This is where I grew up playing.
I discovered these banks around 1987... I was with Adam Gauthier and maybe Mike Kolbiaka. And Banks was all the rage. Jump ramps too. We had a jump ramp nearby.
I met so many people here over the years. Eventually in the Dawn of my drugs stage I moved right 200 yards from here. Lil wheels big pants era.
In the early 90s I was not liked at all by most people.
Skating was heavily hated on top of that. This spot was a spot of violence nearly every session till the banks become so old that no one cared to go there anymore.
I'm definitely going to be skating here more now I see the roll in for the Manny pad.
There's a few more classic spots nearby too.
I'd go rn but I don't wanna roll that far rn on 50mm wheels.
I'm so fucking proud that mark skates nearly all the classic spots that only us old heads loved.
It makes me happy to know that my home is so rich in skate history.
Jake-mark. And everyone in between is a part of the legend of here.
Our little east coast skate cubby has roots in the 60s and 70s and to me is far cooler than most cities.
I'm getting off my ass rn and heading to play in the streets.
Now I just gotta convince MJ to visit here.