use this thread to post about miscellaneous things you do in daily life that could be considered odd. onto me now:
hello SLAP. i am making this thread to tell you of an anecdote of my life. gather round, get a warm drink, take a seat.
in recent days i have developed a strange little quirk, that now comes to me unconsciously. it all started one night when i was rather squiffy, blitzed, ripped, jacked, turnt, trashed, etc. i was playing a sort of game with some friends, where we would try to throw a can and have it land upright and stay on the top of a tall, narrow shelf. while i was throwing it, i began to vocalise a sort of 'pscchwww' sound as if i were imitating a fast car.
this trait stayed with me, and only developed as time went on. i would go 'bah' if i was playfully hitting my cat, or 'whhiitt' if i was closing a door or doing any similar motion. it became second nature, and i didn't even think of it until today when someone looked at me rather incredulously, and almost in the patronising way that you would speak to a disabled person in.
anyway i thought that was pretty interesting. please write your stories or things!