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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: Bipsmound on October 19, 2008, 01:12:51 PM

Title: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Bipsmound on October 19, 2008, 01:12:51 PM
I think I'm racist against philosophy students.

When you see a 20 year old in full tweed suit and tie reading Descartes in a Harvey's (this actually happened today), and you know he's a future corporate lawyer stooging it up, or you hear a bunch of them "debating" each other at a lame college party by reciting what they learned in class verbatim.

One time I saw a band that was composed completely of philosophy students.  They were like the philosophy all-stars.  So dreamy... but I'll puke on them.  This has been a long standing prejudice that will probably last into old age.

What generalizations do you cling to to get your angry shit juices flowing?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: biggums mcgee on October 19, 2008, 01:23:54 PM
19/20 kids my age and younger

and thats being nice
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: frisco on October 19, 2008, 01:26:15 PM
my friends who became coke heads and burnt out fucks
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Guile on October 19, 2008, 01:28:49 PM
my friends who became coke heads and burnt out fucks
this about covers it.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Wizard Fuck on October 19, 2008, 01:31:30 PM
Kids that rock climb and like the Grateful Dead because they "smoked a bunch of weed".
Kids that like Bob Marley because he had dreads and smoked weed.
Basically every single kid 18 and younger. With the exception of a few.

Oh yeah, and a lot of hipsters with some exceptions.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: biggums mcgee on October 19, 2008, 01:39:41 PM
Kids that rock climb and like the Grateful Dead because they "smoked a bunch of weed".
Kids that like Bob Marley because he had dreads and smoked weed.
Basically every single kid 18 and younger. With the exception of a few.

Oh yeah, and a lot of hipsters with some exceptions.

I liked the dead before I started puffing, does that count?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: oldcasual on October 19, 2008, 01:39:55 PM
fake people who treat their friends like shit, but somehow everyone still likes them
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Matze on October 19, 2008, 01:51:02 PM
pedagogues who try too hard. 50 year old hippie professors who think they're still 22.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Sony MDR V2 headphones on October 19, 2008, 01:53:03 PM
fake people who treat their friends like shit, but somehow everyone still likes them

   Oh jesus... i go to private school and there's a network of elitists who all hang out together and take an overkill amount of pictures and put them on facebook. it's a private school system that goes from k-12 and basically everyone besides me has gone there since conception. (i started freshman year.) it's all politics and they're all rich or at least have parents that make a 6 figure income. everyone in the school thinks i'm a wierd awkward douche, and i can never get a seat at a lunch table or get any dates to dances. i live in a part of town that some of them haven't even heard of.

   somehow they found out that i skate and make fun of me for it on a nearly constant basis. so every morning (...there's a halo hanging from the corner of my girlfriend's four post bed.) i pull up in my 1978 chevy nova. i park between 2 09' 4 runners. plus all the dudes dip, hunt, watch nascar, make racist jokes, and listen to incubus. so yeah most of the fuckers at school.

<3 bipsmound

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: jrock on October 19, 2008, 01:55:58 PM
you must be from the south.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Pelican on October 19, 2008, 01:58:37 PM
the people who hide in my closet and masturbate while i sleep
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sweets on October 19, 2008, 02:06:17 PM
I love everyone. We are all God's creatures.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sven thorkel on October 19, 2008, 02:25:38 PM
i dont think theres a kind a person that i like
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Foray on October 19, 2008, 02:33:55 PM
The daily volleyball cult that congregates right outside my apartment building and yells from noon til midnight.

People who think it's alright to constantly mongo stomp and 'feel the curves' on a longboard on walking paths around campus.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sebastian toombs on October 19, 2008, 02:40:42 PM
fucking people who dont clean up after themselves...
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: angryfacedman on October 19, 2008, 02:41:30 PM
fake people who treat their friends like shit, but somehow everyone still likes them
I also hate people like this:
and I also hate about, lets see, about 79% of the people on my school.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: All Hail Wu Welsh on October 19, 2008, 02:58:18 PM
fucking people who dont clean up after themselves...

theres nothing that bother more than that, it seems like half the kids i know these days arent fuckin house trained, they leave the door open when they walk in, dont put food away after theyre eating, etc.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sweets on October 19, 2008, 03:12:44 PM
Hate is really a strong word. I dislike people who think too highly of themselves (there's a huge difference between pride and confidence ) and don't think of others' ever. I think it's possible to take care of one's self without fucking people over.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: McGarngle on October 19, 2008, 03:20:08 PM
Not sure if i spend enough time thinking about them to hate these people, but: shiny shirt wearing douche-bags who try to start  bar fights at closing time.  Also the kind of woman i see on the bus who's dressed all in pink and complains when she has to get up for someone in a wheelchair.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: 4LOM on October 19, 2008, 03:26:44 PM
I think I'm racist against philosophy students... you hear a bunch of them "debating" each other at a lame college party by reciting what they learned in class verbatim.

I don't think they're a race, although most are as white as wonder bread.
And philosophy is like chess, the first few moves are predictable, but then things can get good.

I don't like people that are too pretty, too ugly, or too fat.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Corey Quinn on October 19, 2008, 03:31:00 PM
the people who hide in my closet and masturbate while i sleep
you made me spit my coffee out, just didnt see this coming thats all
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Ben Throttle on October 19, 2008, 03:31:57 PM
I pretty much like everyone except the type of people that strictly confine to there own little group and never make friends with anyone that doesn't have similar interest in music or movies.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: toonie on October 19, 2008, 03:34:46 PM
fucking people who dont clean up after themselves...
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: danker peaches on October 19, 2008, 03:38:28 PM
i dont think theres a kind a person that i like
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Cheapboarder on October 19, 2008, 04:28:20 PM
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fake people who treat their friends like shit, but somehow everyone still likes them
I also hate people like this:
and I also hate about, lets see, about 79% of the people on my school.

Yeah, I hate faggots like that. Telling their friends to shut up and crap. I know a guy like that in one my classes. I wish one of his "friends" would just tell him to fuck off.

Angry there is one person in my school who dresses like that and he is openly gay.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Sony MDR V2 headphones on October 19, 2008, 04:39:31 PM
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fucking people who dont clean up after themselves...

yeah people like this too. god i could be in this thread all night.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Tarquin on October 19, 2008, 04:48:33 PM
miserable and negative fucks who just complain and drag everyone else down, and emos
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Wizard Fuck on October 19, 2008, 04:58:46 PM
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Kids that rock climb and like the Grateful Dead because they "smoked a bunch of weed".
Kids that like Bob Marley because he had dreads and smoked weed.
Basically every single kid 18 and younger. With the exception of a few.

Oh yeah, and a lot of hipsters with some exceptions.

I liked the dead before I started puffing, does that count?

I said I hate kids that only like the grateful dead because they, meaning the band, smoked weed. I have heard that answer countless amounts of times.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: ccc333 on October 19, 2008, 05:03:48 PM
I hate everybody.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: MEOW on October 19, 2008, 05:18:37 PM
if you're not a ridiculously hot girl or an extremely down to earth skateboarder, i probably hate you
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Dr Newton on October 19, 2008, 05:31:05 PM
There's this gay black kid who sits behind me in AP Psychology and wears a stupid Barack Obama t-shirt every day. He constantly mentions in class that he wants to "get drunk and get some dick," how he would "have sex with anything," and how "sex is just sex no matter who it's with." Anyway, the other day he said to me, "Can you pass back that paper, honey?" in this feminine voice. He seriously fucking called me "honey." Ordinarily I would've punched him right in his face, but I couldn't afford to get suspended, so instead I grabbed this binder from his desk and slung it across the classroom; sending papers flying everywhere. Then I just started screaming at him: "DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING CALL ME THAT AGAIN YOU GODDAMNED FAGGOT!"

I got escorted to the principals office; when I got there I claimed that he was sexually harassing me, and so I ended up not getting into trouble. There are rumors that my principal hates blacks/gays/etc. so I guess that helped. Anyways, the gay kid got suspended for a couple of days and had to write me an apology letter. I have it framed on my wall right now. I hate motherfuckers like that though.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sebastian toombs on October 19, 2008, 05:35:04 PM
people who are deep in the closet
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Jack on October 19, 2008, 05:37:23 PM
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: bbk on October 19, 2008, 05:38:13 PM
I think most people are fuckin kooks, even people I hang out with...
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: CUDDLEMONSTER on October 19, 2008, 05:39:46 PM
There's this gay black kid who sits behind me in AP Psychology and wears a stupid Barack Obama t-shirt every day. He constantly mentions in class that he wants to "get drunk and get some dick," how he would "have sex with anything," and how "sex is just sex no matter who it's with." Anyway, the other day he said to me, "Can you pass back that paper, honey?" in this feminine voice. He seriously fucking called me "honey." Ordinarily I would've punched him right in his face, but I couldn't afford to get suspended, so instead I grabbed this binder from his desk and slung it across the classroom; sending papers flying everywhere. Then I just started screaming at him: "DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING CALL ME THAT AGAIN YOU GODDAMNED FAGGOT!"

I got escorted to the principals office; when I got there I claimed that he was sexually harassing me, and so I ended up not getting into trouble. There are rumors that my principal hates blacks/gays/etc. so I guess that helped. Anyways, the gay kid got suspended for a couple of days and had to write me an apology letter. I have it framed on my wall right now. I hate motherfuckers like that though.

way to go. i know if anyone calls me anything but "sir" i throw their shit all over the place. fucking child.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: rocklobster on October 19, 2008, 06:16:35 PM
i agree with so many statements in this thread.....

ppl who spend their entire week partying at clubs, minimum of 3-4 times a week, take lots of photos and insist on sharing their clubbing exploits with the enitre work....  sure i would love to see another picture of your slutty face in the exact same pose, at the exact same club with the exact same people 3 times a week.....

people who associate skateboarding with competition.... i was in the apartment lift a while back and some old guy saw my board and asked me if i was "training for the asian x-games in china".... i replied that i dont skate to compete and he went on to talk about how i should be pushing my limits and taking it to the next level by competing.....  that was the most painful elevator trips of my entire life.....

motorcyclist, simply because i nearly killed a bunch of them while driving to school on many occasions.... scared the fuck out of me....
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sebastian toombs on October 19, 2008, 06:26:24 PM
did anyone mention the swiss yet?   im fed the fuck up with them
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Cheapboarder on October 19, 2008, 06:27:02 PM
The "You wanna smoke some weed?" guy aka Mr.Towelie: Talks about weed 24/7 and always wants to get high no matter how fucked he/she is.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: coop D.O.G.G. on October 19, 2008, 06:43:50 PM
1)the kids who can only ollie and kickflip so they just huck themselves down the largest ? set they can find and then ask you, have you got the 13 yet? Ive recently just started ignoring them and telling them that i forgot how to ollie and kickflip.

2) girls who you are trying to hook up wit but they cant keep a conversation goin. You try to ask them stuff and they just say yea or no or IDK. Just straight lazy ppl.

3) people who think obama is a muslim terrorist AKA my grandpa

4) whoever wears Famous shirts and a backwards hat

5) people who never admit to their mistakes and only blame it on others
shit I could do this all day
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: BallDontLie on October 19, 2008, 06:50:10 PM
when people sleep at my house and dont make the bed or anyone who doesn't make their bed. make your mother fucking beds you mother fucking slobs.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sweets on October 19, 2008, 06:53:38 PM
There's this gay black kid...

I gave the benefit of doubt to you and read your post anyway. Bad idea. I hate bigots.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: TK17 on October 19, 2008, 06:54:37 PM
There's this gay black kid who sits behind me in AP Psychology and wears a stupid Barack Obama t-shirt every day. He constantly mentions in class that he wants to "get drunk and get some dick," how he would "have sex with anything," and how "sex is just sex no matter who it's with." Anyway, the other day he said to me, "Can you pass back that paper, honey?" in this feminine voice. He seriously fucking called me "honey." Ordinarily I would've punched him right in his face, but I couldn't afford to get suspended, so instead I grabbed this binder from his desk and slung it across the classroom; sending papers flying everywhere. Then I just started screaming at him: "DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING CALL ME THAT AGAIN YOU GODDAMNED FAGGOT!"

I got escorted to the principals office; when I got there I claimed that he was sexually harassing me, and so I ended up not getting into trouble. There are rumors that my principal hates blacks/gays/etc. so I guess that helped. Anyways, the gay kid got suspended for a couple of days and had to write me an apology letter. I have it framed on my wall right now. I hate motherfuckers like that though.

Is this a joke?
You're joking right.
I hate stupid fucks who pride themselves on taking AP PSYCHOLOGY.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: kevbo999 on October 19, 2008, 07:02:39 PM
I think most people are fuckin kooks, even people I hang out with...
I see where you're coming from, all my friends have quirks that frustrate me, but I don't hate them.

Fat, lazy, selfish bosses who always nag you to do more, yet never show any gratitude whatsoever for hard work.

I also agree with the post below me, and girls who are always "mature", that can't joke around.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Nihilist on October 19, 2008, 07:05:14 PM
Girls who think its cute to act dumb.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: jrock on October 19, 2008, 07:08:50 PM
most people in bands
 skaters that "cool guy" other skaters
flaky game-playing women
condescending people
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sebastian toombs on October 19, 2008, 07:13:18 PM
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I think most people are fuckin kooks, even people I hang out with...
I see where you're coming from, all my friends have quirks that frustrate me, but I don't hate them.

Fat, lazy, selfish bosses who always nag you to do more, yet never show any gratitude whatsoever for hard work.

I also agree with the post below me, and girls who are always "mature", that can't joke around.

a personal gift, from me to you kev.   see especially Part III, chapter 7
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: carbonite on October 19, 2008, 07:32:38 PM
People who complain about their job all the time.
If you don't like it, quit and find a job somewhere else.
Just don't complain all the time and come back year after year.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: kevbo999 on October 19, 2008, 07:39:36 PM
a personal gift, from me to you kev.   see especially Part III, chapter 7
If you're implying I don't understand the concept of a business, you're wrong.  I've only had one boss such as the one I described.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: EricLogan on October 19, 2008, 07:49:21 PM
The "You wanna smoke some weed?" guy aka Mr.Towelie: Talks about weed 24/7 and always wants to get high no matter how fucked he/she is.

maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, you ever work in a kitchen by chance?

Not only do they act that way, but they do the fucking mr towlie voice, and have all the "you wanna get hiiiiigh" slogans as a mantras. This 17 year old dish washer asked me that, in that voice, and I said "goddd, you're a fucking parody of yourself" and he was just like "lol... whuhhhh?" and shrugged it off and went on line to take knife hits off the stove.

I don't know if I'd say I hate those people, but...

they're just a stones throw from those people that just hang out downtown literally all day long every day, undisturbed by the police while they blaze, litter and loiter potentially nice parks, still wear jncos, 14 chains connected to wallet full of bus transfers and candy bar reciepts, those obnoxious fucking hats you win at the fair that's got pot leaves and aliens on them, and ICP jerseys, and from the pasty yellow skin typical of high levels of billirubin, you can tell they live primarily off cigarettes and Faygo

Goddamnit, I hate those people.

You don't work, you don't pay bills, you wear stupid fucking clown costumes year around like a jackoff, your passion in life is a shitty cheap soda brand, gahhhhhh, it must be rad to remain a child your whole fucking life.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: guy le douche on October 19, 2008, 07:58:41 PM
this fat annoying chick who was dissing her best friends so hard behind their back when it was my first time meeting her, the same chick also accused me of stealing a two six from her at a party after i was passed out and puking for an hour when no even saw me drinking/taking it. i hate that chick alot.

people who are completely whipped by their girl friends.

people who never talk (im a pretty quiet guy too sometimes but i still speak my mind)

jocks who wear tight pants and anything else considered trendy these days.

little kids.

people who take the internet way too seriously.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: wake and bacon on October 19, 2008, 08:16:46 PM
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sergioflorez on October 19, 2008, 08:25:46 PM
Kids that rock climb and like the Grateful Dead because they "smoked a bunch of weed".
Kids that like Bob Marley because he had dreads and smoked weed.
Basically every single kid 18 and younger. With the exception of a few.

Oh yeah, and a lot of hipsters with some exceptions.

sounds like everybody in my apartment building
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Livin The Psychedelic Lif on October 19, 2008, 08:29:41 PM
I hate slackers man.
EX: Ive just always had bad luck in terms of people with dealing my footage.
Its either they will get to it, or the data got corrupted.
You know, iam always down to do stuff but people are just too lazy and shit.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: skatemore,man on October 19, 2008, 08:30:43 PM
psycho girls who stalk me.

fat girls who wear eskimo boots, big sunglasses, talk really loud, gut sticks out further than boobs in a shirt that is too tight, and tell lies about being wealthy.

most kids walking around my sisters college campus.

then there are soulless folks, i try to emphasize in those cases.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: The Boner on October 19, 2008, 08:57:08 PM
well black people who think they are thugs when they really arent and try and act fucking ignorant and talk really loud...

fat girls who think they are hot

dudes obsessed with world of warcraft, other video games and anime

people in clicks who cant talk to anyone out of there click

people who cant except somebody else for doing other things that they dont do
ex. one of my friends hates another one of my friends cuz he hunts...who the fuck cares
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Dr Newton on October 19, 2008, 09:03:29 PM
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There's this gay black kid who sits behind me in AP Psychology and wears a stupid Barack Obama t-shirt every day. He constantly mentions in class that he wants to "get drunk and get some dick," how he would "have sex with anything," and how "sex is just sex no matter who it's with." Anyway, the other day he said to me, "Can you pass back that paper, honey?" in this feminine voice. He seriously fucking called me "honey." Ordinarily I would've punched him right in his face, but I couldn't afford to get suspended, so instead I grabbed this binder from his desk and slung it across the classroom; sending papers flying everywhere. Then I just started screaming at him: "DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING CALL ME THAT AGAIN YOU GODDAMNED FAGGOT!"

I got escorted to the principals office; when I got there I claimed that he was sexually harassing me, and so I ended up not getting into trouble. There are rumors that my principal hates blacks/gays/etc. so I guess that helped. Anyways, the gay kid got suspended for a couple of days and had to write me an apology letter. I have it framed on my wall right now. I hate motherfuckers like that though.

way to go. i know if anyone calls me anything but "sir" i throw their shit all over the place.

Exactly. I'm so stoked on the fact that I got to throw his shit everywhere, cuss him out very loudly, and even threaten to kill him without so much as a verbal warning. My principal basically said that if some gay dude called him that, he'd react in the same way because it was sexual harassment. He promptly suspended the fag for like three days and made him write me an apology letter, HAHAHA.

I'm not taking any pride in being in AP Psychology. It's a pretty common course to be taking, and I'm in and have been in several other APs.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: EricLogan on October 19, 2008, 09:07:17 PM
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There's this gay black kid who sits behind me in AP Psychology and wears a stupid Barack Obama t-shirt every day. He constantly mentions in class that he wants to "get drunk and get some dick," how he would "have sex with anything," and how "sex is just sex no matter who it's with." Anyway, the other day he said to me, "Can you pass back that paper, honey?" in this feminine voice. He seriously fucking called me "honey." Ordinarily I would've punched him right in his face, but I couldn't afford to get suspended, so instead I grabbed this binder from his desk and slung it across the classroom; sending papers flying everywhere. Then I just started screaming at him: "DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING CALL ME THAT AGAIN YOU GODDAMNED FAGGOT!"

I got escorted to the principals office; when I got there I claimed that he was sexually harassing me, and so I ended up not getting into trouble. There are rumors that my principal hates blacks/gays/etc. so I guess that helped. Anyways, the gay kid got suspended for a couple of days and had to write me an apology letter. I have it framed on my wall right now. I hate motherfuckers like that though.

way to go. i know if anyone calls me anything but "sir" i throw their shit all over the place.

Exactly. I'm so stoked on the fact that I got to throw his shit everywhere, cuss him out very loudly, and even threaten to kill him without so much as a verbal warning. My principal basically said that if some gay dude called him that, he'd react in the same way because it was sexual harassment. He promptly suspended the fag for like three days and made him write me an apology letter, HAHAHA.

I'm not taking any pride in being in AP Psychology. It's a pretty common course to be taking, and I'm in and have been in several other APs.

but you are proud of being a biggot, which is way more admirable  ::)
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Dr Newton on October 19, 2008, 09:23:31 PM
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There's this gay black kid who sits behind me in AP Psychology and wears a stupid Barack Obama t-shirt every day. He constantly mentions in class that he wants to "get drunk and get some dick," how he would "have sex with anything," and how "sex is just sex no matter who it's with." Anyway, the other day he said to me, "Can you pass back that paper, honey?" in this feminine voice. He seriously fucking called me "honey." Ordinarily I would've punched him right in his face, but I couldn't afford to get suspended, so instead I grabbed this binder from his desk and slung it across the classroom; sending papers flying everywhere. Then I just started screaming at him: "DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING CALL ME THAT AGAIN YOU GODDAMNED FAGGOT!"

I got escorted to the principals office; when I got there I claimed that he was sexually harassing me, and so I ended up not getting into trouble. There are rumors that my principal hates blacks/gays/etc. so I guess that helped. Anyways, the gay kid got suspended for a couple of days and had to write me an apology letter. I have it framed on my wall right now. I hate motherfuckers like that though.

way to go. i know if anyone calls me anything but "sir" i throw their shit all over the place.

Exactly. I'm so stoked on the fact that I got to throw his shit everywhere, cuss him out very loudly, and even threaten to kill him without so much as a verbal warning. My principal basically said that if some gay dude called him that, he'd react in the same way because it was sexual harassment. He promptly suspended the fag for like three days and made him write me an apology letter, HAHAHA.

I'm not taking any pride in being in AP Psychology. It's a pretty common course to be taking, and I'm in and have been in several other APs.

but you are proud of being a biggot, which is way more admirable  ::)

Shut the fuck up you self-righteous piece of shit. I really don't give a rat's ass what the kid does in his own bedroom. He decided to try to disrespect me in a classroom filled with people -- knowing I was not gay, and would not appreciate being called "honey," -- and so I really had no choice but to react. I don't have any personal objections to someone else's gayness, or consensual sex life in general, but that doesn't mean they get a free pass to drag me into it.

I'm pretty equal opportunity here. If any straight guy ever called me "honey" I'd react with the same amount of rage.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: EricLogan on October 19, 2008, 09:31:47 PM
rage on, bro
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Livin The Psychedelic Lif on October 19, 2008, 09:43:32 PM
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There's this gay black kid who sits behind me in AP Psychology and wears a stupid Barack Obama t-shirt every day. He constantly mentions in class that he wants to "get drunk and get some dick," how he would "have sex with anything," and how "sex is just sex no matter who it's with." Anyway, the other day he said to me, "Can you pass back that paper, honey?" in this feminine voice. He seriously fucking called me "honey." Ordinarily I would've punched him right in his face, but I couldn't afford to get suspended, so instead I grabbed this binder from his desk and slung it across the classroom; sending papers flying everywhere. Then I just started screaming at him: "DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING CALL ME THAT AGAIN YOU GODDAMNED FAGGOT!"

I got escorted to the principals office; when I got there I claimed that he was sexually harassing me, and so I ended up not getting into trouble. There are rumors that my principal hates blacks/gays/etc. so I guess that helped. Anyways, the gay kid got suspended for a couple of days and had to write me an apology letter. I have it framed on my wall right now. I hate motherfuckers like that though.

way to go. i know if anyone calls me anything but "sir" i throw their shit all over the place.

Exactly. I'm so stoked on the fact that I got to throw his shit everywhere, cuss him out very loudly, and even threaten to kill him without so much as a verbal warning. My principal basically said that if some gay dude called him that, he'd react in the same way because it was sexual harassment. He promptly suspended the fag for like three days and made him write me an apology letter, HAHAHA.

I'm not taking any pride in being in AP Psychology. It's a pretty common course to be taking, and I'm in and have been in several other APs.

but you are proud of being a biggot, which is way more admirable  ::)

Shut the fuck up you self-righteous piece of shit. I really don't give a rat's ass what the kid does in his own bedroom. He decided to try to disrespect me in a classroom filled with people -- knowing I was not gay, and would not appreciate being called "honey," -- and so I really had no choice but to react. I don't have any personal objections to someone else's gayness, or consensual sex life in general, but that doesn't mean they get a free pass to drag me into it.

I'm pretty equal opportunity here. If any straight guy ever called me "honey" I'd react with the same amount of rage.

There are gay people everywhere man, some are just so open.
It sounds like you def overreacted bc there are other ways to have told him not to do what he did.
I mean sure if he was touching you and stuff then rage on.
Gay people just say stuff that you are not used to.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: TK17 on October 19, 2008, 09:52:29 PM
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There's this gay black kid who sits behind me in AP Psychology and wears a stupid Barack Obama t-shirt every day. He constantly mentions in class that he wants to "get drunk and get some dick," how he would "have sex with anything," and how "sex is just sex no matter who it's with." Anyway, the other day he said to me, "Can you pass back that paper, honey?" in this feminine voice. He seriously fucking called me "honey." Ordinarily I would've punched him right in his face, but I couldn't afford to get suspended, so instead I grabbed this binder from his desk and slung it across the classroom; sending papers flying everywhere. Then I just started screaming at him: "DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING CALL ME THAT AGAIN YOU GODDAMNED FAGGOT!"

I got escorted to the principals office; when I got there I claimed that he was sexually harassing me, and so I ended up not getting into trouble. There are rumors that my principal hates blacks/gays/etc. so I guess that helped. Anyways, the gay kid got suspended for a couple of days and had to write me an apology letter. I have it framed on my wall right now. I hate motherfuckers like that though.

way to go. i know if anyone calls me anything but "sir" i throw their shit all over the place.

Exactly. I'm so stoked on the fact that I got to throw his shit everywhere, cuss him out very loudly, and even threaten to kill him without so much as a verbal warning. My principal basically said that if some gay dude called him that, he'd react in the same way because it was sexual harassment. He promptly suspended the fag for like three days and made him write me an apology letter, HAHAHA.

I'm not taking any pride in being in AP Psychology. It's a pretty common course to be taking, and I'm in and have been in several other APs.

Just so we're clear, you lost your shit over a black, gay kid whose political affiliation you made sure to mention, calling you "honey". But you don't care what he does in his private life. Just so we're clear.

What happens if the lunch lady calls you honey? You wanna fuck that bitch up too?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: guy le douche on October 19, 2008, 10:04:21 PM
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There's this gay black kid who sits behind me in AP Psychology and wears a stupid Barack Obama t-shirt every day. He constantly mentions in class that he wants to "get drunk and get some dick," how he would "have sex with anything," and how "sex is just sex no matter who it's with." Anyway, the other day he said to me, "Can you pass back that paper, honey?" in this feminine voice. He seriously fucking called me "honey." Ordinarily I would've punched him right in his face, but I couldn't afford to get suspended, so instead I grabbed this binder from his desk and slung it across the classroom; sending papers flying everywhere. Then I just started screaming at him: "DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING CALL ME THAT AGAIN YOU GODDAMNED FAGGOT!"

I got escorted to the principals office; when I got there I claimed that he was sexually harassing me, and so I ended up not getting into trouble. There are rumors that my principal hates blacks/gays/etc. so I guess that helped. Anyways, the gay kid got suspended for a couple of days and had to write me an apology letter. I have it framed on my wall right now. I hate motherfuckers like that though.

way to go. i know if anyone calls me anything but "sir" i throw their shit all over the place.

Exactly. I'm so stoked on the fact that I got to throw his shit everywhere, cuss him out very loudly, and even threaten to kill him without so much as a verbal warning. My principal basically said that if some gay dude called him that, he'd react in the same way because it was sexual harassment. He promptly suspended the fag for like three days and made him write me an apology letter, HAHAHA.

I'm not taking any pride in being in AP Psychology. It's a pretty common course to be taking, and I'm in and have been in several other APs.

Just so we're clear, you lost your shit over a black, gay kid whose political affiliation you made sure to mention, calling you "honey". But you don't care what he does in his private life. Just so we're clear.

What happens if the lunch lady calls you honey? You wanna fuck that bitch up too?
it doesnt matter if he's gay or not, calling someone that is just stupid, plain and simple.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sweets on October 19, 2008, 10:11:51 PM
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There's this gay black kid who sits behind me in AP Psychology and wears a stupid Barack Obama t-shirt every day. He constantly mentions in class that he wants to "get drunk and get some dick," how he would "have sex with anything," and how "sex is just sex no matter who it's with." Anyway, the other day he said to me, "Can you pass back that paper, honey?" in this feminine voice. He seriously fucking called me "honey." Ordinarily I would've punched him right in his face, but I couldn't afford to get suspended, so instead I grabbed this binder from his desk and slung it across the classroom; sending papers flying everywhere. Then I just started screaming at him: "DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING CALL ME THAT AGAIN YOU GODDAMNED FAGGOT!"

I got escorted to the principals office; when I got there I claimed that he was sexually harassing me, and so I ended up not getting into trouble. There are rumors that my principal hates blacks/gays/etc. so I guess that helped. Anyways, the gay kid got suspended for a couple of days and had to write me an apology letter. I have it framed on my wall right now. I hate motherfuckers like that though.

way to go. i know if anyone calls me anything but "sir" i throw their shit all over the place.

Exactly. I'm so stoked on the fact that I got to throw his shit everywhere, cuss him out very loudly, and even threaten to kill him without so much as a verbal warning. My principal basically said that if some gay dude called him that, he'd react in the same way because it was sexual harassment. He promptly suspended the fag for like three days and made him write me an apology letter, HAHAHA.

I'm not taking any pride in being in AP Psychology. It's a pretty common course to be taking, and I'm in and have been in several other APs.

but you are proud of being a biggot, which is way more admirable  ::)

Shut the fuck up you self-righteous piece of shit. I really don't give a rat's ass what the kid does in his own bedroom. He decided to try to disrespect me in a classroom filled with people -- knowing I was not gay, and would not appreciate being called "honey," -- and so I really had no choice but to react. I don't have any personal objections to someone else's gayness, or consensual sex life in general, but that doesn't mean they get a free pass to drag me into it.

I'm pretty equal opportunity here. If any straight guy ever called me "honey" I'd react with the same amount of rage.

I'm sooo grabbing your little buns, Honey.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: HoovUCDC on October 19, 2008, 10:12:43 PM
i like very few people
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: oyolar on October 19, 2008, 11:00:07 PM
i like very few people

i feel the exact same way. i can't begin to enumerate the amount of people i hate.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Chris Hansen is back on October 19, 2008, 11:12:34 PM
People who molest children really get my goat. I'm Chris Hansen, from Dateline NBC.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Mackattack on October 19, 2008, 11:16:27 PM
people who drive big pickup trucks
women who say they are "voting for Palin"
people who dont like Hall & Oates
condescending jerks
belligerent asian Home Depot customers
religious fanatics
mean fat people
kids over 12 that ride scooters at the skatepark
the tampa bay rays
girls that complain all day
people who dont apreciate Bob Burnquist's skateboarding
the manager at Chipotle in my town
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Chris Hansen is back on October 19, 2008, 11:29:34 PM
When you take old Vovvy's 12'' meat log out of your mouth, could you tell him that a certain Mr. C-Hanz would like to have words with him? I'm Chris Hansen.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Mackattack on October 19, 2008, 11:34:42 PM
Vov says to write the time and the place on your wifes sweet ass in a light raspberry vinaigrette.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Chris Hansen is back on October 19, 2008, 11:43:43 PM
I'm Chris Hansen and I'm not to proud to say that comeback took me down a notch. But If I'm not mistaken, there was an unfinished rap battle that Vov needs to attend to...Where you at, Vov?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Mackattack on October 19, 2008, 11:47:23 PM
if he ever passes the blunt ill switch chairs with him.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: guy le douche on October 19, 2008, 11:55:15 PM
girls that complain all day
especially if you have to work with them all day, there's this one chick at my work and she goes on so long about her stupid ex boyfriend drama and how how much she hates partying even though she does it every weekend.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: baxty on October 20, 2008, 12:22:07 AM
There's this gay black kid who sits behind me in AP Psychology and wears a stupid Barack Obama t-shirt every day. He constantly mentions in class that he wants to "get drunk and get some dick," how he would "have sex with anything," and how "sex is just sex no matter who it's with." Anyway, the other day he said to me, "Can you pass back that paper, honey?" in this feminine voice. He seriously fucking called me "honey." Ordinarily I would've punched him right in his face, but I couldn't afford to get suspended, so instead I grabbed this binder from his desk and slung it across the classroom; sending papers flying everywhere. Then I just started screaming at him: "DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING CALL ME THAT AGAIN YOU GODDAMNED FAGGOT!"

I got escorted to the principals office; when I got there I claimed that he was sexually harassing me, and so I ended up not getting into trouble. There are rumors that my principal hates blacks/gays/etc. so I guess that helped. Anyways, the gay kid got suspended for a couple of days and had to write me an apology letter. I have it framed on my wall right now. I hate motherfuckers like that though.
scan it or its fake, honey.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Vov Vurnquist. on October 20, 2008, 12:32:47 AM
I'm Chris Hansen and I'm not to proud to say that comeback took me down a notch. But If I'm not mistaken, there was an unfinished rap battle that Vov needs to attend to...Where you at, Vov?

here it is Christina: 12 inch organic weiner
Vov get busy on the mic like a beaner
official job title: Green Ass Reamer
dick down every hoe from Cara Beth to E. Steamer
Dear C-Hanz, I put the dick to your wife
rampaged through that pussy like Shaq on ice
when that hoe moan, sound like she singin Feist
ask her my name, she say Vov V. Christ

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: chunkysalsa on October 20, 2008, 12:55:15 AM
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There's this gay black kid who sits behind me in AP Psychology and wears a stupid Barack Obama t-shirt every day. He constantly mentions in class that he wants to "get drunk and get some dick," how he would "have sex with anything," and how "sex is just sex no matter who it's with." Anyway, the other day he said to me, "Can you pass back that paper, honey?" in this feminine voice. He seriously fucking called me "honey." Ordinarily I would've punched him right in his face, but I couldn't afford to get suspended, so instead I grabbed this binder from his desk and slung it across the classroom; sending papers flying everywhere. Then I just started screaming at him: "DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING CALL ME THAT AGAIN YOU GODDAMNED FAGGOT!"

I got escorted to the principals office; when I got there I claimed that he was sexually harassing me, and so I ended up not getting into trouble. There are rumors that my principal hates blacks/gays/etc. so I guess that helped. Anyways, the gay kid got suspended for a couple of days and had to write me an apology letter. I have it framed on my wall right now. I hate motherfuckers like that though.

way to go. i know if anyone calls me anything but "sir" i throw their shit all over the place.

Exactly. I'm so stoked on the fact that I got to throw his shit everywhere, cuss him out very loudly, and even threaten to kill him without so much as a verbal warning. My principal basically said that if some gay dude called him that, he'd react in the same way because it was sexual harassment. He promptly suspended the fag for like three days and made him write me an apology letter, HAHAHA.

I'm not taking any pride in being in AP Psychology. It's a pretty common course to be taking, and I'm in and have been in several other APs.

but you are proud of being a biggot, which is way more admirable  ::)

Shut the fuck up you self-righteous piece of shit. I really don't give a rat's ass what the kid does in his own bedroom. He decided to try to disrespect me in a classroom filled with people -- knowing I was not gay, and would not appreciate being called "honey," -- and so I really had no choice but to react. I don't have any personal objections to someone else's gayness, or consensual sex life in general, but that doesn't mean they get a free pass to drag me into it.

I'm pretty equal opportunity here. If any straight guy ever called me "honey" I'd react with the same amount of rage.

There are gay people everywhere man, some are just so open.
It sounds like you def overreacted bc there are other ways to have told him not to do what he did.
I mean sure if he was touching you and stuff then rage on.
Gay people just say stuff that you are not used to.

Shit dude, you need to learn to pick your battles.
Just because someone says something you don't agree doesn't mean you get to get physical.
Imagine being black or gay(pick either) and someone talking shit everyday. Do you think any of those groups get to get violent? NO!

I don't mean to sound cliche but usually when somebody "Hates" gays or even blacks they either gay themselves or fearful based on outdated, antiquated sterotypes.

Getting back on topic I dislike people who belief everything they're told and won't take the simple effort to learn and gather their own opinons based on what they learn and believe.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Chris Hansen is back on October 20, 2008, 12:55:38 AM
Vov takin' seats like this was musical chairs
Music stops and Chris bust in, you'd best say your prayers
One false move, motherfucker,  get kicked down the stairs

“If he crys, he crys”
Poundin' kids like Ivan Draggo
Waitin' near the sandbox and baitin' them with Lego's

It's like Close Encounters of the 3rd Grade kind
I swear this motherfucker must have lost his mind
Vovvy's into bondage, got kiddies in a bind.

“Oh the Humanity”
He going down on kids like the Hindenburg, err...
At the end of everyday his dick smell like limburger

Kids be tearin' up like they be cuttin' onions
Cock so large, it a  folk tale like Paul Buyan
Dateline hot on the trail, best get to runnin'

Enough with the tough talk
claimin' organic 'cause you Jack off your beanstock?
Buckle up motherfucker we about to hit mach
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Universal Remonster on October 20, 2008, 01:08:41 AM
glad i clicked on this thread
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: baxty on October 20, 2008, 01:12:59 AM
If I was a mod I'd delete Dr. Newton just for being a disrespect full little shit.

Newton I know you have no friends and you come on here acting all big and mighty to feel good about yourself, but its time to face the facts.

P.S.- I hope you get fucking raped in a dark ally cocksucker.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Vov Vurnquist. on October 20, 2008, 01:27:26 AM
C-Hanz, i put your wifes nudes on 4Chan
Vovvvy V packed more meat in her mouth than Hungry man
slap her with my dick, but never my hand
check my myspace, she Vovs greatest fan

i put the roast on hoes like comedy central
bleed the block and stay on top these flows like i was menstrual
stay hard and sodomize like my schlong was cauterized
wifey cant accommodate, this bamboo is supersized

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Des Esseintes on October 20, 2008, 03:26:02 AM
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fake people who treat their friends like shit, but somehow everyone still likes them
I also hate people like this:
and I also hate about, lets see, about 79% of the people on my school.

Yeah, I hate faggots like that. Telling their friends to shut up and crap. I know a guy like that in one my classes. I wish one of his "friends" would just tell him to fuck off.

Angry there is one person in my school who dresses like that and he is openly gay.
To be honest, I think I might be one of those people.

But I always think I'm doing it in a jokey manner. I don't really want to disrespect people.

But I think it might be a british thing. Taking the piss an' all that lark.

Men in England always call their mates cunts. Just the way it goes.

Stop being such a daft cunt etc...
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Sleazy on October 20, 2008, 06:00:47 AM
mostly people who take themselves too seriously and take pride in shallow meaningless things. i'm prety much a recluse by choice these days so i don't really have all the friends and annoying girl problems like most do.

i guess if there is anyone i hate it's corporate managers and sales guys who can't turn off the sale schtick.

corporate managers work with people closely, talk so friendly to everyone, force the entire company to get together for hours at a time to listen to their babble and the whole time the are actively trying to sell you out. the main reason these guys get most of my negative feelings is because their douchiness actually effects the lifestyle of those that they force to bow down in front of them daily. it's the ultimate form of work place\school bullying. they don't humilate you as bad but they definitely bring the pain and make you "bow down and suck the cock" from time to time with all these stupid ass kissing meetings.

and sales guys are just annoying because they have too much team spirit and can't turn that shit off. i don't know how many times i've had to explain to these tools that eventhough i build th software, i don't know everything about it. but they always come with the assumptions and the need to impress. assuming you like to talk about sports, assuming you're conservative, assuming that you like to talk about the product that your working on, assuming you enjoy talking about the competitors, etc... for christ sakes, stop trying to be the bringer of small talk and just let me walk back to my office in peace. fortunately they usually keep these assholes far away from the tech guys so it's a very rare occurence.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: grimcity on October 20, 2008, 07:48:24 AM
What's sexual or harassing about being called honey? Your classmate sounds like a friendly waitress at worst.

Get a girlfriend, then maybe you won't feel so defensive when someone of a different orientation refers to you in their vernacular.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Bipsmound on October 20, 2008, 07:56:28 AM
Don't listen to these fools Dr. Newton, you were right to get that faggot suspended for calling you honey.  If any thing, you shoulda waited outside for him after school and punked his ass, holmes.

Holding on to views like this is an integral part of growing as a dude, and it is going to equip you real well for the real world.  When you're a little bit older and you're so set in your ways (just like grandpa!) that anything you don't know about is a threat, and the walls are encroaching, and "Why oh why can't things be safe like they used to be!", that faggot is gonna be on MTV and he'll be all, "this one goes out to Dr. Newton!  Keep reaching for that rainbow sug!".
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sebastian toombs on October 20, 2008, 08:23:20 AM
people who start waving their arms at bees.  "gah!  get away!"   do you think its some kind of predatory carnivorous bee thats going to sting you to death and then eat you?   no, hes just checking if you have any sugar on you, and will leave once its clear you dont.   but if you start waving your arms....
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Choad Muskrat on October 20, 2008, 08:31:24 AM
^ haha chances are if you start thrashing around the fuckin things got more of a chance of stinging you from being pissed, people that do that suck!

I was talking about this with a friend yesterday:

Girlfriend's Friend's Boyfriend's (who youve never met) who come out to dinner or something and play the "I'm way to fuckin cool to talk to you assholes, I'm just gonna sit here quiet all dinner like a little bitch and look pissed"

Grow a set and act like a human you fuckin scumbag
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sweets on October 20, 2008, 08:53:22 AM
This thread is making me realize I dislike lots of people. I'm reminded of EE Cummings poem, "Humanity I Love You"-

Humanity i love you
     Humanity i love you
because you would rather black the boots of
success than enquire whose soul dangles from his
watch-chain which would be embarrassing for both

parties and because you
unflinchingly applaud all
songs containing the words country home and
mother when sung at the old howard

Humanity i love you because
when you're hard up you pawn your
intelligence to buy a drink and when
you're flush pride keeps

you from the pawn shops and
because you are continually committing
nuisances but more
especially in your own house

Humanity i love you because you
are perpetually putting the secret of
life in your pants and forgetting
it's there and sitting down

on it
and because you are
forever making poems in the lap
of death Humanity

i hate you

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Yossi on October 20, 2008, 08:58:04 AM
-spandex clad bikers that ride in the middle of the god damn road

-fatties at work who eat all day long

-trust fund hipsters

-people who talk during the WHOLE concert

-people who litter, especially smokers that don't think cigs are litter
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: frig deuce on October 20, 2008, 09:23:37 AM
people that argue like republicans

like when your having an argument about something, and they throw in an irrelevant line that diminishes you(lowers your value in the argument). for example when you were a kid this line would have been like "well your stupid", thus insisting you know less about the matter than they do.

the republicans do this a lot by saying/making up things like "well hes a terrorist" oe "I have more experience in war" etc... thus making either false statements or making a point that doesnt relate or matter to the subject being debated, but it fools the masses because it puts Obama in the defense position, making him look bad.

people do this all the fucking time, im just using the republican thing as an example because its relevant and most people know about it.

I fucking HATE people that argue like this, most of the time they are arrogant and ignorant.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: TheFrontSeatLife on October 20, 2008, 10:10:39 AM
This happened to me. A caller from the McCain/Palin campaign called and I just said
"Hey do you have a minute? I want to ask you something."
"Sure. Go ahead."
"Okay, do you really, really think Sarah Palin can run the country?"
"Well, yes. Why not?"
"Well, I mean, come on man. She embarrasses herself in every interview. She's said she has no idea what a VP does."
"She has a lot of experience as a Senator and all Barack Obama's done since he became a Senator is run for President."
"What about all his community action in the Southside of Chicago, etc?"
This is where his answers get really empty.
"Don't think I'm a sexist or anything but I think Sarah Palin's not experienced enough to run anything more than a neighborhood bake sale...Hello? Did you hang up on me?"

What a jerk.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: bumptobar on October 20, 2008, 10:29:56 AM
I hate fat women who dress like they are skinny

Religious people.

People who take themselves too seriously
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Mouth on October 20, 2008, 10:36:20 AM
There's this gay black kid who sits behind me in AP Psychology and wears a stupid Barack Obama t-shirt every day. He constantly mentions in class that he wants to "get drunk and get some dick," how he would "have sex with anything," and how "sex is just sex no matter who it's with." Anyway, the other day he said to me, "Can you pass back that paper, honey?" in this feminine voice. He seriously fucking called me "honey." Ordinarily I would've punched him right in his face, but I couldn't afford to get suspended, so instead I grabbed this binder from his desk and slung it across the classroom; sending papers flying everywhere. Then I just started screaming at him: "DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING CALL ME THAT AGAIN YOU GODDAMNED FAGGOT!"

I got escorted to the principals office; when I got there I claimed that he was sexually harassing me, and so I ended up not getting into trouble. There are rumors that my principal hates blacks/gays/etc. so I guess that helped. Anyways, the gay kid got suspended for a couple of days and had to write me an apology letter. I have it framed on my wall right now. I hate motherfuckers like that though.

Why exactly did you frame your gay friend's letter?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: frig deuce on October 20, 2008, 11:05:32 AM
people that look up right at you when they land a trick, then run up to you and hold their fist out asking for some props. fuck that and fuck them.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: lenny on October 20, 2008, 11:14:06 AM
I hate kook-ass college kids and dumb, ugg boot wearing sorostitutes.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: H8R part 4 on October 20, 2008, 11:24:52 AM
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fucking people who dont clean up after themselves...

yeah people like this too. god i could be in this thread all night.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: busey on October 20, 2008, 11:31:24 AM
-pretencious people
-people who cant handle themselves drunk
-ungrateful people
-people who try too hard
-people who pride themselves on being stoned
-people who steal, what gives them the fucking right to take anything
-shitty friends

i guess just people in general. this list could go on forever.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: H8R part 4 on October 20, 2008, 11:37:24 AM
trust fund kids - you didn't earn shit in life so stop acting like you're the shit. 
cool guy skaters/people - too cool say whats up or give a nod, even though you've seem them a thousand times.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sebastian toombs on October 20, 2008, 12:09:26 PM
bad drivers

bad conversationalists
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Narcissus on October 20, 2008, 12:49:01 PM
I think I'm racist against philosophy students.

When you see a 20 year old in full tweed suit and tie reading Descartes in a Harvey's (this actually happened today), and you know he's a future corporate lawyer stooging it up, or you hear a bunch of them "debating" each other at a lame college party by reciting what they learned in class verbatim.

One time I saw a band that was composed completely of philosophy students.  They were like the philosophy all-stars.  So dreamy... but I'll puke on them.  This has been a long standing prejudice that will probably last into old age.

What generalizations do you cling to to get your angry shit juices flowing?

I was a Philosophy major, but downgraded to a minor in Philosophy...switched majors to English.  Philosophy is fucking awesome, but it gets to be too much after a while.  In a seminar called Advanced Metaphysics, we spent nearly a full semester discussing the logical possibility of time travel.

as far as hate is concerned, you can put me down for hating vibers, scenesters, fill in the blank ___________, whatever...I also hate fat people.  they're disgusting and they waste a lot of my goddamned tax money.  stop eating and exercise, fat fucks.

littering, stealing, fixed gear hipsters, people who put spoilers on their cars, pimping Neons, rims on minivans, rock n' roll superiority, nyc fakeness, 90% of the skaters i meet......................

people are mostly wack, i guess.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: tompettyandtheforeskins on October 20, 2008, 12:58:10 PM
I need to start hating people based on appearances and stereotypes. I think it would make things easier.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Corby Tender on October 20, 2008, 01:08:59 PM
A kid I know was trying to talk to me yesterday about converting the back windshield area of his car into a glass tank to put a snake in.  Regardless of how illegal/corny/idiotic that sounds...the dumbass didn't even take into consideration the fact that snakes are cold-blooded and we live in fucking New York, meaning the thing would need heat lamps 24/7 or else it would die.

I essentially hate dumb heroin addicts who think they're ballin in their 97 chevy impala.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Star Whores Episode I: The Fellatio Menace on October 20, 2008, 01:27:25 PM
I hate people like me
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Foray on October 20, 2008, 01:29:55 PM
People who eat with their mouths open, smacking their food, etc. 
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: oyolar on October 20, 2008, 01:35:22 PM
People who eat with their mouths open, smacking their food, etc. 

holy shit! i completely forgot about this! my roommate from last year and this year both do this and so does my one friend. it is the single most disgusting thing ever. i really don't want to hear you chew, i hear myself do it enough.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: HGDhero on October 20, 2008, 02:16:25 PM
I strongly dislike
Club kids, dress like a douche bag/wait in huge line/speng lots $ on shitty drinks? Support your local dive bar, sucka!
Mongo Pushers/mall grabbers/ people that buy skate ish from mallstores/CCS etc
Trustfund kids/Frat boys, basically same thing.
Loud drunk chicks, even though they're usually hot would be alot better if they would shut the hell up!
People who always try to talk about themselves, dont ever listen to anybody else just wait to spit out their bullshit
Broke ass friends that wont get a part time job, and couch surf/lurk on food/rides etc etc
Agressive bums that come into restraunts to ask you for change, WTF?
Dude that freaks out when skating a park and cant land a trick, super serious and ruins everybodies good time.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Sleazy on October 20, 2008, 02:43:46 PM
In a seminar called Advanced Metaphysics, we spent nearly a full semester discussing the logical possibility of time travel.

annoying considering that einstein already proved that slowing of time is possible with special relativity
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: kevbo999 on October 20, 2008, 02:49:18 PM
I hate bums so bad.  Especially the ones who get mad when you don't give them anything.  Who the fuck do they think they are?  I bust my ass doing dishes for next to nothing, and you want ME to give YOU money?  I swear I'm gonna lose it on one of em someday.

There's this one asshole who sets up a lawn chair outside the liquor store.  Some people actually like him because he wears an eyepatch and shouts at you like a pirate, but if you give him nothing he gets pissed.  The other day I saw him flipping through a thick wad of $10's.  If I ever see more than 20 bucks in his hat I'm running off with it, he won't catch me.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Cthulhu! on October 20, 2008, 03:00:17 PM
I went to the park today. Now I remembered why I try to avoid it like the plague.

Some tie die wearing faggot was going around showing everyone up. Do a trick and he does it right in front of you then looks at you.
Kids yelling "fuck" as loud as possible and throwing their boards.
Other kids arguing over what bushings are the lightest ones.
Kids dropping in while your skating the mini ramp.

Kids that skate these days are fucking lame. I hate them. This applies to anyone under 18.

And people that take themselves too seriously.
I saw some bitch at the store steal a bunch of things.
People on their cell phones while driving, completely oblivious of whats going on.
Neighbors going outside to argue at 4 a.m. Common courtesy doesn't exist anymore.

Pretty much all people really. I am not stoked on humans. Some days I want to pack up and move to the woods. The bears would probably make better neighbors.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sebastian toombs on October 20, 2008, 03:11:44 PM

Neighbors going outside to argue at 4 a.m. Common courtesy doesn't exist anymore.

and then when one of them leaves in a huff, they have to slam every door, hood, and trunk on their car at least twice...
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: LloydChristmas on October 20, 2008, 03:22:31 PM
people like this dude i met the other day.  the guy began dating my good friend emily recently, and i talked to him for the first time the other night.  without even saying as much as two words to me,  dude tried to call me out on my knowledge of music.  i proceeded to shit on him, but who the fuck is he to call me out in a room of people he doesn't even know?  HATE people like that.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Lumpy Oatmeal on October 20, 2008, 03:25:27 PM
people that say "call you back in 5 minutes" and never do
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: frisco on October 20, 2008, 03:27:34 PM
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People who eat with their mouths open, smacking their food, etc. 

holy shit! i completely forgot about this! my roommate from last year and this year both do this and so does my one friend. it is the single most disgusting thing ever. i really don't want to hear you chew, i hear myself do it enough.

Oddly enough I was thinking about this thread on my way to school today because this fucker I saw had his mouth open, people who constantly keep their mouths open piss me off, can't stand people like that

close your fucking mouth when you walk around or you look like some blank staring idiot
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Beautifull on October 20, 2008, 03:41:05 PM
Girls that don't get it, but act like they do

People that cut me off to finish my sentence and they finish it with the wrong words or ideas

Idiots, dipshits, kooks and people who like chompsky
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: EricLogan on October 20, 2008, 04:02:34 PM
bums that ask for money for food, but turn down food offers

bums that ask for change, and when they get it, expect even more

the bum that hit me up for change whom I didn't give any to, and said "MAN! Tacoma people are mean! I woulda had a hundred bucks by now in any other city!" fuck off, on a slow day, I don't make half that

people that sit in front of their friend's house in their car and honk continuously for 10 minutes before getting frustrated and leaving. Just knock like a real person

Post Miami Ink/LA Ink douchebag tattoo artists. Just cause a couple of you landed on the tv doesn't make you all superstars

but ahhhhhh, I got some hate for myself, too

I totally do the thing mentioned before, whenever I hang out with friends of my gf, I'm totally awkward and quiet, it's not a cool-guy thing, I'm just way shitty around people I hardly know or have things in common with, and I'm pretty one dimensional, so small talk over shit most people are into like politics & sports, or whatever is impossible

Also I hate when I'm trying to describe a spot to someone and all I can reference is a trick I've done in a past video part

My facial expression when I skate is a perminant determined scowl, so people that don't know me thinks I hate everyone at the park

I've put off getting a driver's lisence so much, that I've put it on a pedistol and it seems unobtainable. (see 40 year old virgin's "pussy on a pedistol" line for reference)

For some reason I won't hang out with co-workers, I don't know why I just bail every time, I used to think maybe it's cause they listen to Emenem, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, etc., but I'm beginning to think the real reason is even more petty as I doubt I'd be subjected to their music in an uncontrolled social setting.

also as mentioned before, I complain about work instead of just manning up, quitting and trying out a different field
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: ZipZinger on October 20, 2008, 04:12:01 PM
Random people who try and bum a cig
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: guy le douche on October 20, 2008, 04:58:47 PM
Random people who try and bum a cig
or people who ask you for a puff everytime you light a smoke, and then take like half the cigarette.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Livin The Psychedelic Lif on October 20, 2008, 05:19:20 PM
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Random people who try and bum a cig
or people who ask you for a puff everytime you light a smoke, and then take like half the cigarette.

or booze.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: frisco on October 20, 2008, 05:29:25 PM
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Random people who try and bum a cig
or people who ask you for a puff everytime you light a smoke, and then take like half the cigarette.

or booze.

weed is definately the worst, like fucks who phone you and say "wanna blaze" and of course they have no weed
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Cheapboarder on October 20, 2008, 05:43:26 PM
Oh god, loud Black girls. Even though i'm black.

Why the fuck do you have to scream what your saying to some dumb bitch two tables down from you?
Why do you think it is funny to scream random shit at random people?

Off topic the Chris Hansen - Vov battle rap needs it own thread.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: nice weather on October 20, 2008, 06:06:58 PM
Theres this one kid I hate at the skatepark I grew up skating in vienna. I only hate him because he's from the generation of locals that my generation "raised". But we did a poor job and although everyone else turned out fine, he constantly screams and breaks boards and wears the most expensive shitty gear you could ever imagine.

And then there's also an ex boyfriend of my ex girlfriend, who once insulted a friend of mine he never met and when I told him to shut  up he slapped me in the face and wanted to fight me. At a birthday party. At a friends place. I didn't fight him because I couldn't afford to make a scene. Also he would've killed me.

also:    - rich kids who act super rich
          - rich kids that are hippies and call you out on being a capitalist
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Cheapboarder on October 20, 2008, 06:11:48 PM
Sounds like you got beef with a silly fuck.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: grimcity on October 20, 2008, 06:50:14 PM
People that ruin the movie theater experience with cellphones and/or an incessant need to talk loud enough for everyone to hear. My wife and I agreed that it's best that I not go to theaters anymore because the past three times we've gone (it's been a couple of years) I've wound up cussing people out because they wouldn't shut the fuck up after being asked nicely. It's one thing if the movie is animated or a slapstick comedy, but if it's a serious flick or scifi movie, I treat that shit like Catholics treat mass.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Since.1927 on October 20, 2008, 09:19:30 PM
people that say "call you back in 5 minutes" and never do
hate it soo much, but i do it to haha
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sergioflorez on October 20, 2008, 09:41:11 PM
People that ruin the movie theater experience with cellphones and/or an incessant need to talk loud enough for everyone to hear. My wife and I agreed that it's best that I not go to theaters anymore because the past three times we've gone (it's been a couple of years) I've wound up cussing people out because they wouldn't shut the fuck up after being asked nicely. It's one thing if the movie is animated or a slapstick comedy, but if it's a serious flick or scifi movie, I treat that shit like Catholics treat mass.

go watch a movie premier at the loews multiplex in jamaica queens. you'll be in for quite an evening.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sergioflorez on October 20, 2008, 09:43:02 PM
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people that say "call you back in 5 minutes" and never do
but i do it too

i'm on people's shit list because of this
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: loco bob on October 20, 2008, 10:06:59 PM
People who run skateshops but don't love skateboarding.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: danker peaches on October 20, 2008, 10:17:08 PM
People that cut me off to finish my sentence and they finish it with the wrong words or ideas
I do this so much. I think its more because i get excited and don't know when to shut up
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: TK17 on October 20, 2008, 10:22:41 PM
Hating people takes a lot of energy. The less people you hate, the more people you have to potentially give you free shit.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: grimcity on October 20, 2008, 11:01:10 PM
People that cut me off to finish my
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Bipsmound on October 21, 2008, 05:31:16 AM
Oy vey.  I'd like to kvetch about the darn cellular phones.  I ain't got one, but I'm not a luddite, and I don't have a prejudice against the thing itself.

But the fucking stinkers who yap loud on that shit all day have gotta go.  The ABSOLUTE WORST is being on a greyhound with one a these feebs.  Nobody wants to hear your dumb conversation about how offended you were about this and that in your sociology class, and certainly the whole bus doesn't need to hear about it.

When this shit gets to the point where I feel obligated to say something to the rube, it gets weird.  I feel like I'm gonna be some crazy rubbie harassing people cause this nonsense seems to be so accepted by people in general.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: wuust on October 21, 2008, 05:56:14 AM
- i hate foreigners that come to live here but don't adapt and learn the language.
- people who snake
- people who feel too cool about themselves and act like an attention whore

i could go on and on though
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Sleazy on October 21, 2008, 06:58:34 AM
People that ruin the movie theater experience with cellphones and/or an incessant need to talk loud enough for everyone to hear. My wife and I agreed that it's best that I not go to theaters anymore because the past three times we've gone (it's been a couple of years) I've wound up cussing people out because they wouldn't shut the fuck up after being asked nicely. It's one thing if the movie is animated or a slapstick comedy, but if it's a serious flick or scifi movie, I treat that shit like Catholics treat mass.

i called out this one hooded out black guy who's kid was screaming in a theater one time and he got all pissed, grabbed his kid under his arm like a rag doll and went to the front of the theater and yelled to everyone while violently swinging his kid back and forth:

"ya'll ain't nothing but a bunch of n*ggas and ho's in this bitch..." and then proceeded to curse out the entire theater until the police came and arrested him. they had to restart the movie. it was the last time we went to that theater, better to pay a few extra dollars and go to a safer area of town. in houston it's just too sketchy to call people out unless your at one of the up market theaters. you'd end up getting shot in the parking lot and i'm like you, i'll end up calling them out every time.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: grimcity on October 21, 2008, 07:18:11 AM
Yeah, it's to the point where going to see a movie is pointless for me now... after an altercation or whatever, I've ruined the movie for myself because of adrenaline. I'm seriously one of the most passive people you'll ever meet in your life, but I lose my shit on people that continue being assholes after they've been asked nicely to quiet down or get off the phone. Luckily one of my buddies sold me an HDTV that's way too big, so me and my wife just chill in the living room and rent or watch whatever I've bootlegged.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Mouth on October 21, 2008, 07:40:41 AM
I fucking despise chavs/neds.

I hate them with a passion that is beyond the realm of mere words.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: grimcity on October 21, 2008, 07:44:39 AM
I know what a chav is (we have our own flavor of those guys in the states), but is the word short for something longer?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: oyolar on October 21, 2008, 09:16:42 AM
- i hate foreigners that come to live here but don't adapt and learn the language.

i agree. it's just common fucking courtesy. i live pretty close to a bunch of polish immigrants and it pisses me off whenever i meet one that can't speak english and then other people try to tell me why it's ok for them not to learn english. if i was going to live in poland, germany, italy, the netherlands, etc. i would fucking learn their language just out of respect for the country. you don't even need to take classes, just immerse yourself in it for a fucking month and you'll be fluent.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Mouth on October 21, 2008, 09:42:46 AM
I know what a chav is (we have our own flavor of those guys in the states), but is the word short for something longer?

I'm not too sure where chav stems from. but ned is actually N.E.D. Non Educated Delinquent. It's the Scottish term for our, possibly even worse variant. Some of the bastards burnt down a Victorian cricket pavilion in the park across the street from my parents house last year for no reason. Bravo fuckos'.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: ed... on October 21, 2008, 09:46:38 AM
my English Language teacher last year told me that chav comes from medieval french for 'boy', and other people think it stands for council house and violent.
I tend to call them scallies anyway
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: nocomply on October 21, 2008, 10:00:53 AM
I hate dudes that pee in the toilet at a restroom when there are empty urinals. If guys would stop this, public toilets would be at least 50% cleaner.

also hate when some one tailgates you when you're already going 10 mph over the speed limit.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Binomial Nomenclature on October 21, 2008, 11:10:33 AM
I dislike:
-Students that loudly, obnoxiously, and excessively participate in class discussion.
-Students that participate in other school garbage excessively, eg. class presidents or those who feel inclined to make a student art magazine or something equally awful.
-Kids that go away to college and treat it like a fucking party on their parents tab.  Note: for some reason kids from smaller towns are the worst for this as they also feel the need to trend out to big city living with shit such as longboards and other nonsense.
-People who want to start fights over small shit.
-Skaters that buy nice video cameras to start hanging out with better skaters, and change who their friends are.
-People who need to make a loud entrance anytime they step into a room so everyone can acknowledge them.
-People who talk excessively about travel and where they've been and try to relate it into a situation that is not relevant.  eg.  "this is similar to that time i was in paris..."

Holy shit, i'm an asshole... this list could keep going.  Often someone can fit a criteria i dislike but if they talk to me or something i often find them at least kind and polite.  most of this probably stems from a feeling of not fitting in and being inadequate at school.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Bipsmound on October 21, 2008, 11:18:59 AM
Your whole post was pretty on point, but these two in particular.  Holy Moses.

I dislike:
-Students that loudly, obnoxiously, and excessively participate in class discussion.

-People who talk excessively about travel and where they've been and try to relate it into a situation that is not relevant.  eg.  "this is similar to that time i was in paris..."

A cousin of the travel talk, is when people talk continuously about the place they're from (for some reason it's often Vancouver or somewhere in BC).
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Tarquin on October 21, 2008, 12:10:59 PM
my English Language teacher last year told me that chav comes from medieval french for 'boy', and other people think it stands for council house and violent.
I tend to call them scallies anyway

It's also getting to that time of year where you see them out when it's dark fully ninja'd up in all black with a massive fucking dog with them that looks like it can tear your face off, some of them here just walk around in broad daylight with their hoods up and scarves covering their faces asking for cigarettes and just generally trying to intimidate, complete fucking cunts the lot of them
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Corby Tender on October 21, 2008, 12:21:43 PM
People who take divergences of opinion and belief as threats.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: ed... on October 21, 2008, 12:55:14 PM
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my English Language teacher last year told me that chav comes from medieval french for 'boy', and other people think it stands for council house and violent.
I tend to call them scallies anyway

It's also getting to that time of year where you see them out when it's dark fully ninja'd up in all black with a massive fucking dog with them that looks like it can tear your face off, some of them here just walk around in broad daylight with their hoods up and scarves covering their faces asking for cigarettes and just generally trying to intimidate, complete fucking cunts the lot of them
yeah, sketchy motherfuckers. The little kids are the worst though, mouthy and aggressive, and even though you could beat seven shades of shit out of them if you so much as say a word back you're hunted down by older brothers. pikey scumbags.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: skatemore,man on October 21, 2008, 10:33:57 PM
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my English Language teacher last year told me that chav comes from medieval french for 'boy', and other people think it stands for council house and violent.
I tend to call them scallies anyway

It's also getting to that time of year where you see them out when it's dark fully ninja'd up in all black with a massive fucking dog with them that looks like it can tear your face off, some of them here just walk around in broad daylight with their hoods up and scarves covering their faces asking for cigarettes and just generally trying to intimidate, complete fucking cunts the lot of them
yeah, sketchy motherfuckers. The little kids are the worst though, mouthy and aggressive, and even though you could beat seven shades of shit out of them if you so much as say a word back you're hunted down by older brothers. pikey scumbags.

that sounds a lot like the little puerto rican and cape verde hood rats in my neighborhood. they'll throw rocks at you, but if you do something back, the next time you're walking home from the bar you're going to get jumped by 4 other doped out older brothers with shanks.

I remembered tonight how much i hate muscle head dudes who drink cape codders (small glass of vodka and cranberry juice) as opposed to 36z glasses of beer and have ridiculously hot girl friends.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: baxty on October 21, 2008, 10:47:52 PM
I hate dudes that pee in the toilet at a restroom when there are empty urinals. If guys would stop this, public toilets would be at least 50% cleaner.

also hate when some one tailgates you when you're already going 10 mph over the speed limit.
you hate me then, but I always clean up really good. I hate when people don't flush.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Tuna on October 21, 2008, 11:11:39 PM
People who are intolerant of other peoples cultures

and The Dutch
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: wuust on October 21, 2008, 11:25:19 PM
People who are intolerant of other peoples cultures

and The Dutch
austin powers' father?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: pops on October 22, 2008, 02:04:14 AM
I called to my friend and asked if he wanted to go skate somewhere. He was like "Yeah, sure dude." Then I went to this spot we usually skate at and he sends a message he can't come cuz he's playing some motherfucker game on his computer. This happens a lot and I always end up skating alone. That's the shit I hate the most. I don't really hate people but I dislike most of people though. Like really fat and loud bastards. Some who are trying to look tough. Dudes who go to gym to get bigger muscle. Jocks mostly. Fuck them.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: mr. otsu on October 22, 2008, 02:55:57 AM
People who cannot get their shit together and yet expect me too.

I was supposed to be somewhere at 830 this morning.  Pretty rough for someone who usually doesn't move until noon.  Yet there I was at 815 asking if they were ready, and their response was, "no we aren't ready, and in fact we may not be ready, until tomorrow or later."

I can't be more specific due to my job.  But maybe you understand.

drug mule?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: rocklobster on October 22, 2008, 04:56:35 AM
-Kids that go away to college and treat it like a fucking party on their parents tab.  Note: for some reason kids from smaller towns are the worst for this as they also feel the need to trend out to big city living with shit such as longboards and other nonsense.

took the words right out of my mouth.....  and because these assholes dont value the education they are getting the create a disruptive class environment that makes it tougher for the rest of us to study.... 

i sucks even more when some of these people are your "friends" and expect you to cover for them for projects and fill them in on when projects or quizzes are due.... the course syllabus was distributed for a reason, so please refer to it, not me via text message, the night prior to the final exam.....

but on a flip side, having people like this in class can only benefit students who put in the effort (bell curve grading)....  plus, we all need idiots to make ourselves look good....
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: kevbo999 on October 22, 2008, 05:25:16 AM
My roomies.  This is probably because there's 4 dudes sharing one bathroom, kitchen and hallway.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Nihilist on October 22, 2008, 10:38:34 AM
people who use bluetooth headsets
people who cant be bothered to get off the phone while paying for shit at stores
people who get all sketched out like youre following them when you just happen to be walking in the same direction
people who throw parties but are stingy with the booze
dudes that have pornstars and supermodels on their mypace top friends
parents who cant tell their kids no
little homeschooled park rats
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sven thorkel on October 22, 2008, 12:49:55 PM
Your whole post was pretty on point, but these two in particular.  Holy Moses.

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I dislike:
-Students that loudly, obnoxiously, and excessively participate in class discussion.

-People who talk excessively about travel and where they've been and try to relate it into a situation that is not relevant.  eg.  "this is similar to that time i was in paris..."

A cousin of the travel talk, is when people talk continuously about the place they're from (for some reason it's often Vancouver or somewhere in BC).

on a related note, people who come back from the place they just moved to (pretty much exclusively Vancouver) and cant stop making comparisons about how much better it is there. you know what, fuck vancouver. that place pisses me off like no other. dont get me wrong, its a nice looking place and there is plenty of cheap pizza, but the people there suck so much that its not worth it. its just one giant judge fest. you dont have to be into the latest trend to be cool, but they cant hammer that into their heads. i have a friend whos such a vancouverite now (deserving of funny myspace thread, but i wont put him on it for respect of our friendship) that when one of my friends said "hey look, a london drugs" he responding with "yah i know, they are better here". its a london drugs, its got everything the same as one across the country
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: masturskater on October 22, 2008, 01:51:37 PM
people who use bluetooth headsets
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Binomial Nomenclature on October 22, 2008, 02:03:53 PM
Parents that feel the need to keep their babies in gigantic four foot wide strollers that take up the whole bus and block exits and shit.  Serisously i've seen small strollers, they exist, they will comfortably fit your baby, there's no need to bring your hummer baby carriage into the bus.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: toonie on October 22, 2008, 11:46:16 PM
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Your whole post was pretty on point, but these two in particular.  Holy Moses.

Expand Quote
I dislike:
-Students that loudly, obnoxiously, and excessively participate in class discussion.

-People who talk excessively about travel and where they've been and try to relate it into a situation that is not relevant.  eg.  "this is similar to that time i was in paris..."

A cousin of the travel talk, is when people talk continuously about the place they're from (for some reason it's often Vancouver or somewhere in BC).

on a related note, people who come back from the place they just moved to (pretty much exclusively Vancouver) and cant stop making comparisons about how much better it is there. you know what, fuck vancouver. that place pisses me off like no other. dont get me wrong, its a nice looking place and there is plenty of cheap pizza, but the people there suck so much that its not worth it.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: damian on October 23, 2008, 12:28:49 AM
i hate southern accents and i hate people who don't suck dick.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: frisco on October 23, 2008, 04:11:51 AM
People who know that your around and specifically talk about stuff louder so you over hear.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: EricLogan on October 23, 2008, 04:16:30 AM
i hate southern accents and i hate people who don't suck dick.

I hate people that're popular because they have southern accents.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Sleazy on October 23, 2008, 05:46:13 AM
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people who use bluetooth headsets

guilty, but only in my car or in grocery\pharmacy
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: frisco on October 23, 2008, 06:01:55 AM
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people who use bluetooth headsets

guilty, but only in my car or in grocery\pharmacy

thats understandable though because your hands are busy, but when people walk down the street they look so pompus with them, to be honest I never see them that much, I use mine for gaming  ;D
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Mouth on October 23, 2008, 06:09:36 AM

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sebastian toombs on October 23, 2008, 06:44:33 AM
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Your whole post was pretty on point, but these two in particular.  Holy Moses.

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I dislike:
-Students that loudly, obnoxiously, and excessively participate in class discussion.

-People who talk excessively about travel and where they've been and try to relate it into a situation that is not relevant.  eg.  "this is similar to that time i was in paris..."

A cousin of the travel talk, is when people talk continuously about the place they're from (for some reason it's often Vancouver or somewhere in BC).

on a related note, people who come back from the place they just moved to (pretty much exclusively Vancouver) and cant stop making comparisons about how much better it is there. you know what, fuck vancouver. that place pisses me off like no other. dont get me wrong, its a nice looking place and there is plenty of cheap pizza, but the people there suck so much that its not worth it. its just one giant judge fest. you dont have to be into the latest trend to be cool, but they cant hammer that into their heads. i have a friend whos such a vancouverite now (deserving of funny myspace thread, but i wont put him on it for respect of our friendship) that when one of my friends said "hey look, a london drugs" he responding with "yah i know, they are better here". its a london drugs, its got everything the same as one across the country

i could condense this to:  95% of the people who werent born in vancouver, but moved there.   thanks for ruining my city over the past 20 years, asswipes.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Pelican on October 23, 2008, 06:52:14 AM
people who see no flaws in their being and make no effort to progress as a human, that just sit in a quagmire their entire lives fulfilling some fake personality
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Since.1927 on October 23, 2008, 09:01:09 AM

I hate people that're popular because they have southern accents.

never heard of this before
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: no one you know on October 23, 2008, 09:16:47 AM
When you try and be nice/cool/polite with someone, and talk about "nothingness" in a witty way like in a Seinfeld episode, and the person just blows you off like you're an idiot in a cold-shoulder, snobby, stick their nose up in the air kind of way. Fuck that. Grouchy motherfuckers who don't like to shoot the shit/talk story. Girls can be like this too from time to time. Not feeling that attitude at all. Bitches.

basically what Pelican said above:

people who see no flaws in their being and make no effort to progress as a human, that just sit in a quagmire their entire lives fulfilling some fake personality

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Sleazy on October 23, 2008, 09:19:00 AM

shit, mines way bigger, you have to put on basically a helmet and get on some power rangers shit
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Mouth on October 23, 2008, 09:48:46 AM
If there were full on robocop bluetooth headphones, I would buy one.

And strut.

I've wanter one of these bad boys for years.


and at last I've got one.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sweets on October 23, 2008, 09:57:43 AM
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shit, mines way bigger, you have to put on basically a helmet and get on some power rangers shit

"Resistance is futile."
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: EricLogan on October 23, 2008, 01:28:37 PM
hahah the first time I saw one of those things, I was at a deli sitting at a table waiting for my sandwich to be made, and this guy walks in wearing one, and "The borg!" just escaped from my mouth as I thought it, and the dude looked dead at me, and I thought for certain he was going to say that.

I don't know what's more annoying, seeing those "movers n' shakers, powermen of today" suit types pacing around with their hands on their hips going apeshit into their blue tooth, or the obese woman on the bus gossuping into it about the price of milk.

but relating to the deli story, there's so many instances I should've gotten my ass beat in public for something I subconciously say out loud.

Almost every time I see a dude in a trench coat with one of those Van Hellsing hats on I say under my breath "Vampire slayer!", and almost every time no matter how far away they are, or how quietly I mouth the words, they look dead at me and glare, like "beware, daywalker, may I posess your soul!"

sometimes the mental image that connects to the person I'm seeing just connect so well, I can't contain myself and let it out.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: guy le douche on October 23, 2008, 01:41:31 PM
theres the most annoying immature kids in the school library right now
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Tarquin on October 23, 2008, 01:46:43 PM
i cant stand what i like to call "nobody personalities". like people that have absolutley nothing to add to the conversation, they just want to listen to you talk i guess. but not as much as i hate the following:

who the fuck would want to listen to you talk?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: masturskater on October 23, 2008, 01:53:35 PM
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i cant stand what i like to call "nobody personalities". like people that have absolutley nothing to add to the conversation, they just want to listen to you talk i guess. but not as much as i hate the following:


who the fuck would want to listen to you talk?
i think they suppress their interesting personas so that he'll go away.  ya know, like the t-rex tactic
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Carrolls Chesthairs on October 23, 2008, 06:26:45 PM
Basically everybody on the bus which includes
-people who blast music on their ipod to the point i can recite the lyrics in the song clearly
-people who talk sooooo loud on their cellphones
-people who use nextel, what the fuck, its a phone not a walkie talkie, gtfo.

i have more to add, i'll be back.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: grimcity on October 23, 2008, 07:39:14 PM
i hate southern accents and i hate people who don't suck dick.
There are hundreds of southern accents though. Some make people sound dumb, but I think some southern accents sound almost regal.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: brycickle on October 23, 2008, 09:34:01 PM
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i hate southern accents and i hate people who don't suck dick.
There are hundreds of southern accents though. Some make people sound dumb, but I think some southern accents sound almost regal.
Or perhaps even genteel?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: oyolar on October 24, 2008, 02:40:36 AM
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i hate southern accents and i hate people who don't suck dick.
There are hundreds of southern accents though. Some make people sound dumb, but I think some southern accents sound almost regal.
Or perhaps even genteel?

i think the same way with english accents. i hate the cockney, chimney-sweep ones, but the fancy, secret service accents are sweet.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Sleazy on October 24, 2008, 08:26:27 AM
with southern accents it's almost impossible to sound intellegent to non-southerners. the best you can hope for is wise

with english accents it's almost impossible not to sound intellegent and polite to non-english

and of course with a german accent it's almost impossible not to sound evil to americans

and for those french bastards, it's almost impossible not to sound sexy to non-french women

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sebastian toombs on October 25, 2008, 12:51:19 PM

crying babies
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Mooley on October 25, 2008, 06:41:54 PM
Club kids/party girls. Hearing a girl talk about how trashed she was on the weekend is probably the biggest turn off ever. Kind of a double standard but damn, girls need some dignity.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Matze on October 25, 2008, 07:05:40 PM

and of course with a german accent it's almost impossible not to sound evil to americans

c'mon i'm trying my best ...
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: kevbo999 on October 25, 2008, 07:07:49 PM
You have the best rep thanks to me.  8)
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: busey on October 25, 2008, 08:02:51 PM
clubber chicks who wear too much make up are seriously the biggest pieces of shit. sometimes i wish for a clubber/bro/guido holocaust. whatever, i said it, and we all know it'd rule.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Livin The Psychedelic Lif on October 25, 2008, 10:13:58 PM
Club kids/party girls. Hearing a girl talk about how trashed she was on the weekend is probably the biggest turn off ever. Kind of a double standard but damn, girls need some dignity.

how about the same fat chick that goes to the same bar all the time, and tries to spit game at people.
ehhhhh yuck.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: baxty on October 25, 2008, 11:22:49 PM

crying babies
I sometimes get a little mad too, but I know that Im going to have to go threw the same shit so I can't get mad.

Unless the babies cry forever and the parents don't do shit. fuck them.

I also hate people that burp super loud, and then if it smells I get real livid.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: chunkysalsa on October 25, 2008, 11:35:41 PM
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crying babies
I sometimes get a little mad too, but I know that Im going to have to go threw the same shit so I can't get mad.

Unless the babies cry forever and the parents don't do shit. fuck them.

I also hate people that burp super loud, and then if it smells I get real livid.

Especially when it stinks like sulfur.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Matze on October 26, 2008, 08:10:08 AM
You have the best rep thanks to me.  8)

i'll give you the love back
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: mipe on October 26, 2008, 09:16:25 AM
these people really annoy the shit out of me

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: carbonite on October 26, 2008, 09:48:39 AM
these people really annoy the shit out of me

Aha--the infamous "Spitfire hair." I haven't lived in NJ for a couple of years; is that shit still popular?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Star Whores Episode I: The Fellatio Menace on October 26, 2008, 10:27:51 AM
people that take pictures like this
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: jalopy james on October 26, 2008, 01:05:57 PM
these people really annoy the shit out of me


what the fuck is up with their skin??? they look like crispy demons.
i don't hate them, but i am creeped out by 'em.

p.s. guys should never ever pout for any reason.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: crackrazor on October 26, 2008, 03:45:35 PM
Haha. keep going.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sven thorkel on October 26, 2008, 04:11:04 PM
it seems as though they were lost in the forest one day and found a house made of protein supplements and jagger bombs. you know, then an old women stuck them in an oven or something, then they escaped or something like that
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: clifford the big red dog on October 26, 2008, 04:47:10 PM
I hate myself because i cant fucking fakie bigspin heelflip such a fucking faggot
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Derk the Jerk on October 26, 2008, 05:05:23 PM
and The Dutch

what's wrong with us? besides being horrible cheapskates (guilty), a horrible accent while speaking english (somehow i'm saved from this), listening to trance music (not guilty) and following all the trends (not guilty)
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Mooley on October 26, 2008, 05:15:37 PM
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and The Dutch

what's wrong with us? besides being horrible cheapskates (guilty), a horrible accent while speaking english (somehow i'm saved from this), listening to trance music (not guilty) and following all the trends (not guilty)

Haha it's a movie quote dude. And you can't even pretend to get around that Jumpstyle shit.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: oyolar on October 26, 2008, 06:58:29 PM
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and The Dutch

what's wrong with us? besides being horrible cheapskates (guilty), a horrible accent while speaking english (somehow i'm saved from this), listening to trance music (not guilty) and following all the trends (not guilty)

hey derk, i'm thinking of studying at utretch university over summer to learn dutch. do you know anything about the school?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Cuong Ngo on October 26, 2008, 09:30:24 PM
i dislike girls who walk like dudes, fuck a dude doesn't even walk like a dude.
i better explain it better, more like a girl who walks all wide legged out.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Derk the Jerk on October 27, 2008, 04:16:09 AM
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and The Dutch

what's wrong with us? besides being horrible cheapskates (guilty), a horrible accent while speaking english (somehow i'm saved from this), listening to trance music (not guilty) and following all the trends (not guilty)

Haha it's a movie quote dude. And you can't even pretend to get around that Jumpstyle shit.

thank god that the whole jumpstyle fad is over. Shit was awful!
oh and oyolar i pm'd you
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sebastian toombs on November 05, 2008, 08:45:46 PM
line jumpers

tuesday morning im up at 5am so i can shave and take the subway down to the train station, getting the 6.45 train to kingston for my class.   im there early and get in line, probably 7th or 8th person.  i stand there for maybe a couple minutes when the next person comes along for the line...   some vaguely syrian looking guy, older, with a moustache and thinning hair, and hes got a rolling suitcase.

now, instead of standing behind me, he stands kind of behind me but mostly off to the side, like 45 degrees.   whatever, some people are retards and cant even line up...   and its still 15 minutes until boarding.

but after about 7 or 8 minutes the people at the front of the line mistakenly start heading for the escalators to the trains.   i grab my bag like to go before realizing that theyre wrong, and i dont move forward.  but buddy, who ive totally forgotten about, scoots out in front of me like a fucking race car driver making a pass.   when he realizes the line isnt moving ahead, he kind of stands there just a tiny bit in front of me and tries to avoid eye contact.   im staring daggers, im really tempted to say something like "not clear on the concept of lining up, bud?"    he looks over, i look him right in the eye and point at the ground behind me.   he looks around, plays dumb.   whatever...    why should i care?

anyway, another 5 minutes pass and now its about time to board.  he starts fidgeting.   im not going to say or do anything...  theres lots of room on the train, let him "win" if he wants it so bad.  feels like a seinfeld episode.   suddenly though i realize his little suitcase thing has a kind of "bumper" so that it can stand up when its on its wheels.   in a split second, just as hes taking his little quick step to get in front of me again, i stomp on the fucking bumper of his suitcase and he totally goes sprawling, only barely stays on his feet, and his suitcase falls on the ground.  he looks at me all wild eyed for a moment and i just go ahead and dont look back.   ha, i could hear him loudly muttering on the escalator, though with my headphones i couldnt hear what he was saying (might have been in french).   at the top of the escalator i realized he was getting on a different car, so i turned around a second, saw he was looking at me just before he stepped onto his car, and i gave him the finger before heading off to my own.   made my day, no my week.    hate motherfuckers who try to cheat a line...
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: marty. on November 05, 2008, 08:54:08 PM

especially siblings who owe me sixty bucks but im too passive aggressive to ask for it, and coworkers who everyfuckingday tells me about how attractive everyone thinks she is even though she has weird teeth and the biggest ego ever
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: baxty on November 05, 2008, 09:12:39 PM
line jumpers

tuesday morning im up at 5am so i can shave and take the subway down to the train station, getting the 6.45 train to kingston for my class.   im there early and get in line, probably 7th or 8th person.  i stand there for maybe a couple minutes when the next person comes along for the line...   some vaguely syrian looking guy, older, with a moustache and thinning hair, and hes got a rolling suitcase.

now, instead of standing behind me, he stands kind of behind me but mostly off to the side, like 45 degrees.   whatever, some people are retards and cant even line up...   and its still 15 minutes until boarding.

but after about 7 or 8 minutes the people at the front of the line mistakenly start heading for the escalators to the trains.   i grab my bag like to go before realizing that theyre wrong, and i dont move forward.  but buddy, who ive totally forgotten about, scoots out in front of me like a fucking race car driver making a pass.   when he realizes the line isnt moving ahead, he kind of stands there just a tiny bit in front of me and tries to avoid eye contact.   im staring daggers, im really tempted to say something like "not clear on the concept of lining up, bud?"    he looks over, i look him right in the eye and point at the ground behind me.   he looks around, plays dumb.   whatever...    why should i care?

anyway, another 5 minutes pass and now its about time to board.  he starts fidgeting.   im not going to say or do anything...  theres lots of room on the train, let him "win" if he wants it so bad.  feels like a seinfeld episode.   suddenly though i realize his little suitcase thing has a kind of "bumper" so that it can stand up when its on its wheels.   in a split second, just as hes taking his little quick step to get in front of me again, i stomp on the fucking bumper of his suitcase and he totally goes sprawling, only barely stays on his feet, and his suitcase falls on the ground.  he looks at me all wild eyed for a moment and i just go ahead and dont look back.   ha, i could hear him loudly muttering on the escalator, though with my headphones i couldnt hear what he was saying (might have been in french).   at the top of the escalator i realized he was getting on a different car, so i turned around a second, saw he was looking at me just before he stepped onto his car, and i gave him the finger before heading off to my own.   made my day, no my week.    hate motherfuckers who try to cheat a line...
If I were to see one of my teachers give the finger to someone I'd shit my pants with joy.

The whole time I was reading this I was think "how could you not say anything to him?!?!" although I don't say anything to older people either.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: EastCoastLove on November 05, 2008, 11:26:37 PM
people that take pictures like this
that shit pisses me the fuck off too.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: baxty on November 06, 2008, 12:30:39 AM
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these people really annoy the shit out of me


what the fuck is up with their skin??? they look like crispy demons.
i don't hate them, but i am creeped out by 'em.

p.s. guys should never ever pout for any reason.
I'll take two please. How awesome would it be having two of those dudes being your older brothers. They'd make fun of you and in your mind you'd be saying "if you only knew....." plus all the dumb bitches at your house would be sweet.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: no one you know on November 06, 2008, 10:18:30 AM
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these people really annoy the shit out of me


what the fuck is up with their skin??? they look like crispy demons.
i don't hate them, but i am creeped out by 'em.

p.s. guys should never ever pout for any reason.
I'll take two please. How awesome would it be having two of those dudes being your older brothers. They'd make fun of you and in your mind you'd be saying "if you only knew....." plus all the dumb bitches at your house would be sweet.

Who the fuck are those guys, and why and how, seriously what the fuck? Their faces are fucking orange! Sorry auditions for Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory were last week. That "Ya feels me" guy looks like the oldest brother from Home Improvement. And the dudes in the top left corner...What did the condoms say when they walked past the gay bar?Let's go get shit faced!...

What's the hardest part about rollerblading? It's telling your parents that you're gay...

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: no one you know on November 06, 2008, 01:54:23 PM
I can't believe theres actually a fucking oompa loompa video of these guys. Thats funny I had no idea. But, seriously are these guys all over myspace, is that how you guys found out about'um? I don't fuck with myspace so I don't know.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: 3rd Person Jimmy on November 06, 2008, 01:57:49 PM
Damn!  Jimmy should have dress like one of those guys for Halloween.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: AfroSheen on November 06, 2008, 02:11:15 PM
my friends who became coke heads and burnt out fucks
and obama for allowing abortions, and gays.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: ShadowKhaN on November 06, 2008, 02:33:22 PM
^ haha chances are if you start thrashing around the fuckin things got more of a chance of stinging you from being pissed, people that do that suck!

I was talking about this with a friend yesterday:

Girlfriend's Friend's Boyfriend's (who youve never met) who come out to dinner or something and play the "I'm way to fuckin cool to talk to you assholes, I'm just gonna sit here quiet all dinner like a little bitch and look pissed"

Grow a set and act like a human you fuckin scumbag

Im usually that guy being quiet.

Its not because im an asshole, I am just really shy and its hard to mske conversation :(

I hope people dont think im an asshole haha
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: leadpencil on November 06, 2008, 08:01:31 PM
people who call themselves losers, when their really not. having a couple quirks is fine and stuff but not enough to be considered a loser.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sipofthepotion on November 06, 2008, 08:49:59 PM
Basically anybody who kisses ass to people. i cant stand that. or people who brand themselves as weird.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Gomez on November 06, 2008, 08:59:06 PM
people who change the spelling of words to appear 'cool' and 'hip' (ex. krazy)
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: no one you know on November 06, 2008, 09:50:57 PM
gangsters, thugs, tough guys, jocks,
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: crackrazor on November 06, 2008, 10:37:39 PM
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people who call themselves losers, when their really not. having a couple quirks is fine and stuff but not enough to be considered a loser.

Yeah, I'm losing my tolerance for people with low self-esteem...

Sometimes I feel that way too.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Des Esseintes on November 07, 2008, 02:49:30 AM
one of my friends is the biggest fucking mooch and i hate his mooching habits. if you ever have any chron he'll be like "do you have any weed... because if you do you better blaze me up right now, remember that one time i blazed you up so long ago?" its just like shut the fuck up ill blaze you up later if i feel like it. i guess just mooches in general.
I know a cunt just like that.

I don't mind blazing up with people but don't think that a free smoke is expected of me.

What goes around come around. You don't keep tabs of everytime you gave your mate a puff on a joint.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: no one you know on November 07, 2008, 08:27:35 AM
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people who call themselves losers, when their really not. having a couple quirks is fine and stuff but not enough to be considered a loser.

Yeah, I'm losing my tolerance for people with low self-esteem...

Sometimes I feel that way too.

yeah I agree with you guys but you gotta agree that dudes on the other side of the spectrum with too high of self esteem suck even worse. From skaters who roll around thinking they're God to the oompa loompa motherfuckers, I'm sure you got them where you live, fuck them.

Same with motherfuckers who like to start childish fights, fuck you too.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: crackrazor on November 07, 2008, 08:42:17 AM
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people who call themselves losers, when their really not. having a couple quirks is fine and stuff but not enough to be considered a loser.

Yeah, I'm losing my tolerance for people with low self-esteem...

Sometimes I feel that way too.

yeah I agree with you guys but you gotta agree that dudes on the other side of the spectrum with too high of self esteem suck even worse. From skaters who roll around thinking they're God to the oompa loompa motherfuckers, I'm sure you got them where you live, fuck them.

Same with motherfuckers who like to start childish fights, fuck you too.

You mean meat-head jocks at bars? "Yo bro you stepped on my foot"

true story.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: no one you know on November 07, 2008, 08:51:37 AM
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people who call themselves losers, when their really not. having a couple quirks is fine and stuff but not enough to be considered a loser.

Yeah, I'm losing my tolerance for people with low self-esteem...

Sometimes I feel that way too.

yeah I agree with you guys but you gotta agree that dudes on the other side of the spectrum with too high of self esteem suck even worse. From skaters who roll around thinking they're God to the oompa loompa motherfuckers, I'm sure you got them where you live, fuck them.

Same with motherfuckers who like to start childish fights, fuck you too.

You mean meat-head jocks at bars? "Yo bro you stepped on my foot"

true story.

Oh man, classic. Or, "what the fuck you looking at?!?!" Actually one thing I love is fucking with people like that, they're such fuckin' cry baby bitches.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: crackrazor on November 07, 2008, 07:00:31 PM
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people who call themselves losers, when their really not. having a couple quirks is fine and stuff but not enough to be considered a loser.

Yeah, I'm losing my tolerance for people with low self-esteem...

Sometimes I feel that way too.

yeah I agree with you guys but you gotta agree that dudes on the other side of the spectrum with too high of self esteem suck even worse. From skaters who roll around thinking they're God to the oompa loompa motherfuckers, I'm sure you got them where you live, fuck them.

Same with motherfuckers who like to start childish fights, fuck you too.

You mean meat-head jocks at bars? "Yo bro you stepped on my foot"

true story.


Oh man, classic. Or, "what the fuck you looking at?!?!" Actually one thing I love is fucking with people like that, they're such fuckin' cry baby bitches.

Yeah, it's funny but you have to be careful. A lot of those guys are on 'roids and redbull.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Edward Penishands on November 07, 2008, 07:36:36 PM
sk8 mafia, DGK, mike vallely, plan B
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: skaterdavid on November 07, 2008, 08:02:14 PM
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one of my friends is the biggest fucking mooch and i hate his mooching habits. if you ever have any chron he'll be like "do you have any weed... because if you do you better blaze me up right now, remember that one time i blazed you up so long ago?" its just like shut the fuck up ill blaze you up later if i feel like it. i guess just mooches in general.
I know a cunt just like that.

I don't mind blazing up with people but don't think that a free smoke is expected of me.

What goes around come around. You don't keep tabs of everytime you gave your mate a puff on a joint.

For real i think everyone has a friend thats a moocher, my friend is pretty bad...
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Gomez on November 07, 2008, 10:59:59 PM
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people who call themselves losers, when their really not. having a couple quirks is fine and stuff but not enough to be considered a loser.

Yeah, I'm losing my tolerance for people with low self-esteem...

Sometimes I feel that way too.

yeah I agree with you guys but you gotta agree that dudes on the other side of the spectrum with too high of self esteem suck even worse. From skaters who roll around thinking they're God to the oompa loompa motherfuckers, I'm sure you got them where you live, fuck them.

Same with motherfuckers who like to start childish fights, fuck you too.

You mean meat-head jocks at bars? "Yo bro you stepped on my foot"

true story.


Oh man, classic. Or, "what the fuck you looking at?!?!" Actually one thing I love is fucking with people like that, they're such fuckin' cry baby bitches.

Yeah, it's funny but you have to be careful. A lot of those guys are on 'roids and redbull.
you've got to show that you have no fear for them, but not so much as to show anger. like if you step on their shoe and they're like "what the fuck bro you stepped on my shoe" then you gotta be like "oh my bad dude, i wasn't paying attention" and then just brush it off. they're expecting you to a) get noticeably scared and apologize like a bitch or b) be offended and say something to the effect of "ay bitch don't be coming at me like that, you don't know me nigga" then proceed to fight. they'll be confused if you act like it's no big deal, yet still apologize and then just walk away, unmoved.

fuck i met a dude today that i can hands down say i hate the most out of anyone on this planet, and i've never spoken a word to him, neither has he to me. first off, he's a redneck bastard who dresses like someone who thinks they're dressing like someone from the ghetto, but in fact, they're not even coming close (knock offs of jordans and airforces, tees that are giant beyond acceptable, i'm talking 6x tall and wide, not just tall so it looks like a fucking gown, etc.) and he's bitching about how pissed he is with his girlfriend for cheating on him, punching his locker and shit, making a scene. the worst part about it is that he's cool with another genre of people i hate, those that are black and pretend to be ghetto, but something about them makes them excluded from the popular black crowd. i hear them say "calm down brogan" and that sold it, i hate him. not only does he have an LA bro name (it's got fucking 'bro' in it for christ's sake), but they tried to get creative and jazz up an already bro name, changing logan to brogan, kinda like changing tyler to skylar. the next thing he said was icing on the cake (in reference to the guy that messed around with his girl) "if i find the dude  it's cookies, we squarin up 'n i'm layin' him out!" even worse, i see him the next day walking by with his arm around this fine ass chick, like so far out of my league it's ridiculous. so unfair, the dude's facial features look like this, but picture him with freckles and a red neck, with a blonde buzzcut and clothes suited for fat albert, oh and a big ass nose, straight up furby-status:
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Mouth on November 08, 2008, 08:56:10 AM
Meatheads getting babes. It's one of mankind's great mysteries.

I think it has something to do with the scientifically proven "treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen" school of thought.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sven thorkel on November 08, 2008, 10:19:24 AM

this guy. everyone has run into a guy just like him before. the pillsbury know-it-all or smart ask. hes one of those guys you wont pick on because hes into warhammer and shit, but really you should because he doesnt keep quiet like he should. he knows everything there is to know and is so smug about that you want to give him a labotomy just for the heck of it. he always makes sure his opinion is heard, whether it be his political views or his interpretation of a line in a shakespeare play. the active student. is a member of 16 different clubs just so more people have to hear what he has to say.

this guy in particular was in so many of my high school classes and i thought i got rid of him. he goes to the same school as me now and i had the misfortune of being in a class with him. he spoke more then the teacher and sat at a table at the very front of a 250+ seat lecture hall. i bet everyone in that class felt the same about him
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Carrolls Chesthairs on November 08, 2008, 10:25:26 AM
sorry if this affends anybody but, i'm really not into volunteer firemen.

basically just the kids who i went to school with who thought it was cool to hang out a firehouse.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: no one you know on November 08, 2008, 11:42:33 AM

this guy. everyone has run into a guy just like him before. the pillsbury know-it-all or smart ask. hes one of those guys you wont pick on because hes into warhammer and shit, but really you should because he doesnt keep quiet like he should. he knows everything there is to know and is so smug about that you want to give him a labotomy just for the heck of it. he always makes sure his opinion is heard, whether it be his political views or his interpretation of a line in a shakespeare play. the active student. is a member of 16 different clubs just so more people have to hear what he has to say.

this guy in particular was in so many of my high school classes and i thought i got rid of him. he goes to the same school as me now and i had the misfortune of being in a class with him. he spoke more then the teacher and sat at a table at the very front of a 250+ seat lecture hall. i bet everyone in that class felt the same about him

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: frig deuce on November 08, 2008, 12:06:00 PM
i hate people that butt in front of you at the last minute to get on the bus, people that walk faster or just straight up cut you off to get on or off of the bus/metro(subway) and get a seat. people who dont give up their seats for physically handicaped/injured or old people. people who in general only think of themselves and their well being instead of trying to make this world a better place and helping others. its not even about helping others necessarily, just some people think theyr own lives are worth more than everyone else's and so they think they can do whatever the fuck they want, and that pisses me the fuck off.

sometimes i confront these people like this one time i was getting out of the subway and these kids(prolly like 15yrs old) were trying to get in to get a seat before everyone else. they were walking right into me and qwew about to push me over, so i grabbed one of them by the collar pushed him back and told him to fucking calm himself and wait for people to get out before going in. anyways all sorts of shit like this happens to me all the time on the bus & metro and i hate all arrogant pricks
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Chad Fernandez on November 10, 2008, 12:35:30 PM
people who think they can get away with kook shit like hanging out with people who don't skate and doing wack ass shit like chilling with your family.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Sleazy on November 11, 2008, 12:57:17 PM
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^ haha chances are if you start thrashing around the fuckin things got more of a chance of stinging you from being pissed, people that do that suck!

I was talking about this with a friend yesterday:

Girlfriend's Friend's Boyfriend's (who youve never met) who come out to dinner or something and play the "I'm way to fuckin cool to talk to you assholes, I'm just gonna sit here quiet all dinner like a little bitch and look pissed"

Grow a set and act like a human you fuckin scumbag

Im usually that guy being quiet.

Its not because im an asshole, I am just really shy and its hard to mske conversation :(

I hope people dont think im an asshole haha

say hi and you run the risk of getting vibed as a dick rider, don't say hi and you come across as stuck up dick

it's a slippery slope
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Chad Fernandez on November 11, 2008, 01:33:24 PM
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^ haha chances are if you start thrashing around the fuckin things got more of a chance of stinging you from being pissed, people that do that suck!

I was talking about this with a friend yesterday:

Girlfriend's Friend's Boyfriend's (who youve never met) who come out to dinner or something and play the "I'm way to fuckin cool to talk to you assholes, I'm just gonna sit here quiet all dinner like a little bitch and look pissed"

Grow a set and act like a human you fuckin scumbag

Im usually that guy being quiet.

Its not because im an asshole, I am just really shy and its hard to mske conversation :(

I hope people dont think im an asshole haha

say hi and you run the risk of getting vibed as a dick rider, don't say hi and you come across as stuck up dick

it's a slippery slope

Fucking A
75% of these faggots should fucking jump in front of a bus, fuckin bitches. "Just don't come back, ever, you're not wanted." Some motherfuckers just don't know. I also hate people that tell me they saw my old footage and try and tell me it was sick shit, tryin to make friends and shit, god damn could you ride my dick any harder?!?! Thanks, why don't you wipe my ass and feed me grapes while you're at it, bitch.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: kevbo999 on November 11, 2008, 01:51:01 PM
It's bad enough my apartment is small and shitty, but I share it with 3 messy fucking squares.  The worst is this 45 year old, know it all counselor dude.  He doesn't clean a thing yet he's always bugging me to clean stuff.  I don't understand where he gets the fucking nerve.  He says if I clean the bathroom he'll do the kitchen, but he doesn't, and now he says I should clean the oven because only I use it.  Fuck I wish they'd all move out, or that I can soon afford to.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: DevinSB on November 11, 2008, 04:03:46 PM
People who talk about hardcore records circa 1983 first pressing jargan.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: kevbo999 on November 11, 2008, 04:05:58 PM
I hate myself when I make thoughtless, expensive mistakes.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: cold budweisers on November 11, 2008, 04:18:25 PM
almost every dj i've ever met
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Nihilist on November 11, 2008, 07:51:02 PM
people who try to start fights Knowing you cant do shit because youre at work

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: on November 11, 2008, 08:34:47 PM
people who don't watch where they are going when they walk around....
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: The Boner on November 11, 2008, 08:42:54 PM
People who Try and Pound Religion into you

Atheists who think they have somthing to prove
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Nonsense on November 11, 2008, 08:58:07 PM
Haha, Oh man, I go to art school here at SVA in NYC, and I hate 95% of the people who I have met here, and am currently debating on whether or not I should come back to school for 2nd semester, or just drop out and stay here. Everyone thinks their "different" from everyone else, yet for the majority, their all the fucking same, plus their all  a buncha lame cunts anyway.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: stet. on November 11, 2008, 11:51:34 PM
most evangelicals who have a license to carry a hand gun.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: guy le douche on November 11, 2008, 11:55:10 PM
chicks who brand them self as "the random girl" and say how much they love it.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: nocomply on November 12, 2008, 07:31:44 AM
people who use the word regular excessively.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Des Esseintes on November 12, 2008, 07:49:21 AM
people who try to start fights Knowing you cant do shit because youre at work

Spot on.

I got fired from my cleaning job because I couldn't take the amount of pricks who would try and start shit with me.

The weediest little cunts an' all.

Their first time drinking a bottle of cider and they think they can start something with me just 'cos it's my job to clean their dumbshit little friend's vomit.

chicks who brand them self as "the random girl" and say how much they love it.
Too fucking right.

Wearing mismatched socks doesn't make you wacky or interesting, it makes you a cunt.

I'm adding people who randomly spout off catchphrases from comedy shows and think they're the funniest fuck around.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Tarquin on November 12, 2008, 07:52:27 AM

Wearing mismatched socks doesn't make you wacky or interesting, it makes you a cunt.

ahahahahha sig'd
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Sleazy on November 12, 2008, 08:29:28 AM
people who don't watch where they are going when they walk around....

i hate those pricks. we went to the zoo for halloween with my daughter and it was the worst case of idiots not watching where they were going.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: kevbo999 on November 12, 2008, 10:52:46 AM
Hairdressers who suggest shit, and just do what they think looks good.  I know what I want!  Just because your 60 year old ass thinks something is "in style" doesn't mean that's what I wanna pay for.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: guy le douche on November 12, 2008, 11:03:50 AM
Hairdressers who suggest shit, and just do what they think looks good.  I know what I want!  Just because your 60 year old ass thinks something is "in style" doesn't mean that's what I wanna pay for.
or people who just suck at cutting hair yet do it for a living, the main reason i got my head shaved in the summer was because this awful hippie chick who wouldnt shutup about her personal life (dating status, where she was born, how much she loves life, dating websites) gave me a horrible hair cut, and it didnt even look like a hair cut, more like someone took a hack saw to my head.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: no one you know on November 12, 2008, 12:25:46 PM
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Hairdressers who suggest shit, and just do what they think looks good.  I know what I want!  Just because your 60 year old ass thinks something is "in style" doesn't mean that's what I wanna pay for.
or people who just suck at cutting hair yet do it for a living, the main reason i got my head shaved in the summer was because this awful hippie chick who wouldnt shutup about her personal life (dating status, where she was born, how much she loves life, dating websites) gave me a horrible hair cut, and it didnt even look like a hair cut, more like someone took a hack saw to my head.

^ Yeah, reminds me of when I was just living in Honolulu and going to school in Downtown, and there was a barber shop school. So at this bar I used to go to all the time, students from the barber shop would go there too. And there was this tranny bitch flirting with me, fucking so annoying. Trannys. I especially hate the tranny bitches that flirt and tease, god is there anything fucking worse than a horny tranny bitch giving you the stare down?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Sleazy on November 12, 2008, 12:29:42 PM
god is there anything fucking worse than a horny tranny bitch giving you the stare down?

waking up to one giving you the dry hump?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Carrolls Chesthairs on November 12, 2008, 06:04:53 PM
people who ask why you're so quiet
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: brent on November 12, 2008, 06:28:49 PM
people who actually say "that's what she said!" or "your mom!" after every fucking thing
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Gomez on November 12, 2008, 07:52:40 PM
I'm adding people who randomly spout off catchphrases from comedy shows and think they're the funniest fuck around.
thank napoleon dynamite and borat for that. if i heard another "gosh!" or "niiiiice" i was gonna start swinging. glad those movies aren't popular anymore.

i'll add dudes that walk around reciting their favorite rap lyrics while acting like they're in a music video, thinking they're the shit. it's like the whole thing with those people that recite comedy catchphrases, i don't understand why someone would think they're the shit when they weren't even clever enough to come up with the things that they're saying.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Claude Tanner on November 12, 2008, 08:09:33 PM
almost every dj i've ever met
Ipod djs
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: defiantnate on November 12, 2008, 08:14:46 PM
people who use the word regular excessively.
I'm very guilty of this, which sucks cause my girlfriend works in a house for mentally disabled females...

I get shit all the time...

But sometimes I'll catch her saying it... and I'll give her shit right back.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Smell Good on November 12, 2008, 08:24:16 PM
Aw dude, you know what I was just reminded of? My high school is like the biggest one in Michigan or some shit, so like, hallway traffic is obviously congested, so you're walking trying to get to class and the fuck in front of you just stops to talk or something. Fuck those people.

And the people who purposley walk with their feet pointing inward, what the fuck is that shit? They must believe that faux awkwardness gets them pussy or something.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: crackrazor on November 12, 2008, 08:46:51 PM
almost every dj i've ever met

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Jimmy909 on November 12, 2008, 08:48:35 PM
i hate people i don't like
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Star Whores Episode I: The Fellatio Menace on November 12, 2008, 09:27:57 PM
i hate people i don't like
if theres one thing I enjoy, is doing something I like to do
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: SexChub08 on November 12, 2008, 11:30:11 PM
stupid fags that make fun of heavier skaterz cause there not super skinny and gay like jim greco. dont hate cause i got more cushin for da pushin, bitches!
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: ArizonaGreenTea on November 13, 2008, 02:30:30 AM
So many have been posted so I'll just put in my two cents worth, even if its a repeat.

Kids that hop on the filming/photography train just to get into the "in crowd" in skating and then think they're to cool for school, your not the only one who can hold a vx with an ultra death at the bottom of a set, chump.
"Cool kid" skaters in general.
Hipsters sporting rayban-esque glasses.
People that have to pull out their iphones for every damn occasion, whoa dude the screen rotates as you turn it, NO WAI.
Longboarders on campus that thread their way through crowds on their way to class, bonus points for rocking the mandals.
Anybody that awkwardly trying to fit into a cliche, (e.g. when krews first came out and half of the people that rocked them looked uncertain of themselves)
People that leech themselves onto the "cool kid" crowd, laughing at their jokes, butting in on their conversations, getting the unsure-stare from the congregation.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: frisco on November 13, 2008, 02:58:59 AM
stupid fags that make fun of heavier skaterz cause there not super skinny and gay like jim greco. dont hate cause i got more cushin for da pushin, bitches!

i never make fun of heavy skaters, or weird looking ones for that matter, if they have the skill shouldnt matter
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: skimthefat on November 13, 2008, 03:49:10 AM
i feel yas on the haircut thing. my usual hairdresser was the best, same thing everytime, knew what i wanted, perfect everytime, and she was hot! but she went on holiday or moved or something so when it was time for a trim i went downtown and tried some other place. so bad, come out looking like the biggest fuckhead. felt like shaving my head next time myself when i needed a cut it was that bad. plus she was the dullest boring bitch ever, making stupid little conversation that was so awkward i just wanted to get out of there. ah well, its grown back to normal now after looking like a dickhead for a couple of weeks.

and those fucks who don't understand how much i love skateboarding. its funny, cause i bet those people have no passions and led a very unfullfilled life.

also, the constant liars who hang around my local. they talk so much shit and think skateboarding is like one big competition.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: ArizonaGreenTea on November 13, 2008, 04:42:37 AM
...and those fucks who don't understand how much i love skateboarding. its funny, cause i bet those people have no passions and led a very unfullfilled life...

It is downright one of the hardest things to explain why you like skateboarding to people who are just clueless about it, in the end you just end up trailing off and bringing up something else because you know they will never understand.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Star Whores Episode I: The Fellatio Menace on November 13, 2008, 07:04:50 AM
ive always never liked when hairdressers spend the entire time making dull conversation, maybe im just antisocial or something, but for some reason i begin to get an anxiety attack when I get a hair cut so discussing the school I go to is not comfortable in the least.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Binomial Nomenclature on November 13, 2008, 07:35:40 AM
toe walkers
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Claude Tanner on November 13, 2008, 10:42:17 AM
Snowboarders who skate. Much different then skaters who snowboard.  I don't have anything major against snowboarding besides it looks silly but you can definitely tell when someone learnt to snowboard before they skated. Super tight trucks, butt style and having no skate conscience when it comes to trick selection. There is nothing worse then watching someone skate tranny and they can't even turn going back and forth doing rock fakies or doing fakie 5050 fakie shuvs out. Also snowboarders who ask you why you still skate like snowboarding is some next level grown up shit, sorry if I want to skate I don't have to drive to my local jib park. And whats with the word jibbing what the fuck does that mean. On the topic of snowboarders who skate fuck 90% reps, you can see them from a mile away, pushing horribly, sunglasses and some stupid hat either the companies "style" hat (fedora, train conductor) or really lame all over print hat.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Claude Tanner on November 13, 2008, 01:17:17 PM
Lately my roommate too, all he does is sit on his computer all day and cook bacon, and never cleans his dishes. Nothing pisses me off more then a dirty kitchen. He tries to come off as this super cultured design guy by listening to french radio and jazz but he actually is a pile. His commentary on current events is fucking hilarious. Last week he was going off how everyone should work where they live, but he doesnt even have a job. So thats another kind of person I hate, the self proclaimed "cultured" guy who in actually an idiot.

Retards that don't know anything about geography ex. Thinking Africas a country, Japan and China are the same thing, Think you have to fly across the world to get to Australia because that's how it looks on the map. Also people who call any South Asian a Paki, fuck that term.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Upgrayedd on November 13, 2008, 09:41:30 PM
I have been getting hassled by a fuck-ton of vegans lately. For the past month and a half about twice a week these douche-bag vegans want to come up to me and start some shit about "why are you eating that steak?!" "dont you know that poor animal died a horrible death so you can gorge on him!" It's not even the same two or three, its different ones every time. Now im all about people doing they're own thing, nobodys making them eat meat, but leave me alone while i do it.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: guy le douche on November 13, 2008, 09:50:34 PM
ive always never liked when hairdressers spend the entire time making dull conversation, maybe im just antisocial or something, but for some reason i begin to get an anxiety attack when I get a hair cut so discussing the school I go to is not comfortable in the least.
i hate it when hair dressers make pointless small talk with you.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Gomez on November 13, 2008, 09:55:25 PM
i have yet to meet a person wearing a skin industries hat that i liked. this fuck at my school has this hat and i really don't like him.

he tries to sound like he's some creative skater just because he still does bonelesses and shit like that, but the real reason that he does it is because he can't do legit flip tricks and shit. you add a shitty company's gear to said person and you have a new person to hate.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: guy le douche on November 13, 2008, 10:07:48 PM
^ you just reminded me of something.

all the gooks wearing this shit.
it's becoming a huge fad out here.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: CUDDLEMONSTER on November 13, 2008, 10:37:21 PM
^ you just reminded me of something.

all the gooks wearing this shit.
it's becoming a huge fad out here.

check this shit out:

Earlier this year I came up with an idea, for something completely new: a combat sport for the digital age. XARM is a new sport with action entertainment even more intense than MMA. It’s geared for the Internet and guaranteed to look good on an IPOD® or a Blackberry®. A fighting sport that was pure action! And so XARM was born….a combination of hardcore arm wrestling, kickboxing and jiu-jitsu.

In an XARM bout the way to win is to pin your opponent’s arm or knock him out. There are only three rounds — and the rounds are only a minute long. We discovered in the gym that any longer was too hard on the fighters. The action in this sport is tremendous. Athletes are tethered to the table and their grip hands are strapped together, so there’s nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. It’s real hand-to-hand combat. But, like any competitive sport, there are rules and a special 10-point must system if a bout goes to a decision.

This sport is truly created for the digital age. We have some high tech stuff coming that will blow your mind. Consider this:

* Combat gloves wired with special sensors that tell you how hard those left hooks are landing
* A running count of how many punches are being thrown and when they land
* A combat table wired with sensors that record every arm wrestling pin
* Even the ref has a camera and a microphone mounted right in his eyeglasses so you see action from his perspective too!

shouldn't this be illegal? mark my words we're getting into some rollerball/running man type shit with this.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: kevbo999 on November 14, 2008, 05:25:05 AM
Haha wow ^

I hate bodybuilders.  They're not trying to get in shape.  They're trying to be as big and powerful as possible because they have the mindsets of cavemen.  No wait, cavemen didn't spend countless hours in a gym, listening to dance music and shaving their bodies.  They're all cocky, ignorant assholes, every one of them.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Sleazy on November 14, 2008, 08:13:53 AM
I have been getting hassled by a fuck-ton of vegans lately. For the past month and a half about twice a week these douche-bag vegans want to come up to me and start some shit about "why are you eating that steak?!" "dont you know that poor animal died a horrible death so you can gorge on him!" It's not even the same two or three, its different ones every time. Now im all about people doing they're own thing, nobodys making them eat meat, but leave me alone while i do it.

you just have to point out to them that by participating in industrialized culture (or even agrarian) they are also killing animals and it's actually just a difference on where you've choosen to draw the line compared to them but that your both participating in killing animals. basically

living in a home = destroyed natural habbitats which kills animals
using manufactured goods including fuels, vehicles, etc... = again destruction of habbitats
wood = destruction of habbitats
having kids = population growth, less of the pie for animals
using medical supplies = destruction of habitats, systematic destruction of animals for testing

basically unless your living out in the jungle in a cave and picking berries for your food then your having a negative effect on the ecology of other species resulting in their death. and even if you took that drastic measure, where you going to get clothing without destroying animals or habbitats. it's damn near impossible not to adversly effect other species. it's kind of the same idea as a carbon foot print, i guess you could call it ecological foot print or something like that but if your participating on any level in industrialized or agrarian cluture then you've got one and your contributing to the death of animals.

and if that doesn't work, just tell them to eat dick
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: dutchmastakilla on November 14, 2008, 12:56:19 PM
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There's this gay black kid who sits behind me in AP Psychology and wears a stupid Barack Obama t-shirt every day. He constantly mentions in class that he wants to "get drunk and get some dick," how he would "have sex with anything," and how "sex is just sex no matter who it's with." Anyway, the other day he said to me, "Can you pass back that paper, honey?" in this feminine voice. He seriously fucking called me "honey." Ordinarily I would've punched him right in his face, but I couldn't afford to get suspended, so instead I grabbed this binder from his desk and slung it across the classroom; sending papers flying everywhere. Then I just started screaming at him: "DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING CALL ME THAT AGAIN YOU GODDAMNED FAGGOT!"

I got escorted to the principals office; when I got there I claimed that he was sexually harassing me, and so I ended up not getting into trouble. There are rumors that my principal hates blacks/gays/etc. so I guess that helped. Anyways, the gay kid got suspended for a couple of days and had to write me an apology letter. I have it framed on my wall right now. I hate motherfuckers like that though.

way to go. i know if anyone calls me anything but "sir" i throw their shit all over the place.

Exactly. I'm so stoked on the fact that I got to throw his shit everywhere, cuss him out very loudly, and even threaten to kill him without so much as a verbal warning. My principal basically said that if some gay dude called him that, he'd react in the same way because it was sexual harassment. He promptly suspended the fag for like three days and made him write me an apology letter, HAHAHA.

I'm not taking any pride in being in AP Psychology. It's a pretty common course to be taking, and I'm in and have been in several other APs.

Just so we're clear, you lost your shit over a black, gay kid whose political affiliation you made sure to mention, calling you "honey". But you don't care what he does in his private life. Just so we're clear.

What happens if the lunch lady calls you honey? You wanna fuck that bitch up too?
it doesnt matter if he's gay or not, calling someone that is just stupid, plain and simple.
I would not want to bring back a defunct argument but its sort of eerie how this horrible belligerent,almost pointless movie I watched with the great William H. Macy pertains to a valuable lesson that needs to be learned in this fools case."Edmond" being the senseless gory shit heap of a movie actually has some moral value at the end.The most fucked up part of my beef with it was that the movie was at the library and any little kid browsing lazily could pick up on it and fry their brains.Anyway I am in no way religious but karma is sort of a sixth sense I believe and their are some staggering truths to pick up on from this film.In any case the dangers of harboring such arrogant beliefs is unbelievably truthful in this film if anyone has seen it and I honestly hope Dr.Newtons fate turns out similar to the ending if he actually thinks this way.Its all fun and games until you get "bodied".
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: dutchmastakilla on November 14, 2008, 01:05:36 PM
mostly people who take themselves too seriously and take pride in shallow meaningless things. i'm prety much a recluse by choice these days so i don't really have all the friends and annoying girl problems like most do.

i guess if there is anyone i hate it's corporate managers and sales guys who can't turn off the sale schtick.

corporate managers work with people closely, talk so friendly to everyone, force the entire company to get together for hours at a time to listen to their babble and the whole time the are actively trying to sell you out. the main reason these guys get most of my negative feelings is because their douchiness actually effects the lifestyle of those that they force to bow down in front of them daily. it's the ultimate form of work place\school bullying. they don't humilate you as bad but they definitely bring the pain and make you "bow down and suck the cock" from time to time with all these stupid ass kissing meetings.

and sales guys are just annoying because they have too much team spirit and can't turn that shit off. i don't know how many times i've had to explain to these tools that eventhough i build th software, i don't know everything about it. but they always come with the assumptions and the need to impress. assuming you like to talk about sports, assuming you're conservative, assuming that you like to talk about the product that your working on, assuming you enjoy talking about the competitors, etc... for christ sakes, stop trying to be the bringer of small talk and just let me walk back to my office in peace. fortunately they usually keep these assholes far away from the tech guys so it's a very rare occurence.  Sounds like you should read some Berkman.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: DevinSB on November 18, 2008, 03:39:05 PM
^ you just reminded me of something.

all the gooks wearing this shit.
it's becoming a huge fad out here.

Hahahahahahhahahha. "Tapout" is THE biggest trend among young people in the good ole state of Tennessee.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: papasmurfsdog on November 18, 2008, 05:19:38 PM
my jock roommate, and anyone like him. People that say "I'm fucking awesome" and mean it
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: crackrazor on November 18, 2008, 05:30:28 PM
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I have been getting hassled by a fuck-ton of vegans lately. For the past month and a half about twice a week these douche-bag vegans want to come up to me and start some shit about "why are you eating that steak?!" "dont you know that poor animal died a horrible death so you can gorge on him!" It's not even the same two or three, its different ones every time. Now im all about people doing they're own thing, nobodys making them eat meat, but leave me alone while i do it.

you just have to point out to them that by participating in industrialized culture (or even agrarian) they are also killing animals and it's actually just a difference on where you've choosen to draw the line compared to them but that your both participating in killing animals. basically

living in a home = destroyed natural habbitats which kills animals
using manufactured goods including fuels, vehicles, etc... = again destruction of habbitats
wood = destruction of habbitats
having kids = population growth, less of the pie for animals
using medical supplies = destruction of habitats, systematic destruction of animals for testing

basically unless your living out in the jungle in a cave and picking berries for your food then your having a negative effect on the ecology of other species resulting in their death. and even if you took that drastic measure, where you going to get clothing without destroying animals or habbitats. it's damn near impossible not to adversly effect other species. it's kind of the same idea as a carbon foot print, i guess you could call it ecological foot print or something like that but if your participating on any level in industrialized or agrarian cluture then you've got one and your contributing to the death of animals.

and if that doesn't work, just tell them to eat dick

Sleazy, you're good.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Upgrayedd on November 19, 2008, 07:34:29 AM
Thats because sleazy doesn't oink the hustle.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Claude Tanner on November 19, 2008, 10:49:08 AM
People who care about guest lists or velvet rope parties. Fuck celebrities.
Party photographers at these parties, and people who really want to get their picture taken by these losers.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: no one you know on November 19, 2008, 11:02:53 AM
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...and those fucks who don't understand how much i love skateboarding. its funny, cause i bet those people have no passions and led a very unfullfilled life...

It is downright one of the hardest things to explain why you like skateboarding to people who are just clueless about it, in the end you just end up trailing off and bringing up something else because you know they will never understand.

I always avoid telling people I skate and always will. SKATE OR DIE

It does make it awkward making things up that you do though, or don't, actually.

One thing I hate is bitches you talk to and they just assume you're hitting on them and just trying to get laid and they say the rudest shit back to you. I fucking hate bitches like that. Sometimes all you say is "hello" and they blow up in your fucking face, fuck that shit man.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: tysj! on November 19, 2008, 11:19:28 AM
People who add so much useless shit in a story/incident that takes 20 seconds; usually women. I heard something on the radio the other day and I wanted to crash into a truck because I felt so regular after listening to her sound like a dumbass. It's the kinda crap they add like "you know what I mean?" after saying shit like the sky is blue. Or expanding for days on a tiny and irrelevant part of the subject and then ending that with a "you know what I mean?". I don't know how to explain it. You'll probably know it's happened to you when you think to yourself: "Good god tell me al-fucking-ready". The ending is usually anything but climatic.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Binomial Nomenclature on November 19, 2008, 11:31:03 AM
Arsonists.  Two cars got burned in my neighboorhood, and a garage a few doors down got burnt down.  Fuck that bullshit.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Bipsmound on November 19, 2008, 11:46:26 AM
Ahhh, I'm fucked.  I think I might've already ranted about this in this thread, but public cell phone users, ESPECIALLY on public transit.

A few short years ago, it was a little harder to tell how regular a stranger was.  Now that you're forced to listen to their conversations, you fuckin KNOW they are total stinkpots.  All around me, they chatter like apes.  Like apes I tell you.  I'm losing my shit over here.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: VeganShawn on November 19, 2008, 12:39:36 PM
anyone remotely similar to Dr. Newton
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Star Whores Episode I: The Fellatio Menace on November 19, 2008, 12:48:13 PM
about 90% of the sportcenter anchors
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: DARIA on November 19, 2008, 12:53:04 PM
the white ones
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sven thorkel on November 19, 2008, 01:54:03 PM
the white what? white jellybeans?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Brandon on November 19, 2008, 04:35:47 PM
people who think it's somehow cool to act aloof or disconnected in class.  e.g. trying to work in a group with fellow classmates who probably aren't as stupid as they seem to be, but act like they actually are dense in order to retain some kind of normal, chill, laid back motherfucker status.  nobody's talking, so i'll ask the group, "so, what did you guys think of the piece?"  their response: "honestly, i have NO idea..."  "yeah, me either...hehehe."  STOP.  you are in a fucking university, start acting engaged you cocksuckers.

on the other hand, people who are so psyched to wield their knowledge that they constantly interrupt class and plague everyone with second hand embarrassment.  the above student is most likely a response to this brand of student.

people who blast mainstream radio rock music super fucking loud like it's something to be proud of.

people who speak in a very pronounced californian accent.  e.g. girls will constantly make "yeah" sound like "yaww" or "yahh."  can't think of other words as examples right now, but you probably understand what i'm talking about.

white people who speak in a "thuggish" manner seriously, and white people who speak in a "thuggish" manner who are just trying to be ironic.  fuck both types.

people who think it's lame to be well-spoken.

people who think being well-spoken gives them the right to pick apart the speech and writing of others, especially if you aren't in a fucking classroom.

i have many, many more.  maybe later.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: ahl33 on November 19, 2008, 05:07:02 PM
^ you just reminded me of something.

all the gooks wearing this shit.
it's becoming a huge fad out here.
fuckin' ridiculous
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sven thorkel on November 19, 2008, 07:02:11 PM
a man with so many skulls permanently on his arms is deserving of a skull t-shirt dont you think?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: big_dave on November 19, 2008, 07:17:27 PM
bigots, racists, religious fundamentalists.

though I am loathe to use the word "hate," these are the people that I have the least tolerance for.

Funny how that works out.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: TK17 on November 19, 2008, 07:51:29 PM
People that assume you're stupid and immature because you skateboard, as if you're incapable of 1. intellectual discussion or 2. making a contribution to society because you're doing something deemed "immature and rebellious".  This applies to lots of people, but especially to middle aged middle management white men with an inflated sense of entitlement.   
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Upgrayedd on November 19, 2008, 08:03:56 PM
People that assume you're stupid and immature because you skateboard, as if you're incapable of 1. intellectual discussion or 2. making a contribution to society because you're doing something deemed "immature and rebellious".  This applies to lots of people, but especially to middle aged middle management white men with an inflated sense of entitlement.   

my girlfriends father?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Pelican on November 19, 2008, 10:27:42 PM
these two wiggers that just showed up on a wednesday night that expect to sleep in my living room.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: skimthefat on November 20, 2008, 12:51:09 AM
people who talk so much shit, espicially behind peoples backs. there's this guy i know, his opinions/views are so fucked, pretty much on everything. he changes a lot around people, like, one minute he may even say he "hates" a friend of mine, but when we're all together it doesn't seem that way at all, or if he's around someone else who is good friends with the supposed hated person. hope that made sense. anyway, its like that for almost everything, though, like, music and skating. funny thing is he doesn't know shit about the two, espicially the latter one. its really stupid he acts like this towards people especially, i wonder what he really thinks of me. actually, wait, i dont really care anymore.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: kevbo999 on November 24, 2008, 02:44:02 PM
Cooking school grads.  Not all of them, just the dumb kids who think they're "professionals" and kiss ass to the bosses.  Yeah I talk shit about the boss when he leaves, he's a dick and everyone else feels the same.  Who are you to tell me he's nice and treats everyone well, after you've been here for one, hardly busy, week.  Wait till Christmas, bitch.  See how stoked you are your job then.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: the ragamuffin on November 24, 2008, 03:48:25 PM
"I hate a lot of whites and I hate a lot of blacks
I hate poopin' in public places but we all hate that
I hate lesbian feminists because they're all so damn ugly
I hate Spin Magazine cause they never ever plug me
I hate Regis and I hate Kathie Lee
I hate every single movie by that midget Spike Lee
I hate people that think I care what they think
I hate people that think their ass don't stink
I hate Jon Bon Jovi but I hate his music more
I hate killing people because I hate to keep score
I hate you but you hate yourself too
I hate to be honest but I'd hate to be you
And I don't give a damn if you don't like me
Cause' I don't like you cause you're not like me
And I don't give a damn if you don't like me
Cause' I don't like you cause you're not like me
And I don't give a damn if you don't like me
Cause' I don't like you cause you're not like me."

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: grimcity on November 24, 2008, 04:14:16 PM
Were people that leave piss on the toilet seats mentioned yet? How hard is it to lift up the seat?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: poocrusher on November 24, 2008, 04:18:19 PM
Bitch ass little faggots that I catch stealing from my store.  Especially bitch ass little faggots that I've gone out of my way to do favors, to help them out in life.  Ungrateful, pieces of shit....
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Tarquin on November 24, 2008, 04:23:41 PM
Were people that leave piss on the toilet seats mentioned yet? How hard is it to lift up the seat?

even worse is when it drips on the floor, or when there are pubes on the seat when I want to take a shit, thats the worst
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: biggums mcgee on November 24, 2008, 04:24:09 PM
these two wiggers that just showed up on a wednesday night that expect to sleep in my living room.

funniest complaint in this thread
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: dtrigiani on November 25, 2008, 12:15:12 PM
friends that always say things suck and have a shitty time just because whatever the group is doing isn't their number one choice. Everyone is trying to have a good time given the circumstances, stop being such a buzz kill.

the person/people who don't understand how shower curtains work and/or feel the need to flood the bathroom floor on a daily basis

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Brandon on November 25, 2008, 12:42:57 PM
the person/people who don't understand how shower curtains work and/or feel the need to flood the bathroom floor on a daily basis
fucking agreed to the max.  walking around with wet socks due to a roommate's dumbassery = worst start to the day ever.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Gomez on November 25, 2008, 12:52:52 PM
had to have been mentioned but...
people that love to tell you how much they can't skate, as if it makes them a cooler person. ex. "if i tried to skate, i would fall and bust my ass!" [laughs]

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sweatloaf on November 25, 2008, 12:58:01 PM
Were people that leave piss on the toilet seats mentioned yet? How hard is it to lift up the seat?

or people who poop on the floor of the porta pottys at the skatepark. Why would you poop on the floor? Come on.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: poocrusher on November 25, 2008, 01:18:01 PM
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Were people that leave piss on the toilet seats mentioned yet? How hard is it to lift up the seat?

or people who poop on the floor of the porta pottys at the skatepark. Why would you poop on the floor? Come on.

But, it is funny to poop in the urinal in the porto potty's...
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Rebirth of GWB on November 25, 2008, 01:21:37 PM
People who think it's cool to be an asshole. I can make friends with people who are assholes but people who only do it because they think it's cool are hard to reason with so what I do is I always say sup to em and act as if they're nice.
People who make corny jokes and don't stop
People who think MTV is the source of everything music and anything that's not on it is "crappy"
People who hate gay people and the only reasoning they have is "it's just wrong!"
People who've only skated once and made the conclusion that skateboarding is impossible
Preppy teachers who use youth slang that no youths even use "awesome!, rad!!!, that was sick!, right on!!"
People from school who see you skateboarding and the next day say "I saw you skateboarding yesterday!!!"
Skaters who judge other skaters by their gear
People who want to play a game of skate with you but all they do is nollie shoves, fakie bigspins and fakie shoves none of which are popped
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Tarquin on November 25, 2008, 01:22:43 PM
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Rebirth of GWB on November 25, 2008, 01:24:40 PM
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Gomez on November 25, 2008, 01:30:21 PM
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Were people that leave piss on the toilet seats mentioned yet? How hard is it to lift up the seat?

or people who poop on the floor of the porta pottys at the skatepark. Why would you poop on the floor? Come on.
you should be grateful that you have a pora potty at your skatepark. it's the bushes and sides of nearby buildings for everyone at my skatepark.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Tarquin on November 25, 2008, 01:30:51 PM

Posts:     208 (23.111 per day)

23 per day is ridiculous, someone needs to break your fingers so you can't type.

Please just fuck off and die you clueless fucking moron.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Rebirth of GWB on November 25, 2008, 01:34:30 PM
I don't feel like skating today. Can't skate on wet ground and I don't feel like driving to an indoor park
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Gomez on November 25, 2008, 01:45:11 PM
i wonder why it's so much easier to post a legit response in this thread than the "people you love" thread. i could come up with three types of people i hate immediately, but for the life of me, i couldn't come up with types of people i love at all. there's family, but other than that...

-people that have been skating for 4+ years without progressing in skating, yet feel that their senority allows them to talk shit on people way better than them (everyone). i knew someone like this.

-people that get extremely angry after not landing a trick within 3 tries. skating is about fun, and if you get that angry because you can't land a tre flip in 3 tries, then you obviously are not having fun doing it. so why do it?

-people that sit at skatespots the entire time, or doing stupid, non-skating related shit. i don't even understand why they came.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: oyolar on November 25, 2008, 01:47:11 PM
i don't even understand why they came.

obviously because it felt good.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Gomez on November 25, 2008, 01:49:47 PM
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i don't even understand why they came.

obviously because it felt good.
hahaha immature humor at its best.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: no one you know on November 25, 2008, 02:46:54 PM
i wonder why it's so much easier to post a legit response in this thread than the "people you love" thread.

Because its easier to say something negative than positive in most cases. Especially if have no education, you usually go around complaining. If you're educated then you should have a better understanding of the Universe.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Jonorhea on November 25, 2008, 03:39:34 PM
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sven thorkel on November 25, 2008, 04:54:38 PM
Especially if have no education, you usually go around complaining.

have education i, negative still am i
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Carrolls Chesthairs on November 25, 2008, 06:48:19 PM
People from school who see you skateboarding and the next day say "I saw you skateboarding yesterday!!!"
nerdy kids who talk a lot
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Rebirth of GWB on November 25, 2008, 06:54:00 PM
People who like to show off their obscure tastes like:
"Gino's nothing special. I'd rather watch Tom Spencerson do crailslides"
There's nothing wrong with having obscure tastes but when people basically shove their taste in skaters in your face and tell you you're wrong/regular for liking say Eric Koston. An opinion can't be the correct answer. Pretty much sums up the thrasher boards
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Rebirth of GWB on November 25, 2008, 06:56:46 PM
and people who get all A's except for a couple B's complaining about their grades.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: google image search on November 25, 2008, 07:05:40 PM
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: walrus on November 25, 2008, 11:44:52 PM
i hate people who dont even try to move out of there path and you and the person shoulder eachother. fuck that person!
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: skimthefat on November 26, 2008, 04:36:35 AM
-people that have been skating for 4+ years without progressing in skating, yet feel that their senority allows them to talk shit on people way better than them (everyone). i knew someone like this.

-people that get extremely angry after not landing a trick within 3 tries. skating is about fun, and if you get that angry because you can't land a tre flip in 3 tries, then you obviously are not having fun doing it. so why do it?

-people that sit at skatespots the entire time, or doing stupid, non-skating related shit. i don't even understand why they came.

damn nearly everyone i skate with nowadays is like that. the last one irritates me the most, too.
it sucks so much too cause i'm finding it harder to progress, when you've got no one to push you or go along with you. just kids who wanna talk shit on others, bitch everything or dont skate at all.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Gomez on December 09, 2008, 07:27:41 AM
yeah, it sucks. i avoid those people at all costs but it's always more fun to skate with someone. i don't mind solo missions but after a while it gets old.

yesterday this dude was wearing shorts and a t-shirt and it was like 38 degrees outside. i asked him if he was cold and he was like no, it's not cold outside (you can see his breath while he speaks). add those fucks to the list. people that try to act different for attention, to the point where they just look like idiots.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: no one you know on December 09, 2008, 08:53:33 AM
whoa Gomez, slap pal, right on cuz.

^Yeah the aren't you cold, "NO!" that shit is always stupid, or the, "are you hot wearing a parka in the summer?" Some people just wanna make a statement but at the same time...
people who are not understanding that everybody is different. And people who argue violently about what the best fast food is, probably the dumbest argument ever but kind of hysterical at the same time.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: vegan*shawn on December 09, 2008, 09:14:39 AM
Jah teaches me to love everyone :)
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Sleazy on December 09, 2008, 10:11:19 AM
This applies to lots of people, but especially to middle aged middle management white men with an inflated sense of entitlement.   

yeah because everyone knows that golf and hunting are the only acceptable adult male hobbies

fucking pussies...
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: coop D.O.G.G. on December 09, 2008, 02:09:12 PM
i hate people who dont even try to move out of there path and you and the person shoulder eachother. fuck that person!

haha, thats so fun to do. just play chicken and see who pussies out
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: poptart pete on December 09, 2008, 05:02:43 PM
-the little kids who ask me if i can get them sponsored
-my co-workers
-niggas at taco bell that dont know how to roll a proper burrito
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: GnarlesManson on December 09, 2008, 05:42:44 PM
-niggas at taco bell that dont know how to roll a proper burrito
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: ChildoftheGhetto on December 09, 2008, 05:56:17 PM
i wonder why it's so much easier to post a legit response in this thread than the "people you love" thread. i could come up with three types of people i hate immediately, but for the life of me, i couldn't come up with types of people i love at all. there's family, but other than that...

-people that have been skating for 4+ years without progressing in skating, yet feel that their senority allows them to talk shit on people way better than them (everyone). i knew someone like this.

-people that get extremely angry after not landing a trick within 3 tries. skating is about fun, and if you get that angry because you can't land a tre flip in 3 tries, then you obviously are not having fun doing it. so why do it?

-people that sit at skatespots the entire time, or doing stupid, non-skating related shit. i don't even understand why they came.
HAHAHA That's like the whole slap community.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Tarquin on December 10, 2008, 04:28:45 AM
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i wonder why it's so much easier to post a legit response in this thread than the "people you love" thread. i could come up with three types of people i hate immediately, but for the life of me, i couldn't come up with types of people i love at all. there's family, but other than that...

-people that have been skating for 4+ years without progressing in skating, yet feel that their senority allows them to talk shit on people way better than them (everyone). i knew someone like this.

-people that get extremely angry after not landing a trick within 3 tries. skating is about fun, and if you get that angry because you can't land a tre flip in 3 tries, then you obviously are not having fun doing it. so why do it?

-people that sit at skatespots the entire time, or doing stupid, non-skating related shit. i don't even understand why they came.
HAHAHA That's like the whole slap community.

why do you talk as if you're not part of this slap community, you have over 1500 posts and like it or not you're one of the key contributers to the forum
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: kevbo999 on December 10, 2008, 05:21:45 AM
Cotg's trolling again.  I'm fairly certain most of us who are physically able to progress, still are. 
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Bipsmound on December 10, 2008, 05:43:27 AM
I haven't learned any new flippity jake axle grinds lately, but I've been getting a lot better at barrel jumping recently.  TA still has the record, but I'm gonna make a go of it on Ripley's believe it or not in March.  I hope you guys are rooting for me (I'll wear a slap shirt on the show).
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: ChildoftheGhetto on December 10, 2008, 05:57:13 AM
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Expand Quote
i wonder why it's so much easier to post a legit response in this thread than the "people you love" thread. i could come up with three types of people i hate immediately, but for the life of me, i couldn't come up with types of people i love at all. there's family, but other than that...

-people that have been skating for 4+ years without progressing in skating, yet feel that their senority allows them to talk shit on people way better than them (everyone). i knew someone like this.

-people that get extremely angry after not landing a trick within 3 tries. skating is about fun, and if you get that angry because you can't land a tre flip in 3 tries, then you obviously are not having fun doing it. so why do it?

-people that sit at skatespots the entire time, or doing stupid, non-skating related shit. i don't even understand why they came.
HAHAHA That's like the whole slap community.

why do you talk as if you're not part of this slap community, you have over 1500 posts and like it or not you're one of the key contributers to the forum
You do not understand generalizations.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Gomez on December 10, 2008, 07:23:14 AM
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i wonder why it's so much easier to post a legit response in this thread than the "people you love" thread. i could come up with three types of people i hate immediately, but for the life of me, i couldn't come up with types of people i love at all. there's family, but other than that...

-people that have been skating for 4+ years without progressing in skating, yet feel that their senority allows them to talk shit on people way better than them (everyone). i knew someone like this.

-people that get extremely angry after not landing a trick within 3 tries. skating is about fun, and if you get that angry because you can't land a tre flip in 3 tries, then you obviously are not having fun doing it. so why do it?

-people that sit at skatespots the entire time, or doing stupid, non-skating related shit. i don't even understand why they came.
HAHAHA That's like the whole slap community.
lol I was referring to skaters that hate on other skaters they personally know, not pros/ ams.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: crackrazor on December 10, 2008, 08:28:36 AM
People who think it's chill the have giant, viscous dogs. Then, they feel the need to walk around all they time with the thing not on a leash, even though it's running up to people and making a weird noise because it wants to kill you, yet is wearing a muzzle.   
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: CeeyMar on December 10, 2008, 09:54:27 AM
Bros who make fun of the way you dress, when they don't even know how stupid they look.
Or people who dress in all wood hunter camo and wear work boots to school and make fun of how you dress.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: kevbo999 on December 10, 2008, 10:54:32 AM
Bros who make fun of the way you dress, when they don't even know how stupid they look.

This kills me, I'm just ask them "How the fuck is your purple Abercrombie dress shirt cooler than my flannel?"
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: ahlee on December 10, 2008, 01:54:43 PM

Off topic the Chris Hansen - Vov battle rap needs it own thread.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Upgrayedd on December 10, 2008, 03:14:22 PM
I'm in a technical college, its pretty small, but there is this group of bros over here who want to be frat guys so damn bad its pathetic. They wear all these greek shirts that they found at goodwill or some shit like that, talk about beer pong and ps3 and wear these little camo cargo shorts with flip flops year round. hope they choke on their puka shell neckalces
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: ChildoftheGhetto on December 10, 2008, 03:25:07 PM
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i wonder why it's so much easier to post a legit response in this thread than the "people you love" thread. i could come up with three types of people i hate immediately, but for the life of me, i couldn't come up with types of people i love at all. there's family, but other than that...

-people that have been skating for 4+ years without progressing in skating, yet feel that their senority allows them to talk shit on people way better than them (everyone). i knew someone like this.

-people that get extremely angry after not landing a trick within 3 tries. skating is about fun, and if you get that angry because you can't land a tre flip in 3 tries, then you obviously are not having fun doing it. so why do it?

-people that sit at skatespots the entire time, or doing stupid, non-skating related shit. i don't even understand why they came.
HAHAHA That's like the whole slap community.
lol I was referring to skaters that hate on other skaters they personally know, not pros/ ams.
People on slap hates anyone who's better than them and doesn't subscribe to shitty trick "unique" spot doctrine.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: StabMasterArson on December 10, 2008, 03:50:35 PM
people who cut the crust off of sandwiches

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Mooley on December 10, 2008, 03:57:36 PM
people who cut the crust off of sandwiches

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: no one you know on December 10, 2008, 04:20:28 PM
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i wonder why it's so much easier to post a legit response in this thread than the "people you love" thread. i could come up with three types of people i hate immediately, but for the life of me, i couldn't come up with types of people i love at all. there's family, but other than that...

-people that have been skating for 4+ years without progressing in skating, yet feel that their senority allows them to talk shit on people way better than them (everyone). i knew someone like this.

-people that get extremely angry after not landing a trick within 3 tries. skating is about fun, and if you get that angry because you can't land a tre flip in 3 tries, then you obviously are not having fun doing it. so why do it?

-people that sit at skatespots the entire time, or doing stupid, non-skating related shit. i don't even understand why they came.
HAHAHA That's like the whole slap community.
lol I was referring to skaters that hate on other skaters they personally know, not pros/ ams.
People on slap hates anyone who's better than them and doesn't subscribe to shitty trick "unique" spot doctrine.

haha, shitty trick "unique" spot doctrine, shit had me rolling dog, fuck these guys. but everyone is guilty of this shit from time to time, especially if you've been skating a shit load for a long ass time. Don't you guys hate Man Ams? I mean when I was younger I remember looking at the checkouts and if some dude was in his mid to late 20's or older and just getting his checkout I thought that shit was so lame. But for the record, I don't really hate Man Am's just seeing if you guys hate them.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: CeeyMar on December 10, 2008, 04:53:32 PM
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Bros who make fun of the way you dress, when they don't even know how stupid they look.

This kills me, I'm just ask them "How the fuck is your purple Abercrombie dress shirt cooler than my flannel?"

Yeah, or how they try and start something over my tight pants and shoes(its usually along the line of "hey man why do you wear such thin shoes or fuck man you have so many shoes, why don't you just buy work boots or something that's a lot stronger then those thin pieces of shit.) but they're standing there with torn up jeans and flip flops.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: RollinonFour on December 10, 2008, 10:07:16 PM
Long list man. Alot of people just plain suck

People who dont even try to get out of your way when you skate. People who pretend they can do a trick when they cant.

People who sit down most of the time at the skatepark but then when any girl walks by or shows up they start skating and gettin in everybodies way and shit, hella annoying. people walking dogs, shit talkers, jealous assholes, people who dont try to progress, people who dont smile and act hard all the time, fake-ass skaters who dress gangster when they arent & people wearin tall tee's when they arent tall. infact they're most of the time quite small. it looks like when damon waynes in that movie major pane mad all the kids shave their heads and wear dresses.  people who smell & finally people who cant roll a blunt for shit.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Landshark on December 10, 2008, 10:30:06 PM
People who beat me up.
I haven't been able to skate for a few weeks now because somebody started hitting me with a hammer and I wasn't able to get away fast enough.  I know too many violent people.  60% of my high school friends are in jail now and around 10% are dead.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: crackrazor on December 10, 2008, 11:20:34 PM
People who beat me up.
I haven't been able to skate for a few weeks now because somebody started hitting me with a hammer and I wasn't able to get away fast enough.  I know too many violent people.  60% of my high school friends are in jail now and around 10% are dead.

Oh, word?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: no one you know on December 11, 2008, 11:20:20 AM
Long list man. Alot of people just plain suck

People who dont even try to get out of your way when you skate. People who pretend they can do a trick when they cant.

People who sit down most of the time at the skatepark but then when any girl walks by or shows up they start skating and gettin in everybodies way and shit, hella annoying. people walking dogs, shit talkers, jealous assholes, people who dont try to progress, people who dont smile and act hard all the time, fake-ass skaters who dress gangster when they arent & people wearin tall tee's when they arent tall. infact they're most of the time quite small. it looks like when damon waynes in that movie major pane mad all the kids shave their heads and wear dresses.  people who smell & finally people who cant roll a blunt for shit.

Hell yeah dude you fucking rule, "fake ass gangsters that don't know how to roll a blunt" Chee! Haha, funny kine cuz.
But, people walking dogs? Yeah, seriously, what the fuck is their problem? Walking a fucking dog, bitches can be so fucking stupid. haha, funny shit
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: CeeyMar on December 11, 2008, 12:27:56 PM
The Twilight bitches, everybody at my school is still obsessed with that book. It was so bad before the movie came out but its kinda dying out now.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: papasmurfsdog on January 22, 2009, 09:39:26 PM
Extremely agrivated homeless people.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: frisco on January 22, 2009, 10:26:47 PM
Extremely agrivated homeless people.

yea you would think theyd be smiling and cheerful all day, fucking scumbags
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: damian on January 22, 2009, 10:51:30 PM
people who can't accept kindness as simple kindness. there isn't some underlying agenda to everything. it is what it is.
people who try to steal lighters, esp. at parties. it's obvious what you're trying to pull, fondling my bic that damn long.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: beardface on January 22, 2009, 11:39:09 PM
people who try to steal lighters, esp. at parties. it's obvious what you're trying to pull, fondling my bic that damn long.
guilty. except i don't try to be sneaky, if theres a lighter in my hand and i can't immediately remember to give it back, in the pocket it goes. its a disease. i'm workin on it. it sucks to wake up with a really cool lighter in the pocket, only to have it ripped away when showing it to friends.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Pelican on January 22, 2009, 11:48:19 PM
unbelievably stupid girls
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: ty pennington on January 23, 2009, 12:06:39 AM
30 year old women setting up camp in my bedroom thanks to my horny cousin who lives on my couch.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: mipe on January 23, 2009, 05:40:34 AM
People who beat me up.
I haven't been able to skate for a few weeks now because somebody started hitting me with a hammer and I wasn't able to get away fast enough.  I know too many violent people.  60% of my high school friends are in jail now and around 10% are dead.

where in the hell do you live?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Hobo.Joe on January 23, 2009, 08:45:03 AM
people who say kick ass. as in "yo dude i went to a kick ass party last night"
it really pisses me off more than it should
i also hate when people order their food by saying, im gonna do the... for example "umm I'm going to do the cheeseburger with a coke"
yeah well i'm gonna do the backhand to your face, i hate that shit
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: busey on January 23, 2009, 09:44:06 AM
people that work on bay street in toronto and live in condos
why? because they worked hard for where they are in life? and living in condos is sweet. i used to live in one with a bowling alley inside of the building and it fucking ruled. enough said.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: RollinonFour on January 23, 2009, 12:08:47 PM
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Long list man. Alot of people just plain suck

People who dont even try to get out of your way when you skate. People who pretend they can do a trick when they cant.

People who sit down most of the time at the skatepark but then when any girl walks by or shows up they start skating and gettin in everybodies way and shit, hella annoying. people walking dogs, shit talkers, jealous assholes, people who dont try to progress, people who dont smile and act hard all the time, fake-ass skaters who dress gangster when they arent & people wearin tall tee's when they arent tall. infact they're most of the time quite small. it looks like when damon waynes in that movie major pane mad all the kids shave their heads and wear dresses.  people who smell & finally people who cant roll a blunt for shit.

Hell yeah dude you fucking rule, "fake ass gangsters that don't know how to roll a blunt" Chee! Haha, funny kine cuz.
But, people walking dogs? Yeah, seriously, what the fuck is their problem? Walking a fucking dog, bitches can be so fucking stupid. haha, funny shit

Yeah man I said dogs homie. Seems that every fuckin skatepark around here has a dog walking park built right next to it. So the morons who walk their dogs see the park as an extension of their walk-a-thon and as you know most dogs arent very skater-friendly. some people post up right in the middle of the park with their dog biting at people and shit. I fucking hate spiteful assholes.

The kind of people who when they look at you their reminded of the fact that they arent good at anything except work and dog walking. That's why people in cars throw shit at you when you're walking on the side of the road or they speed by you real fast.

It's amazing That because I carry a peice of wood I'm automatically singled out in almost every aspect of society. It's worse than being racist or sexist because you can easily understand why they hate you but it's different when you skate because they hate you for what you like, I guess we could call it "hobbisim" & there's no fucking reason why it should even be.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: poocrusher on January 23, 2009, 12:12:39 PM
people who say kick ass. as in "yo dude i went to a kick ass party last night"
it really pisses me off more than it should
i also hate when people order their food by saying, im gonna do the... for example "umm I'm going to do the cheeseburger with a coke"
yeah well i'm gonna do the backhand to your face, i hate that shit

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Hobo.Joe on January 23, 2009, 12:51:57 PM
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people who say kick ass. as in "yo dude i went to a kick ass party last night"
it really pisses me off more than it should
i also hate when people order their food by saying, im gonna do the... for example "umm I'm going to do the cheeseburger with a coke"
yeah well i'm gonna do the backhand to your face, i hate that shit


^ he is the exception to my anger because i dont wanna sound like a queer or nothin but, unicorns are pretty kick ass
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Gomez on January 25, 2009, 07:31:18 PM
people that can't wait for an opportunity to let you know that they don't give a fuck. 
people that talk to you while you're in the middle of trying a trick, or even before trying the trick. i like to get into a certain mindset before trying a trick if it's one that i've never done before, and i can't stand someone trying to tell me a story right before i go.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Pelican on January 25, 2009, 08:55:57 PM
Why don't you tell that to someone who gives a fuck?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Gomez on January 25, 2009, 08:59:42 PM
why don't you tell that to everyone in this thread?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Pelican on January 25, 2009, 09:09:56 PM
Cus i don't give a fuck.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Gomez on January 25, 2009, 09:13:53 PM
you obviously do or you wouldn't have told me. as if i was talking to you in my original post in the first place. i was venting.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: biggums mcgee on January 25, 2009, 10:30:03 PM
Dudes who fuck their girlfriends when they're on the rag in my shower with twelve other people listening in. Dudes who fuck their girlfriend on the rag at 6 in the morning while blasting Rocky to drown out the sound of it, while my friend's fifteen yearold brother has lie on the floor two feet away.

Dudes who more or less rape their girlfriends because they can't go 12 hours without stick their dick in something. Dudes who eat out their girlfriends when the bitch is on the rag.

Dudes who just have no respect for my wishes. Dudes who have no respect for themselves and that meshes into all their relationships with other people.

Dudes, dudes, dudes.

I'm obviously talking about one guy here, but the bullshit I had to put up with doesn't even translate well into this post.  >:(
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: backagain on January 25, 2009, 11:14:21 PM
I don't really hate anyone, hate's a pretty strong word that can cause some pretty bad stuff

I would say that I dislike people that are close-minded and can't see the other side of things, and i dislike people who hate people with out even knowing them (i'm just waiting for the reply that says i hate you hahahahahah) seriously though.  I wish people would just get over ignorant hate.... if ur gonna hate someone at least have a reason
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: backagain on January 25, 2009, 11:24:37 PM
I also dislike people who blindly follow whatever the media tells them.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Pelican on January 25, 2009, 11:40:52 PM
the media told me you'd say that
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: BIG FAGGOT on January 26, 2009, 02:49:39 AM
People who complain a lot instead of confronting the problem
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: dtrigiani on January 26, 2009, 01:59:47 PM
people that work on bay street in toronto and live in condos
what? people that work on bay street should live further away from downtown? or if they live downtown should they have to work in the 'burbs?

I'm not sure why, but lately I've been getting annoyed by people that lack simple manners. It's probably something very few other people my age even consider, but for some reason it's been really bothering me. I've got a friend that will never think about even putting his hand on the door so it stays open a second longer, even if I'm carrying 50lbs of hockey equipment and he's got nothing.

I hate when people come into my room and start talking/yelling to me when I'm on the phone, trying to take a nap, or on the rare occaison, getting work done. Then they act all surprised and upset when I ask them to leave.

Moochers get pretty annoying, too. I feel bad saying no, but it gets annoying how at any given time, I can have several belongings with several different people, and knowing I won't get them back unless I hunt them down and ask for my stuff back.

Worst of all, I hate how some of my friends cancel plans all the time. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother hanging out with the stupid dicks.

I don't really hate any of those people, I just hate when they do the aforementioned annoying things. I don't know if I actually hate anyone.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: kevbo999 on January 26, 2009, 04:16:52 PM
My "friend" from down home. I only keep in touch because we always have..but every time we talk or hang out, she infuriates me with her stupidity. Whenever I start a conversation about something I'm into she changes the subject to something irrelevant.

Over the holidays we decided to grab a bite at a restaurant... she made the two of us sit at an EIGHT person table, so it wouldn't look like a date or some bullshit. I've never even tried to advance on her. Pretty sure she ripped me off when she bought grass for me too. Over it.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: ChildoftheGhetto on January 26, 2009, 09:18:17 PM
I don't really hate anyone, hate's a pretty strong word that can cause some pretty bad stuff

I would say that I dislike people that are close-minded and can't see the other side of things, and i dislike people who hate people with out even knowing them (i'm just waiting for the reply that says i hate you hahahahahah) seriously though.  I wish people would just get over ignorant hate.... if ur gonna hate someone at least have a reason
Saying you hate every person on slap would have been a lot less words.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: gravel pitch on January 26, 2009, 09:25:09 PM

Hell yeah dude you fucking rule, "fake ass gangsters that don't know how to roll a blunt" Chee! Haha, funny kine cuz.
But, people walking dogs? Yeah, seriously, what the fuck is their problem? Walking a fucking dog, bitches can be so fucking stupid. haha, funny shit

This guy.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: fake account on January 26, 2009, 11:01:34 PM
Kids that pay too much to look poor(pretty much hipsters).

and mostly any form of life at school.

yeah card board boxes are expensive
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: gravel pitch on January 27, 2009, 11:05:07 AM
and mostly any form of life at school.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: skate_bored on January 27, 2009, 05:26:49 PM
i hate when i hear the phrase "that was weak" while watching a skate video. working in a skate shop is a great place to hear it though, thats for sure.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: fake account on January 27, 2009, 07:02:36 PM
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I don't really hate anyone, hate's a pretty strong word that can cause some pretty bad stuff

I would say that I dislike people that are close-minded and can't see the other side of things, and i dislike people who hate people with out even knowing them (i'm just waiting for the reply that says i hate you hahahahahah) seriously though.  I wish people would just get over ignorant hate.... if ur gonna hate someone at least have a reason
Saying you hate every person on slap would have been a lot less words.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: RightCoastBiased on January 27, 2009, 07:54:05 PM
Hating isn't worth my energy.

But seriously; hipsters, punk rock kids, wanna be squatters, hippies, most college students (but especially Yalies, NYU Grads, Cal Students, Harvard students and other Ivy league or brown types), kids that have to have a camera to try a trick, gueidos from new england/tri state, bay area liberals, cops, hipsters, hipsters, rollerbladers, kids more worried about fitting in with skaters then being one, christians, buddhists, hari krishnas, people that want to get hyphy, yuppies, old rich women and correy duffels.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: fake account on January 27, 2009, 08:32:10 PM
Hating isn't worth my energy.

But seriously; hipsters, punk rock kids, wanna be squatters, hippies, most college students (but especially Yalies, NYU Grads, Cal Students, Harvard students and other Ivy league or brown types), kids that have to have a camera to try a trick, gueidos from new england/tri state, bay area liberals, cops, hipsters, hipsters, rollerbladers, kids more worried about fitting in with skaters then being one, christians, buddhists, hari krishnas, people that want to get hyphy, yuppies, old rich women and correy duffels.

I love all those types of people and you didn't even mention me in there
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: RightCoastBiased on January 27, 2009, 09:06:20 PM
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Hating isn't worth my energy.

But seriously; hipsters, punk rock kids, wanna be squatters, hippies, most college students (but especially Yalies, NYU Grads, Cal Students, Harvard students and other Ivy league or brown types), kids that have to have a camera to try a trick, gueidos from new england/tri state, bay area liberals, cops, hipsters, hipsters, rollerbladers, kids more worried about fitting in with skaters then being one, christians, buddhists, hari krishnas, people that want to get hyphy, yuppies, old rich women and correy duffels.

I love all those types of people and you didn't even mention me in there

What are you?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: russ on January 27, 2009, 10:34:27 PM
People that refer to other people as hipsters.

For some reason these people give me second hand embarrassment.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: BIG FAGGOT on January 28, 2009, 02:01:50 AM
people who listen to animal collective
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: jimi420 on January 08, 2010, 12:38:43 PM
jerk boys (the black guys that started wearing skinny jeans because it's the new fashion)
jerk girls (see above)
faggots that listen to only sreamo/grindcore bullshit
people that think other people are cool solely on the premise that they smoke weed
people that get high instead of skating
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Sleazy on January 08, 2010, 12:45:50 PM
you created an account to post this?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Paper Crane on January 08, 2010, 12:52:07 PM
jimi420 gtfo
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: jimi420 on January 08, 2010, 12:53:10 PM
no this just happened to be the first thing i posted on.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: cold budweisers on January 08, 2010, 01:07:26 PM
are you jimi from jimmie's chicken shack?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Nic on January 08, 2010, 01:22:08 PM
I hate everybody.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: tag_king on January 08, 2010, 01:25:39 PM
I don't think there is a subculture I don't get a long with. I couldn't generalize like that at least. I don't like overly cocky people that much, and old guys that have sex with young girls. DJ's can be pretty lame sometimes too.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: zipzinger666 on January 08, 2010, 01:27:07 PM
I don't think there is a subculture I don't get a long with. I couldn't generalize like that at least. I don't like overly cocky people that much, and old guys that have sex with young girls. DJ's can be pretty lame sometimes too.

fits every category

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Narcissus on January 08, 2010, 01:31:15 PM
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Nic on January 08, 2010, 01:57:32 PM
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I don't think there is a subculture I don't get a long with. I couldn't generalize like that at least. I don't like overly cocky people that much, and old guys that have sex with young girls. DJ's can be pretty lame sometimes too.

fits every category


He also fits into the "Guys who pierce their dick" category.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Watson on January 08, 2010, 03:16:17 PM
I don't like old guys that have sex with young girls.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: verbal ham on January 08, 2010, 03:21:03 PM
people who disrespect/ridicule other people
 who do it publicly because they want to impress people with how cool and witty they are.

LOUD ass girls who just ramble about nothing, just inconsiderate for everyone who has to be around.

people that always try to have someone else do the dirty work for them.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Paper Crane on January 08, 2010, 03:23:15 PM
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I don't think there is a subculture I don't get a long with. I couldn't generalize like that at least. I don't like overly cocky people that much, and old guys that have sex with young girls. DJ's can be pretty lame sometimes too.

fits every category


He also fits into the "Guys who pierce their dick" category.

that guy looks like a goddamn anvil.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Inanimate Object on January 08, 2010, 03:31:50 PM
Undergraduate students of all varieties.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Mr. DNA on January 08, 2010, 03:34:57 PM
Guidos, along with Juggalos are awesome. Of course, I don't personally live in a locale where I would have to personally deal with them. However, they are both important pieces of the puzzle that make the internet the interesting, entertaining and often hilarious place that it is. I am glad they exist.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: zipzinger666 on January 08, 2010, 03:35:09 PM
Undergraduate students of all varieties.

Hi there!
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: TheFreshSC on January 08, 2010, 03:42:26 PM
real life characters from

doomsday "conservatives" who post their exaggerated, recycled fox news opinions on youtube

anyone under 18 who rides a bmx bike at a skatepark... actually i hate just about 90% of children at skateparks

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: whang on January 08, 2010, 04:06:52 PM
i dont mind some hipsters if its just their fashion and music of choice, how is that different to any other scene?, but i just fucking hate the highclass, ridiculously expensive clothed faggot hipsters that look down on everyone and even if their straight they act gay, i hate these fuckheads so much, with their stupid fucking hats
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Mr. DNA on January 08, 2010, 04:16:27 PM

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: ASSHOLES and ELBOW GREASE on January 08, 2010, 04:37:55 PM
people who disrespect/ridicule other people
 who do it publicly because they want to impress people with how cool and witty they are.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: verbal ham on January 08, 2010, 04:57:13 PM
well that was in good humor.. he was clever with what he was saying .
im talking about dudes that just talk shit on people because they think that makes them bad ass
also people that rage while skateboarding, because someone gets in their way or someshit
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Dragon Slayer on January 08, 2010, 05:02:56 PM
people who like BEN FOLDS
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: ASSHOLES and ELBOW GREASE on January 08, 2010, 05:03:42 PM
well that was in good humor.. he was clever with what he was saying .
im talking about dudes that just talk shit on people because they think that makes them bad ass
also people that rage while skateboarding, because someone gets in their way or someshit

Oh yeah man totally agree, I don't even wanna get into it, lots of skaters are with you on that. Did you watch it to the end though? Shout out to a famous slapper, pretty sick.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Smurph on January 08, 2010, 05:11:09 PM
LOUD ass girls who just ramble about nothing, just inconsiderate for everyone who has to be around.
In some of my lectures in college there are just crews of girls that come in - sit at the back - have their mandatory coffee in hand - use their laptops to go on facebook (more than likely talking to the person beside them on it) - laughing/screaming and bitching about people, all in all they do ANYTHING but go to the lecture with the intent of learning.
Funny thing is - these are the girls that also get irritatingly high grades. I could write a theses on these people. The other day at the end of one of our lectures ( a physics one if you must know; they are particularly inattentive in this as they are biochemists etc. and they just hear the word 'magnet' or something akin and shutdown) I was talking to a guy in my class about how I would love to 'fucking lock them in starbucks.'

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Sleazy on January 08, 2010, 06:12:49 PM


Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Northcity23 on January 08, 2010, 06:35:37 PM
people that that have no eye problems that wear glasses like this dipshit.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: jeremyrandall on January 08, 2010, 06:41:41 PM
people that that have no eye problems that wear glasses like this dipshit.

Good fucking god...I KNOW!!  When did this become trendy??  No one who has ever ACTUALLY needed glasses (like myself) would ever fall for this stupid bullshit.  I had to wear glasses most of my childhood and fucking hated it.  I got contacts the second my parents let me.  Now these fuckfaces who don't even need them wear them???
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Watson on January 08, 2010, 07:00:05 PM
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: TheFreshSC on January 08, 2010, 10:38:14 PM

i back misogyny
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Moist on January 09, 2010, 02:33:50 AM
Fucking lads. Most worthless pieces of shit on earth.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: kinky john on January 09, 2010, 02:52:32 AM
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Watson on January 09, 2010, 01:59:30 PM
real life characters from


This is amazing.



Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: jeremyrandall on January 09, 2010, 02:09:14 PM
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real life characters from


This is amazing.




Man...I tried telling you about this in the summer time...but I never showed you the link or anything.  I don't think you understood what I was describing to you.  This shit is UNREAL!!!
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: cigarettedeer on January 09, 2010, 02:11:22 PM
^ Agreed with Wilson. I hate scene kids... I hate their shows with the scissor kicking and the headbands. They're like hipsters from 2004
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: mcpeepants on January 09, 2010, 04:45:35 PM
^ Agreed with Wilson. I hate scene kids... I hate their shows with the scissor kicking and the headbands. They're like hipsters from 2004

I also don't understand why all the scene fags seem to be pigeon towed or at least have weird legs that bend inward ??? but I'm not gonna lie, some scene chicks are hot as fuck.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Star Whores Episode I: The Fellatio Menace on January 09, 2010, 04:58:03 PM
people who like BEN FOLDS
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: HoneyBear on January 09, 2010, 05:03:38 PM
Girls with weird ass piercings like in between the eyes so they resemble geckos
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: clamy on January 09, 2010, 05:38:12 PM
^ Agreed with Wilson. I hate scene kids... I hate their shows with the scissor kicking and the headbands. They're like hipsters from 2004

Oh man I hear ya on that. A couple of months back there was a comp/demo held at our park. A few bands played and since there are hardly any skateboarders in this town it just brought people like this to it:

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: layzieyez on January 09, 2010, 07:09:13 PM
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people who like DAVE MATTHEWS BAND

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: rockhardcock on January 09, 2010, 09:09:38 PM
christian pussy faggots such as:
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Binomial Nomenclature on January 10, 2010, 08:37:40 AM
Frat boy jocks, and their one generation older Esquire reading counterparts.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: zipzinger666 on January 17, 2010, 11:30:46 PM
people that never follow through on their word/plans. I have seriously wasted so much time and energy because of these types of people...
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: oyolar on January 18, 2010, 01:02:51 AM
I'm sure I have posted it in this thread already but I'll post it anyways: everyone. I hate everyone.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Mouth on January 18, 2010, 01:06:00 AM
I hate office politics and the slimy incompetent fuckers that have mastered the art.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: gutterhead. on January 18, 2010, 01:07:00 AM
I'm sure I have posted it in this thread already but I'll post it anyways: everyone. I hate everyone.
I like the way you think
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Dr. Evan on January 18, 2010, 01:32:43 PM
i despise evangelical christians, people who pass judgement based on a skewed system of qualifications, hipsters and pretty much anyone else who feels the need to have to identify with some thing and become the manifestation of that thing, IE crabcore.  Though i will admit that there are many scene girls that i would like to have relations with.  There is this bartender at my local place that looks like the waitress from "its always sunny in philadelphia" and she is phenomenal.  I also hate all types of ignorance and people who base their opinions on things that they just hear, instead of looking into things for themselves.  I think that about does it.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Bobbito on January 18, 2010, 01:34:14 PM
I mainly just hate hipsters and always have because they were like a flu in skateboarding but I've learned to not give a fuck. And on top of that, if the hipster population disappeared, we'd lose A LOT of beautiful women and you know thats real talk!

Otherwise, I genuinly hate jocks, guidos, stoners with no interests, lazy people, conceited females, and kids in bands who think they're fucking GnR or something
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Hobo.Joe on January 18, 2010, 04:15:47 PM
I hate people who order their food by saying "I'm going to do..." as in "I'm going to do the chicken special." I don't know why but i hate it.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: spare change on January 18, 2010, 04:25:03 PM
People can camoflauge themselves however they want, but I can always hear a conceited asshole miles away.
People who are too eager to tell you all about themselves and what they can do. This world is stuffed to the brim with them.
Modesty is a lost art.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: HoneyBear on January 18, 2010, 04:52:59 PM
Spoiled kids who don't know they're spoiled.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: EricLogan on January 18, 2010, 08:44:52 PM
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people who like BEN FOLDS


I still like you guys.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: All Hail Wu Welsh on January 18, 2010, 08:56:26 PM
People who never leave their hometowns for anything other than vacations to disney world or virginia beach.
All the dumbass midwestern frat boy business majors I met in Spain, who reinforce the stereotype that americans are big, ignorant, and care only about money.  I know there is a lot more of them out there.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: All Hail Wu Welsh on January 18, 2010, 08:59:27 PM
Oh, and people who hate dogs, they're the worst
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: jeremyrandall on January 19, 2010, 12:47:41 AM
Oh, and people who hate dogs, they're the worst

Agreed 100%.  It is unfathomable to me.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: SleepyPeePee on January 19, 2010, 12:50:32 AM
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Oh, and people who hate dogs, they're the worst

Agreed 100%.  It is unfathomable to me.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: the whompler on January 19, 2010, 09:17:07 PM
i despise evangelical christians, people who pass judgement based on a skewed system of qualifications, hipsters and pretty much anyone else who feels the need to have to identify with some thing and become the manifestation of that thing, IE crabcore.  Though i will admit that there are many scene girls that i would like to have relations with.  There is this bartender at my local place that looks like the waitress from "its always sunny in philadelphia" and she is phenomenal.  I also hate all types of ignorance and people who base their opinions on things that they just hear, instead of looking into things for themselves.  I think that about does it.

haha i googled crapcore and this is what came up. i had no idea what it was before i and now wish i had stayed ignorant.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Star Whores Episode I: The Fellatio Menace on January 19, 2010, 09:27:01 PM
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people who like BEN FOLDS



I still like you guys.

I remember a group of dudes in my high school who would coordinate wearing their ben folds t shirts on the same day like once a week.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Killuminated1 on January 19, 2010, 10:50:13 PM
the religious
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: jeremyrandall on January 19, 2010, 11:24:45 PM
the religious

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: mandibleclaw on January 19, 2010, 11:35:06 PM
i despise evangelical christians, people who pass judgement based on a skewed system of qualifications, hipsters and pretty much anyone else who feels the need to have to identify with some thing and become the manifestation of that thing, IE crabcore.
see, the thing is, when i read "CRABcore," i got some seriously awesome images in my head for a minute.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: mandibleclaw on January 19, 2010, 11:41:44 PM
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: mandibleclaw on January 19, 2010, 11:43:15 PM
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Donkey Lips on January 20, 2010, 06:47:32 AM
when i worked tech. support as an intern, i always hated motherfuckers who would call and ask how to do things in excel or what certain functions were in excel. i hated pretty much anybody that called because it was never something in my job description.  basically these 40 something's would just call and because whatever it was has electricity, it's my fucking problem.  my manager was a giant pussy too, who would just say "please just do what they ask" so i hated him too.

the best are the type of people who call tech. support and say "hey are we having problems today?".  this is when you reply "no we are not, but thanks" and hang up.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: EricLogan on January 20, 2010, 06:54:32 AM
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people who like BEN FOLDS



I still like you guys.

I remember a group of dudes in my high school who would coordinate wearing their ben folds t shirts on the same day like once a week.

ahhh alright, I see where you're commin from. anyone mention Juggalo's yet? there's a skatepark in the parking lot of the highschool I went to, and whenever I'd go there during school hours there'd be 3-12 juggalo's crowding the deck of the miniramp, and for some reason they were all on a first-named basis with all of the truency officers and NEVER got fucked with for not being in school/doing anything with their lives

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Beeda Weeda on January 20, 2010, 07:35:12 AM
couples that communicate on facebook, especially when you know they live together.
evangelist christians
ed hardys
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Narcissus on January 20, 2010, 07:47:19 AM
when i worked tech. support as an intern, i always hated motherfuckers who would call and ask how to do things in excel or what certain functions were in excel. i hated pretty much anybody that called because it was never something in my job description.  basically these 40 something's would just call and because whatever it was has electricity, it's my fucking problem.  my manager was a giant pussy too, who would just say "please just do what they ask" so i hated him too.

the best are the type of people who call tech. support and say "hey are we having problems today?".  this is when you reply "no we are not, but thanks" and hang up.

Fuckin A, man, I hate my fuckin customers. Some dude called me once and asked me what the goddamn phone number was. I said, "You just dialed it," then hung up. What a fucking jackass, I don't even get it.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Donkey Lips on January 20, 2010, 08:00:29 AM
i think having a tech support department makes your company employees dumber. they no longer have to think or solve problems on their own. 
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: snickers on January 20, 2010, 09:14:00 AM
i think having a tech support department makes your company employees dumber. they no longer have to think or solve problems on their own. 
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: everypennyfedcar on January 20, 2010, 09:19:05 AM
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Baby Rabies on January 20, 2010, 09:24:47 AM
I tend to hate groups of people, and even humanity as a whole, but I like individuals quite a bit.  That sounds a little weird, but it's generally how I feel.
I know what you're saying, I'm kind of the same way. What is your astrological sign?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Baby Rabies on January 20, 2010, 10:22:25 AM
Hahaha not a pick-up line dude. You should read up on it, Pisces is a fascinating sign. It's the last sign of the zodiac and carries some of all the other signs with it, which makes for a very complex and interesting personality.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: jrock on January 20, 2010, 10:44:33 AM
little bitchmade indie music blogger dorks

people that have to have some kind of "cause" to stand for, usually more for their own self-gratification than anything else

"intellectual bullies"- you know, the one dude that sits in the coffee shop and tries to engage you in bullshit conversations to prove how profound he is

girls that insist on trying to make me dance "because you just need someone to show you how fun it is".  no bitch, i just think dancing is regular.  if you want to fuck just say so

dudes in bands (coming from a dude in a band)

people who think dudes in bands have some special insight on life.  starfuckers. 

rockabilly assholes.  the chicks look hot, but i'd rather get stung on the eyeball by a bee than hold a conversation with one.  its also an excuse for fat chicks to get dressed up nice and be bitches to everybody.  and any dude that spends that much time on his hair and his "cuffs" is a serious closet case

gutter punks.  i just don't get whats so rebellious about not taking a bath.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Baby Rabies on January 20, 2010, 11:10:12 AM
And this girl I dated told me I was born in Neptune's house or something, and I guess that means something special too.  I have no idea though.  I suppose I could wikipedia it and see how close it is to the truth.
Wikipedia doesn't have much valid information. Check out this site I linked below, type in your date of birth (the location doesn't matter if you don't know the exact time of day you were born) and it will formulate a basic birth chart for you, it shows where all the planets were positioned on the day you were born and forms a pretty complete picture of your personality.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sparksandblood on January 20, 2010, 11:33:52 AM
Dudes that have to act "hard" all the time.

Girls that act too good for you. Get a fucking grip whore.

Female cops that obviously have something against penises.

Anyone who thinks they are better than others because they have money, especially when they didn't earn it.

When I open a door or take the time to hold the door for a stranger and they cant even say thank you. I wish death upon those people.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: the whompler on January 20, 2010, 11:51:20 AM

When I open a door or take the time to hold the door for a stranger and they cant even say thank you. I wish death upon those people.

fuck yes! thank you, that shit irritates me so bad. and it's the same thing on the road when i let someone in my lane but don't get my thank you wave.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: brycickle on January 20, 2010, 01:29:28 PM
I hate people who drive around in their cars with no shirt on.  Or to be more general, people who just hang out in public with no shirt on for no reason.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: floop on January 20, 2010, 01:38:31 PM
- people who go through my music collection without asking.  don't fucking touch my shit. 
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: everypennyfedcar on January 20, 2010, 02:13:13 PM
When I open a door or take the time to hold the door for a stranger and they cant even say thank you. I wish death upon those people.
Similar situation: guy forgets his phone on the desk, I tell him he forgot his phone and he just picks it up and leaves. People would be happier if everyone just said thank you.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: manonthemoon on January 23, 2010, 03:17:45 PM
Those people that won't stop texting even when your chilling, or the arrogant cocky a-holes.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Upgrayedd on January 23, 2010, 04:12:09 PM

situation < these guys
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: cold budweisers on January 23, 2010, 06:32:23 PM
Binge drinkers
hollllllld up, that's like 90% of pals
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: oyolar on January 23, 2010, 06:34:01 PM

People who actually grab parts of my body because I am tattooed

I'll grab whatever part of your body I want to.  ;)

But on the topic of tattoos, I hate people that ask me if mine are real. How stupid are you?

I tend to hate groups of people, and even humanity as a whole, but I like individuals quite a bit.  That sounds a little weird, but it's generally how I feel.

And I feel the exact same way.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: krookedjuice on January 23, 2010, 06:38:12 PM
One uppers

Girls who don't respect the shit I am into

People who feel obligated to tell me about what they listen to because they know I am into music

Binge drinkers

People who can't have fun unless they are high

People who actually grab parts of my body because I am tattooed

Paul Walker

i agree with everything in that post.
especially the bold ones.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: L_Ron_Hubbard on January 23, 2010, 07:20:07 PM
Hahaha not a pick-up line dude. You should read up on it, Pisces is a fascinating sign. It's the last sign of the zodiac and carries some of all the other signs with it, which makes for a very complex and interesting personality.

I hate about 99% of the world's population, but people who actually believe in or follow astrology have a special place in my heart's hatred... It's along the same lines of people who actually believe Noah's Ark as a literal story.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Raped by Harpoon on January 23, 2010, 07:31:52 PM
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Hahaha not a pick-up line dude. You should read up on it, Pisces is a fascinating sign. It's the last sign of the zodiac and carries some of all the other signs with it, which makes for a very complex and interesting personality.

I hate about 99% of the world's population, but people who actually believe in or follow astrology have a special place in my heart's hatred... It's along the same lines of people who actually believe Noah's Ark as a literal story.

What's your sign?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Watson on January 24, 2010, 12:02:15 AM
People who feel obligated to tell me about what they listen to because they know I am into music

You ever heard of this band OMC? They have this little-known, underrated classic called "How Bizzare".
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Binomial Nomenclature on January 24, 2010, 07:58:05 AM
People who feel the need to tell you how drunk/high/fucked up they are right now/were last night.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Tommes on January 24, 2010, 08:03:17 AM
Little fucking park Skaters that post Topics entitled "Fuck Busenitz"
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Watson on January 24, 2010, 08:08:40 AM
Hahahaha!  Man the late 90s sure were awful for music.  I wonder what those dudes are doing...  Hanging out with shitty Fastball and shitty Lou Bega probably.

Ahahah to tell you the truth I love that How Bizarre song. Not that I think it's a good song, but it just cracks me up and I love it. I learned to play it on guitar and love to surprise people with it to crack them up.

As far as what they are doing now, when I was living in New Zealand (where OMC are from) I found out the dude turned into some meth head I think and then pulled himself out of it and turned into a legitimate respected artist. I learned this all after seeing a new video on TV featuring Lucy Lawless AKA Xena The Warrior Princess. Yes, she is also a musical artist and the strange collaboration blew my fucking mind.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Tarquin on January 24, 2010, 08:22:30 AM
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People who feel obligated to tell me about what they listen to because they know I am into music

You ever heard of this band OMC? They have this little-known, underrated classic called "How Bizzare".

Hahahaha!  Man the late 90s sure were awful for music.  I wonder what those dudes are doing...  Hanging out with shitty Fastball and shitty Lou Bega probably.

I own the single of that on CD.  :-[
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: j0rdan on January 24, 2010, 08:26:07 AM
the type of girls who post shit like this for their online profiles

"hi. &hearts;

first of all, my names lisa =) incase you've heard otherwise.

I like music (house, screamo, indie, and br00tal death metal)

Randomness dominates my personality.

I'm too smart, and quite cynical, for my own good. And my observations and quick judgments are often correct. I'm a girl; we have those sorts of powers. =P

midnight starbucks runs are a passion of mine, one of life's subtle joys.


I want to be a pokemon master =)

for a first date...

I dropped the Russian fleet idea, and decided to go with a medieval crusade instead. I love a man in shining armor."
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: tonysean on January 24, 2010, 10:53:32 AM
attention loving band/theater kids
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: jrock on January 24, 2010, 11:21:48 AM
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Hahahaha!  Man the late 90s sure were awful for music.  I wonder what those dudes are doing...  Hanging out with shitty Fastball and shitty Lou Bega probably.

Ahahah to tell you the truth I love that How Bizarre song. Not that I think it's a good song, but it just cracks me up and I love it. I learned to play it on guitar and love to surprise people with it to crack them up.

As far as what they are doing now, when I was living in New Zealand (where OMC are from) I found out the dude turned into some meth head I think and then pulled himself out of it and turned into a legitimate respected artist. I learned this all after seeing a new video on TV featuring Lucy Lawless AKA Xena The Warrior Princess. Yes, she is also a musical artist and the strange collaboration blew my fucking mind.

damn...homeboy is looking fucking ROUGH
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Alan on January 24, 2010, 11:23:06 AM
People who feel the need to tell you how drunk/high/fucked up they are right now/were last night.

Hey, for a lot of Pals that's the only thing in their lives worth sharing.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Upgrayedd on January 24, 2010, 02:33:52 PM
people who touch my radio.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: kevbo999 on January 24, 2010, 02:53:02 PM
People who think they're cultured because they saved money and went to Europe.

Art school types/start up bands who think their B+ creations are worth serious money/cover charge.

Girls who sit there and expect you to be the entertainment.  I'm sure some dudes can talk about themselves all night, but not me.

Dudes who go to a party, jump in a rumble they're not involved in, then do another line and repeat what went down 50 fucking times.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: crackrazor on January 24, 2010, 03:03:49 PM
One uppers

Girls who don't respect the shit I am into

People who feel obligated to tell me about what they listen to because they know I am into music

Binge drinkers

People who can't have fun unless they are high

People who actually grab parts of my body because I am tattooed

Paul Walker

Yeah, fuck that guy!
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: jeremyrandall on January 24, 2010, 06:29:41 PM
- people who go through my music collection without asking.  don't fucking touch my shit. 

Oh shit...I'm definitely that guy.  I always figured most people were proud of their music collections and would be hyped for people to look through them and see what they're into.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Upgrayedd on January 24, 2010, 06:31:42 PM
people that skate everything. they are soooooo lame
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sparksandblood on January 24, 2010, 07:01:37 PM
Most of the elderly.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: loophole on January 24, 2010, 07:24:21 PM
girls who say "yeah! let's meet tomorrow afternoon, that would be great. i'm excited!"
and then you're stoked the whole next day, keep your schedule clear
you wait

until an hour before she postpones to later in the evening.

you wait

you wait

and then at the last minute she says she won't be able to make it.

fuck bitches
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: CeeyMar on January 24, 2010, 07:36:54 PM
dude....that happened to me on my last day living in Edmonton and on my last day visiting.

fuck bitches
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: krewkruxklan on January 24, 2010, 07:45:35 PM
girls who say "yeah! let's meet tomorrow afternoon, that would be great. i'm excited!"
and then you're stoked the whole next day, keep your schedule clear
you wait

until an hour before she postpones to later in the evening.

you wait

you wait

and then at the last minute she says she won't be able to make it.

fuck bitches
Man i feel you.
In high school i had a mad crush on this chick and this summer when she came back to visit i asked her out, we planned the whole thing, she said "yeah! let's meet tomorrow afternoon, that would be great. i'm excited!".

So i go to the skatepark early in the day, skate some/wait on her to phone or reply to my texts. then at 7 pm chick says she was held up in IKEA and won't be able to make it.

IKEA? are you fucking joking?
fuck bitches and fuck IKEA.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: raul on January 24, 2010, 07:49:18 PM
girls who say "yeah! let's meet tomorrow afternoon, that would be great. i'm excited!"
and then you're stoked the whole next day, keep your schedule clear
you wait

until an hour before she postpones to later in the evening.

you wait

you wait

and then at the last minute she says she won't be able to make it.

fuck bitches

Word. I was pretty stoked on this one girl I met this past semester because there was this mutual connection beyond getting drunk & making out. I had a bunch of drunken hook-ups recently but this girl was something I would've liked to take beyond that, which doesn't happen often. So we go on a breakfast date, we talk, eat some omelets & challah french toast, & I pay. I thought it went awesome because she leaned in for our first sober kiss when I dropped her off. A few days later I called her up seeing if she wanted to get together again, she was busy. I tried her again for the next few days & she kept having shit to do, and after the 3rd or 4th day I gave up & was waiting for her to call. More days pass, & I finally see her at a party & ask her what's up. Says I came on too strong & it isn't going to work. I was expecting it but not in those words. She's still a cool girl but I'm bummed.

So fuck bitches.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: ASSHOLES and ELBOW GREASE on January 24, 2010, 08:45:17 PM
I hate customer service people with bad customer service. I hate their manager, I hate their boss. I hate the owner of the property. I also hate their parents and their preschool, elementary school, middle school, high school, and college teachers. Fuck them all. Fuckin people.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: verbal ham on January 24, 2010, 09:29:09 PM
parents and their children who treat the skatepark like it's a playground, usually it doesn't really bother me.
but today i swear there were more kids (girls on scooters, rollerblades, bikes) than actual skaters.
at one point i was skating for this bank to ledge and this kid on a bike is rolling down it, couldn't have been going more than 10mph,
 hes barreling down straight towards me and appears to have speed wobbles,getting in everyones way.
 i kind of wish i was that fearless, and just mosh through all those kids.

on a related note i thought it would be pretty sick to host a contest amongst pros,
 but have like 50 kids just fucking around, and see who can still kill it.

i dont hate the kids but the parents are fucking up when it comes to letting their kids loose in the skatepark
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: floop on January 25, 2010, 10:54:26 AM
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- people who go through my music collection without asking.  don't fucking touch my shit. 

Oh shit...I'm definitely that guy.  I always figured most people were proud of their music collections and would be hyped for people to look through them and see what they're into.

i guess it depends on who is doing it.  if it's someone i know they're more than welcome.  if it's someone i don't know it's less cool.  if i come home from work and there's a dirty hippy who i don't know going through my collection AND putting on music, then we've got a problem
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: IPODS SUCK! on January 25, 2010, 11:22:09 AM
people that arent dead yet
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: CeeyMar on January 25, 2010, 11:45:25 AM
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- people who go through my music collection without asking.  don't fucking touch my shit. 

Oh shit...I'm definitely that guy.  I always figured most people were proud of their music collections and would be hyped for people to look through them and see what they're into.

i guess it depends on who is doing it.  if it's someone i know they're more than welcome.  if it's someone i don't know it's less cool.  if i come home from work and there's a dirty hippy who i don't know going through my collection AND putting on music, then we've got a problem

Yeah it's called breaking and entering.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: nocomply on January 25, 2010, 11:49:29 AM
People who call me and leave voicemails saying something like  "Are we having trouble with the computer system today?" Or "I'm having trouble with the network".... and offer NO description of the actual problem they're having. Be specific!
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Baby Rabies on January 25, 2010, 06:25:39 PM
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Hahaha not a pick-up line dude. You should read up on it, Pisces is a fascinating sign. It's the last sign of the zodiac and carries some of all the other signs with it, which makes for a very complex and interesting personality.

I hate about 99% of the world's population, but people who actually believe in or follow astrology have a special place in my heart's hatred... It's along the same lines of people who actually believe Noah's Ark as a literal story.
That's cool Ron, I feel the same way about Scientologists.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: mcpeepants on January 25, 2010, 06:27:52 PM
people that say 'whatevs' and 'hella'
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Prison Wallet on January 25, 2010, 06:35:42 PM
I hate pretentious assholes who take every opportunity to sermonize. On the neighborhood listserve some dickhead posted this after someone asked for help getting rid of pigeons roosting on their porch and shitting on their car:


I think cars are unsanitary (dirty), unsightly (ugly), and disgusting (i hate breathing their exhaust). I think a logical argument for their elimination from our neighborhood would hold more weight than an argument for eliminating pigeons. Besides which, you're talking about living beings...I should hope that fact would give them more rights than cars.

Not trying to be snide, just sharing my radically different perspective on the issue.


Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: kilgore. on January 25, 2010, 06:38:15 PM
people that say 'whatevs' and 'hella'

and 'fa sho'
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: frisco on January 25, 2010, 06:49:52 PM
girls who say "yeah! let's meet tomorrow afternoon, that would be great. i'm excited!"
and then you're stoked the whole next day, keep your schedule clear
you wait

until an hour before she postpones to later in the evening.

you wait

you wait

and then at the last minute she says she won't be able to make it.

fuck bitches

christ this is the fucking worst, especially when you know its just going to be movie time and a nice bone and youve been saving up your juice for a few days
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: mcpeepants on January 25, 2010, 07:32:50 PM
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people that say 'whatevs' and 'hella'

and 'fa sho'

tru dat  8)
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Raped by Harpoon on January 25, 2010, 08:06:04 PM
I hate people who can't keep themselves together, acting like a hot mess without any common sense.
Stereotypical burnt out potheads suck.
People who have nothing else to talk about but their encounters with the police. I am not trying to hear about jail/unwarranted searches when the party's popping off.
Owl City. Fuck his "a thousand hugs from ten thousand lightning bugs", cause that shit doesn't even make fucking sense.
Sloppy, drunk girls armed with Four Lokos and a mouth that will not shut up. It'd be one thing if they're saying anything interesting, but this is usually not the case.
Jackass bass players in Guitar Center who spend hours playing the same bass through the the only good amp hooked up for two hours straight, and not buy the damn thing, whereas I'm actually buying a bass, and I'm stuck playing through the shitty 30 watt Acoustic amp with a Warwick. No, wait, just fuck Guitar Center for only having two fucking amps hooked up in the bass guitar department.

I tend to hate people in general, but depending on my mood, different types get more hate than others on different days.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: bluebark on January 25, 2010, 08:27:33 PM
i hate stoopid peeple
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Upgrayedd on January 25, 2010, 09:03:47 PM
i hate myself.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: oyolar on January 25, 2010, 11:00:50 PM
people that arent dead yet

I like you. And i also agree.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: clamy on January 26, 2010, 03:37:34 AM
I hate people who can't keep themselves together, acting like a hot mess without any common sense.
Stereotypical burnt out potheads suck.
People who have nothing else to talk about but their encounters with the police. I am not trying to hear about jail/unwarranted searches when the party's popping off.
Owl City. Fuck his "a thousand hugs from ten thousand lightning bugs", cause that shit doesn't even make fucking sense.
Sloppy, drunk girls armed with Four Lokos and a mouth that will not shut up. It'd be one thing if they're saying anything interesting, but this is usually not the case.
Jackass bass players in Guitar Center who spend hours playing the same bass through the the only good amp hooked up for two hours straight, and not buy the damn thing, whereas I'm actually buying a bass, and I'm stuck playing through the shitty 30 watt Acoustic amp with a Warwick. No, wait, just fuck Guitar Center for only having two fucking amps hooked up in the bass guitar department.

I tend to hate people in general, but depending on my mood, different types get more hate than others on different days.

Fuck yes. I have to listen to that shit everyday at work, goddamn it is the shittest song. How do they manage to play that shit over and over? Fuck the radio.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: vince the stud on January 26, 2010, 04:29:28 AM
red headed step child
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Binomial Nomenclature on January 26, 2010, 08:43:24 AM
I hate pretentious assholes who take every opportunity to sermonize. On the neighborhood listserve some dickhead posted this after someone asked for help getting rid of pigeons roosting on their porch and shitting on their car:


I think cars are unsanitary (dirty), unsightly (ugly), and disgusting (i hate breathing their exhaust). I think a logical argument for their elimination from our neighborhood would hold more weight than an argument for eliminating pigeons. Besides which, you're talking about living beings...I should hope that fact would give them more rights than cars.

Not trying to be snide, just sharing my radically different perspective on the issue.


HA HA HA HA HA HA Holy shit that's hilarious.  I especially like how his name is 'Ian'
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: busey on January 26, 2010, 09:48:21 AM
people who treat facebook like twitter, have over 100 display pics, and takes pictures of themselves consistently from their mac book.

or girls who ~*TyPe L1k3 tH!$*~
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Tarquin on January 26, 2010, 09:51:09 AM
people who treat facebook like twitter, have over 100 display pics, and takes pictures of themselves consistently from their mac book.

or girls who ~*TyPe L1k3 tH!$*~

The joining groups and becoming a fan of shit on Facebook is also super fucking annoying. Some people have over two thousand and that's not even an exageration.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: cigarettedeer on January 26, 2010, 06:20:47 PM
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Binge drinkers
hollllllld up, that's like 90% of pals
Yeah, since they type about how much they drink it's obviously true
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: frig deuce on January 26, 2010, 09:02:22 PM
i hate large groups of people --> pluralistic ignorance. probably why I hate most societies today.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Bobby Peru on January 26, 2010, 09:17:19 PM
I tend to hate groups of people, and even humanity as a whole, but I like individuals quite a bit.  That sounds a little weird, but it's generally how I feel.

This is how I usually feel. As terrible as some people can be, there's always something likable or interesting hidden in there.

When I open a door or take the time to hold the door for a stranger and they cant even say thank you. I wish death upon those people.

YES. YES YES YES. What's even worse is when you hold the door open for them and they don't put their hand out to catch it, and you're left standing there holding it so it doesn't close and ram their shoulder or something, and they're completely oblivious to it. I really need to be meaner to those people.

Working in customer service jobs for the last five years, I've dealt with some fucking stupid, terribly mannered, materialist, and incompetent people, especially living in Ann Arbor for the past couple years. There's this dude on the U of M football team who came into the shop once to return some shoes because his buddy had the same pair and he couldn't wear them anymore. We have a policy of no cash returns on SB stuff, with signs posted, and we told him that. On top of this, he didn't even have the receipt. It's common god damned sense that you need the receipt to return anything, anywhere. Our manager was courteous enough to waive these multiple policies and offer him store credit, but he was still bummed. Next week, he comes in whining to me asking for his money back. When I said no, he asked if I could put something in the computer because "I don't know, I might just like lose the receipt or something." You're in college, not kindergarten. You can keep track of a god damned receipt. I know I said that I'm usually okay with people individually, but this guy perpetually blows it.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: ASSHOLES and ELBOW GREASE on January 26, 2010, 10:01:30 PM
People who don't like the Wu Tang Clan
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: zipzinger666 on January 27, 2010, 10:21:19 AM
pretty much every younger kid at local parks. all they do is try to one up people and they talk so much shit because they've never been put in check. I was wearing this shirt at my local park a few days ago and a random 13-14 year old kid who Ive never seen before comes up to me and says, verbatum, "Seinfeld is for faggots"...


regardless of my great love for seinfeld, it didn't bother me as much as what could compel a random kid to come up to a complete stranger and say such a thing and expect that nothing will happen. needless to say, I did my duty and grabbed his board and threw it in the smallish river across from the park...
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: bosnianslut on January 27, 2010, 12:17:42 PM
Shit stirrers and people who take jokes about a mile irate me.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Canuck on January 27, 2010, 12:59:46 PM
I hate white people that own homes in expensive neighbourhoods and pretend their house is affordable while driving brand new volovs.

I hate people that people that hang out at coffee shops while internetting on their brand new mac.

I hate people that look at me.

I hate people that talk politics/social issues while drunk.

I hate vegans that won't stop talking about their diet.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: busey on January 27, 2010, 01:08:23 PM
I hate white people that own homes in expensive neighbourhoods and pretend their house is affordable while driving brand new volovs.

I hate people that people that hang out at coffee shops while internetting on their brand new mac.

I hate people that look at me.

I hate people that talk politics/social issues while drunk.

I hate vegans that won't stop talking about their diet.
so you just hate white people in general?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Canuck on January 27, 2010, 03:02:33 PM
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I hate white people that own homes in expensive neighbourhoods and pretend their house is affordable while driving brand new volovs.

I hate people that people that hang out at coffee shops while internetting on their brand new mac.

I hate people that look at me.

I hate people that talk politics/social issues while drunk.

I hate vegans that won't stop talking about their diet.
so you just hate white people in general?

I'm the worst kind of white person. I self-hating white.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: whang on January 30, 2010, 01:29:34 AM
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I hate white people that own homes in expensive neighbourhoods and pretend their house is affordable while driving brand new volovs.

I hate people that people that hang out at coffee shops while internetting on their brand new mac.

I hate people that look at me.

I hate people that talk politics/social issues while drunk.

I hate vegans that won't stop talking about their diet.
so you just hate white people in general?

I'm the worst kind of white person. I self-hating white.
i dont mind the ignorant rich white person, but i think its the worst kind of person who acts cultured but still continues to be a complete twat
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: scootboard on January 30, 2010, 01:40:20 AM
"are they that band with the song on guitar hero? lol i love that song"
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Commercial D on January 30, 2010, 01:43:32 AM
I think I'm racist against philosophy students.

When you see a 20 year old in full tweed suit and tie reading Descartes in a Harvey's (this actually happened today), and you know he's a future corporate lawyer stooging it up, or you hear a bunch of them "debating" each other at a lame college party by reciting what they learned in class verbatim.

One time I saw a band that was composed completely of philosophy students.  They were like the philosophy all-stars.  So dreamy... but I'll puke on them.  This has been a long standing prejudice that will probably last into old age.

What generalizations do you cling to to get your angry shit juices flowing?

How about students in general? Broke, know-it-all morons who complain about their lack of funds and think they have life all figured out. I'm generalizing, but that description still encompasses the majority.

People with dirty homes, especially ones who wear expensive clothes and have pricey phones. Obsessive text-messagers. Binge drinkers. Obama supporters. Try-hards. People who don't carry cash and buy everything on credit or debit. Men over 30 who still regularly attend punk rock shows. Suburbanites who are afraid to use public transit or go downtown. Girls with tattoos.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: GnArcIsSisTic on January 30, 2010, 02:50:38 AM
people who use 'status' to describe a situation.

Like, "yo, son! embarassing status! waat?"
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Corby Tender on January 30, 2010, 10:46:28 AM
basically Commercial D.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Inanimate Object on January 30, 2010, 11:09:10 AM
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I think I'm racist against philosophy students.

When you see a 20 year old in full tweed suit and tie reading Descartes in a Harvey's (this actually happened today), and you know he's a future corporate lawyer stooging it up, or you hear a bunch of them "debating" each other at a lame college party by reciting what they learned in class verbatim.

One time I saw a band that was composed completely of philosophy students.  They were like the philosophy all-stars.  So dreamy... but I'll puke on them.  This has been a long standing prejudice that will probably last into old age.

What generalizations do you cling to to get your angry shit juices flowing?

How about students in general? Broke, know-it-all morons who complain about their lack of funds and think they have life all figured out. I'm generalizing, but that description still encompasses the majority.

People with dirty homes, especially ones who wear expensive clothes and have pricey phones. Obsessive text-messagers. Binge drinkers. Obama supporters. Try-hards. People who don't carry cash and buy everything on credit or debit. Men over 30 who still regularly attend punk rock shows. Suburbanites who are afraid to use public transit or go downtown. Girls with tattoos.

Conspiracy theorists.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: All Hail Wu Welsh on January 30, 2010, 11:10:25 AM
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I think I'm racist against philosophy students.

When you see a 20 year old in full tweed suit and tie reading Descartes in a Harvey's (this actually happened today), and you know he's a future corporate lawyer stooging it up, or you hear a bunch of them "debating" each other at a lame college party by reciting what they learned in class verbatim.

One time I saw a band that was composed completely of philosophy students.  They were like the philosophy all-stars.  So dreamy... but I'll puke on them.  This has been a long standing prejudice that will probably last into old age.

What generalizations do you cling to to get your angry shit juices flowing?

How about students in general? Broke, know-it-all morons who complain about their lack of funds and think they have life all figured out. I'm generalizing, but that description still encompasses the majority.

People with dirty homes, especially ones who wear expensive clothes and have pricey phones. Obsessive text-messagers. Binge drinkers. Obama supporters. Try-hards. People who don't carry cash and buy everything on credit or debit. Men over 30 who still regularly attend punk rock shows. Suburbanites who are afraid to use public transit or go downtown. Girls with tattoos.

somebody's mad he wasn't smart enough to get his college degree
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: the whompler on January 30, 2010, 11:14:10 AM
the kind of people that, once they learn your name, make sure to use it in every single sentence they direct towards you. i.e. "oh your name is mike. well that's a good question mike. so mike, here is your problem, first of all mike you have to change this. and then mike, you need to change this. so is all this making since mike?" fuck, please just talk to people like a normal human beings. that shit is so condescending!
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Chiguy on January 30, 2010, 12:13:58 PM
Over achievers/Know it alls in class.

You know the one guy in your business or Sociology class that's always trying to be buddy-buddy with the professor, and knows every little obscure thing about the subject, and the rest of the class wants that guy to shut the fuck up, because clearly he's trying to show off to somebody!

That guy, bro.  >:(

Honestly bro if you're that smart, teach the fucking subject bro.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: DMH on January 30, 2010, 12:22:12 PM
Anybody who has said, "pants on the ground" in the last two weeks.

Girls in Ugg boots with North Face jackets or ski vests.

Kids decked out in Altamont/Nike/Krew/what have you that constantly harangue kids that are wearing sweatpants or whatever when they skate.

People that listen to music from their phones but don't wear headphones and just blast it out of the phone's speakers.

College students that get shitfaced on a Tuesday night and don't show up to class the next day, effectively tarnishing the glory of a weekend and wasting their money.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: ASSHOLES and ELBOW GREASE on January 30, 2010, 04:57:01 PM
I fucking hate people who drive in my blind spot. I can't stand people who drank beer all their life and now that they're in their mid-late 20's they drink wine. I also fucking hate people who show up at skateparks and complain about the most inane fucking shit.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: oyolar on January 30, 2010, 04:58:42 PM
the kind of people that, once they learn your name, make sure to use it in every single sentence they direct towards you. i.e. "oh your name is mike. well that's a good question mike. so mike, here is your problem, first of all mike you have to change this. and then mike, you need to change this. so is all this making since mike?" fuck, please just talk to people like a normal human beings. that shit is so condescending!

Haha. If I've been drinking or I don't think I'll remember someone's name easily, I'll do this. But I'll only do it for a little bit and for small, stupid questions. It just helps me remember it.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: brooklyn brawler on January 30, 2010, 06:26:52 PM
I got this mass text in my facebook inbox today. God, I hate people.

Stephanie Morris January 29 at 5:08pm Reply
so ive got some weed for sale
really nice indoor stuff.
$30/half quarters

call me if you're interested
I'll deliver if its not too far, and I promise to always pick up the phone and always have weed. and I'm awesome! so you'll get to like, see me, at least for a second.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: redhatchet on January 30, 2010, 08:32:23 PM
I got this mass text in my facebook inbox today. God, I hate people.

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Stephanie Morris January 29 at 5:08pm Reply
so ive got some weed for sale
really nice indoor stuff.
$30/half quarters

call me if you're interested
I'll deliver if its not too far, and I promise to always pick up the phone and always have weed. and I'm awesome! so you'll get to like, see me, at least for a second.


make an anonymous tip to the police with her message. people that think they're drug dealers are already annoying, plus she's a woman, and she's advertising her shit? it's basically a trifecta of lame. please, please, just ruin her life. do your community a favor.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Boston. on January 30, 2010, 08:52:24 PM
commercial d seems like such a nerd
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: jeremyrandall on January 30, 2010, 08:53:53 PM
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I got this mass text in my facebook inbox today. God, I hate people.

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Stephanie Morris January 29 at 5:08pm Reply
so ive got some weed for sale
really nice indoor stuff.
$30/half quarters

call me if you're interested
I'll deliver if its not too far, and I promise to always pick up the phone and always have weed. and I'm awesome! so you'll get to like, see me, at least for a second.


make an anonymous tip to the police with her message. people that think they're drug dealers are already annoying, plus she's a woman, and she's advertising her shit? it's basically a trifecta of lame. please, please, just ruin her life. do your community a favor.

Or it could be a cop fishing for easy targets??  I've heard of them using facebook for such things.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: scootboard on January 30, 2010, 09:03:44 PM
that makes no sense. why would a cop be selling weed on facebook? it is a crime.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: oyolar on January 31, 2010, 08:56:10 AM
that makes no sense. why would a cop be selling weed on facebook? it is a crime.

Please tell me this was just a funny sentence.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Bobbito on January 31, 2010, 08:58:40 AM
I hate those kinds of girls that love to fuck with your head by flirting with you and then the next day acting distant or talking to your boys right in front of you. Even better if they're your fucking ex girlfriend.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: everypennyfedcar on January 31, 2010, 09:01:18 AM
I hate people who feel the need to talk during a movie.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: ilmaoyoulolisallgood on January 31, 2010, 10:35:29 AM
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: brooklyn brawler on January 31, 2010, 11:37:17 AM
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I got this mass text in my facebook inbox today. God, I hate people.

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Stephanie Morris January 29 at 5:08pm Reply
so ive got some weed for sale
really nice indoor stuff.
$30/half quarters

call me if you're interested
I'll deliver if its not too far, and I promise to always pick up the phone and always have weed. and I'm awesome! so you'll get to like, see me, at least for a second.


make an anonymous tip to the police with her message. people that think they're drug dealers are already annoying, plus she's a woman, and she's advertising her shit? it's basically a trifecta of lame. please, please, just ruin her life. do your community a favor.

Or it could be a cop fishing for easy targets??  I've heard of them using facebook for such things.

I was thinking of hitting the "report as spam" button. Instead I'll just wait for her lack of internet abilities to bite her in the ass.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Locbrew on January 31, 2010, 12:24:17 PM
I know this one is obvious- but Affliction bros are just the worst.  They always feel like we have something in common because of tattoos or the fact that I wear band shirts and engineer boots a lot.

If they make a comment on a band on my shirt, I usually lie about the band.  Like if the band broke up years ago, I will say how great their live show was a couple months ago.

I was at a bar in Wilmington and a dude like this came out of the bathroom and the bar is kinda near there, he bumps into my friend and we all start calling him "Big Man", he keeps walking and we just start harassing the shit out of him, like "YEAH BIGMAN!!!!", this goes on for maybe a couple of minutes and he just looks at us on the other side of the bar and kept asking us if we were finished, then we'd chime back in the the Bigmans.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Locbrew on January 31, 2010, 01:17:43 PM
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I know this one is obvious- but Affliction bros are just the worst.  They always feel like we have something in common because of tattoos or the fact that I wear band shirts and engineer boots a lot.

If they make a comment on a band on my shirt, I usually lie about the band.  Like if the band broke up years ago, I will say how great their live show was a couple months ago.

I was at a bar in Wilmington and a dude like this came out of the bathroom and the bar is kinda near there, he bumps into my friend and we all start calling him "Big Man", he keeps walking and we just start harassing the shit out of him, like "YEAH BIGMAN!!!!", this goes on for maybe a couple of minutes and he just looks at us on the other side of the bar and kept asking us if we were finished, then we'd chime back in the the Bigmans.

Hahaha we do the same thing to this dude at work only it's "killer" or "big guy".

Fuck, I should have called him killer, then this drunk chick was waiting in line and my friend pointed out she looked like the bird from where the wild things are, she got pissed and started yelling at all of us, she was hammered, my friend Randy was like, "Bitch has snot running down here nose."
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Commercial D on January 31, 2010, 07:25:25 PM
People who don't signal when changing lanes on the freeway.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Star Whores Episode I: The Fellatio Menace on January 31, 2010, 09:54:01 PM
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Hola on January 31, 2010, 10:01:49 PM
i am racist against white girls.  

skaters that get angry because im trying to have fun at a spot, and they cant get thier shitty trick or line.  

when we go filming in a group and i meet new skaters, i hate people that wont be friendly until they can check how good i am at skating.

people that tell my girlfriend that she shouldnt meet me because they secretly love her, but were too pussy to try.  this includes proffessors or people that work in the university and pretend to try to help her.  but i tell my girlfriend that i will kill them, and they go away
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Chiguy on January 31, 2010, 10:20:54 PM
People that jerk  >:(

But if it gets you close to this, then whatever I guess(Minus the being gay part)

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Locbrew on January 31, 2010, 10:35:06 PM
People that jerk  >:(

But if it gets you close to this, then whatever I guess(Minus the being gay part)


those people piss me off too.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: odp on January 31, 2010, 11:34:17 PM
these two cousins at a bar tonight who said something to the affect of

1 "i have never eaten pussy"
2 "well i can admit that i have. and it's disgusting and smells for days."
1 "well my last gf was a 23 yr old virgin and we fucked for a month, but i was never able to get it all the way in"
2 "yeah, i don't like virgins either. too much blood"

people who stare at my arms and look away when i look over at them.

people who claim to play folk music but play songs that are comparable to some early 2000s pop punk band with an acoustic guitar.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Gomez on January 31, 2010, 11:50:12 PM
overly-sensitive/emotional people who aren't ashamed to voice their sensitivity and emotions without being prompted to do so. keep that shit to yourself unless you're asked.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: brooklyn brawler on February 01, 2010, 12:16:50 AM

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: jeremyrandall on February 01, 2010, 12:32:04 AM
people who claim to play folk music but play songs that are comparable to some early 2000s pop punk band with an acoustic guitar.

This reminded me...

People who ONLY listen to the radio.  And people who try to fit all music into the 5 genres they know of from listening to the radio.  I was giving a 14 year old girl a ride today in my car.  I had Broken Social Scene playing.  She wanted to listen to the radio because she was sick of my "country music with swears."
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: weedpop on February 01, 2010, 12:33:08 AM
these two cousins at a bar tonight who said something to the affect of
people who claim to play folk music but play songs that are comparable to some early 2000s pop punk band with an acoustic guitar.

Thankfully I've never met anyone like this but I'm sure I would be infuriated were it ever to happen.

Check out korean Justin Beiber second from the right. His face is almost as smug as the original, which is impressive considering his asian heritage and the fact that he's wearing a hoody with what appears to be a picture of Winnie the Pooh humping a mound of broken glass on the front.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Albatross on February 01, 2010, 01:43:43 AM


really man?

like, they are definitely some of the worst asians as far as clothing and stuff but the ones i know are all named steve and really cool.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Donkey Lips on February 01, 2010, 05:07:58 AM
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really man?
like, they are definitely some of the worst asians as far as clothing and stuff but the ones i know are all named steve and really cool.
man street gangs are looking tougher and tougher these days.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: zipzinger666 on February 01, 2010, 09:41:36 AM
people that think they are above everyone else and can say whatever they want without consequences and try to start shit. my friend Kennys older brother Drew always comes skating with us whether we ask him to or not and he is the lamest kid to have around. its gotten to the point where I will never skate with Kenny because I know his brother will be there...

a few weeks ago we were to a spot and after everyone landed their shit I was still trying. Im not the best, but I was having fun and being mellow about it, but after about a half hour Drew was trying to place bets with my good friends on whether I would land it at all. they werent buying it, and after some more time goes by and he yells "Anyone who thinks he will never land this trick raise their hand!" and hes the only one who does. it gets dark and I had to give it up. In the car he starts spitting some bullshit about how he knew I wouldn't get it from the moment we got there and voicing how his trick was better anyways, some jock mentality bullshit...

also, last week my friend Dustin's house got robbed and his laptop, TV and xbox gone. I was telling Kenny about it and Drew overheard and said "haha thats hilarious. that kid totally deserved it".

this is the kid. 5:24

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: brooklyn brawler on February 01, 2010, 09:48:01 AM
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really man?
like, they are definitely some of the worst asians as far as clothing and stuff but the ones i know are all named steve and really cool.
man street gangs are looking tougher and tougher these days.

When you break out the kendo sticks and kimchi, they turn awesome.

But when Korean women are around they're all of a sudden not your friends... or even hetero, really.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: everypennyfedcar on February 01, 2010, 09:55:17 AM
When you break out the kendo sticks and kimchi, they turn awesome.
But when Korean women are around they're all of a sudden not your friends... or even hetero, really.
Definitely not:
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: RicoTron on February 01, 2010, 10:03:58 AM
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When you break out the kendo sticks and kimchi, they turn awesome.
But when Korean women are around they're all of a sudden not your friends... or even hetero, really.
Definitely not:
This picture confuses me  ???....................................................................... IN THE PANTS! (no homo)
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: ASSHOLES and ELBOW GREASE on February 01, 2010, 05:03:31 PM
KIM-CHEE BLOOD!!!! hahaha made my day the Korean hate, ahah lol jk, na but adults who are just kooks, straight up. Fuck them. I fucking hate adults who don't know shit about what people in their teens, 20's or even fucking 30's do. Fucking adults who are ditsy as fuck, men and women adults who fucking suck.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Hola on February 01, 2010, 08:10:00 PM


ive never met a korean in the states,

but i love people from korea, and kimchi, and korean girls, and the skaters in korea are awesome too. when i was there, i met a group of skaters and that same day they took me on a roadtrip all over the place
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: layzieyez on February 01, 2010, 08:14:34 PM
Shitty parents whose shitty kids act shitty because that's all they know.  In San Diego, I remember taking my kids to the playground and finding some toddlers running around in nothing but a diaper.  Lazy fucks.  Dress your fucking kids.  And stop going out in your fucking pajama pants while you're at it.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Upgrayedd on February 01, 2010, 08:36:38 PM
Shitty parents whose shitty kids act shitty because that's all they know.  In San Diego, I remember taking my kids to the playground and finding some toddlers running around in nothing but a diaper.  Lazy fucks.  Dress your fucking kids.  And stop going out in your fucking pajama pants while you're at it.

since when was san diego in georgia? i see this on the regular
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: brooklyn brawler on February 01, 2010, 09:49:53 PM
I'm actually kidding about hating Koreans, just in case people don't get the internet.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Hola on February 01, 2010, 09:53:53 PM
I'm actually kidding about hating Koreans, just in case people don't get the internet.

thanks for reminding me, i live in japan, but all of my friends are koreans so i feel like i have to defend them
but i actually hate white girls
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: mandibleclaw on February 01, 2010, 10:07:26 PM
How about students in general? Broke, know-it-all morons who complain about their lack of funds and think they have life all figured out. I'm generalizing, but that description still encompasses the majority.
i am a student but i fully agree with you.  i'm graduating in 3 months, and i'm so glad to get away from all these pricks.  hipsters with trust funds, debaters, know-it-all turds....  most of my classes are in english and film, which are filled with the worst type of kids--the ones who wear false glass ray-bans and scarves and try to use big words and sound intelligent, and later on drink PBR and talk about the shit they learned in class like they thought of it themselves....  kids in bands who, outside of music, talk without an accent and come from middle-upper class familes, but when they play they try to sound just like bob dylan and write songs about hard times....  vegetarians who also work at chick-fil-a....  and then you have the other side of the spectrum, frat guys....  fuck these dudes.  too bad i'm going to grad school!

oh, and also people who skate slow.  fuck that shit.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: All Hail Wu Welsh on February 01, 2010, 11:18:04 PM
Shitty parents whose shitty kids act shitty because that's all they know.  In San Diego, I remember taking my kids to the playground and finding some toddlers running around in nothing but a diaper.  Lazy fucks.  Dress your fucking kids.  And stop going out in your fucking pajama pants while you're at it.

I hate women who do this one of the least attractive things, dave carnie talks about this issue quite often.  Why do women always feel it is acceptable to wear the inside pants outside the house?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: jrock on February 02, 2010, 01:57:32 AM
call me crazy, but i'd take a woman in sweatpants over a woman in the finest lingerie any day. 
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: just_peysa on February 02, 2010, 05:57:55 AM
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Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Beeda Weeda on February 02, 2010, 07:51:31 AM
chicks that wear those huge belts, and dudes who drink pints and dis people who drink bottled beer, or beer bros who need to let you know how much better their beer is.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: BriDen on February 02, 2010, 08:03:13 AM
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people who claim to play folk music but play songs that are comparable to some early 2000s pop punk band with an acoustic guitar.

This reminded me...

People who ONLY listen to the radio.  And people who try to fit all music into the 5 genres they know of from listening to the radio.  I was giving a 14 year old girl a ride today in my car.  I had Broken Social Scene playing.  She wanted to listen to the radio because she was sick of my "country music with swears."
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: everypennyfedcar on February 02, 2010, 08:18:16 AM
Take a seat...
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: cold budweisers on February 02, 2010, 08:23:29 AM
yes jeremy, please take a seat. i'd really like to hear why you think it's okay to give a 14 year old a ride home.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: H8R part 4 on February 02, 2010, 09:13:26 AM
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really man?
like, they are definitely some of the worst asians as far as clothing and stuff but the ones i know are all named steve and really cool.
man street gangs are looking tougher and tougher these days.

When you break out the kendo sticks and kimchi, they turn awesome.

But when Korean women are around they're all of a sudden not your friends... or even hetero, really.

i'm korean and suffer from secondhand embarrassment quite often.   
but for the record the japanese have the craziest getups known to man.  i remember reading a whole article on how japanese kids will wear anything with english on it.  they showed a pic of this chick wearing a shirt that said, "i have crabs"....WTF!     

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: brooklyn brawler on February 02, 2010, 09:52:08 AM
I least it's not like the west where they'll tattoo anything in Chinese on them.

But when it come to asians, Chinese people walk the slowest in public.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: odp on February 02, 2010, 09:59:55 AM
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Shitty parents whose shitty kids act shitty because that's all they know.  In San Diego, I remember taking my kids to the playground and finding some toddlers running around in nothing but a diaper.  Lazy fucks.  Dress your fucking kids.  And stop going out in your fucking pajama pants while you're at it.

since when was san diego in georgia? i see this on the regular

Especially the parents who are so FUCKED UP that they let their children get molested by their significant other of the month, grow up around drugs and violence, and try to get their kids back out of state custody. I take care of their fucking children, who are completely ruined for life 98% of the time due to no stability and become their parents doppleganger.

I had a kid's parents come to the home to eat dinner the other night- this 11 yr old kid is a predator, for whatever reasons, also a complete pain in the ass due to running around acting entitled and feeling that he can do whatever regardless of rules and expectations-  So anyways, i cooked a big meal for 11 kids, 5 staff, and 2 parents- seared haddock, grilled summer squash, basmati rice, baked beans, and broccoli. Not to mention a cake for dessert. So, i start calling kids into the kitchen one at a time to get a plate and what not. The i call this one kid and his parents into the kitchen. I serve the kid and his step dad before this gnarly broad who looks like she's trying to be the wife of Dog the Bounty Hunter and she says "Ugh. I'm not eating that. Honey I'm gonna go get us some Wendy's." Then looks at me, takes the kids plate, dumps it into the trash, and says "I'll be back in a little while."

Yeah, that's what i hate.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: rawbertson. on February 02, 2010, 11:01:37 AM
what a fucking cunt that sounds like a delicious dinner and i fucking hate vegetables!
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: ASSHOLES and ELBOW GREASE on February 02, 2010, 11:33:16 AM
I hate people who eat ice cream cones and shit like that too slow and it fucking melts everywhere. I hate when I hang out with people and their jokes are based off of what they heard in some fucking tv commercial. Like, "Did you see that one commercial? You didn't?!?!" Jesus Christ, I also fucking hate people who you almost bump into around a corner and they jump up and down and startle like it was fucking really scary. What the fuck are you so startled about? You're fucking walking around a corner, A PERSON! People need to fucking wake up.

The worst shit is when you're at some place where you have to choose the "right line". A bank for example or a movie theater, fuck, those windy fucking lines, what they are trying to do to me. I fucking hate when I pick the wrong line. The people in that line are so fucking slow.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: layzieyez on February 02, 2010, 03:33:33 PM
call me crazy, but i'd take a woman in sweatpants over a woman in the finest lingerie any day. 
Sweatpants are fine.  Pajama pants are regular outside of the house.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Pine on February 02, 2010, 06:20:53 PM
people who rev their cars or motorcycles in an attempt to look cool/tough
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Bobcrackerlacker on February 02, 2010, 07:47:42 PM
not hate, just annoyed with

people who talk with their mouth full of food/smackers
righteous punk rockers who cant take a fucking joke
people who only like obama because hes black
people who are pussy whipped
annoying bitches who think they know all the answers to every question in the world
people who like ICP
people who think lil wayne, jay z, kanye west or whomever fucking suck at rapping, think theyre the best rapper in the world
people who complain about their job
the zumiez kid complete with ugly bright colored flannel, tight pants and puffy ass shoes, flat ironed hair and a new era or neff beanie
people who think that they are better than you because they know about a certain shitty sub genre of music, movies, art, clothing that they think is too cool for everyone else but their smug asses.
people who are really into the movie a nightmare before christmas
people who quote 300, boondock saints, pulp fiction, monty python and the holy grail
kids who have those really gnarly chapped lip syndrome where it looks like a half circle because they cant stop licking their fucking lip/chin part.
people who ask for a cigarette and if its a menthol they refuse.
beer snobs
people who wear famous,srh,nor cal,rockstar, monster lost,electric gear.(bros)

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: toque on February 02, 2010, 08:13:08 PM
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people who claim to play folk music but play songs that are comparable to some early 2000s pop punk band with an acoustic guitar.

This reminded me...

People who ONLY listen to the radio.  And people who try to fit all music into the 5 genres they know of from listening to the radio.  I was giving a 14 year old girl a ride today in my car.  I had Broken Social Scene playing.  She wanted to listen to the radio because she was sick of my "country music with swears."

I read his post and was just scrolling down waiting to see this.  Thanks
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: zipzinger666 on February 02, 2010, 09:44:51 PM
kids who steal your stuff and wont admit it. I witnessed a kid at the park wearing my flannel that disappeared from there three days earlier, completely down to the PBR pin sealing the bottom button that fell off, and he still says hes had it for months and im crazy. fuck that...
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: jeremyrandall on February 02, 2010, 10:31:33 PM
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Shitty parents whose shitty kids act shitty because that's all they know.  In San Diego, I remember taking my kids to the playground and finding some toddlers running around in nothing but a diaper.  Lazy fucks.  Dress your fucking kids.  And stop going out in your fucking pajama pants while you're at it.

since when was san diego in georgia? i see this on the regular

Especially the parents who are so FUCKED UP that they let their children get molested by their significant other of the month, grow up around drugs and violence, and try to get their kids back out of state custody. I take care of their fucking children, who are completely ruined for life 98% of the time due to no stability and become their parents doppleganger.

I had a kid's parents come to the home to eat dinner the other night- this 11 yr old kid is a predator, for whatever reasons, also a complete pain in the ass due to running around acting entitled and feeling that he can do whatever regardless of rules and expectations-  So anyways, i cooked a big meal for 11 kids, 5 staff, and 2 parents- seared haddock, grilled summer squash, basmati rice, baked beans, and broccoli. Not to mention a cake for dessert. So, i start calling kids into the kitchen one at a time to get a plate and what not. The i call this one kid and his parents into the kitchen. I serve the kid and his step dad before this gnarly broad who looks like she's trying to be the wife of Dog the Bounty Hunter and she says "Ugh. I'm not eating that. Honey I'm gonna go get us some Wendy's." Then looks at me, takes the kids plate, dumps it into the trash, and says "I'll be back in a little while."

Yeah, that's what i hate.

We have the same job.  And I know EXACTLY what you mean.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: jeremyrandall on February 02, 2010, 10:34:02 PM
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people who claim to play folk music but play songs that are comparable to some early 2000s pop punk band with an acoustic guitar.

This reminded me...

People who ONLY listen to the radio.  And people who try to fit all music into the 5 genres they know of from listening to the radio.  I was giving a 14 year old girl a ride today in my car.  I had Broken Social Scene playing.  She wanted to listen to the radio because she was sick of my "country music with swears."


I read his post and was just scrolling down waiting to see this.  Thanks

Reference post above
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Chris Hansen is back on February 02, 2010, 10:50:26 PM
Glad to see you boys are keeping me in your thoughts. As for the one who's driving around 14 year olds: Being the bus/taxi driver is fine, but the second that bitches' lips or fingers wrap around your stick-shift, you'd better hit the brakes, flip the 4-ways and wait for Officer Hanz to give you a roadside lecture and publicly humiliate you before releasing you to the proper authorities.

I'm Chris Hansen.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: oyolar on February 07, 2010, 02:13:04 AM
I missed Chris Hansen...
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Beer Keg Peg Leg on February 07, 2010, 04:47:58 AM
Parents who think their suggestions for our new public park are as valid as mine because their four year old kid occasionally buttboards around the local bowl.

Parents who think their four year old kids have just as much right to be at the park as me.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: frisco on February 07, 2010, 05:18:36 AM
guests, thats right you fucks, all 30 of you viewing whatever
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Upgrayedd on February 07, 2010, 12:02:05 PM
^ people that fuck strangers in the ass. People are just shitty these days. Saw a kid digging in my car the other day. If he wasn't 12 I would have kicked the shit out of him myself, luckily i know a couple younger fellas. they handled shit for me  :)
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: All Hail Wu Welsh on February 07, 2010, 12:14:32 PM
what you have to do with kids like is not beat their asses, but toss them around and verbally abuse them.  the minute you give them a nice hard shove to the ground and get in their face, they go from mr. tough guy to wanting to cry with in seconds, after that make them do something humiliating like apologize to you in the front of the whole skatepark, they'll either do it or run home crying and not be heard for a couple days.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Foray on February 07, 2010, 12:20:24 PM
im sure this has already been posted but anyone driving a lifted truck.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Smurph on February 07, 2010, 12:39:17 PM
People who watch/play/enjoy rugby. There's this 'rugby-pub' where I was skating tonight and the owner was just such a smug preppy little shit who thought it would be just fine to drive on the footpath becuase he has a land-rover and he owns a pub. He was staring at me like I was some freak becuase I was on the ground and had one lace intact in my shoes. He looked at me as if I was a rat or something. So later these tourists saw the pub and were about to go in and I said 'don't go in - the pints are really expensive and the owner is a paedophile'

They didn't go in!  :)
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Des Esseintes on February 07, 2010, 01:58:03 PM
In england you get posh fucks called Nigel who all wear rugby shirts with their collars popped.

They also all have ginger hair.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Smurph on February 07, 2010, 02:36:53 PM
I guess that makes me an asshole, I watch/played/enjoy rugby.
I'm not sure what it's like over with you guys, but over in the British isles people who like rugby are shitheads.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: oyolar on February 07, 2010, 04:15:45 PM
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I guess that makes me an asshole, I watch/played/enjoy rugby.
I'm not sure what it's like over with you guys, but over in the British isles people who like rugby are shitheads.

I like you because you spelled "pedophile" "paedophile."
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Commercial D on February 07, 2010, 04:29:51 PM
Pontiac Sunfire / Chevy Cavalier drivers. Way to spend $10-$13k on a brand new piece of shit when for the same price you could've bought a used Lancer Evolution VIII, a BMW M3, or a Lexus IS300.

So happy GM ceased production of those shitboxes.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Carrolls Chesthairs on February 07, 2010, 04:41:37 PM
anybody who becomes a facebook fan of more than 5 things in a day, every day.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: floop on February 07, 2010, 05:16:50 PM
But when it come to asians, Chinese people walk the slowest in public.

especially crippled Chinese people
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Upgrayedd on February 07, 2010, 06:02:21 PM
In england you get posh fucks called Nigel who all wear rugby shirts with their collars popped.

They also all have ginger hair.

your "nigel" sounds like our "chad". Dudes in popped collard Polo branded shirts and hats. Above the knee dockers shorts, sperry shoes. God how i wish them death......
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: zipzinger666 on February 07, 2010, 08:49:48 PM
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kids who steal your stuff and wont admit it. I witnessed a kid at the park wearing my flannel that disappeared from there three days earlier, completely down to the PBR pin sealing the bottom button that fell off, and he still says hes had it for months and im crazy. fuck that...

You know what will teach him a lesson?  Beating him up.  Seriously, kids these days have too much attitude because they don't get their ass kicked enough.  Somewhere you need to work in the line, "This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass!"

I would if it wouldnt be a situation where Im beating up a 15 year old. Its all good though, I stole it right back two days ago. kid should've known the moment he took it off I would take it back...
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Gomez on February 07, 2010, 10:15:19 PM
people that go places with the intentions of starting a fight. some fat kid came to the park last week acting all hard, just walking around without a skateboard or bike, just there to start shit. he punked this one kid for no reason, so my friend confronted him and he started apologizing and shit but my friend still punched him in the mouth. he then ran home while the rest of the park laughed at him and cheered. instant karma at its finest.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Moist on February 08, 2010, 01:41:38 AM
Cops who change the sound of their voice to try and sound really intimidating. Actually, just cops in general.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: beardface on February 09, 2010, 10:37:06 AM
so many people for so many reasons.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: jack burton on February 09, 2010, 02:42:43 PM
so many people for so many reasons.

^ more or less everyone but some thing that came up today. people who only listen to techno.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: chunkysalsa on February 09, 2010, 02:46:46 PM
The kind of people in a college classrom who want you to hold their fucking hand all the time, girls who wear shit way too small and get mad when I show them simple courtesy (I was fucking mercy flirting), people who get mad in class when you ask fucking questons (I paid tution so I'll ask what the fuck I feel like asking),

People who bring skateboards to campus and when you try to talk about something skate related they stand their with a blank, mindless expression

Bitch ass gas station clerks who are way to proud to make 6 bucks/hr
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: whang on February 09, 2010, 02:54:36 PM
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In england you get posh fucks called Nigel who all wear rugby shirts with their collars popped.

They also all have ginger hair.

your "nigel" sounds like our "chad". Dudes in popped collard Polo branded shirts and hats. Above the knee dockers shorts, sperry shoes. God how i wish them death......
pretty much every house hold in new zealand watches rugby, I like it and use to play it. but there are arseholes out there and if they wernt there im sure alot more people would like it
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: floop on February 09, 2010, 03:23:25 PM
Bitch ass gas station clerks who are way to proud to make 6 bucks/hr

i hate people who work at retail clothing stores, or record stores, and act like they're the coolest people in the world.  it's like, you work at a fucking clothing store
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Chopsuey on February 09, 2010, 04:42:55 PM
I hate people like me


annoying bitches who think they know all the answers to every question in the world

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Gomez on February 14, 2010, 09:10:35 PM
people who have the right of way, but don't decide to go until you've started to take off because you've given them enough time to go. happens to me so often at this four-way stop sign intersection near my house.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: MFS on February 14, 2010, 09:46:34 PM
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But when it come to asians, Chinese people walk the slowest in public.

especially crippled Chinese people

Living in Vancouver for 22 years made me go crazy with this, you'll get stuck behind a giant group spanning the whole width of the sidewalk. Theres no way to get by them and your forced to walk excruciatingly slow.

I in no way mean any disrespect to Chinese people but holy fuck do you guys ever move slow.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sk8nappreciate on February 15, 2010, 02:52:20 AM

I in no way mean any disrespect to Chinese peoprre but horry fuck do you guys ever move srow.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: mcpeepants on February 15, 2010, 06:09:43 AM
These are all driving-related...

People that are on their cell phones while driving, swerve into my lane, nearly hit me, and when I fli ck them off they look at me like I'm the bad guy.

The stereotypical soccer moms around here... always on their phones while driving their 7-seater SUV that is always only occupied by her and one child.

Mostly all people driving minivans. For whatever reason if someone is swerving into my lane, riding my ass, changing lanes without signaling, or just driving like a person in general, they're driving a minivan.

People that drive slow as hell in the left lane and still don't get over after several cars pass them.

People that change lanes a shitload of times back to back without signaling once.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: wuust on February 15, 2010, 09:31:28 AM
These are all driving-related...

People that are on their cell phones while driving, swerve into my lane, nearly hit me, and when I fli ck them off they look at me like I'm the bad guy.

The stereotypical soccer moms around here... always on their phones while driving their 7-seater SUV that is always only occupied by her and one child.

Mostly all people driving minivans. For whatever reason if someone is swerving into my lane, riding my ass, changing lanes without signaling, or just driving like a person in general, they're driving a minivan.

People that drive slow as hell in the left lane and still don't get over after several cars pass them.

People that change lanes a shitload of times back to back without signaling once.

i can relate to this!
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: CeeyMar on February 15, 2010, 02:07:24 PM
People who don't smoke weed and then think that they're better then you because they choose to live with a close mind. They're normal until you're high then they get weird and think that you're a horrible person.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: pivotfakie on February 15, 2010, 02:50:41 PM
People who think their hot shit.
People who feel the need to fake a laugh after every sentence.
People who roll their eyes ALL THE TIME.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: oyolar on February 15, 2010, 03:10:13 PM
People who don't smoke weed and then think that they're better then you because they choose to live with a close mind. They're normal until you're high then they get weird and think that you're a horrible person.

People who think they are open minded because they smoke weed. Or people that define themselves completely by the fact that they smoke pot (or drink for that matter).
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: russ on February 16, 2010, 09:31:41 AM
People who interrupt me. Chances are your input is not as important as what I'm about to say.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: heckler on February 16, 2010, 09:47:12 AM
Anyone who listens to the Dave Matthews band, Sublime, etc.

Lifted trucks with huge confederate flags hanging from the back of them.

Guys who wear fox, tapout, etc.

People who go with the popular opinion and can't back their "views" up for shit.

Camera men in pornos who feel the need to talk.

Every fucking two minutes I think of another type of person that I hate. My least favorite type of human being in the world are the guys who throw shit at you from a car and if you flick them off, or even acknowledge their presence, they come around looking for a fight. Because it's cool, they can do whatever they want, but what the fuck are you thinking in reacting to it?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: jimi420 on February 16, 2010, 10:54:52 AM
people that think these websites work

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: BriDen on February 16, 2010, 11:16:31 AM
people that think these websites work

nice try, pinhead
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: kevbo999 on February 16, 2010, 11:28:04 AM
Egotistical people who always draw out the simplest sentences, as if it had a serious impact on their life.  "NO... listen.. I was walking to work and a guy.. NO, NO... listen... a guy asked me for a smoke... like.. no.. you don't understand.  This happens like EVERY TIME I walk downtown..."
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: sk8nappreciate on February 16, 2010, 02:39:31 PM

People who feel the need to fake a laugh after every sentence.

OH GOD!!! My ex-girlfriend does that all the time but laughs for reals after every sentence, and her laugh is sooooo FUCKING ANNOYING!


Now she's dating some ginger dude that looks like a big ol gay lumber jack. HAHAHAHA
And to top things off his name is CHAD.

Oh and Middle age women who dress nicer and walk around looking all smug and act like they are too good to be in the presence of you
GRRRRRRR I hope they all get raped.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: clamy on February 17, 2010, 01:09:28 AM
People who like work and expect you to be the same
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: the whompler on February 17, 2010, 02:15:20 AM
Anyone who listens to the Dave Matthews band, Sublime, etc.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: ahl33 on February 17, 2010, 03:55:13 AM
I hate people who lie about the most trivial things.

I also hate people who think that their taste in music should define them.

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Anyone who listens to the Dave Matthews band, Sublime, etc.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: ChrisGilmour on February 17, 2010, 06:53:49 AM
Camera men in pornos who feel the need to talk.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: kevbo999 on February 17, 2010, 07:05:10 AM
If you're defending DMB and Sublime you're probably a kook.

Or people that define themselves completely by the fact that they smoke pot (or drink for that matter).

I've never met or heard of anyone like this ever, and I've hung out with some wastoids.  I hate people who force themselves to remain sober,therefore harboring resentment against those who don't give a fuck.

I also hate anyone with a chin strap.  The only dudes with them are fashionistas, tough guys, and wannabe tough guys.  It looks soooooo fucking dumb.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: ChrisGilmour on February 17, 2010, 09:08:48 AM
I also hate anyone with a chin strap.  The only dudes with them are fashionistas, tough guys, and wannabe tough guys.  It looks soooooo fucking dumb.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: odp on February 17, 2010, 09:20:56 AM
i get pretty aggravated when people forgot that they weren't always cool and cap on the younger generation for being whatever they are. we've all  been there, as the hater and the younger generation.

myself from 2005-late 2009

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Chopsuey on February 17, 2010, 09:38:19 AM

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Or people that define themselves completely by the fact that they smoke pot (or drink for that matter).

I've never met or heard of anyone like this ever, and I've hung out with some wastoids.  I hate people who force themselves to remain sober,therefore harboring resentment against those who don't give a fuck.

Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: ahl33 on February 17, 2010, 10:16:14 AM
If you're defending DMB and Sublime you're probably a kook.

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Or people that define themselves completely by the fact that they smoke pot (or drink for that matter).

I've never met or heard of anyone like this ever, and I've hung out with some wastoids.  I hate people who force themselves to remain sober,therefore harboring resentment against those who don't give a fuck.

I also hate anyone with a chin strap.  The only dudes with them are fashionistas, tough guys, and wannabe tough guys.  It looks soooooo fucking dumb.

Haha, I'm not defending DMB.  You got the point, right?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: verbal ham on February 17, 2010, 04:27:54 PM
fortunate sons who don't understand/know what it's like to not have enough
majority of the young people in high school, all they want is the easiest and shortest way out, specifically those who are so vocal about it.
im a senior and all you hear is "school is so we have to learn anything?....when are we ever gonna use this? brain hurts." no joke.
and those who are ungrateful,
those who are in love with money and revolve their lives around it,
and those who won't accept someone elses beliefs

lord knows im weak
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: oyolar on February 17, 2010, 04:49:08 PM
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Or people that define themselves completely by the fact that they smoke pot (or drink for that matter).

I've never met or heard of anyone like this ever, and I've hung out with some wastoids.  I hate people who force themselves to remain sober,therefore harboring resentment against those who don't give a fuck.



I hate people who force themselves to say sober, but you've never met people who are all about pot or that's all they'll talk about is how high/wasted/drunk they are/got? Because if that's true then you have led a good life my friend.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: odp on February 17, 2010, 06:11:25 PM
fortunate sons who don't understand/know what it's like to not have enough
majority of the young people in high school, all they want is the easiest and shortest way out, specifically those who are so vocal about it.
im a senior and all you hear is "school is so we have to learn anything?....when are we ever gonna use this? brain hurts." no joke.
and those who are ungrateful,
those who are in love with money and revolve their lives around it,
and those who won't accept someone elses beliefs

lord knows im weak

good tune, dude.

unfortunately, people don't change all that much the further you go from high school. unless of course you become a philosopher chef and educate the masses about the means of lifes coolness. you would be surprised
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: heckler on February 17, 2010, 09:26:40 PM
Drivers who honk at you when you have the right of way to cross. Go to hell.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Gomez on February 18, 2010, 12:27:31 AM
If you're defending DMB and Sublime you're probably a kook.

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Or people that define themselves completely by the fact that they smoke pot (or drink for that matter).

I've never met or heard of anyone like this ever, and I've hung out with some wastoids.  I hate people who force themselves to remain sober,therefore harboring resentment against those who don't give a fuck.

I also hate anyone with a chin strap.  The only dudes with them are fashionistas, tough guys, and wannabe tough guys.  It looks soooooo fucking dumb.
i can name at least two or three people off the top of my head that do that. this one guy i know has his about me on myspace consist solely of "my name is - and i smoke weed." fuck those people. i don't do drugs, and i don't have a problem with people who do, but i hate people who glamorize their drug usage. "yeah man i do acid all the time, seeing dinosaurs and dragons and shit. it's so cool." like when it's not even the topic of discussion and no one asked. i feel like those people do drugs for the sole purpose of bragging rights in the near future, which is lame beyond belief.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: jimi420 on February 18, 2010, 05:04:18 AM
ghetto people that didn't grow up in the ghetto.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: mcpeepants on February 18, 2010, 06:41:33 AM
Pretty much any little kid or kid that gets in the way at the skatepark. They are just completely unaware that there are other people there too, and they constantly do not look where they're going. I'd rather be snaked by someone than have to dodge little kids, because at least you can yell at the person that snaked you.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: rawbertson. on February 18, 2010, 11:26:23 AM
people who fucking call you to rush in an item and then when you call them back to confirm it they dont pick up the fucking phone
people who order the wrong shit knowingly and then bitch at you for charging them a re-stocking fee
people who bitch about having to buy a package of bolts and complain that i wont sell them singles
people who are spending hardly any money who want a deal
people who wont stop calling about small ass fucking money orders
people who dont use manners on the phone
people who are always in a god damn hurry
people who smell like shit
people who are inbred
people who fucking drive horses and not cars and then their horses take shits in our parking lots
and have fucking blackberrys and are texting while driving the horse and not paying attention to the road

might as well have just said i hate mennonites
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: verbal ham on February 18, 2010, 03:32:19 PM
i hate people who don't have horse insurance , this asshole on a horse crashed into mine and he is refusing to pay me
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: everypennyfedcar on February 18, 2010, 03:35:22 PM
Just despicable.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: jimi420 on February 18, 2010, 04:13:38 PM
Pretty much any little kid or kid that gets in the way at the skatepark. They are just completely unaware that there are other people there too, and they constantly do not look where they're going. I'd rather be snaked by someone than have to dodge little kids, because at least you can yell at the person that snaked you.
i was at the skatepark with a couple dudes and one of them was trying something down the rail and the board flew out and almost hit this lady and her kid to which she screamed "watch out! you almost hit my kid!" to which he replied "who brings babies to a fucking skatepark?" around here the problem is parents standing in the way as their 7 year old rolls around on one of those shitty skateboard-skooters.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: mcpeepants on February 18, 2010, 05:07:44 PM
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Pretty much any little kid or kid that gets in the way at the skatepark. They are just completely unaware that there are other people there too, and they constantly do not look where they're going. I'd rather be snaked by someone than have to dodge little kids, because at least you can yell at the person that snaked you.
i was at the skatepark with a couple dudes and one of them was trying something down the rail and the board flew out and almost hit this lady and her kid to which she screamed "watch out! you almost hit my kid!" to which he replied "who brings babies to a fucking skatepark?" around here the problem is parents standing in the way as their 7 year old rolls around on one of those shitty skateboard-skooters.

Yeah that can be a problem at the indoor park here, because it's on the top floor of a hockey rink. So all these fucking canadians (literally canadians) come upstairs and stand there for a half hour like they've never seen a skateboard or bike. Granted, there are some damn fine cougars which are allowed to stare but the kids gotta go.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: HoneyBear on February 18, 2010, 06:31:47 PM
People who smell bad,take a fuckin shower
People who wear any neon colored clothing ex.pants,beanies,hoodies
People who where the "beanie condom"
People who don't ever change their clothes
People who waste food,like the order a big meal and take 2 bites out of it and throw it away
Parents who can't control their kids
Parents who are WAAAY to overprotective
Stupid ass people who honk their horns or scream shit at you when you walk down the street just to be assholes
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Upgrayedd on February 18, 2010, 07:36:52 PM
People who smell bad,take a fuckin shower
People who wear any neon colored clothing ex.pants,beanies,hoodies
People who where the "beanie condom"
People who don't ever change their clothes
People who waste food,like the order a big meal and take 2 bites out of it and throw it away
Parents who can't control their kids
Parents who are WAAAY to overprotective
Stupid ass people who honk their horns or scream shit at you when you walk down the street just to be assholes

The south?
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: castillo's curls on June 13, 2013, 04:02:32 AM

people who say "yay" all the time, even more so if they're non-native english speakers.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: stab on June 13, 2013, 04:54:24 AM
generally, college kids.  Hyper self-aware and entitled facebook-addicts.  Of course there are exceptions but I live in a smaller town with an enormous state university with a huge football program so I'm constantly surrounded by it.  Luckily its the summer right now and most of them are gone.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Noble Experiment on June 13, 2013, 07:32:25 AM
People who talk too damn much, to the point where you can't even get a word in because they're too busy talking. Conversation trappers too, especially when you're trying to skate or if you have somewhere to be, but they got you trapped in a conversation and they keep talking. You try desperately to get out of it by telling them you got to go, but for some reason they're still talking and still won't let you leave. Then you pretty much have no choice but to make yourself look like a dick and storm off, because that's the only way to escape.

People who think skating is only about being "the best" when they fail to realize that it's about having fun and progressing at your own rate, and that just because you can do more tricks doesn't automatically make you better than someone else.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Fake Tits on June 13, 2013, 01:12:20 PM
Fucking loud talkers on their phones.  Shit grates my nerves.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: jimi420 on June 13, 2013, 02:22:42 PM
I think this was the first thread I every posted in and I still have Jerk boys.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: wallieD on June 13, 2013, 02:27:09 PM
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: NegativeCreep on June 13, 2013, 06:31:39 PM
people who cough into their hands then touch everything
put grocery's into the car then leave the cart in the middle of the lot
whine and bitch about everything
that are loud and obnoxious
inconsiderate assholes in general
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: Omamori on June 13, 2013, 07:11:58 PM
People that can not handle criticism.

"People no longer can cope with being told "No" or being in any type of "discomfort" either emotionally, physically etc. any type of inconvenience is seen as completely unacceptable by us."

A person that is always on a phone. your phone isnt more important than your driving, its not more important that the person your spending time with, etc

Parents that cant accept criticism towards their children, especially when a teacher is giving feedback. As if their kid can do no wrong. If he or she is getting held back, most likely its for a good reason.

Parents that dont care what they feed their kids

Guys that are assholes but demand respect from others
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: BraveUlysses on June 13, 2013, 07:32:02 PM
People who tell boring ass stories and have a lot of em.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: nino brown on June 13, 2013, 07:45:03 PM
2 faced nigguhs
nigguhs that think gay humor is funny
nigguhs that listen to asap rocky when that bitch stole spaceghostpurrp whole stee
nigguhs that will rep anything
nigguhs that cant no comply
nigguhs that listen to dudstepgrown man who listen to dudstep
people with only side of their hair shaved
people who take pictures of food on social networks
girls with flat asses
nigguhs who wear glasses with no lense
snitches and people who call the cops
people who like football
nigguhs who TRY to be funny or THINK their funny
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: 69 on June 13, 2013, 07:56:04 PM
i hate people that dont make me the center of their world
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: layzieyez on June 13, 2013, 08:04:42 PM
Wastes of Life
Inconsiderate Assholes
Shallow Shitheads
Uneducated Fuckheads
Unfunny Dipshits
No Talent Wannabes
Hypocritical Christians
Delusional Narcissists
And their fucking kids that are little clones of them.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: SqueezeThePulp on June 13, 2013, 09:21:24 PM
Myself, and it's the internet's fault.
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: chillout on June 13, 2013, 09:38:43 PM
miami heat fans
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: neko on June 13, 2013, 11:08:59 PM
People who resurrect 3+ yr old threads for no particular reason
Title: Re: The Kind of People You Hate
Post by: benjamindanklin on June 14, 2013, 12:02:30 AM

oh for fucks sake. this is cringe worthy.