DS 1&3 are great. 1 is the real deal. It’s amazing overall but there are more sections that drag and are a bitch to play. 3 feels a bit slick and fan-service-y but is enjoyable to play throughout.
Demon Souls is interesting and has a unique atmosphere but it plays like a Beta of DS1. Has some stupid mechanics like having to traipse around to particular smiths to upgrade xxxx. Couple of optional bosses that require you shooting 120 arrows or something at them from half a mile away. A few levels that should never not be speedrun-ed through.
Only made it a few hours into DS2 and put it down.
Sekiro is brilliant and frustrating and more of its own thing. It’s Soulsborne but not. I hated most of the first play through and then played through another 8 times and had a blast.
I got Nioh recently but didn’t get very far. It doesn’t have the same shoulder button configuration and the combat has a weird tempo - more like Ninja Gaiden with stamina thrown in. Put that down for the new God Of War which is more like a Souls game for dummies now but that was very enjoyable.
Demons Souls had such a cool atmosphere and really felt like they were left alone to make whatever the fuck they wanted: it’s pretty brutal (it gets harder the more you die and the worse you do) and there’s all kinds of weird little details and shit going on. I believe it was considered a failure and was written off by From, so they could make their weird little artsy game without too much interference and without worrying about it being some hot seller.
Dark Souls is my personal favorite because of all the fascinating ideas/art/world. It’s the only one that I think did the interconnected world thing really well. I remember my first time going through and finding out how all the areas fit together- it really felt like something unique and special. Plus I just think it’s the most enjoyable gameplay.
It’s not perfect or anything, but it just feels like a lot of love and attention was put into it (the first 2/3rds anyways).
Darks Souls 2 is not very good. If there’s one to skip, that’d be it.
I agree with Willie about Dark Souls 3. It felt like something that was rather unnecessary. Lots of “hey do you remember this character/place?” stuff. It was ok, but by then it had lost pretty much everything that made the first two games so great.
It was cool seeing something so fresh and different come out, since video games seem to just be dominated by sequels and copycat. It was nice not having everything spoon-fed to you (there are huge chunks of the game and story that you won’t experience unless you really go out of your way or follow some walkthrough). But now it itself has kind of become another rehashed and copied thing. Oh well.