Been thinking a lot about genetics v grower.
Was back in massachusetts recently and smoked all sorts of different bud from different growers, brands, underground, etc.
Its hard to grow truly bad weed these days. Outside catastrophe such as bugs, nutrient burn, poor flush, molds/mildew, and other environmental factors such as smoke, smog, light pollution, weeds gonna come out alright compared to what most people were blazing even only 5-10 years ago, let alone 20.
With that, and maybe im a weed snob, im not super stoked on a lot of what i blazed. Yes, it all got me high. Most of it tasted good. Most of it looked the same. And still, im wanting the stuff grown in the best, living, mushroom compost soil. The whole high feels better.
This thought process comes up a lot in the psychedelic scene too, “is psilocybin/psilocyn going to be the same regardless of orgin?” “LSD is a chemical and produces the same effects whether produced the GDF, Owsley, or a lab in Belarus.”