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Skateboarding => USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER => Topic started by: switchfrontshuv on August 05, 2008, 11:04:50 AM

Title: Out for Fame
Post by: switchfrontshuv on August 05, 2008, 11:04:50 AM
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: loophole on August 05, 2008, 11:07:48 AM
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: blizzy on August 05, 2008, 11:13:10 AM
i thought of that part from the NK video when i read your post
"graffiti on da wall, graffiti on da wall, graffiti on da wall right in my hand"
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: carbonite on August 05, 2008, 11:30:08 AM
If it causes the park to be closed then yeah it's bad.
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: Cheapboarder on August 05, 2008, 12:06:08 PM
man so many people viewing but barely anyone posting, lame, what a waste, I thought skaters would be into this shit, oh well

Cool to look at but it pisses me off sometimes because the skate park looks so grimey and the only reason I skate a outdoor park is for a clean tranny/bowl. Bothers me sometimes.
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: The Maestro on August 05, 2008, 12:09:40 PM
I think it sucks on the riding surface, makes it slippery and dangerous.
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: ahlee on August 05, 2008, 12:13:19 PM
Cement parks needs graffitti. Everywhere.
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: danker peaches on August 05, 2008, 12:16:01 PM
The park i skate at is older and the cement is rougher so it makes it better to skate i think. Some of the shit they do can look cool but i can't say i am down for most of it.
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: artichoke on August 05, 2008, 12:20:45 PM
I don't know where the skatepark / graffiti relationship got started, but it seems like every outdoor park (and a lot of indoor ones too) are covered in shitty tags.  A huge mound of skatepark gray isn't exactly aesthetically pleasing to the public to begin with, which is why you always see them pushed in the corner behind soccer fields.

I would be content to never see another curved wall looking like this again in my life:

One time when I lived in Vermont I yelled at some kids for tagging the park (which clearly has no graffiti signs up and had been closed in the past for repainting) and ended up almost getting jumped by a bunch of high school kids.  Kind of funny.
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: Guile on August 05, 2008, 01:15:52 PM
personally i couldnt give a shit less about spray paint anywhere, let alone on something im skating. it doesnt affect me trying to do something so i dont see why cities waste so much time covering it up and removing it. our park is notorious for changing shades of white and grey every two weeks when they come and cover up the new "tags" or "Pieces". plus most of the time no one knows what the fuck it says.
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: cheep on August 05, 2008, 01:18:04 PM
i dont see how its any worse than waxing and skating a marble ledge
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: Rusty Champignon on August 05, 2008, 01:19:31 PM
you're lucky you get real "tags" in america, all we get over here is "COCKMASTER" or "JENNYS MUM DOES ANAL FOR CIGS" scrawled on the transition in some of the concrete parks i've been to, one said "GARY JOHNSON SPOONS MEN"
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: wake and bacon on August 05, 2008, 01:29:20 PM
i dont see how its any worse than waxing and skating a marble ledge

why would you wax a marble ledge?
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on August 05, 2008, 01:31:37 PM
i dont see how its any worse than waxing and skating a marble ledge
ONe makes skating better, the other makes it worse. Not to hard to figure out.

Oh, and we have a lot of stupid and shitty graph in the states. LOTS OF THEM.
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: MexicanSpaniard on August 05, 2008, 01:34:41 PM
you're lucky you get real "tags" in america, all we get over here is "COCKMASTER" or "JENNYS MUM DOES ANAL FOR CIGS" scrawled on the transition in some of the concrete parks i've been to, one said "GARY JOHNSON SPOONS MEN"
Those are the best! Nothing like looking at some lump of cement and then giggling because Jenny's Mum's a ho.
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: Rusty Champignon on August 05, 2008, 02:00:50 PM
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you're lucky you get real "tags" in america, all we get over here is "COCKMASTER" or "JENNYS MUM DOES ANAL FOR CIGS" scrawled on the transition in some of the concrete parks i've been to, one said "GARY JOHNSON SPOONS MEN"
Those are the best! Nothing like looking at some lump of cement and then giggling because Jenny's Mum's a ho.

they are hilarious, I saw one a few years ago back in school, there was quite a manly woman teacher called Miss Porter and someone wrote on the wall "Miss Porter has big fat hairy balls" they always make me laugh
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: suckitornot on August 05, 2008, 02:04:26 PM
i like it at skateparks unless the park is metal, then the paint makes the ramps too slippery. nothing like rolling your ankle because you step off your board onto some slippery ass paint.
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: Natty Bumpo on August 05, 2008, 02:05:13 PM
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you're lucky you get real "tags" in america, all we get over here is "COCKMASTER" or "JENNYS MUM DOES ANAL FOR CIGS" scrawled on the transition in some of the concrete parks i've been to, one said "GARY JOHNSON SPOONS MEN"
Those are the best! Nothing like looking at some lump of cement and then giggling because Jenny's Mum's a ho.

True that, a I skate this ramp 40 minutes away with a friend, just to see all the penis drawings and refrences to "smoking fatties" that all the middle school kids rite all over it. Never gets old.
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: suckitornot on August 05, 2008, 04:54:28 PM
no skatepark  or ditch is complete without a slayer tag or a horribly drawn potleaf
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: carbonite on August 05, 2008, 05:39:18 PM
you're lucky you get real "tags" in america, all we get over here is "COCKMASTER" or "JENNYS MUM DOES ANAL FOR CIGS" scrawled on the transition in some of the concrete parks i've been to, one said "GARY JOHNSON SPOONS MEN"

That graffiti displays an advanced, subtle sense of humor compared to the material I see at my local park:
"CRIPS UP BLOODS DOWN" or any variation thereof
and of course, the classic ejaculating penis.
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: artichoke on August 05, 2008, 07:58:43 PM
You can't forget the other classics like
"smoke weed"
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: heckler on August 05, 2008, 08:12:58 PM
I KNOW ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about real graffiti culture. Those crazy letters and shit? I've been told that they actually spell stuff. I don't know. I'm too old to try and fake any type of urban street culture bullshit. I'm from the fuckin' country. But I do know a shitload about ditch graffiti. You wanna get down with that scene? Read on, Johnny.

Go to Wal-Mart and buy a can of the shittiest spray paint they have. Dgn't be trying to get all fancy with your Krylon bullshit. This is ditch graffiti. The shittier it looks the better. And yeah, I know, you don't want to shop at Wal-Mart because they're fucking up America. But where I'm from the only place to buy spray paint anywhere close to the ditch is going to be WaI-Mart so you're gonna have to suck it up, hippie.

Okay, so you have your can of shitty spray paint. Oh yeah, make sure to buy either black, red, or florescent green. Not sure why, but those are the rules. So grab your can and step into the ditch. Try to find the wall that is most visible to the public. Now try to think of the dumbest fucking phrase you can come up with. If you need help, some popular themes include: moms who service men's genitalia with their mouths, schoolmates who enjoy sex that involves butts, the Misfits, Independent tucks (yeah, tucks--you gotta misspell that shit), dudes that live in your town who are far less superior at skateboarding than you are, heavy metal, weed, Pabst Blue Ribbon, and dinosaurs having sex with each other. Actually I just made up that last one. But I think it would be pretty cool if people started spray painting dinosaurs fucking. Just to make sure that the adults have "no idea what the fuck is going on with the kids these days."

But I digress. So come up with your phrase and paint that shit as big as you can. Misspell at least one word and be sure to disregard all rules of typography. Kerning? Tracking? What the fuck is that? Oh yeah, all caps. That's mandatory. And the drippier the better. If you're going to be adding some sort of graphical element to enhance your graffiti, then make sure that your drawing skills are not above a third grade level. If you're good at drawing then just stick to the letters. And if you're at a loss for what type of imagery you should be working with, just remember these three words: crudely rendered penis.

That's really all there is to it. I personally don't do any type of ditch graffiti because in my opinion that's just red flags for cops to start busting people. But if you're the kind of dude who is doing ditch graffiti, you probably don't have the ability to form any type of sequential thought pattern so in your mind you're not doing anything wrong. Right? Right.

So, to recap: Go buy some shitty spray paint, go to the ditch, find the most visible wall, spray paint whatever dumbfuck inbred thought you have running through your head, and then just sit back and wait for the spot to become a bust. You're now a ditch graffiti artist. Good job, fucker.

Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: Wizard Fuck on August 05, 2008, 08:17:56 PM
If it's actually art than I'm all for it. But if it's some lame shit like their name or just words than it doesn't need to be their. It just makes it look ugly.
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: Mortal Horror on August 05, 2008, 08:47:50 PM
you're lucky you get real "tags" in america, all we get over here is "COCKMASTER" or "JENNYS MUM DOES ANAL FOR CIGS" scrawled on the transition in some of the concrete parks i've been to, one said "GARY JOHNSON SPOONS MEN"

Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: Peter on August 05, 2008, 08:54:49 PM
most of the time no one knows what the fuck it says.
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: Al Bania on August 05, 2008, 09:08:49 PM
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: spungo on August 05, 2008, 09:12:38 PM

Black Flag

Eat a Dick

when it comes to graffiti, I like it nice, but I appreciate really shitty skatepark graffiti.  I guess it's low brow, but in the same way people like Neckface. 
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: Choad Muskrat on August 05, 2008, 09:47:18 PM
don't really care either way

most of it looks like shit, but your not there to appreciate art your there to skate

Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: Mouth on August 05, 2008, 11:02:07 PM
"Juice Tigaz! Tuffa' than Tuff!"

My personal favourite.
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: toque on August 05, 2008, 11:21:53 PM
I've had a few conversations with people about bringing those roller brushes and painting santa rosa skatepark all bright neon orange one night....just to piss of all the graff headz who try to get recognition there.  some of that stuff actually looks pretty cool though. 

theres another skatepark around here thats in a cage and they lock it up for a whole week if theres so much as one word or line.....I think they closed it once because a kid wrote the F-word in wax. 
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: TheFrontSeatLife on August 06, 2008, 08:12:04 AM
When I lived in Daytona I threw a ditch contest and the night before this local uh, "gang", or the closest thing to it in the town (the ditch was in New Smyrna Beach, 20 minutes south of Daytona) spray painted "SPB" on the biggest wall. SPB standing for Sable Palm Boyz, the name if their gang, which lived on Sable Palm Road. They did this for exposure; because I was shooting photos of the contest and they wanted to "represent". I asked them "Why didn't you write out "Sable Palm Boyz" instead of just "SPB" because no one outside of New Smyrna knows anything about your gang.

I think I blew his mind.
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: Well Comma on August 06, 2008, 09:09:43 AM
I skate ditches in really suburban areas, so they literally have penises on every possible surface. I don't know, as long as the paint doesn't ruin the surface or the spot, I don't care if it is there. If the graffiti is something that I don't agree with, I can just change it myself.
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: danker peaches on August 06, 2008, 10:25:05 AM
I've had a few conversations with people about bringing those roller brushes and painting santa rosa skatepark all bright neon orange one night....just to piss of all the graff headz who try to get recognition there.  some of that stuff actually looks pretty cool though. 

theres another skatepark around here thats in a cage and they lock it up for a whole week if theres so much as one word or line.....I think they closed it once because a kid wrote the F-word in wax. 
wow thats a little to strict i think. there used to be a wall beside one of the trannys at my park that was just making fun of are friend and it was there for a week at least. I think the only reason they had to paint it was skate camp was starting.
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: Hobochilli on August 06, 2008, 11:11:45 AM
Graffiti is for trains
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: dtrigiani on August 06, 2008, 11:13:42 AM
as far as i know, my local skatepark is graffiti free, and I like it that way. I wouldn't mind decent artists working on it, but that would open the door even more for the other 90% of people with spraypaint and markers that just write stupid messages all over the place.
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: ALT on August 06, 2008, 11:37:03 AM
I cant stand that shit. The council in my city welcome people doing graffiti on the park as they think it keeps them from doing it anywhere else. I can't stand looking at that shit, I do like some decent graffiti but its all fucking shit and it looks a mess. The council even painted the park with black house paint once so the local hippys could hold some crappy graffiti comp.
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: masturskater on August 06, 2008, 01:08:34 PM
you're lucky you get real "tags" in america, all we get over here is "COCKMASTER" or "JENNYS MUM DOES ANAL FOR CIGS" scrawled on the transition in some of the concrete parks i've been to, one said "GARY JOHNSON SPOONS MEN"
i haven't been around in awhile, but "big $$$ gary busey"

was that right?
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: Baby Rabies on August 07, 2008, 06:34:53 PM
I don't really give a shit. Sometimes it looks cool. The bowl in Oz where Shane Cross had his last Thrasher cover (BS NB) looks like it has some nice pieces in it.
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: Allen. on August 07, 2008, 08:12:40 PM
i haven't been around in awhile, but "big $$$ gary busey"

What is that from, I remember seeing it in a video!
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: masturskater on August 07, 2008, 09:47:44 PM
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i haven't been around in awhile, but "big $$$ gary busey"

What is that from, I remember seeing it in a video!
FDR...i haven't been there in like 5 years
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: fake account gets locked on August 07, 2008, 10:32:47 PM
out for lulz bitch
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: Raw!!! on August 07, 2008, 10:43:00 PM
"Bob Loseedo wears a Speedo"
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: toque on August 07, 2008, 11:38:56 PM
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"Bob Loseedo wears a Speedo"

what the fuck is that from? I've heard that shit before from somewhere

I have seen it in a few pools and shit in random videos,  never understood it.  I think it would be funny to write it at some kind of spot just to keep with the tradition
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: toonie on August 08, 2008, 12:47:27 AM
albany pool?
Title: Re: Out for Fame
Post by: bobjohn on August 08, 2008, 03:42:01 AM