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Skateboarding => USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER => Topic started by: Merman on April 25, 2021, 12:09:55 PM

Title: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Merman on April 25, 2021, 12:09:55 PM
Did it affect your style and/or trick selection? What changed?
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: JamesFardy on April 25, 2021, 12:13:50 PM
I thought I was WAY better than I was, then realized I was just watching Tom penny skate in Sorry.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Rubbrick on April 25, 2021, 12:21:20 PM
I don’t smoke anymore but when I would skate high I would be way more cautious and hesitant to try stuff. Also I wouldn’t be as motivated to learn/try new tricks. If I got spooked from almost eating shit (or eating shit), I would just go back to my go-to tricks and just cruise around.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: TurdyBird on April 25, 2021, 12:28:10 PM
Never was someone who could drink and skate. Even just one or two. However, alcohol affects me different than others.

I use to skate stoned all the time and my skating suffered. The few good days seemed to stick in my mind than the many bad days I had. I always figured I sucked. I definitely was less confident when skating overall

Been back on the board consistently for the past year (in my early 30s). Started to skate with my buddy often hungover, and sometimes stoned. However in the past year I've had bouts of sobriety lasting about a month if not longer. That's when I start to be a lot more consistent and start progressing.

It's only dependent on the individual I think. I had to start acknowledging that alc and weed just hit differently for me and that's because of my diagnosed mental illness. If it ain't working for you cut it. It ain't easy, but if you reach out for help, it's a lot more feasible than doing that on your own.

 For me it means setting myself up with a primary care physician and psychiatrist. Maybe eventually a therapist. Your path might look different but this is mine and happy to share it if it helps others

Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: winecrab on April 25, 2021, 12:33:42 PM
I can't skate at all while high. My legs feel like jelly and my balance and coordination is fucked. Beer is a different story. I can drink a 6 pack and land shit all day.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Urtripping on April 25, 2021, 12:35:48 PM
I don't smoke weed with any regularity anymore, but the other day at an event I had one hit of a blunt, drank a Miller lite, and skated with more confidence than I had all year.

I used to really enjoy a solo session or skating with one or two good friends while zooted. Skateparks were anxiety central while high, though. No way I was keeping track of whose go it was.

Skating on acid, however...

Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: cky enthusiast on April 25, 2021, 12:47:48 PM
i skate just as good stoned. i like it. idk. skating high is sick
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Lifer on April 25, 2021, 12:57:18 PM
I don't think I skate any better when high but I do enjoy it if I'm skating by myself or around a small group of homies. The occasional weed + coffee combo works for me if I'm working on something new.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Eric Dolphy on April 25, 2021, 01:09:58 PM
When I was 14 - 18 I found that it made me skate slower and with a slower reaction time, but if i smoked say, 4 hours before skating then it had a calming effect and i skated better, like i didn't over-think tricks and bail unnecessarily.
In recent years I've pretty much always been stoned while skating and it's been fine, until i cut down heavily, last time i skated stoned it sucked because my tolerance was way down, took forever to warm up, had less pop, less energy, balance wasn't as good.
Been clean and sober for a month now and my pop is higher than ever, can sit in single truck grinds/slides longer than ever, but everything hurts more.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: skatingisntspecialstupid on April 25, 2021, 01:15:45 PM
Sometimes I imagine it makes me better at flat ground but my progress doesn’t seem to match up with my feelings
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: marty mcfly on April 25, 2021, 01:25:26 PM
Weed after a Session is nice!
If there’s weed before the session...there’s no session!
Weed makes lazy!
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Jean-Ralphio Zaperstein on April 25, 2021, 01:28:21 PM
marijuana makes your breath smell like a bong !
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: KGB on April 25, 2021, 02:35:34 PM
Who cares? The real question is why is drinking so glorified in skateboarding. Drinking is a completely stupid thing to do while skating. Come at me bro.  :D
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: boi-cuzudo on April 25, 2021, 02:39:42 PM
coffee + weed

and then lemonade + weed
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: boi-cuzudo on April 25, 2021, 02:49:00 PM
i have stiff shoulders and a lot of back pain, so smoking helps relax my body/shoulders...helps with my sore knees, helps with enjoying the moment and I feel more social...helps me forget of whats not important lol

Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: muntcuscle on April 25, 2021, 03:02:23 PM
all about how much I smoke... too much = session killer. if i'm just a little stoned but still know where I am it makes it more fun
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: stratosphere on April 25, 2021, 03:15:25 PM
I am always a little high when I’m skating. I’ve landed stuff first try when baked that would’ve taken me at least 15/20 minutes to land sober. Keeps me loosey goosey
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: gaunting on April 25, 2021, 03:30:54 PM
every time I skate high, I get hurt. 👎🏻
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Frank on April 25, 2021, 03:36:57 PM
skating stoned makes me neurotic and i become afraid of easy tricks and become terrified of ollieing into any grind, but it's good for skating flat. i often land tricks i can't do consistently when sober. also helps me with manuals. i think my style and pop suffer for sure. i definetly skate slower when i'm high as a kite. sessions also devolve into lazy mode skating/no complys only/mobflip country. skating on weed is definetly fun but these days i don't smoke until i feel i'm already over the hump of the session so to speak, so say i skate for 4 hours, probably smoke after 3 hours or so and then roll around blazed for one hour. i feel like i get hurt more easily when i skate stoned right out the gate, too.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: EdLawndale on April 25, 2021, 03:47:34 PM
Sometimes it trips me out, most of the time it gets me in the zone.

When I took a "Drugs and the Brain" course in college, I learned that anytime you take drugs, your reaction will come down to Set (how you are feeling internally at the time) and Setting (the conditions of the environment you are in).
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: GardenSkater77 on April 25, 2021, 03:56:38 PM
Every time I get high I go skateboarding.

Most of the time when I’m not high I don’t go skateboarding.

I enjoy skateboarding high cause it makes me forget about responsibilities and old age pain. Gets my ass up and going.

Also can feel the ground better and trucks more when high. I feel at one with my skateboard.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: banksandledges on April 25, 2021, 04:43:06 PM
The weed be letting you know....
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: lemonchicken91 on April 25, 2021, 04:54:12 PM
all about how much I smoke... too much = session killer. if i'm just a little stoned but still know where I am it makes it more fun

This, same w beer. Maybe one or two to get the confidence going. Any more than that and the balance gets off , knew a pool rat who would slam a 6 pack and go hard, he was hellride certified tho
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Biancapal on April 25, 2021, 05:10:33 PM
Smoking before session = me thinking I’m looking/skating like Kader which causes me to try something stupid and twist my ankle
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Hyliannightmare on April 25, 2021, 05:35:58 PM
Skated high for the last year but had to get clean for work and the only difference is I don't have that 30 minutes of me being super stoned and not trying anything at the beginning of the session lol
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: jaysouthbay on April 25, 2021, 06:27:56 PM
Ive always wondered about the affects of marijuana/alcohol use on cognitive function/muscle memory/spatial awareness+processing and all that as it relates to skateboarding, and if there are any legit peer reviewed articles out there that we can use to make substantial claims from.. ex; weed/alcohol is actually detrimental to learning tricks and here is why.. etc
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: ok boomer on April 25, 2021, 06:30:09 PM
Makes you more lit af
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Noble Experiment on April 25, 2021, 06:54:50 PM
Don’t really smoke weed anymore, like at all, but when I did I would skate more relaxed and less tense, friends would always say I skated and looked like Antwuan Dixon, just really relaxed. Even though I skated more relaxed weed would always fuck with my balance and coordination so I didn’t really like skating on it, even if it did help my style. Plus on weed it was hard for me to concentrate on tricks too, my mind was all over the place.

Booze on the other hand....
I like skating while sipping on one or two beers during the sesh. I usually always come to a sesh with a tall can, sometimes two. Tried it out like a year back and I liked it so much that I’ve pretty much skated almost every sesh since then with a tall can or two on the side. I feel like if you’re only sipping on like one or two tall cans while skating it’s not enough to really fuck up your balance, it’s just enough to where your balance is still good but you got a nice buzz/borderline slight drunk feeling to where it makes the sesh more enjoyable and it helps with throwing caution to the wind a bit too, at least for me; I’m more likely to just say “fuck it” and go for shit and commit when I have a tall can or two in me.

Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: IUTSM on April 25, 2021, 06:57:43 PM
I was thinking about this just the other day

I have been eating a small amount of THC (<5mg), like a vitamin, every morning since December. I also take .3g psilocybin mushroom capsule as a "vitamin" every 3 days. On those days I really try to make it a point to go skate about 2 hours after taking the medicine because it leaves me feeling incredible- creative, motivated, focused, and flowing. It translates well with whatever I do- whether I end up building shit in the yard, sitting on slap, drawing, teaching, or school work. Skating with that subtle shift is just wonderful though. Mind y'all, I'm not very good these days, but I'm getting some shit back and experiencing greater focus and the ability to skate with less fear- that doesn't mean fearless, but rather better able to understand and assess risks and how to use the body. On top the focus, I just feel lighter.

I used to puff tuff all the time. Burn a blunt before, during, and after a sesh. smoking that much just made it too hard to feel good about anything while skating. I need a good 30-40 minutes come down before feeling good/out of my head enough to skate and even then it was sorta just like "aaah, I'm not fucked anymore and can land this trick, yay." I had some friends though, who could really lay it down while blazing. I used to like skating when I was drinking a few beers, but it was never productive other than skating way faster than I might otherwise.

So ya, I love weed and skating, but it's like anything else I do with weed, I don't wanna get too high. I'm all about finding the perfect amount to institute ease in the body and subtle shift of consciousness.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Double Thick Filbert on April 25, 2021, 07:06:25 PM
Harder to commit, can be hard to focus and balance. But if you are a heavy stoner doesn't make much difference and you will prob need to bring weed to the session to get in the zone. you can also crossfade with a beers and get rid of the fear/hesitation.

A decent micro or low dose of mushrooms or lsd is probably the best /most performance enhancing though. It will give you intense concentration, super acute vision, better balance and timing, higher pain tolerance, longer lasting (balanced) energy, clear mind and many more benefits.

A larger dose, rolling can feel like you are surfing a wave or rolling on water.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: mj23 on April 25, 2021, 07:13:34 PM
Hard to compare, as I’ve only skated baked for ages
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: boi-cuzudo on April 25, 2021, 07:24:05 PM
I was thinking about this just the other day

I have been eating a small amount of THC (<5mg), like a vitamin, every morning since December. I also take .3g psilocybin mushroom capsule as a "vitamin" every 3 days. On those days I really try to make it a point to go skate about 2 hours after taking the medicine because it leaves me feeling incredible- creative, motivated, focused, and flowing. It translates well with whatever I do- whether I end up building shit in the yard, sitting on slap, drawing, teaching, or school work. Skating with that subtle shift is just wonderful though. Mind y'all, I'm not very good these days, but I'm getting some shit back and experiencing greater focus and the ability to skate with less fear- that doesn't mean fearless, but rather better able to understand and assess risks and how to use the body. On top the focus, I just feel lighter.

I used to puff tuff all the time. Burn a blunt before, during, and after a sesh. smoking that much just made it too hard to feel good about anything while skating. I need a good 30-40 minutes come down before feeling good/out of my head enough to skate and even then it was sorta just like "aaah, I'm not fucked anymore and can land this trick, yay." I had some friends though, who could really lay it down while blazing. I used to like skating when I was drinking a few beers, but it was never productive other than skating way faster than I might otherwise.

So ya, I love weed and skating, but it's like anything else I do with weed, I don't wanna get too high. I'm all about finding the perfect amount to institute ease in the body and subtle shift of consciousness.

do you drift off/trip with 0.3g? ;D

Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: DaleSr on April 25, 2021, 09:52:06 PM
I can land flip tricks slightly better. That's about it
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: doublesteveburger on April 25, 2021, 10:09:55 PM
rule of thumb: drink and smoke while you skate - not before
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Prostate Exam on April 25, 2021, 11:29:25 PM
You won't forget your hacky sack at the spot anymore once you have sobered up
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Craig Lutzka on April 26, 2021, 05:11:11 AM
rule of thumb: drink and smoke while you skate - not before
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: cherry on April 26, 2021, 05:35:13 AM
Sometimes it trips me out, most of the time it gets me in the zone.

When I took a "Drugs and the Brain" course in college, I learned that anytime you take drugs, your reaction will come down to Set (how you are feeling internally at the time) and Setting (the conditions of the environment you are in).

I back this statement.

I learned tre flips after smoking dmt, like immediately after.

I learned wallrides on mushrooms.

I failed my drivers license test twice in a row from anxiety.

Had my “cool aunt” take me the third time, smoked a pipe beforehand and the next thing I know the instructor is printing out my license.

The only time I got in a car accident I wasn’t stoned. My grades/caring about school improved immensely when I began smoking regularly.

Drugs effect everyone differently
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Maccat on April 26, 2021, 08:33:09 AM
Just a bit. But at the same time not necessary.

All things through coffee though.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: arrbee on April 26, 2021, 09:20:05 AM
Ledges got really tall, and it felt like my swiss turned in walmart board bearings.

Stick to after the skating now
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: winecrab on April 26, 2021, 09:40:42 AM
Who cares? The real question is why is drinking so glorified in skateboarding. Drinking is a completely stupid thing to do while skating. Come at me bro.  :D

Because it's fun. I don't even drink anymore but I understand why people do it. I don't see the problem with having a couple of beers with your homies while you skate unless you're getting drunk. One time I drank a bunch of riot punch (grain alcohol with blue gatorade) and went to MIA skatepark. I tried a kickflip in the parking lot and split my chin wide open on the rough asphalt. Everything in moderation.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: mooraga on April 26, 2021, 09:44:14 AM
Expand Quote
rule of thumb: drink and smoke while you skate - not before

I prefer to skate sober first, then smoke.
Beers, just a bit, but also same deal. Drunk can't do shit, feel like a 10 years old me learning to skate again; some friends can do it totallly blacked out, its like a superpower for me.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: SatanicPanic on April 26, 2021, 10:12:05 PM
I don’t really like smoking much weed while skating. Like a little is good. Surfing though- fuuuuuuuck give me all the weed. I don’t give a shit if I catch waves, if I do it’s amazing,if I just stare into the water, doesn’t matter it’s the best.

I know that’s not the question but I’m stoned
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: johnes on April 27, 2021, 04:18:47 AM
It doesn’t affect my skating anymore. There have been times in my life where I’d be too stoned and would fall a little more frequently trying certain tricks.
But at this point, almost every trick I’ve ever done and filmed, I smoked weed right before the session and it doesn’t affect my skating in anyway anymore.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: MyUserName on April 27, 2021, 04:51:46 AM
To each their own, but I don’t get how people skate while high. I’ve done it a few times and and it trips me out. I don’t want to do anything physical while smoking, especially skating. I’d rather just relax and vibe.

The few times I skated while high I couldn’t “calculate” the process of doing a trick. Push > roll up > pop > flip/grind/slide/etc. > land. My brain would skip steps and I wouldn’t remember how the hell I ended up on the ledge or whatever. Ugh, I hated it.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Mickey Knox on April 27, 2021, 04:55:55 AM
The key with me is to warmed up already before I smoke, usually after at least an hour of skating. It gives me a second wind of motivation and creativity. I’ve been skating a long time and that extra boost of interest goes a long way. It also helps keep me from losing my shit on stupid kids at the park that have headphones in both ears and collide with people all day long.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Jewel Runner on April 27, 2021, 05:02:50 AM
I used to smoke with my homies everytime we skated but only after getting warmed up and I could skate just fine maybe better. But since I took a t break of 5 or so months I can't skate high. My balance is off and the only thing I can do is cruise around and do some manuals, still fun tho.

Now I like to skate and smoke after I get home and take a long warm shower.

Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Fhk on April 27, 2021, 05:45:17 AM
For me it's definitely get warmed up..few puffs and then skate. And if I'm not feeling, and I'm sucking more than normal I smoke a little more and get on the Slap with the intentions of reassuring myself that I'm a skateboarder.
Nursing one beer throughout the session seems to do the trick when your old too.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Tommy G on April 27, 2021, 05:48:19 AM
I've skated high twice. Both times my muscles become so relaxed and coordinating them to do tricks is hard as hell. I can do about 4 or 5 tricks regular but none nollie or switch. It feels like I black out for half a second while I'm about to pop the board and my style goes out the window, so no more skating high. Give me a couple of beers and I can skate all day.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: skate_or_dingus on April 27, 2021, 06:03:04 AM
Skating high used to freak me out and I'd avoid it at all costs but nowadays I smoke so much that it doesn't really make a difference one way or the other.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Far from relevant on April 27, 2021, 06:06:41 AM
Weed is tight
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Scott Chegg on April 27, 2021, 06:07:03 AM
It all depends on the day, sometimes it makes me skate like shit. But most of the time I land way more tricks first try than I’m expecting and have more fun than sober
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: IpathCats on April 27, 2021, 06:25:47 AM
Moderation is key.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Theme For A Jackal on April 27, 2021, 06:38:59 AM
If I'm high when I'm warming up it's not too good but if I get warmed up first and then get high I definitely get more in the zone and feel like tricks come easier
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Masshole on April 27, 2021, 07:55:53 AM
I find I skate the same if I'm drinking or smoking compared to being sober. If I've had a few beers I'm usually a little ballsier and I never get to the point of being drunk, as I imagine that would just end poorly. Wake, bake, and skate super early is nice though, I love getting to the park/spot as the sun comes up and spending a good amount of time just stretching while I smoke and drink my coffee, I feel like it always sets me up for a good session, but more in a mental attitude sort of way, not just from being high.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: JANUS on April 27, 2021, 08:47:01 AM
I’m pretty much always on some edible mellow grandad weed, so I’m not sure, but it does not seem like it has affected anything negatively. But when I was young and we would smoke needlessly extravagant blunts filled with fancy weed, skating was waaaaaaaay too difficult. Fuck, filming was too difficult.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: breezer on April 27, 2021, 08:51:08 AM
I rarely smoke when I'm skating, I usually wait until after......but I'm still shit at skateboarding, explain that! 
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Wheelbyte on April 27, 2021, 09:10:55 AM
thc raises hist-amine and may over stimulate you like methamphet-amine
like potential for psychosis from high thc low cbd strains
and can also be pro inflammatory if you already have inflammation

and cbd/cbg etc is anti inflammatory and makes you loose and happier
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Youoverthere on April 27, 2021, 10:10:44 AM
Hard to compare, as I’ve only skated baked for ages
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: JohnnyBoy on April 27, 2021, 10:36:28 AM
Smoking is weird. Sometimes I have more fun stoned but I definitely dont get the desire to try anything out of my comfort zone.

Beer really works for me, gives me some chaotic energy that usually means skating faster and going for shit right away. I will say that it does make the falls worse because my reaction time and decision making is obviously much worse once Ive had too much. Last time that happened I fell to the flat of a big miniramp from the coping and tried to catch my fall with my wrists. Big no no. Wrist broke immediately.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: IUTSM on April 27, 2021, 10:45:04 AM
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I was thinking about this just the other day

I have been eating a small amount of THC (<5mg), like a vitamin, every morning since December. I also take .3g psilocybin mushroom capsule as a "vitamin" every 3 days. On those days I really try to make it a point to go skate about 2 hours after taking the medicine because it leaves me feeling incredible- creative, motivated, focused, and flowing. It translates well with whatever I do- whether I end up building shit in the yard, sitting on slap, drawing, teaching, or school work. Skating with that subtle shift is just wonderful though. Mind y'all, I'm not very good these days, but I'm getting some shit back and experiencing greater focus and the ability to skate with less fear- that doesn't mean fearless, but rather better able to understand and assess risks and how to use the body. On top the focus, I just feel lighter.

I used to puff tuff all the time. Burn a blunt before, during, and after a sesh. smoking that much just made it too hard to feel good about anything while skating. I need a good 30-40 minutes come down before feeling good/out of my head enough to skate and even then it was sorta just like "aaah, I'm not fucked anymore and can land this trick, yay." I had some friends though, who could really lay it down while blazing. I used to like skating when I was drinking a few beers, but it was never productive other than skating way faster than I might otherwise.

So ya, I love weed and skating, but it's like anything else I do with weed, I don't wanna get too high. I'm all about finding the perfect amount to institute ease in the body and subtle shift of consciousness.

do you drift off/trip with 0.3g? ;D

not usually. sometimes there's a very minor shift in visual perception, like trails/tracers coming off a moving vehicle, but it's subtle and not really noticeable if you're doing something else. for instance, I was out for a bike ride and stopped at a light, as the truck in front on my drove off, I noticed black tire tread marks follow if for a moment. That's been pretty rare though. Mostly it's extra energy and stuff, kinda feels like it's knocking my mind/body/stress back 10 years.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: jamersonbass on April 27, 2021, 11:19:35 AM
When I moved back to my hometown 10 years ago, tail between my legs after an abusive relationship, I was kind of a mess with weed and alcohol abuse.  I was able to get my old job back, but only part-time.  So days off, I'd drive a half hour for a shitty, pre-fab park.  Used to skate there all the time, but after 6 years, the locals were ripping when I'd show up in the evening after work.

I started a routine of smoking a bowl in the morning, eating breakfast, drinking a couple cups of coffee, and on the drive up I would take a poke or two off my one-hitter.  Worked incredibly well for a couple years.

Early last spring, I was vaping some green crack, thinking it would sharpen me up, even though my brain chemistry hates Sativa's usually.  We got the spot and I didn't even want to pop my nose or tail for like 40 minutes...

Couple of beers and I'm not too faded, and have been known to be a bit ballsier (false confidence).  Now I usually end the session at the brew pub and go home and smoke after the sash.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Brguy on April 27, 2021, 11:43:33 AM
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Who cares? The real question is why is drinking so glorified in skateboarding. Drinking is a completely stupid thing to do while skating. Come at me bro.  :D

Because it's fun. I don't even drink anymore but I understand why people do it. I don't see the problem with having a couple of beers with your homies while you skate unless you're getting drunk. One time I drank a bunch of riot punch (grain alcohol with blue gatorade) and went to MIA skatepark. I tried a kickflip in the parking lot and split my chin wide open on the rough asphalt. Everything in moderation.
A friend of mine had one of those recently, little hole in his chin from trying a bs smith in a very small bowl(very, very small). The line he did before probably made him think he was still in conditions to skate, lol.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: smellsdead on April 27, 2021, 11:44:56 AM
i got 5 on it
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Frank on April 27, 2021, 12:37:43 PM
i got 5 on it

best version, fuckin e 40 killing it, spice 1 with the ender verse, rip shock g
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: JANUS on April 27, 2021, 02:24:21 PM
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I was thinking about this just the other day

I have been eating a small amount of THC (<5mg), like a vitamin, every morning since December. I also take .3g psilocybin mushroom capsule as a "vitamin" every 3 days. On those days I really try to make it a point to go skate about 2 hours after taking the medicine because it leaves me feeling incredible- creative, motivated, focused, and flowing. It translates well with whatever I do- whether I end up building shit in the yard, sitting on slap, drawing, teaching, or school work. Skating with that subtle shift is just wonderful though. Mind y'all, I'm not very good these days, but I'm getting some shit back and experiencing greater focus and the ability to skate with less fear- that doesn't mean fearless, but rather better able to understand and assess risks and how to use the body. On top the focus, I just feel lighter.

I used to puff tuff all the time. Burn a blunt before, during, and after a sesh. smoking that much just made it too hard to feel good about anything while skating. I need a good 30-40 minutes come down before feeling good/out of my head enough to skate and even then it was sorta just like "aaah, I'm not fucked anymore and can land this trick, yay." I had some friends though, who could really lay it down while blazing. I used to like skating when I was drinking a few beers, but it was never productive other than skating way faster than I might otherwise.

So ya, I love weed and skating, but it's like anything else I do with weed, I don't wanna get too high. I'm all about finding the perfect amount to institute ease in the body and subtle shift of consciousness.

do you drift off/trip with 0.3g? ;D

not usually. sometimes there's a very minor shift in visual perception, like trails/tracers coming off a moving vehicle, but it's subtle and not really noticeable if you're doing something else. for instance, I was out for a bike ride and stopped at a light, as the truck in front on my drove off, I noticed black tire tread marks follow if for a moment. That's been pretty rare though. Mostly it's extra energy and stuff, kinda feels like it's knocking my mind/body/stress back 10 years.

What happens if you eat like 3-4 grams? Are the effects subdued, the same, or do you strictly micro dose?
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: dr.prestige on April 27, 2021, 03:02:46 PM
If my tolerance is already really high then skating high doesn't really mess with me much, it basically feels normal. I've noticed that generally I'll have a good session when slightly high but if I smoke too much I get too lazy to try anything or want to exert myself and end up doing no-grind lines around the bowl until I start coming down.

I have a much better time skating on psychedelics, I've done tricks on acid I've never been able to do since. They don't always put me in a skating mood though, and I've noticed that while I'm peaking it's hard to do anything let alone skate so I've kind of decided that the best course of action is to chill out and watch/listen to stimulating media or go on a walk in nature while peaking and then go skate after a couple hours when your mind is easier to use.

As for drinking while skating I've eaten too much shit as a result of that over the years to justify continuing to do it. When you're drunk it sure seems like a fun idea to skate but it almost always ends in some sort of injury for me, and usually quickly. I remember eating shit on a kickturn at Pacifica skate park not even halfway into a tall can and pretty much immediately deciding drinking and skating isn't my thing.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: keepthefunkalive on April 27, 2021, 06:03:26 PM
Usually have 2 beers throughout the session. Smoke about 1 hour in. If the come-down results in being sluggish and messing up easy tricks, I'm done. If I'm still on point, I'll smoke again. I usually don't have more than 3 hours in my old ass anyway.

As far as how it affects my skating, it usually makes it more fun. Might make me suck ass and it might make me actually put together a line or two. I'll usually try stuff I don't normally do, so overall it helps my progression I'd say. Might learn something new, might not. That's skating in general I guess
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: fakie butt drop on April 27, 2021, 06:28:44 PM
rule of thumb: drink and smoke while you skate - not before
the end.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: livin on a speyer on April 27, 2021, 07:13:54 PM
Makes me feel clumsy. Weed is wack.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Circaskater420 on April 27, 2021, 07:22:41 PM
Usually just makes me suck for the rest of the day but every so often during the summer I’ll smoke while skating after being sufficiently warmed up and have a fucking amazing day until I get tired. 
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Boog on April 27, 2021, 07:25:27 PM
Who cares? The real question is why is drinking so glorified in skateboarding. Drinking is a completely stupid thing to do while skating. Come at me bro.  :D
I agree.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: baaaaaaguette on April 27, 2021, 07:27:24 PM
One beer is enough to throw me off so I try to avoid any kind of alcohol or substance until I’m too sore and tired. People who tank dozens of beers and tre flips into bowls are not of this world
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: baaaaaaguette on April 27, 2021, 07:28:22 PM
Usually have 2 beers throughout the session. Smoke about 1 hour in. If the come-down results in being sluggish and messing up easy tricks, I'm done. If I'm still on point, I'll smoke again. I usually don't have more than 3 hours in my old ass anyway.

As far as how it affects my skating, it usually makes it more fun. Might make me suck ass and it might make me actually put together a line or two. I'll usually try stuff I don't normally do, so overall it helps my progression I'd say. Might learn something new, might not. That's skating in general I guess

Damn that’s like the total opposite for me lol
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: IUTSM on April 27, 2021, 07:53:49 PM
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I was thinking about this just the other day

I have been eating a small amount of THC (<5mg), like a vitamin, every morning since December. I also take .3g psilocybin mushroom capsule as a "vitamin" every 3 days. On those days I really try to make it a point to go skate about 2 hours after taking the medicine because it leaves me feeling incredible- creative, motivated, focused, and flowing. It translates well with whatever I do- whether I end up building shit in the yard, sitting on slap, drawing, teaching, or school work. Skating with that subtle shift is just wonderful though. Mind y'all, I'm not very good these days, but I'm getting some shit back and experiencing greater focus and the ability to skate with less fear- that doesn't mean fearless, but rather better able to understand and assess risks and how to use the body. On top the focus, I just feel lighter.

I used to puff tuff all the time. Burn a blunt before, during, and after a sesh. smoking that much just made it too hard to feel good about anything while skating. I need a good 30-40 minutes come down before feeling good/out of my head enough to skate and even then it was sorta just like "aaah, I'm not fucked anymore and can land this trick, yay." I had some friends though, who could really lay it down while blazing. I used to like skating when I was drinking a few beers, but it was never productive other than skating way faster than I might otherwise.

So ya, I love weed and skating, but it's like anything else I do with weed, I don't wanna get too high. I'm all about finding the perfect amount to institute ease in the body and subtle shift of consciousness.

do you drift off/trip with 0.3g? ;D

not usually. sometimes there's a very minor shift in visual perception, like trails/tracers coming off a moving vehicle, but it's subtle and not really noticeable if you're doing something else. for instance, I was out for a bike ride and stopped at a light, as the truck in front on my drove off, I noticed black tire tread marks follow if for a moment. That's been pretty rare though. Mostly it's extra energy and stuff, kinda feels like it's knocking my mind/body/stress back 10 years.

What happens if you eat like 3-4 grams? Are the effects subdued, the same, or do you strictly micro dose?

eating an 8th is still eating an 8th. I'm still tripping but might not* react as much as people who don't trip often I guess. I don't know if that's due to microdosing or having been tripping a few times per year for the past 20 years.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: fakie butt drop on April 27, 2021, 08:21:36 PM
Who cares? The real question is why is drinking so glorified in skateboarding. Drinking is a completely stupid thing to do while skating. Come at me bro.  :D
Read the title of the thread my guy- its about lettuce
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: CorneliusCardew on April 27, 2021, 08:28:58 PM
Sometimes it makes me want to repeat tricks and perfect them... tunnel vision... which I hate when I am sober
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Frank on April 27, 2021, 10:19:47 PM
Sometimes it makes me want to repeat tricks and perfect them... tunnel vision... which I hate when I am sober

for sure. i'll go and try some flat trick i'm barely able to do for an hour or try to do shit with no base in reality, like trying to flip into grinds i have trouble ollieing into, thinking i could land a random switch trick i've never ever done on flat.

what works really well for some reason is doing flips down shit. i haven't done it in years, but that used to be easier when stoned. for some reason i can't ollie right when i'm really fucked up and then i will try to flip everything or try to switch ollie instead, because switch at least seems more natural and easy when i'm high.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: boi-cuzudo on April 27, 2021, 11:38:11 PM
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I was thinking about this just the other day

I have been eating a small amount of THC (<5mg), like a vitamin, every morning since December. I also take .3g psilocybin mushroom capsule as a "vitamin" every 3 days. On those days I really try to make it a point to go skate about 2 hours after taking the medicine because it leaves me feeling incredible- creative, motivated, focused, and flowing. It translates well with whatever I do- whether I end up building shit in the yard, sitting on slap, drawing, teaching, or school work. Skating with that subtle shift is just wonderful though. Mind y'all, I'm not very good these days, but I'm getting some shit back and experiencing greater focus and the ability to skate with less fear- that doesn't mean fearless, but rather better able to understand and assess risks and how to use the body. On top the focus, I just feel lighter.

I used to puff tuff all the time. Burn a blunt before, during, and after a sesh. smoking that much just made it too hard to feel good about anything while skating. I need a good 30-40 minutes come down before feeling good/out of my head enough to skate and even then it was sorta just like "aaah, I'm not fucked anymore and can land this trick, yay." I had some friends though, who could really lay it down while blazing. I used to like skating when I was drinking a few beers, but it was never productive other than skating way faster than I might otherwise.

So ya, I love weed and skating, but it's like anything else I do with weed, I don't wanna get too high. I'm all about finding the perfect amount to institute ease in the body and subtle shift of consciousness.

do you drift off/trip with 0.3g? ;D

not usually. sometimes there's a very minor shift in visual perception, like trails/tracers coming off a moving vehicle, but it's subtle and not really noticeable if you're doing something else. for instance, I was out for a bike ride and stopped at a light, as the truck in front on my drove off, I noticed black tire tread marks follow if for a moment. That's been pretty rare though. Mostly it's extra energy and stuff, kinda feels like it's knocking my mind/body/stress back 10 years.

Nice!! Would 0.3 be on the stronger side for a microdose? I don't know anything about microdoses...

And someone commented of 4g, I think it's actually considered a high dose/strong trip even if you are used to tripping...depending on the species...
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: JANUS on April 28, 2021, 03:12:49 AM
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I was thinking about this just the other day

I have been eating a small amount of THC (<5mg), like a vitamin, every morning since December. I also take .3g psilocybin mushroom capsule as a "vitamin" every 3 days. On those days I really try to make it a point to go skate about 2 hours after taking the medicine because it leaves me feeling incredible- creative, motivated, focused, and flowing. It translates well with whatever I do- whether I end up building shit in the yard, sitting on slap, drawing, teaching, or school work. Skating with that subtle shift is just wonderful though. Mind y'all, I'm not very good these days, but I'm getting some shit back and experiencing greater focus and the ability to skate with less fear- that doesn't mean fearless, but rather better able to understand and assess risks and how to use the body. On top the focus, I just feel lighter.

I used to puff tuff all the time. Burn a blunt before, during, and after a sesh. smoking that much just made it too hard to feel good about anything while skating. I need a good 30-40 minutes come down before feeling good/out of my head enough to skate and even then it was sorta just like "aaah, I'm not fucked anymore and can land this trick, yay." I had some friends though, who could really lay it down while blazing. I used to like skating when I was drinking a few beers, but it was never productive other than skating way faster than I might otherwise.

So ya, I love weed and skating, but it's like anything else I do with weed, I don't wanna get too high. I'm all about finding the perfect amount to institute ease in the body and subtle shift of consciousness.

do you drift off/trip with 0.3g? ;D

not usually. sometimes there's a very minor shift in visual perception, like trails/tracers coming off a moving vehicle, but it's subtle and not really noticeable if you're doing something else. for instance, I was out for a bike ride and stopped at a light, as the truck in front on my drove off, I noticed black tire tread marks follow if for a moment. That's been pretty rare though. Mostly it's extra energy and stuff, kinda feels like it's knocking my mind/body/stress back 10 years.

What happens if you eat like 3-4 grams? Are the effects subdued, the same, or do you strictly micro dose?

eating an 8th is still eating an 8th. I'm still tripping but might not* react as much as people who don't trip often I guess. I don't know if that's due to microdosing or having been tripping a few times per year for the past 20 years.

Neat, thanks!
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: cherry on April 28, 2021, 06:03:19 AM
thc raises hist-amine and may over stimulate you like methamphet-amine
like potential for psychosis from high thc low cbd strains
and can also be pro inflammatory if you already have inflammation

and cbd/cbg etc is anti inflammatory and makes you loose and happier

studies found that exposure to THC could suppress mast cell activation. Mast cells are found in connective tissue and their activation triggers the release of histamine. So suppressing mast cell activation could prevent or reduce the severity of your allergies.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: cherry on April 28, 2021, 06:23:04 AM
Some bacteria that naturally live in our bodies can produce histamine. When these are overgrown (e.g. in dysbiosis) or are misplaced (e.g. in SIBO), excess histamine can build up and cause symptoms. Cells called mast cells line the gut, and are the cells that are responsible for the release of most histamine.

2009 study found that cannabinoids impaired activation of mouse T-cells (a type of white blood cell). Since T-cell activation increases antibody responses, it leads to increased histamine and thus, increased allergic reactions. By impairing this activation, cannabinoids are able to reduce the antibody response and help lesson your allergy symptoms.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: cherry on April 28, 2021, 06:27:00 AM
Not sure how u think meth and weed compare at all or what study u got that idea from but if you’re really worried about histamine, Coffee is high in histamine which can set off what looks like an allergic reaction but it doesn't occur through the typical allergy mechanism. Instead, the histamine from the coffee causes an inflammatory reaction that can be quite severe in some people.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Algar on May 02, 2021, 08:51:05 PM
Weed these days makes me  tired and super sore.  Occasionally it will trigger some creativity and inspiration but I really need to be feeling the setting and the people I’m around.

Back when I was younger skating stoned was super thrilling and although sometimes it would kill the session especially if I went overboard I would mostly skate really well and feel really loose and could just throw tricks out there.

Beer gets me amped for a few but starts to make me sloppy pretty quickly after 2 or 3.

Honestly, as corny as it sounds, just being sober, well rested and fed and a setting that doesn’t frustrate me (which can happen especially being a grump old fart) I feel really fucking good and on, and when I try to mess with it by throwing in substances it usually is something I regret and kills the sesh (weed) or shortens it (beers)
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: backside_reacharound on May 03, 2021, 06:38:55 AM
Some bacteria that naturally live in our bodies can produce histamine. When these are overgrown (e.g. in dysbiosis) or are misplaced (e.g. in SIBO), excess histamine can build up and cause symptoms. Cells called mast cells line the gut, and are the cells that are responsible for the release of most histamine.

2009 study found that cannabinoids impaired activation of mouse T-cells (a type of white blood cell). Since T-cell activation increases antibody responses, it leads to increased histamine and thus, increased allergic reactions. By impairing this activation, cannabinoids are able to reduce the antibody response and help lesson your allergy symptoms.

are you histamine intolerant? i think i might be, funny enough because of an entire summer where i would skate, then have a massive amount of edibles and eat like total garbage while watching of kung fu movies, i think it fucked up my gut flora
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Dirk_Diggler on May 03, 2021, 06:52:27 AM
I only like skating stoned when I’m by myself at night skating a parking lot or with my good friends. I never go to skateparks high..or just any public place except for maybe concerts. As much as I love weed, it’s really something I mainly like to do at the comfort of my own home. I tend to overthink everything and get social anxiety when I skate in front of people I don’t know, even when I’m sober, and weed can make that situation more uncomfortable for me.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: Tyrone Slothrop on May 04, 2021, 01:58:34 PM
Me and a friend were skating a park downtown and we smoked a bit. I then saw this Samoan guy wearing nothing but jean shorts frontside ollie this channel between two steep banks. I got really hyped on it so I did a line around the park. I skated back up to my friend to ask if he saw my line, to which he informed me I hadn't done a single trick.
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: CrappyChan on May 04, 2021, 05:30:23 PM
I used to smoke and skate every day all the goddamn time. I think it kept me feeling too comfortable, I never seemed to progress. I quit smoking last year and I feel like I skate alot better in general. The laziness factor is less. I like drinking a big ole fosters while I warm up, puts me in a good headspace, as does a men at work record
Title: Re: How does smoking weed affect your skating compared with when you're sober?
Post by: IUTSM on May 04, 2021, 05:54:35 PM
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I was thinking about this just the other day

I have been eating a small amount of THC (<5mg), like a vitamin, every morning since December. I also take .3g psilocybin mushroom capsule as a "vitamin" every 3 days. On those days I really try to make it a point to go skate about 2 hours after taking the medicine because it leaves me feeling incredible- creative, motivated, focused, and flowing. It translates well with whatever I do- whether I end up building shit in the yard, sitting on slap, drawing, teaching, or school work. Skating with that subtle shift is just wonderful though. Mind y'all, I'm not very good these days, but I'm getting some shit back and experiencing greater focus and the ability to skate with less fear- that doesn't mean fearless, but rather better able to understand and assess risks and how to use the body. On top the focus, I just feel lighter.

I used to puff tuff all the time. Burn a blunt before, during, and after a sesh. smoking that much just made it too hard to feel good about anything while skating. I need a good 30-40 minutes come down before feeling good/out of my head enough to skate and even then it was sorta just like "aaah, I'm not fucked anymore and can land this trick, yay." I had some friends though, who could really lay it down while blazing. I used to like skating when I was drinking a few beers, but it was never productive other than skating way faster than I might otherwise.

So ya, I love weed and skating, but it's like anything else I do with weed, I don't wanna get too high. I'm all about finding the perfect amount to institute ease in the body and subtle shift of consciousness.

do you drift off/trip with 0.3g? ;D

not usually. sometimes there's a very minor shift in visual perception, like trails/tracers coming off a moving vehicle, but it's subtle and not really noticeable if you're doing something else. for instance, I was out for a bike ride and stopped at a light, as the truck in front on my drove off, I noticed black tire tread marks follow if for a moment. That's been pretty rare though. Mostly it's extra energy and stuff, kinda feels like it's knocking my mind/body/stress back 10 years.

Nice!! Would 0.3 be on the stronger side for a microdose? I don't know anything about microdoses...

And someone commented of 4g, I think it's actually considered a high dose/strong trip even if you are used to tripping...depending on the species...

who I first started the microdosing, I was taking .1.  Not too long ago a friend shared a .3 capsule and I decided that was my sweet spot. I tried doubling up last weekend with .6 and it was just uncomfortable. The yawns, jaw can't decide if it wants to completely let go or clench, kinda want to just go to sleep but have too much energy. I don't know if that's ever been an experience you've had, eating more than .5 but less than 1.5, but I really don't particularly enjoy straddling the threshold like that.