Author Topic: Arm troubleshooting  (Read 347 times)

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Arm troubleshooting
« on: August 14, 2024, 06:31:04 AM »
I have an arm issue I didn't fix when I was younger, so it got baked into my brain at 27. I was wondering if there's even a way to fix this.

1. Both my arms shoot behind me when I do almost any trick
2. Front hand follows my flicking foot (I'm
Goofy, so if I'm doing a kickflip for example my right hand/ wrist flicks in tandem with my foot, it looks incredibly stupid)
3. Occasionally will stop rotational tricks 90 degrees due to too much accidental counter rotation.

Regardless of how dumb it looks, my main issue is that it throws my balance off so my consistency takes a tremendous hit.

Are there even any brain hacks to fix this? If I think about my arms my skating suffers.