pressure flips are actually cool
backside noseslides are overrated, bordering on ugly (unless done on a uniquely challenging obstacle)
hardflips look better when they're sketchy, watching a pro do 10 of them perfectly in a row is just boring
the less popular the brands you wear are, the cooler you actually become
OJ make good hard wheels (as long as you're skating glass-smooth parks)
slappies will never get boring, nor will they be boring to watch
my most unpopular opinion, i beg of you not to kook me:
doing something in a street doesn't make it more impressive than in a park.
this isn't to say park is more impressive, i would rather watch a street part without question.
personally, i think there's not much point to leaving the park to go skate a glass smooth plaza with the exact same ledge design.
POSTFACE: my statement only applies to skating done at/on clean, low-risk, street spots. OBVIOUSLY, you get props for skating crust which can tear you apart like a cheese grater