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The lower back

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Candied cigarettes:
I’ve seen some other injury threads here, thought the lower back would be worth discussing. I can’t be the only one with lower back issues, so I thought it would be nice to have a place dedicated to this.

I hurt my back late last summer and since then it’s been a consistent issue. It was basically 2 days of long intense bike rides without any stretching, and then sitting on it for too long. I started skating again too soon (i know, rookie error) and had a big flare up about a month ago.

Since then, I’ve been seeing a physical therapist. It’s been about 4 weeks of consistent PT twice a day and i almost feel like I’m getting worse. I’m kinda over this physical therapist, i talked in depth about what i was feeling today and she really just added exercises. I asked about anti inflammatory meds and she did not recommend them even though i told her they helped a lot last time. Tomorrow I’m gonna call my doctor and get a prescription to some medication despite that. I need to do something different given the last month.

What’s worked for you, what hasn’t? Any other tips you’d like to share?

I’m no medical man but it sounds like your physical therapist is pushing too hard when you should be resting. Other than that shoes with an actual midsole help me out

Mean salto:
Back and neck have been varying degrees of fucked for 13+ years. I also usually feel better without doing the therapy BUT since it's been so long and never really has gotten better (just tolerable) can't help but think I should keep looking for something else that will work.

remember that everyone has a different body with a different issue and different lifestyle so you can't just go all out on what some random says. You could fuck your back even worse.

For something easy that I don't think can fuck anyone up I'd say look up correct walking and running technique. I suggest this a lot and i don't think anyone ever does it because it sounds dumb but many people don't walk (or especially run) properly and it's pretty easy to fix.

And don't do sit ups and crunches and shit.

had some problems too couple weeks ago
it starts really out of nowhere and i feel really stiff and cant move like i want to
i did a lot of stretching with guidance of youtube videos but still skated a little bit which was stupid as fuck
what really helped for me was resting and light movements. i think i will have more problems in the future, need to figure something out for sure

Jewel Runner:
I've had my deal with lower back pain but nothing serious I guess

Some exercises helped me a lot and now I practice a wake up routine every morning after climbing out of bed that has been helping me

What I got from listening to a couple guys and my buddy specially since he has a hernia on his lower back is that the stronger your core is then your back will "carry" less weight if it makes sense. Try a bunch of different planks for some weeks and see if it helps you. I started by doing 1 minute planks which then progressed to 2 minutes everyday and it really helped with backpain


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