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working on 5-0s. No matter what I do I can't get my weight distribution right :/
What's going wrong? Is the board shooting out from under you?
Trying to make my BS Tailslides consistent. I can do them to fakie within around 10 tries but I can't for the life of me get them to regular consistent.
Always either shoots out or I just fall down into a 50-50. I’ve only done one legit 5-0 and it was on a tiny ledge at almost no speed
Have the same problem but only on higher ledges, small ones i can do them, on the higher i have the exakt same problem as you how much i even try, i think i mayby once or twice got up a real fivo and slided a bit.
But what i most want is bs 50. Just before my big break i was able to come up bs 50 down a 3 stair ledge. Not that high i just thought it was easier down there than doing flat bs 50 50 on curb. I never really did that bs 50 i had been longing for years. And then when i had it in my hand i stopped. (Gonna be honest, Drugs were involved and also work) Last summer coming back from the big break after wrecking myself as hell shit finally came back. To my suprise i could do bs 5050 on medium high ledge almost better than fs. But Trying bs 50 i usally try on the samller ones and i just land bs feeble or bs 5050.
Also bs feeble is one of my tricks i really want, but somehow i feel the angle coming up against a rail feel so uncomfy and result max in a boardslide.
Before the break when i did 50-50 up rails i landed once perfect fs feeble but didnt make it, same when i did bs 50 50 up a rail i landed mayby 1 or 2 times in a bs feeble. I have done fs feeble once when i was in Australia, didnt bring my board but my skate abstinens went overboard bought a whole new one. And on a parking lot there was like a perfect curb i was gonna do a 50 50, landed super clean fs feeble and even popped out of it at the end. WOW that day i was HIGH as FUCK, on skateboarding ofcourse.
Wish Sweden were more like US and AU, more concrete and many sidewalks are perfect small curbs. There are so much things that are perfect for skateboarding. Even AU have those nice mellow sidewalks and some on the parking lot were i did my fs feeble were like a D and i grinded the straight bit and popped off before the D would stop me (No pun intended)