After largely getting away with it for 20 odd years, I've joined old-man knee club.
Around the end of November I kinda skated myself out - did 22 days over the course of the month, and on the last day my back leg and knee just lost all power, no real specific injury aside from the usual bonks and board kisses. A couple days after this my knee felt pretty spongey after walking, and over the course of December it would alternate between this spongey feeling and occasionally catching/partially locking when walking around. The catching is always on the outside of my knee, feels like it's just behind/next to the kneecap, rather than the entire knee joint locking up.
I saw my physio who was able to rule out ligament tears or damage, but he wasn't able to actually tell me what the problem was.
It gradually tapered off and was pretty much OK by the start of Jan, so I started walking and skating more, and basically forgot about it, until my knee locked and caught when i was out shopping this last weekend... so whatever I thought was healed, apparently isn't. It locked up a few more times over the past couple days - ironically it's when walking or stepping - skating on it has actually felt relatively OK.
I wondered whether it was a meniscus tear but I've had minimal/no swelling throughout, and even when it catches/locks it's more uncomfortable/unnatural than actually painful.
NHS is a no-go as it'll take forever to get scanned due to covid backlogs, and i'm not really feeling like paying to go private. Anyone else experienced similar?