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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #60 on: August 04, 2018, 04:56:28 PM »
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Meh not that bad lots of the stuff he’s retweeting about is true, Tommy Robinson might be an ass but his trail and imprisonment was bullshit, and Antifa is quite similar to the Nazi brown shirts with the burning of books, silencing of others opinions, and violence to those they don’t agree with
Fascists are totally the same thing as antifascists. Great work, keep it up.
My mans I was just drawing the comparison  of self proclaimed antifacists acting just like facists in history

but they don't and i'm sure you have no clue what fascism actually means

criticize antifa if you want but at least don't pull out this strawman argument. there are valid points to critique antifa, like how they often ruin stuff by letting their goons burn down cars and wreck shops when shit hit the fan, how they themselves start to act like the police when something they don't like goes down near their squatted houses, and how the far left in general is too tangled up in petty identity politics and already internalized capitalism so much that they are not actually that critical of mass consumption anymore but just want laws so trade is fairer and their own consumption does feel less bad for them. i would kind of agree on all of that.

also i have never heard of antifa burning books, maybe mein kampf? with which i personally wouldn't have a problem. source appreciated.

i live in a city that always had lots of antifa and squatters and i've never seen any antifa person get violent because of different opinions. they will talk you down and call you names, but they usually don't harm civilists. they attack police, and inanimate objects. if they get attacked, they will defend themselves violently. if someone they chose to defend is threatened with violence, they might counter with violence. that's it. fascists practically dream the whole day about the day they can start their purge and just fuck up the people they hate.

it's what they talk about all the time here in germany. how they can't wait to put the damn foreigners on trains to concentration camps again, how they can hassle lgbtq people with laws that will force them to go to conversion therapy and shit. a fascists life is never about how he can make stuff better for his country, it's always about how to make it as bad as possible for all the people he hates, to the point where the fascist has no problem with mass murder, as long as it hits the right people.

seriously all you fucking armchair philosophers need to read up on your shit or gtfo out of these threads if you are too dumb or lazy to contribute. might as well post your simple truths on /pol to get some fat nerd that wanks off to schoolgirl anime to upvote you while you are fondling your ass with a my little pony action figurine.


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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #61 on: August 04, 2018, 06:18:21 PM »
All that shits gay. Antifa or the alt come up on me ill stand my ground law em, all of em are fags and its popular media now so everyone a fag now. Fuckin lame white people starting shit both sides acting like crazy bitches. Its all white people that can't accept reality.  I go Nazi before antifa though since this is a jut fucking game.

But you know how the alt right be firing pedos now for revenge. Well I'm watchin the professional and I woulda probably smashed Matilda. What bout you? Cause my friends have kids and its weird but I still get a softie


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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #62 on: August 04, 2018, 07:05:11 PM »
pro skateboarder of 23years,fully awake, dad, musician , gambler,rager. bowler, darts,kids, and lover of life and ?hmm whats next!

Grammar is definitely not his strong point.
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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #63 on: August 04, 2018, 07:11:07 PM »
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Meh not that bad lots of the stuff he’s retweeting about is true, Tommy Robinson might be an ass but his trail and imprisonment was bullshit, and Antifa is quite similar to the Nazi brown shirts with the burning of books, silencing of others opinions, and violence to those they don’t agree with
Fascists are totally the same thing as antifascists. Great work, keep it up.
My mans I was just drawing the comparison  of self proclaimed antifacists acting just like facists in history

but they don't and i'm sure you have no clue what fascism actually means

criticize antifa if you want but at least don't pull out this strawman argument. there are valid points to critique antifa, like how they often ruin stuff by letting their goons burn down cars and wreck shops when shit hit the fan, how they themselves start to act like the police when something they don't like goes down near their squatted houses, and how the far left in general is too tangled up in petty identity politics and already internalized capitalism so much that they are not actually that critical of mass consumption anymore but just want laws so trade is fairer and their own consumption does feel less bad for them. i would kind of agree on all of that.

also i have never heard of antifa burning books, maybe mein kampf? with which i personally wouldn't have a problem. source appreciated.

i live in a city that always had lots of antifa and squatters and i've never seen any antifa person get violent because of different opinions. they will talk you down and call you names, but they usually don't harm civilists. they attack police, and inanimate objects. if they get attacked, they will defend themselves violently. if someone they chose to defend is threatened with violence, they might counter with violence. that's it. fascists practically dream the whole day about the day they can start their purge and just fuck up the people they hate.

it's what they talk about all the time here in germany. how they can't wait to put the damn foreigners on trains to concentration camps again, how they can hassle lgbtq people with laws that will force them to go to conversion therapy and shit. a fascists life is never about how he can make stuff better for his country, it's always about how to make it as bad as possible for all the people he hates, to the point where the fascist has no problem with mass murder, as long as it hits the right people.

seriously all you fucking armchair philosophers need to read up on your shit or gtfo out of these threads if you are too dumb or lazy to contribute. might as well post your simple truths on /pol to get some fat nerd that wanks off to schoolgirl anime to upvote you while you are fondling your ass with a my little pony action figurine.

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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #64 on: August 04, 2018, 07:27:24 PM »
I've met Pat a couple of times. He's always been really friendly. That said, his Twitter feed seems fucked and kinda shocked me.

He's retweeting about the darling of the UK's far right and founder of the English Defence League (EDL) being wrongful imprisoned. That just shows fucking ignorance. Robinson was in contempt of court and was warned by a judge to stop live-streaming outside a court because it could potentially result in a mistrial. The racist idiot disobeyed the judge's order and was rightly punished - nothing to do with freedom of speech. The far right has been pretending he's a martyr and political prisoner since then.

Hopefully Pat is just ignorant and not a supporter of fucking scum like Tommy Robinson (real name Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon).

If I see him again, I'll ask him about some of the shit he posts online.

Tommy Robinson started the EDL to try to fight back against radical Islamists in his hometown of Lutton who preached a death to the west narrative openly, and had well established grooming (rape) gangs going. He then left the EDL because he saw it being infiltrated by and attracting white supremacists. Didn't want anything to do with those people. He's most definitely not a racist and if you did some work and watched some of his long form interviews you'd realize this. You don't have to agree with his politics, but I'd try to look into it a bit deeper than what you hear from the mainstream media. And this is no conspiracy talk BS.


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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #65 on: August 04, 2018, 07:39:39 PM »
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Meh not that bad lots of the stuff he’s retweeting about is true, Tommy Robinson might be an ass but his trail and imprisonment was bullshit, and Antifa is quite similar to the Nazi brown shirts with the burning of books, silencing of others opinions, and violence to those they don’t agree with
Fascists are totally the same thing as antifascists. Great work, keep it up.
My mans I was just drawing the comparison  of self proclaimed antifacists acting just like facists in history

but they don't and i'm sure you have no clue what fascism actually means

criticize antifa if you want but at least don't pull out this strawman argument. there are valid points to critique antifa, like how they often ruin stuff by letting their goons burn down cars and wreck shops when shit hit the fan, how they themselves start to act like the police when something they don't like goes down near their squatted houses, and how the far left in general is too tangled up in petty identity politics and already internalized capitalism so much that they are not actually that critical of mass consumption anymore but just want laws so trade is fairer and their own consumption does feel less bad for them. i would kind of agree on all of that.

also i have never heard of antifa burning books, maybe mein kampf? with which i personally wouldn't have a problem. source appreciated.

i live in a city that always had lots of antifa and squatters and i've never seen any antifa person get violent because of different opinions. they will talk you down and call you names, but they usually don't harm civilists. they attack police, and inanimate objects. if they get attacked, they will defend themselves violently. if someone they chose to defend is threatened with violence, they might counter with violence. that's it. fascists practically dream the whole day about the day they can start their purge and just fuck up the people they hate.

it's what they talk about all the time here in germany. how they can't wait to put the damn foreigners on trains to concentration camps again, how they can hassle lgbtq people with laws that will force them to go to conversion therapy and shit. a fascists life is never about how he can make stuff better for his country, it's always about how to make it as bad as possible for all the people he hates, to the point where the fascist has no problem with mass murder, as long as it hits the right people.

seriously all you fucking armchair philosophers need to read up on your shit or gtfo out of these threads if you are too dumb or lazy to contribute. might as well post your simple truths on /pol to get some fat nerd that wanks off to schoolgirl anime to upvote you while you are fondling your ass with a my little pony action figurine.

Antifa members would die if the power turned of for a couple weeks.

Gentleman ninja warlock


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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #66 on: August 04, 2018, 07:47:03 PM »

you think that's funny but that picture is actually me


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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #67 on: August 04, 2018, 07:51:21 PM »
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I've met Pat a couple of times. He's always been really friendly. That said, his Twitter feed seems fucked and kinda shocked me.

He's retweeting about the darling of the UK's far right and founder of the English Defence League (EDL) being wrongful imprisoned. That just shows fucking ignorance. Robinson was in contempt of court and was warned by a judge to stop live-streaming outside a court because it could potentially result in a mistrial. The racist idiot disobeyed the judge's order and was rightly punished - nothing to do with freedom of speech. The far right has been pretending he's a martyr and political prisoner since then.

Hopefully Pat is just ignorant and not a supporter of fucking scum like Tommy Robinson (real name Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon).

If I see him again, I'll ask him about some of the shit he posts online.

Tommy Robinson started the EDL to try to fight back against radical Islamists in his hometown of Lutton who preached a death to the west narrative openly, and had well established grooming (rape) gangs going. He then left the EDL because he saw it being infiltrated by and attracting white supremacists. Didn't want anything to do with those people. He's most definitely not a racist and if you did some work and watched some of his long form interviews you'd realize this. You don't have to agree with his politics, but I'd try to look into it a bit deeper than what you hear from the mainstream media. And this is no conspiracy talk BS.
Meh not that bad lots of the stuff he’s retweeting about is true, Tommy Robinson might be an ass but his trail and imprisonment was bullshit, and Antifa is quite similar to the Nazi brown shirts with the burning of books, silencing of others opinions, and violence to those they don’t agree with
Must be hard to illustrate your entire vocabulary in a blur of shit.......

How do you justify antifa is of the same ilk as nazi's? Absolute balderdash........

 I believe they speak for the mass majority of those that aren't racist and want nothing to do with far right extremism.

 If there was a pedophile moving in your neighborhood you'd want him gone and get rid of him because you don't want that shit around you? Or are you going to justify that as well?  Frankly if you're dumb enough to believe em, you're dumb enough to join em.....
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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #68 on: August 04, 2018, 08:01:05 PM »
i am not going to read this thread.


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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #69 on: August 04, 2018, 08:01:31 PM »
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you think that's funny but that picture is actually me

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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #70 on: August 04, 2018, 08:14:39 PM »
All that shits gay. Antifa or the alt come up on me ill stand my ground law em, all of em are fags and its popular media now so everyone a fag now. Fuckin lame white people starting shit both sides acting like crazy bitches. Its all white people that can't accept reality.  I go Nazi before antifa though since this is a jut fucking game.

But you know how the alt right be firing pedos now for revenge. Well I'm watchin the professional and I woulda probably smashed Matilda. What bout you? Cause my friends have kids and its weird but I still get a softie

focus your account, then focus yourself 


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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #71 on: August 04, 2018, 08:50:35 PM »

Antifa members would die if the power turned of for a couple weeks.

this might be true. i know one local house gets his power from the next house actually. never said antifa are the brightest, but these goons would never hurt me or my friends, whereas i've had enough trouble with nazis in my life.

i don't even know a lot about how antifa works in the us. in europe there was always antifa presence in most major cities and they would squat houses, organize protest moves, do concerts and festivals, and perhabs sometimes drive out to the countryside to have a bash with some nazi skinheads.

when i was home and jobless for a few weeks i could have free meals two times a week in the squatted house. that helped out alot and they would also accept all people in there and treat them respectful as long as you were, no questions asked about political affiliations. how it should be.

nowadays when i read us publications mentioning antifa it sometimes reads as if antifa is something like a leftwing militia that drives around and threatens cafe owners at gunpoint to make their place a safe space or something, like thought police. i mean if that would be a thing then that would suck, but i somehow can't believe they are so bad.

although i dislike all those mobilization efforts whenever some business owner is not acting pc or woke enough. it's their business, don't like it, just don't go there. this doesn't go for stuff like the weinstein accusations obviously, but when i see petitions to boycott some pub because they played bitches ain't shit or refuse to sell vegan stuff i just think damn, you guys got any real problems?

pat duffy be blessed, i hope he finds peace of mind at some point and can be free of fear and addiction and not see threats all around him.


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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #72 on: August 04, 2018, 09:16:04 PM »
Was this antifa? If so then I’m backing them


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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #73 on: August 04, 2018, 11:04:41 PM »
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I've met Pat a couple of times. He's always been really friendly. That said, his Twitter feed seems fucked and kinda shocked me.

He's retweeting about the darling of the UK's far right and founder of the English Defence League (EDL) being wrongful imprisoned. That just shows fucking ignorance. Robinson was in contempt of court and was warned by a judge to stop live-streaming outside a court because it could potentially result in a mistrial. The racist idiot disobeyed the judge's order and was rightly punished - nothing to do with freedom of speech. The far right has been pretending he's a martyr and political prisoner since then.

Hopefully Pat is just ignorant and not a supporter of fucking scum like Tommy Robinson (real name Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon).

If I see him again, I'll ask him about some of the shit he posts online.

Tommy Robinson started the EDL to try to fight back against radical Islamists in his hometown of Lutton who preached a death to the west narrative openly, and had well established grooming (rape) gangs going. He then left the EDL because he saw it being infiltrated by and attracting white supremacists. Didn't want anything to do with those people. He's most definitely not a racist and if you did some work and watched some of his long form interviews you'd realize this. You don't have to agree with his politics, but I'd try to look into it a bit deeper than what you hear from the mainstream media. And this is no conspiracy talk BS.
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Meh not that bad lots of the stuff he’s retweeting about is true, Tommy Robinson might be an ass but his trail and imprisonment was bullshit, and Antifa is quite similar to the Nazi brown shirts with the burning of books, silencing of others opinions, and violence to those they don’t agree with
Must be hard to illustrate your entire vocabulary in a blur of shit.......

How do you justify antifa is of the same ilk as nazi's? Absolute balderdash........

 I believe they speak for the mass majority of those that aren't racist and want nothing to do with far right extremism.

 If there was a pedophile moving in your neighborhood you'd want him gone and get rid of him because you don't want that shit around you? Or are you going to justify that as well?  Frankly if you're dumb enough to believe em, you're dumb enough to join em.....
Got confused by the end, are you supporting Tommy Robinson after he was imprissoned for contempt of court after reporting on a grooming gang?
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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #74 on: August 04, 2018, 11:39:29 PM »
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What are you going to get Duffy kicked off of? Macbeth shoes? His landscaping crew?
He switched to Vux, and it recently went out of business.


going through slap and skately just now. never realized how many shoe companies this guy has been on:


that's gotta be some kind of record, right?

Jack Fardell

1. Ripcurl shoes (yes)
2. Fallen
3. Osiris
4. Vans
5. Adidas

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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #75 on: August 05, 2018, 12:43:42 AM »

Tommy Robinson started the EDL to try to fight back against radical Islamists in his hometown of Lutton who preached a death to the west narrative openly, and had well established grooming (rape) gangs going. He then left the EDL because he saw it being infiltrated by and attracting white supremacists. Didn't want anything to do with those people. He's most definitely not a racist and if you did some work and watched some of his long form interviews you'd realize this. You don't have to agree with his politics, but I'd try to look into it a bit deeper than what you hear from the mainstream media. And this is no conspiracy talk BS.

What makes you think that I'm simply swallowing what's served up in the mainstream media? I know all about Mr Yaxley-Lennon, his history, and the area he's from you judgemental fuckwit. I also happen to work as a university researcher and one of my research areas links to far right movements, so I guess I know fuck all because pricks like you read bullshit on Twitter and think you know the thruth about everything.

The fact is that he deliberately disobeyed an order by a court, knowing he was doing so. His mission to "out" men with immigrant backgrounds accused of sexual assault (your 'rape' gangs) was criminal. He built up the EDL (a well known hate group), dipped when things got hot, then tried to reinvent himself as a serious activist disavowing racism. He then reverted to his racist propaganda when he failed at that.

He sought to prejudice a trial. The UK works on the basis of innocent until proven guilty, but "Tommy Robinson" (a convicted fraudster himself) thought he was above the law and sought to prejudice a trial to advance his right-wing agenda. He's not a martyr for free speech and suggesting that is fucking stupid.

If Yaxley-Lennon is motivated by concern about grooming kids, why was he so silent when it came to the news of operation Yew Tree and the like? He hasn't been outside courts trying to prejudice the trials of others accused of grooming kids. His concern is clearly linked to racism and Islamophobia.

Also, it's true that there are small group if radicaised Muslim men in the UK that openly preach hate, but does not hat give him the right to victimise all followers of Islam or suggest that it is their religion that makes them peadophiles? That's about as logical as stating that the Westboro Baptist Church represents all Christians.


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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #76 on: August 05, 2018, 12:54:13 AM »
If I see him again, I'll ask him about some of the shit he posts online.

lol the literal last thing you should do if you see Pat Duffy


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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #77 on: August 05, 2018, 01:14:32 AM »
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If I see him again, I'll ask him about some of the shit he posts online.

lol the literal last thing you should do if you see Pat Duffy

Why? It might be fun to go down that rabbit hole.

Edit: Tell me you would want to read/listen to that interview.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2018, 01:35:31 AM by busted-knee »


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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #78 on: August 05, 2018, 02:26:08 AM »
Pat Duffy is forever underated as a skater and overrated as a thinking human being.

There are alot of ignorant and intolerant people in antifa here in Germany, but it has its purpose and I am glad they exist. There are some areas in East Germany that are basicly controlled by fascist gangs and antifa is the only group there that challenges them and protects, who are attacked by them. They are definitely not the new brown shirts. Look  at statistics: How many people have actually died or been severely hurt by antifa attacs? How many people have been killed by racist or right wing groups?
« Last Edit: August 05, 2018, 07:13:59 AM by S. »


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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #79 on: August 05, 2018, 03:49:21 AM »
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Tommy Robinson started the EDL to try to fight back against radical Islamists in his hometown of Lutton who preached a death to the west narrative openly, and had well established grooming (rape) gangs going. He then left the EDL because he saw it being infiltrated by and attracting white supremacists. Didn't want anything to do with those people. He's most definitely not a racist and if you did some work and watched some of his long form interviews you'd realize this. You don't have to agree with his politics, but I'd try to look into it a bit deeper than what you hear from the mainstream media. And this is no conspiracy talk BS.

What makes you think that I'm simply swallowing what's served up in the mainstream media? I know all about Mr Yaxley-Lennon, his history, and the area he's from you judgemental fuckwit. I also happen to work as a university researcher and one of my research areas links to far right movements, so I guess I know fuck all because pricks like you read bullshit on Twitter and think you know the thruth about everything.

The fact is that he deliberately disobeyed an order by a court, knowing he was doing so. His mission to "out" men with immigrant backgrounds accused of sexual assault (your 'rape' gangs) was criminal. He built up the EDL (a well known hate group), dipped when things got hot, then tried to reinvent himself as a serious activist disavowing racism. He then reverted to his racist propaganda when he failed at that.

He sought to prejudice a trial. The UK works on the basis of innocent until proven guilty, but "Tommy Robinson" (a convicted fraudster himself) thought he was above the law and sought to prejudice a trial to advance his right-wing agenda. He's not a martyr for free speech and suggesting that is fucking stupid.

If Yaxley-Lennon is motivated by concern about grooming kids, why was he so silent when it came to the news of operation Yew Tree and the like? He hasn't been outside courts trying to prejudice the trials of others accused of grooming kids. His concern is clearly linked to racism and Islamophobia.

Also, it's true that there are small group if radicaised Muslim men in the UK that openly preach hate, but does not hat give him the right to victimise all followers of Islam or suggest that it is their religion that makes them peadophiles? That's about as logical as stating that the Westboro Baptist Church represents all Christians.
Islamophobia sure, but you're going to have to produce some evidence of "his" racism. By that I mean him specifically and not people associated with him.


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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #80 on: August 05, 2018, 06:08:15 AM »
Islamophobia sure, but you're going to have to produce some evidence of "his" racism. By that I mean him specifically and not people associated with him.

1st up, Islamophobia is a form of cultural racism. It understands Islam as barbaric and uncivilized, the binary opposite of "Western" (whether this is defined as secular or Christian). People like Tommy view Muslims as a threat to "their" way of life (aka culture).

If that's not good enough for you, PM me and I'll write a longer, more detailed message explaining cultural racism/send you some reading.

As for Tommy Robinson, he has explicitly stated his opposition to "them" (Muslim men) marrying white Anglo-Saxon women (whom he assumes in his misogynistic worldview to be "our"). This raises the important question, "why not?" His reasoning - that "Western" women are incompatible with "Muslim" men - exposes his racism.


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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #81 on: August 05, 2018, 07:35:54 AM »
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All that shits gay. Antifa or the alt come up on me ill stand my ground law em, all of em are fags and its popular media now so everyone a fag now. Fuckin lame white people starting shit both sides acting like crazy bitches. Its all white people that can't accept reality.  I go Nazi before antifa though since this is a jut fucking game.

But you know how the alt right be firing pedos now for revenge. Well I'm watchin the professional and I woulda probably smashed Matilda. What bout you? Cause my friends have kids and its weird but I still get a softie


focus your account, then focus yourself

Something we can agree on


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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #82 on: August 05, 2018, 04:13:27 PM »
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What are you going to get Duffy kicked off of? Macbeth shoes? His landscaping crew?
He switched to Vux, and it recently went out of business.


going through slap and skately just now. never realized how many shoe companies this guy has been on:


that's gotta be some kind of record, right?

Jack Fardell

1. Ripcurl shoes (yes)
2. Fallen
3. Osiris
4. Vans
5. Adidas

But he's still young

Mikey Taylor, changing shoe sponsors about every 2-3 years.

(nike flow?)


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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #83 on: August 05, 2018, 04:21:30 PM »
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Duffy's tweets and Instagram posts are sad. He seems to be completely lost in a world of conspiracies. It is strange he appears to distrust basically everything in the world except for his (fundamentalist fear based) conspiracies. Fear seems to be the only real thing in his world.

I can give him a pass for some of his shit. I mean he missed out on a big payday (according to his 2014 interview), which could certainly make someone a bit jaded and he seems like a dude who is trying to make sense of a complex world with shitty conspiracies, but his anti-Muslim, anti-feminist, anti-gay, and anti-Canada fear mongering bullshit crosses the line for me.

Duffy obviously hates science, experts (except for his fear mongering "experts"), and is terribly fearful of technology. He promotes anti-vax bullshit, he promotes the notion that flouride is a poison (I hope he doesn't brush or use mouthwash), he hates the CDC, and he attacks the scientific consensus on global warming. He is also terrified of GMOs (I can't judge him too hard on the GMO shit because I used to worry about this as well.)

However, he hates the idea of corporations writing laws, lobbying for laws to be passed, corporations ignoring the common good (Nestle not really caring about public access to water), Monsanto's shitty business practices, but supports libertarians who believe that there should not be any regulation on business or the "free" market. This is just a strange contradiction. One minute he says "corporations have too much power" and then without skipping a beat he wants a world where no one will interfere with the actions of the corporations (that have too much power).

He hates "the media" but has no problem believing every unverified claim from his conspiracy websites (Jones's lawyers have argued twice in court that he doesn't believe the shit he says, but Duffy buys it (sandy)hook line and sinker).

He is afraid of the state, but he is obviously a "patriot" (the name of his Vox shoe). He loves "freedom," but has no problem retweeting those who call for the repression of a minority religion, which he constantly frames as scary, dangerous, uncivilized, etc. A huge portion of his posts are all about sharia law, (the mythical) no go zones, and other scary stories that all righteous fundamentalists tell each other.

It seems Duffy is exactly what neo-liberalism/libertarianism breeds. A distrustful, fearful, and hateful person who is upset that there is a loss of the commons and thinks everyone in the world is out for some evil purpose, except for the people who keep telling him (for a profit) to keep being fearful, and that competition and distrust are good and will lead him to a better world.

Fucking social media has to be the worst invention in recent history. I'd rather not know how sad the people I once looked up to really are.
I agree with almost everything you said. Except I'm 98% sure no go zones are an actual thing.

As a resident of Canada, I'm yet to find a no-go zone. Also, I've been lucky enough to spend a fair amount of time in Finland, the Netherlands, and Greece in the past few years and I couldn't find a no go zone in any of those places.
snopes is about as biased of a source as breitbart.

From what I've heard there popping up in germany and france

Now I know RT is a russian funded news site but they tend to cover all ends of the spectrum. I know the Sun isn't held in high regard and I legit haven't heard anything about zerohedge before.

First, not only does this belief in "no-go zones" stem some inherent belief about the inherent evilness of another group of people, but all of these claims rely on the notion that advanced wealthy secular Western nations have (voluntarily) relinquished control of their city spaces to a religion (that isn't Christianity). It returns back to this notion of the loss of law in order in a decaying society (even though crime is going down). Adding to this absurdity, this means that police in these nations have also given up control of these spaces and allowed an unrecognized authority to usurp their power and authority. If anyone has ever interacted with a police officer this is a bit difficult to believe. The best way to piss off a police officer isn't by committing a crime, but by questioning his authority to be in control (especially, if one is already deemed an "asshole" by being an outsider or "out-of-place").

While there are plenty of sources to dispute this notion of a no-go zone, the easiest refutation is thinking about this objectively and looking at previous moral panics. It reminds me of Sarah Palin's "Death Panels" and the notion that x neighborhoods is a "no-go zone" because of poor people, young people, black people, etc. may be there (no-go zone is not a new term, just reinvented for a new "scary" group of people). Despite being complete bullshit, death panels certainly sound scary to those who doubt the benefits of socialized anything (and overtly ignore the claims that private insurance companies love to ignore) and are strong mythical symbols for a group of people to focus on and reinforce their intense fear/hate of something/someone that is different. It is great tactic for building solidarity among an in-group and ramping up intense emotions (see Durkheim's discussion of totems and interaction rituals). Also, there have been plenty of moral panics about neighborhoods of dispossessed or "scary" people in the past that were complete bullshit. The term isn't new, it is just placed on a new group of people. It reminds of the fear surrounding the mods and rockers in England after WWII. The whole country was afraid of any space that young people might inhabit. Or think of the intense fear that some people like to promote about skateboarding (or Dungeons and Dragons, which was also bullshit). Moreover, think of the way people from the suburbs describe places in the city with some of our favorite skate-spots. They ultra dangerous places where no one can go without being mugged, beaten, or shot. A great example of this might be Deck Park in Phoenix. I skated Deck Park in Phoenix a few years back. Yea, there were a few people that probably love smoking crack, but there wasn't a single person that gave a fuck about me or the dudes showing me around. This isn't to say there are no risks of crime, but many people's perception of risk has no relation to reality.

Second, none of the sources you list are reasonable. RT is not an outlet that "covers the spectrum," but is an state organized media with an obvious agenda. Zerohedge is part of the conspiracy theory section of the internet. The fact most (all?) of its articles are written by "Tyler Durden" should be a pretty good indicator that it isn't a reliable source. The Sun is a super-conservative tabloid owned by Rupert Murdoch. None of this strikes me as objective content.

Finally, I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I actively looked for the "no-go zones" during my two months in Athens. I started off my hunt for "scary" places in Exarchia (apparently a "den of anarchists and criminals"). All I found was an amazing pizza place (Mystic Pizza) and a decent cafe next to a park with a few banners up that I wasn't able to read, but I assumed were anarchist slogans. The next day I went looking for the no-go zones in some of the poorest neighborhoods in Athens. All I found was a disgusting red light district where I saw the hookers on one side of the road and the needle users on the other side (one guy decided to show me his catheter while asking for money, which was a bummer). Throughout my two months, I simply couldn't find a "no-go zone" (because they don't exist and are just another law-and-order hatred of the diversity of the city myth).

I'm taking next week off from work, please tell me where I need to find a no-go zone in Canada. Also, the American official in the video I posted walked back his no-go zone remark about the Netherlands, but if you tell me exactly where this no go zone is in the Netherlands is we can go look for it together next spring. (Fox even (partially) apologized for their bullshit)
« Last Edit: August 05, 2018, 04:46:49 PM by TheLurper »

Quote from: ChuckRamone
I love when people bring up world hunger. It makes everything meaningless.
"That guy is double parked."
"Who cares? There are people starving to death! Besides, how does that affect you? Does it lessen the joy of parking?


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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #84 on: August 05, 2018, 04:51:53 PM »
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Meh not that bad lots of the stuff he’s retweeting about is true, Tommy Robinson might be an ass but his trail and imprisonment was bullshit, and Antifa is quite similar to the Nazi brown shirts with the burning of books, silencing of others opinions, and violence to those they don’t agree with
Fascists are totally the same thing as antifascists. Great work, keep it up.
My mans I was just drawing the comparison  of self proclaimed antifacists acting just like facists in history

but they don't and i'm sure you have no clue what fascism actually means

criticize antifa if you want but at least don't pull out this strawman argument. there are valid points to critique antifa, like how they often ruin stuff by letting their goons burn down cars and wreck shops when shit hit the fan, how they themselves start to act like the police when something they don't like goes down near their squatted houses, and how the far left in general is too tangled up in petty identity politics and already internalized capitalism so much that they are not actually that critical of mass consumption anymore but just want laws so trade is fairer and their own consumption does feel less bad for them. i would kind of agree on all of that.

also i have never heard of antifa burning books, maybe mein kampf? with which i personally wouldn't have a problem. source appreciated.

i live in a city that always had lots of antifa and squatters and i've never seen any antifa person get violent because of different opinions. they will talk you down and call you names, but they usually don't harm civilists. they attack police, and inanimate objects. if they get attacked, they will defend themselves violently. if someone they chose to defend is threatened with violence, they might counter with violence. that's it. fascists practically dream the whole day about the day they can start their purge and just fuck up the people they hate.

it's what they talk about all the time here in germany. how they can't wait to put the damn foreigners on trains to concentration camps again, how they can hassle lgbtq people with laws that will force them to go to conversion therapy and shit. a fascists life is never about how he can make stuff better for his country, it's always about how to make it as bad as possible for all the people he hates, to the point where the fascist has no problem with mass murder, as long as it hits the right people.

seriously all you fucking armchair philosophers need to read up on your shit or gtfo out of these threads if you are too dumb or lazy to contribute. might as well post your simple truths on /pol to get some fat nerd that wanks off to schoolgirl anime to upvote you while you are fondling your ass with a my little pony action figurine.
Thank you Frank. This was the best thing I’ve read all day.
Like Daewon said: if skateboarding is a ten story building, Rodney is on eleventh floor.


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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #85 on: August 05, 2018, 06:04:17 PM »
Retweeting InfoWars is always a good look.


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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #86 on: August 05, 2018, 07:13:44 PM »
i miss skateboarding. this last election has made everyone a bitch.

Steve Kelly

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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #87 on: August 05, 2018, 09:01:18 PM »
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Tommy Robinson started the EDL to try to fight back against radical Islamists in his hometown of Lutton who preached a death to the west narrative openly, and had well established grooming (rape) gangs going. He then left the EDL because he saw it being infiltrated by and attracting white supremacists. Didn't want anything to do with those people. He's most definitely not a racist and if you did some work and watched some of his long form interviews you'd realize this. You don't have to agree with his politics, but I'd try to look into it a bit deeper than what you hear from the mainstream media. And this is no conspiracy talk BS.

What makes you think that I'm simply swallowing what's served up in the mainstream media? I know all about Mr Yaxley-Lennon, his history, and the area he's from you judgemental fuckwit. I also happen to work as a university researcher and one of my research areas links to far right movements, so I guess I know fuck all because pricks like you read bullshit on Twitter and think you know the thruth about everything.

The fact is that he deliberately disobeyed an order by a court, knowing he was doing so. His mission to "out" men with immigrant backgrounds accused of sexual assault (your 'rape' gangs) was criminal. He built up the EDL (a well known hate group), dipped when things got hot, then tried to reinvent himself as a serious activist disavowing racism. He then reverted to his racist propaganda when he failed at that.

He sought to prejudice a trial. The UK works on the basis of innocent until proven guilty, but "Tommy Robinson" (a convicted fraudster himself) thought he was above the law and sought to prejudice a trial to advance his right-wing agenda. He's not a martyr for free speech and suggesting that is fucking stupid.

If Yaxley-Lennon is motivated by concern about grooming kids, why was he so silent when it came to the news of operation Yew Tree and the like? He hasn't been outside courts trying to prejudice the trials of others accused of grooming kids. His concern is clearly linked to racism and Islamophobia.

Also, it's true that there are small group if radicaised Muslim men in the UK that openly preach hate, but does not hat give him the right to victimise all followers of Islam or suggest that it is their religion that makes them peadophiles? That's about as logical as stating that the Westboro Baptist Church represents all Christians.

I guess we have different opinions on Tommy. I apologize for questioning your authority on the matter. Was way out of line there....A judgemental fuckwit prick I am....

What are your thoughts on Douglas Murray?


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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #88 on: August 06, 2018, 07:20:37 AM »
If you join a group that tries to control other people- -

You're probably an asshole.

Robert Baratheon

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Re: Pat Duffy is a far right kook
« Reply #89 on: August 06, 2018, 07:40:13 AM »
Was this antifa? If so then I’m backing them