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Swallowing up houses first home owners could buy and driving up market prices is just about the most evil thing you can do in 2023. As a social crime it sits right next to harming children, which you are by taking homes they could live in just for your own greed.
what an insane comparison
nah. fuck landlords
purchasing an item that’s for sale is not a “social crime”. you may want to do yourself a favor face the realities of the world instead of blaming other people brother
Of course we can blame other people! All of this shit is made up & reinforced by said people!
Being the richest country in all of human existence and still having an egregious amount of people who have no home, cannot afford food regularly, and crowdsource for basic medical attention is criminal.
Just because it’s legal under our current government, does not make the practice of multi-home-ownership-as-a-source-of-passive-income acceptable nor something to be lauded - as in Jagger Eaton’s case.
This is the most I will ever think about him. Fuck that guy.