Author Topic: Remembering Shane Cross 5 Years On  (Read 24571 times)

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Re: Remembering Shane Cross 4 Years On
« Reply #30 on: March 07, 2011, 01:46:08 PM »
Words From The Family:
Mark Cross

From the moment Shane entered this world I loved him dearly, and knew he was so special. I was so happy I found myself stuck in the Currumbin hotel celebrating for a few days after his birth. It was the best time of my life. He gave me so much.

As he got a bit older he became so energetic; we thought we'll get him into football and hopefully it'll wear him out and he'll sleep. We threw him in as an "on baller" or rover, which is a position for someone who can run all day. When he'd finish playing with his team, he'd turn around and look at us and say, "Can I play the next game, in the next age group?" He'd just never stop.

If we weren't playing footy together, we surfed. Not that long ago, Currumbin, our local break, had a solid swell coming through and myself, Shane, Michael and Joel (Shane's Brother-in-law) were ready for it. We were a bit slower at getting up than Shane and from about 6.30 onwards he was going "Come on, come on! We're wasting time!" We all finally got together and made our way down to the beach and that was it, we were off for the day! We came back at about two o'clock, totally ragged, and Shane turns around and says, "Time to go snorkelling. We've got to go snorkelling now!" So we go "All right..." and we raced back down to the creek and went for a snorkel.

Shane bought this silly spear gun, but he couldn't load it. He used to drag his mate Matt Hooker along and Shane would shoot it off and Matt would have to reload it for him. They had a ball. He was down at the Tweed River and he came home saying, "I shot it off!" I said, "Mate, you couldn't have picked a place where there's more sharks." "Really?" Shane said, "I didn't see any." But he didn't go back to the Tweed River to snorkel after that. He said, "I'll listen to you this time, Dad."

You give your kids advice, you load them up with as much information as you can, point them in the right direction and you let them go - they always come back. No matter where he was in the world, whenever Shane would cross a bridge he'd ring us up; crossing the Sydney Harbour Bridge, New York, and San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge - that was his favourite one. He rang us at one in the morning. It didn't matter what time of the day it was because the boy never owned a watch anyway. The phone would ring in the middle of the night and we'd answer; "Yeah mate, what's wrong?" "Nothing's wrong, I'm just chillin'." We'd put him on speaker-phone and listen to his stories. "But it's daytime here, Dad." "It's OK mate, you can ring us any time you want." And he did.

Shane was so precious and made us all so proud, just by being him. Yeah, he could skateboard, but we did try to deter him from it originally because we had friends of his that would walk around with their arms in casts. We'd always think he was going to break something, but the boy never broke a bone. He landed on his bum a few times, which hurt, bruising the old tailbone, but that's about it. He was special to all his friends and I can't thank them all enough. He'd come up to me to say he'd meet such-and-such, or he'd ring me to let me know how rapt he was to have met someone. He thought they were all so great. He loved the guys in his team dearly and he thought it was all so much fun.

My son was a party animal. What can I say? He enjoyed life to the fullest, and that's all Donna and I ever ask of any of our kids. Follow your heart. Shane followed his heart and he lived, and that is what is so amazing about him. He will be missed dearly and was my best mate. A lot of you knew him as a skateboarder, we knew him as a son and a brother who made our lives so special. He'll be with us always.


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Re: Remembering Shane Cross 4 Years On
« Reply #31 on: March 07, 2011, 01:46:38 PM »
You're my Best Friend
By Joe Pease

I remember when I was young and was just starting to realise that skateboarding was something that other people did, and then I remember hearing stories about this kid who could grind round handrails and who was this amazing skateboarder. I started to see him around at this school I would skate every weekend. We saw each other, but we didn't exchange words. There used to be this weird rivalry-type thing, where we would be skating the same thing, but sizing each other up at the same time. Days after this first encounter I was introduced to him and the first thing he said was, "Do you want to stay over at my house?" At first I was a bit cautious, just because we didn't even know each other. But from then on, after school and all weekend, we were together as best friends.

Shane was just that type of person who always wanted to be around someone or to be having fun. We'd stay up late 'cause Shane would say, "I feel like if I go to sleep, I'm going to miss out on something." He was constantly searching for the best times out of every situation. He would always say, "Joe, we should just do it for good memories. We can look back and think how amazing was that."

Back then we would always be escorted by our mums to skate spots anywhere on the Gold Coast, but we'd usually skate Mudgeeraba. My other friends stopped skating; Shane and my brother Luke were the only ones left. Then we actually started going out with people to film and shoot photos. Shane and I would film all weekend with Matty Hooker.

Back then I remember thinking about going to parties and school dances, but me and Shane would always wanna skate instead. Around that time we started to skate handrails and started getting stunt-orientated; skating things that you really had to find the courage to skate. So Shane and I made this pact where if he did something, I would do it too, or if I did something, he would do it. I think we were constantly pushing each other, and I was glad to have him there to make light of some of the more scarier situations. It was so good because it felt like we were doing it together; we were skating, then getting photos in mags, and getting sponsored. But it was the most amazing time when we were just skating free, not filming or shooting, not a care in the world.

The first time Shane went to America by himself I would get these phone calls every couple of days and he would tell me what tricks he had just done. I later received a call from Matt Mumford asking me to ride for Legacy, to be on a team, which Shane was on! So we were able to keep skating and pushing each other and do it on the same team. We travelled to the States together and cruised around America and had amazing times staying at Mumford's. We would always talk about how crazy it is that we're staying at Matt's house - watching his video parts. I was glad to be in America with Shane, he made everything feel like home.

Shane was always speaking for the both of us because I was on the shyer side. He was real touchy feely as well - with the nipple cripples or this love he had for cracking my fingers and toes. He got me to open up and taught me how to not be so uptight, not to sweat the small stuff. He had me laughing all of the time. He could dance and I always aspired to be able to move like him. His little shimmies and dances he learnt from dance class as a lad.

His love for Jimi Hendrix and John Lennon shone with his love for bright get-ups. When he and Jake Duncombe started buying material, he started trying to get me to wear the headbands, saying, "You look tight in them ... rock and roll". One night at Chad Bartie's we were just about to go to bed, but the room was just white walls, no posters or anything. So Shane pulls out one of his many pieces of coloured material and hangs it from the wall. I'm like, "What are you doing?" He just says, "I can't sleep in this room, there's too much white, I need some colour". That's the way Shane was, a colourful human being; one in a million.


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Re: Remembering Shane Cross 4 Years On
« Reply #32 on: March 07, 2011, 01:47:45 PM »
Words from the family:
Erin Cross

My little brother Shane was awesome. We were close in age and friendship, and fortunately for me, not in dress sense. He'd come down the stairs all the time in a crazy outfit and he'd ask me, "Do I look sexy?" He always wanted to know if his outfit matched ... which it didn't. But the times that I said it didn't, he'd go back upstairs and get into something just as outrageous. So in the end, we'd just high five him and tell him he looked sexy.

I'll always miss your hugs and brightness. You'll light up my day, every day, until I can hug you again. I love you.

Shine on you Crazy Diamond
By Jake Duncombe

There is no feeling, emotion or understanding for Shane's passing. In the past couple of weeks I have realised how close Shane and I were, but at the same time I realised that all his friends were his best friends. If one of his friends (best friends) thought differently about something, he would appreciate their opinion, but stand his ground. Shane was never bossy or want to argue. He'd never looked or talked down on a person.

I spent the final three weeks with Shane before the tragedy on tour. Anthony Mapstone and I went to the Melbourne airport to pick him up. We dropped his bags back at the hotel and went out for a skate. We drove past a hotel that Shane, Joe and I stayed in a few months back. I told Anthony a story about the time we were staying there and how Joe woke up early, took my digital camera and went out for a morning stroll. Joe was filming these ducks and one bit his finger. We were reminiscing and laughed for a about a minute and then Shane yelled "Nah, that was in Melbourne!" Anthony and I just cracked up laughing even harder and he was looking at us and said "What?" We reminded him that he was actually in Melbourne and we all started laughing. "I thought I was in Sydney." It was too funny. That was just one of the amazing and unforgettable memories that he gave to us.

I'd like to thank the Cross family - Donna, Mark, Sarah, Erin, Megan and Mikey - for bringing such an amazing human to me and everyone else he met. Shane, you'll be missed by all. You have taken a huge chunk of me and I'll never be the same without you. But I know you took that piece of me to a better place, and until we meet again I know you'll be looking over me. Save a place for me at Thugs Mansion and shine on you crazy diamond!


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Re: Remembering Shane Cross 4 Years On
« Reply #33 on: March 07, 2011, 01:49:04 PM »
Legends Live On
By Matt Mumford

Legends are conceived over a lifetime and only a small few of us ever achieve that type of greatness and recognition. It is only through many years of dedication that this type of distinction can be acquired, and yet Shane Cross accomplished all of this in the very short time he had here with us. From the very first moment he stood in the limelight, the world has learnt of what Shane has been capable of on a skateboard, and he has never once ceased to amaze us all. Shane achieved so much in his short career, and most importantly showed us that greatness is not just measured by being gifted, but also by being humble, staying true to yourself and the people around you. For as quickly as Shane rose to the top, he never once stopped being Shane. From the first three months I spent with Shane in the States, to the last three weeks I had with him before he passed, I'll always remember how much of an importance he was to my life. Whether you knew him personally or followed him on the pages of a magazine, he has left an everlasting stamp on all our lives. I will never forget Shane Cross and will carry his memory in my heart for ever.

Shane and his Smile
Andrew Mapstone

Since the day Shane passed, he has been on my mind all day, every day. So many memories keep flooding back. Whether I am driving, skating, shooting photos or sleeping, Shane is on my mind, but they're all positive memories, never negative. The one great flash I see in my head, which brings a lump in my throat, a tear in my eye and a gasp for breath, is the smile Shane would give me. The smile that was always on his face; a look back with his head slightly tilted. These days he would even throw a peace sign in the mix. I know that smile oh so well; it's in my photos, it's on Volcom T-shirts, it's even in print in the magazines, but most important is that it will remain a memory in my heart for ever.

I want to tell you all about the good times; the times Joe, Shane and I spent together in California and the years we spent travelling, skating, chillin' and all the changes Shane went through. There is just so much to tell and I know that anyone that spent time with Shane would have a tonne of stories of their own. But instead of me writing about all that, I want you to remember Shane and I as the two that worked together, lived together and survived together. A photographer and a skater ... and the best of friends. I can give you the photos, but I can't tell you in words just how wonderful Shane was. In this world we all live in, and in the industry of skateboarding, shit like this just shouldn't happen. Shane can't get hurt grinding a 20-stair, how is he going to get hurt riding a bike? I am sorry, I just can't accept it, and writing any more about him is just too tough. I will miss you Shane, just keep riding in Heaven, buddy.

Words from the family:
Sarah Cross

I have some beautiful memories of my little brother. I can't find words to describe how much he meant to me and how much I will miss him. Growing up we had so much fun. I remember when we were little, rolling paper cigarettes for him, and putting sticky tape on the ends to stop them from getting soggy, and then using red texta to colour in the burning end. He didn't like it until the end was red. With sunnies on and the ciggy in his mouth he thought he looked just like Tom Cruise, which Shane thought was cool at the time. I remember us quite young, rolling down our steep street in Mudgeeraba sitting on his skateboard with one of us keeping a lookout for cars, not a fear in the world. I was proud of my little brother, and although I never really knew him as a skater and party animal, he was my friend.

I remember practising my makeup artist skills on him when he was a kid. I'm sure he hated it, but he would always make the best of the situation. Besides, I was getting him back for the times he and Dad rolled me in a mattress, and while incapacitated called the dog in to lick my face.

One of my fondest memories is when he came to visit me in London. He wasn't too interested in seeing the sights or partying that weekend; he said he just wanted to chill with his sister. We went to the corner store to make the ultimate hot chocolate. We drank them until we felt sick and then stayed up all night watching The Young Ones and Father Ted while chatting about old times.

I have so many memories and stories that will forever be in my heart. I am honoured to be his sister, and even though I only had him here for 20 years, that time is mine forever. I will never forget Shane, or the lesson that he taught to me - "Just chill."


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Re: Remembering Shane Cross 4 Years On
« Reply #34 on: March 07, 2011, 01:50:17 PM »
The Young Years
By Rome Torti

I remember the first time I saw Shane, this little guy with pants and shirts five times too big for him, at the now turned to rubble Nexus Skatepark. He must have been all of 14, nollie backside lipsliding down the rail every shot, and even at that time, outshining every other kid at the park. Shane told me years later, although I couldn't remember it, that I had actually met him a couple of weeks before that. He also told me that the same night I met him he copped an accidental elbow to the face from my brother Dave, which left him with a gushing blood nose.

It wasn't until a couple of years later that I started skating with Shane on a regular basis. He called me one morning and asked if I was keen to shoot some photos. Now at this time I still had my old camera set-up, usually just shooting friends of mine skating kerbs. I'd get the odd photo run every now and then in a magazine, but I was definitely not at the point where people could trust me to get a gold photo of them jumping down a multiple set of stairs.

That day Shane ollied a never before skated seven-flat-seven (no, not Varsity), filmed about eight tricks on a picnic table, did a frontside lipslide on a kicker to power-box set-up and pulled this massive frontside 180 that was at the end of his Northern Lights video part. From that day onwards I knew that Shane was something special.

I've seen him go through his phases, from his baggy "Mudgee" rat rags, to his trusty Defiant hat - which he would never leave home without - to skin-tight girl's pants ... then sometimes to not wearing any pants at all. More recently, which is what felt like his real calling, there was the bright T-shirts, headbands and, of course, the biggest smile around.

Shane enjoyed his life the way that we all should, on or off a board. His attitude and demeanor was infectious. His short life affected more people positively than most of us could imagine, and I feel honoured to say that I was his friend. Not a day will go by that the memory of Shane Cross won't be floating through my head and there won't be a day that I, and so many others, won't miss him. Wherever Shane's soul has gone I know he's skating and smiling, and that's exactly what he would want us to be doing. He was the best there has been, the best there was, and the best there will be, but the best part about that is he didn't have a clue; he just wanted to skate and have a good time with his friends. The world will miss you for ever Shane, peace out.

Words from the family:
Megan Cross

As Shane's little sister he always watched over me and protected me, a lot! The nights will be so lonely without you. Shane used to call me up in the middle of the night no matter where he was and I'd be fast asleep. He ring and say "I need a ride home". It would be one in morning and whenever Dad found out he would say to him, "Come on, she's got to go to school the next day". But most of the time I used to sneak down the steps and push my little car down the driveway so I wouldn't wake anyone up. I'd race over, pick him up and bring him home. Some of the time he'd want to go straight back out, so yeah, I'd take him out...

Shane, you are every colour in the rainbow to me and I will miss you for all the days in my life. Peace out lad.

Something Special
By Matt Hooker

During the early years of our friendship Shane's comedic personality and effortless skating made a huge impact on my life. A constant source of amusement and always up for anything, Shane made even the bad days seem fun. At one stage Shane was big on smacking my butt. So big in fact that we placed a $100 bet where he couldn't touch my arse until the New Year. Being mid-October at the time, he folded within minutes only to immediately shout "Double or nothing", to which I of course accepted. Shane ignored the undeniable temptation to touch me for the next two months and won the bet fair and square, only to say, "Don't worry about the money". We've had our fair share of bets between us, but I can't remember any money ever changing hands, it was just for the little thrill we all get from having a punt.

We seemed to be making sponsor tapes every two weeks for a while with some of the cheesiest music ever; a reflection of the music Shane actually listened to at the time. Years later he had become one of the most musically orientated people I know, with respectable knowledge about just about any genre of music. From Biggie, to Jim Morrison, to Beyonce, Shane seemed to know the lyrics to just about any song ever written.

Since snorkelling from the age of two on the Great Barrier Reef, I have only ever seen three octopuses in their natural environment. The most recent was with Shane. He declared, "I just found an octopus!" I didn't really believe him at first, but sure enough he'd found one, a special find that few get to witness first-hand, just like Shane.

Most people's biggest threat when snorkelling is sharks, but for me it was Shane. Now Shane had some bizarre fascination with my nipples, and I accept that, but it's strange to think that while 20 feet underwater staring curiously at some weird creature on the ocean floor, someone would grab your nipple, making you laugh and gasp for air as you try desperately to resurface. While still recovering he would pop up and calmly ask, "What were you looking at?"

As time went by Shane's skating ability could only be matched by his infectious personality, love for his family, life and good times. I recently told Shane how proud I was of what he has achieved. He modestly said "Thanks man" - typical of the legend he had become


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Re: Remembering Shane Cross 4 Years On
« Reply #35 on: March 07, 2011, 01:51:24 PM »
Watch over each other
By Chad Bartie

My experience with Shane in the short time I had with him is something I will never forget for the rest of my days. He gave me a charge of life and fun that only he knew how to do. It came so naturally for him, which is something I respected and admired. When he first came to America he got me so motivated with my skating; watching him roll around having so much fun while being so relaxed, it was very inspiring.

All Shane knew was love and happiness. He never judged anyone and always accepted all people. He could see people for who they were, not what they were - never judging a book buy its cover.

Shane's death is a tragedy for all that knew him and those who never got the chance to. The way he died is an even bigger tragedy, and we all must learn and realise from this so it never happens again. Learn to look out and care for our mates and listen to our mates. That's what a real mate is for.

Shane showed us how to be a good, caring person, he also showed us how to party and "Get crazy man" - as he would say. But unfortunately his last lesson has shown us that we as friends in the skate community must take care of each other better than we have been. If we can learn this, then Shane's passing is not in vain. Use Shane's life as your inspiration to excel in what you do best, skateboarding.

Words from the family:
Michael Cross

Shane was my brother, my friend, and I looked up to him. We had a lot of fun together as brothers, just like the time we were wrestling on the couch at the house in Mudgeeraba. He put my head through a plaster wall. We tried so hard to hide the hole by putting pillows up against it, but that only lasted about a week before Mum finally noticed.

I will always remember the fun times with Shane. He's a great brother. Party in peace, Shane.

Coming to America
By Hannah Bartie

I received a phone call nearly three years ago from Chad and Matt, as they were out of town at the time. They put me on speaker phone, and speaking together, they said, "We've got a huge favor to ask..." I said "Sure, what is it?" They said, "There's a skater coming into town and we need you to pick him up from LA airport." I said "OK, no worries, where do I take him?" They said "Well, that's the favor ... we won't be home for two weeks and we need someone to look after him 'til we get back because he's only 17." What was I supposed to do with a 17-year-old skateboarder for two weeks? I was waiting at Customs in LAX for Shane. I didn't know what he looked like, but the boys had told him what I looked like. So I was just waiting when this little kid - he was shorter than me back then - came up to me and dropped his bags. I said, "Are you Shane?" He said, "Yeah, can I have a hug?" I don't mean one of those pats-on-the-back kind of hugs, but a real proper hug.
Halfway home from the airport, he called his mum to tell her that he was driving on a nine-lane freeway and also started counting Hummers, a car he hated. At this stage I knew that I didn't have to worry about what I was going to do with Shane for the next two weeks ... just how was I going to keep him?

Chad and Matt came home and after having him to myself for so long I was really starting to get jealous when they took him away to go skating. All I wanted to know was "What time will Shane be home?"
Back then he didn't shower and he was sleeping 'til mid afternoon, but all the same, our roommates and friends all fell in love with him. Over the years I have seen him come into his own. His confidence grew, as did his style, which is one in a million.

I remember when Shane, Joe and Jake all went for a bike ride to 7/11 to get cereal and milk. They came home with six boxes of cereal, a tub of icecream and Shane had also found the hippie store on his way and bought back his first tie-dye shirt. We all had a giggle, but as you know, he became very serious about the tie-dye. He was an unexpected sunshine, love in our life and he will be for ever in our hearts

That's What I'm Talking About
By Anthony Mapstone

I am sitting here trying to write and so many things come to mind and they all make me smile, 'cause that's exactly what Shane did, he made me smile and laugh constantly. The best times I ever had with Shane were the tours we went on. Jake Duncombe's 18th Birthday Tour was amazing. We had so much fun skating and partying every day and night, travelling from the Gold Coast to Melbourne, then back up to Sydney where we just kept the tour going because we all loved skating and hanging out together. Shane was constantly laughing and making all of us laugh. He and Jake were so funny together and made my job a tough but fun one. Those two together were an amazing combo on and off the board.

We were on a Globe tour shortly before Shane's passing and our time in Perth was incredible. On this trip we went to some of the sickest spots together and even managed to stop off at Bon Scott's grave in Melville to pay our respects to the legend. On the way to the grave we all had AC/DC cranking in the van and were rocking out to the classics. Shane was in total awe of being at the grave of the former AC/DC singer. I took many awesome pictures of the crew around the grave, the engraved bench and the Bon Scott gateway to the cemetery. Shane made sure he left some memorabilia for Bon.

On the same trip we had a great barbecue at the Victoria skatepark. Shane loved to shred and he loved his barbecues. My last memories of that barbie were Shane and Jake skating the bowl in the dark, with only the lighting of some glow sticks I bought tied to their trucks. Picture those two rulers grinding away with their usual flair, the added flare of fluorescent lit-up trucks and laughing their heads off in true Jake and Shane style.

Another thing that stands out in my mind about Shane on these trips was the question he would always ask me when we checked into a new hotel; "Do they have room service and a mini bar?" He loved his room service. The last time we were staying in Surfers Paradise he had his own room. At the end of his stay he had hotel managers and porters frantically looking for him because he had clocked up $427 worth of room service and mini-bar fees. The hotel staff were losing it, running around asking people if they had seen Shane Cross. Shane asked me while laughing, "What do we do?" So we packed up Shane's stuff and hid him in David Gonzalez' room until the commotion calmed down. Unfortunately I made the mistake of walking by the lobby and the hotel manager saw me, so I had to settle the bill. I went back upstairs to tell Shane it was all taken care of and sure enough he was hiding out on the balcony eating and drinking more room service he had ordered from David's room. His words to me with a mouthful of food were; "That's what I am talking about!"

And that's the thing about Shane, he never took things too serious. Everything revolved around fun for him. If there was a sticky situation he would just laugh about it and palm it off.

I feel like I am blessed to have known you Shane and been able to skate and hang with you in those last days. You are an amazing person and will never be forgotten by the skateboarding world, ever.
You really made me understand the true meaning of fun, shredding, chillin' out and making the most of life. I hope you are in peace and I know you are looking down on us with the biggest smile ever, which you always had every day.


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Re: Remembering Shane Cross 4 Years On
« Reply #36 on: March 07, 2011, 01:53:09 PM »
Words from the family:
Donna Cross

I am the proud mum of a boy that was my best friend. I knew my baby would be adventurous from the first time I saw him scoot down the driveway on the back of his Tonka Truck when he was only two. From the time he was born, to me he was endlessly fascinating, beautiful and extraordinary ... that never changed. Only God knows how to give a perfect gift and one was given to me. That God trusted me with such a precious person is an honour, and I am truly, truly grateful. I know he was happy, he liked who he was, and he lived 80 years worth in his 20. My pain defies words, but my reason to smile will stay, as it always was - my Shane.

Thank you baby for loving me. For always showing respect and listening to me. You were my eyes while you were away and I loved your phone calls every time you crossed a bridge. I'll never forget that awesome day you called from the Golden Gate Bridge and the way you described what you saw; I felt like I was there with you.

Shane, you couldn't have made me any prouder, I love you, and miss you, and will hug you again in Heaven.

Ride On
By Ewan Bowman

I remember Shane Cross standing on the edge of the road with his thumb in the air, a smile on his face and not a care in the world, as free as the wind. Shane lived like there was no tomorrow; he wore his heart on his sleeve, offering a piece to anyone who was lucky enough to have spent any time with him. Those of us who have been touched by Shane can all wear his soul on our shoulders and live life like he did - AS PURE AS THE DRIVEN SNOW.

Ride on in peace, my friend; your colours will always illuminate the way for the rest of us


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Re: Remembering Shane Cross 4 Years On
« Reply #37 on: March 07, 2011, 01:53:56 PM »


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Re: Remembering Shane Cross 4 Years On
« Reply #38 on: March 07, 2011, 01:59:37 PM »

Joust Ostrich

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Re: Remembering Shane Cross 4 Years On
« Reply #39 on: March 07, 2011, 04:13:35 PM »
Didn't see this one.
I'm posting from my blackberry wtf?!?!?


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Re: Remembering Shane Cross 4 Years On
« Reply #40 on: March 06, 2012, 09:59:40 AM »
It's been 5 years..

Still miss him everyday.


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Re: Remembering Shane Cross 4 Years On
« Reply #41 on: March 06, 2012, 10:18:42 AM »
Ali?s wife Amanda Boulala did this tattoo in his memory


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Re: Remembering Shane Cross 4 Years On
« Reply #42 on: March 06, 2012, 03:00:15 PM »
I often wonder where he'd be now? His video parts, his sponsors, ads, covers, maybe even a SOTY? R.I.P
skating is all about choosing your outfit very deliberately, going out in public. looking super sick. and then riding your board a little bit

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Re: Remembering Shane Cross 5 Years On
« Reply #43 on: March 06, 2012, 06:07:24 PM »
She's a naughty girl, with a bad habit for drugs
I;m sure i;m not the only dc/monster/subaru type guy here


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Re: Remembering Shane Cross 5 Years On
« Reply #44 on: March 06, 2012, 06:32:57 PM »
Yeah I met Shane once when skating at a school by my house theres like a 15 foot steep bank with a 4 foot fence on top and him and matt mumford were cruising around and he just looks at it runs to the top and just tail drops into it while laughing i was like what the fuck! He was super nice when i talked to him this was back in the Legacy days. RIP


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Re: Remembering Shane Cross 5 Years On
« Reply #45 on: March 06, 2012, 06:52:40 PM »
Cried the day he died, still cry. Like a little bitch, but I don't care. Real Confessions. Shane would've been Australia's best ever. :'(


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Re: Remembering Shane Cross 5 Years On
« Reply #46 on: March 06, 2012, 07:13:20 PM »
anyone got a link to that video of (supposedly) Shane's homies singing that song about the day he died? they're all kind of spracked and the chorus goes, "Fuck you, Shit Cunt, Thumb Doggy."


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Re: Remembering Shane Cross 5 Years On
« Reply #47 on: March 06, 2012, 07:58:00 PM »
Damn, I forgot how fuckin' sick his parts were. I try not to remember deaths of great skaters because it'll make me sad and it just fucks my skating. But it's still good to remember even though it's sad because you get to look back on the great shit that they left us to remember them by. RIP Shane, hope you're doin' well.

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Re: Remembering Shane Cross 5 Years On
« Reply #48 on: March 06, 2012, 08:02:47 PM »
i admit letting my hair grow all crazy and unwashed/uncombed back in his days like shane.
imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right?
i cut it a few days after his passing and his letslive poster is still hanging high in my wall.
by the way is it me or no one does front nollie bigspins ?such an underrated trick, perhaps shane wouldve started the trend.

I just want everyone to know that I'm only 32.8% skateboarder, and that's on a good day. The rest is just soy and cum.


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Re: Remembering Shane Cross 5 Years On
« Reply #49 on: March 06, 2012, 08:35:16 PM »
Damn this is a pretty deep thread.. thanks for posting and sharing all the Shane videos clips and stories peeps. Thanks again!
Skateboarding is like jacking-off, it's that good- Jeremy Klein


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Re: Remembering Shane Cross 5 Years On
« Reply #50 on: March 07, 2012, 04:35:31 AM »
shane has inspired so many skateboarders in australias, truly a legend.

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Re: Remembering Shane Cross 5 Years On
« Reply #51 on: March 07, 2012, 04:45:53 AM »
this thread is great, so many awesome stories/ memories of one of skating's true legends!
at least there is something that we can all agree about on here.

Impish sausage is definitely gonna blow up as a euphemism this year


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Re: Remembering Shane Cross 5 Years On
« Reply #52 on: March 07, 2012, 10:38:19 AM »
Damn I remember when this happened, I was in class and went online and on theskateboardmag it said he passed away. I didnt beleive it at first but when I checked other sites I knew it was for real. I remember it hit me kinda hard, bummed me out for the rest of the day. He was a great skaters and could have been legendary. R.I.P. SHANE CROSS, your in all our hearts man.