GAY - Maybe the difference between Louie and Bobby's character is just geographic - ppl on the east coast are just gritty d-bags
ice_nine- have we met before? didn't you say you live in Scranton? wanna come up & skate the indoor joint some time?
Bobby is great, Viv is great. Some artists, starving or not, NYC or not....they just tend to be super possessive over their work and act out like that....personally I think that's a great story to add to his long legendary repertoire of great stories. It's too bad Vice or someone doing a show about how daily life would probably ruin the allure for me, cause I feel like something like that could be great and super entertaining.
...can't believe this thread brought Donnie Murdo out of the woodwork!
I love how all of the delusional motherfuckers back people they don't know and haven't met just because they are good skaters. You guys have these fucking stupid fantasies that despite the rumors, if you met that person, you'd be BEST FRIENDS EVER. When the reality is it is the exact opposite.
Do you love Bobby Puleo? He fucking hates you.
Do you love the Antihero crew? They fucking hate you.
Do you think the fact that they haven't met you means they don't hate you? You are wrong. You know why? BECAUSE THEY ARE HUGE FUCKING DICKS.
How many different stories and perspectives do you need to hear before you finally believe that its possible you can be BOTH good at skateboarding AND a huge dick? Like its pretty incredible how dumb and delusional so many of you are. Like a 9 year old who thinks WWF wrestling is real.
Go ahead and explain away over the top, past all boundaries dick moves by a dude you don't know just because you like the way he skates, but remember, you are the ones creating a fantasy world. The people talking about him being a dick are really just telling it like it is.