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Skateboarding => Skate Questions => Trick Tips => Topic started by: Juanjo789 on March 29, 2020, 10:14:04 AM

Title: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Juanjo789 on March 29, 2020, 10:14:04 AM
How can I balance a manual for longer, I try to pinch my heel side wheel and that doesnt work, i can manual for like 3 seconds
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: layzieyez on March 29, 2020, 04:48:11 PM
Right now, I have my skateboard in my living room to balance stationary manuals while I binge watch crap.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on March 31, 2020, 12:10:52 AM
Make an uphill manny pad and once you learn ollie manuals on those it helps with manuals generally.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: FrostedPancake on April 07, 2020, 09:44:31 AM
Having good balance
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Shalom Peterson on April 07, 2020, 03:51:38 PM
Bigger wheels did a lot for me tbh.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Christmas Complete on April 07, 2020, 04:04:32 PM
Back leg straight(ish) with weight 60/40 over your heel, and adjust the balance with your front leg. Center of balance should be straight down through the pivot bushing of your back truck.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: w425 on April 30, 2020, 12:35:56 PM
How can I balance a manual for longer, I try to pinch my heel side wheel and that doesnt work, i can manual for like 3 seconds

As kelly hart once said, I pinch my manuals all the time
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: winecrab on May 01, 2020, 12:01:23 PM
Back leg straight(ish) with weight 60/40 over your heel, and adjust the balance with your front leg. Call

Same here.. According  to Weck he's not a man though. He's gotta be atleast 160lb. Jaws is like 130lb.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Lashes2ashes on May 01, 2020, 08:55:18 PM
For me, back foot in the pocket, front foot right behind front bolts. And for me I put more pressure on the tail than I feel like I should, I always would raise them up and then fall back onto the front wheels. I’m mostly a transition skater now days. And never really tried to learn them as a kid, so now at 35 I’m finally learning them lol. Still have a couple a day that are only a foot at best. But like others have said parking spaces! In the last month at least half of my attempts are two spots long now.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Hyliannightmare on May 03, 2020, 05:09:17 AM
Manual through parking spaces for a few minutes each session and every time try to hold it for one more space than you did the time before.

Do that for like a month.  You won’t be able to help but get better at them.

That's all I ever did. Speed and practice for me but I seen lotta people don't even need speed
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Skart on May 05, 2020, 07:41:40 PM
Tighten your trucks a little bit

I lean toeside but I'm bad
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: skatingisntspecialstupid on May 08, 2020, 07:30:58 PM
There's a lock in that happens with manuals. You really need to put your weight on it, maybe even stomp into it a little bit. Sounds counterintuitive but it worked for me.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Davethedavedave on May 14, 2020, 10:50:26 PM
How can I balance a manual for longer, I try to pinch my heel side wheel and that doesnt work, i can manual for like 3 seconds
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Davethedavedave on May 14, 2020, 10:52:56 PM
How can I balance a manual for longer, I try to pinch my heel side wheel and that doesnt work, i can manual for like 3 seconds
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Buck Russell on May 23, 2020, 03:48:04 PM
i cant do a good one now without popping at least a tiny ollie into it.. good way to learn as you'll ahve to do that eventually anyway to do them well

even for nose manuals it helps me to lean on the tail for a sec and just kinda rock into it
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: munchbox on May 23, 2020, 08:06:40 PM
i prefer my trucks on the looser side for everything but manuals especially. i find small adjustments mid-manny help me to hold them longer and with tight trucks i cant adjust
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: matty_c on May 23, 2020, 09:18:20 PM
Are you watching your balance meter?
It is imperative you stay in the middle of the meter. Use your d pad to correct
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: PAWL on May 29, 2020, 07:31:27 PM
in my mind its all about the ball of your back foot and your toes being in the right spot if that makes sense
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: SneakySecrets on May 30, 2020, 02:26:06 AM
Don’t think about it like you are balancing on two wheels. 

Think of it like you’re riding around on three wheels but you are trying to pull one close and whisper “I’m not wearing any panties” into its ear.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Paul Cicero on July 10, 2020, 09:25:03 PM
Never practice without a goal, meaning don’t just manny as far as you can, always imagine a crack ahead or whatever is what you need to get to. If you keep giving yourself goals it gets easier and easier
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: jtrpma on July 10, 2020, 09:57:41 PM
Old shoes, haha...
Fresh shoes kill my manuals
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: CorneliusCardew on July 11, 2020, 09:55:31 AM
Go all in and stay still like a statue
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: rusty knees on July 12, 2020, 10:33:01 AM
if the question was about longer manuals... others have given some good advice so far

slight stomp into it helps, then get your foot in the most comfortable spot to balance the most easiest. (you can find this by just standing still and lifting your front wheels and finding the spot where your particular board/trucks/wheels setup feels most natural to keep your balance for a longer time) ,,looking ahead helps sometimes,, as youre getting farther into your manny, make foot adjustments to get more comfortable for going the distance manualing the whole sidewalk block in front of your house.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Esmith5488 on July 12, 2020, 03:43:33 PM
A solid Ollie into it and really put it down. I can feel when it’s going to work the second I put my wheels down
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: ShredneyMullen on July 13, 2020, 06:50:34 PM
How can I balance a manual for longer, I try to pinch my heel side wheel and that doesnt work, i can manual for like 3 seconds

keep your back foot in by the bolts when you hop into the manual and use the side of your shoe like when you slide your front foot up for an ollie, you use the front foot to help stay stable
watch pros doing manuals and you will see

the front foot guides the manual by keeping it flat when youre stable and then using the ollie technique when you want to go longer and hold it better without falling off
another tip is space walk a little
dont make it look dumb by actually space walking but wiggle the back truck slightly to give you more motion so that you dont slow down.

the biggest secret to manuals is stay as still as possible ans keep the back foot in and center ans your front foot flat acros under the front bolts unless you need to hold it longer than in that case use the side of your shoe to guide it and hold it by slightly rolling your ankle as you would for an ollie
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: DarkPools on July 15, 2020, 02:21:38 AM
Aside from finding the right gear that a manual can feel comfortable on for you, it's mostly foot and upper body positioning.
A good way to practice is holding a manual while you hold yourself against a wall or a fence and see how you need to hold your weight over the board.

For regular manuals, I suggest keeping your leg weight forward and your back foot placed barely on the tail as it starts to kick up. The key is to find a spot where you can "pinch" the hold. Keep your upper body as straight up as possible and don't be afraid to windmill your arms as you try to keep the balance, it will help a lot!
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Lou Strux on July 15, 2020, 07:38:39 PM
Don’t think about it like you are balancing on two wheels. 

Think of it like you’re riding around on three wheels but you are trying to pull one close and whisper “I’m not wearing any panties” into its ear.
Sound advice, right there.^^^
Gave it a try & bang! Mannies on lock now. Thanks.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: on July 15, 2020, 08:04:22 PM
The heel side pinch kinda works for me....back foot in the pocket.   there's like a bit of a pelvic tilt ...sideways...
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Glurmpz on July 15, 2020, 10:48:56 PM
The trick is, when your friend is spending the majority of the session getting frustrated trying one manual over and over, give them some positive encouragement and remember that experience so you aren't tempted to spend too much time doing "wheelies". Fuck manuals. Lol.

Kidding - I just hate them because I don't have the patience to learn any hard ones. I don't have any real manual advice, sorry. 
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: botefdunn on July 15, 2020, 11:18:04 PM
the easiest way is to use change as ballast. you'll need 10 dollars in quarters, a little less if you weigh under 150, say 6 bucks minimum. 3/4 goes in the balancing (heavier) side,you'll need to figure out the math.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: truthislie on July 16, 2020, 04:52:08 AM
A wise friend told me years ago:
Manual - back truck has to be exactly in line with your back testicle
Nose manual - front truck has to be exactly in line with your front testicle
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Ziad on July 23, 2020, 11:56:32 PM
going faster always helped with manual balance
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: BALARGUE on July 24, 2020, 02:17:06 AM
already many good advices
make your trucks tighter to get some assistance, it helps a lot but once you're better at them with tight trucks go back to your usual truck setting asap
manuals are just something you practice for a really long time to get confortable with them.
Set goals in the distance, and look at that goal. You get better balance it you eye-focus on something in the distance.
Try to keep your shoulders aligned with the board, doesn't really feel natural at first but it will help balancing. It's good too for the next step when you ll learn that lil hip / shoulder swing to more easily get back or front reverts

i guess everyone has his own technique when it comes to foot placement but the most effective for me ( same for nosemanual) is to have your foot not too far on the tail (or nose). In the pocket gives the best results. Seems easier to correct the balance that way, more control if your foot / weight is in that place on your board
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: silhouette on July 24, 2020, 03:23:16 AM
A wise friend told me years ago:
Manual - back truck has to be exactly in line with your back testicle
Nose manual - front truck has to be exactly in line with your front testicle

I have a friend with three testicles who's really good at one-footed manual tricks, so I suspect your friend really is onto something there.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Yesterdays-pop on July 24, 2020, 06:16:03 PM
Read the comments above and like someone said you need to have a goal. Go to a parking lot and manual one parking space(from line to line) then try to get 2 parking spaces and do that for a couple hours everyday for a couple years. Then never change your setup. And you can be that guy that manuals around the whole skatepark and pretend it’s a trick.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Rollbrettfetischist on July 31, 2020, 09:53:02 AM
Flat kicks and trucks with a shorter wheelbase make my manuals easier.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: NoHopeNoHarm on July 31, 2020, 11:53:37 AM
i made a make shift balance board out of a 2 liter bottle and an old deck and practiced balancing closer to the nose when i was learning nose manuals. Did this for like 3 nights in a row and then the next time i skated i could nose manual. Also -- engage your core and keep it tight from the pop to the land in manual and throughout the manual.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: TheLurper on July 31, 2020, 01:19:24 PM
going faster always helped with manual balance

This for sure.

Being relaxed since being tense only makes it more difficult.

Also, when learning, ollieing on to something relatively small makes shit easier... If you are straining to Ollie on top the obstacle it is going to be insanely difficult to land in a comfortable position.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Seventyfrigginseven on August 16, 2020, 10:18:56 AM
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Don’t think about it like you are balancing on two wheels. 

Think of it like you’re riding around on three wheels but you are trying to pull one close and whisper “I’m not wearing any panties” into its ear.
Sound advice, right there.^^^
Gave it a try & bang! Mannies on lock now. Thanks.
I have always had success with this method, and found as I hold the manual that whisper slowly becomes a shout. So basically the louder you shout it the longer the manual will be.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: SlapRhaters on August 16, 2020, 03:44:59 PM
wheels on the ground are heavily pinched heel side, with your other foot pinch the toe side a little so that you don't turn even though your heavily pinched heelside.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: jakeumms on August 16, 2020, 10:00:19 PM
I like this thread. My manny game has always sucked but I'm living in low impact town these days so I've been working on them this year. Core strength is key. I started doing sit ups just to get better at them and that's helped. Looseish trucks are key for me so you can make adjustments as you roll. Also, no one ever seems to talk about this but I find I have to roll into it a bit. In my head I call it a zhuzh but I shift my weight forward but on my back foot when I get into them and that's been working. Also I tend to lean toe side so it's weird to hear that's bad for other people. I try to keep my weight centered but when I start to lose them I can lean toe side and keep it going a little longer.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Vintagebody on August 16, 2020, 11:01:32 PM
A really mellow deck with short wb trucks like Indy or Ace's do really help an insane amount.
So much more forgiving. Also, dont land with stiff knee's/legs, nor should you practise balance with stiff knee's.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: SlapRhaters on August 17, 2020, 12:45:57 AM
I like this thread. My manny game has always sucked but I'm living in low impact town these days so I've been working on them this year. Core strength is key. I started doing sit ups just to get better at them and that's helped. Looseish trucks are key for me so you can make adjustments as you roll. Also, no one ever seems to talk about this but I find I have to roll into it a bit. In my head I call it a zhuzh but I shift my weight forward but on my back foot when I get into them and that's been working. Also I tend to lean toe side so it's weird to hear that's bad for other people. I try to keep my weight centered but when I start to lose them I can lean toe side and keep it going a little longer.

I don't always go heel side actually , usually only for longer manuals but with short ones and tricks out i actually stay more toeside.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Skatebeard on August 17, 2020, 01:43:40 AM
Something that works quite well for me is to make sure that my head is dead ass lined up with the back bolts, and I look down directly at them to help me keep in mind that my core needs to be over those bolts... this obviously isn't super practical for seeing what's ahead of you, but it did help me get them sustained for longer.

Another thing that helped a bit was bringing my front foot down toward the middle of the board a bit more, as I used to do them with it up on or past the front bolts, so any adjustment you do will be exaggerated, with the foot brought back i find i have a bit more fine tuning and control, also way easier to progress to doing a trick out of it.

Arms out to move around and balance where needed. I skate low trucks, small wheels and mellow kicktails, and it feels like quite a stable manual platform when i get into them. It's given me enough confidence to be able to nollie shuv into one, and BS shuv out of one (rarely in the same combo!).

I can pretty consistently manual about 12-15ft now after putting a bit of time into them.

My nose manuals, however... nah. Lucky if i can get 3ft! really suck at them.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: theblandest on August 18, 2020, 08:48:40 PM
I learned fs 5-0s before manuals and fs nosegrinds before nose manuals. Felt like that give me an edge. Also, I never felt as frustrated when I scraped when grinding. Feeling positive makes things come easier.
To learn the balance, I never focused on body/foot placement. Granted I don't have any real body mass and I'm short so that might have just given me an edge. I just went at a comfortable speed down a smooth sidewalk and tried to manual/nose manual as many blocks as possible. You'll learn the balance over time as you constantly one-up yourself.

The body/foot placement really comes into play when you try to learn flip ins/outs. That testicle rule above is key for the flip manuals.

Also, when it comes to nose manuals. Learn G-turns or swerving them. Maybe this only works for me, but when I swerve a nose manual, it's easier to balance.
Here's a clip of me doing one to show you what I mean:
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Ziad on August 24, 2020, 12:37:41 PM
going faster helps
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: codymacfan on August 26, 2020, 12:38:59 PM
Non-setup wise, core strength (abs) will help you keep your manual going. Get those crunches in and you'll notice yourself being able to balance better.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: BALARGUE on September 01, 2020, 04:25:31 AM
Anyone know the secret for Ollie to nose manual? I can do nose manuals pretty decent on flat and my Ollie to manuals are good. I can also do a bunch of nose slide variations but Ollie to nose manual feels so alien

no shortcut
practice until you find the sweet spot for your front foot when landing

you'll get there
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Mesteezo on September 01, 2020, 09:22:11 AM
Trick to manuals: Ask the guy at the skatepark that only manuals around the entire perimeter of the park without scraping. Every skatepark has that guy.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: fakie butt drop on September 05, 2020, 07:55:52 PM
remember to breathe.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Paul Cicero on September 05, 2020, 08:49:25 PM
Anyone know the secret for Ollie to nose manual? I can do nose manuals pretty decent on flat and my Ollie to manuals are good. I can also do a bunch of nose slide variations but Ollie to nose manual feels so alien

Only ollie as high as needed, never aim to pop super high unnecessarily if that makes sense..
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Lifer on September 06, 2020, 10:52:03 AM
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Anyone know the secret for Ollie to nose manual? I can do nose manuals pretty decent on flat and my Ollie to manuals are good. I can also do a bunch of nose slide variations but Ollie to nose manual feels so alien

Only ollie as high as needed, never aim to pop super high unnecessarily if that makes sense..
This makes sense and I’ve noticed people not popping as high as they could for a regular manual into a nose manual. There’s always that fear of leaning too far on the nose and eating it though.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Baswell Cerry on September 06, 2020, 03:15:16 PM
So you know how you can feel the difference of your tail truck and your nose truck? Well, focus even further and try to notice the individual balls in your bearings. Paying attention to how your bearings feel and that will let you know if you should lean back or forward to stay in manual.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: jimgrude on September 07, 2020, 05:40:01 PM
Stay loose and manual everything, everywhere. Also keep your trucks loose. Tight trucks are a crutch at best, and it won't teach you to manual properly. I'd argue that manuals are just as much about lateral balance as it is about keeping your vertical balance.

I turn, spin, slalom, ollie, kickturn, powerslide, anything I can think of while manualing, and it really helps me with being able to hold them when doing regular tricks.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Paul Cicero on September 23, 2020, 04:12:25 AM
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Anyone know the secret for Ollie to nose manual? I can do nose manuals pretty decent on flat and my Ollie to manuals are good. I can also do a bunch of nose slide variations but Ollie to nose manual feels so alien

Only ollie as high as needed, never aim to pop super high unnecessarily if that makes sense..
This makes sense and I’ve noticed people not popping as high as they could for a regular manual into a nose manual. There’s always that fear of leaning too far on the nose and eating it though.

You kinda “run out” of the slam at the start. Just start on a stock pad and you’ll be sweet.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: dharris on September 23, 2020, 10:45:24 AM
Manuals is all about weight distribution. Learn how to distribute your weight.  ;) :) 8)
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Billy Bitchcakes on September 24, 2020, 06:29:31 AM
what the hell is the trick to switch nosemanuals? I can nosemanual and switch manual fine, and can do a switch nosemanny if I have to but they never get any easier. 4 out of 5 I'll just put my back truck down immediately and the other one I'll just immediately put my nose down and eat shit. Any tips on ollieing into them more consistently? I think I don't commit as I slam on them so often
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: fakie butt drop on October 01, 2020, 02:05:11 AM
what the hell is the trick to switch nosemanuals? I can nosemanual and switch manual fine, and can do a switch nosemanny if I have to but they never get any easier. 4 out of 5 I'll just put my back truck down immediately and the other one I'll just immediately put my nose down and eat shit. Any tips on ollieing into them more consistently? I think I don't commit as I slam on them so often
For me the trick was to just think about popping straight onto the balls of your feet and just breathing. in the beginning tightening your truck just a tiny bit helps as well.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: DarkPools on October 20, 2020, 04:03:35 AM
Read the comments above and like someone said you need to have a goal. Go to a parking lot and manual one parking space(from line to line) then try to get 2 parking spaces and do that for a couple hours everyday for a couple years. Then never change your setup. And you can be that guy that manuals around the whole skatepark and pretend it’s a trick.

I feel attacked by this hahah!

My general advice for manuals (and I do them every session, regular, nose manual, switch, fakie) is find a deck shape, concave, and steepness you feel really comfortable on and stick with it. It will make all the tips already mentioned earlier to practice easier. Being comfortable with what your board does when you tell it do something is key. Also, the steeper the kicks, the harder to balance the board.

Practice standing still while holding on to a fence or the side of a skatepark ramp. Teeter your nose up and down simulating the manual position. Do this and experiment with where your back foot and front foot feelmost comfortable. Manuals are easier to hold if your foot placement feels good for it.
Once you do that, work on trying that form with a goal: manual from line to line, or up until a crack, or manual for x seconds, etc. Also, work your speed up as you do this. Start kind of slow to find the "lock-in" spot and then go faster and faster once you got the "lock-in".

Another tip, use your arms and core of your body to balance. Don't be afraid to let these body parts run wild while learning, since it's a good workout and you find your balance range. In time, you will minimize it as you dial it in but it's still important to know your body can do it in a pinch to hold on to it.
Some people can hang on to manuals like no one's business, whole others are lucky to make it 10 feet.

Most of all, remember to have fun with learning it! I learned manuals well because I learned them with friends and we competed against each other  doing most of what I said above. That push helped me learn them better and quicker!
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Banned from the room on November 07, 2020, 06:01:08 AM
what the hell is the trick to switch nosemanuals? I can nosemanual and switch manual fine, and can do a switch nosemanny if I have to but they never get any easier. 4 out of 5 I'll just put my back truck down immediately and the other one I'll just immediately put my nose down and eat shit. Any tips on ollieing into them more consistently? I think I don't commit as I slam on them so often

What the Frickin hell is a switch nose manual? 😆

Are you a nollie full cabber? Do you Fakie nollie? Do you use the term suski grind?

There's no such animal as a switch nose Manny ever ever ever. Never.

Fakie manny is the most gangster of manny directions. I think old people like me prefer it to nose Manny because boards had no noses and most of us did g turns on flat when we started in the '80s.


So if I'm going to do Fakie manny I'm going to pop in Fakie ollie because it's the easiest one for me. Maybe you got that switch pop to Fakie manny better idk? I do not. I'm a switch Ollie switch Manny man myself. That take me about an HR to get warm for.

Fakie switch or 80 in I'm going to try and land above the truck with open shoulders and my toes point towards my tail mirroring a nose Manny.

It's hardest with bs 80. Most people can't land toes pointing the right direction and do closed shoulders. Or they land on it with cowboys knees. That's a bummer. Nothing on Earth looks worse than skating like you just been riding a horse. Very knee looks better than that and we all know that's pretty roach too.

If you're not grabbing your board to do a mac twast don't knock knees.

The I'm rolling backwards shit is wack as fuck. I hate that. I don't care if you're Tiago lemos It looks like you haven't been skating enough switch. Maybe if I was like fuck switch bacics I could switch back tail waist high too but whatever.

I was about taking all my good habits and mirroring them.

So on the truck straight above the truck.

Hands like your going to choke someone or whatever I guess a hug works too.

If I'm off tilt I adjust my head first then my toes if that doesn't work roll up the windows. This all happens pretty quickly so it's almost like I go right to rolling up the windows.

I may fs or bs pivot back to forward at the end of the pad so i don't gotta do the little Chinese Ollie thing while rolling up the windows.

Fakie mannys are always clipping the pad if I'm rolling up the windows.

A great way to practice Fakie manny is Fakie 5oh on a metal ledge.

This is how I learned Fakie flip out but it was the Copley fountain not a metal ledge.

Wow I'm insane
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: on December 28, 2020, 11:00:32 PM
for me manual is lock your heel in.....

Nose manual is toe....

Switch manual, heel as well? 

Fakie manual, heel like a manual, or toe like a nose manual? 

Switch nose manual....toe? 
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Billy Bitchcakes on December 29, 2020, 08:42:22 AM
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what the hell is the trick to switch nosemanuals? I can nosemanual and switch manual fine, and can do a switch nosemanny if I have to but they never get any easier. 4 out of 5 I'll just put my back truck down immediately and the other one I'll just immediately put my nose down and eat shit. Any tips on ollieing into them more consistently? I think I don't commit as I slam on them so often

What the Frickin hell is a switch nose manual? 😆

Are you a nollie full cabber? Do you Fakie nollie? Do you use the term suski grind?

There's no such animal as a switch nose Manny ever ever ever. Never.

Ok boomer

edit - thanks for the tips though
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: on December 29, 2020, 11:47:43 AM
What's wrong with switch nose manual?  That's the correct term no?
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Croquet temper on December 29, 2020, 02:18:00 PM
I wouldn’t expect anyone to say “switch ollie to fakie manual”. It’s switch nose manual.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Frank on April 13, 2021, 10:44:55 AM
man i suck so bad at manuals, but today i almost got my first fakie and switch mannys over something. i also nosemannied the pad, and i can't really nosemanny. this not really a trick tip but a shoutout to all pals that suck at manuals. we'll get there, hang in there, keep practicing. we can do this!

Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: IUTSM on April 14, 2021, 02:43:46 PM
I'm pretty bad at manuals, really only ever having then regular and even then it was sus. Since I've been doing a shit to of leg, knee, ankle strength work following an ankle injury, in just the past few weeks back I've had them on lock on the 4" high, 12ft wide pad at the place I skate. What I've noticed I need to do, just like everything else when skating (and wish I learned 20 frickin years ago) is the steps to setting up and doing it. -push toward, look at and set up front foot well ahead of time, forget about looking at feet and focus on the ground/obstacle ahead of me, last second as coming into obstacle/spot look at board and only board until riding away. When I remember this, I'm landing whatever I try that's within my general frame of skills and a little more. Gonna get on some half cab Mannie's soon!
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: silhouette on April 15, 2021, 12:08:05 AM
What the Frickin hell is a switch nose manual?

Fakie manny but you switch ollie into it? Just on flat I'd call it a fakie manny but if you sw ollie then sw nosemanny or nosewheelie is the proper term, think same difference as between fakie five-o and switch nosegrind.

Hardest part of learning sw nosemanny is keeping the shoulders aligned right, especially if you're so used to manny and nosemanny you'll basically have the reflex of turning your upper body the wrong way. I was never good at that trick but the couple of times I've tried and done it that was my problem, and I fixed it by just pretending I was doing a nosewheelie except switch (mimicking all the motions I normally do, just mirrored without thinking about 'switch') instead of thinking in already familiar terms. Do what it takes to push down on that nose and hold it the exact same way you're doing it regs, if it doesn't work then figure out what it is you're doing different. But it's usually the shoulders and looking back like a fakie trick instead of ahead and in the direction you're going.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Banned from the room on April 15, 2021, 07:18:16 AM
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What the Frickin hell is a switch nose manual?

Fakie manny but you switch ollie into it? Just on flat I'd call it a fakie manny but if you sw ollie then sw nosemanny or nosewheelie is the proper term, think same difference as between fakie five-o and switch nosegrind.

Hardest part of learning sw nosemanny is keeping the shoulders aligned right, especially if you're so used to manny and nosemanny you'll basically have the reflex of turning your upper body the wrong way. I was never good at that trick but the couple of times I've tried and done it that was my problem, and I fixed it by just pretending I was doing a nosewheelie except switch (mimicking all the motions I normally do, just mirrored without thinking about 'switch') instead of thinking in already familiar terms. Do what it takes to push down on that nose and hold it the exact same way you're doing it regs, if it doesn't work then figure out what it is you're doing different. But it's usually the shoulders and looking back like a fakie trick instead of ahead and in the direction you're going.

Ok I'm wrong kinda. Name of particular trick.  I don't believe in the blanket terms switch nose manny and Fakie nose manny. That shit hurts me brains.

 Fakie nose manny is a wacky wacky term. So I'm like you landed switch manny? No I landed in Fakie nose manny. Hmmm. No no no. That's improper like me English man.

Kinda like the Indy is not a grab for both directions. It's the name of stand alone trick.


Secret to manny tricks that I maybe have already spoken about....

Ive noticed that with my most Controlled manny tricks I set up with my back foot heel hanging off the tail. Ball of foot in the heel side pocket. All my pop comes from the front foot. Kinda like a controlled kick flip onto a ledge.

Then my back foot goes immediately to standing above the truck even if my head and arm are not in the right place.

Almost all my tricks I do from the pocket. So I have a guaranteed catch? Or it's because I learned almost everything on hand me down boards in the late 80s early 90s.
My Rob roskop I rode for like 2 years. When I became an "Ollie master" and got onto my first picnic table I had like a 4 or 5 inch tail.

I have no idea why people say tip of the tail for popping tricks in tutorials. I never ever ever set up like this. Maybe a little bit when I could do hard flips. Still I'm on that heel side pocket.

The only time I'm standing toe side of the tail is if I'm doing a backside trick like tre imp or bs flip.

I'm very upset so if this doesn't read I'm sorry.
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Billy Bitchcakes on April 15, 2021, 08:57:29 AM
Fakie nosemanual would be a fakie ollie to switch manual, but nobody really uses the term

@silhouette that makes a lot of sense, gonna go try them now thanks
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Frank on April 15, 2021, 03:22:54 PM
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What the Frickin hell is a switch nose manual?

Fakie manny but you switch ollie into it? Just on flat I'd call it a fakie manny but if you sw ollie then sw nosemanny or nosewheelie is the proper term, think same difference as between fakie five-o and switch nosegrind.

Hardest part of learning sw nosemanny is keeping the shoulders aligned right, especially if you're so used to manny and nosemanny you'll basically have the reflex of turning your upper body the wrong way. I was never good at that trick but the couple of times I've tried and done it that was my problem, and I fixed it by just pretending I was doing a nosewheelie except switch (mimicking all the motions I normally do, just mirrored without thinking about 'switch') instead of thinking in already familiar terms. Do what it takes to push down on that nose and hold it the exact same way you're doing it regs, if it doesn't work then figure out what it is you're doing different. But it's usually the shoulders and looking back like a fakie trick instead of ahead and in the direction you're going.

Ok I'm wrong kinda. Name of particular trick.  I don't believe in the blanket terms switch nose manny and Fakie nose manny. That shit hurts me brains.

 Fakie nose manny is a wacky wacky term. So I'm like you landed switch manny? No I landed in Fakie nose manny. Hmmm. No no no. That's improper like me English man.

Kinda like the Indy is not a grab for both directions. It's the name of stand alone trick.


Secret to manny tricks that I maybe have already spoken about....

Ive noticed that with my most Controlled manny tricks I set up with my back foot heel hanging off the tail. Ball of foot in the heel side pocket. All my pop comes from the front foot. Kinda like a controlled kick flip onto a ledge.

Then my back foot goes immediately to standing above the truck even if my head and arm are not in the right place.

Almost all my tricks I do from the pocket. So I have a guaranteed catch? Or it's because I learned almost everything on hand me down boards in the late 80s early 90s.
My Rob roskop I rode for like 2 years. When I became an "Ollie master" and got onto my first picnic table I had like a 4 or 5 inch tail.

I have no idea why people say tip of the tail for popping tricks in tutorials. I never ever ever set up like this. Maybe a little bit when I could do hard flips. Still I'm on that heel side pocket.

The only time I'm standing toe side of the tail is if I'm doing a backside trick like tre imp or bs flip.

I'm very upset so if this doesn't read I'm sorry.

i'm also a heel pocket pop guy. i noticed with mellow boards and ventures this doesn't really work for me. now i have to generally pop more towards the tip of the tail/toeside. i've been skating mellow boards for a year now i think i'll go back to steeper and more concave. 
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: silhouette on April 18, 2021, 08:34:21 AM
Fakie nose manny is a wacky wacky term. So I'm like you landed switch manny? No I landed in Fakie nose manny. Hmmm. No no no. That's improper like me English man.

Switch manny and fakie nosemanny sound like two completely different tricks to me. Switch manny you switch ollie then manny the pad switch, fakie nosemanny you fakie ollie into the pad into 'switch manny' position but since you never popped a switch ollie it's no switch trick, it's literally a nosemanny backwards so fakie nosemanny. Now of course on flat without any pop into it, e.g.. across parking lot lines the trick would be the same. Not trying to be pedantic, just comparing logic. Hope your day gets better!
Title: Re: Whats the trick to manuals
Post by: Banned from the room on April 18, 2021, 09:37:45 AM
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Fakie nose manny is a wacky wacky term. So I'm like you landed switch manny? No I landed in Fakie nose manny. Hmmm. No no no. That's improper like me English man.

Switch manny and fakie nosemanny sound like two completely different tricks to me. Switch manny you switch ollie then manny the pad switch, fakie nosemanny you fakie ollie into the pad into 'switch manny' position but since you never popped a switch ollie it's no switch trick, it's literally a nosemanny backwards so fakie nosemanny. Now of course on flat without any pop into it, e.g.. across parking lot lines the trick would be the same. Not trying to be pedantic, just comparing logic. Hope your day gets better!
Thank you. I'm trying.

Leaning hard on slap because I literally have no one to talk to.