A preist, a reverend, and a rabbit walk into a bar. The rabbit says, I think I’m a typo.
One day an old man and his grandson were sitting on the porch. The old man lights a cigarette and his young grandson asks if he can have one, the old man replies “is your dick long enough to touch your asshole?” To which the kid sighs no, and his grandfather says, I’m sorry you’re too young. A little while later the old man cracks open a beer and again the kid asks if he can have one, and again his grandfather asks if his dick can touch his asshole and again the kid says no. A while later the young man was eating a cookie and his grandfather asks for one. The young man says, “is your dick long enough to touch your asshole?” To which the old man yells, “well hell yeah it is!” And the young man replies, “then you can go fuck yourself, grandma made these cookies for me.”