I smoke weed every day but around skating, not during. Wasn't a heavy smoker (and for the longest time a smoker at all) during my first 15 years of skating, then I gradually got used to skating under the influence, kind of taking that as a new challenge in, or dimension of, the activity. It doesn't throw me off on tricks and I actually feel more in tune with my board (just like I'd feel more in tune with the world high in general). I'm easily amused so just riding around high feels like the best thing in the world to me. I also feel like I'm more connected with the occasional little pains and what my body is generally trying to tell me. What I normally do is get high before skating, then I go skate for hours but I don't bring anything but my board and just ride the high out during the session (maybe toking on the stuff that's occasionally being passed around). That way I don't get too high to the point where I'd get jelly legs or lose coordination, but it takes some experimentation figuring out which extent you can do it to and works best for you. I find warming up high to feel particularly funny too.