Got a set of these in the mail (55.5mm):'m a bit bummed that the wheels don't match the specs on the website.
The website says the 55.5s are 32.5 wide - almost identical to the 54 conicals at 32.2mm wide. If they were essentially the same width I figured I'd get the KTULs because the first Millimeter goes rather quickly and I'd rather have a bigger wheel for park duty.
However, the KTUL packaging says "Classic Shape"
Height | width
54 | 33.5
58 | 37
I don't have calipers but eyeballing it with a ruler the KTULs are just under 35mm wide. With the same ruler my OJs (spec'ed at 32 wide) look 32.5. So yeah, I'm bitching about 2mm but with an 8" truck a narrower wheel is noticeable. I really liked the size and conical shape of my OJ "surfers on acid" wheels but they were just a bit too mushy.
I guess the KTULs are a different mold than the regular F4s Classic Shape because those are supposedly 36w at 55mm. I just wish the KTULs were closer to the advertised size. They feel like a bigger, heavier wheel than what I've been riding.
Wish they made the slim conicals one size taller...