Can noone afford a $300 Sony handycam anymore? My old ass camcorder cost $650 this was 10 years ago. This is how you film, down and dirty, you edit the clips later that night. Whipping out your iphone to film tricks at the skatepark? FUCK YOU. I don't even like skating with a phone in my pocket, let alone filming with it
What happened to skate photography/ filming? It's cool now to get iphone clips and blast a gram rather than film something on a camcorder with way better quality? It's way easier to skate knowing your filmer isn't going to instantly delete all your bails on the spot, then run some app to make it look cool.
Hand over cam is almost dead now, fastforwarding looking for the hand is part of the fun. Save your $80 cell plans with the opportunity to call or access the internet, get a FUCKING CAMCORDER.