Just jumping in cause I've never really thought about how heavy footed I try to lock 50s.
I way more comfortable hitting BS 5050s , so take that into consideration.
I wouldn't describe my technique as "heavy footed", but I don't really hesitate to lock it in. I ollie just as high as I need, and try to "stab" my trucks into crosslock, kind of imagining my foot wrapping around the rail as if I was just standing on it in my shoes.
Trying to set the lock in without gapping too high over rail is the safest way for me. Pussy-footing the lock is gonna toss me, and being mad heavy footed is gonna toss me. Precise ollie height and ensuring the lock is right is when I really "set-in/bear down" and try to hold the shit out of it.
I often get sketched about really committing to the distance, so my escape tactic is leaning too far back and popping out too soon