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Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« on: January 29, 2014, 09:25:51 AM »
I'm snowed in today, and this is the second day i've been inside all day, i think im starting to get cabin fever, or maybe it's just the weed, who knows. Anyway, does anyone have any stories of creepy things that have happened to them or anything that you would consider "paranormal"? I don't believe in ghosts or anything like that but lets just say ayy lmao. I may post one later if i remember one.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2014, 11:38:38 AM by SqueezeThePulp »


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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2014, 09:28:57 AM »
there's a bunch of kids running around in my yard. I think they might be ghosts


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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2014, 11:03:39 AM »
This was when i was like 9 or 10 or something, so my memory is a little hazy, but im pretty sure this happened. I used to hang out with this kid  who was a massive dork and had dork parents, we would eat spaghetti without the sauce, just the noodles, for dinner most of the time, to give you a mental picture. Anyway, we were in his yard one day playing with my new walkie-talkies, just running around talking with them. I then remember hearing a conversation i had with my father when i had first gotten the walkie-talkies at christmas, like a recording of it played back or something, at this point i guess i was freaked out but im not sure if i got my friend to listen to it or what. Then we must've kept playing and later on these girls ride by on bikes with walkie-talkies, and we were like "thats a weird coincidence" but dont care. So from this point on we start getting all these weird intrusions through the walkies, like a lady with a french accent talking to us, and every time we changed frequencies, we got other people. We were freaked out by this and go inside and never played with those walkie-talkies again. Weird shit, this was like 12 years ago so i cant recall many details but that was the basis of it.


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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2014, 02:10:24 PM »
I don't believe in the paranormal. Its great fun to talk about, I love threads like these but I don't actually believe. I'm a bit like Mulder, I want to believe but there is usually an explanation.

My first story I was about 10 and in bed, It was very late and I was unable to sleep. At some point I looked over at my doorway and saw who I could have sworn was my younger sister standing there. So I yell out to her and ask her if anything is wrong. No reply. I try again and still no reply. Then she starts moving across the room towards my bed. She wasn't walking though, she was moving forward like someone in a strobe light. She stops and is right next to my bed, I can mostly see her now and am still convinced it's my sister. Not that she has ever done it before but I assume she must be sleep walking so I call out to her again. I still get no response so I turn away for a second and switch on my bedside lamp. When I turned back there was no one there. I got out of bed, grabbed a flashlight and checked my sisters room. She was there in bed. She couldn't have been in my room and ran back to hers in the second it took me to turn on my bedside light. I would have at least heard her footsteps. So yeah.

My second story I was about 25. I woke up at 6AM and reached over to my bedside table where I keep a glass of water. It wasn't there. Confused I look around for a second and spy it sitting in the middle of the room on the floor. I  don't remember putting it there, more than that I have no reason to so. Thats when I looked above it and noticed what I can only describe as a small grey cloud of gas floating close to the ceiling. I got out of bed and stood under it trying to figure it out. It then started moving across my room. Confused as hell I jumped up and tried to catch it. It went ascended higher out of reach and faded away.      

Like I said the paranormal is fun and it would be insane if it were real but I don't actually believe. In both cases I was in bed and while my first thought in both cases was ghosts, its likely I was dreaming or just waking up and still dreaming/hallucinating. As for the cup in the middle of my room in story two, my only explanation is I had had one or two drinks the night before and placed it there as I was busy putting a DVD on before bed and forgotten about as I climbed into bed.    
« Last Edit: January 29, 2014, 10:01:40 PM by landCow »

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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2014, 02:18:05 PM »
once i came in drunk and my tv fell on my head, could i have been pushed by a ghost ?
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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2014, 02:19:38 PM »
I haven't seen anything personally but I want to believe hella.


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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2014, 02:32:36 PM »
once i came in drunk and my tv fell on my head, could i have been pushed by a ghost ?

Word. Every time I'm drunk ghosts fuck my whole house up.

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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2014, 03:36:55 PM »
one time i took mushrooms and my friends face turned into jim carrey's face

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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2014, 04:03:51 PM »
one time i took mushrooms and my friends face turned into jim carrey's face



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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2014, 04:17:20 PM »
one time i took mushrooms and my friends face turned into jim carrey's face

the x files theme song (full version)
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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2014, 04:30:22 PM »
i never really tell this story becasue it makes me sound like a kook and its really anticlimactic but whatever
i grew up in a really really old town.  like pilgrims old. a ton of woods. i would always here stories growing up about different peoples houses being haunted and never believed it. however this one dude i know lived in an old civil war hospital.  when i was 17-18 i was in a car driving by it with 3 other friends.  Pouring Rain, night time, coming over a hill thats off a bend. When we came down the hill I saw a pair of massive- like size 14, translucent boots attached to legs with this weird ass brownish/grayish pants walking across the street.  the thighs and upup faded into the rain. my buddy slammed on the breaks.  I flipped inside but took it to be just like a weird illusion from the rain.  Then the driver goes "did you see that?" so i said "see what?" and the kid in the back goes, "a pair of legs walking across the street."  i said "yep" and the driver had to pull over and smoke a cig.  we didn't say a word until we all got home.  we have only talked about it once since.  i tell people i dont believe in ghosts becasue i know it would undermine my credibility, but i know what i saw.
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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2014, 09:20:00 PM »
 9 years ago I visited a very bummed out friend telling me that her homie killed himself a week before due to contracting Hepatitis C through sharing needles, his girl was giving away his things and my friend had a bracelet he wore everyday, but she didn't want it and me having no connection took it no hassle. A few weeks after taking the bracelet I was hopping on a plane but need to pick up my packed luggage after work. At this time i was working as a youth counselor and had a client with me when I went to grab my luggage. The bag was in the kitchen and I was chatting to the kid when all of a sudden the bag moved.... just a shifted...about 60 degrees on the floor. Kid freaked out and ran out of the house, i ran out after and told him the floor in the kitchen slopes down ( does not a fucking bit ) and it was nothing. So i go back in and just start talking, had no idea what to say or do but I just put on a strong voice and said some shit about never doing anything like that again. Took the bracelet out of the luggage and put it away, its the only thing I could think of that maybe had some weird shit attached to it.  Paranormal or not it was creepy in those moments, and nothing has happened since.  
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 08:52:09 AM by kingpinuser »

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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2014, 09:27:38 PM »
I've never had anything happen to me personally, which I suppose I'm thankful for. It's definitely one of those things where sometimes I think I wanna see a ghost but if I ever did I would just be like FUCK NO. Anyway, there's some creepy shit if you scroll through this. Don't know if all of it's paranormal or some kids just have really creepy imaginations.


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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2014, 09:29:34 PM »
Last summer I've experienced something that just cannot be explained either. Me, this girl I was seeing, my cousin and a couple of their friends went to a closed down mental hospital in a nearby town after dark. Now, in the western part of Massachusetts there are lots of these places that have been shut down. This place was like a full college campus that was completely run down. The school was closed in the 80's for many reasons which include terrible treatment of it's patients and sub-standard living conditions.

Well, we get inside the first building by hopping into a window that drops down into what seemed to be like an elevator shaft sized room, which opens into a larger room. We all hop down in and we look into the larger room ahead of us and there was a red light shining from another room attached to the larger one, as soon as we noticed it, it went out. We all try reasoning, it's not too far fetched that there would be other people here looking for something to do. But why red light? Anyway, we walked around the building and couldn't find the source of the light. We thought it was weird, but kept moving on.

The second building we got into was weird as well. We had to get in through a window since the doors were all sealed shut. We get into this large room where one of our friends who claims to be a "clairvoyant" starts to cry and says she doesn't feel right in this room. To the left of us we find something similar to a doctor chair with what looks like dried up blood on it. This room was the only room that made us all feel uncomfortable. We walked through the rest of the building and though it was creepy and abandoned, nothing seemed paranormal.

We then headed to another building down a long path away from the previous one. Before we were about to attempt to enter it there was a bright white light off in the distance ahead of us, probably 30 feet, as we noticed it, it went out. We walked down the trail in the direction of where the light was and the path went off to the right. In front of us was just low bush, nobody was there. As we stood there trying to make sense of what it was, and as we were standing around we hear a loud BANG from off in the distance. It sounded almost like a gunshot, we all looked at each other, and then we hear it again.

At this time all the group ran up the path back where we came from except me, my cousin, and my girl. We decided it was best to walk back up, because if it were other people, they knew where we were (because we had flashlights) and we didn't know where they were. We looked back as we were walking and we almost felt like something or someone coming up the path towards us. At this time, my girl ran away because she swore she saw a black figure in the path coming towards us. My cousin and I walked a little further towards where she said she saw something. Now it was just my cousin and myself pointing our flashlights in the middle of the path, just waiting for something. Then, to the left of us we both saw a giant white hooded thing through the bushes coming towards us. We both saw this thing and we booked it back down the path. My cousin said he saw the light once more as we were making our way out of this place.

I'm not sure what this thing was, but we both described the same thing coming after us. Our lights shined through it and the top of it looked almost like a KKK hat. I'm glad that I've been able to witness something that in which I consider to be paranormal. I hope more SLAP posters post their stories.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2014, 09:32:32 PM by raunchyrick »


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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2014, 06:38:02 AM »
^^^medfield state hospital?^^^ my friends and I used to run around this place all the time at night trying to scare ourselves. Some creepy stuff in there
more heaven-cruise than hell-ride.


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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2014, 06:50:04 AM »
one time i took mushrooms and my friends face turned into jim carrey's face

I blew a bunch of MXE and drove up to Burlington and some random kid looked exactly like Sean Price until he came up and talked to me. I don't think I'll be able to do MXE again (it's only been a half a year since I've done drugs other than THC but i'm still pretty fucked up)


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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #16 on: January 30, 2014, 08:45:00 AM »
There used to be an older thread on here where I explained my creepy childhood houses, but a couple years ago my friends and I had a skate house in what has to be a haunted house. I found a trap door in my room with old newspaper clippings, and had closets that ran the length of the house into other rooms, but that's nothing. The doors would lock/unlock themselves, and open and close on their own. We had two floors, and we'd sometimes hear footsteps running above us when we were all together.

One of my roomies was a skeptic before we moved in, but after one incident he was terrified of the house. One morning I woke up to him screaming in the room over. He lived in the room between me and our bud Zach. Anyways, he assumed it was Z coming into his room for something at 5 am. Z kept coming closer to him, and he realized it was just a dark figure creeping closer and watching him. I woke up to him screaming and trying to fight the damn thing. He refused to sleep in the room and Z and I would sometimes hear banging on the walls coming from that room

I unluckily had the room where the owners uncle killed himself. We got the whole "only use that room for storage" speech, but I used the room anyways. My girlfriend at the time woke up and sure as shit saw the shadow figure, but with a cut up face. She said his name was Walter. Cut forewords a few weeks, and the landlord stops by for a visit and sees me using the the one room we were told not to. She told us the story of her uncle Walter committing suicide in the room. Freaked us all out

It's a running joke between all of us that we haunted the house/ghost more than it/he/they haunted us. We drank beer, made a lot of noise, and had tons of people over at all times. If I was that ghost I'd have been bummed on having to spend a year and some change of eternity living with us. If I ever become one myself, I totally want to haunt my friends and be spooky. Take it for what it is. Either you believe, or you don't. If you don't that'd cool. If you do that's cool, too

Unrelated, but completely funny. I have a friend Louis who was always experimenting with drugs and ditching school. Anyways r drank a bunch one night and drank a bunch of robotussin. He got lost and tried to find his way home, but wound up on the other side of the city at a friends house. He crept in the backyard trying to sleep in the shed, when out of nowhere a UFO approached him. He said it came out of a ship and was a spider the size of his torso that beamed a galactic map of the universe into him, then jetted off. He still swears it has nothing to do with robotripping
fuck you bama


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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #17 on: January 30, 2014, 09:06:43 AM »
^^^medfield state hospital?^^^ my friends and I used to run around this place all the time at night trying to scare ourselves. Some creepy stuff in there

Nope, Belchertown state hospital. My brother used to go to the Northampton one before they closed it down and he filmed crazy orbs and doors would shut on him. They also heard crazy things and felt sudden changes in temperature. They also saw headlights coming up through the woods towards them when they left one time only to disappear. They thought it was cops or something but turns out there was no road from where they were coming. Weird stuff man.


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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #18 on: January 30, 2014, 09:14:19 AM »
There used to be an older thread on here where I explained my creepy childhood houses, but a couple years ago my friends and I had a skate house in what has to be a haunted house. I found a trap door in my room with old newspaper clippings, and had closets that ran the length of the house into other rooms, but that's nothing. The doors would lock/unlock themselves, and open and close on their own. We had two floors, and we'd sometimes hear footsteps running above us when we were all together.

One of my roomies was a skeptic before we moved in, but after one incident he was terrified of the house. One morning I woke up to him screaming in the room over. He lived in the room between me and our bud Zach. Anyways, he assumed it was Z coming into his room for something at 5 am. Z kept coming closer to him, and he realized it was just a dark figure creeping closer and watching him. I woke up to him screaming and trying to fight the damn thing. He refused to sleep in the room and Z and I would sometimes hear banging on the walls coming from that room

I unluckily had the room where the owners uncle killed himself. We got the whole "only use that room for storage" speech, but I used the room anyways. My girlfriend at the time woke up and sure as shit saw the shadow figure, but with a cut up face. She said his name was Walter. Cut forewords a few weeks, and the landlord stops by for a visit and sees me using the the one room we were told not to. She told us the story of her uncle Walter committing suicide in the room. Freaked us all out

It's a running joke between all of us that we haunted the house/ghost more than it/he/they haunted us. We drank beer, made a lot of noise, and had tons of people over at all times. If I was that ghost I'd have been bummed on having to spend a year and some change of eternity living with us. If I ever become one myself, I totally want to haunt my friends and be spooky. Take it for what it is. Either you believe, or you don't. If you don't that'd cool. If you do that's cool, too

Unrelated, but completely funny. I have a friend Louis who was always experimenting with drugs and ditching school. Anyways r drank a bunch one night and drank a bunch of robotussin. He got lost and tried to find his way home, but wound up on the other side of the city at a friends house. He crept in the backyard trying to sleep in the shed, when out of nowhere a UFO approached him. He said it came out of a ship and was a spider the size of his torso that beamed a galactic map of the universe into him, then jetted off. He still swears it has nothing to do with robotripping

damn good post! ^

As far as ghosts n spirits n whatnot, earlier this summer I had dinner with my best friend's mom (he'd died in a DUI accident about a year before) and while we were talking about him she asked me if I'd ever seen anything weird like he was trying to contact me. I said no but asked her and she said one night she was really thinking about him then the next morning saw that the 2 cat food bowls in the kitchen were completely flipped upside-down, with all the cat food still in the bowl & neatly lined up in a row. Her cats couldn't have flipped the bowls upside-down & right next to each other without making some huge mess and no one else was in the house the day before or that morning so she said she felt like it was him reaching out to her. Anyways that very same night at about 8:30-9, as soon as i got home from said dinner I stepped in my room and get a call from some homies that they're about to go on a random, spur-of-the-moment roadtrip to this sick ass skatepark in Davenport, Iowa about 2-3 hours away. You already know I'm down but the thing about that park is that I very first skated it years ago back in middle school with my old best friend & had a blast there. Anyways fast forward its about midnight at the skatepark and about 5-10 minutes into the session, some vans show up and its the Zero/Threat teams, who're just stopping by to skate the park while they were on the road. Forest Edwards, Garett Hill, & Chris Cole were there amongst others. The thing is way back in the day during that era where my friend & I first went to Davenport his favorite brand was Zero & his favorite skater was Chris Cole. They were all cool as fuck too they actually skated & talked with me, my friends & other kids at the park cuz it was pretty mellow that night & just overall good vibes. It was great time but I can't help but think that was his way of thanking me for seeing his mom and talking about all the memories.


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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #19 on: January 30, 2014, 09:34:18 AM »
There used to be an older thread on here where I explained my creepy childhood houses, but a couple years ago my friends and I had a skate house in what has to be a haunted house. I found a trap door in my room with old newspaper clippings, and had closets that ran the length of the house into other rooms, but that's nothing. The doors would lock/unlock themselves, and open and close on their own. We had two floors, and we'd sometimes hear footsteps running above us when we were all together.

One of my roomies was a skeptic before we moved in, but after one incident he was terrified of the house. One morning I woke up to him screaming in the room over. He lived in the room between me and our bud Zach. Anyways, he assumed it was Z coming into his room for something at 5 am. Z kept coming closer to him, and he realized it was just a dark figure creeping closer and watching him. I woke up to him screaming and trying to fight the damn thing. He refused to sleep in the room and Z and I would sometimes hear banging on the walls coming from that room

I unluckily had the room where the owners uncle killed himself. We got the whole "only use that room for storage" speech, but I used the room anyways. My girlfriend at the time woke up and sure as shit saw the shadow figure, but with a cut up face. She said his name was Walter. Cut forewords a few weeks, and the landlord stops by for a visit and sees me using the the one room we were told not to. She told us the story of her uncle Walter committing suicide in the room. Freaked us all out

It's a running joke between all of us that we haunted the house/ghost more than it/he/they haunted us. We drank beer, made a lot of noise, and had tons of people over at all times. If I was that ghost I'd have been bummed on having to spend a year and some change of eternity living with us. If I ever become one myself, I totally want to haunt my friends and be spooky. Take it for what it is. Either you believe, or you don't. If you don't that'd cool. If you do that's cool, too

Unrelated, but completely funny. I have a friend Louis who was always experimenting with drugs and ditching school. Anyways r drank a bunch one night and drank a bunch of robotussin. He got lost and tried to find his way home, but wound up on the other side of the city at a friends house. He crept in the backyard trying to sleep in the shed, when out of nowhere a UFO approached him. He said it came out of a ship and was a spider the size of his torso that beamed a galactic map of the universe into him, then jetted off. He still swears it has nothing to do with robotripping


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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #20 on: January 30, 2014, 10:46:46 AM »

She'd make an encounter in the back of a hearse go from creepy to paranormal.


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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #21 on: January 30, 2014, 01:23:36 PM »
Unrelated, but completely funny. I have a friend Louis who was always experimenting with drugs and ditching school. Anyways r drank a bunch one night and drank a bunch of robotussin. He got lost and tried to find his way home, but wound up on the other side of the city at a friends house. He crept in the backyard trying to sleep in the shed, when out of nowhere a UFO approached him. He said it came out of a ship and was a spider the size of his torso that beamed a galactic map of the universe into him, then jetted off. He still swears it has nothing to do with robotripping

Fuck I miss Louie


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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #22 on: January 30, 2014, 07:31:15 PM »
Nobody really takes this story seriously since it happened when I was around 6 years old, and my sister would have been 5. However, it's one of the most vivid memories I have, recent or not.

Just to set the scene a bit: Being Friday in the 90's, my family's tradition was to go down to the basement and watch TGIF together. That night, my little sister and I decided to head down before everyone else. At the time, my older sister must have been in her room, and I know that my parents were in theirs. At the end of the hall to the left is an open door leading to our powder room. The basement stairs are to the right of the end of the hall. For some reason, none of the lights were on at the time.

So, my little sister and I walk together down the hall to the basement. Once we got to the end of the hall and were about to turn to go downstairs, this milky, translucent figure comes gliding out of the bathroom, right by us, and shoots down the basement stairs, makes a quick turn to the left once it got down there, and then disappeared as it continued on. My sister and I both started screaming at the top of our lungs, and ran as fast as we could upstairs to my parents. We were both absolutely hysterical. I distinctly remember this as the only moment I've been too scared to even form a sentence out loud. I couldn't process what I had just seen, it was just too unbelievable. We managed to explain that we had just seen a ghost, but my parents didn't really understand what was going on.

They separated us into different rooms, and got us to draw what we saw. We both drew shockingly similar pictures - a tall man wearing a long coat and a top hat. People have tried to come up with different theories as to how such an image could have been projected into the darkness that night, but none of them really make sense to me. This image was so clear, so crisp, that it couldn't have been a reflection, refraction, or a shadow. It was a translucent person, travelling swiftly through the air.

I sometimes try to convince myself that I don't believe in ghosts, but I still can't shake the vivid memory from that night. Unlike my sister though, I've been more or less able to keep it engraved in my memory as an image, and not let it get to my psyche. When I think about it in depth like I have just now, though, I get a shiver down my spine that doesn't go away until I distract myself. Thinking about it still gives me the creeps to this day.


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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #23 on: January 30, 2014, 07:59:12 PM »
youre all fuckin stupid as shit


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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #24 on: January 30, 2014, 11:04:08 PM »
Not me, I'm only fuckin stupid as farts.

 You and the D00D have turned this thread into a horrible head-on-collision between a short bus full of regular kids and a van full of paraplegics.


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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #25 on: January 31, 2014, 12:07:05 AM »
Before you say the music sucked, have you considered shutting the fuck up?


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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #26 on: January 31, 2014, 04:02:12 AM »
Im far from being a believer in paranormal shit but my story fits here pretty well without a proper explanation
When i joined the army i was stationed in the desert for 4 months to go through bootcamp and one day i was sent to guard in some watch tower about 10 minutes walk from where we were staying, pitch dark with only a bit of light from our living quarters.
 the time flies by just standing there waiting for my shift to be over with and catch some sleep and suddenly i see a light resembling an illuminating shell being shot up to the sky, since being in the desert and knowing that alot of millitary training and experimenting goes on there i didnt think it was too strange, you see things like that all the time but it didnt act anything like a regular shell or like anything i knew.
 the light i saw was very bright and went up real quick up the sky exactly like a regular shell being fired but than it stalled in mid air, not moving or anything, just stalling in mid air for a few second before fading out. i thought it was nothing out of the ordianry but about two second later it lit up again, still in the same place, the light stayed stalled real up high in the air for a second and than it shot up the sky again, same speed like before and than it stalled again, faded out and lit up again in the same spot before fading out and dissappearing.
I thought it was real strange but i was skeptic of what ive seen, it was late at night, i was guarding for a few hours already and was so tired and i thought i probably dozed off and imagined it or something, ive never seen a shell or any aircraft acting like this so i thought i was just trippin.
I finished my shift and came back to my room and saw the guy that was guarding in the post the other side of the base as he jsut finished his shift aswell, i told him about what ive seen and he looked so spooked, he saw it to and thought he was tripping out exactly like i was.
im sure theres a rational explanation concidering all the army activity going on around there but ive never seen or heard of anything that might act like that in my years of service.

the snake

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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #27 on: January 31, 2014, 11:41:36 AM »
great thread

20 years ago me and a friend used to skate in a local school that was abandonned at the time, and one day, late afternoon when the sun goes down, we both saw something strange standing briefly at the end of the passageway of the 1st floor 40 meters away, then escape in the stairs... it was like a human shadow with shiny outlines, shiny like those little lights you see when you rub your eyes, ...we didn't tried to find out what it was and we went home quickly...


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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #28 on: January 31, 2014, 02:40:00 PM »
One time I was tripping balls on shrooms and thought I was on the set of Seinfeld


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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #29 on: January 31, 2014, 07:47:22 PM »
6th grade last day of school. a bunch of us sleep over at this dudes house who has a really sketchy basement so I bring my camera and put it on night vision while 3 of us go down at a time trying to freak eachother out. mind you this was back when that show Fear was really big. You know that Godsmack song "Im not the one who's so far awayyyy when i feel the snake bite into my vayayeins!" but I digress. we don't see anything while we're down there but when we check the footage we notice a sillhouette right outside of the window. it didn't have the proportions of a normal person. super big head, lanky neck and tiny shoulders. about a year later I go back to look at the footage again and the short 3 second clip where you can see the sillhouette is replaced by a shot of my room that fades to black then goes back to the other footage of us in the basement. I wish I still had that tape