So indy forged are are basically the same wb as thunder teams. Does that mean that the Indy forged would pair best with a 14’ wb then?
Only if you prefer short wheelbases on everything.
A lot of people ride Indy forged and Thunder team / cast plates on much longer wb boards with no issues, so it is just down to the individual and how they like their boards.
For a lower truck, there might be a few differences which could be felt on boards with more or less middle board length, not wheelbase, but then it really is personal preference.
Shorter wheelbases will turn more quickly and be easier to spin, compared to longer wheelbases which turn slower in general and might feel like more effort is needed to get the board around.
Of course there will be those who will swear by this and not like that, in terms of trucks, but also preferences of bushings can go a long way to making a truck work or not work for some people as well.
A common trade up is the 92 duro bushings on Indy, just to have a little more stability, but even when I tried the 94 conical shape and sanded the top bushing down a bit, they were a little more stable but could still turn a lot more than some other harder bushing options, with less chance of wheelbite compared to stock or softer bushings.
There is not really any definite right or wrong answer to what trucks work best with what size board, wheelbase, or other pairings, but personal preference plays a huge part in anything to do with truck set ups.