Author Topic: Refugee crisis in Europe.  (Read 67062 times)

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Re: Refugee crisis in Europe.
« Reply #510 on: March 30, 2016, 07:27:42 AM »
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Monty, I know what I wrote, no need to repeat it. Yes, I hate the fuckers that were born here and can still barely build a sentence. Yes, stand in my way while smoking shitty weed = burst mouth. Yes, I hate the savages that refuse to adopt to simple concept as waiting in line. Yes, as soon as I can, I'm out of here, natural strive for better things. I show it and ready to fight for it.

What do you do for that great white cause of yours?

And this "A person trying to show the positive effects of medical marijuana or trying to legalize medical marijuana would not post negative sources and links to show the otherwise" is a great illustration of your level of stupid.

I have a link to prove my point:

See nothing but retards? You just put yourself in that category. You are that fucking biased.


So you post me a link to flashback which shows multiple threads about cannabis .  What does that prove ?  Thats not what I was asking for .
You need to post a link to somebody who is actively debating the positive effects of medical Marijuana while at the same time posting the negative effects of marijuana

And Im only biased because nobody in this thread have posted the positive things about accepting all these "refugees" into the EU
almost 20 pages and still not a single post about how taking in all these people will benefit us 

You are right about me not really doing anything for my cause . In alot of ways I was born in the wrong country . If I was in the UK , USA , NZ , Australia , Poland , Nazi Germany or many other countries I probably would have been in the military at age 17 and out there doing something good

But yeah , besides voting , paying taxes and donating money to certain charities . I probably havent done much good in the world besides spreading happiness to people with food

Ill say Im currently "in training" for something where I could have a effect on things . But as I havent signed any papers or passed the tests yet I wont say what it is . I dont wanna claim something and then have to back track if I dont go ahead with it

Fixed that country for you. And damn, the military sure is out there "doing something good". Like in Iraq, when they found those WMD. Or a gazillion other examples. Nothing wrong with following some monkey's orders...

Ever stopped and thought to yourself "Hmmm, why won't even the idiots on Slap buy into my bullshit?, I mean I can't be the idiot here.."

Wow, taxes, donations, voting and cooking. Give this man a medal! He's doing his job, votes and pays them taxes!

Good that you don't claim anything, you will probably quit Legion etrangere just like you quit being a feminist.

Anyway, go back to enlightining Slap with your fair and balanced news. You and Bill O'Reilly haveso much in common.

Monty Burns

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Re: Refugee crisis in Europe.
« Reply #511 on: March 30, 2016, 08:01:43 AM »
Fixed that country for you. And damn, the military sure is out there "doing something good". Like in Iraq, when they found those WMD. Or a gazillion other examples. Nothing wrong with following some monkey's orders...

Claiming Germany is currently a Nazi country is quite stupid . Some Germans want to join into the discussion and answer the claims ?

Much like you threatening to punch the immigrant youths hanging outside your building , war is a world scale of that . If you want something done you should be ready to fight for it .

Hitler wasnt stopped by petitions . Mussolini wasnt stopped by peace marches . Saddam Hussein wasnt stopped by sanctions . Israel isnt kept safe by flowers and peace songs . They have a excellent military who are villing to fight to keep Israel safe

ISIS and AQ isnt being defeated by sanctions , peace songs , peace talks , protests or anything ells close to that . They are being deafeted by bombing the shit out of them and troops on ground

Ever stopped and thought to yourself "Hmmm, why won't even the idiots on Slap buy into my bullshit?, I mean I can't be the idiot here.."

Why would I assume SLAP are idiots ? why would I think my own views are bullshit ? why would I think Im a idiot ?

Wow, taxes, donations, voting and cooking. Give this man a medal! He's doing his job, votes and pays them taxes!

This is so confusing . You call me out on not doing anything . I agree with you that Im not really doing anything . And then you make a sarcastic comment about me agreeing that Im not doing anything ?  what !?

And calling out somebody for not doing anything while yourself are not doing something its pretty low

Good that you don't claim anything, you will probably quit Legion etrangere just like you quit being a feminist.

Im not sure about the Legion etrangere as I never have checked their rules but I would assume as its a Military unit / organisation , You can not just quit them as you can quit a political movement . Im sure they have contracts , unlike feminism

Anyway, go back to enlightining Slap with your fair and balanced news. You and Bill O'Reilly haveso much in common.

Ive said mulitple times that my views are not balanced , I have my political views set and post based on my views . Ifact Ive said this over 2 times to posts directed directly at you

Yet again you are "calling me out " on things I admit and have told you time and time again . My views are however fair because I post facts , sources and legitimate media sources


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Re: Refugee crisis in Europe.
« Reply #512 on: March 30, 2016, 08:54:48 AM »
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Monty, I know what I wrote, no need to repeat it. Yes, I hate the fuckers that were born here and can still barely build a sentence. Yes, stand in my way while smoking shitty weed = burst mouth. Yes, I hate the savages that refuse to adopt to simple concept as waiting in line. Yes, as soon as I can, I'm out of here, natural strive for better things. I show it and ready to fight for it.

What do you do for that great white cause of yours?

And this "A person trying to show the positive effects of medical marijuana or trying to legalize medical marijuana would not post negative sources and links to show the otherwise" is a great illustration of your level of stupid.

I have a link to prove my point:

See nothing but retards? You just put yourself in that category. You are that fucking biased.


So you post me a link to flashback which shows multiple threads about cannabis .� What does that prove ?� Thats not what I was asking for .
You need to post a link to somebody who is actively debating the positive effects of medical Marijuana while at the same time posting the negative effects of marijuana

And Im only biased because nobody in this thread have posted the positive things about accepting all these "refugees" into the EU
almost 20 pages and still not a single post about how taking in all these people will benefit us�

You are right about me not really doing anything for my cause . In alot of ways I was born in the wrong country . If I was in the UK , USA , NZ , Australia , Poland , Germany or many other countries I probably would have been in the military at age 17 and out there doing something good

But yeah , besides voting , paying taxes and donating money to certain charities . I probably havent done much good in the world besides spreading happiness to people with food

Ill say Im currently "in training" for something where I could have a effect on things . But as I havent signed any papers or passed the tests yet I wont say what it is . I dont wanna claim something and then have to back track if I dont go ahead with it

for sure, monty, you a real role model. if you're eager to "do something good" why not join the french foreign legion. then again there's probably too many north-african/arabic people in there for you to feel comfortable.

i imagine you playing microsoft flight simulator so you can apply for remote controlling drones so you can bomb housing and hospitals, then play the butthurt victim when these people flee the country or join the various terrorist groups out of a grudge against the bombings? then whine around how sweden is missing housing and hospitals for real swedes.

you're a cook, you could make a difference if you use your knowledge to come up with a plan how to feed all these people effectively for low cost and to cover basic nutritional needs. you could advocate that people don't throw away good food and take it to shelters instead if they don't consume it.

the reason not many people in this thread say that this is a super beneficial thing for europe is because most people have a more grounded view on it than you. most people arguing with you see the same problems, but your bias against refugees and basically anything that you perceive as sjw policy(any progressive view you don't agree on) makes you cherry pick the most gruesome stories. you act like that stuff happens everyday and that's not true. statistically, in germany there are far more attacks on refugees by locals than vice versa. the beneficial
part about this happening will only be clear after the fact, that means we will see it maybe two or three decades from now on, depending on how successful integration will be or it will be WWIII and this time it's the muslims instead of jews and whole europe instead of third reich.

also, that muslim-murder story, you focus on the psycho that killed the shop keeper. i don't give a fuck about religion and i think christianity and islam are stupid all the same, i mean it's the same basic religion with different prophets. yet i can see what the shopkeeper did was really cool. i don't understand why this seems to be an example for you of the dangers of islam. clearly the murderer is a psychopath that will spend hopefully most if not the rest of his life in jail. as much as you want it but fundamentalist psychos are not the norm amongst the muslim populace. the case is not a metaphor for violent islam wins over peaceful islam. if we would treat christianity the same way we treat islam,
millions of europeans should have renounced christianity back in 2012 when the most gruesome man in the world was christian fanatic joseph kony.

it didn't make people question their own faith that such a monster wages wars and kills hundreds of thousands in this day and age in the name of christianity. but the crazy deathcult that is isis is supposed to be the "real face" of islam, as told by, well, lots of people that never read the koran. i have never read that book either but i don't make assumptions about what it says. obviously most of the muslim world and most muslim leaders condemn violence and terror. the difference seems to be that in general their sincerity is questioned by islamophobes that claim to have a better understanding(i.e. cigarettebeer) of a faith and culture than the people living it itself. this kind of ignorance and arrogance will lead to more hostility in the long run imo. if some dipshit that can't barely handle a microwave came to your kitchen straight talking shit about how you handle your knives wrong you'd think that dude is a clown. to me all these non-muslims claiming to know about real islam are clowns.

and before you ask me what i have done: basically nothing, i have no practical skills and most my jobs were concerned with problem solving with clients and customers--->my job is thinking and talking. i basically have no medical skills, i suck at carpentry, i only speak two languages fluently and i'm only good at making money with my conversational skills. i also usually work 40-50hours a week. so yeah, i just gave away lots of stuff i don't use anymore, mostly clothes, an old cellphone, backpacks and such. then again i'm really more kind of apathetic to the situation in terms of how my views on the world have changed, because they have not. if i was asked if we should let millions of refugees in here i'd say depends, sounds dumb tho in general. well history apparently doesn't give a shit about what you or me thinks and because we can't stop it, we have to deal with it, preferably in a humane manner.


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Re: Refugee crisis in Europe.
« Reply #513 on: March 30, 2016, 09:17:09 AM »
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Fixed that country for you. And damn, the military sure is out there "doing something good". Like in Iraq, when they found those WMD. Or a gazillion other examples. Nothing wrong with following some monkey's orders...

Claiming Germany is currently a Nazi country is quite stupid . Some Germans want to join into the discussion and answer the claims ?

Much like you threatening to punch the immigrant youths hanging outside your building , war is a world scale of that . If you want something done you should be ready to fight for it .

Hitler wasnt stopped by petitions . Mussolini wasnt stopped by peace marches . Saddam Hussein wasnt stopped by sanctions . Israel isnt kept safe by flowers and peace songs . They have a excellent military who are villing to fight to keep Israel safe

ISIS and AQ isnt being defeated by sanctions , peace songs , peace talks , protests or anything ells close to that . They are being deafeted by bombing the shit out of them and troops on ground

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Ever stopped and thought to yourself "Hmmm, why won't even the idiots on Slap buy into my bullshit?, I mean I can't be the idiot here.."

Why would I assume SLAP are idiots ? why would I think my own views are bullshit ? why would I think Im a idiot ?

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Wow, taxes, donations, voting and cooking. Give this man a medal! He's doing his job, votes and pays them taxes!

This is so confusing . You call me out on not doing anything . I agree with you that Im not really doing anything . And then you make a sarcastic comment about me agreeing that Im not doing anything ?  what !?

And calling out somebody for not doing anything while yourself are not doing something its pretty low

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Good that you don't claim anything, you will probably quit Legion etrangere just like you quit being a feminist.

Im not sure about the Legion etrangere as I never have checked their rules but I would assume as its a Military unit / organisation , You can not just quit them as you can quit a political movement . Im sure they have contracts , unlike feminism

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Anyway, go back to enlightining Slap with your fair and balanced news. You and Bill O'Reilly haveso much in common.

Ive said mulitple times that my views are not balanced , I have my political views set and post based on my views . Ifact Ive said this over 2 times to posts directed directly at you

Yet again you are "calling me out " on things I admit and have told you time and time again . My views are however fair because I post facts , sources and legitimate media sources

ikobrakai never said germany is a nazi state, i take it he implied your views are more in line with nazi germany than any current country.

hitler was voted into power and actively supported, he then made the laws so he could smash any opposing force before they gain traction and numbers. he even cleansed his own ranks of people that he didn't trust:

about mussolini: he made his own march with his 30.000 blackshirts to claim power for his fascist party:

saddam hussein was actively supported at first because he was not a fundamentalist muslim, us gave him weapons at first to use against now fundamentalist iran, after they lost control over iran and after the islamic revolution the perpetrated there to gain control turned out to be a big failure.

you're probably right about israel tho, although i don't know why they need all the nukes. nuking your neighboring countries doesnt really seem smart. the nukes are probably going on russia if shit hits the fan.

Monty Burns

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Re: Refugee crisis in Europe.
« Reply #514 on: March 30, 2016, 10:36:22 AM »
for sure, monty, you a real role model.

When did I say anything about being a role model ? or wanting to be one .

if you're eager to "do something good" why not join the french foreign legion. then again there's probably too many north-african/arabic people in there for you to feel comfortable.

Why join the French foreign legion ? . France doesnt really follow the military direction of USA , NZ , AUS , UK , SWE or GER . Different operations , different language and different  budget . Where is the French Foreign legion operation now ? I dont even know . Are they conducting any operations against ISIS now ?

Why would I have a problem with north African / Arabic people ? and what % of the French Foreign legion are north African / Arabic

Are the French foreign legion doing something good ?  give me examples

i imagine you playing microsoft flight simulator so you can apply for remote controlling drones so you can bomb housing and hospitals,

Name one coalition country who is actively targeting civilian housing ( without there being a person of interest there )  and hospitals

then play the butthurt victim when these people flee the country or join the various terrorist groups out of a grudge against the bombings? then whine around how sweden is missing housing and hospitals for real swedes.

Kinda like you are playing the butthurt victim now ?  Hamas in Palestine is not a democratical elected terrorist organisation that is attacking Israel ?  The Taliban in Afghanistan are not dangerous and bomb schools , terrorizes the population in Afghanistan ? AQ is not a dangerous terror organisation ?   ISIS is not a horrible terrorist organisation ?

We should just leave all these groups keep on keeping on ?
Afghanistan would never have been attacked by the USA if the taliban and AQ were not there

What did Belgium do to deserve the bombing from ISIS ? how many politicians or military personnel died in the attack ?

you're a cook, you could make a difference if you use your knowledge to come up with a plan how to feed all these people effectively for low cost and to cover basic nutritional needs. you could advocate that people don't throw away good food and take it to shelters instead if they don't consume it.

Im a chef , not a cook .  Its true I could be involved in food programs for the  "refugees " but my political views now is that they shouldnt even be here in the first place . And to be fair I havent really been working in places even close to that . I propose military intervention is the correct answer . So making some food is not the answer

the reason not many people in this thread say that this is a super beneficial thing for europe is because most people have a more grounded view on it than you. most people arguing with you see the same problems, but your bias against refugees and basically anything that you perceive as sjw policy(any progressive view you don't agree on) makes you cherry pick the most gruesome stories. you act like that stuff happens everyday and that's not true. statistically, in germany there are far more attacks on refugees by locals than vice versa. the beneficial
part about this happening will only be clear after the fact, that means we will see it maybe two or three decades from now on, depending on how successful integration will be or it will be WWIII and this time it's the muslims instead of jews and whole europe instead of third reich.

So they see the same problems as me but refuse to say them , instead decide to call me a nazi and racist . I acknowledge the problems and say them out , show them with sources , news articles and real views . Yet Im not the grounded one ?

Just cause gang rapes , murders and sexual assault dont happen every day doesnt make it less gruesome . These things happen and are a consequence of the people we are currently taking into Europe

Ive also said multiple times that the crimes of the far right . The hate marches , the assaults the burning of refugee centres further proves my point . These are all horrible illegal actions that show how much more and more people are against the refugee influx . The political far right is on the rise with all its horror . Yet you guys pretend things are fine

Integration of past and current refugees / immigrants is a huge failure , and the far right and extreme right is on the rise . Yet you guys suggest taking in more refugees into Europe ...

And I said in the past post . Jewish refugees during WW2 didnt shoot up concerts , blow themselves up at airports . Go into schools with children or playgrounds and gun them down and then blow themselves up

I dont remember seeing any news stories in history books about Jewish refugees doing mass sexual assaults on 1000s of women on new years nights or murdering fellow jews in refugee centres

yet i can see what the shopkeeper did was really cool. i don't understand why this seems to be an example for you of the dangers of islam. clearly the murderer is a psychopath that will spend hopefully most if not the rest of his life in jail. as much as you want it but fundamentalist psychos are not the norm amongst the muslim populace. the case is not a metaphor for violent islam wins over peaceful islam.

Its a example of a refugee / immigrant coming to Europe , maybe getting his shit together from maybe nothing to becoming a successfully business man , with a nice and happy family . integrating into the UK society . Breaking down religious berries and being murdered by a fellow  Muslim

What makes the attacker a psychopath ? do you think he will get jail or going to a mental hospital . Are all ISIS , AQ and Taliban psychopaths ? or are they people with another view then alot of muslims ? with different political views ? Thousands of people living in Europe and North America have traveld to Syria and Iraq to join ISIS  . Are you suggesting all these people broke out of the mental hospital to join ISIS ?

if we would treat christianity the same way we treat islam,
millions of europeans should have renounced christianity back in 2012 when the most gruesome man in the world was christian fanatic joseph kony.

We treat Christians much worse then we treat Muslims . We have has multiple trails against the church , exposing their crimes . We constantly make fun of Jesus , god and Christianity . Yet every time somebody makes fun of Islam or writes a book about Islam or draw a picture of Mohammed people need body guards . Things blow up or there are mass shootings

When was the last mass shooting or  suicide bombing after a " Draw Jesus " contest ?

obviously most of the muslim world and most muslim leaders condemn violence and terror.

They do ? show me some examples of Muslim world leaders condemning violence . Im pretty sure I can show how the world leader in that country has laws that permit honor killings , whippings , death penalty and many other fucked up laws anti women and press freedom

the difference seems to be that in general their sincerity is questioned by islamophobes that claim to have a better understanding(i.e. cigarettebeer) of a faith and culture than the people living it itself. this kind of ignorance and arrogance will lead to more hostility in the long run imo. if some dipshit that can't barely handle a microwave came to your kitchen straight talking shit about how you handle your knives wrong you'd think that dude is a clown. to me all these non-muslims claiming to know about real islam are clowns.

In some ways you are right . Others wrong . There is a hypocrisy in religion today . Take Christians today most of them cherry pick parts from the new testament and the old testament to confirm their views and to fit their religion . Take hateful Christians today that say homosexuality is a sin based on the old testament yet ignore other parts of the old testament to fit their views like getting tattoos or wearing diffrent kinds of cloth together . Or slave owner ship

There are laws in the quran that say people who turn away from Islam should be killed . Now the question is who is the real muslim ? the one who obeys a stupid law like that ? or the one who thinks it crazy ?

If you want we can make a thread about all the crazy shit in the bible and quran . Ive read the bible 2 times so I know alot about it

ikobrakai never said germany is a nazi state, i take it he implied your views are more in line with nazi germany than any current country.

Well I said I would have joined the German army at 17 . So unless ikobrakai thinks I was born in 1925 , Nazi germany has no relevance

Your next points about Hussein , Mussolini and Hitler are way off . I said OUT of power . Not how they took power . What Im sayin is to defeat evil you have to fight it with violence . I think one of the few times a none violence campaign worked was Ghandi in India . And that only worked cause the UK didnt feel like killing him and his political party

So thats 1 out of billions incidents in the world through history . It would be nice if we can talk things through with ISIS and show them how what they are doing is wrong , but they wont change so we have to wipe them out

and before you ask me what i have done: basically nothing, i have no practical skills and most my jobs were concerned with problem solving with clients and customers--->my job is thinking and talking. i basically have no medical skills, i suck at carpentry, i only speak two languages fluently and i'm only good at making money with my conversational skills. i also usually work 40-50hours a week. so yeah, i just gave away lots of stuff i don't use anymore, mostly clothes, an old cellphone, backpacks and such. then again i'm really more kind of apathetic to the situation in terms of how my views on the world have changed, because they have not. if i was asked if we should let millions of refugees in here i'd say depends, sounds dumb tho in general. well history apparently doesn't give a shit about what you or me thinks and because we can't stop it, we have to deal with it, preferably in a humane manner.

Im not here to call you out frank , seems you donated and paid taxes . Thats enough for some people and more then others have done  . I have no argument with you and Im not pissed off with you . We are just having a discussion . Im not one to call out people when they are not calling me out to start with

We do not have to take it though we can vote , pay taxes , donate , join charity organisations . become a politician , cop , military . There are things we can do if you care enough about it


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Re: Refugee crisis in Europe.
« Reply #515 on: March 30, 2016, 12:11:06 PM »
i really need to stop discussing this with you, it's so tiresome. so i try to keep it short:

your misconception: nobody thinks this is great. nobody wants more refugees produced through this war. nobody wants more refugees coming into places that already have enough problems. this thing is bigger tho than your personal opinion or mine. this happens REGARDLESS for fucks sake. you're preferred solution is to send them back and keep bombing the fuck out of the country. i get it now, you feel super entitled. you're entitled to interpret their scriptures, the same kind of clown i mentioned. i don't need to put up sources now to proof to you most muslims are peaceful despite believing in a bullshit religion. it's called common sense. most people that got brought up in the west follow that concept, most muslims, too. i don't need you explaining the dumbass bible to me, i went to a catholic church school, i was forced to read that shit until i finished school. imo the bible is stupid book, koran/quran is a stupid book. i appreciate cherry picking believers actually more because most of the time they do that to be able to live in modern times despite the scriptures telling them to hate certain groups of people or dictating them a weird lifestyle. they find a way to be faithful without violating our modern ways of treating each other.

everytime you say you want to do your part it's military, it's police. you're not interested in social progress, you'd rather regress as long as you're on top.

because you're on top. you are, compared to the average refugee:

-wealthy and economically safe

-far less in danger of harassment because of your skin color or language

-able to plan ahead of your current situation and make changes accordingly

-allowed to be an asshole openly, backed by free speech laws, without your assholery reflect negatively on the rest of the swedish populace.
asshole refugees have no chance whatsoever, and i think that's ok, but again you're privileged.

you are a very privileged person that wants harsh treatment for people who do not have the same amount of rights you have, not the same chance for a bright future(at least not with you standing in their way), no real home anymore, no real opportunity to become part of our economy. you are saying you'd be fine if they would pull it off, but you wouldn't even let them come to the point where they could have agency about it.

also all your comments about sjws say alot more about you and how you see yourself in the bigger picture. you feel threatened by immigrants, refugees, neo-feminists, as you said oppressed minorities always start to oppress others(majorities????how???) and you obvsly
feel very oppressed. in the other thread you said feminism is almost there, you even gave percentages as if you could measure social progress in numbers. you have not understood the most basic truth, that is people are of equal worth, sure they are not equal in themselves. like so many people before you twist the argument to your favor, then try to feed it back and claim to be feel oppressed because they are "almost there" which means for you it's enough.

females 90% equal iyo--->well that should do! 90 percent seems enough, no? so you were a 90% feminist, because now that they are almost done, you feel oppressed by pc libtards and feminazis because they are "almost" there while you admit there's 10% missing... im puzzled. you never wanted equal rights. just enough rights so they shut up and you don't have to discuss it. you were just an opportunist. it was a fine thing to be a feminist, now it's bad to be a feminist, because being feminist worked? now it's men's rights... i'm not butthurt about it, i'm annoyed about this view more than hurt, it's egocentric. egocentric people shouldn't mask their egocentrism as a form of social progress.

refugees in practice severly inequal in rights and prospects--->it's unfair, monty has to pay rent for nice flat, refugees get tents for free. that's like a 5000% improvement from being on the run, and they get it even for free. unfair!

sjw movement so powerful, yet you, the most reactionary, emotionally charged poster in this thread, have the most and the longest posts warning us of the dangers of uncontrolled influx of refugees, while in reality less and less are coming, many are even going back and you will probably still have your job, wife, flat, income, healthcare and never met one of them refugees face to face or suffer any of the atrocities perpetuated by uncivilized muslim refugees that you so love to bring up.

you have given zero constructive thoughts so far as to resolve this shit. you want them to go back, then bomb the fuck out the place you send them. you are "training" for something to make a difference, which to me sounds more like you took up another form of martial arts or maybe started going to the shooting range to feel more powerful if "shit gets real". this is more prepper mentality than helpfulness.

concerning your thoughts on the legion, here is how to join them. i couldn't find numbers for percentage of muslims among them, but religion doesnt matter and large parts of the legion are stationed in uae and still algeria i think.

a thousand other points come to mind, but it won't be of any use as long as you keep acting like the kid asking why? all the time in that louis ck sketch. you post tabloid media as evidence, then others pick your shit apart then you come and call everyone out on phrasing and shit, resulting in the most useless discussions.

and as much as i sometimes disagree with the vehemence of his posts but tufty is perfectly right that the war won't be muslims vs western world, the war to come will be poor vs rich and their armies. if that war happens, legion etrangere might be a good faction to be aligned with:

"Legio Patria Nostra. The Legion is our Fatherland. The third and newest motto of the French Foreign Legion. This motto is also the most frequent motto in the current Legion. The Legio Patria Nostra motto has an unknown origin. Initially, it was used by legionnaires within the 3rd Foreign Infantry Regiment. At a later date, it became the main motto of the whole Legion. Nowadays, the motto �Legio Patria Nostra� is the best known motto of the Foreign Legion."
« Last Edit: March 30, 2016, 12:15:25 PM by Frank »

Monty Burns

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Re: Refugee crisis in Europe.
« Reply #516 on: March 30, 2016, 01:33:15 PM »
i really need to stop discussing this with you, it's so tiresome. so i try to keep it short:

Then why are you doing it ? I mean if you are not having fun debating this and its tiring why do it ? I mean unless you come out with some
super duper extreme fact you must know you are not going to change my mind about this

your misconception: nobody thinks this is great. nobody wants more refugees produced through this war. nobody wants more refugees coming into places that already have enough problems.

Well thats not true is it . Plenty of people want more refugees , arabs and muslims in Europe . ISIS , AQ , Taliban . Heck even the extremist Right in some ways want more of these people in the EU cause it furthers their cause . Every crime a refugee commits makes the extremist gain more members , how can you not see people want this war ?

this thing is bigger tho than your personal opinion or mine. this happens REGARDLESS for fucks sake.

Nope , Sweden is a good example of this . The majority of people in Sweden were for taking in the refugees . But as more and more came the majority changed its mind , and the government followed . The top 4 parties in Sweden changed their stance and closed up the border .

If we want change we can change it

i get it now, you feel super entitled. you're entitled to interpret their scriptures, the same kind of clown i mentioned

Im not sure how much interpretation you when the book says " stone this man " ? or " put this man to death "  ? Or that "you are
allowed to beat a slave but not so much that he dies "  Well you read the bible so you know its in there

You havent read the quran but you know its in there too 

everytime you say you want to do your part it's military, it's police. you're not interested in social progress, you'd rather regress as long as you're on top.

True , police and military would help Sweden and Syria . Im for social progress but bringing in all these "refugees" are not progressing Sweden Socially . This money we are spending on them could have been put to help the ghettos , develop jobs , improve school and colleges . Improve healthcare

You say Im against social progress . I want to spend it on Sweden And the EU , you want to spend it on refugees . Who exactly is against social progress ?

And you Are right I want Sweden and the EU to top all lists of education , healthcare , science , human rights and everything ells positive . Whats wrong with that ?

you are a very privileged person that wants harsh treatment for people who do not have the same amount of rights you have, not the same chance for a bright future(at least not with you standing in their way), no real home anymore, no real opportunity to become part of our economy. you are saying you'd be fine if they would pull it off, but you wouldn't even let them come to the point where they could have agency about it.

what ?

also all your comments about sjws say alot more about you and how you see yourself in the bigger picture. you feel threatened by immigrants, refugees, neo-feminists, as you said oppressed minorities always start to oppress others(majorities????how???) and you obvsly
feel very oppressed. in the other thread you said feminism is almost there, you even gave percentages as if you could measure social progress in numbers. you have not understood the most basic truth, that is people are of equal worth, sure they are not equal in themselves. like so many people before you twist the argument to your favor, then try to feed it back and claim to be feel oppressed because they are "almost there" which means for you it's enough.

I dont think you understood what I wrote . The procent was obviously just a way , a example to show that things have improved so much .
You are saying I dont the basic truth that people have equal worth ? what are you talking about ? 

I also said Im for the old traditional values of feminism that women should be equal . But I can not support the new feminism

You basicly posted 11 rows of text after completely misunderstanding my point . Going on a rant about my "views" that are not my views

So this is not only off topic , Its also taking my views , changing them and then claiming these are Montys view 

sjw movement so powerful, yet you, the most reactionary, emotionally charged poster in this thread, have the most and the longest posts warning us of the dangers of uncontrolled influx of refugees, while in reality less and less are coming, many are even going back and you will probably still have your job, wife, flat, income, healthcare and never met one of them refugees face to face or suffer any of the atrocities perpetuated by uncivilized muslim refugees that you so love to bring up.

Im the least emotional in this thread . Everybody in this thread are arguing with me , calling me names , threatening me , giving no other reason to take in the refugees for no other reason then to " save them "

While Im giving real reasons how we are fucking the EU up by taking them in

So less are coming ? and many are even going back ? I thought these people were facing a certain death if they went back ? and they were not economical migrants ?  . Guess its like that news story about Iraq refugees going home cause Finland was not the dream country they thought it was and its abit too cold .  Spoken like people running for their lives

you have given zero constructive thoughts so far as to resolve this shit

Ive posted atleast 5 times . NATO ,Coalition forces , Russia , China and any other country that wants to join . Wipe ISIS and AQ out . If The Syrian forces want to join in thats fine . If they dont want to join in wipe them out too .

Send refugees back and keep them safe with peace troop , set up a new goverment , send food , build houses and school

Ive said that atleast 5 times  or as you said "zero"

you are "training" for something to make a difference, which to me sounds more like you took up another form of martial arts or maybe started going to the shooting range to feel more powerful if "shit gets real". this is more prepper mentality than helpfulness.

Im in training , there are tests and I have to pass these tests  , I have to sign papers / contract . Yeah sure that sounds like a martial arts ...
Who knows maybe Im training to become Batman . There are contracts for that right ?

concerning your thoughts on the legion, here is how to join them. i couldn't find numbers for percentage of muslims among them, but religion doesnt matter and large parts of the legion are stationed in uae and still algeria i think.
a thousand other points come to mind, but it won't be of any use as long as you keep acting like the kid asking why? all the time in that louis ck sketch. you post tabloid media as evidence, then others pick your shit apart then you come and call everyone out on phrasing and shit, resulting in the most useless discussions.

You want me to join the French Foreign Legion yet Im not allowed to ask why ? . You want me to join a foreign military unit from a country I dont really support their government or military actions , and if I ask why I am childish ?

A person Ive talked to maybe 4 times on a skateboard forum is telling me to join the French Foreign Legion . Yet I am like a kid when asking why ? Do you read the things you post ?

and as much as i sometimes disagree with the vehemence of his posts but tufty is perfectly right that the war won't be muslims vs western world, the war to come will be poor vs rich and their armies. if that war happens, legion etrangere might be a good faction to be aligned with

Im pretty sure the FFL would fight for the French government or the French Military . Who knows what side they would be in a future
world war .

A big problem with this last post of yours is that you didnt answer my replies . You havent read my past posts as you claim I have not done this or done that , when ive done it 3 or sometimes 5 times in this thread . You also took several of my views and miss represented them , twisted them into things I never said

I think the weirdest thing was telling me to join the FFL and then give me shit for asking why ?  So in future post please read through the things I say so there are no miss understandings . And stop throwing " privilege " and entitlement in my face .

Even if I was that I can not change my privileged or entitlement . And Im allowed to have a opinion without being called on it . Otherwise almost nobody in EU or North America can have a opinion about anything


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Re: Refugee crisis in Europe.
« Reply #517 on: March 30, 2016, 02:10:46 PM »
I would be a great fan of Monty if he just killed himself.


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Re: Refugee crisis in Europe.
« Reply #518 on: March 30, 2016, 02:23:34 PM »
I would be a great fan of Monty if he just killed himself.

No way, cockroaches like him never die.

Monty, the Komvux you mentioned in the other thread must have had some low-ass requirements. You have zero abstract thinking.

The term Nazi Germany only applies to a certain period of time. You know, like Ancient Rome, USSR, DDR, etc. I don't think you were born 1925, your views, on the other hand, are from that approximate era. This crisis is not very new, you know.

I actually thought you were sarcastic with the whole taxpayer speech. Gave you way too much credit, my bad.

Still funny how more and more people chip in here and in cultural appropriation thread and think you're an idiot... No fucking way there could be a problem with your line of thinking, right?

Monty Burns

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Re: Refugee crisis in Europe.
« Reply #519 on: March 30, 2016, 03:04:14 PM »
No way, cockroaches like him never die.

Everybody dies

Monty, the Komvux you mentioned in the other thread must have had some low-ass requirements. You have zero abstract thinking.

When did komvux deny people ever ? all you have to do is apply for the courses and if they have room for you , you are accepted . What courses in highschool , komvux or Lernia need abstract thinking ?

Most subjects in school is read , memorise and write it on the test . Are you sure you went to school in Sweden iKobrakai ? what courses in Swedish Highschool did you need abstract thinking in ? .  Specialy as I went Hotel / Restaurant Lernia

I actually thought you were sarcastic with the whole taxpayer speech. Gave you way too much credit, my bad.

Ill throw the question back to you then . What good have you dont to help the war in syria or to help the refugee situation . You know besides threatening the refugees who live in your building and wanting to punch them ?

The term Nazi Germany only applies to a certain period of time. You know, like Ancient Rome, USSR, DDR, etc. I don't think you were born 1925, your views, on the other hand, are from that approximate era. This crisis is not very new, you know.

So when I said I would have joined the german army back when I was 17 ?  and you made a comment that it would be Nazi Germany ?
Either I would need a time machine or you think I was born about 1925 . What Nazi comments have I made ?

Which is it ?  Time machine or 1925 ?

Still funny how more and more people chip in here and in cultural appropriation thread and think you're an idiot... No fucking way there could be a problem with your line of thinking, right?

Who ? the 3 amigos of idiots ?  Alan , Tufty and iKobrakai  ?

There are plenty of SLAP posters who agree with me , but either dont want to join this fucked up thread . Or dont want to be called Racist , Nazi , Fascist or other insults by people like you . People will show it when voting instead of on SLAP

I said it on the first page . Anybody who talks out against the refugee situation will be branded these things

The majority of people in Europe think like I do . No government has expanded their intake of refugees . Some countries like Romania , Slovakia , Poland , Czech Republic , Macedonia , Hungary , Switzerland , Austria , Denmark , Norway  has closed their borders completely

Some of these countries are openly breaking EU refugee laws by not taking in refugees . And nobody is doing anything about it

The 2 countries with most liberal and open borders Sweden and Germany have closed up their border and drastic lowerd their intake

The majority of EU countries have basicly said No to refugees and have gone into a treatment with Turkey and Greece to send back refugees

Baiscly you are calling the majority of the EU idiots , and iKobrakai is the smart one ...

I dont really think you should post in this thread or the thread about Feminism

You make up things I never said . You ask for answers and when I give them you dont read them or say the answer was too long to read .

You call me a nazi , racist and semi nazi . And each time I ask for a quotation of something Ive said that is racist or Nazi you ignore it and down answer . You call me coward yet show no proof of me being a coward . You call me "bitch ass" for changing my political stance
which is crazy . Who in their right mind would follow a political party or movement  when you  dont agree with their views ?

And you call out ISIS challenging them to fist fights on a skateboard forum . You might be crazier the Tufty


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Re: Refugee crisis in Europe.
« Reply #520 on: March 30, 2016, 03:20:46 PM »
I commend your patience, Frank. I ran out about ten pages ago but have recharged minimally. Monty, know that most here are trying to nudge you towards reason, even if they have resorted to flippant comments, like myself.

You claim a massive cover-up and post daily rape reports. You claim refugees are to blame for no-go area's, when they only just got here. You claim some hundred thousand refugees are swarming Sweden and say many of them are shown to be Balkans or other people that will be sent back. I believe you said 40% or something were to be sent back, effectively rendering the refugee crisis for Swedes nearly half as bad as you say. But then you go on to argue the problem as if all of them still count. These views are incoherent and/or contradictory. I hope you can see that.

I've said this before: I for one probably underestimated the problems Sweden is facing, at first. I've also pointed out this changes little about the refugee problem in Europe (the actual subject of this thread). But more importantly, it doesn't undermine the main point I was making: that Sweden itself is to blame for it. You can blame refugees for it, just not in any way that is logically sound. Like Belgium, and the West at large, your country has allowed their lower classes to become detached from society, made to feel like second-class citizens, and slide into relative or full-fledged poverty. This is not to say that a western country should always be ready for a mass-influx of desperate people (though I do consider this a civilized aim), but that you cannot blame refugees for their inability to cope with it. They merely highlight problems that countries like Sweden have neglected to adress in time. Malm� ghetto's, Bruxelles ghetto's; these have existed for many years. How is that okay?

Let's say you are right, that refugees now must be sacrificed to prevent Sweden from becoming a third-world country. No need to give refugees the guilt, in addition to the boot. At least have the honesty, the basic humanity to say that it's unfortunate for those fleeing war, as they have no fault in it. That it's disgraceful for a super powerful country to have to topple so selfishly.

Monty Burns

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Re: Refugee crisis in Europe.
« Reply #521 on: March 30, 2016, 04:11:21 PM »
I commend your patience, Frank. I ran out about ten pages ago but have recharged minimally.

Patients  ? hes called me asshole multiple times and is basicly making up lies about things Ive said

Monty, know that most here are trying to nudge you towards reason, even if they have resorted to flippant comments, like myself.

Oh you mean the people calling me Racist , Nazi , Semi Nazi , Racist . Or did you mean the people who are telling me to killmyself
or make rape threats ? . Im not sure thats nudging somebody to reason ...

You claim a massive cover-up

Wait you still dont belive there was a cover up ? Ive posted sources to about 10 news articles from 3 different nations papers . One was the New York times . The Swedish police even confirmed both incidents

post daily rape reports

Look the only reason for this is cause people keep bumping this thread . Ive said multiple times we should just let this thread die .
The reason I post these crimes from the refugees is cause somebody for example Tufty bumps it about some horrible thing the refugees
have to go through . So I just post a counter point to this . Its not hard to find though

You claim refugees are to blame for no-go area's, when they only just got here

Yes and No . I say former refugees who have been granted asylum and in some cases are living in Sweden and waiting for asylum have all moved into the same areas and turned it into  ghettos with high crime and high unemployment and low Swedish language skills

Does it sound resalable that almost 70% of them have not gotten a job in Sweden in 10 years ? and 15 years ?

You claim some hundred thousand refugees are swarming Sweden and say many of them are shown to be Balkans or other people that will be sent back. I believe you said 40% or something were to be sent back, effectively rendering the refugee crisis for Swedes nearly half as bad as you say. But then you go on to argue the problem as if all of them still count. These views are incoherent and/or contradictory. I hope you can see that.

Yes and no again . If you get denied asylum in Sweden , which can take up to 1 year . You can just leave Sweden for a hour , turn around and
ask for asylum again . And you get a new application . Even the Swedish government officials  said up to 50% of these denied asylum might just go under ground and stay in Sweden

I would assume its the same in many countries in the EU

Its all government propaganda that these people will be sent home . I posted a article before about 1 refugee being denied asylum and costing Sweden over 100k Euros to send him home , yet he is still in Sweden after more then 1 year with no word on when he is going to be deported

There was another case of a Moroccan dude who beat up a Mother infront of her children cause she stepped in while he was trying to rob a pensioner in Stockholm board daylight . Turns out hes been kicked out of Denmark , Norway and Sweden multiple times after seeking asylum multiple times . He is now in jail for the assault in Sweden and will be kicked out to Denmark after he has served his time

He does not have asylum in Denmark , but that is the last country he seeked asylum in . You think he will go back to Morocco ?

I believe that 40% will be more like 10% and of them about 5% will go under ground

it doesn't undermine the main point I was making: that Sweden itself is to blame for it. You can blame refugees for it, just not in any way that is logically sound. Like Belgium, and the West at large, your country has allowed their lower classes to become detached from society, made to feel like second-class citizens, and slide into relative or full-fledged poverty. This is not to say that a western country should always be ready for a mass-influx of desperate people (though I do consider this a civilized aim), but that you cannot blame refugees for their inability to cope with it. They merely highlight problems that countries like Sweden have neglected to adress in time. Malm� ghetto's, Bruxelles ghetto's; these have existed for many years. How is that okay?

Well thats over my pay grade . Im not sure what the answer is or why this is happening . Sweden like many countries in the EU have free healthcare , free school and college . And if you really want there are jobs out there . With the Shengen Agreement you can even go to school or college in different EU countries and even get jobs  in many different EU countries

You even get paid in countries like Sweden and Denmark to stay in school

Poverty in Sweden compared to lets say India is a joke . If you dont have a job you get benefits , if you cant pay rent you get benefits .

Feel free to explain to me why somebody who grows up in Sweden as a child and gets free healthcare , free school , benefits , a home to grow up in , food , and plenty of other things cant adjust to Swedish Society

And why is it Swedens / EUs fault ?

You admit there are ghettos , that the EU and Sweden are failing at integrating these people . You say we are turning them into poor second class citizens .

 "allowed their lower classes to become detached from society, made to feel like second-class citizens, and slide into relative or full-fledged poverty.  "

And instead of trying to solve this problem , to fix what you say the EU broke . Your solution is to take in more people and add them to this broken system

Let's say you are right, that refugees now must be sacrificed to prevent Sweden from becoming a third-world country. No need to give refugees the guilt, in addition to the boot. At least have the honesty, the basic humanity to say that it's unfortunate for those fleeing war, as they have no fault in it. That it's disgraceful for a super powerful country to have to topple so selfishly.

See this is a miss conception . You say I dont feel sorry for them or dont want to help them . Frank says that to

But as Ive said multiple times we should help them with military intervention and sending food , medicine and doctors  . Rebuilding the country


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Re: Refugee crisis in Europe.
« Reply #522 on: March 30, 2016, 04:15:01 PM »


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Re: Refugee crisis in Europe.
« Reply #523 on: March 30, 2016, 05:49:37 PM »
Expand Quote
I commend your patience, Frank. I ran out about ten pages ago but have recharged minimally.

Patients  ? hes called me asshole multiple times and is basicly making up lies about things Ive said

Expand Quote
Monty, know that most here are trying to nudge you towards reason, even if they have resorted to flippant comments, like myself.

Oh you mean the people calling me Racist , Nazi , Semi Nazi , Racist . Or did you mean the people who are telling me to killmyself
or make rape threats ? . Im not sure thats nudging somebody to reason ...

Expand Quote
You claim a massive cover-up

Wait you still dont belive there was a cover up ? Ive posted sources to about 10 news articles from 3 different nations papers . One was the New York times . The Swedish police even confirmed both incidents

Expand Quote
post daily rape reports

Look the only reason for this is cause people keep bumping this thread . Ive said multiple times we should just let this thread die .
The reason I post these crimes from the refugees is cause somebody for example Tufty bumps it about some horrible thing the refugees
have to go through . So I just post a counter point to this . Its not hard to find though

Expand Quote
You claim refugees are to blame for no-go area's, when they only just got here

Yes and No . I say former refugees who have been granted asylum and in some cases are living in Sweden and waiting for asylum have all moved into the same areas and turned it into  ghettos with high crime and high unemployment and low Swedish language skills

Does it sound resalable that almost 70% of them have not gotten a job in Sweden in 10 years ? and 15 years ?

Expand Quote
You claim some hundred thousand refugees are swarming Sweden and say many of them are shown to be Balkans or other people that will be sent back. I believe you said 40% or something were to be sent back, effectively rendering the refugee crisis for Swedes nearly half as bad as you say. But then you go on to argue the problem as if all of them still count. These views are incoherent and/or contradictory. I hope you can see that.

Yes and no again . If you get denied asylum in Sweden , which can take up to 1 year . You can just leave Sweden for a hour , turn around and
ask for asylum again . And you get a new application . Even the Swedish government officials  said up to 50% of these denied asylum might just go under ground and stay in Sweden

I would assume its the same in many countries in the EU

Its all government propaganda that these people will be sent home . I posted a article before about 1 refugee being denied asylum and costing Sweden over 100k Euros to send him home , yet he is still in Sweden after more then 1 year with no word on when he is going to be deported

There was another case of a Moroccan dude who beat up a Mother infront of her children cause she stepped in while he was trying to rob a pensioner in Stockholm board daylight . Turns out hes been kicked out of Denmark , Norway and Sweden multiple times after seeking asylum multiple times . He is now in jail for the assault in Sweden and will be kicked out to Denmark after he has served his time

He does not have asylum in Denmark , but that is the last country he seeked asylum in . You think he will go back to Morocco ?

I believe that 40% will be more like 10% and of them about 5% will go under ground

Expand Quote
it doesn't undermine the main point I was making: that Sweden itself is to blame for it. You can blame refugees for it, just not in any way that is logically sound. Like Belgium, and the West at large, your country has allowed their lower classes to become detached from society, made to feel like second-class citizens, and slide into relative or full-fledged poverty. This is not to say that a western country should always be ready for a mass-influx of desperate people (though I do consider this a civilized aim), but that you cannot blame refugees for their inability to cope with it. They merely highlight problems that countries like Sweden have neglected to adress in time. Malm� ghetto's, Bruxelles ghetto's; these have existed for many years. How is that okay?

Well thats over my pay grade . Im not sure what the answer is or why this is happening . Sweden like many countries in the EU have free healthcare , free school and college . And if you really want there are jobs out there . With the Shengen Agreement you can even go to school or college in different EU countries and even get jobs  in many different EU countries

You even get paid in countries like Sweden and Denmark to stay in school

Poverty in Sweden compared to lets say India is a joke . If you dont have a job you get benefits , if you cant pay rent you get benefits .

Feel free to explain to me why somebody who grows up in Sweden as a child and gets free healthcare , free school , benefits , a home to grow up in , food , and plenty of other things cant adjust to Swedish Society

And why is it Swedens / EUs fault ?

You admit there are ghettos , that the EU and Sweden are failing at integrating these people . You say we are turning them into poor second class citizens .

 "allowed their lower classes to become detached from society, made to feel like second-class citizens, and slide into relative or full-fledged poverty.  "

And instead of trying to solve this problem , to fix what you say the EU broke . Your solution is to take in more people and add them to this broken system

Expand Quote
Let's say you are right, that refugees now must be sacrificed to prevent Sweden from becoming a third-world country. No need to give refugees the guilt, in addition to the boot. At least have the honesty, the basic humanity to say that it's unfortunate for those fleeing war, as they have no fault in it. That it's disgraceful for a super powerful country to have to topple so selfishly.

See this is a miss conception . You say I dont feel sorry for them or dont want to help them . Frank says that to

But as Ive said multiple times we should help them with military intervention and sending food , medicine and doctors  . Rebuilding the country

I'm only responding to this because Tracer asked me not to.

But this is fucking hopeless man. You have a genuine talent for missing the point. This frustrates people to the point of name-calling I think. You need to realize you repeatedly stated that your mind could not possibly be changed on this topic. That is what kept this thread from being a debate, a lot of pages ago. You write but do not partake, are not up for actual debate. Over ninety percent of this threa pertains to Sweden. Think about that for a sec. I couldn't care less about your diploma's, but you either lack or do not bother applying reading and reasoning skills.

I know things were covered up, most of all by your country. But what you are saying is that all of those rape reports you post are just the tip of the iceberg. Thousands upon thousands of girls are raped, by refugees, every single day. It happens right under our nose, but we are too PC to address it. The statistical implication of what you are saying is that we both know at least one woman who was been raped, by a refugee, in recent months, but we just don't know it. One of us must necessarily be deluded.

I've said this before and I trust you will ignore it again. Many of the migrants, from whatever generation, were invited by your government, to do work your grandparents couldn't be bothered to do, busy as they were lining their pockets with more lucrative stuff. You know, the way of the west. The point you are making here is that this is all the fault of the migrants themselves. Now, I'm not arguing the opposite, that it is all the fault of Swedish governments. It is a societal problem in all of the west, so apparently integrating a fuckload of fully-grown foreigners is pretty hard to do. Not solely the migrants' fault, and not solely the government's. But the state does hold the power, and with it responsibility. To say that 70% of new Swedes must never have bothered to try is just a piss-poor explanation.

Now refugees have pointed out these flaws in our societies. You propose we sacrifice them. By that I don't mean you don't have a heart, which you weirdly countered with. I only ever accused you of a lack of reason. What have I to do with feelings? I was only repeating you, as you advocate closing borders indiscriminately. So, own up to that. War children help to pay for Swedish mismanagement. So it goes.

By the way, note that your solution of not letting in more, is not an actual solution. It only contains the problem. Makes sure it doesn't get bigger. You will still have your ghetto's to blissfully ignore, only to bring them up in the future when you need a reason to not help a brother out.

Turning around and re-applying for asylum is not the case in my country. At this point nothing would surprise me about Sweden though, so I bet it's true over there. Again, this is a failure of your government, for which war children need to pay.

I hear you on those percentages, I also doubt 40% will go back. But in terms of intelligence and resources, this is pure clumsiness on the part of the state. The same way some dangerous Jihadi's come back and go largely unnoticed. It sucks, and I wish we did better, but I'm not about to advocate sacrificing war children (I will continue to call them this, to make clear the distinction for you between refugees and others), just because we are in trouble. Your thinking is devoid of principles. I always opt for preventing the guaranteed suffering of one innocent person, over the possible or anticipated pain of another, no matter where either are from.

Thus people may perceive you as being racist, or some kind of fascist, because you place the lives of certain Swedish people over that of other humans. Now, this indeed is the same thought a racist might have. But I don't think of you as a racist, because I don't think you comprehend or oversee the implications of the things you advocate. I think intention is crucial, and you are at worst a haphazard racist. A bigot by accident.

This is the most dangerous kind, if you think about it. They never actually say anything cruel, but cruelty can be done in their name without even them realizing it. No wonder you liked Israel so much.

With this in mind, I don't expect an ability or willingness from you to empathise with a new Swede, who did fuck all with his benefits. But I am glad to see you still know the difference between the Ikea third world, and actual fucking India.

Our morality is the only thing we have to defend. The rest is just land and stuff and imagined communities.


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Re: Refugee crisis in Europe.
« Reply #524 on: March 31, 2016, 04:39:02 AM »
This is what Monty hopes to do when he joins the army:

Unless of course he becomes an army cook. In any case, I would love to see the footage of a 20 year-old corporal ordering a 30-something year old high school drop out to do push ups. Imagine the reaction of Monty's NCO to all his stupid questions. Then imagine if the officer calls him an asshole and Monty gets super upset and realizes that he might have made a huge mistake. I just hope he doesn't become the next Breivik.
Hosin' out the cab of his pickup truck
He's got his 8-track playin' really fuckin' loud


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Re: Refugee crisis in Europe.
« Reply #525 on: March 31, 2016, 05:59:22 AM »
Everybody dies

Wah!!! No way!

When did komvux deny people ever ? all you have to do is apply for the courses and if they have room for you , you are accepted . What courses in highschool , komvux or Lernia need abstract thinking ?

They have specific requirements in order to pass courses.

Most subjects in school is read , memorise and write it on the test . Are you sure you went to school in Sweden iKobrakai ? what courses in Swedish Highschool did you need abstract thinking in ? .  Specialy as I went Hotel / Restaurant Lernia

Not like math, science and language require abstract thinking...
So when I said I would have joined the german army back when I was 17 ?  and you made a comment that it would be Nazi Germany ?
Either I would need a time machine or you think I was born about 1925 . What Nazi comments have I made ?

Which is it ?  Time machine or 1925 ?

Speaking of abstract thinking...

There are plenty of SLAP posters who agree with me , but either dont want to join this fucked up thread . Or dont want to be called Racist , Nazi , Fascist or other insults by people like you . People will show it when voting instead of on SLAP

Hey, that is not true at all! I must have called you an idiot at some point.

The majority of people in Europe think like I do .

You and a bunch of other fucking white thrash think alike.

Baiscly you are calling the majority of the EU idiots , and iKobrakai is the smart one ...

Im smarter than the average bear.

You make up things I never said . You ask for answers and when I give them you dont read them or say the answer was too long to read .

I'm not the only one. I imagine your teachers  had a similar experience.

You call me a nazi , racist and semi nazi . And each time I ask for a quotation of something Ive said that is racist or Nazi you ignore it and down answer . You call me coward yet show no proof of me being a coward . You call me "bitch ass" for changing my political stance which is crazy .

Prefer to be called person and/or moron, instead? Sure thing.

And you call out ISIS challenging them to fist fights on a skateboard forum . You might be crazier the Tufty

In clinical terms, my long term addiction, numerous hospital/detox/rehab visits,  severe anxiety and mild OCD make me craizier that Tufty. Finally, you got something right.


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Re: Refugee crisis in Europe.
« Reply #526 on: March 31, 2016, 08:37:26 AM »
No 1 Rule of propaganda: "The masses are in general sexually oppressed and unhappy, challenging their unhealthy sexual insticts is the best way to turn them against a minority. Therefore rape threat was heavily used against Jews in Nazi Germany and blacks in US south". Dude on my avatar has wrote several books on the matters.

When I call Monty a closet-Nazi I am not doing that because I want to provoke him. I truly believe that people have the evil of "Nazism" and the good in their heart, but unfortunately power wants us to express our evil side in order to preserve its power. I call Monty a person because he cant even understand these things and he keeps digging his grave by just confirming that he is a closet-Nazi ready to do whatever, even cannibalize in order to preserve the status quo.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2016, 10:01:19 AM by Tufty »

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Re: Refugee crisis in Europe.
« Reply #527 on: March 31, 2016, 10:26:58 PM »
Im kinda done with this thread . Unless something major happens I think we are all set on our opinions and what side we are on

for excitableboy and some of you other dudes

Over ninety percent of this thread pertains to Sweden. Think about that for a sec.

Yeah because Im from Sweden and from the EU. My French is not that good  . And I dont read german , austrian news papers . I really wish more people from those countries would chime in

But more importantly over 90% is about Monty in this thread . Im trying to argue my points and ideas yet its turned into a " Monty said this , Monty did that , Monty is a xxxx " . I asked time after time to lets stay on topic and avoid personal attacks

If Im a nazi or not a nazi is not the discussion . The discussion is about the refugee crisis in Europe

But this is fucking hopeless man. You have a genuine talent for missing the point

I've said this before and I trust you will ignore it again

See this can be turned around on most people who argue with me . It really seems you guys dont understand the things I say

People in this thread have called me  Racist , Fascist , Nazi and a bunch of other things . This is a case of not understanding the things I say

Time after time people have said things like " Monty doesnt want dark skinned people in Sweden "  or " Monty doesnt want to help the refugees and he wants to kill them "

These are the easiest things to disprove . Ive said countless times that Im for skilled worker Immigration from ANY country . Meaning that if you are a skilled worker , lets say a Nigerian or Afghan Scientist that is good at his job I want you in the EU , I want you in Sweden

Ive also said that instead of helping refugees in Sweden and the EU , We should do it in Syria and the countries closest to Syria

Honestly if the Coalition , Nato , South america , Asia all pulled their shit together and went in with food and build temperory housing for refugees while there was a major military intervention in Syria . How long would the war last ??  a month ? 2 ?  maybe more like 2 weeks

See this is the main part what is wrong with this thread . People care more about labelling me different offensive names then trying to understand what Im actually saying

Both AnotherHardDayAtTheOffice and Frank have posted in this thread totally miss representing things I said , miss quoiting me and just posted random things I never said . Now AnotherHardDayAtTheOffice apologized for it so thats fine . But that is not what I said

Alan has multiple times questioned my use of dailymail as a creditble source . Yet he posts things from ""  " tumbler "
along with out dated studies , diagrams and statistic . Add that to the repeated insults and the super weird thing where he is
posting time after time after time about my education . For somebody who tries to come of as intelligent and better then me
He sure has a weird way of doing it , debate style of a 5 year old with a vendetta against me

I think he even one time started fixing my spelling mistakes and now calling me a new anders breivik. Must me nice to have him on your side

Tufty and iKobrakai are both just nuts . I cant see how anybody would agree with anything they say . Do a quick search on SLAP on their posts and you will see what I mean

The thing is even if I was a black jewish lesbian nazi . That does not matter , you should be able to have a discussion / debate with me without
calling me person ,Racist , Fascist , Nazi , threatening me with violence  and so on . The discussion here has been fucked up from the start

When I bring up facts like the current integration problems , the problems to find work , homes , schools , healthcare , money and many many other things for the influx of refugees

The majority of replies have been " Monty is a racist "

And thats the main problem with this thread

Thanks for the people who stayed on topic and avoided using insults and threats . Bye bye


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Re: Refugee crisis in Europe.
« Reply #528 on: April 01, 2016, 12:15:14 AM »

j/k, I know he'll be back.
Hosin' out the cab of his pickup truck
He's got his 8-track playin' really fuckin' loud


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Re: Refugee crisis in Europe.
« Reply #529 on: April 01, 2016, 12:41:20 AM »
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Monty, I know what I wrote, no need to repeat it. Yes, I hate the fuckers that were born here and can still barely build a sentence. Yes, stand in my way while smoking shitty weed = burst mouth. Yes, I hate the savages that refuse to adopt to simple concept as waiting in line. Yes, as soon as I can, I'm out of here, natural strive for better things. I show it and ready to fight for it.

What do you do for that great white cause of yours?

And this "A person trying to show the positive effects of medical marijuana or trying to legalize medical marijuana would not post negative sources and links to show the otherwise" is a great illustration of your level of stupid.

I have a link to prove my point:

See nothing but retards? You just put yourself in that category. You are that fucking biased.


So you post me a link to flashback which shows multiple threads about cannabis .� What does that prove ?� Thats not what I was asking for .
You need to post a link to somebody who is actively debating the positive effects of medical Marijuana while at the same time posting the negative effects of marijuana

And Im only biased because nobody in this thread have posted the positive things about accepting all these "refugees" into the EU
almost 20 pages and still not a single post about how taking in all these people will benefit us�

You are right about me not really doing anything for my cause . In alot of ways I was born in the wrong country . If I was in the UK , USA , NZ , Australia , Poland , Germany or many other countries I probably would have been in the military at age 17 and out there doing something good

But yeah , besides voting , paying taxes and donating money to certain charities . I probably havent done much good in the world besides spreading happiness to people with food

Ill say Im currently "in training" for something where I could have a effect on things . But as I havent signed any papers or passed the tests yet I wont say what it is . I dont wanna claim something and then have to back track if I dont go ahead with it

for sure, monty, you a real role model. if you're eager to "do something good" why not join the french foreign legion. then again there's probably too many north-african/arabic people in there for you to feel comfortable.

i imagine you playing microsoft flight simulator so you can apply for remote controlling drones so you can bomb housing and hospitals, then play the butthurt victim when these people flee the country or join the various terrorist groups out of a grudge against the bombings? then whine around how sweden is missing housing and hospitals for real swedes.

you're a cook, you could make a difference if you use your knowledge to come up with a plan how to feed all these people effectively for low cost and to cover basic nutritional needs. you could advocate that people don't throw away good food and take it to shelters instead if they don't consume it.

the reason not many people in this thread say that this is a super beneficial thing for europe is because most people have a more grounded view on it than you. most people arguing with you see the same problems, but your bias against refugees and basically anything that you perceive as sjw policy(any progressive view you don't agree on) makes you cherry pick the most gruesome stories. you act like that stuff happens everyday and that's not true. statistically, in germany there are far more attacks on refugees by locals than vice versa. the beneficial
part about this happening will only be clear after the fact, that means we will see it maybe two or three decades from now on, depending on how successful integration will be or it will be WWIII and this time it's the muslims instead of jews and whole europe instead of third reich.

also, that muslim-murder story, you focus on the psycho that killed the shop keeper. i don't give a fuck about religion and i think christianity and islam are stupid all the same, i mean it's the same basic religion with different prophets. yet i can see what the shopkeeper did was really cool. i don't understand why this seems to be an example for you of the dangers of islam. clearly the murderer is a psychopath that will spend hopefully most if not the rest of his life in jail. as much as you want it but fundamentalist psychos are not the norm amongst the muslim populace. the case is not a metaphor for violent islam wins over peaceful islam. if we would treat christianity the same way we treat islam,
millions of europeans should have renounced christianity back in 2012 when the most gruesome man in the world was christian fanatic joseph kony.

it didn't make people question their own faith that such a monster wages wars and kills hundreds of thousands in this day and age in the name of christianity. but the crazy deathcult that is isis is supposed to be the "real face" of islam, as told by, well, lots of people that never read the koran. i have never read that book either but i don't make assumptions about what it says. obviously most of the muslim world and most muslim leaders condemn violence and terror. the difference seems to be that in general their sincerity is questioned by islamophobes that claim to have a better understanding(i.e. cigarettebeer) of a faith and culture than the people living it itself. this kind of ignorance and arrogance will lead to more hostility in the long run imo. if some dipshit that can't barely handle a microwave came to your kitchen straight talking shit about how you handle your knives wrong you'd think that dude is a clown. to me all these non-muslims claiming to know about real islam are clowns.

and before you ask me what i have done: basically nothing, i have no practical skills and most my jobs were concerned with problem solving with clients and customers--->my job is thinking and talking. i basically have no medical skills, i suck at carpentry, i only speak two languages fluently and i'm only good at making money with my conversational skills. i also usually work 40-50hours a week. so yeah, i just gave away lots of stuff i don't use anymore, mostly clothes, an old cellphone, backpacks and such. then again i'm really more kind of apathetic to the situation in terms of how my views on the world have changed, because they have not. if i was asked if we should let millions of refugees in here i'd say depends, sounds dumb tho in general. well history apparently doesn't give a shit about what you or me thinks and because we can't stop it, we have to deal with it, preferably in a humane manner.

totally agree on this. i said it before and i'll say it again and again and again.

1.europe and "the west" in general have flourished through the exploitation of poor countries. there is a backlash.
3.get on with it.

it doesnt matter if it was your/my grandpa who bombed the fuck out of palestine/iraq/iran/egypt/serbia/etc and if the bombing was done 100 years ago (i use bombing as a limited example). you and me are still enjoying the fruits of that exploitation. people dont forget that easy. someone stole 200eu off me three years ago. im still after him. imagine what i would do if someone bombed my house and killed all my family. and im not a brave one.  i would consider the backlash to be fairly tame so far and am expecting some major issues to come. i am extremely worried but in no way am i angry towards any immigrants. i am angry towards all the peolpe responsible for all this. i guess voting should be taken seriously.
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Good weed does - these broke ass skateboard designers smokin spice


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Re: Refugee crisis in Europe.
« Reply #530 on: April 01, 2016, 03:41:16 AM »

See this can be turned around on most people who argue with me . It really seems you guys dont understand the things I say

I wonder why...

People in this thread have called me  Racist , Fascist , Nazi and a bunch of other things . This is a case of not understanding the things I say

We can read, you know. Read between the lines

Honestly if the Coalition , Nato , South america , Asia all pulled their shit together and went in with food and build temperory housing for refugees while there was a major military intervention in Syria . How long would the war last ??  a month ? 2 ?  maybe more like 2 weeks

Right, Vietnam war was over in 2 weeks or so...

.....I think he even one time started fixing my spelling mistakes and now calling me a new anders breivik. Must me nice to have him on your side

It's Anders Breivik.

Tufty and iKobrakai are both just nuts . I cant see how anybody would agree with anything they say . Do a quick search on SLAP on their posts and you will see what I mean

I can live with that. You, on the other hand, are crying all over this board.

The thing is even if I was a black jewish lesbian nazi . That does not matter , you should be able to have a discussion / debate with me without calling me person ,Racist , Fascist , Nazi , threatening me with violence  and so on . The discussion here has been fucked up from the start

This is Slap, not Mensa. What did think would happen? I love how you put capital R in person. Baker 3, anyone?

When I bring up facts like the current integration problems , the problems to find work , homes , schools , healthcare , money and many many other things for the influx of refugees

Like we are not aware of the costs associated with this crisis.

Thanks for the people who stayed on topic and avoided using insults and threats . Bye bye

Don't leave! Where will we get objective information now?


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Re: Refugee crisis in Europe.
« Reply #531 on: April 01, 2016, 05:29:57 AM »
Im kinda done with this thread . Unless something major happens I think we are all set on our opinions and what side we are on

for excitableboy and some of you other dudes

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Over ninety percent of this thread pertains to Sweden. Think about that for a sec.

Yeah because Im from Sweden and from the EU. My French is not that good  . And I dont read german , austrian news papers . I really wish more people from those countries would chime in

But more importantly over 90% is about Monty in this thread . Im trying to argue my points and ideas yet its turned into a " Monty said this , Monty did that , Monty is a xxxx " . I asked time after time to lets stay on topic and avoid personal attacks

If Im a nazi or not a nazi is not the discussion . The discussion is about the refugee crisis in Europe

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But this is fucking hopeless man. You have a genuine talent for missing the point

I've said this before and I trust you will ignore it again

See this can be turned around on most people who argue with me . It really seems you guys dont understand the things I say

People in this thread have called me  Racist , Fascist , Nazi and a bunch of other things . This is a case of not understanding the things I say

Time after time people have said things like " Monty doesnt want dark skinned people in Sweden "  or " Monty doesnt want to help the refugees and he wants to kill them "

These are the easiest things to disprove . Ive said countless times that Im for skilled worker Immigration from ANY country . Meaning that if you are a skilled worker , lets say a Nigerian or Afghan Scientist that is good at his job I want you in the EU , I want you in Sweden

Ive also said that instead of helping refugees in Sweden and the EU , We should do it in Syria and the countries closest to Syria

Honestly if the Coalition , Nato , South america , Asia all pulled their shit together and went in with food and build temperory housing for refugees while there was a major military intervention in Syria . How long would the war last ??  a month ? 2 ?  maybe more like 2 weeks

See this is the main part what is wrong with this thread . People care more about labelling me different offensive names then trying to understand what Im actually saying

Both AnotherHardDayAtTheOffice and Frank have posted in this thread totally miss representing things I said , miss quoiting me and just posted random things I never said . Now AnotherHardDayAtTheOffice apologized for it so thats fine . But that is not what I said

Alan has multiple times questioned my use of dailymail as a creditble source . Yet he posts things from ""  " tumbler "
along with out dated studies , diagrams and statistic . Add that to the repeated insults and the super weird thing where he is
posting time after time after time about my education . For somebody who tries to come of as intelligent and better then me
He sure has a weird way of doing it , debate style of a 5 year old with a vendetta against me

I think he even one time started fixing my spelling mistakes and now calling me a new anders breivik. Must me nice to have him on your side

Tufty and iKobrakai are both just nuts . I cant see how anybody would agree with anything they say . Do a quick search on SLAP on their posts and you will see what I mean

The thing is even if I was a black jewish lesbian nazi . That does not matter , you should be able to have a discussion / debate with me without
calling me person ,Racist , Fascist , Nazi , threatening me with violence  and so on . The discussion here has been fucked up from the start

When I bring up facts like the current integration problems , the problems to find work , homes , schools , healthcare , money and many many other things for the influx of refugees

The majority of replies have been " Monty is a racist "

And thats the main problem with this thread

Thanks for the people who stayed on topic and avoided using insults and threats . Bye bye

You are kinda done with this thread because God forbid you have to think about something properly. I never called you racist, but now you use it against me anyway, as an excuse not to bother thinking about the problems of your views.

No you don't advocate the genocide of Nigerian doctors. You even want them in Sweden. And you want to help refugees too. I already know this, I've said this myself in the last post. You just don't oversee what you advocate. Helping overseas is what we have been doing for the past thirty years. It will not change the current situation. Closing the borders will also not solve the problems in Sweden. The policies you want will without any question lead to war children being sacrificed. That isn't my opinion versus yours, it is fact. The only justification you have given for it is that there are too many rotten apples people coming in who ruin it for the refugees, and that Swedes already have it very tough. The government was doing a poor job running the country, so why add more problems to it?

That is the only argument you have: war children unfortunately have to pay for Sweden's inability to manage. Except you refuse to use the word 'unfortunately' in that sentence. You want desperately to hang on to the delusion that what you think is perfectly noble. Ignore me all you want, but that won't change facts. What you say may not be racist, but it is morally abject. Don't worry, many people have many abject opinions and skewed moral compasses. I would guess that you indeed are in the majority. Just keep repeating your pseudo-solutions and fears and pretend no one has debunked all of it.

I could not care less if people call me racist or fascist. Much more annoyed by people who refuse to read and discuss.


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Re: Refugee crisis in Europe.
« Reply #532 on: April 01, 2016, 06:49:36 AM »
Monty you must be driven crazy every time you come into this thread.  You seem like a reasonable guy and calling you a racist and other things have mostly been cop out arguments. I have never seen someones words get twisted so much. Big ups on attempting to refute so many of the points your opponent's have made.


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Re: Refugee crisis in Europe.
« Reply #534 on: April 04, 2016, 02:03:47 PM »
Immigrants sent back to turkey.


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The States - Cunty?
« Reply #535 on: April 05, 2016, 08:16:51 AM »
  U.S not taking refugees? Anyone concerned about these people?
"I just care about the river, I dont care about your back"


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Re: Refugee crisis in Europe.
« Reply #536 on: April 06, 2016, 08:46:11 AM »

It's widespread practice for schoolchildren in Switzerland to shake the hands of their teacher at the beginning and end of each day. Now, one school's decision to exempt two children from this tradition – because the children are Muslim and their teacher is a woman – has caused a storm of controversy across the European state.

The two pupils at the school in the town of Therwil, near Basel, had requested an exemption from shaking a female teacher's hand, citing their belief that it would go against Islamic teachings. The local school district later came up with what they felt was an acceptable compromise that could avoid discrimination: The pupils, who are aged 14 and 15, would not be required to shake any teacher's' hands, whether they were male or female.

However, the plan hit a hitch when the Schweiz am Sonntag reported on it, sparking a public debate about the compromise. "We cannot accept this in the name of religious freedom," Swiss Justice Minister Simonetta Sommaruga said in an interview with Swiss-German broadcaster SRF. "The handshake is part of our culture.”

Others agreed. "Today's it's the handshake and what will it be tomorrow?" Felix Mueri, a member of the anti-immigration Swiss People's Party and head of the Swiss parliament's education commission, said in an interview with the 20 Minuten news site.

Both the Swiss Teacher's Union and the local Therwil council have also come out against the plan. However, the school itself has defended the decision, despite the controversy. “They are no longer allowed to shake the hand of any teacher, male or female," headmaster Jurg Lauener told SRF, "For us, that addresses the question of discrimination.”

The Swiss Muslim community has largely suggested that the boys are misinterpreting Islamic teachings with their refusal to shake their teachers hands. "[To] the students and parents I would suggest to the following reflection: Can the denial of shaking hands be more important than the Islamic commandment of mutual respect?" Dr. Montassar Ben Mrad, president of Federation of Islamic Organizations in Switzerland, said in the statement.

However, another group suggested that the backlash to the boys was overblown. "One would think that the continued existence of Switzerland's core values was at stake, when this particular case in fact involves just two high school students who have said they wish to greet their teacher in a different way than with a handshake," a statement from the Islamic Central Council of Switzerland said.

I see they are enriching the society already. Hopefully the people from the article criticizing the policy change have already been arrested for their hate crimes against Islam.


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Re: Refugee crisis in Europe.
« Reply #537 on: April 06, 2016, 07:53:34 PM »
 THis shaking hands thing is regular and laughable.


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Re: Refugee crisis in Europe.
« Reply #538 on: April 07, 2016, 01:24:05 AM »
THis shaking hands thing is regular and laughable.

Yes. Not only is it gross, you are basically asking for a a higher spread of diseases. Get your shit together, Switzerland.


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Re: Refugee crisis in Europe.
« Reply #539 on: April 07, 2016, 02:28:10 PM »

Hunger strikes and threats of suicide are a common aftermath of the EU-Turkey deal. There are rumours of two people commiting suicide as soon as they returned in Turkey. Desperate people with nothing to lose threaten their life in a last attempt to not be sent to Turkey, which is not a safe country nor their destination. Escaping from poverty for me is the same as escaping war. Fuck the global elites for not allowing free transportation in fear that there will be no slaves left in those countries for our multinationals to exploit.