Cults are the best laughs.
great link! real talk im bout to bookmark this shit, alot of interesting stuff on here.
"The ruling elite's deception against humanity mainly exists at a fundamental level, affecting the aspects of reality that you erroneously assume are basic truths. After all, it's not as if you were born 5,000 years ago. Rather, you were born only within the last 100 years, and thus, you were born into a world that was already neck-deep in deception. So, for example, your understanding of history is skewed, because the so-called "official" version of history that you were taught was written by the ruling elite themselves."
"You people claim that you need proof in order to believe something. OK, great. That's perfectly understandable. However, in actuality, YOU ARE LYING. What you really mean is that you need proof only when it comes to believing this information. Whereas, you don't need proof in order to believe an authority figure. This is the ultimate case of selective reasoning.
How do you know that the leaders of this world are not aliens? That's right, you have absolutely no proof at all! Have you ever met them and examined their bodies, etc.? No, you haven't. Oh, but wait, you worship authority figures, and so you believe whatever they tell you. "
"Right now, you are reading the information on this website in a skeptical manner, thinking that by doing so, you are being a noble defender of logic, reason, and reality. Well, here is some news for you: Your status quo worldview is not the truth. In actuality, by being a skeptic, all you are really doing is behaving like an obedient sheep for the ruling elite; you are a well-behaved pawn in their game of control. Who do you think created the status quo in the first place? It sure wasn't you. You are merely a follower, a calf that sucks knowledge from the udders of authority.
And, it is rather strange that you think you already know what the truth is, considering the fact that you do not have access to Top Secret government information. You simply base reality upon what the media tells you and what Earth's authority figures tell you. You're a tool. "
EDIT: dont get it twisted tho. theres alot of good reading to be done on here but i aint gon back it 100% they slandering the fuck outta women lol