the fact that most of the pros are 18-22 says something... like it is super rare for a pro to stay on a company past 25 let alone turn someone pro AFTER they are 25. not happening. it might start to change in the future because dudes arent wrecking themselves as much these days, but right now you pretty much have to be am on a solid company with insane video part by the time you are 18-22 to even stand a chance if you look at everyone else who's made it.
and then all the dudes who are older than 25 everyone bitches about on here and says their board should be pulled cause they arent "keeping up with the new guys" and the other half beat off to the meager amount of sub-par footage that said pro actually does release. (bobby puleo)
Pros over 25 age super rare?
Think about AVE, Kalis, Arto, Koston, McCrank, Stranger, Mariano, Pensyl, Busenitz, Trujillo, Dollin, Greco, Ellington, Cole...and the list goes on and on. Those are some names that have been out there for the past years a lot. And they're all over 25.
It is rare to go pro after 25 but not impossible.
And as someone comments a good skate part by thoughts "he's over 25, he's not going pro - so this footage is good as nothing" that makes my blood boil and and the one who wrote it is a fucking jock. This is fucking skateboarding for fuck sake, stuff your marketing plans up your ass and enjoy this shit while you can.