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Skateboarding => Skate Questions => Topic started by: Mugen_G on March 13, 2021, 01:36:18 PM

Title: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Mugen_G on March 13, 2021, 01:36:18 PM
Started skating about 3 months ago.
Can't really call what I did in my younger days skating as I never progressed beyond "poser".

Every day I learn something thing new about theory... :P
I wish it was in technique... ;D
For example I've realized that "be comfortable on your board" doesn't mean cruising around trying to look cool...
There's a whole lot more to it than being able to just do that...but I'm rambling...

Is it normal to start out scared $#!tless everyday?
It seems that whatever progression I've made in practicing the most basic tricks "dropping off curves, 180 revert" I'm always stiff and terrified most if not all my attempts on new days...

Worse yet if I fall...
Which I have...and hurt myself enough to have to wear a wrist brace.

Once I've fallen any attempts afterwards are basically impossible, it's like starting from scratch...

I'm at the point right now where just attempting to do something like a shove it while rolling feels like I'm standing on a bar of soap...

Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: OldCandy on March 13, 2021, 06:28:07 PM
you just gotta tough yourself through the process, take some falls and learn how to fall/bail. You will find that bailing on flatground isnt as scary as it seems.

also cruise around faster and kickturn aggressively.
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Mugen_G on March 13, 2021, 06:58:06 PM
The weird thing is I've actually fallen plenty and have even landed primo 3 if not more times and it hasn't really hurt (yet)...

It's those unexpected falls that are the problem...
Example wheel bite, rear icing out...
I've reinjured my wrist twice when it was beginning to heal...
I guess if I'm expecting to fall i can do so safely but unexpected ones i still have no muscle memory to not put my hands out...

After that the fear of falling never let's me get anywhere near actually landing any tricks moving...hell i wouldn't even say I get to a "real attempt" stage...

I actually cruise fairly fast and can handle small hills and kick turning is also not something I struggle at...

Right now I would say that "disconnecting my feet from the board" is my biggest issue...
How can I hope to Ollie or even shove it when I'm terrified to even do a mid shin high hippie jump over nothin but air... :(
By the way, you're quote is pretty
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: OldCandy on March 13, 2021, 07:00:29 PM
The weird thing is I've actually fallen plenty and have even landed primo 3 if not more times and it hasn't really hurt (yet)...

It's those unexpected falls that are the problem...
Example wheel bite, rear icing out...
I've reinjured my wrist twice when it was beginning to heal...
I guess if I'm expecting to fall i can do so safely but unexpected ones i still have no muscle memory to not put my hands out...

After that the fear of falling never let's me get anywhere near actually landing any tricks moving...hell i wouldn't even say I get to a "real attempt" stage...

I actually cruise fairly fast and can handle small hills and kick turning is also not something I struggle at...

Right now I would say that "disconnecting my feet from the board" is my biggest issue...
How can I hope to Ollie or even shove it when I'm terrified to even do a mid shin high hippie jump over nothin but air... :(
By the way, you're quote is pretty

try sex changes and no comply 180s, relatively connected to the deck
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: SneakySecrets on March 13, 2021, 07:27:40 PM
OP, can you post the thing you learned about skating each day so I can keep tabs on you?
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: formula420 on March 13, 2021, 07:46:21 PM
Yes pain sucks. Yes falling hurts. Yes you will have to bleed for this. Maybe even break a bone. But thats ok. Just take the adrenaline your brain gives you from a slam and use that to land the trick next try. Being a couch potato will hurt more in the long run.
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Mugen_G on March 13, 2021, 07:48:34 PM
Keep...tabs...on me..? Ok...
Fairly basic stuff that isn't immediately obvious.
Example people think that being able to push and ride from point a to point b is basically "being comfortable on your board"
When in truth it incorporates a laundry list of things such as the aforementioned dropping off curbs, 180 kickturns, reverts, dropping into a crouch, changing foot position while moving (harder than it seems) and the terrifying hippie jump...(I'd imagine sex changes while moving coming after hippie jumps)

Or example on ollies, you jump off the board even footed not by shifting your weight to your rear foot.
Or that you jump off the tail before it hits the ground not when it does or after.
Or that your front foot doesn't really need to slide up the deck in the "rolled ankle" position but simply forward and downward into the nose pocket to level the board.

Or that icing out is really an erroneous shift in your balance that lightens the rear at the wrong time causing the rear wheels to loose traction resulting in a perfect "bodied"

That type of stuff that's easier said than done...

Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Mugen_G on March 13, 2021, 07:56:00 PM
Yes pain sucks. Yes falling hurts. Yes you will have to bleed for this. Maybe even break a bone. But thats ok. Just take the adrenaline your brain gives you from a slam and use that to land the trick next try. Being a couch potato will hurt more in the long run.

That's a very macho ego driven response. Thought I know what you mean as when I 1st hurt my wrist the adrenaline shut off pain immediately after and i finished my skating session.
But I have responsibilities to others including a full-time physical job that requires full functioning limbs and joints in order to accomplish things that others depend on...

So maybe the real answer is why would I choose such an irresponsible hobby so late in my adult life...

Regardless the point is that reinjuring my wrist doesn't give me a rush of adrenaline anymore...only the guilt that i reinjured a needed limb when it was on the cusp of healing...

Yeah... it's a catch 22
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: cucktard on March 13, 2021, 08:06:12 PM
It really is just practice.
But if you’re scared shitless all the time you are going to be stiff and make it harder to move around and adjust, and paradoxically fall even more.

So I suggest taking a step back, and focus on what you find fun about skating at first.

Get to know your board better, 180s on the tail AND the nose. Goof around. And keep your knees bent and lower your center of gravity, we tend to straighten our legs when we get nervous and that makes falls worse.

Good luck.
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: silhouette on March 14, 2021, 12:50:52 AM
It's normal that your 'fear' resets daily, especially if you're not a teen anymore, at the start of every session pretty much every muscle in your body needs to warm up before you can completely feel your board. If you play any instrument, it's really similar to grabbing it but then you have to fuck around for a few minutes in order to really get into the mental groove and feel like it's just an extension of your body vs. something foreign, skateboarding can also be like that except also paired up with the physical on a more intense level. Personal reference but I'm 33, been skating every day I got to since I was 12 and yet it takes me maybe 20/30 minutes of barely popping my board at the beginning of every session to fully start feeling my legs. Used to be shorter but I also think part of that is due to me becoming wiser with age as in more aware of what my body is telling me it can take, including during entire sessions on the occasional day I'll feel particularly off. I probably avoid a lot of potential injuries that way, but that's starting to read like the annoying little sticker warning you about how 'injury or death may result from improper use' on top of every other new skate deck these days until you peel it off to grip it.

Goes without saying that the first thing you should prioritize in skating is learning how to fall, since by definition you'll be falling a lot but as you're saying it doesn't have to hurt. If you've ever done or seen some judo, tucking into a ball and rolling forwards over your shoulder upon impact exactly like that is the most efficient way to break a fall (on flat at least) without extending a limb and risking breaking something. Times when you slip out backwards are tougher to predict but learning how to absorb your landings in general (by compressing your legs) will teach you how to lower your center of gravity less brutally in such situations and eventually you'll find yourself landing then progressively slipping out instead of straight up being launched backwards. Land as stiff as a matchstick man, break like one. I'm not even sure myself of what I do in those situations these days to be honest, I know I just try to land on a soft part of my body and will fall lying down so that the impact spreads (your back won't like you repeatedly landing hard sitting on your butt). Honestly I'd say just take five to ten minutes just once to learn how to fall on purpose tucking yourself into a ball and it should quickly become a habit (I think I remember 12-year-old me doing that).

The little laundry list of maneuvers you're describing is a lot of fun and that learning process is something you will actually cherish looking back after some time skating, you just don't realize it yet. Also remember there are no rules in skateboarding despite some people's personal insecurities saying otherwise so if any maneuver comes to you and feels fun, feel free to do it as much as you please regardless of whether or not it's considered a trick according to the Overwhelmingly Serious Book On How To Properly Waste One's Time. If anything, the hardest phase to go through in skateboarding might be the first couple of months or years since you still need to figure it out, but you're still physically riding the skateboard in the process and so a lot of the trial and error can hurt, but as you become more skilled it gets easier and more meditative than complicated.
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Mugen_G on March 14, 2021, 08:51:21 AM
I do need to work on warming up.
That's always been a sticking point for me in all physical activities...I tend to just want to go straight into it.
I'm a bad mix of slow learner and lack of patience...a really bad combo...

I think I'm feeling frustrated from different angles including just finding a spot to practice.
Never noticed just how garbage parking lots and sidewalks are near me. Yesterday I thought I'd found a great empty lot with smooth blacktop...only to realize a few minutes in my wheels and board were now covered in cheap black tar paint?

This wrist just need to heal already (going on 7 weeks) hopefully that'll take some of the fear with it...
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: OldCandy on March 14, 2021, 10:38:56 AM
I do need to work on warming up.
That's always been a sticking point for me in all physical activities...I tend to just want to go straight into it.
I'm a bad mix of slow learner and lack of patience...a really bad combo...

I think I'm feeling frustrated from different angles including just finding a spot to practice.
Never noticed just how garbage parking lots and sidewalks are near me. Yesterday I thought I'd found a great empty lot with smooth blacktop...only to realize a few minutes in my wheels and board were now covered in cheap black tar paint?

This wrist just need to heal already (going on 7 weeks) hopefully that'll take some of the fear with it...

the best parts of skating includes re-finding top streetspots.
the tar paint doesn't affect anything functionally..

i improve on my flatgrounds tricks best after a strong cup of coffee..try that.
Can you also post a video with all the tricks you can do on a board?
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Mugen_G on March 14, 2021, 11:59:45 AM
I have been meaning to video log my progress, but I have ZERO experience in any type of recording.
I was the guy who always walked out of pictures and left when someone busts out the camcorder in general.

I've also just realized what I've been calling a front side actually just a basic front side pivot... I'm not sliding the rear wheels forward just lifting and pivoting... :-\

But it'd be a really short video regardless.
Beyond the most basics of pushing and cruising.

Basic front side pivot.
Ride fakie at a walking speed.
Drop off curbs 50% of the time without spazzing out.
Kickturn at cruising speeds and 180 at a slow roll.
I can surprisingly (to me) drop into squat at a jogging pace and not head straight into a

But that's about it.
I'm not counting shove it or ollies because while I could land shove it standing still at about a 60% rate and ollie at about shin level consistently standing still.

I realized it was pointless to and started trying to do them at a slow roll... I'm 0 for nothing on both of those... :P
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Dwyck on March 14, 2021, 12:02:36 PM
If it helps you get out there, rock the wrist guard! Before I really figured out how to bail I'd tweak my right wrist all the the time. and then cherry and those vans propeller b sides came out, and dill had clips in a cast, and I thought it was cool all of a sudden. Wouldn't leave the house w/o a wrist guard or a brace, even rocked the big forearm brace you get at the pharmacy. Eventually you'll figure out how to catch yourself on a slam without just bracing yourself w your arms. it's hard to explain
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Mugen_G on March 14, 2021, 12:30:00 PM
If it helps you get out there, rock the wrist guard! Before I really figured out how to bail I'd tweak my right wrist all the the time. and then cherry and those vans propeller b sides came out, and dill had clips in a cast, and I thought it was cool all of a sudden. Wouldn't leave the house w/o a wrist guard or a brace, even rocked the big forearm brace you get at the pharmacy. Eventually you'll figure out how to catch yourself on a slam without just bracing yourself w your arms. it's hard to explain

lol yeah I actually got me a set of those old school wrist guards the ones with that weird curved metal or plastic spoon both on top and palm side.

The irony is that the fall that initially injured my wrist was not a hard was the most hilariously slow motion slower than walking speed wheelbite dump ever...
If anyone would have seen it (weird cause there was plenty of people around) they would have been like..."what were you doing? Practicing pretend falls?" :P

If only I'd been wearing even my basic palm skid guards... >:(
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: formula420 on March 14, 2021, 04:51:54 PM
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Yes pain sucks. Yes falling hurts. Yes you will have to bleed for this. Maybe even break a bone. But thats ok. Just take the adrenaline your brain gives you from a slam and use that to land the trick next try. Being a couch potato will hurt more in the long run.

That's a very macho ego driven response. Thought I know what you mean as when I 1st hurt my wrist the adrenaline shut off pain immediately after and i finished my skating session.
But I have responsibilities to others including a full-time physical job that requires full functioning limbs and joints in order to accomplish things that others depend on...

So maybe the real answer is why would I choose such an irresponsible hobby so late in my adult life...

Regardless the point is that reinjuring my wrist doesn't give me a rush of adrenaline anymore...only the guilt that i reinjured a needed limb when it was on the cusp of healing...

Yeah... it's a catch 22

Nothing to do with macho or ego. Its the reality. This is a painful hobby that is inherenty dangerous.
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: rocklobster on March 14, 2021, 06:47:39 PM
Growing up I never wore any protective gear but I started wearing a wrist guard over the past few weeks. My left palm was taking a lot of impact to the point where doing push ups hurt. No shame in wearing one to protect your bones.
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Hyliannightmare on March 14, 2021, 10:06:54 PM
Nothing wrong with full pad and helmet
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Mugen_G on March 15, 2021, 05:39:00 AM
I don't mind this turning into a gear advocate thread.
But I think I've found my answer within the responses.

If I'm suffering almost paralyzing fear at attempting ollies and shove its while rolling...them I'm clearly just not ready to be attempting these tricks yet...

I need to be able to drop off curbs so comfortably I can be drinking a latte while doing it...(ugh...plain ☕ will do)
I need to be able to actually do a hippie jump to at least knee high... maybe even over something...

Maybe these aren't things most need to master before getting into moving ollies and shove its...but they seem to be for me...

Thanks for the suggestions!!
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Peepeeboy69 on March 15, 2021, 11:27:49 AM
ok honestly just stop thinking about being scared so much because itll make u more scared

wear gear if it helps u, don't wear it if it doesn't

just skate more and eat a ton of shit im sure everybody just spent the first couple months looking absolutely regular and eating shit all the time until u both learn how to eat shit less and be more comfortable eating shit so u don't feel as scared and aren't as stiff all the time, don't hurt yourself as much when u do fall, and as ppl said before being less scared and looser will help u actually not hurt
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Easy Slider on March 15, 2021, 12:58:49 PM
I don't mind this turning into a gear advocate thread.
But I think I've found my answer within the responses.

If I'm suffering almost paralyzing fear at attempting ollies and shove its while rolling...them I'm clearly just not ready to be attempting these tricks yet...

I need to be able to drop off curbs so comfortably I can be drinking a latte while doing it...(ugh...plain ☕ will do)
I need to be able to actually do a hippie jump to at least knee high... maybe even over something...

Maybe these aren't things most need to master before getting into moving ollies and shove its...but they seem to be for me...

Thanks for the suggestions!!

I don't think hippie jump will help you with moving ollies. I have a decent ollie (or so I like to think) but can't do a hippie jump. I never learned it as it was illegal back when I started skating but I tried to do one recently and found it extremely scary and I haven't done one since. Moving ollies are way less scary as the board sticks to your feet (if done properly) aka you will land on the right place on the board when landing whereas you don't necessarily on a hippie jump.

My advice for moving ollies, just start doing them at very slow speed but still moving. Just one semi push at first.
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Mugen_G on March 15, 2021, 01:05:33 PM
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I don't mind this turning into a gear advocate thread.
But I think I've found my answer within the responses.

If I'm suffering almost paralyzing fear at attempting ollies and shove its while rolling...them I'm clearly just not ready to be attempting these tricks yet...

I need to be able to drop off curbs so comfortably I can be drinking a latte while doing it...(ugh...plain ☕ will do)
I need to be able to actually do a hippie jump to at least knee high... maybe even over something...

Maybe these aren't things most need to master before getting into moving ollies and shove its...but they seem to be for me...

Thanks for the suggestions!!

I don't think hippie jump will help you with moving ollies. I have a decent ollie (or so I like to think) but can't do a hippie jump. I never learned it as it was illegal back when I started skating but I tried to do one recently and found it extremely scary and I haven't done one since. Moving ollies are way less scary as the board sticks to your feet (if done properly) aka you will land on the right place on the board when landing whereas you don't necessarily on a hippie jump.

My advice for moving ollies, just start doing them at very slow speed but still moving. Just one semi push at first.

You don't think they will help?
It was recommended by someone who also made some very good points on ollies in general...

Well I won't put too much stock onto them then.
But I'm at the point where just doing an ollie on perfectly smooth concrete with free rolling wheels has me shook...

I should have never learned them with non rolling wheels... waste of frakking time... regardless of how decent my form was... it's useless if I can't even commit to a halfhearted jump...
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Easy Slider on March 15, 2021, 02:05:47 PM
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I don't think hippie jump will help you with moving ollies. I have a decent ollie (or so I like to think) but can't do a hippie jump. I never learned it as it was illegal back when I started skating but I tried to do one recently and found it extremely scary and I haven't done one since. Moving ollies are way less scary as the board sticks to your feet (if done properly) aka you will land on the right place on the board when landing whereas you don't necessarily on a hippie jump.

My advice for moving ollies, just start doing them at very slow speed but still moving. Just one semi push at first.

You don't think they will help?
It was recommended by someone who also made some very good points on ollies in general...

Well I won't put too much stock onto them then.
But I'm at the point where just doing an ollie on perfectly smooth concrete with free rolling wheels has me shook...

I should have never learned them with non rolling wheels... waste of frakking time... regardless of how decent my form was... it's useless if I can't even commit to a halfhearted jump...

If you are too scared try something else. It's supposed to be fun not an ordeal.

But if you really want to learn them, try them a hundred times in a row until you've got them. That's how I learned kickflips. All alone in a parking lot, not rolling, just stationary kickflips again and again and again. It already started raining, I kept going until I got that one shitty sketchy mobbed kickflip. I went home a happy dude that day.

Sorry for rambling...
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: OldCandy on March 15, 2021, 08:56:07 PM
ok honestly just stop thinking about being scared so much because itll make u more scared

wear gear if it helps u, don't wear it if it doesn't

just skate more and eat a ton of shit im sure everybody just spent the first couple months looking absolutely regular and eating shit all the time until u both learn how to eat shit less and be more comfortable eating shit so u don't feel as scared and aren't as stiff all the time, don't hurt yourself as much when u do fall, and as ppl said before being less scared and looser will help u actually not hurt

he speaks the truth, i have only ever slammed hard when dropping in because i was thinking about how high the quarter pipe seemed. And i still look regular
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: rocklobster on March 15, 2021, 09:14:55 PM
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just skate more and eat a ton of shit im sure everybody just spent the first couple months looking absolutely regular and eating shit all the time until u both learn how to eat shit less and be more comfortable eating shit so u don't feel as scared and aren't as stiff all the time, don't hurt yourself as much when u do fall, and as ppl said before being less scared and looser will help u actually not hurt

Pft, 20 years in and I still eat shit and still push like a newborn baby horse.
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Mugen_G on March 16, 2021, 05:42:02 AM
I wish it was as easy as "stop thinking about being scared..."
This is actually worse than I thought...

Yesterday I was completely paralyzed on my board.
My brain would NOT let me disconnect my feet from the board to attempt even a loose wheel standing ollie.

It's almost like my brain feels I've betrayed it's trust and refuses to trust me again...what with injuring my wrist then falling on it again 4 weeks later then falling on it again immediately again (2 days after that).

Even more infuriating is that if it I place just 1 hand on a rail, fence or bench...I can ollie and shove it just fine!! :o

Hell i even tried it while holding a stupid broom stick like a ski pole and was able to do both just fine... >:(

New plan...
So far I've only been wearing wrist guards.
Today I'll be fully geared up even if i gotta strap pillows to my ass...

Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: exlurker on March 16, 2021, 11:49:46 AM
Early on in my skating, I remember fucking my wrists up terribly all the time, and broke a finger or two

Eventually i learned to always tuck my arms in and land in a roll on my hips/ass, even if I'm going 2mph and it's a dainty little fall, my brain is now conditioned to never attempt to brace myself with my arms

That removed a lot of my early "fear" issues, though now all these years later i'm starting to get gnarly hip issues

Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Mugen_G on March 16, 2021, 01:00:03 PM
Early on in my skating, I remember fucking my wrists up terribly all the time, and broke a finger or two

Eventually i learned to always tuck my arms in and land in a roll on my hips/ass, even if I'm going 2mph and it's a dainty little fall, my brain is now conditioned to never attempt to brace myself with my arms

That removed a lot of my early "fear" issues, though now all these years later i'm starting to get gnarly hip issues

Neither one sounds like a good compromise... :P
Need my wrists & hips... ;D
I need to learn not falling on my hands to muscle memory asap if i have any hopes of continuing street skating...

Tried to find some padded hip shorts but they all make you look like you're wearing diapers...
I may try to modify some skating pants, motorcycle style...
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Lifer on March 16, 2021, 03:44:02 PM
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Early on in my skating, I remember fucking my wrists up terribly all the time, and broke a finger or two

Eventually i learned to always tuck my arms in and land in a roll on my hips/ass, even if I'm going 2mph and it's a dainty little fall, my brain is now conditioned to never attempt to brace myself with my arms

That removed a lot of my early "fear" issues, though now all these years later i'm starting to get gnarly hip issues

Neither one sounds like a good compromise... :P
Need my wrists & hips... ;D
I need to learn not falling on my hands to muscle memory asap if i have any hopes of continuing street skating...

Tried to find some padded hip shorts but they all make you look like you're wearing diapers...
I may try to modify some skating pants, motorcycle style...
Jeez dude
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Mugen_G on March 16, 2021, 03:45:23 PM
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Early on in my skating, I remember fucking my wrists up terribly all the time, and broke a finger or two

Eventually i learned to always tuck my arms in and land in a roll on my hips/ass, even if I'm going 2mph and it's a dainty little fall, my brain is now conditioned to never attempt to brace myself with my arms

That removed a lot of my early "fear" issues, though now all these years later i'm starting to get gnarly hip issues

Neither one sounds like a good compromise... :P
Need my wrists & hips... ;D
I need to learn not falling on my hands to muscle memory asap if i have any hopes of continuing street skating...

Tried to find some padded hip shorts but they all make you look like you're wearing diapers...
I may try to modify some skating pants, motorcycle style...
Jeez dude

You got something to say?
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: OldCandy on March 16, 2021, 03:59:46 PM
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Early on in my skating, I remember fucking my wrists up terribly all the time, and broke a finger or two

Eventually i learned to always tuck my arms in and land in a roll on my hips/ass, even if I'm going 2mph and it's a dainty little fall, my brain is now conditioned to never attempt to brace myself with my arms

That removed a lot of my early "fear" issues, though now all these years later i'm starting to get gnarly hip issues

Neither one sounds like a good compromise... :P
Need my wrists & hips... ;D
I need to learn not falling on my hands to muscle memory asap if i have any hopes of continuing street skating...

Tried to find some padded hip shorts but they all make you look like you're wearing diapers...
I may try to modify some skating pants, motorcycle style...
Jeez dude

You got something to say?

i wear speedos over my underwear - sometimes just speedos then pants - feels great in the breezy temps
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: fs1/2cab on March 17, 2021, 12:33:02 PM
If I were you, I would pad up as much as possible. But there is no really technique to prevent slams in skating. (If someone knows one please let me know).

I wear ankle braces on both ankles and a cap or beanie gives me more confidence. And stretching! It helps so much, I swear. Before the sesh, after and on days were you don't skate.

Maybe a bigger board would help you for the first months  to feel more secure. Last time I fucked my ankle, a got a brown bomber (8.8 wide) and were just cruising. Slappys count as cruising, right? ^^

But ultimately, skating isn't rocket science. Try not to overthink it and enjoy every second on the board. It's all about the fun. Not about some stupid medals.
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Mugen_G on March 17, 2021, 01:12:46 PM
If I were you, I would pad up as much as possible. But there is no really technique to prevent slams in skating. (If someone knows one please let me know).

I wear ankle braces on both ankles and a cap or beanie gives me more confidence. And stretching! It helps so much, I swear. Before the sesh, after and on days were you don't skate.

Maybe a bigger board would help you for the first months  to feel more secure. Last time I fucked my ankle, a got a brown bomber (8.8 wide) and were just cruising. Slappys count as cruising, right? ^^

But ultimately, skating isn't rocket science. Try not to overthink it and enjoy every second on the board. It's all about the fun. Not about some stupid medals.

I appreciate your suggestions!
I've been researching into why I'm seemingly paralysed on the board. And it seems I'm suffering from some type of post traumatic anxiety. Related to the repeated slams onto the same wrist. Because I seem to be able to do these tricks normally (at a beginner level) while holding on to some thing or chocking the wheels.

I also do tend to subconsciously make things harder for myself. I have a traditional shaped 32" cruiser on risers it's 8.5 at it's widest and tapers to 7.5 at the tail.
It's heavy...and has a really steep tail and non existent nose... It's only saving grace are  some 56mm x 95a mini logo A cuts... they're friggin

My street deck is a 7.3 x 29 mini... :P
I didn't realize it would be that small in reality and I convinced myself if i could learn flat ground tricks on a toothpick... I'd be that stronger a skater... ::)

I also have ankle braces, knee, elbow, wrist pads and a brain bucket. U fortunately my dumb ego has had me wearing only wrist and knee protection...but obviously not till I already hurt my wrist the 1st and worst time...

I'm not afraid to admit it...
Always having been a skinny dude I'm fairly lite on my feet...or so I thought...but reality is making me realize age + the fact that I DON'T KNOW HOW TO FALL PROPERLY to muscle memory...means that I am indeed afraid to fall...

I just got myself a "normal" 8 x 31.5 deck with mid height trucks...
Hopefully it'll go a ways towards not feeling like I'm landing on a sardine...
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Ol Nick on March 23, 2021, 11:22:22 PM
If I were you, I would pad up as much as possible. But there is no really technique to prevent slams in skating. (If someone knows one please let me know).

Honestly, it took about a year for my body to adapt to skating when I came back to it. Once my legs, ankles, core, etc. regained some of that strength, I started being able to weasel my way out of a bunch of situations that would’ve pitched me before without falling and when I do, I’m starting to have a lot more control over the fall. Sucks but unless you want to get in some sort of workout routine to get those muscles in shape, you kinda gotta be clumsy and patient for a little bit.

As for the fear, I read somewhere around here before to just leave the fucking wheels on the ground for a few hours/days/weeks and ride. That worked for me coming back from a knee injury.
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Mugen_G on March 24, 2021, 06:14:53 AM
I'm getting through it, the ptsd that was paralyzing me ,at least, I've overcome.
Admittedly it wasn't an irrational least not to me.
Fall on an injured limb multiple times and it's not surprising your subconscious brain would simply refuse to allow you to continue said

But i broke through it. (Helps that I got it checked out and got on anti inflammatories)

So I'm on my way to learning free wheeled ollies again.
Hippie jumps are still the most terrifying things
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Brguy on March 30, 2021, 09:08:14 AM
Try to enjoy the fear, do some stupid shit and then laugh about how you're not dead and your heart is beating super fast. There's really no getting around it, if you want to skate you'll have to face them anyway, might as well do it fast and fun instead of stressing too much on a safe and slow progression, which in my experience doesn't work most of the time anyway, you either commit to something or you don't.
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Mugen_G on March 30, 2021, 09:41:49 AM
Try to enjoy the fear, do some stupid shit and then laugh about how you're not dead and your heart is beating super fast. There's really no getting around it, if you want to skate you'll have to face them anyway, might as well do it fast and fun instead of stressing too much on a safe and slow progression, which in my experience doesn't work most of the time anyway, you either commit to something or you don't.

lol Enjoy the fear he that like that weird "kick me in the jimmy" Beavis&Butthead video?

I'm trying man, but it was frustrating for a bit  after spraining my still can be, because I'll start out fresh landing everything then slowly degenerate into not landing sheittt...
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: OldCandy on March 30, 2021, 07:23:57 PM
If I were you, I would pad up as much as possible. But there is no really technique to prevent slams in skating. (If someone knows one please let me know).

from personal experience all my slams resulted in me not doing a trick with "intention" instead just kinda half-assing and autopiloting - i realize i need to bail too late and that's when i slam.

Also roll as hard as possible and don't be afraid to look ridiculous with all your limbs flying everywhere, its hard to explain but if you watch some rough cuts you'll see what I'm talking about.

the intention thing was mentioned in a "skate insights" thread and stuck with me because it applied personally so idk
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Mugen_G on March 30, 2021, 08:11:38 PM
Expand Quote
If I were you, I would pad up as much as possible. But there is no really technique to prevent slams in skating. (If someone knows one please let me know).


from personal experience all my slams resulted in me not doing a trick with "intention" instead just kinda half-assing and autopiloting - i realize i need to bail too late and that's when i slam.

Also roll as hard as possible and don't be afraid to look ridiculous with all your limbs flying everywhere, its hard to explain but if you watch some rough cuts you'll see what I'm talking about.

the intention thing was mentioned in a "skate insights" thread and stuck with me because it applied personally so idk

The more I commit (see what I did there...  ;D ) to this sports hobby, the more I realize it's a catch 22...
The slam that sprained my wrist was a ridiculous looking slow motion drop that had me doing an awkward back shoulder roll...still sprained my wrist...

I've landed primo (with the classic follow up of landing your ass on top of the rail sprawl) fully commiting to a botched ollie and laughed it off without any pain anywhere...3 times...

I also landed my best fully committed ollie...only to have the board shoot out from under me and send me skidding sideways on my ass...the only thing I hurt was my already injured wrist...

I also had my rear ice out on me and slam me into a side flop faster than my brain could realize I was I'm not...what the hell happened..?
Hurt only my already injured wrist...
Ive realized there's no rational answer as to why anyone chooses to continue pursuing mastering the art of standing on a large bar of soap... :o
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Easy Slider on March 31, 2021, 12:10:06 AM
Ive realized there's no rational answer as to why anyone chooses to continue pursuing mastering the art of standing on a large bar of soap... :o

 Because eventually landing stuff, especially after a long battle, feels so good  :D
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Brguy on March 31, 2021, 08:52:31 AM
Expand Quote
Try to enjoy the fear, do some stupid shit and then laugh about how you're not dead and your heart is beating super fast. There's really no getting around it, if you want to skate you'll have to face them anyway, might as well do it fast and fun instead of stressing too much on a safe and slow progression, which in my experience doesn't work most of the time anyway, you either commit to something or you don't.

lol Enjoy the fear he that like that weird "kick me in the jimmy" Beavis&Butthead video?

I'm trying man, but it was frustrating for a bit  after spraining my still can be, because I'll start out fresh landing everything then slowly degenerate into not landing sheittt...
I never said it was easy, but seriously, think about why the best advice and incentive given a lot of the times is "GET IIIT!!", because there's nothing you can do except dive straight on whatever you're trying to do, unless you're extremely good it is what it is, just diving into the unknown.
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: bob george on April 03, 2021, 01:10:01 AM
if you've only been skating for 3 months, maybe you just need to chill out and stop trying to do tricks for the time being, or at least the ones you are trying. skating certainly involves doing ollies, but it also involves having fun and it sounds like you're not really having any fun - just stressing over fear and pain. from how awkward it sounds for you - i think you should stop using your cruiser board and just push around, tic tac, crabwalk and carve and learn how to let your body be loose on a regular skateboard.

also, there is no real connection between being able to do something holding onto a railing and doing it without the railing, so i wouldn't consider that an inconsistency in your ability to skate - it's just that they're two completely different things.

and yeah, you do need to learn to enjoy/harness the fear and pain. everybody has it and is kind of a big part of what makes skating a thrill. but that's all up to you to wrap your head around - don't buck at it when people tell you it's part of skating - it's not macho, it's just a fact. i'm certainly not a macho man.

what sort of skating do you aspire to?

have fun!
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Mugen_G on April 03, 2021, 06:54:10 AM
if you've only been skating for 3 months, maybe you just need to chill out and stop trying to do tricks for the time being, or at least the ones you are trying. skating certainly involves doing ollies, but it also involves having fun and it sounds like you're not really having any fun - just stressing over fear and pain. from how awkward it sounds for you - i think you should stop using your cruiser board and just push around, tic tac, crabwalk and carve and learn how to let your body be loose on a regular skateboard.

also, there is no real connection between being able to do something holding onto a railing and doing it without the railing, so i wouldn't consider that an inconsistency in your ability to skate - it's just that they're two completely different things.

and yeah, you do need to learn to enjoy/harness the fear and pain. everybody has it and is kind of a big part of what makes skating a thrill. but that's all up to you to wrap your head around - don't buck at it when people tell you it's part of skating - it's not macho, it's just a fact. i'm certainly not a macho man.

what sort of skating do you aspire to?

have fun!

I split my skating into 2 activities, cruising and flat ground practice.
I've only been practicing 3 tricks, ollie, manual and shove it.
I stopped practicing the shove it when it made me realize that regardless of how "comfortable" I THINK I am riding my board I still have a long way to actually being it.

Cruising around fast and being able to carve for speed and to reduce it is one thing.

I'm now practicing riding off curbs and doing front and back side pivots...reverts in the odd circumstance i encounter smooth concrete (rare) I'm also focusing on manuals though I'm afraid they're going to ruin my deck before i can learn to do much else on it... :P

I've come a long way since this posts creation.
I'm actually able to attempt and often land an ollie while rolling!

Funny you say that, originally I wanted to learn downhill yeah I live in south fl... ::)

So believe it or not, what got me interested in skating was wanting to be able to power slide giant hills...

But once I realized that would be impossible unless I moved...
I decided to simply learn basic street skating, how to ollie up and off curbs and be able to stop by powersliding...and SLAPPY skating...that looks really fun...

Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: on April 03, 2021, 10:07:02 AM

honestly should hit up Facebook...theres a bunch of older skater groups that will be much more supportive....

for me the key is balancing out what you want to do, and what you can do.  What's helpful is always trying to find things you can do....even if it's not even what you necessarily want...those little things have been helpful in my longevity and sanity....

What about putting your front foot on your bolts and doing a shitty 90 degree frontside powerslide, pushing your back foot forward?  That'll lead to a better powerslide or a frontside 180....

You're somewhat right about people over simplifying 'just being on your board' but a lot of people spent days pushing around their neighbourhood, there is value in that. 

Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: bigdave on April 03, 2021, 04:54:00 PM
Do 25 ollies every day. 25 moving ollies. You can always make time for that. It's been my key to getting over fear about an ankle I broke...........19 years ago.
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Mugen_G on April 03, 2021, 05:27:24 PM

honestly should hit up Facebook...theres a bunch of older skater groups that will be much more supportive....

for me the key is balancing out what you want to do, and what you can do.  What's helpful is always trying to find things you can do....even if it's not even what you necessarily want...those little things have been helpful in my longevity and sanity....

What about putting your front foot on your bolts and doing a shitty 90 degree frontside powerslide, pushing your back foot forward?  That'll lead to a better powerslide or a frontside 180....

You're somewhat right about people over simplifying 'just being on your board' but a lot of people spent days pushing around their neighbourhood, there is value in that. last response to you wasn't posted... :-*
Nah I don't really need support from my own age demographic or any other.

I usually post simply to vent frustrations.
I DO appreciate any advice and tips others give.
But usually I realize and solve whatever issue I'm having on my own.

Not sure what you mena by "just being on your board" and  people spending a lot of time cruising having value...cause I actually cruise around my area a lot more than I actually practice flat ground tricks...for now...

I'll start learning to powerslide when I feel I'm ready.
I've just recently gotten comfortable doing pivots and reverts so logically that would come next...but not yet.

Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Mugen_G on April 03, 2021, 05:32:47 PM
Do 25 ollies every day. 25 moving ollies. You can always make time for that. It's been my key to getting over fear about an ankle I broke...........19 years ago.

Yes, that's what I'm doing now.
Friday I spent about 2 hours just practicing moving ollies, reverts and manual, cycling through them to not get bored or frustrated.
Take in to account, I LITERALLY just managed to muster up the courage to try moving ollies.

Today, I didn't, I longboard looking for a good spot and when I finally found one...I realized I'd forgotten my wrist guards.. my sprained wrist is JUST about healed.
I can't afford to re-injure it nothing but a few hours of cruising...
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Brguy on April 04, 2021, 09:47:35 PM
I just thought of an analogy for skateboarding, it is like an needle in the arm, you know it will hurt and that's not good, but you have to endure that pain for your goal, be it a vaccination, a blood test or doing an ollie faster than you're used to. I agree with the people above me though, stressing will only make it all worse, if you're not good to do something now it's way better to just have fun than push yourself towards something you're not confident in doing. Just being relaxed and skating is the best way to learn anyway, fuck having an athletes goal.
Title: Re: Fear resets daily...
Post by: Mugen_G on April 05, 2021, 12:58:03 PM
I just thought of an analogy for skateboarding, it is like an needle in the arm, you know it will hurt and that's not good, but you have to endure that pain for your goal, be it a vaccination, a blood test or doing an ollie faster than you're used to. I agree with the people above me though, stressing will only make it all worse, if you're not good to do something now it's way better to just have fun than push yourself towards something you're not confident in doing. Just being relaxed and skating is the best way to learn anyway, fuck having an athletes goal.

Being intimately familiar with intramuscular injections I can agree with your analogy. There's a phenomenon known as needle anxiety where you over imagine how painful an injection is and panic. When in reality the pain in minimal.

And while in skating your mind feeds you worse case scenarios...slams can still be pretty painful... :o

I know my limits, my and as I get more comfortable on my board my confidence rises and I can overcome the fear of slams...most of the time... :P

I'm a complete rookie...which is fine...but I'd love to get to the good stuff as quickly as safely
I'd love to be able to do a simple smooth line... ;D