

Quote from: ChuckRamone
I love when people bring up world hunger. It makes everything meaningless.
"that guy is double parked."
"Who cares? there are people starving to death! besides, how does that affect you? does it lessen the joy of parking?

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Re: Kid got a full scholarship for skateboarding from Sydney University
« Reply #36 on: April 15, 2017, 04:58:44 PM »
You sure it's not just gonna be a few weeks of people caring or not caring and then life carries on.....


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Re: Kid got a full scholarship for skateboarding from Sydney University
« Reply #37 on: April 15, 2017, 08:38:24 PM »
When Nyjah was killing street league...who wins SOTY?  Ave.....

Who wins the multi-million dollar contract tho.

Depends what you define as "success" in skateboarding. For many of us, winning Thrasher's SOTY is probably the highest notch of success. For the new generation, it's winning Street League. There's kids who don't know who AVE is but they can tell you who finished 9th in the last Street League stop, or how many decimal points P-Rod needed to clinch his spot in the SLS championship game. Things are changing.

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Re: Kid got a full scholarship for skateboarding from Sydney University
« Reply #38 on: April 16, 2017, 08:30:35 AM »
I'm not talking about who makes more money....I'm talking about what counts in skateboarding.....if there are kids like you say....they'll figure it out.....THPS..x-games...both were suppose to ruin skating.....usually if you're a quit.....

I've just heard it all before and something like the Olympics isn't going to change the direction of skating.  Just more dudes you've never heard of are gonna win shit...and no one will care.....

Atiba Applebum

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Re: Kid got a full scholarship for skateboarding from Sydney University
« Reply #39 on: April 16, 2017, 09:05:07 AM »
any of this happening for surfing?


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Re: Kid got a full scholarship for skateboarding from Sydney University
« Reply #40 on: April 16, 2017, 09:38:47 AM »
can i get a full scholarship for shitposting online?

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Re: Kid got a full scholarship for skateboarding from Sydney University
« Reply #41 on: April 17, 2017, 03:36:31 PM »
It bums me out that the (uncool/rebellious) younger kids won't have skateboarding as an obvious option to escape the mainstream, as it will be hidden behind the Jaggers, Nyjahs, and other traditional athletes NBC, Ream, Dyrdek decide to promote as the leaders of the activity.

The crux of your issue is that Skateboarding as a whole is no longer an escape for kids like it once was, but instead we're going to see it split into factions. Skating is so large already that it has already happened. (Street vs Skatepark skaters)

This may certainly be the start of a period when the sport version of skateboarding becomes dominant (something Ream, Dydrek, NBC, and many investment firms are hoping for).

Ream, Hendrix, Dyrdek, and the rest of the old kooks worked their asses off to push skateboarding into the Olympics (so they could profit and make skateboarding in their likeness).

Without quotes from those sources you're just speculating.
For all we know, Dyrdek could be sitting back puzzled that he think's he is doing the entire industry a solid by way of increasing exposure to a wider audience and driving sales to Skateboarding companies.
Whether he's right or wrong, without explicit intention we shouldn't pretend to know what he/they are thinking.

Also, it increasing the likelihood NBC, ESPN, etc., are going to highlight the shit out of the Jaggers and this kid in order to drown out the image of the Reynolds or the Burkes.

Who cares? When did NBC or ESPN ever give a shit about the Cardiels or the Fred Galls?
They weren't drowned out by the Nyjah's, they were elevated to a higher level of respect for sticking true to their cause and being found by those seeking a level of authenticity beyond what they were initially exposed to.

Skateboarding needed a change, however, the change should be done by the young, not the old who are trying to put skateboarding into a traditional sports model.

What J Soy said:

skating maybe shouldn't be run by a bunch of old skaters.....but at the same time I don't see a bunch of 20 year olds trying to grab the reins.......

Last I checked, things happen because people actually get off their asses and do something. Unfortunately for you, it wasn't the people that represent the flavour of Skating that you hold dear that did that, and it never is.

Snowboarding used to have a similar punk vibe as skateboarding does, but the Olympics changed that. Now that punk vibe is in the minority.

That's a good thing. From memory, the last time all of Snowboarding was too cool for everyone was when fuck all people were doing it. Picture going up the hill now and seeing every single person you see with a board all looking/acting/riding with the same mentality as you.
You'd be quick to do a Dylan and change it up to stay unique.

It's all about being an athlete, coaches, training, competitions, winning instead of "fuck you old man, I'll do what I like instead of conforming to your bullshit".

Bullshit. Elite Snowboarding got way too fucking gnarly for the every-man to even comprehend let alone enjoy and now what you've described is reserved for the 1%.
Snowboarding is at least 3 seasons deep into coming full circle, back from being about stunts (think X-Games) to things that are just plain fun and relatable. (Banked Slalom's, Howly Bowly, etc).

Same reason the Dime Glory Challenge, Empire Games, etc. are way more entertaining than X Games street. We can relate...

If Snowboarding is anything to go by, this is what's gunna happen:

It's just gonna be a few weeks of people caring or not caring and then life carries on.....


any of this happening for surfing?

If the WSL and the ISA can come to an agreement that see's CT competitors Qualify for the Olympics without impeding on their ability to compete for a world title then they will have made magic happen.

I can't see how they are going to make it happen but between Kelly's wave pool and the fact that negotiations haven't fallen to shit like they did for Snowboarding with FIS and the WST, then maybe they will?...

Fuck me...


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Re: Kid got a full scholarship for skateboarding from Sydney University
« Reply #42 on: April 17, 2017, 06:26:34 PM »

The crux of your issue is that Skateboarding as a whole is no longer an escape for kids like it once was, but instead we're going to see it split into factions. Skating is so large already that it has already happened. (Street vs Skatepark skaters)

I don't necessarily have an issue with parks and I don't think that this is the crux of my argument. I love my local park and it often operates as a meet up spot before we go out and skate a spot. Or, now that I'm one of the old dudes, it is a great place to roll around during the week.

The crux of my argument is the difference between youth dominated skateboarding and adult regulated skateboarding. While the park may operate in a "civilizing" fashion, it is still a space that the young often (socially) control, unlike, the training facility, which is regulated and dominated by adults. Think of Dunbat Park in Toronto, it is certainly one of the best places to roll around and it is dramatically different than Jagger's dad's Dust Devil skateboard/gymnastics training facility.

Without quotes from those sources you're just speculating [on Ream, Hendrix, Dyrdek, etc on their pursuit of profit].
For all we know, Dyrdek could be sitting back puzzled that he think's he is doing the entire industry a solid by way of increasing exposure to a wider audience and driving sales to Skateboarding companies.
Whether he's right or wrong, without explicit intention we shouldn't pretend to know what he/they are thinking.

You are right that I cannot read their minds. However, I can look at their previous actions, their associates, the personal rewards each of them is likely to receive from their sale of skateboarding, and I can examine  their public statements (which are often mixed with their bullshit promotional statements) and to try and figure out their real motives or the consequences of their actions. Each one of these people obtains access to economic and social and institutional capital by selling our skateboarding to the Olympics and recreating skateboarding into a format that requires their control, instead of the diffuse model we have today.

Not to mention, I can look at the lack of small companies or anyone from DLX or High Speed Productions and think that this may be Ream, Hendrix, and Dyrdek's best attack on the "skate and destroy" form of skateboarding.

I can look at the stupid ass promotional videos they create in order to sell skateboarding to the Olympics . And I know they have been trying to get skateboarding into the Olympics for at least a decade, despite their bullshit about it being "inevitable." In 2008, Wade Martin (an exec at NBC and the Dew Tour) stated, "There's a group that's put together the International Skateboarding Federation that's been organizing and putting the pieces together that will give them the platform to hopefully get into the Olympics at some point."

How Dydrek, Berra, Brian Atlas, Ream, and Hendrix rationalization their murder of skateboarding for their own personal gain is really not all that interesting to me. Hendrix recently did some silly interview where he explained that the Olympics would help places like Finland when it comes to skateboarding. Hendrix was so busy sucking his own dick that he failed to see Finland already has some amazing concrete parks, the nation's official tourism webpage promotes street skateboarding, Finland already has an amazing board culture, and Helsinki airport allowed Saari and a few other skaters to skate anywhere in the airport. Not to mention, his fake ambivalence about Olympic skateboarding, he skated in the 1996 Olympics and he directly benefits from its inclusion. His "oh I don't know if it is good or bad" strikes me as bullshit. Moreover, Hendrix tried to guilt the suburban kids about being selfish and how this would open up opportunities to poor kids, despite the fact the Olympics regularly harms the economy of the host nation, pushes the poor out of their homes, and even relies on trafficked labor who work basically like slaves (no pay and their passports have been taken away from them so they can't return home).

Who cares [if ESPN/NBC play up the Jaggers, etc.]? When did NBC or ESPN ever give a shit about the Cardiels or the Fred Galls?
They weren't drowned out by the Nyjah's, they were elevated to a higher level of respect for sticking true to their cause and being found by those seeking a level of authenticity beyond what they were initially exposed to.

This ignores my points about the megaphone, institutional power, and now that I think about the "law and order" paradigm that bureaucratized adult run skateboarding can now be placed into. With a major cultural trophy being at the end of the road (gold medals), government support for bureaucratized skateboarding, major media support, etc. it may change the economics of skateboarding. This isn't just money being thrown at skateboarding, but this is an amazing power play by the mainstream side of skateboarding to become dominant and more powerful than the youth run side of skateboarding.

Finally, despite any disagreements we may have about the possible affects that the Olympics, the Olympics money, government involvement in bureaucratized skateboarding, I'm glad to see that we all seem to agree that skateboarding should be run by the kids themselves, not old men. I don't expect and I don't want skateboarding to remain exactly the same as when I was 18, but I'd like to see it continue to be a place that allows kids to be kids and not be turned into docile bodies by the adult authorities.

Also, it'll be interesting to come back to this thread in 2024 and see what has happened in skateboarding and if the Olympics did create a significant change in the way it is set up. Will there be a woodward in every country and local pee wee street leagues?
« Last Edit: April 17, 2017, 06:38:55 PM by Lurper »

Quote from: ChuckRamone
I love when people bring up world hunger. It makes everything meaningless.
"that guy is double parked."
"Who cares? there are people starving to death! besides, how does that affect you? does it lessen the joy of parking?


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Re: Kid got a full scholarship for skateboarding from Sydney University
« Reply #43 on: May 11, 2021, 02:26:44 AM »
What a nice story.

bob george

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Re: Kid got a full scholarship for skateboarding from Sydney University
« Reply #44 on: May 11, 2021, 02:41:50 AM »
i feel like mikey did some weird form of publicly quitting skateboarding some time in the last few years, wonder if he kept his scholarship...

don't really care enough to look into anything i've just said myself, i'm sure he still skates - but maybe he specifically stopped being a semiprofessional skateboarder. not sure why this thread is on the front page right now...

that skinny motherfucker with the high voice


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Re: Kid got a full scholarship for skateboarding from Sydney University
« Reply #45 on: May 11, 2021, 03:02:13 AM »
Thank you a million, for answering the questions. As far as I know, the scholarship directly depends on the university and what other specialty you choose. I've always wanted to be a biologist, and I wondered what kind of scholarship students get by choosing this specialty. A friend advised me to look at the scholarships on this site I wondered how relevant my profession is today and what kind of scholarship you can get while studying in this specialty. Now I am studying biology at the university, and I really like what I am doing now.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2021, 07:10:59 AM by Andrewfhunt »