Had an Inguinal Hernia A few years back and here's my experience pre and post-surgery in Canada:
Noticed I had a bulge in the groin area but was rather quite small. Didn't bother getting it checked as it was small and unpainful. My dad also had one in the past and just told me to check for size increase or pain.
After 8 months or so, I noticed the bulge increasing quite drastically and when I skated I could feel it. It was so odd, it didn't hurt at all, even if I slammed, but the bulge was just so big it was discomforting. During this time, I started getting these gnarly stomach cramps all the time- to the point of not being able to move for several hours. DR never confirmed this, but I believe since my intestine was in a different area, food had a hard time passing causing these cramps.
Checked in to the hospital to get it checked and the DR referred me to a specialist to get the surgery. Was on the waiting list for 5 months (pre-covid).
I had booked a camping skate/surf trip in Hawaii with a pal of mine and decided to go. Was nervous about it at first, considering if anything happens in the states, I would be financially fucked, regardless of travelers' insurance that doesn't cover these pre-existing conditions. Nevertheless, I didn't experience any sort of pain or discomfort for my whole trip.
When I get back home, my cramps and bulge size worsen, but I get the call I was bumped on the waiting list and could get surgery in the next 2 weeks (after waiting a full year for this surgery).
Before surgery, classic routine, couldn't eat for 12h pre-surgery or drink or take any type of medication. The surgery I was receiving was to cut my lower abdomen, reposition the intestine where it should be, and patch the hole with a mesh. DR told me it would be a 2-3 weeks recovery.
They put me under using Fentanyl, surgery went well, but damn when I woke up was I ever fucked. I've been under before, but this time it felt like I was hit by a train. Body Aches, Cold sweats, Nausea, and finally Vomiting. I was fucked for 48H. Nevertheless, the worst part was when I was at home and the pain pills they gave me at the hospital started to wear down... Holy shit, I thought maybe I could recover and gulp the pain without pills, but that was the single stupidest idea I ever had. Was on tramadol for a week, taking two per day and not moving from my bed. Considering I was taking opiates, I couldn't shit at all for a week and couldn't force it as it would rip my staples. Please be advised, taking laxatives is your best friend during this period. I fucking wish I was advised earlier to take some.
Anyways, the first week was a bitch, but still showed up to work after 5 days. I started moving around more and going to work regularly in the next week. The pain was there but it was manageable. No way I could skate or do any type of strenuous exercise. Got my staples out at the end of week 2. The weeks that followed were much better and I feel like I could walk like a normal person, and not with some weird limp and tart stretching and do small exercises.
So after week 4, felt no pain or discomfort so I was cruising on my board trying to build muscle again and feel good on the board. Week 5, I started cracking ollies on the sidewalk, and after that, I slowly got back to skating normally. Week 7, I took a pretty heavy slam just 50 ing a QP, right on my side where the surgery had happened. To my blessing, there was no pain or any indication in that area that my shit got fucked so from there, it was on!!
Fast forward to now (2 years after surgery) I fully recovered and never experienced any pain or discomfort. I worked a labor-intensive job for a few months skated a lot, and had no problems at all.
In conclusion, I would thoroughly recommend doing the surgery.