just skated it yesterday, the only area that's reopened is the nine-stair area. you can skate into the bank to the right of the stair set from the top but it's a bit of a thread the needle situation with the angle because there's a pole at the top and a planter with a tree in it at the bottom that you have to swerve to avoid. if you go look at Caleb Barnett or Seven Strong's IG story right now, there's clips of them skating into it. whole Supreme/Violet squad was there with Stroebeck while I was. Caleb got a super nice nollie half cab flip into the bank.
there's also a ledge up there that you can skate into the bank but it's a really tough angle and you have to gap like a solid 3 feet or so to even get into it and then you're kinda pitched straight towards the tree at the bottom. all i could get was a 50-50 on it and that took ages lol
there's also a pretty fun euro-gap ish thing at the bottom where there's a slight bank that launches you over a patch of soil and a divider.
other than that, your options are to skate flat, do wallies off the bridge supports, or get buck on the nine-stair/rail/tiny curb hubba (which is not easy to skate at all) lol
the areas with the "big banks" and the "small banks" are still closed off and i don't believe they've announced an opening data for them. seems like it may be a while due to their current condition.