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Skateboarding => USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER => Topic started by: Sony MDR V2 headphones on April 13, 2008, 11:51:27 AM

Title: skating alone
Post by: Sony MDR V2 headphones on April 13, 2008, 11:51:27 AM
pros: no one to rush you to leave when they get tired of the spot (especially when you're trying a trick.), no one to wait in line for, doing dork tricks without having to worry about getting made fun of, no one to ask "what're you trying to do?", setting up a ramp / rail / waxing a ledge the way you want it without the other guy bitching, throwing a temper tantrum without worrying about being embarrased, skate whatever spot you want

cons: no filmer/self filming, gets boring mad fast, no one to inspire you or motivate you, no one to call somebody if you fuck yourself up, no one to play skate with, no one to drive while you look for spots and vice versa,

who else here digs/hates skating alone?
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Lumpy Oatmeal on April 13, 2008, 11:53:19 AM
yesterday i couldnt find anyone to skate with so i just thought id go to this manual spot up the street but i ended up skating right by it and just cruised by myself for 2 hours and i had more fun than i usualy do skating
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: yeah dude! on April 13, 2008, 11:56:15 AM
I go to parks by myself all the time but rarely street skating other than flat in front on my building.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: bizarro gub on April 13, 2008, 11:57:56 AM
even if there are a group of people im still skating alone.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Lance on April 13, 2008, 12:03:35 PM
I like skateing with my regular crew of bros they're fun and the vibe is always positive, I still go to these basketball courts I grew up skating alone all the time, smoothest ground ever and one of the sickest bumps I've ever skate, and its nice because nobody is ever there playing tennis or hoops...quality alone time with your board can definately help keep your frame of mind on everything in life right.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: KoRnholio8 on April 13, 2008, 12:11:20 PM
i do skate alone a lot, but it's not like i have a lot of choice most of you said, there are pros and there are cons...
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: cold budweisers on April 13, 2008, 12:19:51 PM
i have no choice, i don't have anybody to skate with anyway.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Lance on April 13, 2008, 12:23:59 PM
i have no choice, i don't have anybody to skate with anyway.
I'm having that problem with getting laid lately, so I just gotta do it by myself...
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: vicky on April 13, 2008, 12:29:30 PM
i like skating with friends but there is nothing like the feeling of just cruising and trying tricks alone. im usually the most happy when i skate alone.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Pine on April 13, 2008, 12:29:58 PM
i have barely anyone to skate with. so iv learned to like skating by myself.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: BriDen on April 13, 2008, 12:31:09 PM
Just got done skating alone; it's happening more often because most of my friends are assholes. The no motivation thing is really true... you can only play games of skate by yourself for so long.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: picklesickshuv-it on April 13, 2008, 12:39:49 PM
its fun to go skate by yourself and do as many tricks as you can with out flipping your board like halfcabs/nollie halfcabs/fullcabs impossibles, shuvits no complys, 360s and the occasional 360 flip can usually avoid shinners and you usually do everything first-try
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: yep yep on April 13, 2008, 12:44:15 PM
i love skating by myslef, everytime I'm with somebody they seem to want to film...
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Rusty Champignon on April 13, 2008, 12:57:05 PM
mostly I skate with friends but whenever I do skate alone I dont really like to go to spots and stop to skate, its much better to just skate around the streets and bomb hills when youre by yourself because you dont have to wait for people who are behind etc.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Corey Quinn on April 13, 2008, 01:04:32 PM
if i want to skate in my town i have to skate alone, all of my homies quit. i usually drive an hour away once a week to skate with some freinds though and pick up some freinds along the way. but besides that its always solo around here, the guy i used to skate with all the time (#1 on the boards) pretty much quit and thats a big time bummer. i dont mind skating alone though its not bad
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: bill hates on April 13, 2008, 01:05:25 PM
always scared of hurting myself with noone around

or getting hurt with people but at a spot in the middle of nowhere
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: skaterdavid on April 13, 2008, 01:08:40 PM
Skating by yourself is fun sometimes but skating with a crew is more enjoyable since your friends keep you motivated if you are trying a trick. But the thing i hate about that is whenever i am trying to film something i feel like I'm under a constant pressure to land a trick because they don't want to film me even if they say they don't care.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Lance on April 13, 2008, 01:10:48 PM
always scared of hurting myself with noone around

or getting hurt with people but at a spot in the middle of nowhere
I did that shit once years ago, broke 4 fingers on a hand falling, had to snap em' back into place then drive myself to the hospital, talk a freaking out....i couldn't smoke a cig and drive at the same time my shits were so mangled.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Teacup on April 13, 2008, 01:12:26 PM
pros: no one to rush you to leave when they get tired of the spot (especially when you're trying a trick.), no one to wait in line for, doing dork tricks without having to worry about getting made fun of, no one to ask "what're you trying to do?", setting up a ramp / rail / waxing a ledge the way you want it without the other guy bitching, throwing a temper tantrum without worrying about being embarrased, skate whatever spot you want

cons: no filmer/self filming, gets boring mad fast, no one to inspire you or motivate you, no one to call somebody if you fuck yourself up, no one to play skate with, no one to drive while you look for spots and vice versa,

who else here digs/hates skating alone?

Uh i have all of those pros when I skate with my friends... but 99% of the times I skate alone. Not by choice, but because either

a) almost Everyone in my shit ass town is 15 and hasn't learned kickflips yet

b) the few kids that are older still suck terribly, and I find them to simply be faggots

c) There's no spots worth going to, so I just set up my rail/box out front and skate them.

I hate skating alone, but i'd rather skate alone then not at all...
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: rocklobster on April 13, 2008, 01:41:02 PM
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always scared of hurting myself with noone around

or getting hurt with people but at a spot in the middle of nowhere
I did that shit once years ago, broke 4 fingers on a hand falling, had to snap em' back into place then drive myself to the hospital, talk a freaking out....i couldn't smoke a cig and drive at the same time my shits were so mangled.

fuck that sounds intense...

i used to skate by myself when i worked at some restaurant, my shift started from 9 and ended at 5 in the morning....  so ide get home around 6, watch some tv, eat some breakfast and get to the park by 7....  ide bring newspaper too cos there would be morning dew and just wipe down the boxes and skate by myself all morning.... 

it was good because i got really focused and got more consistent with my tricks, plus the park was empty so you could fuck around with all the things you could never do if it was crowded....  but it got kinda lonely after a while, plus it got really hot around 9 in the morning, so i was sweating my ass of....
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Randozzi on April 13, 2008, 02:54:38 PM
solo is pretty much how i roll these days. all my friends live in SF and not too many have come over here. don't mind it too much but getting motivated to skate half the day is hard. thank goodness for my new iPod.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: pleasekillme on April 13, 2008, 02:59:33 PM
mostly I skate with friends but whenever I do skate alone I dont really like to go to spots and stop to skate, its much better to just skate around the streets and bomb hills when youre by yourself because you dont have to wait for people who are behind etc.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: mikefork on April 13, 2008, 04:12:15 PM
skating alone is the best time to work on consistency and starting to learn new tricks, but it seems like i learn tricks faster when i am skating with at least a few people i know. i'll skate down to the park alone and there will be people i know there so i'm not actually skating alone when i head over there. like it has been said, it's more fun to just cruise and find new spots when you're alone, and it's more fun to actually try stuff when you're with a crew. it seems like i spend 60% of the time skating alone, and 40% with people

i did get knocked out bombing a hill alone though and it completely sucked. i remember trying to find my board for the longest time even though it was ten feet in front of me. i had scrapes going down the right side of my face for a while
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: kevbo999 on April 13, 2008, 04:18:50 PM
If I'm not at the park I'm alone.  Skating parking garages or flatground or shitty little spots.  Playing SKATE is one of my favorite things about the park though.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: biggums mcgee on April 13, 2008, 04:25:08 PM
mike you hit the nail on the head
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: benjamin on April 13, 2008, 04:34:49 PM
i only skate alone
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Nancy Chin The Manicurist on April 13, 2008, 04:37:37 PM
even if there are a group of people im still skating alone.

Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: toque on April 13, 2008, 04:38:56 PM
thanks for starting this thread up again.....

my favorite thing about skating alone is that I can wear headphones without feeling like an asshole.  

also you don't have to deal with your friend's egos and bullshit. There's tons of kids to skate with in my city but I find myslef skating alone more and more often...

Also it gets to be frustrating having a car because sometimes people aren't appreciative of you driving them around and act like you're their own personal taxi driver...
skating alone is the best because most other people are lame...most of the bros that were fun to skate with moved away for I've become too jaded from going on here too much and its hard for me to talk to most people about skateboarding without getting kind of irritated
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: StokedTaco on April 13, 2008, 04:51:57 PM
there's only a few people that i can skate with just because everyone at our skatepark just sits on their asses and complains about the shitty park, skating alone is always great but if i can't find anyone to skate with you can usually just find me cruising down hills by myself or just cruising around town.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Guinness on April 13, 2008, 05:31:16 PM
If you get bored skateboarding by yourself, you don't love skateboarding, you love skateboarding with your friends. Being that most of my friends have jobs/go to school, i skate by myself probably 20 hours a week. Its better to skate by yourself, because its easier to focus. I learn way more tricks skating by myself.
this is the first thing you have posted that i agree with
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Edward Penishands on April 13, 2008, 05:34:55 PM
If you get bored skateboarding by yourself, you don't love skateboarding, you love skateboarding with your friends. Being that most of my friends have jobs/go to school, i skate by myself probably 20 hours a week. Its better to skate by yourself, because its easier to focus. I learn way more tricks skating by myself.

i gotta agree with that last part, i'm way more willing to dork around with tricks when i'm by myself, which is why most of the time i learn new tricks with no one around.  but on that first part, i definatly skate harder around people/friends with a good vibe.  when everyone can feed off of each other, it's a great way to motivate yourself.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: RockForLight on April 13, 2008, 06:27:58 PM
I love skating by myself and do it pretty much everyday, but there isn't anything like skating with other people you are down with and feeding off each others stoke. I always try harder tricks when I'm skating with people that are better than me and teaching tricks to kids that want to learn is one of the more rewarding parts of skating to me. I love to skate regardless.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: bothersome on April 13, 2008, 06:34:27 PM
As you get older, skating alone becomes common place.
Peoples schedules always change as do priorities.
Girls,kids,jobs,ego's,drugs do there fair share to disassemble a crew.
After too many wasted days and sitting around for someone to get ready I just said fuck it.
I'm not 14 with no job or responsibilities. I have a limited time window to get out and skate so either you're ready to go or I'm out.I realize this sounds assholish but it isn't half as bad as the people who needlessly waste other peoples time because they're lazy and unmotivated.
I also like skating with headphones, feels like I can block everything out and do tricks without concentrating on things that don't matter. And I feel like a dick doing it with friends around. I have driven to a park where noone knows me so I can just zone out and be antisocial. I used to head downtown and just bomb around skating all these weird little curbs and bumps because im sure my friends would be bored of it instantly. 
But nothing beats a good day of skating with the close friends, laughing and dorking. Just enjoying the time. We have a really tight knit group and I can't think of a bad session ever, maybe some semi lame moments but even if it's some weird crappy spot or it's the battle with filming something theres always someone to play shove it skate with or a random hole in the wall to pitch some  rock into or whatever else we can do to pass the time. I wouldn't trade that time for anything, as they are some of the best memories in my life.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: carbonite on April 13, 2008, 06:58:23 PM
As you get older, skating alone becomes common place.
I'm not 14 with no job or responsibilities. I have a limited time window to get out and skate so either you're ready to go or I'm out.

I agree...the few hours a week that I have in which to skate are so valuable, I don't even think about skating alone vs. with friends/locals--I'm just glad to be able to skate, period. However, when there's no one else around I feel more comfortable working on "basic" transition stuff that I never learned because I never really skated transition.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: wake and bacon on April 13, 2008, 07:10:58 PM
i love skatin with my homies, but i gotta have my bi-weekly manual pad solo sesh in front of this one doctors office. i learn alot right then just cruising and goofing around trying wierd ass combos and making them work. i got into that zone of only trying shit when friends were there just cause they always got me stoked on shit and throwing ideas around and whatnot, but finally got my mental shit together and just skate hard and charge 24/7. even at the manny pad. haha.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: sweets on April 13, 2008, 07:28:22 PM
The best times I've ever had skateboarding have been alone. I love meeting new people and skating with friends and everything but, nothing beats skating alone. NYC or Philly, between midnight and dawn, sometimes feels like you're on a different planet.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Lance on April 13, 2008, 07:31:29 PM
The best times I've ever had skateboarding have been alone. I love meeting new people and skating with friends and everything but, nothing beats skating alone. NYC or Philly, between midnight and dawn, sometimes feels like you're on a different planet.
agree on that NYC shit, never done Philly late night but could see it...
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: rocklobster on April 14, 2008, 02:45:19 AM
Peoples schedules always change as do priorities.
Girls,kids,jobs,ego's,drugs do there fair share to disassemble a crew.
After too many wasted days and sitting around for someone to get ready I just said fuck it.
I'm not 14 with no job or responsibilities. I have a limited time window to get out and skate so either you're ready to go or I'm out.I realize this sounds assholish but it isn't half as bad as the people who needlessly waste other peoples time because they're lazy and unmotivated.

But nothing beats a good day of skating with the close friends, laughing and dorking. Just enjoying the time. We have a really tight knit group and I can't think of a bad session ever, maybe some semi lame moments but even if it's some weird crappy spot or it's the battle with filming something theres always someone to play shove it skate with or a random hole in the wall to pitch some  rock into or whatever else we can do to pass the time. I wouldn't trade that time for anything, as they are some of the best memories in my life.

hit the nail right on the head....  there were a couple of shitty sessions with my buddies but it was mostly great times....  having your friends there with you after you battle a trick down and finally land it after countless bails and slams....  \

my friends used to bitch at me alot when i could skate during the week cos i was working full time...  a full time job really takes a lot away from skating....
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Universal Remonster on April 14, 2008, 03:36:08 AM
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even if there are a group of people im still skating alone.

Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Matze on April 14, 2008, 04:26:53 AM
i never call somebody here. it's just coming home from work, eat something, taking the tram, walk on this little hill and bomb it. then hit up to the local spot where usually somebody skates.

best thing was  last summer. i skated some flat and a manual pad at 10 pm by myself. then i decided to grab a beer in downtown and met a couple of people who wanted to go to a party ... everybody had bikes except of me ... it was one of the best nights of my life. just pushing around as fast as i can, empty streets everywhere.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: L.S on April 14, 2008, 05:40:49 AM
I like skateing with my regular crew of bros they're fun and the vibe is always positive.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Bipsmound on April 14, 2008, 06:30:04 AM
I always thought this was a perfect take on skating alone.  A big empty parking lot really late at night by yourself is one of the simple pleasures in life.

Edit: They wouldn't post, but look at em.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Reesrevo on April 14, 2008, 08:33:15 AM
I skate with either one guy who I originally met through skating 14 years ago. He and a couple other locals got me skating again about 5 years ago when I bumped into them in a club. We also (with or without each other, but more likely me) regularly hookup for sessions with the local crew.

I'm not into skating alone, one time back when I had started skating again I went off and investigated a ramp on my own I fucked myself up bad, was barely able to drive home had to have the day after off work. I have skated a manny pad, kerb type stuff on my own, but I get tired out as there's no line-up to regulate how much I skate.

Love a good mission, love skating different parks and spots and I guess I love the social part too. Variety under my wheels and for conversation while having a breather.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: the canadian suit on April 14, 2008, 08:33:44 AM
I end up skating alone everyday almost.

I work an 8-4 and all my friends work part time jobs that keep them working until 10 or 11.

Half the time these kids in 6th/7th grade show up and try to run a train on my box outside my apartment, but they can barely makes it hard to get hyped sometimes.

but aside from that, any time with friends ends up being the illest, and any time alone is more time on the board so it keeps me sane.

i definitely feel jaded when/if i go to a park though. it sucks. i'm 20 years old and i feel like the old dude at the park.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Reesrevo on April 14, 2008, 08:38:31 AM
haha i'm over 30.. it doesnt matter.. but i guess i'm there with guys my age and some of the younger local guys too
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: loophole on April 14, 2008, 08:43:54 AM
got some time alone in a nearby carpark and practiced bs 180s and other such trixxs over a box. re-learned tres, and finally got down to practicing some switch tricks. at switch i fail miserably, because i hate fucking up on switch ollies with friends around. so i never get down to doing them.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: artichoke on April 14, 2008, 08:44:32 AM
I do most of my skating alone, and am cool with it for the most part.

Sometimes it sucks, like when you half ass out of a trick and nobody's there to call you out on it, or when drunk jocks start to fuck with you.  All in all though, I enjoy just cruising the streets myself and seeing where my board takes me.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: H8R part 4 on April 14, 2008, 09:13:25 AM
theres plus's and minus's to it as with everything else in life.
i like the bro sessions because its usually morefun but i like solo session when i just don't want to be bothered and want to learna  new trick. 
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Numeral on April 14, 2008, 09:36:36 AM
i skate by myself all the time, most of the people i used to skate with moved somewhere else or quit, and the people that skate around town, see skateboarding in a different way, so i can't relate to them, they skate too slow, and hate bombing hills, i love bombing hills and i skate as fast as i can, they are into hip hop and dress in xxxxxxxxl shirts and size 50 jeans and nikes while im into punk and metal and dress in dickies and trucker hats and vans, nothing in common, so i rather skate by myself.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Bipsmound on April 14, 2008, 09:58:52 AM
i skate by myself all the time, most of the people i used to skate with moved somewhere else or quit, and the people that skate around town, see skateboarding in a different way, so i can't relate to them, they skate too slow, and hate bombing hills, i love bombing hills and i skate as fast as i can, they are into hip hop and dress in xxxxxxxxl shirts and size 50 jeans and nikes while im into punk and metal and dress in dickies and trucker hats and vans, nothing in common, so i rather skate by myself.

You fucking suck.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Numeral on April 14, 2008, 10:45:29 AM
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i skate by myself all the time, most of the people i used to skate with moved somewhere else or quit, and the people that skate around town, see skateboarding in a different way, so i can't relate to them, they skate too slow, and hate bombing hills, i love bombing hills and i skate as fast as i can, they are into hip hop and dress in xxxxxxxxl shirts and size 50 jeans and nikes while im into punk and metal and dress in dickies and trucker hats and vans, nothing in common, so i rather skate by myself.

You fucking suck.

you wouldn't understand, i just rather skate by myself, it's like trying to be friends with people you have nothing in common.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Bipsmound on April 14, 2008, 11:04:36 AM
No one understands how dark my heart is.  They smile at me but inside I know they will never feel my pain.  When the autumn moon wanes I shall cast a pox upon all that cross my path and I shall roam the earth for eternity like a lone wolf, a master unto himself.   In my trucker hat.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Say Hi on April 14, 2008, 11:28:09 AM
I've been skating alone 2 years ago for about 1 year. It was the time were i learned almost every trick i do now constantly. After that I just went to the park over and over again and met people and skated with them. These are the same people I skate with everytime I go out skating. They are all really nice people and I like to skate with them and theres always a good vibe. They are pretty much the only people I hang out with except from being in school. But I've been thinking about the people around skateboarding here and I get that feeling lately that I don't like to skate with them as much as I used to. Maybe it's because they are all at least 5 years older than me. Sometimes I think it would be cool to have some people at my age to skate with, but when I look at some kids at my age they can't even kickflip or are the average drunk/smoke/destroying kinda type. I know this is lame but I just wanted to share that with someone..
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: LENNIEKIRKSBIBLE on April 14, 2008, 12:57:00 PM
As you get older, skating alone becomes common place.
Peoples schedules always change as do priorities.
Girls,kids,jobs,ego's,drugs do there fair share to disassemble a crew.
After too many wasted days and sitting around for someone to get ready I just said fuck it.
I'm not 14 with no job or responsibilities. I have a limited time window to get out and skate so either you're ready to go or I'm out.I realize this sounds assholish but it isn't half as bad as the people who needlessly waste other peoples time because they're lazy and unmotivated.
I also like skating with headphones, feels like I can block everything out and do tricks without concentrating on things that don't matter. And I feel like a dick doing it with friends around. I have driven to a park where noone knows me so I can just zone out and be antisocial. I used to head downtown and just bomb around skating all these weird little curbs and bumps because im sure my friends would be bored of it instantly. 
But nothing beats a good day of skating with the close friends, laughing and dorking. Just enjoying the time. We have a really tight knit group and I can't think of a bad session ever, maybe some semi lame moments but even if it's some weird crappy spot or it's the battle with filming something theres always someone to play shove it skate with or a random hole in the wall to pitch some  rock into or whatever else we can do to pass the time. I wouldn't trade that time for anything, as they are some of the best memories in my life.

Yep. Apart from the headphones thing. Can't skate with other sounds coming into my head...

I've been skating solo since I moved to NY for the most part. It started from not knowing anyone, and really not meeting anyone from skating tompkins or around who I really got along with and felt I could just cruise around spots and have fun with. I'm the spot searching random shit kind of guy. Mostly because I can't skate woth a shit, so I just like cruising around looking for interesting spots, and just finding fun shit the whittle the afternoon away on. Most people aren't down for that, or aren't down for some dude tagging along no complying left and right and maybe hitting up a boardslide or two... that said, after a while it just became the norm, and so these days skating alone is actually more appealing than meeting up with some random dudes. I love it for all the reasons stated in this thread so far, and quite a few more. I'll skate with a couple different people here and there, but I usually end up feeling bad for taking them to non-existent spots, that I'm happy enough just cruising through on the way to someplace else, or sitting around while they try and skate something I can't.

Maybe it's just a moving to a new place thing. I don't know. I miss skating with my friends back home, but even then there's only a handful of people I really enjoy skating with (DEGAMETH!), the rest are just buddies who happen to skate. Does that make sense? I've had some of the best times of my life skating with friends, but these days the instant gratification of just getting your board and skating something somewhere is too hard to turn down.

The only alternative would be to try really hard to make some more friends, and I'm not really THAT GUY. I'm happy to go skating, if someone wants to come along then that's rad, if not, I'm still stoked.

The best times I've ever had skateboarding have been alone. I love meeting new people and skating with friends and everything but, nothing beats skating alone. NYC or Philly, between midnight and dawn, sometimes feels like you're on a different planet.

Now that spring is here, NY late night solo missions are mandatory. The Season starts this week. Either tonight or tomorrow night. A new board and some empty dimly lit streets...
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Numeral on April 14, 2008, 01:21:30 PM
No one understands how dark my heart is.  They smile at me but inside I know they will never feel my pain.  When the autumn moon wanes I shall cast a pox upon all that cross my path and I shall roam the earth for eternity like a lone wolf, a master unto himself.   In my trucker hat.

Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: MexicanSpaniard on April 14, 2008, 01:35:13 PM
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even if there are a group of people im still skating alone.


I'm working on correcting that if I'm with people now, I spent the last couple of years on solo sessions so now I'm a bit skatesocially regular.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: LENNIEKIRKSBIBLE on April 14, 2008, 02:19:27 PM
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even if there are a group of people im still skating alone.


I'm working on correcting that if I'm with people now, I spent the last couple of years on solo sessions so now I'm a bit skatesocially regular.

I've forgotten how to talk to people. It's actually awesome.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Teacup on April 14, 2008, 02:27:47 PM
i skate by myself all the time, most of the people i used to skate with moved somewhere else or quit, and the people that skate around town, see skateboarding in a different way, so i can't relate to them, they skate too slow, and hate bombing hills, i love bombing hills and i skate as fast as i can, they are into hip hop and dress in xxxxxxxxl shirts and size 50 jeans and nikes while im into punk and metal and dress in dickies and trucker hats and vans, nothing in common, so i rather skate by myself.

If all you wana do is bomb hills and ride then grab yourself one of these

Not hating on bombing hills, but most dudes also wana take time to learn and progress with their tricks. As far as how they dress goes... why the fuck does that matter? If there was some gangster ass thugs who skated, but were still chill dudes, I'd be glad to skate with them. Although, judging dudes based on how the dress is classic slap mentality.

Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Lance on April 14, 2008, 02:30:51 PM
All this talk of skating alone has me hyped, I'm goin out solo. everyones out skating, so hopefully I'll run into them...or hopefully not.  Fuck I love the spring....
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Numeral on April 14, 2008, 03:09:12 PM
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i skate by myself all the time, most of the people i used to skate with moved somewhere else or quit, and the people that skate around town, see skateboarding in a different way, so i can't relate to them, they skate too slow, and hate bombing hills, i love bombing hills and i skate as fast as i can, they are into hip hop and dress in xxxxxxxxl shirts and size 50 jeans and nikes while im into punk and metal and dress in dickies and trucker hats and vans, nothing in common, so i rather skate by myself.

If all you wana do is bomb hills and ride then grab yourself one of these

Not hating on bombing hills, but most dudes also wana take time to learn and progress with their tricks. As far as how they dress goes... why the fuck does that matter? If there was some gangster ass thugs who skated, but were still chill dudes, I'd be glad to skate with them. Although, judging dudes based on how the dress is classic slap mentality.

who said i ONLY bomb hills?, i chose the dress bit because it was the easier way to show how i have nothing in common with some dudes, i take the time to learn and progress with my tricks, that doesn't mean i have to skate at 0mph, sorry but skateboarding so slow looks like shit, i don't judge them it is the simple fact that i have nothing in common, i like some hip hop and i tried to relate on that level, i was like hey you guys like Gang Starr you guys like Pac?, they were like i like 50cent, i just couldn't go from there, they think of me as the "rocker" dude, i think nothing of them.

ps: no offense but that's one of the dumbest assumptions i've seen, ever dude.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: faceneck on April 14, 2008, 04:31:11 PM
If you're going to bomb a hill, do it on a zip zinger.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: smallest dick here on April 14, 2008, 05:34:43 PM
its so much easier to claim tricks when im alone
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Gest on April 14, 2008, 08:25:34 PM
its so much easier to claim tricks when im alone

Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: toque on April 14, 2008, 11:23:00 PM
No one understands how dark my heart is.  They smile at me but inside I know they will never feel my pain.  When the autumn moon wanes I shall cast a pox upon all that cross my path and I shall roam the earth for eternity like a lone wolf, a master unto himself.   In my trucker hat.

thanks Bipsmound

also here's a good one for this thread
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: oyolar on April 15, 2008, 12:02:33 AM
all of my friends quit skating so all i do is skate alone. it sucks because i don't feel like i progress as much as i would if my friends didn't quit, but when i do learn a new trick (for instance, i'm working on f/s 360s right now) it feels good because i pushed myself to learn it, no one else.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: loophole on April 15, 2008, 04:45:32 AM
whenever i got to the park i'm usually the headphones guy.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Numeral on April 15, 2008, 07:12:05 AM
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No one understands how dark my heart is.  They smile at me but inside I know they will never feel my pain.  When the autumn moon wanes I shall cast a pox upon all that cross my path and I shall roam the earth for eternity like a lone wolf, a master unto himself.   In my trucker hat.

thanks Bipsmound

also here's a good one for this thread

i can't take the music on that video.
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: Back to 0 on April 15, 2008, 08:02:57 AM
I go out alone but usually there is someone around to skate with...
skating alone is fun but it wears me out faster... no people to wait for or on.

have been calling people up in the past but after having a bunch of people say they dont feel like it i usually lose my drive to go out!
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: papasmurfsdog on April 16, 2008, 07:58:27 PM
i have a blast skating by myself but i dont have anyone to stop and watch so i tire out real quick and theres no one to set a pace so when pushing down the street i go balls fast and get super tired
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: on April 16, 2008, 10:38:06 PM
i think one of the main reasons i started skating was cause you could do it don't need to assemble a team or show up for that i'm older i like that aspect that i can just go and do it...rather by myself or if i meet up people at the skatepark it's sick.....
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: toque on April 16, 2008, 10:47:42 PM
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No one understands how dark my heart is.  They smile at me but inside I know they will never feel my pain.  When the autumn moon wanes I shall cast a pox upon all that cross my path and I shall roam the earth for eternity like a lone wolf, a master unto himself.   In my trucker hat.

thanks Bipsmound

also here's a good one for this thread

i can't take the music on that video.

yeah too bad it's not some super underground punk or metal right?
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: frisco on April 17, 2008, 02:32:22 AM
i find it hard to skate by myself, alot of my friends stopped skating, they went through of it like some "popular trend" which pisses the shit out of me, some of my 'friends' even try and clown me for skating, its good to have people to skate with though, motivation, its alot more fun, games of skate

dope that i found more people to skate with out here in vic, but i cant skate everyday which sucks, sometimes i can only skate once a week, which really fucking sucks
Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: bobjohn on April 17, 2008, 03:29:38 AM
This is why I skate alone and don't indulge in skate "fuctions". Nice Life tattoo on the right, though.

Title: Re: skating alone
Post by: underachiever on April 17, 2008, 07:19:23 AM
unless i go to the skatepark, ill usually end up skating alone. skating alone is fun because you dont have to wait for others to show up, others to land their tricks, etc. it can get boring rather quickly, though. usually if im with other people i can get more hyped during the session. also theres the added bonus of filming if something good happens.