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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #30 on: March 30, 2012, 08:16:17 AM »
the naked man works 9 times out of 10.


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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #31 on: March 30, 2012, 08:20:10 AM »
OK, I consider myself pretty good with the ladies. I have been trying to get down since I was a toddler. The way I see it is you have three types of girl she is, adjust my advice to her type. Also you have a couple different scenarios you could go after. See the details below.

Girl Type A:
She's the stay at home type. She doesn't like to go out or doesn't have many friends. She may have a weird hobby like bedazzling or some shit. She had a "wild period" where she slept with a few dudes and partied a little bit, but she is trying to either advance in her career, "focus on her GPA", or is just fucking boring. She might try and kiss you on the first date because she is desperate and she thinks it will make you like her more. Her shitty self esteem will be a nightmare as she keeps saying sorry for your food only being "pretty good" or dropping your phone when you get out of the car. Try and stay away from these ones, they are possessive and although surprisingly good in bed, down the road they will withhold sex and call you a pervert when they catch you watching me.

Girl Type B:
Party girl. We all know her. The girl that when you are drunk at the bar you forget that all your friends have fucked her and you go home with her even though you know she probably smells like sardines. This girl is bat shit crazy. She will probably fuck you on the first date probably because you already fucked her a month or so ago, but you know it isn't going to be good. Keep these ones for the desperate nights.

Girl Type C:
I call this girl Goldilocks. Not too boring, not too fun, but just right. Hopefully you are going on a date with one of these because I am not even going to bother giving advice for the other two. This girl likes to have a good time but has her shit together. She has fucked around a bit so you know she has experience, but she is not a slut because she is like yourself; refined, strong, and confident. She probably just wanted to get her nut. She goes out on the weekends....and maybe a Tuesday night for 2for1 specials at a cool bar. She drinks wine at home but isn't afraid to drink some beer at the bar. Smokes, but only "When she drinks". This girl is ideal, because she has her own shit going on. She won't mind if you go skate for a bit because she already had plans anyway....and actually really had plans....and actually wasn't just holding in anger when she said she already had plans. This is ideal if you are looking for a relationship...or to have a friend with benefits, because lets be honest, she might be confident enough and smart enough to just be getting a free dinner out of you because she had to spend her last few bucks on a gift for a friend. Also there is a 40% chance this girl has a cat.

First, be there 10 minutes early and wait until the exact time and knock on the door. Bitches of this caliber love when you are on time. Even though you are on time though say ,"Sorry I am running a little late, I was on the phone helping my mom with her email." Walk her outside, hold the door of her house, complex, whatever open for her but DO NOT open her car door. Goldilocks is strong and independent, she will see it as you being a bitch. She wants a man. Reserve this gesture for down the line. Get in the car and tell her to pick some music on your Ipod if you have one. This way she can see how cultured you are, but still fun, and a little political. You can tell a lot about someone from the music they listen to. Take her out to a nice place, but not expensive. Also, I can't believe I am even saying this, but don't take her to a fucking chain restaurant. Take her to a classy place with good food that is kind of hip and sort of kitche, you know the ones where they serve water in the glass bottles....its environmentally friendly. Talk about her, but still talk about you too. You don't want to seem like a doormat, but you want to seem interested obviously. When you are done with dinner ask her if she likes live Jazz music. She will say yes. Take her to a live Jazz club if there is one close. I am not sure if you have ever been to one, but they are fun. People are loose, dancing, having fun. This will loosen things up for both of you and get a couple drinks in you. She will also see you are different, because every other FUCK that she has been out on a date with takes her on a walk in the park or some bull shit.....she doesn't want to go on a walk, she just ran 5 miles that morning and got done with a whole week of work. Ask her if she wants to dance....even if you fucking suck, actually, especially if you suck. She will see it as confident and girls love confidence. At the end of the night, don't be too drunk to drive her home. Take her home and walk her to her door. One of three things will happen and none of them are bad. She will hug you say she had so much fun and then tell you to call her, but she will text you in an hour making sure you got home ok because you left her wanting more. Second scenario, she will give you the body language to kiss her. You do, you guys make out for a bit and she says thanks and she won't text you because she is satisfied with the night and she feels good about the direction. If she fucks you she probably is planning to never talk to you again.

If you just want to fuck her get her real drunk and get real drunk too so she doesn't feel taken advantage of....she probably will.
For a European who has never been to Walmart really like this? Like place where blacks hang out and act all weird?

Just curious.


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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #32 on: March 30, 2012, 08:27:25 AM »
demand sex and before she can answer hit her with one of these

I rolled my ankle jacking off on a ladder.


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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #33 on: March 30, 2012, 08:35:26 AM »
@ PTDK Wow....a lot of truth and a lot of crazy ramblings.  This is going to be a suburb date so unfortunately so my options are limited with decent live music.  We live like 45 minutes apart so I'm also wondering if I should drive to her town or if we should meet up somewhere.  I wouldn't know where to go in her's probably going to just be dinner and maybe some drinks afterward. 

Beeda Weeda

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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #34 on: March 30, 2012, 08:44:27 AM »
show up with a paycheck  or a copy of a pay stub, show her your dick hard and soft, let her see what she really wants, then move forward.


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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #35 on: March 30, 2012, 08:51:03 AM »
show up with a paycheck?  or a copy of a pay stub, show her your dick hard and soft, let her see what she really wants, then move forward.

So the plan is to show her the goods and the income and hope she goes for it?  That might work...


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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #36 on: March 30, 2012, 08:57:47 AM »
@ PTDK Wow....a lot of truth and a lot of crazy ramblings.  This is going to be a suburb date so unfortunately so my options are limited with decent live music.  We live like 45 minutes apart so I'm also wondering if I should drive to her town or if we should meet up somewhere.  I wouldn't know where to go in her's probably going to just be dinner and maybe some drinks afterward.'re fucked then. I would just go with Beeda Weeda's advice.
For a European who has never been to Walmart really like this? Like place where blacks hang out and act all weird?

Just curious.


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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #37 on: March 30, 2012, 09:16:07 AM »
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@ PTDK Wow....a lot of truth and a lot of crazy ramblings. ? This is going to be a suburb date so unfortunately so my options are limited with decent live music. ? We live like 45 minutes apart so I'm also wondering if I should drive to her town or if we should meet up somewhere. ? I wouldn't know where to go in her's probably going to just be dinner and maybe some drinks afterward. ? 
[close]'re fucked then. I would just go with Beeda Weeda's advice.

He's given me a lot of valuable advice so far.  We'll see how it all plays out.


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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #38 on: March 30, 2012, 09:20:37 AM »
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@ PTDK Wow....a lot of truth and a lot of crazy ramblings. ? This is going to be a suburb date so unfortunately so my options are limited with decent live music. ? We live like 45 minutes apart so I'm also wondering if I should drive to her town or if we should meet up somewhere. ? I wouldn't know where to go in her's probably going to just be dinner and maybe some drinks afterward. ? 
[close]'re fucked then. I would just go with Beeda Weeda's advice.

He's given me a lot of valuable advice so far.  We'll see how it all plays out.

For a European who has never been to Walmart really like this? Like place where blacks hang out and act all weird?

Just curious.


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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #39 on: March 30, 2012, 10:12:17 AM »
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@ PTDK Wow....a lot of truth and a lot of crazy ramblings. ? This is going to be a suburb date so unfortunately so my options are limited with decent live music. ? We live like 45 minutes apart so I'm also wondering if I should drive to her town or if we should meet up somewhere. ? I wouldn't know where to go in her's probably going to just be dinner and maybe some drinks afterward. ? 
[close]'re fucked then. I would just go with Beeda Weeda's advice.

He's given me a lot of valuable advice so far.  We'll see how it all plays out.

this girl counts as "out of town", which is perfect. first of all, don't take her to your normal spots. this will make sure that the local girls don't see you with another girl and allows you to keep up to 2, maybe 3 girls in rotation.

take her out to dinner wherever, have a few drinks, and then take her to one of those art bars that you only go to when you dont want anyone to see you out. she'll think its a cool spot and you dont have to worry about running into anybody. talk about movies and make sure something comes up that either she hasnt seen or you havent seen, now you have an excuse to "watch a movie" next time you hang out. at this point you are basically in. you can get shitfaced and take her home that night, or you can keep things mellow with some kisses and hold off til next time.

keeping it mellow and only kissing her will make her want you even more, and the longer you can keep it at just kisses the better. this doesnt mean you aren't getting laid, because like i said, she is an out of town girl. as long as you finish things up by 12:30 or 1, you've got time for a couple liquor drinks at your favorite bar and you can take home whoever you want.


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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #40 on: March 30, 2012, 12:47:26 PM »
Talk about common things, you know, like views on abortion or feelings about pubic hair


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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #41 on: March 30, 2012, 01:09:06 PM »
well, i took a girl out on what was supposed to be a date. dropped 30 in gasoline and 20 on dinner, she tells me midway through the nutritious and delicious veggie burritos, "i guess I should tell you that I'm kinda seeing someone, but i really like you and we should keep hanging out." Don't get burned. I drove her home and said "I am not interested in being friends with you. I'm 26 and have enough of those." she's a severe diabetic with a drug addict brother anyways, guess it's a good thing it didn't work out.

how fucking far was this date?


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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #42 on: March 30, 2012, 06:13:34 PM »
My usual pre-date routine.

It helps me last longer if I get lucky.
Before you say the music sucked, have you considered shutting the fuck up?


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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #43 on: March 30, 2012, 08:27:41 PM »
Well...I got more enjoyment from this thread than the time.


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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #44 on: March 30, 2012, 08:51:38 PM »
nice tips everyone. slap is now my new father figure.

saucy ragu

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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #45 on: March 30, 2012, 09:40:19 PM »
Well...I got more enjoyment from this thread than the time.

Are details even worth typing out?
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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #46 on: March 30, 2012, 11:29:33 PM »
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@ PTDK Wow....a lot of truth and a lot of crazy ramblings. ? This is going to be a suburb date so unfortunately so my options are limited with decent live music. ? We live like 45 minutes apart so I'm also wondering if I should drive to her town or if we should meet up somewhere. ? I wouldn't know where to go in her's probably going to just be dinner and maybe some drinks afterward. ? 
[close]'re fucked then. I would just go with Beeda Weeda's advice.

He's given me a lot of valuable advice so far.  We'll see how it all plays out.

this girl counts as "out of town", which is perfect. first of all, don't take her to your normal spots. this will make sure that the local girls don't see you with another girl and allows you to keep up to 2, maybe 3 girls in rotation.

take her out to dinner wherever, have a few drinks, and then take her to one of those art bars that you only go to when you dont want anyone to see you out. she'll think its a cool spot and you dont have to worry about running into anybody. talk about movies and make sure something comes up that either she hasnt seen or you havent seen, now you have an excuse to "watch a movie" next time you hang out. at this point you are basically in. you can get shitfaced and take her home that night, or you can keep things mellow with some kisses and hold off til next time.

keeping it mellow and only kissing her will make her want you even more, and the longer you can keep it at just kisses the better. this doesnt mean you aren't getting laid, because like i said, she is an out of town girl. as long as you finish things up by 12:30 or 1, you've got time for a couple liquor drinks at your favorite bar and you can take home whoever you want.

sound advice.
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well, i took a girl out on what was supposed to be a date. dropped 30 in gasoline and 20 on dinner, she tells me midway through the nutritious and delicious veggie burritos, "i guess I should tell you that I'm kinda seeing someone, but i really like you and we should keep hanging out." Don't get burned. I drove her home and said "I am not interested in being friends with you. I'm 26 and have enough of those." she's a severe diabetic with a drug addict brother anyways, guess it's a good thing it didn't work out.


how fucking far was this date?

there's no exhaust on my civic. i borrowed a friends truck and didn't want to return it empty. there was a lot of driving though.
i bet that diabetic pussy would've tasted flat anyways.


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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #47 on: March 30, 2012, 11:53:09 PM »
This is the cutest thread in the history of slap


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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #48 on: March 31, 2012, 03:37:15 AM »
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I am sure you will get plenty of joke responses but I will give you a serious one -
1. Dinner but not too expensive. If it is too fancy for the first date you can seem desperate or set an expensive precedent.
2. Something after - drinks and live music is best. Somewhere she hasn't been to - show her how you are all badass and know cool stuff to do and stuff.
3. Don't act too interested. Don't text her the next day to tell her how much fun you had. Women like men that don't like them back during the dating process. I know it is crazy.
4. This one might get me kooked but if you are bringing a girl out on a date (as apposed to having her meet up with you while you are hanging out with your friends) you don't try to kiss on the first date. This makes them think you are a gentlemen which speeds up the rest of the hook-up process. Kiss on second and third date, invite her to your place for dinner on the fourth date and hopefully the magic happens.


Ya I guess that's kind of when it get's kind of that shit expected or not?   The last girl I went on dates with I had already made out with at a party so it was implied...this one I'll have to play things by ear I guess.

 To be honest number 4 is 100% true.

This happened to me a week ago

 I went on a fixed date with a friend of a female friend. In the first date i was kidna nervous because i thought that the girl would suck but on the contrary she was not that beautiful (but sexy as hell) and somehow interesting. So i was caught off guard and i acted like a stupid kid. She made some remarks to my friend about me being nervous and not being what my friend told her character-wise, fuck i even walked her home and high fived her for goodbye. Totally blew it.

 Second date wasnt that much a date cause we would go and have a dinner with my foretold friend and another 11 people (mostly girls) celebrating my friend's graduation. I was more relaxed there because i knew what to expect and i acted normally. We were talking through the whole dinner and i was joking about many things (Make women laugh but dont get ridiculous is the number one rule). After that we went at a bar with 6 people from dinner. We had already drunk some wine and i had three gins there. She was fully attacking me but i didnt want to kiss her in front of her friend and the other girls and be the source of gossip, it was weird. So i played it safe grabbing her gently and looking her in her eyes while talking at her. My friend was furious about me and was telling me i blew it all the time for not kissing her. After that i walked her home walking an empty city at 5am talking and holding hands. I could tell she wanted a kiss but i wasnt feeling it that moment. At her door she told me to get upstairs. I told her yes even though i had to go at work at 9. I told her and she was ok.

 Needless to say i hadnt slept well for 5 days cause my schedule this period sucks hard, i went upstairs i drunk another gin and i was exhausted so i hugged her and slept with her on her sofa. Then at 8:30 i was outta there for work. No sex no kiss whatsoever. I thought i blew it but who gives a fuck?

 The next day my friend started giving me shit about being a chicken and a total jerkoff and that i blew it big time. However when she talked with the girl she told me litterally "i dont know how the fuck you pulled it off but she liked you and she liked the fact that you are going slowly."  I was lucky i guess.

 Today is the third date. She picked a movie to watch at the cinema. I think i will speed up.

So yeah i aggree tottally with number 4
« Last Edit: March 31, 2012, 03:39:59 AM by Tufty »


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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #49 on: March 31, 2012, 12:00:17 PM »
Eh wasn't really feeling her, bad restaurant choice, she didn't smell good, etc.


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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #50 on: April 09, 2012, 04:30:45 PM »
Eh wasn't really feeling her, bad restaurant choice, she didn't smell good, etc.

she smell like tuna or something?


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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #51 on: April 09, 2012, 08:21:47 PM »
Ask girls what they think about Twuan riding for LE or if they think Popps will have a part in the Chocolate video.
i saw my grandma bail off a 4 set once in my house and she even got up and came to red lobster after.
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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #52 on: April 09, 2012, 09:01:43 PM »
Talk about SLAP

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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #53 on: April 09, 2012, 09:11:54 PM »
This thread is fucking gold, and I'm going to go memorize BTDK's advice or write it down or something. "also there's a 40% chance of this girl owning a cat" was the best shit ever


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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #54 on: April 10, 2012, 06:24:54 AM »
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Eh wasn't really feeling her, bad restaurant choice, she didn't smell good, etc.

she smell like tuna or something? was more like old cigarettes and library books mixed with car exhaust.


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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #55 on: April 10, 2012, 06:51:07 AM »
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Eh wasn't really feeling her, bad restaurant choice, she didn't smell good, etc.

she smell like tuna or something?
[close] was more like old cigarettes and library books mixed with car exhaust.

library books are the worst part. i like a girl who can't read, smokes marlboro reds, and works in her uncle's garage. good call


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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #56 on: April 10, 2012, 07:04:15 AM »
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Eh wasn't really feeling her, bad restaurant choice, she didn't smell good, etc.

she smell like tuna or something?
[close] was more like old cigarettes and library books mixed with car exhaust.

library books are the worst part. i like a girl who can't read, smokes marlboro reds, and works in her uncle's garage. good call

HAHA.  Well I like girls who chill on ceilings covered in rose petals late at night in a middle aged father's master bedroom.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 07:07:34 AM by chockfullofthat »


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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #57 on: April 10, 2012, 12:58:12 PM »
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Eh wasn't really feeling her, bad restaurant choice, she didn't smell good, etc.

she smell like tuna or something?
[close] was more like old cigarettes and library books mixed with car exhaust.

library books are the worst part. i like a girl who can't read, smokes marlboro reds, and works in her uncle's garage. good call

HAHA.  Well I like girls who chill on ceilings covered in rose petals late at night in a middle aged father's master bedroom.

you talking this kinda girl?

because if that's the case, i like em too

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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #58 on: April 10, 2012, 01:39:22 PM »
I am sure you will get plenty of joke responses but I will give you a serious one -
3. Don't act too interested. Don't text her the next day to tell her how much fun you had. Women like men that don't like them back during the dating process. I know it is crazy.

So crazy, yet so true. I recently went over to some chicks house on the premise of casual sex, but I realised pretty quick after getting with her that she was holding out because she was trying to make me her man. I'm not trying to come of as a dick, but I'm not intereested in her like that so i've been trying to fade it out but she WONT STOP TEXTING ME. It's fucking mad. The more I seem uninterested, the more she becomes interested urghrrhgrhgurg


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Re: I'm going on a date tomorrow...
« Reply #59 on: April 10, 2012, 01:45:44 PM »
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Eh wasn't really feeling her, bad restaurant choice, she didn't smell good, etc.

she smell like tuna or something?
[close] was more like old cigarettes and library books mixed with car exhaust.

library books are the worst part. i like a girl who can't read, smokes marlboro reds, and works in her uncle's garage. good call

HAHA.?  Well I like girls who chill on ceilings covered in rose petals late at night in a middle aged father's master bedroom.

you talking this kinda girl?

because if that's the case, i like em too

That is exactly what I'm talking about.  Now bust out some of that government weed, let's get fucking high and lift weights.