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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #30 on: April 11, 2020, 08:44:03 AM »
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How about pointers for NOT one-footing back 3's? Do you gotta pop a lil more? Scoop less?
I'll like all scoop and it feels like my front foot has nothing to grip to.
I also get dizzy if I flail a few but don't if I land them. Never understood why.

truthislie sounds like the common problem of being scared to commit/land since it's such a blind trick at first. Honestly can't blame you for being normal as landing a bit short then brutally slipping out the wrong way (with all your momentum from the wind-up) on that trick is very much a thing learning it - in a way that's its main trial by fire. I remember a few years ago my back 3's had gotten rusty but I got them back super quick by pretending I was doing backside 360 step hops (which are really simple to me) without putting my foot down, if you've got those good then throwing yourself into and staying over a back 3 is the exact same, so usually I'll just pretend I'm doing the step hop one but brain fart on purpose when the time comes to put the foot down.

Thanks man. It´s probably the committing thing. I can do the stephop/no comply variation pretty easily as too. It´s so fucked, there are some tricks I have been trying for years and I´m so close (sometimes even land them, but hever "have" them) but have trouble committing. Moving out of my comfort zone at 36 is pretty hard I guess... That said when I do learn something else it feels like christmas.


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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #31 on: April 11, 2020, 03:35:09 PM »
Front 5-0 to crook. Any advice would be appreciated
Best advice I can give is just don't. Don't do "truck-to-truck" grinds. Future you will thank me later.
If you need to fill that void do fs 5-0 to noseslide.


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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #32 on: April 11, 2020, 03:52:25 PM »
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working on 5-0s. No matter what I do I can't get my weight distribution right :/

What's going wrong? Is the board shooting out from under you?

Trying to make my BS Tailslides consistent. I can do them to fakie within around 10 tries but I can't for the life of me get them to regular consistent.
Do you scoop your ollie like a lazy, early-90's bs 180? Almost guaranteed to goto fakie that way.
Pop and shifty, don't turn your shoulders, twisted at the hips/waist is what works for me. Def keep your shoulders parallel to the ledge and your direction of travel.
Seen the old Natas parts where he does bs 180 tailstalls on a curb? Do that and then work on going it 90* with a kickturn off. Don't worry too much about the slide; shifty, set your tail on there, kickturn.. Can jam it in if the curb/ledge isn't slick.
Once that motion feels comfortable give it some more speed and try pushing a lil when you're standing on it. A little if it's a slick ledge.
If your baseplate is grinding then you're locked in right.
Watching Lotti's evolution would probably be good. In Shackle Me Not he's skating a ledge by the beach, does bs 180 tail shuv out. And in Now n Later he does kf backtail fakie, right?
I'm trying to think of early vids. Hensley.. jlee video days..
SHEFFEY soldiers story..


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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #33 on: April 11, 2020, 11:54:41 PM »
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working on 5-0s. No matter what I do I can't get my weight distribution right :/

What's going wrong? Is the board shooting out from under you?

Trying to make my BS Tailslides consistent. I can do them to fakie within around 10 tries but I can't for the life of me get them to regular consistent.
Do you scoop your ollie like a lazy, early-90's bs 180? Almost guaranteed to goto fakie that way.
Pop and shifty, don't turn your shoulders, twisted at the hips/waist is what works for me. Def keep your shoulders parallel to the ledge and your direction of travel.
Seen the old Natas parts where he does bs 180 tailstalls on a curb? Do that and then work on going it 90* with a kickturn off. Don't worry too much about the slide; shifty, set your tail on there, kickturn.. Can jam it in if the curb/ledge isn't slick.
Once that motion feels comfortable give it some more speed and try pushing a lil when you're standing on it. A little if it's a slick ledge.
If your baseplate is grinding then you're locked in right.
Watching Lotti's evolution would probably be good. In Shackle Me Not he's skating a ledge by the beach, does bs 180 tail shuv out. And in Now n Later he does kf backtail fakie, right?
I'm trying to think of early vids. Hensley.. jlee video days..
SHEFFEY soldiers story..

Thanks I'll check those out later, keep trying to get out for a morning session but can't get my ass out of bed. I'll head out later to skate the curb later and try this.
Venture Truck Height:

5.0 & 5.2 LO
STANDARD - 1.88” - 47.75mm
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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #34 on: April 12, 2020, 12:15:24 AM »
So I am by no means a back tail expert, but when I first learned them I could also only do them to fakie and couldn't do them to regs for shit... now its harder to fakie.

I think the reason it worked to fakie was because I would turn my whole body kind of like a full back 180 in order to get the tail on and to slide properly instead of doing the torqued out back tail "body language" and coming back out to regular. When I tried them out to regular I either couldn't get it to slide or I wouldn't be able to fully get my tail on.

What helped me fix that was to have your shoulders, head and upper body a bit more 'pre-turned' before getting into the back tail to regs, so that my upper body would have to turn less after popping and it was more on my lower body to get in the back tail. This is harder in the sense that you're more blind to the ledge when rolling up but if you do it properly it feels a bit less twisty on your back and legs since your upper body is already turned a little bit (its not actually turned that much, but since for most people they still look at the ledge when they roll up, closing the shoulders off a bit more like this feels like you're a bit more pre-turned)... not sure if this makes sense but if it does maybe it could help.


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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #35 on: April 12, 2020, 12:34:57 AM »
So I am by no means a back tail expert, but when I first learned them I could also only do them to fakie and couldn't do them to regs for shit... now its harder to fakie.

I think the reason it worked to fakie was because I would turn my whole body kind of like a full back 180 in order to get the tail on and to slide properly instead of doing the torqued out back tail "body language" and coming back out to regular. When I tried them out to regular I either couldn't get it to slide or I wouldn't be able to fully get my tail on.

What helped me fix that was to have your shoulders, head and upper body a bit more 'pre-turned' before getting into the back tail to regs, so that my upper body would have to turn less after popping and it was more on my lower body to get in the back tail. This is harder in the sense that you're more blind to the ledge when rolling up but if you do it properly it feels a bit less twisty on your back and legs since your upper body is already turned a little bit (its not actually turned that much, but since for most people they still look at the ledge when they roll up, closing the shoulders off a bit more like this feels like you're a bit more pre-turned)... not sure if this makes sense but if it does maybe it could help.

Strangely I've had a friend give me that same advice, pre-turn your shoulders so your lower body rotates less to get into the slide. I've tried riding more parallel to the ledge but that makes the lock-in much harder and I end up sticking and not sliding.

There was a brief window of a week when I could do the regular and fakie on command, that mostly revolved around telling myself to ride more parallel and rotate my lower body less.
Venture Truck Height:

5.0 & 5.2 LO
STANDARD - 1.88” - 47.75mm
FORGED - 1.85”- 46.99mm

5.0 ,5.2, 5.6, 5.8 & 6.1 HI
STANDARD - 2.09” - 53.09mm
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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #36 on: April 12, 2020, 12:43:18 AM »
I feel that, going parallel and pre-turning the shoulders makes it much more awkward to roll up to and as a result often harder to lock. Once I overcame that awkward feeling and got the hang of it it overall worked out better for sure. But after neglecting back tails for a few weeks not long ago I kinda lost the feeling again lol


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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #37 on: April 12, 2020, 12:48:30 AM »
trying to get fs slappys super consistent so I can get into fs slappy crooks.

also 360 flips, super inconsistent, made a 2020 goal to tighten them up and still haven't done it.


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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #38 on: April 12, 2020, 01:12:54 AM »
I want to re-learn backtails too. I never really had a good one to begin with. I think my natural duck-footed standing stance tends to help me naturally turn frontside while making backside tricks harder. I’ve been sizing up my couch though and I feel like i could do them if I were rolling up to a ledge. I just avoid trying them because I know I’m going to slip out and body slam the ground/almost smack my face on the ground
fuck you bama


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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #39 on: April 12, 2020, 01:19:55 AM »
trying to learn how to use the internet without getting multiple accounts banned. don't see ever happening though honestly


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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #40 on: April 12, 2020, 01:20:42 AM »
even if I was admin on my own site I'd be banned at least 60% of the time


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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #41 on: April 12, 2020, 02:03:14 AM »
Thanks man. It´s probably the committing thing. I can do the stephop/no comply variation pretty easily as too. It´s so fucked, there are some tricks I have been trying for years and I´m so close (sometimes even land them, but hever "have" them) but have trouble committing. Moving out of my comfort zone at 36 is pretty hard I guess... That said when I do learn something else it feels like christmas.

I'm the same when it comes to the comfort zone, I regularly try to leave mine as though to prove myself that I can still learn new stuff despite getting older (and from time to time I manage to, which is all the more satisfying, like you said), but I also tend to find myself repeating the shit that's always felt good because I guess it's the most natural thing to do, funny how it all works. Nah if you've got the step hop one down you've got this one too, it's really just the same. Maybe pretend you're going for a backside 360 powerslide from the proper positioning with the big toe hanging off the tail but pop while you scoop and jump with it with the same momentum and force you'd use on the step hop? If you can do those 360 powerslide things and basically think of back 3's as the same type of motion just all in the air, maybe you'll feel more comfortable staying over the board the whole way through, if you remember to scrape and guide that tail around like an impossible there's no way you can lose control over it because it will just be attached to that toe.

Also although I think it should be a given, looking back in the direction you're about to spin before you even pop is key, as you're supposed to be ahead of the trick and lead it, not let it get ahead of you while you try to stomp it.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2020, 02:06:16 AM by silhouette »


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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #42 on: April 13, 2020, 12:22:38 AM »
I stumbled across a great backtail example, good camera angle too.
Watch how his shoulders never turn, really that's perfect form, just proper...
That's what I mean by shiftying. If you get your shoulders 90* to the ledge (parallel with your board) then your body is gonna wanna go fakie and you gotta fight it back.


This made so many 80's kids wanna learn back tails..
« Last Edit: April 13, 2020, 12:30:22 AM by legion »


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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #43 on: April 13, 2020, 12:43:12 AM »
Why cant i do 3 flip not even the flip with harder trucks? Not even hard trucks, but the harder they are the more impossible it feels to not just get an 360 shuv. When i could do them before my big break i skated super loose Thunders. And now i want more stability but still loose, but when i tighten them past a point i cant make the flip. If i loosen them i can do the flip perfect and land with one foot for example, last summer i landed often on them. But was a bit frustrated cuz i wanted to go just a little tighter for my other tricks was much better with no to loose. And then i cant do the flip even trying to just to the flip and land one foot. I just becomes a 3 shuv. If i commit doing exactly as i done before its scary cuz in my mind i feel its gonna 3 flip but it just 3 shuvs. Anyone got any tips? Imagine stone hard board doing a 3 flip on that, that mayby help me found out the problem. I ride loose trucks so its so weird.
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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #44 on: April 13, 2020, 02:17:54 AM »
Why cant i do 3 flip not even the flip with harder trucks? Not even hard trucks, but the harder they are the more impossible it feels to not just get an 360 shuv. When i could do them before my big break i skated super loose Thunders. And now i want more stability but still loose, but when i tighten them past a point i cant make the flip. If i loosen them i can do the flip perfect and land with one foot for example, last summer i landed often on them. But was a bit frustrated cuz i wanted to go just a little tighter for my other tricks was much better with no to loose. And then i cant do the flip even trying to just to the flip and land one foot. I just becomes a 3 shuv. If i commit doing exactly as i done before its scary cuz in my mind i feel its gonna 3 flip but it just 3 shuvs. Anyone got any tips? Imagine stone hard board doing a 3 flip on that, that mayby help me found out the problem. I ride loose trucks so its so weird.

8 inch board with tight trucks is going to be easier to 3flip on than a wide board with loose trucks if being cool is your priority try making shit loads of money instead of worrying about your treflip


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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #45 on: April 13, 2020, 02:46:10 AM »
I've been trying to fuck around with noseblunts. Ive done a few fs noseblunt slides on banks but i never learned how to do them on ledges or stalled on QPs. i did manage to noseblunt to fakie on a parking curb the other day so thats a good start. i need to try to get into a few backside on transition, no idea how to pop in from that one.


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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #46 on: April 13, 2020, 04:28:03 AM »
I've been trying to fuck around with noseblunts. Ive done a few fs noseblunt slides on banks but i never learned how to do them on ledges or stalled on QPs. i did manage to noseblunt to fakie on a parking curb the other day so thats a good start. i need to try to get into a few backside on transition, no idea how to pop in from that one.

Na man dont take it like that, being cool has nothing to do with it, its all about the trick. Mayby it was a little cool factor when i was at the top of my skating but more so a thing for loose trucks. Me and my friend kinda got addicted to riding looser and looser cuz it felt better in many ways, not only the 3 flips. But now im older and that loose truck obssesion is gone.
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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #47 on: April 13, 2020, 04:47:59 AM »
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I've been trying to fuck around with noseblunts. Ive done a few fs noseblunt slides on banks but i never learned how to do them on ledges or stalled on QPs. i did manage to noseblunt to fakie on a parking curb the other day so thats a good start. i need to try to get into a few backside on transition, no idea how to pop in from that one.

Na man dont take it like that, being cool has nothing to do with it, its all about the trick. Mayby it was a little cool factor when i was at the top of my skating but more so a thing for loose trucks. Me and my friend kinda got addicted to riding looser and looser cuz it felt better in many ways, not only the 3 flips. But now im older and that loose truck obssesion is gone.
I think you quoted the wrong guy, my guy


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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #48 on: April 13, 2020, 05:01:03 AM »
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Why cant i do 3 flip not even the flip with harder trucks? Not even hard trucks, but the harder they are the more impossible it feels to not just get an 360 shuv. When i could do them before my big break i skated super loose Thunders. And now i want more stability but still loose, but when i tighten them past a point i cant make the flip. If i loosen them i can do the flip perfect and land with one foot for example, last summer i landed often on them. But was a bit frustrated cuz i wanted to go just a little tighter for my other tricks was much better with no to loose. And then i cant do the flip even trying to just to the flip and land one foot. I just becomes a 3 shuv. If i commit doing exactly as i done before its scary cuz in my mind i feel its gonna 3 flip but it just 3 shuvs. Anyone got any tips? Imagine stone hard board doing a 3 flip on that, that mayby help me found out the problem. I ride loose trucks so its so weird.

8 inch board with tight trucks is going to be easier to 3flip on than a wide board with loose trucks if being cool is your priority try making shit loads of money instead of worrying about your treflip


Na man dont take it like that, being cool has nothing to do with it, its all about the trick. Mayby it was a little cool factor when i was at the top of my skating but more so a thing for loose trucks. Me and my friend kinda got addicted to riding looser and looser cuz it felt better in many ways, not only the 3 flips. But now im older and that loose truck obssesion is gone.

And also, it dosent matter if i got 8 board and 8 trucks same thing applies. Now got just 8.125, so its no big difference, you dont get the picture and you dont want to, so just dont reply then, if you just gonna show how big slapmagazine dick you have.
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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #49 on: April 13, 2020, 07:51:29 AM »
Front blunts. Fairly consistent at popping on the rail but I either don't commit to the slide or I end up sliding off to fakie before I can slide.


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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #50 on: April 13, 2020, 09:16:19 AM »
lmao at moe getting hit in the crossfire


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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #51 on: April 14, 2020, 04:08:35 PM »
I took your guys’ advice with the shoulders, but tried it with back 180 nosegrinds. I flailed some to get the feeling of 180-ing into a fakie nosegrind, but I started rolling away from them within a few tries of learning how to pinch the grind. It was a pretty easy trick to figure out. I did some with a switch fs 180 out too and was surprised that the trick kind of whips you around to make it easier. I can’t believe I was scared to commit to that one for so long for no real reason
fuck you bama


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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #52 on: April 16, 2020, 08:18:08 AM »
I just plain suck at nose manuals, and it really annoys me. I spent 1 hour trying to nose manny a pad, and only landed 2 times of like... 20+ tries... Tips?


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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #53 on: April 16, 2020, 12:26:31 PM »
Lean forward (more)


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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #54 on: April 16, 2020, 06:50:02 PM »
I just plain suck at nose manuals, and it really annoys me. I spent 1 hour trying to nose manny a pad, and only landed 2 times of like... 20+ tries... Tips?

Control the height of your pop, I like to think of it less like popping an ollie into a nose manual, rather lifting my nose up high enough so I can place it gently on the manual pad and balance it out.
Venture Truck Height:

5.0 & 5.2 LO
STANDARD - 1.88” - 47.75mm
FORGED - 1.85”- 46.99mm

5.0 ,5.2, 5.6, 5.8 & 6.1 HI
STANDARD - 2.09” - 53.09mm
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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #55 on: April 16, 2020, 09:42:03 PM »
I want to learn backside flips. Frontside flips work for me but I never understood how people do tweaked out backside flips. My body just doesn't understand that motion no matter how hard I try. Occasionally I can crop dust a slightly mobbed pivoted one.


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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #56 on: April 16, 2020, 09:44:10 PM »
I want to learn backside flips. Frontside flips work for me but I never understood how people do tweaked out backside flips. My body just doesn't understand that motion no matter how hard I try. Occasionally I can crop dust a slightly mobbed pivoted one.

What do your attempts look like, like which part of the motion is weird to you?


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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #57 on: April 16, 2020, 09:50:14 PM »
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I want to learn backside flips. Frontside flips work for me but I never understood how people do tweaked out backside flips. My body just doesn't understand that motion no matter how hard I try. Occasionally I can crop dust a slightly mobbed pivoted one.

What do your attempts look like, like which part of the motion is weird to you?
The concept of kickflipping and trying to nose dive the board into a backside 180 simultaneously. It just feels completely unnatural. I have trouble popping a proper kickflip while trying to whip it around. It usually just rolls over on the ground or I'll land a 120 degree rotation super low mobbed one.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2020, 10:17:10 PM by skatefresh »


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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #58 on: April 16, 2020, 10:44:38 PM »
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I want to learn backside flips. Frontside flips work for me but I never understood how people do tweaked out backside flips. My body just doesn't understand that motion no matter how hard I try. Occasionally I can crop dust a slightly mobbed pivoted one.

What do your attempts look like, like which part of the motion is weird to you?
The concept of kickflipping and trying to nose dive the board into a backside 180 simultaneously. It just feels completely unnatural. I have trouble popping a proper kickflip while trying to whip it around. It usually just rolls over on the ground or I'll land a 120 degree rotation super low mobbed one.

if you wanna just land shitty ones you can try the varial flip sex change type and see what happens, pretty much a varial flip and then turning your legs.

To do it proper, wind up the shoulders, and when you unwind, pop roughly when your shoulders are parallel to the board, and you wanna flick more straight off the middle of the nose as opposed to flicking off the side and try get that leg out far. If its rocket, then flick more off the nose and try have your centre of gravity more over the nose after popping. If your body isn't keeping up with the rotation, looking at your back foot the whole time helps a little bit.

Frontside flips make 0 sense to me, I can land slightly muska ones if I put in a gargantuan amount of effort but often snap my board when I try. I had one very specific setup a few years ago where they felt somewhat natural... cant remember the shape but would definitely recreate that setup if I knew what it was just for that trick lol.


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Re: What are you trying to learn right now?
« Reply #59 on: April 16, 2020, 10:49:06 PM »
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I want to learn backside flips. Frontside flips work for me but I never understood how people do tweaked out backside flips. My body just doesn't understand that motion no matter how hard I try. Occasionally I can crop dust a slightly mobbed pivoted one.

What do your attempts look like, like which part of the motion is weird to you?
The concept of kickflipping and trying to nose dive the board into a backside 180 simultaneously. It just feels completely unnatural. I have trouble popping a proper kickflip while trying to whip it around. It usually just rolls over on the ground or I'll land a 120 degree rotation super low mobbed one.

if you wanna just land shitty ones you can try the varial flip sex change type and see what happens, pretty much a varial flip and then turning your legs.

To do it proper, wind up the shoulders, and when you unwind, pop roughly when your shoulders are parallel to the board, and you wanna flick more straight off the middle of the nose as opposed to flicking off the side and try get that leg out far. If its rocket, then flick more off the nose and try have your centre of gravity more over the nose after popping. If your body isn't keeping up with the rotation, looking at your back foot the whole time helps a little bit.

Frontside flips make 0 sense to me, I can land slightly muska ones if I put in a gargantuan amount of effort but often snap my board when I try. I had one very specific setup a few years ago where they felt somewhat natural... cant remember the shape but would definitely recreate that setup if I knew what it was just for that trick lol.

I'm the opposite, FS Flips make sense to me - throw in a kickflip in the middle of a FS 180. BS Flips just go all over the place, either rocket, no flip or no turn. But I think eyeballing the nose and flicking off there instead of the pocket off the side, is something worth exploring today.
Venture Truck Height:

5.0 & 5.2 LO
STANDARD - 1.88” - 47.75mm
FORGED - 1.85”- 46.99mm

5.0 ,5.2, 5.6, 5.8 & 6.1 HI
STANDARD - 2.09” - 53.09mm
FORGED - 2.04” - 51.82m