Author Topic: How do you guys take care of your feet?  (Read 2290 times)

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Re: How do you guys take care of your feet?
« Reply #30 on: July 08, 2022, 08:09:52 PM »
I’ve been to a couple of the FRC seminars and I’ve been using this mobility work for my joints (feet and ankles included) for years with good results. Helps me avoid injury, keep healthy range of motion and rehab injuries when I get busted up


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Re: How do you guys take care of your feet?
« Reply #31 on: August 31, 2022, 01:57:40 AM »
Oddly, I was having a weird heel pain in my left foot recently, like for months, and then used a pumice stone on my heel and the pain went away almost immediately. Not sure if I had some small, weird foreign object trapped under the skin that got released, or if the extra dead skin was creating some strange imbalance that was the cause of the pain. But if anyone experiences the same unknown heel pain, the pumice stone is cheap and worth a shot. I got instant relief.

As an update, the pain in my heel came back.

I noticed there was a white-headed bump just under the skin at the location of pain. I remembered stepping on a broken basket about a year ago where the wire inside the basket frame impacted that spot. I didn't think anything had pierced the skin or broken of inside the actual heel, but it sure felt like that. It felt like there was something in my heel, tender to touch. I could scrape my nail over the spot and it certainly seemed like a sliver of something was in there.

So, after showering yesterday, I got busy with the pumice stone, desperate to break through the outer layer of skin and pick out whatever was in there. I did finally break through, so that the white head was sticking out, and I was able to pull out this white, boney shard from the spot.

I googled it and it appears to be a calcium deposit that had grown in the spot due to the trauma of stepping on the basket. So nothing was actually stuck in there; calcium had just built up in the pocket that experienced trauma. I guess this happens often in babies that get pricked in the heel for medical purposes.

Was weird pulling out the calcium shard, but definitely satsfying once it was out. Hopefully that is the end of it. Wouldn't have been so easy without my pumice stone.
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Re: How do you guys take care of your feet?
« Reply #32 on: August 31, 2022, 03:38:24 PM »

Buy the cheapest one of these you can find. Charge it to max battery power, then empty the fuckin clip on the soles of your feet. Go until it dies. Do this right before bed and you will wake up to what feels like a successful foot transplant.

This. The first time in years that my feet felt actually relaxed and not crampy at all was after I got one of those for Christmas. Nothing better for quick relief.
All the stretching, strengthening rolling that different people have already advertised has helped me a lot in the long run, tho.


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Re: How do you guys take care of your feet?
« Reply #33 on: August 31, 2022, 09:29:50 PM »
Lay flat on your back, extend your legs and rest your feet on the wall so you make an L with your body. Stay there for 5-10 minutes. Combine with stretching and some or all of the aforementioned advice.

You don’t need to actively extend the legs, actually better if you don’t. The point here is to let blood and fluids in your legs flow back to your core and refresh them. There are valves in the veins of your legs that work like locks (in the dam sense) against gravity and holding this L posture helps aid their function by basically giving them a rest. They wear out over time and that’s how varicose veins form; old blood pooling between these valves.

Anyway, speaking anecdotally I notice the most pronounced difference doing this when I’m hiking, shit can straight up hurt sometimes. But the next day my feet and legs feel rejuvenated. At home I do it every night, especially when I’ve gone skating.

I go to an MD that is also a chiropractor.  When I mess my back up he gave me this to do to get the flexibility back in my hammies and lower back.  It’s helped.  Still have back issues but do this regularly.   
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Re: How do you guys take care of your feet?
« Reply #34 on: August 31, 2022, 10:09:30 PM »
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Lay flat on your back, extend your legs and rest your feet on the wall so you make an L with your body. Stay there for 5-10 minutes. Combine with stretching and some or all of the aforementioned advice.

You don’t need to actively extend the legs, actually better if you don’t. The point here is to let blood and fluids in your legs flow back to your core and refresh them. There are valves in the veins of your legs that work like locks (in the dam sense) against gravity and holding this L posture helps aid their function by basically giving them a rest. They wear out over time and that’s how varicose veins form; old blood pooling between these valves.

Anyway, speaking anecdotally I notice the most pronounced difference doing this when I’m hiking, shit can straight up hurt sometimes. But the next day my feet and legs feel rejuvenated. At home I do it every night, especially when I’ve gone skating.


I go to an MD that is also a chiropractor.  When I mess my back up he gave me this to do to get the flexibility back in my hammies and lower back.  It’s helped.  Still have back issues but do this regularly.
There's another one you can do where you live face down, put your hands under your forehead like a sunbather. Bend one knee, lift that leg off the ground just a bit (it's not about a super stretch so an inch or two is fine) straighten the leg out, lower it to the ground again. Do this a few times with each leg.

Edit: soz I derp'd from reading last paragraph. That is for hamstrings and back not really for feet.


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Re: How do you guys take care of your feet?
« Reply #35 on: September 01, 2022, 12:35:35 PM »
Wear zero drop, wide toe box "barefoot" style shoes such as Splays or Wildlings.

It kinda makes hard to put on normal shoes when I go skating, but overall my feet and legs feel much more flexible and stronger.


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Re: How do you guys take care of your feet?
« Reply #36 on: September 01, 2022, 02:11:54 PM »
I thought zero drop/minimalist shoes haven't actually shown long-term benefits to joint and foot health, which is why most running companies stopped producing them as widely as they were 10 years ago?

Personally, skating shoes that have some midsole/insole structure and making sure my shoe isn't too narrow had the biggest effect on my feet/ankles.

I ruptured all the ligaments in my ankle last April in a rock climbing fall. Climbing shoes are worn as tight as you can possibly fit them for performance reasons. What this does is actually bind all of your metatarsal bones together, which is great for transferring power to something the size of a dime but horrible for your feet and joints. When the foot is that compressed it actually involves several tendons and ligaments in the ankle and reduces mobility. This is how a footlock works in in Jiu Jitsu. It's also why my ankle couldn't absorb the fall and rolled over and ruptured.

I see a lot of really poorly fitting more minimal vulcs where, if you look from the front, you can see the underside of the 1st and fit metatarsal hanging over the foxing.

The number one way I have taken care of my feet is strengthening my ankles and lower body. Foot soreness usually comes from a lack of ability to absorb impact and instability in the joints. After my injury I had to do extensive rehab, which involved a lot of calve, tibialis, and deep squatting, which improved my strength a lot. I noticed a large difference in the toll skating had on my body to where I'm 37 and can skate more now than I could when I started back 4 years ago.


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Re: How do you guys take care of your feet?
« Reply #37 on: September 01, 2022, 04:14:37 PM »
For me, stuff like tree pose and warrior in yoga.  I use a massage gun on my arches and heel.  Rolling my foot on a golf ball/lacrosse ball.  Scrubbing them bitches and keeping my toenails nice.  Birkenstocks as chillers.  Lots of barefoot time around the house.  Going on walks.  Not wearing shoes that are dead as fuck and making sure your shoes actually fit was huge.

All kinda basic stuff but when you add it all up your feet feel pretty good.


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Re: How do you guys take care of your feet?
« Reply #38 on: September 01, 2022, 04:28:50 PM »
I usually soak my foot with some CBD Bath balm 1-2 month

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Re: How do you guys take care of your feet?
« Reply #39 on: September 03, 2022, 01:01:34 PM »
soak feet in tomato sauce every third monday