Skateboarding > Skate Questions

Why don't more people skate Switch off the tail?

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I think this makes more sense... the nose is designed to hit the floor later when you take off for nollie so why wouldnt the same apply to fakie? I understand people like to keep their turning the same, and I have heard some people say they like the tail hitting sooner on switch. Seems like it goes against why the board was designed that way to me though. I have done this the past few times and I feel like your wheels wear out a lot more evenly and your trucks feel way more balanced. You have to skate a lot of switch though.

Ben De Gros replied to my comment on this on his video and he said he likes how regular and fakie are always off the same foot and switch and nollie are always off the same foot, so the timing feels like it doesnt change. I could see how that makes sense.

Paco Supreme:
That timing is the reason why I enjoy fakie tricks so much

Well lemme ask you this: would you want a pocket knife with one blade or two?

There you go.

(It just… I don’t know… it just feels proper to use one foot for tail, and one foot for nose. I would fall down and get an Owie if I tried popping the wrong side.)

Uncle Flea:
I do a bunch. My boards are directional. I like to have as much variation between the nose and tail as I can while maintaining the functionality.

If I'm going to shuv nose grind I start on my nose. Probably be easier on the back truck cuz my feet are all close together at the pop. So it stays rocket and it goes straight to NG. I like to nose grinder on my front truck always. Fakie 5oh back truck always.

Idk it's a trick to trick basis I guess. Just cruising switch. Going over manholes and whatever I'll be riding the rail.


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