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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: Pappalardos Pizza on July 13, 2008, 11:23:11 AM

Title: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: Pappalardos Pizza on July 13, 2008, 11:23:11 AM
post on slap.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: SFblah on July 13, 2008, 12:20:37 PM
I almost posted it on the TWS board but thankfully you let me know I should reply on Slap. Whew!
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: BabyKillaSeason on July 13, 2008, 01:23:47 PM
packed a lunch everyday for 5 years.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: biggums mcgee on July 13, 2008, 01:26:49 PM
our school had a 'Lost and Found' corner in the nurse's office, and a few times a year all the unclaimed stuff would get put on a rack and given away, first come first serve. in 5th grade I found this shirt showing a white hand holding a gun and pointing it at some black dude with this huge lettering 'STOP KILLING ALL THE BLACK KIDS' on it. I was talking to this bitchy substitute aid and I told her something like 'you know, if I brought a gun into school I'de be on TV' and the whole staff flipped shit. mind you this was pretty to the extreme post-columbine era school totalitatian b/s that took place the coming years after that....I was the youngest student ever suspended from our school, 10 years and 249 days old.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: PAWL on July 13, 2008, 01:34:13 PM
i didnt do it, but some kid at my elementary school used to rub poop all over the walls in the bathroom.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: crailtapper on July 13, 2008, 01:42:43 PM
i had my gameboy taken away by the teacher. bitch gave it to her son, too. to this day, i regret not stealing it back. that shit shouldn't have even been allowed.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: beeda weeda on July 13, 2008, 01:45:55 PM
awkwardly talked to girls
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: marcbuster on July 13, 2008, 05:22:14 PM
in 4th grade we made our teacher quit. we were really bad... one time i threw a binoculars at the teacher. we hid in closets and shit during class. here is an article about some kid in my class who did this... i still think it is funny to this day
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: dtrigiani on July 13, 2008, 05:49:51 PM
i just read skate mags all day, every single day of grade 8. at lunch, my friends and i would leave school and go to one friend's house to play THUG.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: loophole on July 13, 2008, 06:34:07 PM
caught a serious case of cooties
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: Pelican on July 13, 2008, 06:36:32 PM
I was class clown and was popular. then i realized it wasn't worth it.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: bentmode on July 13, 2008, 07:13:26 PM
i pissed on ms wievers car.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: gaiparee on July 13, 2008, 07:15:52 PM
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: heckler on July 13, 2008, 07:16:47 PM
i had my gameboy taken away by the teacher. bitch gave it to her son, too. to this day, i regret not stealing it back. that shit shouldn't have even been allowed.
I fucking hated it when teachers did that.
I can't remember too much about elementary school, but I remember that I got into a lot of fights. I also had a 12th grade reading level. Go figure.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: sven thorkel on July 13, 2008, 08:04:56 PM
i had this bulge in my pants in grade 2 one day (i could leave it at that LOL hawt) and for half the day i was getting it lower and lower down my pant leg, then finally i pulled it out and it was my undies from the day before, just chilling in there. the teacher saw me with my gaunch in my hand and kicked me out of class for that. she probably thought i was a level 8 magic master though
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: lenny on July 13, 2008, 08:41:07 PM
watched dark wing duck, and rescue rangers.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: cahl on July 13, 2008, 08:45:19 PM
stuck myself in a locker for giggles
never ate the school food
tech decked when we had "indoor recess" due to rain or snow
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: Prison Wallet on July 13, 2008, 08:50:16 PM
I taught 9th grade English for a couple years and one day the kids pulled out the pins on the door hinges while I was out in the hall. When I turned the door handle and pushed the thing just fell straight in and crashed on the tile floor, loud as hell. Scared the shit out of me.  Stoked but not stoked.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: Allen. on July 13, 2008, 09:31:13 PM
You're ignored so I can't quote you (Pappalardos Pizza) but

beat up kids like you
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: tiger woods on July 13, 2008, 09:42:28 PM
i hit on my first grade teacher, who was also pregnant. i obviously was denied and heartbroken, but i have a thing for milf's because of her, so thank you mrs. wright.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: ice nine on July 14, 2008, 12:28:40 AM
pretended i was a danish exchange student during french class with a subsitute one day

used april fools day as an excuse to fuck with teachers, my friends got our teachers bike on top of his portable, or almost on top then it fell and bent the frame. hid rotten eggs in the principals car seats.

traded/ripped off kindergartners kids pokeman cards when i was in 7th grade.

stole friends backpack that was full of 200 or so pogs and split it with my other friends.

Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: clienteal. on July 14, 2008, 12:44:59 AM
pissed my pants and left a puddle in those shitty plastic seats.

four square and tether ball. chicken fighting on the monkey bars.

watched kids get married by the water fountain. fuck that shit.

saw my friend slip on someones shit in the bathroom.

me and my homie sat up front for story time every chance we could because my bangin ass filipina teacher would wear skirts and sit on a stool. holla.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: Doctor Handsome on July 14, 2008, 01:23:38 AM
I shit my pants and had a huge stain so to play it off I played kickball at recess and kept sliding to the bases so the dirt would blend in with the shit. It looked fine but it still smelled.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: on July 14, 2008, 08:33:30 AM
looked in dumpsters for porno mags....
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: tag_king on July 14, 2008, 08:44:23 AM
Grew my hair supper long and got made fun of. Put a straw in this old teachers wig while it was on her head. Watched south park on lunch because the weird kid Chris Irvi taped it. Went to jack asstors and fucking loved it. Snuck outside the school yard fence during recess. Tried jacking off once in grade 8 but gave myself blue balls and never touched my dick again until grade 10. Kid stuff, ya know?
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: dtrigiani on July 14, 2008, 09:05:49 AM
Grew my hair supper long and got made fun of. Put a straw in this old teachers wig while it was on her head. Watched south park on lunch because the weird kid Chris Irvi taped it. Went to jack asstors and fucking loved it. Snuck outside the school yard fence during recess. Tried jacking off once in grade 8 but gave myself blue balls and never touched my dick again until grade 10. Kid stuff, ya know?

asshdufsd i don't know why, but jack astor's was the shit in elementary.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: MexicanSpaniard on July 14, 2008, 09:23:55 AM
Used Macintosh's
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: Heshstallion on July 14, 2008, 09:29:30 AM
i just walked in the field with my friends and tried to tip over shopping carts that were near the fence at the neighboring apartments
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: MexicanSpaniard on July 14, 2008, 09:51:00 AM
I also saw a boy pee at the urinal with his pants around his ankles.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: EastCoastLove on July 14, 2008, 10:17:16 AM
In first grade we had this certain part of the playground we called "the boys club" (yeah I know pretty gay)    all recess we would spend it holding down our fort,  so one day 4 girls unknowingly walk into our territory and we warned them "GET OUT, THIS IS THE BOYS CLUB!".  and they wouldn't move so I picked up a pretty good size rock, closed my eyes and hucked it in their direction.   It hit one of the girls right on her temple, with my luck being that it was the only black girl in the school named Wanda.  I immediately knew I was in deeeep shit so I tryed getting out of there as quick as I could but the teachers ended up finding me and took me into the office.  The principle was askin me my reasoning for throwing the rock and I kept saying "but they were in the boys club!!!"  but he wasn't really havin it, he just thought I was some racist little punk.  So he brought Wanda into the office and I had to apologize to her face to face.  Pretty awkward if you ask me.  From up until eighth grade he had kept a close eye on me (but I still got in tons of shit with frequent stops to the office all the time).
and it was a lot worse cause my mom was the art teacher there.

God I hated elementary school.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: frisco on July 14, 2008, 10:31:51 AM
I showed my penis to little girls
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: Guile on July 14, 2008, 10:41:25 AM
i was hustlin hustlin.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: sebastian toombs on July 14, 2008, 10:50:56 AM
walked across a big ass cemetery on the way to and from school...   
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: jrock on July 14, 2008, 10:55:24 AM
wore pocket protectors and messed my hair up in an attempt to look like a "mad scientist". 

tried my best to avoid the constant peeing contests taking place in the boy's bathroom.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: guy le douche on July 14, 2008, 11:00:48 AM
listened to eminem and LL Cool J on my cd walkmen with my friends
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: cat on July 14, 2008, 12:57:20 PM
one day in like grade 4 i had this tiny boy boner and i started rubbing it from inside my pocket and that was the first time i ever jerked off. i didnt cum though, but i was a little scared because i didnt know what i just did. it felt nice man
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: eat.shit on July 14, 2008, 03:19:43 PM
Beat up a few kids. One of which wasen't right in the head. He kept throwing this ball at me all week at recess, so I just hit him in the face. He left me alone after that.

Slept alot.

Listened to the Misfits and Ramones.

Stood on the wall alot at recess for not doing homework and what-not.

Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: heckler on July 14, 2008, 03:30:28 PM
I remember I tried to take a shit in a urinal once.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: sven thorkel on July 14, 2008, 05:59:35 PM
listened to cool hip indie bands, went to the shows of the aforementioned, contributed to art collaborations, went to independent movies at independent theaters, wore scarves, shopped at thrift stores, you know, what most 5-11 year olds do
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: Pine on July 14, 2008, 06:05:23 PM
i yelled fuck really loud in 5th grade at recess, everything went silent and every kid looked at me. then some lunch aid came over to me and thought i had emotional problems.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: blizzy on July 14, 2008, 06:22:58 PM
i got my D12 cd taken away and got toootoalyl pissed. fuck i lived a hard live in duh burbs and now yuh gotta take my D12 away? fuck that purple pillls
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: Gest on July 14, 2008, 07:46:15 PM
but in school I PLAYED MEGAMAN 1 2 and 3 FOR GAMEBOY

and got in big trouble in 1st grade cuz a kid tried taking it from me and i pushed him on the ground and hit him in the head several times with a DINOSAUR BOOK
I DIDNT sk8 then

but i read a lot and played so much frigkn earthbound, megaman, and took pix with my gameboy cam, i had a snes while everyone else was gettin 64s IM SO RETRO

my older bro had hokus pokus but i didnt give a shit then
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: marty. on July 14, 2008, 07:58:10 PM
I was pretty impeccably behaved up until sixth grade, and got As or Os or whatever they gave in everything.
Only time I ever remember getting in trouble was sixth grade me and a couple of my friends made snowmen during recess.
We got in a lot of trouble for that too, like sent to the principal and had to watch a safety video and parents were called, it was ridiculous.

Later that year I tried alcohol for the first time in the coat closet at school.
One of the friends who I made the snowmen with stole some peach schnapps from his dad, and we sat in the closet and played uno and drank some of it.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: guy le douche on July 14, 2008, 08:14:18 PM
in grade 6 i once protested with a few friends about are school, (i seriosly cant even remember what we were protesting about, stupid school shit like lunch and sports) it was my friends idea and i was just in for it because i wouldn't have to go to school for a day, we made signs saying "honk for blah blah blah" and walked around the neighbor hood close to the school, we spent most of the time playing video games at my friends house and protested for about 15-20 minutes, it was such a fun day, i knew are protesting wouldn't do shit and it wouldn't matter to me if it did i just wanted an excuse to skip school with my friends, we ended up going back to school at the end of the day and served 2 hours in the class room after school.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: max power on July 14, 2008, 08:23:36 PM
i went to a catholic school when it was still ok to hit kids.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: marty. on July 14, 2008, 08:48:15 PM
Ohh, I also saw porn for the first time in school.
The friend who brought in the schnapps also stole these little porn pamphlets from his dad. In my memory they were about the size of those Jack Chick religious tracts.
They looked like they were made in the 70s, cause of the print and also cause the girls had really hairy vaginas.
Remember looking at them in the bathroom with him and giggling.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: Wizard Fuck on July 14, 2008, 08:50:24 PM
I would listen to Alice in Chains "rooster" pretty much every day and pretend I was some hard core biker like Hells Angels.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: Bipsmound on July 14, 2008, 09:00:13 PM
From Sr. Kindergarten till grade 8, I had the same French teacher.  9 years of Monsieur Guillon.  It was fucked, he'd be teaching grades 1-3, then I'd get to grade 4 and he'd teach 4-6, then 7 and 8.  Not once in 9 years, to my knowledge, can I remember him trying to teach us to conjugate a verb.  All we'd do every day was to get the "Mot Cache" which was just a word search he'd get outta the french newspaper and photocopy.

By about grade 3, I realized he never marked our "work", so you could just throw hella circles on your Mot Cache in 2 minutes, and then the rest of the class was your oyster.  After that, French class was my favourite of all.  Monsieur Guillon would leave the class, sometimes up to 20 minutes at a time, and monster eraser wars would erupt.  Even straight laced nerd ladies were getting in on it.  The golden age arrived when this dude Steve found a Le Kit completely full of pink pearls that some heathen had stashed away. 

I think the principal kept Monsieur Guillon on cause he had this school trip to France every year.  Except the last year I was in his class, he embezzled all the dumb kids trip money, so they finally gave him the boot. 
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: beeda weeda on July 15, 2008, 10:37:49 AM
-stared a small forest fire on my way home from school in grade 5
-got suspended for smoking at recess  grade 8, I took the blame for about 6 of my friensds and told them I was the only one smoking.
2 weeks later, got suspended for fighting the kid who ratted me out for smoking, he kicked my ass. I beat him up a few years ago. (we're 25 now, this was when we were 13)
-smoked pot in the forest beside my school at lunchtime in grade 7, and got 12% on a history test right after
-listened to green day, rancid, operation ivy, NOFX and pennywise
-lived 3-4 houses down from my principal, and egged her house frequently
I was a loser.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: tag_king on July 15, 2008, 10:47:55 AM
Oh yea.. so hear is a really weird story. In grade 7 I started hanging out with these dudes that hung out with all the babes. I am not lying when I tell you I had the HOTTEST girlfriend in grade 8. She was actually the biggest babe we had in our school at the time, but anyway. I got in with this group of guys who all had girlfriends and therefor I got a sweet ass grade 7 girlfriend, which lead to my grade 8 babe. Years later I loose touch with almost all of them entirely. Then in grade 12 I am talking to a girl that was still in contact.. and it turns out that 1 of them came out and told everyone about all the gay shit him and the dudes that I hung out with at the time did with each other.. fucking, sucking cocks, doing all this weird experimental stuff in grade school. It really blew my mind.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: MexicanSpaniard on July 15, 2008, 10:51:57 AM
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: AfroSheen on July 15, 2008, 11:21:39 AM
My teacher gave me detention for not doing my homework for two weeks straight so she moved me to the back of the room, I was really pissed so on my worksheets I wrote "Fuck Mrs. (teacher's name)" and "Mrs. (Teacher's name) is a bitch." Then got detention for a week.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: StabMasterArson on July 15, 2008, 11:35:52 AM
got thrown out of catholic school for stealing artifacts from a field trip.

i killed it so much harder in public school.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: eat.shit on July 15, 2008, 12:08:23 PM
Oh yea.. so hear is a really weird story. In grade 7 I started hanging out with these dudes that hung out with all the babes. I am not lying when I tell you I had the HOTTEST girlfriend in grade 8. She was actually the biggest babe we had in our school at the time, but anyway. I got in with this group of guys who all had girlfriends and therefor I got a sweet ass grade 7 girlfriend, which lead to my grade 8 babe. Years later I loose touch with almost all of them entirely. Then in grade 12 I am talking to a girl that was still in contact.. and it turns out that 1 of them came out and told everyone about all the gay shit him and the dudes that I hung out with at the time did with each other.. fucking, sucking cocks, doing all this weird experimental stuff in grade school. It really blew my mind.

Definitly the funniest story yet.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: Nancy Chin The Manicurist on July 15, 2008, 12:21:24 PM
i didnt do it, but some kid at my elementary school used to rub poop all over the walls in the bathroom.

ahahahahahahahaha! some dude in my high school  did the exact same thing! ahahhahaahahaha. The school faculty was investigating for weeks, trying to apprehend the culprit. All the students knew who it was, but they all did the honorable thing and kept their mouths shut in respect to how fucked up/badass the stunt was. He didn't limit himself to just the boys bathroom . . . . the girls got their lavatories pooped up, too.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: Prison Wallet on July 15, 2008, 01:24:21 PM
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i didnt do it, but some kid at my elementary school used to rub poop all over the walls in the bathroom.

ahahahahahahahaha! some dude in my high school  did the exact same thing! ahahhahaahahaha. The school faculty was investigating for weeks, trying to apprehend the culprit. All the students knew who it was, but they all did the honorable thing and kept their mouths shut in respect to how fucked up/badass the stunt was. He didn't limit himself to just the boys bathroom . . . . the girls got their lavatories pooped up, too.

Sadly acting out with feces is a huge indicator of sexual abuse... I worked with a kid once who took a whole roll of toilet paper and crammed it into the toilet pipe so it was clogged solid. He then took a giant shit on top of it knowing whoever flushed was getting poopy feet. Same kid took his brother underwear from his droor (the kids had their names written in their clothes to avoid confusion) and he shit in them on purpose. He then hid the poopy droors behind the couch so his mom would find them and the bother would get busted.

Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: cat on July 15, 2008, 02:04:06 PM
how i wish i had one of those teachers who liked to take advantage of her grade 7 students. In grade 8 i had the HOTTEST teacher ever. and it almost seemed like she really liked me. i was kind of excited. She was definitely jerk off material for a good few months
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: BabyKillaSeason on July 15, 2008, 11:46:53 PM
I shit my pants and had a huge stain so to play it off I played kickball at recess and kept sliding to the bases so the dirt would blend in with the shit. It looked fine but it still smelled.

this is too funny! i hope this is true!

this thread is really good, i still hate pappalardo's pizza though.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: camel filters on July 16, 2008, 09:26:15 AM
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i didnt do it, but some kid at my elementary school used to rub poop all over the walls in the bathroom.

ahahahahahahahaha! some dude in my high school  did the exact same thing! ahahhahaahahaha. The school faculty was investigating for weeks, trying to apprehend the culprit. All the students knew who it was, but they all did the honorable thing and kept their mouths shut in respect to how fucked up/badass the stunt was. He didn't limit himself to just the boys bathroom . . . . the girls got their lavatories pooped up, too.

Sadly acting out with feces is a huge indicator of sexual abuse... I worked with a kid once who took a whole roll of toilet paper and crammed it into the toilet pipe so it was clogged solid. He then took a giant shit on top of it knowing whoever flushed was getting poopy feet. Same kid took his brother underwear from his droor (the kids had their names written in their clothes to avoid confusion) and he shit in them on purpose. He then hid the poopy droors behind the couch so his mom would find them and the bother would get busted.

in high school a mentally challenged dude took a shit right in front the door to my english class. i was the first one to walk out cuz i had to shit really bad. when i saw the deed, I shouted, "SOMEONE SHITTED ON THE FLOOOOORRR!" I laughed along with everyone else and accidently farted i was laughing so hard. then we all saw the special ed kid in the corner crying so we bounced.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: H8R part 4 on July 16, 2008, 11:45:33 AM
with all this shit talk i must confess! 
i shitted on the hood of a girls car once then zorro'ed my intials on the hood.
then i rubbed the rest of the shit all over her door handles.
sure it was mean but it was really funny and i was drunk.

Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: dtrigiani on July 16, 2008, 05:10:27 PM
I had some temper issues from grades 2-8. I was really in love with toy cars in grades one and two. One day mine got away from me, and this other boy picked ran after it to pick it up. Naturally, I assumed he was stealing it, so I grabbed him in a headlock and then whipped him into a wall.

In grade 8 this one guy kept pulling the hood of my hoody over my head, so I pushed him over a row of desks. The teacher was standing right there, and I had like a 95 average (although elementary schools marks don't really mean anything). When the kid started to protest, the teacher just said, "you provoked him." That teacher also acted super gay, and had a picture of his girlfriend on his desk. She was at least twice his weight. After my friend shaved his head, my teacher always rubbed his head and said his name real slow.

I also used to be (and still sort of am) socially incompetent. Even when girls were complimenting me and trying to talk to me, I was a fucking dick.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: skatemore,man on July 18, 2008, 09:36:16 PM
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i didnt do it, but some kid at my elementary school used to rub poop all over the walls in the bathroom.

ahahahahahahahaha! some dude in my high school  did the exact same thing! ahahhahaahahaha. The school faculty was investigating for weeks, trying to apprehend the culprit. All the students knew who it was, but they all did the honorable thing and kept their mouths shut in respect to how fucked up/badass the stunt was. He didn't limit himself to just the boys bathroom . . . . the girls got their lavatories pooped up, too.

Sadly acting out with feces is a huge indicator of sexual abuse... I worked with a kid once who took a whole roll of toilet paper and crammed it into the toilet pipe so it was clogged solid. He then took a giant shit on top of it knowing whoever flushed was getting poopy feet. Same kid took his brother underwear from his droor (the kids had their names written in their clothes to avoid confusion) and he shit in them on purpose. He then hid the poopy droors behind the couch so his mom would find them and the bother would get busted.

ah man, 2 of the kids who i'm working with right now are into that . Either smearing shit or leaving logs of shit in their underwear and throwing in a laundry basket to hide it.

when i was in elementary school i wanted to be an indian. i had a braided white kid rat tail, moccasins, a beaded necklace. I was a weird shit.

In middle school i got a misfits/black flag tape and a powell mini logo and started making noise.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: skate_bored on July 18, 2008, 09:57:17 PM
when i was in elementary school i wanted to be an indian. i had a braided white kid rat tail, moccasins, a beaded necklace. I was a weird shit.

thats awesome
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: Jimmy909 on July 18, 2008, 10:24:45 PM
I pissed my pants mid way through a cross country race and still ran the rest.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: schweet on July 18, 2008, 11:30:54 PM
I remember when i was in like fourth grade maybe even earlier, i got this defective capri-sun pouch drink.  It was all bloated up and expanded.  When i opened it and drank it, it tasted like wine.  So then of course, all my friends wanted to try it.  I let them and then we all acted like drunken idiots the rest lunch period, even though there definitely wasn't any alcohol in it (the pouch must have been  old or it fermented somehow).
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: toonie on July 19, 2008, 05:33:28 AM
sold cigarettes in grade eight
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: skasta on July 22, 2008, 01:39:44 PM
in 6th grade i went to a completely new school and i had to start all over with friends. i started getting in tight with the cool guys right off the bat but one of the guys in the crew didn't like me for some reason and randomly punched me in the stomach. i gladly returned the favor right after. the next day my teacher thought it would be good for people to have nick names that they didn't like. i wasn't really in to it as it just made kids more annoying than usual. the same dude who punched me kept up with dumb names and later that week i saw him at recess, chased him down and punched him right in the face. we got taken in to the principals office and my teacher was like wow are you going to fight every one you meet that talks crap? i replied maybe. he tried to explain that fighting doesn't solve anything and was like get out of here. dude was cool and let us both off the hook. after that the kid and i remained cool for the whole year.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: ALT on July 22, 2008, 01:55:32 PM
sold cigarettes in grade eight
I used to do that, sold them individually in a folded up piece of paper.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: Cthulhu! on July 22, 2008, 07:53:16 PM
In Elementary school I was always the quiet kid. I never did anything bad, not once did any teacher tell me to stop talking or some shit like that. I was always excited to go the next day(that all ending when I met the cool older guys in junior high). Anyway so we were taking some test and she didn't want anyone going to the bathroom for whatever reason. So damn, of course I had to go. So I go up to her all nice and shit you know, "May I use the restroom?" So this bitch says "No! Didn't you listen to me!" Now in my mind she owed me, I never did anything bad and I always got A's . I got so mad, it was like ok fuck her. I went to my chair and pissed in my pants. This was my way of getting back at her. So now I was all wet and shit and had to use my socks to soak up the puddle. Obviously it back fired and I smelled like pee for the rest of the day  No one said anything to me though, not even the girl next to me who I was sure would have had to have known. Junior High was much better. I dated the two hottest girls, started fights and started skating.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: skatemore,man on July 24, 2008, 03:19:30 PM
^^^nice lovecraft name.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: chunkysalsa on July 24, 2008, 08:47:43 PM
My 20-something sister had just stayed the weekend and left her underwear in my room
They were men's boxers and had cherries all over them and not thinking I wore them to school

Me and my friends all used to be into soccer and we're playing and this cute little girl came and out of the blue pulled down my pants and saw my boxers and I got the nickname "cherries" for 1 1/2 years

Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: Dr Newton on July 24, 2008, 09:32:57 PM
In elementary school I was the biggest asshole on the planet. I treated everyone else like they were completely inferior to me, in every way.

In middle school, I started skating. My friends and I would do  the stupidest shit, like go out with multiple girls at the same time (my friend seriously had NINE girlfriends at once that knew nothing about each other), write graffiti all over the school and then blame others, bring porn in to class, and fuck around with substitute teachers. My seventh grade history teacher, this lazy old black guy, decided to retire after having me and a few others.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: slappies on July 24, 2008, 10:44:43 PM
When I was in I think grade.1 I got suspended for racism. I got in a fight with some kid and my friend who happened to be black tried to break it up. I wasn't thinking and yelled "BACK OFF FUDGE!" I didn't realize what I did was bad untill I was sitting at home the next day listening to my mom yell at me.
Title: Re: things you did in elementary school.
Post by: Paustoolio on July 26, 2008, 08:22:36 PM
In first grade i was playing on the monkey bars and had to go pee really bad, but it was too far so i just stood there in the sand pissing my pants. Instead of going to the office or anything i just kept lplaying, but as i was walking away from my puddle i overheard a bully squeal with delight, "Yeah, WET SAND!" he proceeded to make sand castles. it was amazing.

In middle school i started skating, like the most of you, so the school would be my afternoon hangout. I somehow got the idea that i could fuck the whole school up without anyone everknowing it was me. So for months i would go afterschool and break off hundreds of safety clips, pencils, twigs, or wahtever random object into keyholes. Almost every two weeks the whole school would be locked out for like three to four hours. The locksmiths went fucking beserk. "What the fuck is all this grass doing in a goddamn keyhole?!"