Skateboarding > Skate Questions

What are you trying to learn right now?

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A few months ago they repaved my neighborhood and it’s a super smooth ride now. I’ve just been trying to cruise around switch and get a good switch push going. If I get my front foot position just right then I can fly around, but if it’s off a tiny bit then it’s a total disaster. Doing a revert and getting a strong switch push in right after is an amazing feeling. I can do some tail scraps, hopefully a strong ollie by the end of summer.

What about you?

no name cargos plug:
Bs 360s. Might as well be rocket science ffs :-\

Half cab heel. I got the rotation but I can't catch em right.

working on 5-0s. No matter what I do I can't get my weight distribution right :/

Fred Gerwer Frank Gall:
I'm old and trying to relearn some flip tricks as all I can skate during lockdown is flat and curbs...


Half cab flips and nollie varial flips (ugly, I know,  but used to be one of my go tos)


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