Author Topic: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread  (Read 48175 times)

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Atiba Applebum

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1590 on: July 10, 2023, 04:36:48 AM »
ROH ppv in Trenton on July 21 tix start at $20. Would any of you do it?

Hypothetically, yes, in reality I would if I had friends who were into this stuff, but I wouldn’t go solo again.   


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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1591 on: July 10, 2023, 05:00:05 AM »
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ROH ppv in Trenton on July 21 tix start at $20. Would any of you do it?

Hypothetically, yes, in reality I would if I had friends who were into this stuff, but I wouldn’t go solo again.

In Trenton, no less. Lol.

I went to the first AEW Grand Slam solo.
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Atiba Applebum

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1592 on: July 10, 2023, 05:13:18 AM »
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ROH ppv in Trenton on July 21 tix start at $20. Would any of you do it?

Hypothetically, yes, in reality I would if I had friends who were into this stuff, but I wouldn’t go solo again.

In Trenton, no less. Lol.

I went to the first AEW Grand Slam solo.

That’s a little different.  I might do Grand Slam solo.   ROH was nice to see by myself bc it was only like a 2.5 hours. 

Mr. Kamikazi

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1593 on: July 10, 2023, 08:45:47 AM »
Finally watched some of collision.

Not sure how I feel about the commentary team. I really like Kevin Kelly when he does NJPW but he doesn't seem as into it on AEW or something, it didn't have the same zing. Not a huge fan of Nigel to begin with and his shouty breathless delivery doesn't really fit for me either. It's a little too melodramatic and WWE-ish for me and just clashes with KK's serious, polite, calm delivery.

Loved Miro slipping in a line about his double jointed hot wife. His character is pretty great, an insane zealot with just a pinch of goof and weirdness. He can go from funny to scary and back in an instant. I was super into the redeemer and the neck of sand stuff so it's cool to see him doing something again.

Athena is painful on the mic but I dig her in the ring. As long as my mute button works I'll watch her and Willow knock lumps out of each other all day. I would give Athena a mouthpiece and make her into like ECW taz or Matanza from LU...just this silent sawed off badass that's brutal in the ring. Give her a new look and 3 months of squashes and you've got a main eventer.

Julia Hart still kinda sucks in the ring but her character work is awesome. One of the best repackages I've seen in a long time.

Malakai's mask promo was pretty awesome. He's definitely at his best in pre-tapes. Andrade using about 40 words in his promo but saying them slow enough to fill 3 minutes was unintentionally hilarious for me.

Juice Robinson is fuckin great. I don't know if that dude could have been anything except a pro wrestler. Somehow I'm still sick of FTR... Dax's pancake ass and HGH gut is gross to look at and he's an insufferable whiny bitch in real life. I'm a sling blade fan but this match kinda dragged ass and you've seen it all 3 times before if you've watched any NJPW tag in the last few years, plus it was too obvious who was going to win from the story. Dunno if it's just the new TV but Cash looks like he might have beefed up a little though, I don't remember him being that thick.

If you wanted to make sure I turned it off and did something else before the main event then having an Action Andretti-Scorpio Sky match was a good idea because that's exactly what happened. I just can't stomach Scorpio. .hes the blandest most off the shelf wrestler I've ever seen and has no charisma at all. Andretti is fine when he has a master like Jericho to play off but he's way too green and indy to make this one work.

I'll watch Joe and Punk later just because of the history but I kinda hate that they're gonna job Joe out since I think he's better than Punk in every way except causing controversy at this point in their careers. Really the only thing I'm pumped for about having Punk back is that him and Max might get to finish the excellent story they were building prior to brawl out.

Juice could be cartoon character/voice for an updated Taz Tasmanian Devil. FTR is terrible. It’s honestly comical they’re actually saying aloud they’re the best tag team ever.

Atiba Applebum

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1594 on: July 12, 2023, 08:28:13 PM »
PAC’s back for Blood and Guts (makes sense character wise if he is now in BCC) and

GOLDEN ELITE is official if you know what that means

Sativa Lung

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1595 on: July 12, 2023, 10:14:30 PM »
ROH ppv in Trenton on July 21 tix start at $20. Would any of you do it?

I would. I did solo dynamite and it was a little awkward at first but once I sussed out who to avoid talking to in my section I had fun. I've been to Indy shows where you'd swear they were handing out extra chromosomes at the door but the AEW audience is much more tolerable from a social (and olfactory) standpoint. I guess an ROH ppv crowd could be a little bit smarky but I don't think you're gonna be sitting next to a dude screaming "puppies!" at every female performer or anything like that. Worst case scenario I'd buy an extra ticket and drag a friend along, even if they aren't fans I feel like that's not a huge deal when you're live and the style is so fast and spot heavy.

Juice could be cartoon character/voice for an updated Taz Tasmanian Devil. FTR is terrible. It’s honestly comical they’re actually saying aloud they’re the best tag team ever.

I thought they were decent when they were kinda just apeing Arn and Tully but they bought their own hype and didn't seem to realize that it was the gimmick people were into just as much or more than them as performers. And now the gimmick is 5+ years old without any real evolution and they seem to be slowing down in the ring a bit, so whats left if that goes? Yet another "I luvvvv mah family and I work hard and I have children and did I mention I have a family and I wrestle for them so if you don't cheer for me you hate children" promo?

I think they'd be better off back in the old days not because of their style, but because the lack of social media and podcasts would maybe have kept them from getting overexposed and revealing how unlikeable Dax is as a person.

PAC’s back for Blood and Guts (makes sense character wise if he is now in BCC) and

GOLDEN ELITE is official if you know what that means

You mean they finally have a British guy in the Blackpool based group again? And a northerner no less! I don't hate it but there's like an 80% chance he gets hurt in a match like that right?

I didn't watch the show live but I skimmed it after and watched some of the Nick Wayne match because I wanted to see Swerve heel out on a teenager and he didn't disappoint. Soooo fuckin good. Need to get the TNT belt on Swerve like last week. Nick Wayne is obviously way ahead of the curve but I almost think he'd be better served jobbing out on dark for a few months just to iron out a few things and work out a character. Main eventing dynamite just seems like setting him up to not live up to expectations, especially with how Tony tends to forget about his new toys after he plays with them a few times.

His promo was kind of an eye roll for me but that might be because I already know the story. In ring he mostly hit his marks but there's definitely room to grow. I cringed at the way he turned to try and spot his landing on that superbomb spot, his reflexes let him get tucked up and flatten out in time and it does sell the rana attempt but that seems like a recipe for breaking your neck Hayabusa style at some point if it becomes a habit.

Overall I got a really young Jeff Hardy vibe from the kid though and the talent is obviously there, he bumps like gumby. I just hope they don't fully overexpose him and let him kinda naturally get some seasoning working a weekly TV style (I think he's only worked indies due to being underage).

How are you gonna show me NJPW footage of Lance Archer being one of the best big men in the world and then book him against fuckin Trent?

Sativa Lung

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1596 on: July 12, 2023, 10:31:35 PM »
Should also mention I'm just now starting to realize what Kota doing blood n guts might actually entail. In addition to being one of the best in ring performers of his generation, that dude actually has a screw loose and there's a very good chance he's going to do something bonkers. Could just be a huge moonsault as that's his Reynolds fs flip, but he's also a pretty big weirdo and I'm sure TK will let him do whatever he wants so who the fuck knows we might get him riding around on a tricycle shooting roman candles at people.

Atiba Applebum

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1597 on: July 12, 2023, 10:47:39 PM »
How have you been feeling about the MJF Cole tag team?   MJF is almost selling a little too hard on his things and it comes off insincere in a way that might be unintentional, but it’s a nice change

Also, re: LA Knight.   Is the guy who everyone gets in a tizzy about if you say he’s biting the Rock really have a thing called the Yeah Movement?   That hopefully is very self-aware/tongue in cheek

Sativa Lung

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1598 on: July 13, 2023, 03:40:12 AM »
How have you been feeling about the MJF Cole tag team?   MJF is almost selling a little too hard on his things and it comes off insincere in a way that might be unintentional, but it’s a nice change

Also, re: LA Knight.   Is the guy who everyone gets in a tizzy about if you say he’s biting the Rock really have a thing called the Yeah Movement?   That hopefully is very self-aware/tongue in cheek

I actually really enjoy it so far. Not only because Max is at his best when he's showing some humanity (like the punk angle), but also because I think Cole is much better when he's not the focal point. Also he doesn't seem to do the fake stutter nearly as often in pre-taped segments. I liked the match although it was a little weird to see MJF doing stereo superkick spots, I can't fathom how people ever came to the conclusion that he was bad in the ring though, actually I think him and Bill have some great chemistry and I wouldn't mind seeing more of them.


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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1599 on: July 13, 2023, 04:32:46 AM »
Very excited for Kota Ibushi. Been wanting to see more of him since the Cruiserweight Classic WWE put on awhile back. WWE wanted him to win that tournament but they wanted him to sign with WWE. When he wouldn't sign, they changed the winner to TJ Perkins.

Always liked PAC. He had some bangers in the fed when he was there.


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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1600 on: July 13, 2023, 04:47:20 AM »
Very excited for Kota Ibushi. Been wanting to see more of him since the Cruiserweight Classic WWE put on awhile back. WWE wanted him to win that tournament but they wanted him to sign with WWE. When he wouldn't sign, they changed the winner to TJ Perkins.

Always liked PAC. He had some bangers in the fed when he was there.

Every wrestling fan needs to watch Kota Ibushi vs Cedric Alexander from the Cruiserweight Classic at least once a year.
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Sativa Lung

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1601 on: July 13, 2023, 09:49:07 AM »
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Very excited for Kota Ibushi. Been wanting to see more of him since the Cruiserweight Classic WWE put on awhile back. WWE wanted him to win that tournament but they wanted him to sign with WWE. When he wouldn't sign, they changed the winner to TJ Perkins.

Always liked PAC. He had some bangers in the fed when he was there.

Every wrestling fan needs to watch Kota Ibushi vs Cedric Alexander from the Cruiserweight Classic at least once a year.

Also the supereyepatchwolf golden lovers video if you aren't aware of the history between him and Kenny.

Whole video is solid but the last 10 minutes will get you up to speed on why this is a big deal for Kenny.

Can't wait to hear Cornette and the other old southerner curmudgeons whining about this Coder Abewshy guy


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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1602 on: July 13, 2023, 10:10:07 AM »
A nearby record store just posted copies of Be A Man on vinyl. Would you do it?
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Atiba Applebum

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1603 on: July 13, 2023, 10:46:38 AM »
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Very excited for Kota Ibushi. Been wanting to see more of him since the Cruiserweight Classic WWE put on awhile back. WWE wanted him to win that tournament but they wanted him to sign with WWE. When he wouldn't sign, they changed the winner to TJ Perkins.

Always liked PAC. He had some bangers in the fed when he was there.

Every wrestling fan needs to watch Kota Ibushi vs Cedric Alexander from the Cruiserweight Classic at least once a year.

Also the supereyepatchwolf golden lovers video if you aren't aware of the history between him and Kenny.

Whole video is solid but the last 10 minutes will get you up to speed on why this is a big deal for Kenny.

Can't wait to hear Cornette and the other old southerner curmudgeons whining about this Coder Abewshy guy

I’m guessing Kenny is who JC calls TwinkleToes and if so, I just listened to Jim say he reminded him of the second coming of the Ultimate Warrior…

Atiba Applebum

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1604 on: July 13, 2023, 12:04:44 PM »
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ROH ppv in Trenton on July 21 tix start at $20. Would any of you do it?

I would. I did solo dynamite and it was a little awkward at first but once I sussed out who to avoid talking to in my section I had fun. I've been to Indy shows where you'd swear they were handing out extra chromosomes at the door but the AEW audience is much more tolerable from a social (and olfactory) standpoint. I guess an ROH ppv crowd could be a little bit smarky but I don't think you're gonna be sitting next to a dude screaming "puppies!" at every female performer or anything like that. Worst case scenario I'd buy an extra ticket and drag a friend along, even if they aren't fans I feel like that's not a huge deal when you're live and the style is so fast and spot heavy.

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Juice could be cartoon character/voice for an updated Taz Tasmanian Devil. FTR is terrible. It’s honestly comical they’re actually saying aloud they’re the best tag team ever.

I thought they were decent when they were kinda just apeing Arn and Tully but they bought their own hype and didn't seem to realize that it was the gimmick people were into just as much or more than them as performers. And now the gimmick is 5+ years old without any real evolution and they seem to be slowing down in the ring a bit, so whats left if that goes? Yet another "I luvvvv mah family and I work hard and I have children and did I mention I have a family and I wrestle for them so if you don't cheer for me you hate children" promo?

I think they'd be better off back in the old days not because of their style, but because the lack of social media and podcasts would maybe have kept them from getting overexposed and revealing how unlikeable Dax is as a person.

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PAC’s back for Blood and Guts (makes sense character wise if he is now in BCC) and

GOLDEN ELITE is official if you know what that means

How are you gonna show me NJPW footage of Lance Archer being one of the best big men in the world and then book him against fuckin Trent?

Looked at spoilers and it’s a gateway for a Lance Archer/Orange Cassidy match at Battle of the Belts


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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1605 on: July 14, 2023, 04:34:34 AM »
A nearby record store just posted copies of Be A Man on vinyl. Would you do it?

1000 times YES!!!!!


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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1606 on: July 14, 2023, 06:31:31 AM »
RIP Mantaur


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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1607 on: July 14, 2023, 07:14:17 AM »
got floor seat tickets to Payback in September, i tune in and out but having adult money and seeing a big event roll through i couldn't pass it up.

Mr. Kamikazi

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1608 on: July 14, 2023, 09:27:53 AM »
MJF & Cole is a complete rip off of the Rock & Sock Connection.

Sativa Lung

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1609 on: July 14, 2023, 06:53:57 PM »

Looked at spoilers and it’s a gateway for a Lance Archer/Orange Cassidy match at Battle of the Belts

I'd be super happy about that if I thought there was any chance Archer was winning it. Every time guys like him and Bill wrestle it reminds me how sorely lacking in size AEW is. I don't think it should be the 90s or anything, but I would be down for a real unbeatable monster run. Aside from Moxley has any AEW champ ever been over 225-230? Maybe Jericho in his fat stage, which has unfortunately been immortalized in fight forever.

I heard they finally banned a bunch of shit after all the drama about the TD91. Thank god, maybe now that the agents have to approve spots we can get a little more focus on storytelling and I can finally shake my fear that I'm going to see someone snap their neck on dynamite. Totally cool with the tiger driver because it was a signature dream match on one of their biggest cards of the year, I just don't need to see action andretti and Aaron solo busting that shit out in a dark match to try and get noticed.....Unless they're doing it to Sammy, then I'm down.

I came to the conclusion the reason this Cole thing works so well is that he's not trying to be a badass or tough guy in this one. A smarmy, insincere nerdy douche forming a sincere relationship (at least on the surface) with the devil himself is the kind of thing that just works in the wrestling context. Kinda get some festival of friendship vibes from it, and that's high praise from me. Should be fun to see how it plays out.

Atiba I know you're usually in the loop on these things, if you see or hear about a sale on the game holla atcha boi. I'm probably going to gift it to some of my homies because they all say it looks fun but balk at paying $70+ for something they're probably only gonna play in social settings or with me. My old no mercy/wm2k tag partner told me he just picked it up though, so we're going to play when he gets a chance. Unfortunately this game somehow has a worse CAW mode than the 25 year old n64 games so we can't quite recreate Demon Semen in all it's glory.


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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1610 on: July 14, 2023, 07:12:28 PM »
I still run the N64 setup with World Tour, Revenge, and No Mercy.

Still maining Raven and Saturn after all these years.
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Atiba Applebum

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1611 on: July 14, 2023, 07:56:47 PM »
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Looked at spoilers and it’s a gateway for a Lance Archer/Orange Cassidy match at Battle of the Belts

I'd be super happy about that if I thought there was any chance Archer was winning it. Every time guys like him and Bill wrestle it reminds me how sorely lacking in size AEW is. I don't think it should be the 90s or anything, but I would be down for a real unbeatable monster run. Aside from Moxley has any AEW champ ever been over 225-230? Maybe Jericho in his fat stage, which has unfortunately been immortalized in fight forever.

I heard they finally banned a bunch of shit after all the drama about the TD91. Thank god, maybe now that the agents have to approve spots we can get a little more focus on storytelling and I can finally shake my fear that I'm going to see someone snap their neck on dynamite. Totally cool with the tiger driver because it was a signature dream match on one of their biggest cards of the year, I just don't need to see action andretti and Aaron solo busting that shit out in a dark match to try and get noticed.....Unless they're doing it to Sammy, then I'm down.

I came to the conclusion the reason this Cole thing works so well is that he's not trying to be a badass or tough guy in this one. A smarmy, insincere nerdy douche forming a sincere relationship (at least on the surface) with the devil himself is the kind of thing that just works in the wrestling context. Kinda get some festival of friendship vibes from it, and that's high praise from me. Should be fun to see how it plays out.

Atiba I know you're usually in the loop on these things, if you see or hear about a sale on the game holla atcha boi. I'm probably going to gift it to some of my homies because they all say it looks fun but balk at paying $70+ for something they're probably only gonna play in social settings or with me. My old no mercy/wm2k tag partner told me he just picked it up though, so we're going to play when he gets a chance. Unfortunately this game somehow has a worse CAW mode than the 25 year old n64 games so we can't quite recreate Demon Semen in all it's glory.

Not super good now Twitter doesn’t let lurking anymore, but I’ll let you know

“The banned moves list includes:
unprotected chair shots to the head,
strikes to the back of the head,
blind moves backward into the turnbuckle (like the buckle bomb),
selling like one is having a seizure.

Wrestlers are also prohibited from physical contact with the crowd, including taking food or drinks from the fans in attendance. Weapons and projectiles in the crowd are a no-no, as is bleeding in the audience.

The list of moves that require approval from above is much broader and includes things like:

Bumps on the ring apron or outside the ring
Any spot with tables/ladders/chairs
All variations of piledrivers, hurricanranas, and sit-down drivers
Using weapons and throwing objects
Choking with hands or weapons
High risk dives and top rope moves
Bleeding on purpose
Injury spots
Any spots or brawling in the crowd
Any spots involving non-wrestlers like referees and managers”

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1612 on: July 14, 2023, 08:14:59 PM »
Would any of you actually pay to be at Wrestlemania?

Summerslam is a 10 minute bike ride from my house and I don’t think I’m doing it. I feel shitty enough paying for Peacock every month. I don’t think I can bring myself to give $75 to WWE for a bad seat.

Atiba Applebum

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1613 on: July 14, 2023, 10:55:23 PM »
Some female wrestler needs to steal Pom Klementieff’s look in the new Mission Impossible for their gimmick (in particular from the Venice party - not a spoiler hah)

Sativa Lung

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1614 on: July 15, 2023, 03:00:14 AM »
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Would any of you actually pay to be at Wrestlemania?

Summerslam is a 10 minute bike ride from my house and I don’t think I’m doing it. I feel shitty enough paying for Peacock every month. I don’t think I can bring myself to give $75 to WWE for a bad seat.

I still run the N64 setup with World Tour, Revenge, and No Mercy.

Still maining Raven and Saturn after all these years.

One of the first things I do when I set up a computer is download project 64 and roms of all the thq games, but I haven't played on original hardware in ages.

For world tour I use the Hayabusa clone and for Revenge I usually use Hayabusa, La Parka, Jericho, or the Kobashi clone thats dressed up in BDSM gear. Wm2k and No Mercy I usually run Jericho or Angle. Sometimes taz. I used to use Benoit back in the day but stopped for obvious reasons. I'm always torn between the high flyers with the tope and springboard moves and the guys like Kobashi who have a moveset that seems to give you an advantage.

So far in FF my favorite for actually winning is Wardlow, but the most fun matches I've had so far I've been playing Fenix or Andrade so I think my next RTE is gonna either be with Andrade or Lance Archer.


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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1615 on: July 15, 2023, 06:46:09 AM »
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Would any of you actually pay to be at Wrestlemania?

Summerslam is a 10 minute bike ride from my house and I don’t think I’m doing it. I feel shitty enough paying for Peacock every month. I don’t think I can bring myself to give $75 to WWE for a bad seat.

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I still run the N64 setup with World Tour, Revenge, and No Mercy.

Still maining Raven and Saturn after all these years.

One of the first things I do when I set up a computer is download project 64 and roms of all the thq games, but I haven't played on original hardware in ages.

For world tour I use the Hayabusa clone and for Revenge I usually use Hayabusa, La Parka, Jericho, or the Kobashi clone thats dressed up in BDSM gear. Wm2k and No Mercy I usually run Jericho or Angle. Sometimes taz. I used to use Benoit back in the day but stopped for obvious reasons. I'm always torn between the high flyers with the tope and springboard moves and the guys like Kobashi who have a moveset that seems to give you an advantage.

So far in FF my favorite for actually winning is Wardlow, but the most fun matches I've had so far I've been playing Fenix or Andrade so I think my next RTE is gonna either be with Andrade or Lance Archer.

Oh, and let’s not forget the Steiner Screwdriver that the Abdullah clone also had. Such a lethal looking move.
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Atiba Applebum

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1616 on: July 15, 2023, 07:04:37 AM »
Wow you guys unlocked some memories there.   I think I logged more hours on Revenge, but it’s wild to look at those fake wrestlers and who they represented now that I have some knowledge.    Funny they used Kim Chee as a name even though that was already used for Kamala’s manager (and Brooklyn Brawler) in a masked gimmick I never quite understood. 


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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1617 on: July 15, 2023, 06:00:54 PM »
Jay White’s Sweet Chin troll to Sharpshooter spot was well played.
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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1618 on: July 16, 2023, 10:55:40 AM »
Wow you guys unlocked some memories there.   I think I logged more hours on Revenge, but it’s wild to look at those fake wrestlers and who they represented now that I have some knowledge.    Funny they used Kim Chee as a name even though that was already used for Kamala’s manager (and Brooklyn Brawler) in a masked gimmick I never quite understood.

Can't forget his brother Ming Chee. Or Hanzo Mon, Dr. Frank, and Maya inca boy. Brickowski and his shitty trailer park facial hair can get fucked though. I can't remember the guy with the crop top's name but I can sure as shit picture him haha.

Anyways Kim Chee actually predates brawler and the fed, although the masked safari outfit character was originally called Friday and was played by a few different people one of which was....let's get real "wrestling is a small world" here.... Buddy Wayne.

If I remember right the story was Skandar Akbar brought Kamala in for his stable (Devastation incorporated ) but since he was from the jungle he needed a handler from deepest darkest Africa who understood his savage ways and could somewhat control him. The lore is all loosely based on an (arguably racist) fantasy art piece that Lawlers nerdy ass liked back in the day. I want to say he had it airbrushed on the side of his van, but I might be misremembering and wanting to believe that because it's so hilariously on point for him.

Kamala was managed by JJ Dillon in Memphis too, which is definitely worth checking out if you ever get bored. What survived on video is mostly studio squash matches but those are always fun and there's clips of some huge crowds with Lawler. His stuff in the UK has charm too but it's a very different style. Really good big man overall though, charismatic in his own way. I sometimes wonder if this is how i'll remember Luchasaurus in 20 years haha.

Speaking of all this politically incorrect old wrestling, I popped on some Kevin Sullivan compilation earlier and it was almost hilarious how offensive it would be considered today.

Highlights include a very, very thinly veiled racist promo towards Tyree Pride around the 34 minute mark, and multiple instances of him slapping women around and bragging about it. Kinda tough to watch knowing how things all played out behind the scenes but also worth watching just to understand why people called the gimmick groundbreaking.


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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1619 on: July 16, 2023, 10:58:53 AM »
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Wow you guys unlocked some memories there.   I think I logged more hours on Revenge, but it’s wild to look at those fake wrestlers and who they represented now that I have some knowledge.    Funny they used Kim Chee as a name even though that was already used for Kamala’s manager (and Brooklyn Brawler) in a masked gimmick I never quite understood.

Can't forget his brother Ming Chee. Or Hanzo Mon, Dr. Frank, and Maya inca boy. Brickowski and his shitty trailer park facial hair can get fucked though. I can't remember the guy with the crop top's name but I can sure as shit picture him haha.

Anyways Kim Chee actually predates brawler and the fed, although the masked safari outfit character was originally called Friday and was played by a few different people one of which was....let's get real "wrestling is a small world" here.... Buddy Wayne.

If I remember right the story was Skandar Akbar brought Kamala in for his stable (Devastation incorporated ) but since he was from the jungle he needed a handler from deepest darkest Africa who understood his savage ways and could somewhat control him. The lore is all loosely based on an (arguably racist) fantasy art piece that Lawlers nerdy ass liked back in the day. I want to say he had it airbrushed on the side of his van, but I might be misremembering and wanting to believe that because it's so hilariously on point for him.

Kamala was managed by JJ Dillon in Memphis too, which is definitely worth checking out if you ever get bored. What survived on video is mostly studio squash matches but those are always fun and there's clips of some huge crowds with Lawler. His stuff in the UK has charm too but it's a very different style. Really good big man overall though, charismatic in his own way. I sometimes wonder if this is how i'll remember Luchasaurus in 20 years haha.

Speaking of all this politically incorrect old wrestling, I popped on some Kevin Sullivan compilation earlier and it was almost hilarious how offensive it would be considered today.

Highlights include a very, very thinly veiled racist promo towards Tyree Pride around the 34 minute mark, and multiple instances of him slapping women around and bragging about it. Kinda tough to watch knowing how things all played out behind the scenes but also worth watching just to understand why people called the gimmick groundbreaking.

This one definitely wouldn’t fly today.

And speaking of our Nerf helmeted friend, I finally watched Dark Side of the Ring Chris & Tammy today. Shame they didn’t mention Sunny Days or the Ahmed Johnson / Sabu stories. Crazy she’s facing like 25 behind bars.
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