Author Topic: Any of you have the gift of great ears?  (Read 415 times)

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bob george

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Any of you have the gift of great ears?
« on: January 14, 2024, 10:22:31 PM »
I've been playing music for 20 years this year. I'm skilled across a number of instruments, enjoy music theory and am pretty into it - but just have SHIT ears.

Like, I can figure melodic shit out by ear (without reference to the music) - but I can't listen to music and figure songs out (harmonically speaking - chords) as they play to save my life and it kind of really depresses and distresses me. I've tried ear training and I just get nowhere.

I have a sibling who doesn't even really play music who can figure shit out on a keyboard without much trouble (doesn't have perfect pitch by the way).

Thankfully I spend most of my musical time playing original music and have no trouble composing and taking songs where I want them to go using my ear. But when it comes to time to figuring someone else's music out it honestly feels kind of impossible unless I get a lucky. Or even worse, if I've recorded something of my own but not written it down and can't figure out what i played :( :( :(

If anyone is feeling really kind and would like to transcribe a way to play this I will be very thankful:
that skinny motherfucker with the high voice


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Re: Any of you have the gift of great ears?
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2024, 10:44:03 PM »
That's a cool prince song. I have decent pitch, not great, but I can figure out melodies by ear without too much difficulty. I can only transcribe them with the help of an instrument (which I don't have at the moment, sorry). You mentioned doing ear training: was it solfège? I've done a little of that and it seems pretty effective.