This popped up, and confused the hell out of me.’s classic Andy. Does some really good tricks, and then probably infuriates people with some of his freestyle stuff in there.
But if you watch any of his regular vids where it’s just him cruising doing Gonz-style spontaneous shit, he looks decent, maybe even really good doing stock stuff like smiths, tres and ollies.
The video is a really nicely shot and edited, letting both &&’s kookiness and talent come through.
What confuses me is that it’s done by
A- Thrasher, who boycotted him for the longest time. It’s funny that the mag wouldn’t allow helmet shots for street, but Andy has worked around zero mainstream exposure enough to make a name for himself that they now let him in.
B- Shot and edited my Gregson, who if you saw the Mano mini ramp games, seemed like the most hostile and mocking of Andy.
I’m honestly surprised they managed to spend a whole day together, and that Chris put together such a good, balanced vid of Andy.